Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongSo now Israel will receive a king, a man that perfectly suits their desire to be ruled like all the other nations
And as we enter Chapter 10, the prophet Samuel anoints this new king
Last week we learned Saul is young, strong, tall, handsome and seems to have a good heart
But in a sense, he’s too perfect for the job
Historically speaking, Saul’s selection runs contrary to God’s usual pattern
God usually selects the least obvious option, the one you didn’t see coming
But Saul is the obvious candidate according to human expectations
He’s the Ishmael in this story, not the Isaac; he’s the Esau, not the Jacob
And it’s Saul’s perfect suitability to the job that becomes our first clue that the Lord is up to something unusual here
That the story of Saul is bigger than merely giving Israel a king
Our second clue came also last week, when we learned that Saul is a Benjamite
Back in Genesis 49, at the end of Jacob’s life, the Lord spoke prophetically concerning the future kings of Israel
Speaking of the tribe of Judah, the Lord declared:
The prophecy for Judah was that this tribe would have dominion over the other tribes
Judah’s reign was compared to a lion, the king of the beasts
And a scepter, the symbol of royal authority, would not depart from Judah’s hand
Neither would a king’s ruling staff be relinquished by Judah to another tribe
In simple terms, Judah – and Judah alone – would rule over Israel
And that rule would continue from generation to generation within Judah until Shiloh comes, that is the Messiah comes to rule forever
In v.10 Jacob said once the tribe of Judah receives the right to rule, it can never be taken away
The Messiah Himself must come from Judah for that reason, to continue the reign as Jacob prophesied
But when the time comes to anoint the first king of Israel, the Lord selects a Benjamite not a member of Judah
Does this mean that Saul is somehow an illegitimate king?
Or perhaps the Lord is making a mistake?
Or going back on His word?
None of those conclusions are correct, of course
Saul is very much a legitimate and anointed king
Saul will rule with the full authority of any other earthly king
And the Lord is certainly not making a mistake in selecting the man
But the Lord has selected Saul as king as an exception to prove the rule
One day the Lord will anoint a member of Judah as king as He promised
And when that day comes, only Judah may rule from that point forward
But that day hasn’t come yet…so the Lord may appoint a Benjamite as the first king without breaking His word
But why start outside the tribe of Judah at all?
Saul’s reign will serve as an epilogue to the time of Judges and prologue to the kings of Judah
Judges was the time in Israel when men did what was right in their own eyes
And the final act of that period was to demand a king like all nations
They don’t want the Lord to rule over them
They want to experience ruling by one like them
And that’s who God gives them
A man who, like all the Israelites, was called into a special position with all the advantages God could give
And in the end, he will squander that opportunity in idolatry and greed – just as the Israelites did as a nation
We’re watching the Lord conclude the time of Judges with a final example to the people
This is what follows from acting according to their own desires
Saul will be anointed and equipped to rule with the power of the Spirit
But his life will serve as the example of what comes of seeking to live according to the flesh rather than Spirit
This moment comes in the morning Samuel sends Saul off after their rooftop conference
Saul’s head is still spinning with the news
But Samuel presses on, symbolizing the empowering of the Holy Spirit by pouring oil over Saul’s head
Prior to this moment, only priests and the tabernacle were anointed by oil in scripture
Now we see a new office being anointed, that of king
The use of oil is merely symbolic
The Spirit of God will empower this man to serve as king, but that moment hasn’t come as yet
So to picture the Spirit’s arrival, the prophet used oil
Still Saul must have been wondering if all this was to be believed
How could he know Samuel was telling the truth?
Samuel says Saul will rule over God’s inheritance
But this is probably a truncated version of Samuel’s actual words
In the Septuagint, the full statement is:
As we see at the end of the LXX version, Saul is told he will receive signs that the prophet’s word is trustworthy
Each sign Saul will receive involves a set of circumstances
Each circumstance is so specific that when they come to pass, they can only mean that the prophet has access to the mind of God
And in that way they validate the prophets’ word concerning Saul’s anointing as king
But each sign carries its own symbolic message to Saul concerning his new mission
So even as they provide confirmation, they also offer counsel
The first sign is connected to Saul’s search for his lost donkeys
As Saul journeys home, he will encounter two men who tell him that the donkeys have been found
And he will find that his father’s concern will have turned to Saul himself, just as Saul suggested earlier
Saul’s father will say, “What shall I do about my son?”
But in Hebrew, the question is, “What of my son?” meaning what becomes of my son?
Saul will encounter these men near the place Rachel was buried
Rachel was the beloved wife of Jacob
She bore Jacob’s two favorite sons, Joseph and Benjamin
Rachel died in giving birth to Benjamin, who became the father of the Benjamites
So what’s the lesson here?
Saul’s responsibility for his father’s estate are no longer his concern
The Lord will care for Saul’s father
This was an important relief for a son, who bore special responsibility to care for his father
Instead, the Lord has appointed this Benjamite to guard the Lord’s inheritance
Remember Benjamin was the only son of Jacob to be born in the Promised Land, which is Israel’s inheritance
The other eleven sons were born outside the land and only entered when Jacob returned
So the Lord has selected a Benjamite to steward the inheritance in which his tribe was born
In a sense, we can say that Saul was the natural heir of the land, since his forefather was born in it
But does the Lord’s inheritance come by natural means?
Is it made available to those who qualify by earthly, human means?
Or does it require faith in the promises of God?
Even the number of men Saul meets reminds us that this is the dividing line among all men (2 is the number of division)
So Saul will be the exception to prove the rule
Then Saul receives his second sign
Journeying farther, Saul will come to the oak of Tabor where he will meet three men going to worship at Bethel
They carry items for the sacrifice including goats, bread and wine
When they encounter Saul, they will give him two loaves of the bread unsolicited
This he will accept from their hand
These foods were reserved for the sacrifice to the Lord, but they will be given into Saul’s hand
Obviously, this indicates a blessing for Saul in that the people will support his needs
But the fact that this provision was intended for the Lord before being redirected to Saul is a dark cloud over his reign
Saul will turn the opportunity to guard the inheritance of the people into a chance to enrich himself
He will abuse his power and seek to glorify himself
Finally, Bethel is the place where Jacob saw the ladder coming down from Heaven
In that moment, Jacob made a “deal” with the Lord
Jacob made his willingness to obey and follow the Lord conditional on the Lord’s willingness to care for him
But the Lord’s faithfulness to Jacob had nothing to do with Jacob’s faithfulness
It was because of a promise the Lord made to Abraham, Isaac and then Jacob
Saul’s second sign indicates that while Saul will ultimately be unfaithful, nevertheless the Lord will remain faithful
Saul’s life is a story of shipwrecked faith
But Saul is nevertheless a man saved by faith
And the Lord remains faithful to him
Finally, Saul’s third sign
Saul eventually travels a little further to the southwest to Gibeon, the hill of God
There he is met by a group of prophets prophesying and Saul will join them
The Spirit of the Lord will come upon Saul and he will also prophesy
The simple message confirms to Saul he will receive the anointing of the Spirit, which is the ultimate confirmation of his selection as king
And by that Spirit he is equipped for every good work in serving the Lord
But as with the first two signs, the location foreshadows the sorry end to Saul’s reign
Gibeon was originally a Hivite city
After the Israelites entered the land under Joshua, the people living in the city tricked Israel into forming a covenant with them
The covenant prevented Joshua and subsequent generations from conquering the city
And it required that Joshua defend the city
Joshua still enslaved the people to serve Israel
Later Joshua designated Gibeon a Levite city
At some point in Saul’s reign he decided to break the covenant and conquer the city, attempting to put all in the city to death
We hear about this in 2 Samuel
So this town becomes a legacy to Saul’s greedy ambitions
Ultimately, the Gibeonites get to name their retribution for Saul’s violation of the covenant
They call for seven of Saul’s descendants to be executed as retribution
David agrees, and then later buries the bodies of the seven plus the bones of Saul in Benjamin
So Saul receives the Spirit of the Lord in the beginning, but in the end he dies without the Spirit
And he’s back in the place he started
The tribe of Benjamin has its time as king
And then it’s buried
Once again, Saul is the exception that proves the rule that ‘not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit,’ says the LORD
And so it comes to pass as Samuel said
Samuel tells Saul that as he encounters these moments, particularly the final sign, do what the occasion requires
After these experiences, Samuel tells Saul he will meet him in Gilgal and they will offer sacrifices
With that Samuel dismisses Saul
And all that Samuel prophesied took place
But as Saul sets out on this journey, an important moment takes place near the beginning
We’re told that the Lord “changed” Saul’s heart
The wording here leaves little doubt concerning what happened
To “change” a heart means the Lord takes a person’s spiritual natural and brings it to life
Why did Samuel include this statement in the narrative at this point?
First, it explains what’s coming next
Saul is about to prophesy showing the presence of the Lord’s Spirit
The man is being prepared for that intimate experience with the Lord
More importantly, this detail prepares us to interpret an event that comes later in Saul’s story in Chapter 16
The Spirit of the Lord will depart from Saul at that point
We’ll look at the significance of that moment when we get there
For now understand that the coming of the Spirit on Saul follows his heart change
So we know he has been made new by God’s Spirit
When Saul reached the point of prophesying with the prophets in v.11, we’re told that the people were amazed to see the son of Kish suddenly among the prophets
Their shock was probably a result of Saul’s stunning appearance
Prophets were generally not a glamorous lot
Hebrews describes them as men who struck a rather pathetic pose
And rightly so, since they were usually mistreated by the very ones they came to inform
But then you have this really tall and really handsome young man working with the old, scraggly prophets
It must have been a striking sight
And the people are incredulous
So they ask if Saul is indeed one of the prophets now?
Saul prophesying is clear evidence to Saul and everyone else that the Lord’s Spirit was present and working in him
This was an outward display intended to demonstrate to the people that Saul was indeed selected by the Lord
This display is in keeping with how the Lord typically works by His Spirit
The Spirit of God works with the flesh of men to demonstrate the anointing and approval of God
Notice in v.12 that someone asks “Who is their father?”
This question means where is this power coming from?
And the answer is the Lord in Heaven
He is prompting this display, which was the point
The people are supposed to see this display and make that conclusion
The people come to the wrong conclusion, however
They assume Saul has become a prophet
Time will soon tell that he hasn’t become a prophet
He’s become a king
But since this is the first time someone other than a prophet has been anointed by the Spirit, their confusion is understandable
Still, their mistake is memorialized in an idiom asking “Is Saul among the prophets??”
The question is ironic, because Saul will turn out to be the last person you might consider to be a true prophet
So the fact that some mistook him for a prophet later becomes ironic humor
After this moment, Saul proceeds to the high place to await Samuel as instructed, and a conversation begins
Naturally, Saul’s uncle asks what happened to him while he was away
Saul could have told him the whole story
Instead, he decides to only mention the donkeys
We could see this as an example of Saul’s humility
Or we could see this as an example of his duplicity
Now the time comes for the king to be revealed to the people
Samuel gives the people the reminder of why they are receiving a king
He reminds them that the Lord has been faithful to bring them out of Egypt and into the land by His own hand
Nevertheless, the people rejected the Lord’s authority over them
And demanded a king to rule them
Nothing good can come from a decision forged in a desire to end the Lord’s rule over His people
So we know that whatever comes next will necessarily be a problem
And so Samuel says to the people, with an ominous tone, that it’s time to stand before Lord and get what they asked for
At this point, we might expect that Samuel would just point to Saul and announce he was the king
But that’s not how the selection took place
Saul rises to king in three steps
First, he was anointed by Samuel, indicating that the Lord had determined to elevate him to that position
But this anointing was entirely a private affair between Samuel and Saul
Now that the time has come for the people to recognize their new leader, the Lord orchestrates a public moment to designate Saul
In v.20 a lot is taken to designate which tribe would produce the king
And Benjamin is chosen by lot
Then the Matrite family, which was Saul’s family
Finally, Saul is named by lot
Clearly, this shows that the Lord was working to ensure the process of lots arrived at the proper person
The process may have looked random to an outsider
But the people of Israel understood instinctively that the outcome was a reflection of the Lord’s will
And it’s still a truth today, that no outcome in life is outside the control of the Lord
When it fell to Saul, they couldn’t find him
So the people inquired of the Lord, through Samuel, has this man come yet?
In other words, they wonder if perhaps he has yet to be born
But Samuel answers that Saul is hiding among the baggage
The word for baggage is a general Hebrew word for armory or furniture or jars
So it’s likely Saul was hiding behind vessels used in the sacrificial worship at this altar
It’s comical, of course, but why is Saul hiding?
It seems to be a combination of fear and humility
Saul is not seeking to elevate himself at this point, which is admirable
And so the people go looking for him
And when they find him, they realize he is a head taller than anyone else in Israel
Certainly, this man must be the one God has chosen, because…well, just look at him!
This is the first confirmation that the Lord’s plan to appeal to the fleshly desires of the people has been successful
The people are taken by Saul’s physique
Samuel feeds their fleshly response saying, “See, there is no one else like this guy”
And to that we get the predictable response, “Long live the king”
In other words, the people are convinced that Saul is a perfect match because of his appearance
To be fair, they know he was selected by lots too
But I wonder what their response might have been if the lots had fallen upon a weak, short and comely fellow
Would the people have been so quick to embrace him?
Probably not
And in time their fleshly impulses will prove their undoing
Samuel tells the people the ordinances of the king, which are the rules that guide a king in Israel
These were probably similar to the rules Samuel gave the people in the first place
The king will do whatever he wishes
And the people will have no recourse
Saul then retreats to his home in Gibeah, which is only about three miles north of the Old City of Jerusalem
You can stand on Gibeah today, a suburb of the city of Jerusalem, and see the old city clearly
In that sense, we could say that Saul was close
But he misses the mark
He was God’s choice, yes
But it was a response to the people’s sinful desires
And so he is the exception that will ultimately prove the rule
God knew that Saul needed more than merely popular support to reign
He would need military might to ensure he could consolidate power as king
So the Lord inclines the hearts of valiant men to support and defend their new king
These men accompany Saul to his home
But all is not well in this new kingdom
Some worthless fellows decided that this man couldn’t be the right choice
So immediately Saul is faced with opposition
As we’ll see, the Lord was committed to Saul, even though He’s appointed a man of the people’s choosing, not a man after God’s heart
He will defend Saul against these worthless fellows
Saul was not without wisdom however
So he was wisely overlooked their opposition for the time being
There would be a time to consolidate his power
And now was not that time