Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongThe reign of Saul has begun
He is celebrated by the people and anointed by the Spirit
And as he begins his reign, he will be tested early
But the Lord will show Himself through Saul to confirm Saul’s authority as king
This is an important early step for Saul, since being king isn’t merely about personal charisma or good looks
The people need to know that Saul isn’t merely a poser
Yet we know that Saul has no formal training for this role
So it’s entirely likely that Saul could be in way over his head
But the Lord’s Spirit rests on Saul and that’s all the preparation he needs for the job
The story begins in Chapter 11
The story begins with an Ammonite named Nahash
The Ammonites were the longtime enemies of Israel, living east of the Jordan
They are the descendants of Ammon, one of the sons from Lot’s incestuous relationship with his daughters
They have long tormented the Israelites
Earlier in the book of Judges, the Ammonites had been defeated under the judge Japhthah
Now we hear of an Ammonite named Nahash who seems to be intent on exacting revenge for the earlier defeat
He attacks at a place in the Jordan river valley about 25 miles south of the Sea of Galilee
The town is called Jabesh-gilead and it apparently had no chance to defend itself against the Ammonites
So the men of the town offer to surrender to the Ammonites
In return they ask for a covenant of peace
A covenant would have committed the Ammonites to preserve and defend the people of the city
They would have still been slaves of the Ammonites, but at least they wouldn’t be killed
In v.2 Nahash, whose name means serpent, replies that he will make a covenant if every person in the city agrees to have their right eye gouged out
While this may sound especially cruel – and certainly it is harsh treatment – it was not an unusual request
Taking the right eye of an enemy vanquished in battle was a custom of the day
The point of maiming someone in this way was to eliminate their effectiveness in battle
Without a right eye, warriors couldn’t aim a bow and arrow
And a soldier couldn’t look out behind a shield that protected the left eye
Furthermore as Nahash says, the effect would be to make the people a reproach in the land
Their lack of two eyes would forever mark them as defeated vassals of the Ammonites
This is certainly a stiff penalty to keep your earthly life
In response the people tell Nahash to give them seven days to see if they can find a better offer
They are looking for defenders willing to lay their lives on the line to defend the city
Now why would Nahash agree to this condition?
The only explanation is that Nahash had little reason to think help would come
Remember, we’re at the end of the time of judges when the nation did what was right in their own eyes
Which means they didn’t operate as a single nation
Each tribe and city lived semi-independently and often with disregard for sister tribes
And Nahash assumes no one else is going to take up the invitation to enter into a battle to the death for this city
So he’s willing to wait a week to get what he wants without a battle
When word reaches Saul’s town, the people react with weeping out of sympathy for their brothers in Jabesh-gilead
They weep assuming nothing could be done to stop this assault
Israel doesn’t have a standing army
And they have lost their warring strength for the most part
So the people naturally assume they have no way to save this town
Then Saul hears about the threats
Interestingly, we find him plowing his field
He is the king of the land and yet he’s simply returned to the work he did before
Why is Saul not acting as king?
The likely answer is that Saul didn’t know what else to do as king
There was no palace to move into
There was no calendar of kingly events to attend to
And he still needed to eat
Also, this willingness to return to everyday activities continues to suggest he is a humble man at this point
He has no expectations for himself
Perhaps Saul has begun to wonder if his new title means anything more than a ceremonial role
We can only speculate, but all that is about to change for Saul
Notice at the outset that the Spirit of the Lord comes upon Saul in a mighty way
The Spirit’s power and direction is responsible for the sequence of events that follows, which tells us that the Lord is working to create the outcome
But take note first that the Spirit is said to come upon Saul
This suggests the Spirit was not already with Saul
Yet we saw earlier in this book when the Spirit came upon Saul and changed his heart
This is evidence that the work of the Spirit in this time doesn’t involve a permanent indwelling
The Spirit comes at a time for a purpose
But then He may depart and that departure isn’t necessarily an indication that the Spirit disapproves of or has abandoned the individual
It simply reflects the difference in the ministry of the Spirit in this day compared to the Church age
The Spirit comes as goes as needed to effect the outcome the Lord desires
The effect of the Spirit’s arrival in this moment is to fill Saul with righteous anger, bold courage and wisdom
Saul had a family connection to this town
During the civil war at the end of Judges, the tribe of Benjamin was so devastated the remaining men took wives from this town
So Saul is angered over the prospect of his people suffering
So he immediately takes a yoke of oxen plowing his field and kills them on the spot in the field
And he took the pieces of oxen and called messengers to carry them throughout the land of Israel calling for “volunteers” for the fight
He says that “Saul and Samuel” call for men to join the fight, to remind the people that he was anointed by Samuel
The point of the oxen pieces is obvious: refusing your king’s request meant losing your livelihood as farmers
No oxen meant no animals to work the field
And Saul chose this sign because he anticipated that the people might refuse his request by citing the need to remain in the fields and plow
So Saul takes that excuse away, since without oxen they will have no need to remain in the fields
Saul’s choice to cut up the animal also harkens back to another event that took place in his home town
That event is recorded in Judges 19
We’ll cover it in our Judges story
Notice that the people felt the “dread of the Lord”
That’s a term we don’t hear often
The “dread of the Lord” can also be translated the “fear of the Lord”
And that’s a phrase we know well
It means that men and women realize they are being called to obey the Lord
And they are concerned with the consequences of not doing so
This is a healthy state for God’s people
In our modern, “enlightened” culture we assume that fear is never a good thing
But that’s not the Bible’s perspective
Fear of the Lord is a very good thing
Luke tells us that fear of the Lord is external evidence that a church is healthy
Fear of displeasing the Lord and fearing the consequences of sin is absolutely the best place a Christian can be in a fallen world
And it’s the absence of this perspective that leads men and women to feel comfortable with sin
And comfort with sin is never preferable to fear of the Lord
In this case, the fear of the Lord led the nation to respond in the right way by coming to fight in Saul’s army
A total of 330,000 men assemble in response to Saul’s call
This is by far the greatest military force assembled in Israel since the days of Joshua 300 years earlier
They are assembled in Bezek, which is about 16 miles from Jabesh-gilead
The number is notably specific
300,000 and 30,000 points to the Lord’s work in raising this army, the number 3 being the number of God
So here’s the Spirit driving the people to respect the authority of God’s anointed
Finally, Saul tells the messengers to send word to the city that they will be rescued before the end of the afternoon the following day
Remember Saul has only seven days to bring this fight to the city
This includes travel time
So we know these events are unfolding rapidly
And when the city hears the news, they are glad for obvious reasons
The next day was the seventh day, and so the city owed a response to Nahash
To buy some time, the men of the city cleverly say to Nahash they will come out of the city tomorrow and he may do whatever seems good
In Hebrew, the words they spoke were a little different
They say, you can do what is right in your eyes
It’s a way of suggesting they are ready to have their eyes put out
And yet they know they are merely drawing the army out into the open where they can be defeated by Saul
The next morning Saul approaches with three companies of men, probably about 100,000 in each
This is a huge force and probably dwarfed the Ammonites
Since the Israelites hadn’t mustered a force of this size in three centuries, we can be sure the Ammonites were not expecting such an opponent
Saul routs the army of the Ammonites, scattering them so far apart that no man stood with another
This is a huge victory for Saul, one the people never expected
We know they didn’t expect it because just a week earlier they were weeping at the news of the Ammonites’ threats
No one could have anticipated that Israel could act in unison and with such power and success
This was something altogether new
The time of Judges was a time when the people did what each person thought was right and best for himself
It was a selfish and hedonistic culture
Judges only managed to hold the people to God’s law for short periods of time
But inevitably the people turned back to their fleshly desires
Their individualistic sin led to ruin time and time again, so the prospect of uniting in service to God and to great effect was virtually unknown in the land
But now under a king the people had a taste of what was possible when led by God’s anointed
And they are excited for what the future under a king means
And they are determined to put to an end any dissension against the Lord’s anointed
We remember at the end of Chapter 10 that some men were dissenting at the coronation of Saul as king
At that time we’re told Saul said nothing in response to their objections
Saul knew he was in no position to fight them anyway
This was a wise decision on his part
Engaging in a fight before you have the high ground is suicide
But now Saul has the high ground so to speak
He has won a great military victory
And the manner of the assembly and the outcome testify to the Lord’s working in Saul
So the people aren’t just pleased with the victory, but they realize the Lord is at work in this man
So this is the right moment for Saul to consolidate power knowing he has the support of all the people
Yet when they suggest the dissenters be put to death, Saul stops them
Once again, Saul’s heart seems to be in the right place
He remarks that this is a victory won by the Lord for His people
And therefore this is not the right time for vengeance
We all celebrate this victory
Saul’s magnanimous gesture is a face-saving way for his enemies to rethink their opposition
Saul isn’t unwilling to challenge his opposition
He is simply giving them a chance to pledge their allegiance
This is a far more effective strategy to consolidating power
It’s far better to consolidate without bloodshed than by bloodshed
Therefore, Saul calls for the people to join him in a second coronation, one absent dissenting voices
This is the opportunity for those who previously opposed Saul to change their minds publicly
When the coronation happens, these men will be among those bowing to the king
And with that gesture, Saul puts an end to an opposition
This also appears to have been a moment when the nation recommitted itself to the covenant of Moses
They offer peace sacrifices to the Lord
This seems to indicate that they are reconciling with the Lord to the terms of that covenant
All of this is an artful and wise way for Saul to shore up his position as king in the land
And Samuel is recording these details to reflect Saul’s strong starting point in his role
The Lord anointed Saul and empowered him for service
And he’s doing well, showing patience, mercy and fortitude
But this is only a start
This is the first of three times that Saul and Samuel will meet at Gilgal
The second time will be a turning point in Saul’s reign as king when he turns from good to bad
And the third will bring Saul’s reign to an end
For the past three chapters, we’ve been talking about the rise of a king in Israel
In Chapter 8 the people asked for a king and Samuel responded
Specifically, he warned the people that asking for a king would result in bad things happening
But then the story moves forward to the selection of Saul
And eventually in Chapter 11 we see his success on the battlefield
And all the while he seems humble and reasonable
What happened to the problems?
Well they are coming, but Samuel first wants to emphasize the good start any man can produce
In fact, to reinforce Saul’s good start, Samuel tells the same story twice
In the next three chapters we again hear a warning from Samuel
Followed by Saul’s adventures and success in battle with a humble heart
But then the pattern will begin to change
Let’s look at the beginning of that second pattern, starting with Samuel issuing yet another warning to the people about following a king
Samuel’s second warning is beginning to sound a little personal, as if Samuel has been personally wounded by their rejection
But in reality he’s simply making a point about the state of their hearts
He reminds them that when he was in charge as judge, he had done nothing wrong in his service to the people
And the people confirm his assertion in v.4
And Samuel goes an extra step and asks for anyone to testify to the contrary before God whether Samuel has defrauded anyone
Now we remember that Samuel’s sons were a problem in these ways, and it was Samuel himself that recorded his son’s exploits in this book
But Samuel also wants the record to reflect that he was not a bad judge
And furthermore, the call for a king was not the result of his mismanagement of the people
Though they pointed to his sons as a cause, in reality it was simply their own desires leading them there
He also says I’m old and I’ve served you my whole life
We also know this is true as earlier chapters told us
Samuel was working in the tabernacle from an early age
But nevertheless, it was the people who came to him and demanded a king
He didn’t suggest it; rather, he listened to their voice
So the rise of a king in Israel could never have been said to be a result of Samuel’s errors
He hadn’t been unfaithful to his role in service to the people
They brought it upon themselves
So with that out of the way, Samuel proceeds to testify that their rejection of the Lord was also wholly unjustified
Samuel’s testimony before the people is of the Lord’s faithfulness in the face of the people’s repeated unfaithfulness
The Lord promised to bring Israel out of Egypt, which He did
The Lord sent a deliverer to the people
And kept His word spoken to Abraham centuries earlier
In v.9 Samuel says that when the people entered the land, they sinned against Him by entering into idolatry
He’s summarizing the entire book of Judges in a few verses
The cycle of sin and rebellion was repeated throughout the years of the judges
Yet each time the people cried out for relief, the Lord responded with mercy for the people
Repeatedly, the Lord sent judges to rescue the people, men like Gideon, Jephthah and lastly Samuel
And now the people found Nahash coming against them, and though before they cried to God for deliverance this time they cried for a king to save them
Here is the the turning point Samuel wants to emphasize
The people have long been unfaithful to the Lord
And He has routinely responded with discipline through the oppression of Israel’s enemies
And this pattern was exactly what the Lord promised to do when He set forth the terms of the Mosaic Covenant with the people
And He has also been faithful to secure the victory when the people asked
But this time they didn’t ask the Lord
Now we know the Lord worked through Saul just as He had the judges
But Samuel’s point is how the hearts of the people are changing, not how the Lord is changing
The Lord has and will remain faithful
But the people are moving steadily away from a reliance on the Lord
And the central problem with seeking a king is the way it puts further distance between the people and their dependence on the Lord
This still happens for us today
The more we become self-dependent or at least imagine ourselves to be self-sufficient, the more we forget how utterly dependent we truly are on the Lord
This is the nature of sinful flesh…we imagine ourselves to be little gods at all times, in control of everything
The people of Israel were willing to turn to a human king over an all-power God because our flesh is always more attracted to fleshly things
Spiritual solutions generally take a backseat to something of the world
And now that the people have a king, they will turn to him before seeking the Lord
Now the irony is that the Lord is still on the throne and ruling, even through a king
But our awareness of Him has been diminished
And our flesh begins to overrule our spirit
That’s Samuel’s concern and his warning for the people as he watches them seek after and celebrate Saul’s victory
Even though in the past the Lord has been faithful to provide these victories once the people’s heart has turned back to Him
Samuel makes this very point next
Samuel says this gate swings both ways
Even though you have selected a king over you, both you and your king must continue to seek and serve the Lord just as was expected in the time of Judges
If you do these things, then both the people and the king will prosper according to the terms of the covenant
If you fail to obey the Lord, then everyone will suffer
In other words, having a king doesn’t change the covenant or the people’s requirement to know, follow and obey the Lord
And then Samuel gives the people a sign from the Lord to confirm his words and the people respond
Samuel proves that his words are spoken under the inspiration of the Spirit by use of a supernatural sign
This sign was performed in order to validate the word of the prophet before the people
And they certainly get the point
The fear of the Lord returns for the people, leading them to confess their sin and pledge obedience
These are nice words, but Samuel knows they are empty unless backed by action
So Samuel repeats that they cannot place their trust in fruitless things
The Lord is here to stay and His relationship with His people will not come to an end
They cannot escape accountability to the covenant He established with them
Furthermore, Samuel will continue in his role to guide and pray for the people even as they have asked for a king
The ultimate course for this people is to fear the Lord, serve Him in truth and consider the great things the Lord has done for His people
I recommend you circle v.24 in your Bible
Meditate on Samuel’s counsel
If you want to remain in the pleasure of the Lord, repeat these three spiritual disciplines and watch how it impacts your obedience
First, Samuel says fear the Lord
We’ve already spoken on the spiritual value of maintaining a healthy fear of the Lord’s judgment and the consequences of not pleasing Him
Never let go of that perspective and you will be in a good position to choose right over wrong
Your flesh will be disciplined by your fear
And you will see yourself becoming more Christ-like as the Spirit uses that fear to motivate your good behavior
Secondly, serve the Lord in truth
Samuel joins two principles into one
Serving the Lord means devoting your life’s purpose to the purposes of God and His glory and His kingdom
Make your life about that outcome and do so informed by the truth of Scripture
Studying and understanding God’s word is essential to uncovering God’s purposes in your life and in your ministry
So study the word to know God’s will and then seek to serve that will in your goals and priorities of life
Finally, Samuel says consider the great things the Lord has done for you – beginning with your salvation
Make regular observance of all His provision, mercy, kindness and love for you
Talk to your family and friends about all the Lord has done and is doing to care for you and grow you in Christ
Keep these things on the front of your mind, and you will be less tempted to stray after worldly offers for the same
Just as Israel should have remembered the Lord’s faithfulness to them, instead of thinking about what earthly kings could give them
This is a great antidote to our flesh’s desire for the next big thing instead of resting in the Lord
With these reminders, Samuel ends with a final warning
If they do wicked things, expect the Lord to bring a judgment upon the people
And no earthly king will be able to save them or stop the judgment
The Lord remains on His throne