Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongAs we move into 1 Samuel 8, we begin the next major section of this book
We’re at the end of the historical period in Israel called the period of the Judges
It’s the time when men were doing what was right in their own eyes
Which is to say they were not doing right in God’s sight
The entire Jewish society has gone from bad to worse since Joshua
And even when a judge was raised up to direct the people, it was temporary at best
And in the end the people rebelled again, even worse than before
The best proof of how far the people have fallen is found in the children of those called to lead the people
Earlier in the book we met the High Priest, Eli, and his sons
These men were charged with leading Israel from the tabernacle in Shiloh
And yet it would be hard to find men more corrupt
These men eventually met their fate, and the people likewise
Then we see the rise of Samuel as the man of God, a prophet seeking to serve God, and directing the people back to following God
Last week Samuel convinced the people to put aside their idols and follow God with their whole heart
This time when they faced their enemy, they took the path of faith and found the victory
And then Samuel began to judge Israel for 40 years
So we naturally assume that Samuel’s rise to judge was the happy ending to our story of judges
Not so fast…Chapter 8 opens with a shocking result to remind us of how evil the time of judges truly was
Near the end of Samuel’s life, his grown sons are ready to assume responsibility, and Samuel appoints them as judges
His sons were Joel and Abijah, and these men judged in Beersheba in southern Judah
Now if anyone should be able to raise godly sons, we would expect it would be Samuel
But in v.2 we learn that these sons were no better than Eli’s own corrupt sons
Presumably, they started out right, otherwise we wouldn’t expect Samuel to entrust a judgeship to them
But in v.2 we’re told they turned aside
They came into power and saw an opportunity to benefit themselves
They pursued dishonest gain like bribes, extortion and the like
They perverted justice, giving favorable judgement to those who made a payment over those who deserved justice
How did Samuel’s sons come to such a surprising end? Do we blame Samuel as we did Eli?
In this case, the scriptures offer no critique of Samuel
There is no indication that Samuel deserves blame
Instead, the text is clear that they were already grown and working in their positions before they elected to turn aside
They were grown men making their own choices
So if Eli’s sons can be an example of bad parenting, then Samuel’s sons are a reminder that good parents don’t guarantee perfect children
So where do we go to explain such a dramatic turn? The answer is central to these Chapters in 1 Samuel
This period of Jewish history is so double-minded and without godly direction that not even a judge’s own sons will persist in doing God’s will
When Samuel was writing the book of Judges and penned that book’s well-known phrase, was he thinking of his sons?
His sons did what was right in their own eyes, not according to his father’s eyes
That’s the situation that brings us to the this point in 1 Samuel
The people are beyond reach by a judge
And now that even their judges are without integrity, the people themselves recognize there is no hope for men to follow God
So they demand a king
The elders of the people see the evil in Samuel’s sons and realize that this corruption can’t continue
Their concern over these sons is not unreasonable and their protests are not the problem
They say, you have grown old Samuel
They mean, you won’t rule us forever, and God-forbid your sons are left in authority over us
Therefore, we need a solution
Everything up to this point is fine, but it’s the solution they propose that’s the problem
The elders ask Samuel to appoint a king over Israel to rule the people
Here they begin to go wrong
They ask for a change of authority from God ruling the people to a human king ruling
Moreover, they offer the wrong reason for their recommended solution
They want a king so they can be like every other nation
Forgetting that God intended Israel to be a nation distinct and separate from other nations
So they point to Samuel’s sons as the problem, but they use it as an excuse to ask for what they have long wanted
The people tried to install a king twice before, once under Gideon
And again under Abimelech, the corrupt judge who followed Gideon
Samuel knew the people were making a rash choice, and he worries for what the Lord will say in response
In v.6 it says the thing was displeasing to Samuel
The word in Hebrew for displeasing is raa, which is the Hebrew word for wicked and evil
The request is evil, for it amounts to a rejection of the Lord’s ruling over the people through judges
The people could have solved this problem without rejecting the Lord
Rather than ask for a king, the people could have simply asked that the Lord send them a new judge who wasn’t corrupt
Instead, they reject the Lord’s way of ruling over His people
But if truth be told, the people have been rejecting the Lord’s authority for some time
They have rebelled against every judge who has ruled over them
They do what is right in their eyes, not God’s sight
So this is just the final straw of rebellion that has marked the entire time in the land since Joshua
Such is the wickedness of man’s heart
Nothing can tame the sin of men, not the Law, not judges, and not even kings as the people will soon discover
Meanwhile, the Lord answers Samuel’s concerns with mercy and pity for the people
Samuel’s worry at this point is that he might be assigned some blame for this predicament, much the way Eli bore the blame for Israel
He wondered if the people’s rebellion would be traced to him since his sons, like Eli’s, were the cause for the trouble
But the Lord reassures Samuel that he’s not in trouble with the Lord
He says, go ahead and do as the people demand
Because they are rejecting me, not you
In other words, Samuel couldn’t have stopped this rebellion no matter what he did as judge
The people’s hearts strayed from God continually
In v.8, the Lord gives a brief synopsis of the history of Israel since they entered under Joshua
They have never been a people to obey and respect the word of God, at least not for long
They forsake the Lord continually and chase after other gods
And so Samuel is experiencing this same rejection as well
Notice the Lord doesn’t say that Samuel’s sons are the problem or that Samuel shares some blame
At this point the sons are just a distraction from the real problem, which is the peoples’ hearts
They aren’t interested in obedience
So that even if Samuel’s sons had been perfect judges, the people would have still wanted a king eventually
And we know that because their real motivation was to be like other nations
When God’s people make our goal aligning with the world over following the Lord, we forsake Him and reject His authority
We may not realize that’s what we’re doing
But these two pursuits are literally opposites
Which is why the Lord equates seeking a king like the other nations, with rejecting Him
But the people don’t realize how their sinful hearts will always lead them wrong
When sin is conceived it seems like the perfect plan, because our flesh responds in eager anticipation
But our flesh lies, and it’s only after sin gives birth to action that we come to understand the consequences
And so in mercy, the Lord offers the people a chance to understand the consequences in advance
So the Lord tells Samuel to explain to the people all the things that will happen when one man has enough authority to do whatever he pleases
For such is monarchy
A king has no equal in the land
And if the Lord anoints a king, then the Lord will ensure that his power is unchallenged until such time the Lord decides
And while power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely
And a king is absolute power personified
So Samuel explains the consequences of what’s coming with a monarchy
The Lord speaks through Samuel with a stern warning
First, a king will need an army to protect his reign
And the warriors will come from among the people he rules over
Mothers and fathers will give up sons in great number to the army
And there will be placed in harm’s way on the whim of the king
Secondly, the king will need servants and workers to sustain the lifestyle of an all-powerful monarch
Teams of men will be ordered to plow and harvest fields for the king
And others will be workers to make equipment for the sovereign
And daughters will go to work in the kitchens and palaces
And where will these fields come from for all this material and farming?
From the people of course
The king must tax the people and appropriate their land
And take servants and animals
And when you can’t pay the taxes, you yourselves will becomes indentured servants
In summary, sinful, human royalty acts like a parasite
They take the best from the people
Because kings are never satisfied with less than the best
And the people live to serve the king, not the other way around
The Lord warned them in advance of this burden, but the people won’t listen
They assume that a king will be good news for them
And because they rejected the Lord, they will know all these things
When the weight of this expense and depravation becomes a reality, the people will cry out to God for relief but find none
How predictable…they ask for the wrong thing for the wrong reasons, and the Lord tells them in advance what to expect
Still they persist and eventually will know all the Lord promises
But then they will cry out to Him as if they are the victims
If they are the victims, they are victims of their own disobedience
If it wasn’t clear enough already, the people repeat their explanation that they want to be like other nations
They want a king to judge them and go out before them, that is to lead them and to fight their battles
Each of these roles was to be fulfilled by the Lord Himself
As He’s demonstrated, He is more than capable of doing so
The Lord has judged Israel through the Law and gone out before Israel in their wanderings and fought Israel’s enemies under Joshua
Ultimately, the Lord will fulfill these roles in the Person of Christ in the Kingdom
Until then, kings are incapable of administering righteousness or bringing peace
So Samuel passes word to the Lord, Who says then go appoint a king for the people
Specifically, the Lord tells Samuel to “listen to their voice”
In other words, not only is Samuel going to follow their request in granting them a king
But he is also to follow their desires in who he appoints
The Lord is going to bring Samuel a man who fits the people’s expectations to a “t”
The Lord knows the hearts of the people
So the candidate will be a perfect match
But of course this will be to the people’s own undoing
And so that in the result, the Lord can teach a lesson
So Samuel tells them to go back to their cities to await his decision
Chapter 9 is the selection of that king, a Benjamite named Saul
And right from the start, we learn that Saul comes straight from central casting
He is exactly the guy you want to play the part of king, at least as far as external appearances
He comes from excellent Benjamite stock, the descendent of a might man of valor
Saul’s name means “asked for of God” and he is a hunk
He is literally, according to scripture, the most handsome man in Israel
I find it interesting that the word of God can make such a judgment
We tend to think that attractiveness is largely subjective
But the word of God says that Saul was #1 among all Israel in this category
And he stood a full head taller than anyone else in Israel
Later, we learn he’s in his late 20s, which is perfectly suited to the people’s desires
Saul is literally a perfect example of what men expect when they imagine a king
They want someone who looks the part
Because men judge with the flesh according to our own desires
But God’s ways are not man’s ways
That’s why the Lord chose to bring Christ into the world in such a humble and lowly way
Nothing about Jesus’ earthly appearance would attract the flesh
God’s choice to endow Christ with a humble appearance was intended to mock man’s foolishness to judge by looks
And the story of Saul is a classic account of just such a folly
So now we watch as the Lord directs Saul to Samuel’s attention so that the people will receive just what they wanted
In a twist of irony, the Lord directs Saul to Samuel through a search of his own…for a donkey
Saul’s search reveals a number of things about his character at this early point in his life
First, he’s willing to serve his father in a devoted and sacrificial way
Searching for lost donkeys is one thing, but the distance Saul travels is remarkable
It’s about 35 miles total
Secondly, he’s aware of the societal customs of not coming to a man of God empty-handed
Notice Samuel makes clear that Saul and the servant perceive Samuel to be merely a seer
A seer was a diviner, and not necessary a godly one
And to receive the help of a seer required a payment, because they earned their living this way, like a fortune teller
Of course, Samuel isn’t a seer, as he clarifies, since he’s a true prophet of God
Nonetheless, the point is that Saul shows some courtesy and respect for custom and respect to the position
That’s another plus for Saul
Thirdly, Saul has the humility to stop and ask a woman for directions
This is hard enough for any man
But in this culture, it was particularly difficult for a man to seek assistance from a strange woman
Overall, we are introduced to Saul as a man with great potential and seemingly a good heart as well
Here’s the danger of judging with our eyes rather than on relying on the Lord’s counsel
Even when we are seeing the best in a person, we can’t know the inner workings of their heart
More importantly, we can’t know the future
We don’t know how they will respond to stress, temptation, success, failure
But God knows these things, so if we trust in His counsel we will never be wrong
As we said, the people aren’t interested in God’s counsel
So they will naturally love this guy
And he has potential, at least in the sense that he starts well
Finally, it’s interesting that this man has never heard of Samuel and knows nothing of his role as prophet of Israel
Either Saul has been so isolated and kept so busy with his father’s affairs that he hasn’t kept up with current affairs
Or he is remarkably naïve
Either way, it would seem to disqualify this man from public service
One commentator observed that Saul went hunting for donkeys and found a kingdom
While a prophet went hunting for a king and found a young man ignorant of political affairs
On this day, the Lord ensured that Saul and Samuel would find one another, as Samuel was preparing to officiate at a high place altar
Scenes like this are so interesting to me because they just scream to us about the Lord’s sovereignty
Every step Saul and Samuel took they took of their own accord, or so they supposed
Saul walked 35 miles looking for wayward donkeys
Samuel was on his regular circuit performing sacrificial services for the people
Yet the Lord was carefully moving them so that on this day they would meet
As Proverbs says
The day before Saul even arrived, the Lord tells Samuel what’s coming
He will encounter a man that he will anoint as king
Samuel knows this is about to happen
He doesn’t know who or how but he’s ready
And Saul knows even less
In fact, the Lord’s telling Samuel to expect the visit even before Saul has determined to enter the city
And yet he does enter
Which means every detail of Saul’s day was under God’s control
This is not unique to Saul and Samuel…this is how God is operating every day in every life
There is no such thing as coincidence in God’s Creation
God’s instructions to Samuel carry an interesting element of mercy
The Lord says that this king he anoints will be used by God to free Israel from the Philistines who have returned to molesting the people
Even though they reject the Lord, He remains faithful
And though they will regret having a king, the Lord will continue to lead Israel through this man
This pattern of hearing the people cry and freeing them from their enemies is the pattern of Judges
So in this sense, we see the final cycle of judges playing out in Samuel’s day with the rise of the monarchy
Then Samuel sees Saul and the Lord says, this is the guy
Saul asks Samuel if he knows where the seer is, reminding us that Saul doesn’t know Samuel
Samuel tells Saul he will spend some time with him
And to convince Saul that Samuel can help him, Samuel tells Saul exactly what he was seeking – which is a sure proof of Samuel’s prophetic ability
But then Samuel drops a bombshell on Saul
He says, isn’t everything desirable in Israel appointed for you and your household?
This language doesn’t specifically say, you will be the greatest in the land – but it implies as much
We can see that Samuel’s words aren’t lost on Saul, since he responds incredulously
He says, I’m in the least tribe of Israel – which was true
So in terms of human standards and priorities, how can he expect to ever be in a position to receive such honor in Israel?
And by human standards, he was correct
But of course, he didn’t know what God was prepared to do
Apparently, Samuel had planned ahead after hearing the Lord pronounce that today would be the day he found the king
Samuel told the leaders of the city to assemble in a hall near the high place
In this hall, he had a lavish feast planned with a cook assigned to prepare the lamb to Samuel’s instructions
No one knew why they were assembled or who the guest of honor would be
Samuel was so confident in the Lord’s word, he could make such an effort without fear of being disappointed
So as Saul greets Samuel, he is immediately invited to eat with everyone
And more than that, Samuel puts Saul at the head of the table where a king would be seated
And then Samuel calls for the cook to bring out the best portion of the animal for Saul to eat
Saul must have been thinking he was dreaming the whole time, or else he was suspicious this was a grand practical joke
Then they return to the city and have a private evening discussion on the roof, which was a common meeting place in the cool night air
The setting was both more comfortable and private
Wouldn’t you love to have heard that conversation?
Samuel explaining that the Lord had selected Saul to be a king, Israel’s first monarch
And Saul asking questions trying to understand how all this is happening to him
Like someone winning a lottery he didn’t even play
As the chapter ends, we see Samuel preparing to anoint Saul as the king
Next time we meet we’ll pick up here