Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongLast week’s study ended in the somewhat humorous plight of the Philistines, who had unknowingly acquired a deadly artifact
After defeating the Israelites in battle, they captured the Ark of God
Once they brought it into their cities, one after another, the Lord visited the people with great tumors and death
The Ark made its way from city to city as residents tried to escape its destruction
As we observed last week, the Lord permitted this entire sequence of events to make a point both to Israel’s enemies and to Israel itself
The nation of Israel was largely apostate
During the time of Judges, men did what was right in their own eyes
Which is a concise way of saying that Israel didn’t consult the Lord or His word for counsel and direction
They didn’t make the Lord’s desires their priority
Instead, the people let their own personal agendas and fleshly desires dictate their paths
And nothing exemplified this truth better than the Israelites’ decision to send the Ark into battle
After having been utterly crushed by the Philistines in battle, the people assemble at the house of the Lord in Shiloh questioning their fate
Why did the Lord lead them into battle only to bring them defeat?
What should they do to curry the Lord’s favor for the next battle?
They asked the right questions, but instead of seeking the Lord in His word for the answers, they do what seemed right in their own eyes
We learned last week that Samuel was ministering to Israel from Shiloh speaking the word of the Lord consistently
And yet the people make no effort to seek Samuel’s counsel
Much less to ask what the Lord desired from the people
Instead, they propose the Ark solution with the help of the two corrupt sons of the High Priest
The effect of their folly was an even more devastating defeat
The death of the High Priest and his sons
And the loss of the Ark
So the Lord permits these outcomes to teach Israel a lesson about how one approaches and serves the Living God
And yet the faithfulness of God was also evident in the way He allowed the Philistines to capture the Ark
Their holding of the Ark gave opportunity for the Lord to defend Israel Himself
After the Lord granted these enemies of Israel such a great military victory, they could have conquered all the land
But the Lord saddled them with a great pestilence so that they were weakened and distracted, unable to re-engage in battle
More importantly, the Lord is displaying His power against the nations on behalf of His chosen people
But the lessons for both Israel and the Philistines are not over yet
The Ark still needs to make its way back into Jewish hands
Ironically, God will use the Philistines to demonstrate to Israel the appropriate way to approach the Lord
But then the Israelites must relearn where they go to find the Lord’s counsel and blessing
Not in superstition and ritual but according to His word
So we start in Chapter 6 tonight, in the story of the Ark’s return from the Philistines to Israel
It’s been seven months of torment for the people of the five Philistine cities
The number seven in scripture is God’s way of communicating completeness
As we use the expression “100%” to mean the whole or completeness of something, so God uses “7”
So when we see seven months go by before the Ark is able to return to Israel, we are seeing the hand of God at work
Clearly, these people wanted the Ark gone on Day 1, given the calamity it produced
But it couldn’t leave until God’s purpose had been done, and the number seven reminds us that the purpose was now complete
After seven months, the priests of Dagon and the diviners (or cultic prophets) were asked what will solve this problem?
How can they get rid of the Ark of the Lord?
How do we send it away?
If we stop to think about that question for a moment, we realize it says something about the attitude of these pagans
Why can’t they simply destroy the thing or sink it at sea?
Why don’t a bunch of men just carry the thing back to Israel’s land and dump it on the side of the road?
Why is it so hard to get rid of it?
The answer is that these pagans had an instinctive understanding that gods don’t work that way
The power of God extends well beyond the physical realm
So it’s not merely an issue of where the Ark resides physically
The problem the Philistines are facing is that the Lord of that Ark is not pleased with them
And one way or another, the Philistines must find a way to appease the Lord’s wrath for their sin against Him
They realize that simply returning a wooden box isn’t going to suffice
Instead, they must divine what will satisfy the Lord
Here we see the pagans operating with a fear and understanding of God’s true power and divine authority
They are still pagans, so they do not understand the Lord as the One true God
Nevertheless, they at least appreciate divine power
In fact, we could say that the Philistines are demonstrating more fear of the Lord than Israel is at this time
So how do these people appease the wrath of a God they don’t know? How do they understand His desires when they do not have His word to counsel them?
That’s why they are seeking to discern it in other ways, through the advice of their own priests
Notice the solution the priests offer begins with an admission of guilt
The Ark can’t just be sent away on its own
The people of the cities must include a guilt offering
Something of value must accompany the Ark as display of an admission of sin and a display of contrition
Even pagans understand that you can’t come before an angry God empty handed
In other words, there must be a payment for sin in some form
In this case, the Philistines are working without benefit of God’s word and His Law, which was given to Israel alone
So they have to improvise a solution
The priests propose that the Ark must be sent away with ten objects made of solid gold
They arrive at the number ten by taking the five Philistine cities and creating two objects for each city
The objects are tumors and mice
Assuming these objects were substantial in size, this is a sizable amount of wealth, perhaps as much as $1M in today’s money
First, why these objects?
Well, the tumors are an obvious choice
The plague was one of deadly tumors
So the offering is constructed in a form that memorializes God’s work
The mice seem to be an odd choice, though some have suggested a logical connection
Mice are often associated with the spread of bubonic plague, which causes large tumors on the body
Therefore, perhaps the tumors was actually the Black Death
Taken together, the ten golden objects are a testimony to the Lord’s wrath brought against the people for their sin in taking the Ark
In fact, the number 10 in scripture stands for “testimony”
So this becomes a clear sign testifying to the Lord’s judgment against the Philistines’ sin
Finally, it’s interesting that these pagans do not propose to make idols of God Himself
This would have been the more likely choice for a pagan people
When they wanted to honor a god, they set up physical representations of that god
Like we saw earlier with Dagon in his temple
But now they choose other objects to honor the God of Israel, which was in keeping with God’s Law forbidding graven images
How ironic that the people of God, who had the word of the Lord, treated the Ark as a graven image as they dragged it into battle
While the pagans of the land have conspicuously avoided creating an image to God
Though they do not have the Law
As Paul wrote:
Then in v.6 the priests declare that this testimony would be to the glory of the Lord of Israel
That’s exactly the purpose in this entire episode
The people of Israel had the Ark by God’s grace
And the Ark and the tabernacle and the entire nation of Israel were created to be a light testifying to the nations
Together, they were to testify to the truth of God to His glory
But Israel neglected that calling and became a people serving only themselves
So, the Lord allowed the pagans of the land to take possession of His Ark
And by their possession of it, they became a testimony to God’s glory
Obviously, their testimony came in the form of judgment, but it came nonetheless
We can chose to be a testimony of God in our obedience
Or we can be a testimony to God’s judgment for our disobedience
But one way or the other, the Lord will be glorified
In fact, the priests remind the people that the Lord has made them an example like He did Egypt
This is ironic, because earlier the Philistines expressed fear when they heard the Israelites had brought the Ark into the camp
They said at that time, this is the Ark of the Lord who destroyed Egypt
It turns out they were prophetic, because now they are comparing themselves to Egypt again
So now they have their plan to appease the Lord’s wrath, but how will they know if God is appeased by their offering?
This leads to the second part of the priests’ plan
They construct an improbable set of circumstances that will reveal the will of a sovereign and all-powerful God
They take two nursing cows and yoke them to a cart
They will place the Ark and guilt offering on the cart and send it in the direction of Israel
If the cows continue on their own to Israel, then the Lord has accepted their offering
If they return, then the people know the Lord has not answered them affirmatively
The people can be sure this represents God’s will because the deck is stacked against success
Nursing cows will not voluntarily leave their young
So if these cows are yoked and allowed to walk where they prefer, they will not head to Israel
They would return to their young
So if they go to Israel, it can only mean they were led there by the invisible sovereign hand of a God pleased with the offering
So the Philistines have demonstrated the need to display repentance and propitiation before God, and now they testify that God is sovereign
That He controls all things and speaks to those who seek His counsel
Granted, they are only seeing God in a limited way
And they do not possess the saving faith to acknowledge Him as Lord of Lords and King of Kings
Nevertheless, they are teaching Israel a thing or two about how one approaches the Living God
So then they executed the plan as instructed…
Once they were hitched up and sent on their way, the cows head directly east
In a true miracle, the cows go out of Ekron and toward Israel though they had never been harnessed to a yoke before
They should have resisted pulling
And they had calves waiting for them, so they should never have left town
But they go straight without meandering
And just to emphasize how the cows are operating according to the Lord’s will, we’re told they’re lowing the whole way
This is a protest
The cows are very unhappy about leaving their calves
It’s not in their nature to do what they’re doing, but they are going because they are obeying their Creator and have no choice otherwise
These cows can serve as a beautiful picture of every child of God
By our fallen nature, we are not prone to follow and obey
Scripture says we are naturally inclined to serve our flesh rather than to follow the Spirit
But when we hear the word of God and do it, we demonstrate our love for Him
But like those cows, we will feel like lowing as we go
We may feel scared or uncomfortable
God’s word never says that serving the Living God will be painless or trouble free
Nevertheless we go forward, for that’s what a heart of service does
The cows head straight for Beth-shemesh, a small village about 15 miles west of Jerusalem
Beth-shemesh was the closest Jewish town to the Ark’s last stop on the Philistine tour in Ekron
The name Beth-shemesh means house of the sun
Under the Canaanites, it probably held a temple to the Canaanite sun god
As the Ark made its way along the seven mile journey up from the plains to the hill country, it passed through the Sorek Valley
This was the home of Samson, who was ruling at this time as well
Likely the Ark passed by many Jewish villagers working in their fields or walking on the same road
We might wonder why no one stopped the cart or tried to claim the Ark
The entire nation knew it had been lost seven months earlier
And the people were happy to see it, as we read
So how did it make it all the way to Beth-shemesh untouched?
Because under the Mosaic Law, only the priests were permitted to handle the Ark of the Covenant
And even then, the priests were required to carry it using poles that slipped through golden rings on the side
If anyone else touched it, it meant death
So the Ark is moving in a solitary parade
Everyone who sees it is too afraid to interrupt its journey
But in these days, Beth-shemesh was a Levitical city
This means the town is full of Levites who were qualified to handle the Ark and bring it back to the tabernacle
And the first Levite to see the Ark in the town was a man named Joshua
His name is also the name of the Messiah, Jesus (Yeshuah)
So we could say the Ark is claimed by the priest named Yeshuah
So Joshua’s first thought is to give thanks for the Lord returning the Ark
And in God’s providence, He provided all that was required for the sacrifice
With the Ark came the cows that would be sacrificed
And with the Ark came the cart that would become the wood for the sacrificial fire
And the Ark stopped immediately before a large stone uncut by human hands
In other words, God gave His people the Ark, the sacrifice, the wood and the altar
And He provided a priest named Yeshuah
Can you see the message the Lord has embedded in these details?
A message of grace and rescue?
What has Israel done to warrant the return of their precious Ark?
Did Israel repent first? Sacrifice first?
There is no evidence they have become the godly people the Lord desired
But after seven months, the Lord returns His Ark to His people
He returns it as a matter of His grace, since He made those cows walk where they did
And God gave everything required for the restoration of fellowship
And He provided a man qualified to officiate at the altar
It was grace and grace alone that made this restoration possible
And God did all the work on behalf of His people
Obviously, we have a beautiful picture of the Gospel in Christ
With the Ark and the guilt offering on the altar (rock), the Levites sacrificed and thanked the Lord
But that’s not all that was going on during this day
Apparently, during this day some of the priests decide to check out what’s inside the Ark
Now the priests were permitted to carry the Ark
But no one was permitted to look inside the Ark, according to Number 4:5
So these priests, those who were given custody of the Ark, are quickest to violate the Law
Here’s further evidence that the hearts of the people, including the priests, remain far from God’s word
Once again, their irreverent behavior stands in contrast to the way the pagans feared and respected the Ark, at least at a point
So if the Lord judged the pagans for their disobedience, how do you think the Lord should respond to a people who know better?
And not just the Jewish people, but the priests in particular
The Lord responds by keeping His word according to the Law, putting to death 50,070 men
The number is remarkable for its magnitude and its symbology
This must have represented a sizable number of the male Levites living in Beth-shemesh
And the extra seventy men tacked on at the end makes clear that this was the work of the Lord in response to their sin
(Some translations report a much smaller number, but the textual support favors the larger number as does the peoples’ response.)
In response to the death of so many, the remaining Levites lament and ask rhetorically who is able to stand before the Lord?
This is an interesting response
They don’t say, we have sinned and the Lord punished us according to His word – which would have been the truth
Instead, they suggest the Lord is unreasonable
Implying that no one could remain alive in the face of such a fierce and unreasonable God
Clearly we don’t yet see repentant hearts at work
So in an ironic twist, they do very much as the pagans
They call for a small neighboring town to accept the Ark
The town is called Kiriath-jearim, which is another 10 miles east
This is not a Levite town, so there was no one in this town capable of handling or moving the Ark
So they find a man named Abinadab to house the Ark and they consecrated his son, Eleazar, to attend to the Ark
Basically, a corrupt and dysfunctional priesthood dumps the most precious object from the house of God in a random Jewish home
And they deputize a young man to attend to the Ark, which basically meant to guard it
And then they run away
If you remember the scene at the end of the movie Raiders of the Lost Ark, when it’s rolled into a giant warehouse, that’s what’s happening here
And here it remained for 20 years while Shiloh lamented its absence
The people of Israel were determined to use the Ark like a cultic object
They assumed they could receive God’s blessings by putting the Ark to work
To which God replied, no you can’t
And instead of blessing, they received His judgment
Now that the Ark has returned, the people still have an unhealthy fascination with the Ark as a relic
So the Lord hides it for twenty years
And he virtually wipes out one city of the corrupt priesthood
His point to the people is that He cares about His covenant and the peoples’ obedience to the Law of that covenant
If they want to receive His blessing, obey the covenant they entered into
If they want to see the Ark, then treat it as the Law requires
Everything comes back to the word of God
So with that recognition, we reach a turning point of sorts in the period of judges, when the people begin to listen to the word of the Lord
Now Samuel returns to the foreground of the story
The last time we saw him, he was giving the word of the Lord in Shiloh
But no one was listening
Now that the people have endured a slaughter at the hands of their enemies
And another at the hand of the Lord, they are ready to listen it would seem
So Samuel says, here’s the answer you’ve been missing
If you return to the Lord with all your heart, removing the idols and serving God alone, you will see the delivery you want
The Lord will put an end to the torment of the Philistines
But the people must seek Him on God’s terms
Not in superstition or ritual
But according to the covenant
So the people do as Samuel suggests
There is clear evidence of repentance
The people head down to a town near the Jordan and begin a fast to the Lord
Samuel prays to the Lord for deliverance from the Philistines
And the people poured out water to the Lord, a washing ceremony indicating repentance
What a contrast with the previous episode
Before they went out in prideful confidence wielding the Ark
Attempting to control the Lord like any other idol
Now they set aside idols and submit to the Lord in humble hearts
This is how God’s people approach
Now we see the result:
With the people of Israel massed on their eastern border in the valley, the Philistines think this is their opportunity
The people of Israel will be sitting ducks
And when Israel learns that an army is approaching, they are naturally afraid
But notice the change in response from times prior
This time they turn to Samuel and ask him to appeal on their behalf
Last time they could have done this very same thing, but they elected to follow Eli’s sons into the tabernacle and claim the Ark
Now they make the right choice and ask the Lord’s anointed to intercede
And Samuel burns an offering and cries to the Lord, and the Lord hears and answers
This is the first time we’ve been told the Lord heard and answered the people of Israel
Finally, when it comes time for battle, the Lord fights the fight entirely
The people don’t even have to raise a finger
The Lord confuses the army of the Philistines so that the people of Israel can defeat them easily
And later they run the Philistines out of their cities
And all during Samuel’s life the people are free from the tyranny of the Philistines
All this made possible by trusting in the Lord by His word
As Hannah sang at Samuel’s conception and as Zechariah says as well