Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongOur introduction to Samuel is complete and we’re ready to follow the man into his career as judge and prophet of Israel
The young man is now grown
He is a prophet and he is judging Israel alongside Samson at this time
But Israel’s age of judges is drawing to a close
And the dawn of a new period is here
The seeds of that change will be sown in the events of Chapters 4-6, which cover the wanderings of the Ark
The Ark features prominently throughout the books of Samuel
The Ark’s circumstances serve to illustrate a key deficit in Jewish society
Over the past 300 years, the people of Israel have forgotten the power and authority of the Lord Who rules and guides His people
The days of Moses and Joshua are a distant memory
And in their place, the people now think only of themselves and their place in the world in terms no different than the surrounding cultures
As we’ve seen with Eli and his sons, the tabernacle in Shiloh and the sacrificial system centered on that modest building are merely ritual for many
The judges are viewed principally as military captains
And Jewish society has lost virtually any concept of God present among them, much less ruling over them
But the Lord is still faithful despite the unfaithfulness of the people
So He’s about to reassert Himself among the people by means of the most visible evidence of His presence and power within Israel
The Ark is the visible evidence of God dwelling with His people
When it sits in the Holy of Holies, it supports the glory of God
And wherever it goes, it displays God’s power among the nations
But Israel has long ago departed from an understanding of the Ark’s true purpose and meaning
So in these days, the Ark is little more than a religious relic
It has become mystical rather than meaningful
As happens any time men move from relationship to religion
From worshipping God to worshipping images
So the next three chapters show the people of God acting as pagans, while the neighboring pagans recognize the work of the living God
The transition into our story happens at the end of Chapter 3, when we’re told the Lord appears to Samuel at Shiloh again
The Lord appeared to Samuel as a boy earlier in Chapter 3
And thereafter, the Lord continued to make Himself known to Samuel as he ministered in the tabernacle
During this time the Lord is revealing His word to Samuel such that what Samuel would speak became equivalent to the Lord’s word
Notice in v.1 that the word of the Lord has now just become the word of Samuel
The Lord’s will and purposes are now being made known among His people through His word given to a prophet in Shiloh
This is the first time the Lord has spoken in this way for over 300 years
Remember, Samson is still ruling Israel as a judge
But it’s Samuel that is speaking for the Lord in this time
Meanwhile, the people of Israel are thinking and acting as if the Lord’s will is a mystery no one can solve
At the end of v.1 Israel is in conflict with the Philistines, who control the western plains of Canaan
The Philistines were fierce enemies of Israel in the land
They were a people group that originated from Crete in present-day Greece
They sailed their way to Canaan as early as Abraham’s time
But the Philistines didn’t take over large portions of western Canaan until about 1200 BC, 100 years before this time
They lived principally in five city-states along the sea plain
Ashdod, Ashkelon, Gaza, Gath, Ekron
You may remember that the Lord directed Israel away from the Philistines when He directed them into the land after the Exodus
They were a strong warring people
Samson spent much of his time as judge in war with the Philistines
They were eventually defeated by Hezekiah
But at this point, they are a very strong people, and the Lord is giving them a measure of success against the people of Israel
Their success is in keeping with the recurring pattern throughout the period of the judges
Israel sins against the Lord in practicing idolatry
The Lord responds by punishing Israel at the hands of their enemies
Then when the people have come to repent and call upon the name of the Lord, He relents by raising up a judge to free the people
Ultimately, that judge restores peace for a time
But from judge to judge, the cycle deteriorates
The people become increasingly pagan
The judges become increasingly ungodly even as they serve the Lord’s purposes
And after each reinstatement, Israel’s ungodliness is more ungodly than the last
It’s a downward spiral
Now during Samson, the Lord is chastising the people under the Philistines
At the end of v.1, the Israelite army meets the Philistines in battle near Aphek
This town is located in the eastern edge of the Jezreel valley just north of Carmel
It defined the northern border between the two nations
And this battle was a disaster for Israel
In v.2 we’re told that the Philistines defeated Israel killing 4,000 men
The people of Israel limp back to Shiloh with their tails between their legs
And then begins the review process
Notice Israel asks the right question
Why did the Lord let Israel lose?
They recognize that their fortunes turn on the Lord’s providence
If they lose, it means the Lord has withheld His blessing from the battle
This was the right question for them to ask and it’s the right question we need to ask in our lives
There is no moment of our life that isn’t under the Lord’s providence
When trials and disappointments come our way, we need to conduct a similar kind of soul searching
Why is the Lord allowing this to happen?
And more specifically, what are we to gain or learn from this trial?
Since we know the Lord is about accomplishing good in our lives
Israel asks the right question, but they don’t arrive at the right answer
They assume that they haven’t been harnessing the power of God properly
They propose taking the Ark of the Covenant out of the Holy of Holies and carrying it with them into the battle
They use the Ark like a pagan idol
This is a perfect picture of how unbelieving people relate to the power of God
It’s mystical, magical, and something we can manipulate
The correct answer to the question was, God is disciplining us for our sin and we must repent to restore fellowship with Him
And when we repent, the Lord will restore us in fellowship according to His mercy and His faithfulness to His covenant
In other words, the correct answer recognized they needed a God-centered solution for a man-centered problem
Instead, they assumed they had a God-centered problem they could solve with a man-centered response
God was too far away from the battle
In reality, it was Israel that was far from God
The real irony of their situation is that they came to Shiloh to get God, but they completely missed Him
Samuel tells us that God was speaking to Israel from Shiloh through the prophet
If the people wanted to know why the Lord let them lose the battle, they only needed to hear the word of the Lord
They travel back to Shiloh, they ask the right question, but they don’t seek the answer in the right place
They chose the symbols of God over the word of God
And of course, we need not look very hard in our own culture to see this same mistake repeated countless times, both inside the church and out
Certainly, many false religions, including those claiming to be Christian, have set the word of God aside
And in its place these groups have substituted their own views of God
In particular, they approach God like a genie, living in a lamp
If only they come close to the objects of their faith, saying the right words, making the right gestures, then they will appease God
They repeat the mistake of these Israelites
Even Christians can fall into this wrong thinking, becoming victims of thinking that moves to a man-centered view of our relationship with God
Our walk with Christ becomes more superstition than Spirit-led
We carry crosses, we pause for a moment before a painting of “Jesus” on the church wall
We display ornate, unread Bibles on cloth-covered tables
We recite obscure prayers hidden deep in the Old Testament assuming they contain special power
We bake “Ezekiel bread” or keep certain Jewish feasts
We speak in certain ways, sing certain hymns, and only the King James Version, please...
In every case, we’re reducing God to something we can control and manipulate to our own desires
Icons replace insight and relics replace relationship
So we can bend God’s will to our needs, or so we think
When instead we should be bending our will to meet God’s standards for holiness and obedience
And those standards are made clear to us in His word
That’s the contrast Samuel is emphasizing here…the Lord is ready to speak and lead His people through His anointed prophet, but they aren’t listening
And who is leading the people into the tabernacle to claim the Ark?
None other than Eli’s corrupt sons
They move the Ark from its place and the people are thrilled to have it working for them, or so they think
Notice how the Philistines responded?
They hear the shouting of the people and make inquiries to know what the yelling was about
Somehow, probably by spies, they learn that the people had retrieved the very same Ark that Israel had carried from Egypt
It’s been nearly 400 years since the people entered the land, but still the Philistines remember what the Lord did in freeing Israel
They declare woe to us because they have never experienced dread like this before
If the Lord of Israel could wipe out powerful Egypt then certainly the Philistine army stood no hope of winning, right?
Isn’t it interesting that the Philistines react with reverence and awe in remembering the great things God has done for Israel in the past
They are the pagans in this story
They are the ones who should be overlooking the power of God in His true form and relying on idols
And yet it’s the pagans who respect the power of the Living God
While the people of God have casually invaded the Holy of Holies and violated God’s law by removing the Ark against God’s instructions
It’s God’s people that are treating Yahweh as a relic, while the pagans display fear of the Lord
Samuel’s narration is intended by the author to draw our attention back to the Jews’ victory at Jericho
In that battle, Israel followed the Lord’s orders to carry the Ark around the city seven times
And the people were to shout to raze the walls of the city
So here again the people carry the Ark and the people shout
They are repeating the instructions of the Lord, except these instructions weren’t given to them
This is a classic mistake of God’s people, and it’s repeated down to this very day
We take words the Lord gave to another people in another time and we appropriate them for ourselves
We like what God said in the past
We view it as a recipe, something we can reuse like watching a rerun on TV
And we assume if we do what God told someone else to do, we will get the same results that someone else got
In this case, the people assume that if carrying the Ark and shouting defeated Jericho, then it will work against the Philistines
Once again, this thinking requires taking the living word of the Living God and turning it into ritual and superstition
God speaks to people with specific intent for specific reasons
And unless He states that His words are true for all men and all time, then we are not free to assume as much
For example, I’ve been asked if God is obligated to save an entire household after one member of the family comes to Christ
When I’ve asked why someone thinks this will happen, they point to the story of Cornelius in Acts 10-11
In that story we’re told how Peter heard that the Lord intended to save Cornelius and all his household
Obviously, this is an example of the same kind of misuse of scripture
The fact that the Lord intended to save all Cornelius’ family doesn’t become a prescription for how the Lord will move in every family
Similarly the fact that the Lord chose to defeat Jericho with His Ark and the people shouting, doesn’t make that method a prescription for defeating armies
To see the Israelites misusing the Lord’s instructions in this way proves they are far from Him and are not accustomed to His word
In v.9 the Philistines try to shore up the courage of the troops saying they must be tough or else become slaves of Israel
Here we see the limits of their faith in Yahweh
They acknowledge His power but they still assume that a courageous and determined army can beat Israel and their God
So clearly the Philistines are not bowing their knees to the Living God
And in that regard, they are no different from Israel itself
Of course God wasn’t about to reward the Israelites’ sin in removing the Ark with a victory in the battle
Once again, the Philistines defeat the Israelite army
We don’t know where this battle took place exactly, but it appears to have taken place within a short walk from Shiloh (see v.12)
Not a man in Israel could stand in the battle that day
Everyone ran and when you’re running, you can’t defend yourself
Exactly 30,000 Jewish men died in battle that day
The number 3 stands out to reminds us Who permitted this slaughter
In fact, the magnitude of this loss was far greater than the previous loss
Which in itself proved that the Lord was not with the people
Also dying in this battle were both sons of Eli
They must have accompanied the Ark into the battle and then been caught up in the resulting melee
In fact, we can assume they were the priests who entered the Holy of Holies to retrieve the Ark in the first place
Their death is fulfillment of the Lord’s promise to Eli that both his sons would die on the same day
And God even orchestrated the circumstances of their death so that no one would have reason to debate the justification for God’s actions
Not that He needed any additional justification for taking their lives
I’m sure few tears were shed in Israel for their passing
More importantly, the Lord allowed the Philistines to capture the Ark
Clearly, the Lord is permitting the Ark to leave Israel for a good reason
The Philistines couldn’t have captured the Ark unless the Lord permitted
And it soon becomes apparent what the Lord is at work to accomplish
Beginning with some unfinished business with Eli
A Benjamite survives the battle to return and report the result to High Priest, Eli
He is clearly disheveled and looks like a defeated soldier
He finds Eli on the road waiting to hear the news
Eli has heard the battle commotion and is wondering how Israel fared
Notice he’s particularly worried about the Ark
Like a father who lends his prized sports car to his newly licensed teenage son
He’s more worried about the car than he is about his son
When the soldier comes, he explains what’s happened
He explains he came from the battle lines
And in short, Israel has lost a great battle
In fact Eli’s two sons are both dead
Finally, the soldier says the Philistines have captured the Ark of the Lord
At the news of the Ark, Eli falls backward beside the gate
The gate refers to the multi-chambered entrance to a walled city
To sit by the gate probably meant Eli was seated on the top of the wall of the city at the gate, where people could get a good look at the battle in the distance
When Eli hears the news of the Ark’s capture, he appears to pass out in shock
And as he falls backward, he lands on the ground and breaks his neck and dies
Interestingly, Samuel says Eli was old and “heavy”
Heavy would mean the man was overweight, which seems to be a commentary by Samuel on Eli’s self-indulgence
Which is something we’ve seen in his raising of his sons
But there is an interesting word play in Hebrew at work here too
The Hebrew word for heavy is kaved
Later in v.21 we’re told that the glory of the Lord has departed from the tabernacle, as indeed it has with the departing of the Ark
The Hebrew word for glory is kavod
So the juxtapositioning of these two very similar words in the narrative make a commentary on Eli’s reign as High Priest
Eli made himself kaved rather than giving the Lord kavod
In a sense Eli took the glory for himself rather than using his position to give the Lord glory
And so on the same day Eli lost everything, Israel lost the glory of the Lord
Here’s one more time for us to remember that the priority in any ministry is to glorify the Lord, not to enrich ourselves or impress others
And these goals are mutually exclusive
When we seek to serve ourselves, we necessarily stop serving God
He stops benefitting from our service and we stop receiving His pleasure
We need to apply this standard to those who serve us as well
If a man or woman is intent on serving themselves instead of serving God, it will be apparent
And when we detect this turn, we need to use discernment and look elsewhere for spiritual counsel
Notice that Eli reacted to the news of the Ark, not to the news of his sons
It would seem to confirm for us that Eli was not particularly attached to his sons
Perhaps later in life he had come to realize the kind of sons he had raised
Perhaps he had regrets that they were a source of dishonor to the Lord
Nevertheless, it was too late for Eli and his family
The final episode in the family story is Eli’s daughter-in-law, Phinehas’ wife
Notice she is never named in this short account
That in itself tells us that she is not important to the story except in her words
She was pregnant during this time
And as she hears the disturbing news of her husband and father-in-law’s death, she gives birth prematurely
Josephus reported that she gave birth at seven months
And in giving birth, we’re told in v.20 that the mother dies
Before she dies she names her son Ichabod, which means literally “no glory” in Hebrew, reflecting the departure of the glory from the tabernacle
The glory of the Lord has indeed departed
And it will not return until Solomon builds the temple and returns the Ark to the Holy of Holies
Though this girl speaks correctly, in a sense she is also repeating the error of all Israel
She has associated the presence of the Lord in Israel with a physical object
She is saying that the Lord is absent Israel because an artifact has been removed
Like those who believe the Lord only lives inside Church buildings
So this girl is lamenting the departure of God and feeling far from God
But it’s been said that if you feel far from God, it’s not the Lord Who has moved
The Lord is still with Israel
But Israel has departed from the Lord
And they are suffering the trials of a people who have become so distant from the Lord that they treat Him as a relic
In stark contrast with the pagan approach of the apostate Israelites, the Philistines are about to have a very personal encounter with the living God
This chapter doesn’t require much explanation, though there is probably a lot we could say about it
In summary, the Ark goes on a tour of the Philistine cities
It moves from near Shiloh directly west past Aphek to the sea
Then it moves down the Via Mars to Ashdod
The Ashdodites decided this war booty should be placed in the temple dedicated to their god Dagon
Dagon was the fertility god of the Philistines
He is pictured as part man, part fish
In fact, the word dag in Hebrew means fishy part
He was the god of grain and was responsible for giving bountiful harvest
Like most false gods, he originated among people in Mesopotamia – the home ground of Satan
When the Ark is placed in Dagon’s temple, the Lord knocks the Dagon idol over during the night
The idol is placed on its face, which is a position of worship
These idols were typically quite large, standing tens of feet hight
So it was no small matter to find this idol on the ground
The Philistines are shocked to find their so-called god worshipping the God of Israel, so they place it back in position
The next night the Lord repeats the process
Only the second time, the Lord removes the head and hands of the statue
This symbolizes the removal of the authority and power of this idol
From this point forward the priest of this false god wouldn’t dare enter into the temple of this idol, leaving it empty
At this point, we begin to see the Lord acting again in the narrative
Up to this point, the Lord has been understood to be working behind the scenes
He’s withholding His blessing in Israel
And He removed His glory from the tabernacle
But He’s not seen as actively working until now
At this point, He begins to take His anger out on the Philistines
In Ashdod the Lord brings a plague of tumors against the people in the city
The Hebrew word for tumors comes from a root word that means “to swell”
This could be almost any kind of swelling
But the in v.9 the Hebrew word for “broke out” refers to the groin area specifically
So it’s likely the Lord is sending a plague of hemorrhoids upon the people
This is a serious problem
Somehow the leaders of the city determine that this curse is the result of the Hebrew God
So they quickly determine the Ark needs to go
Rather than send it back to Israel, the caring Philistines decide to send it on to their fellow Philistines
They determine to send it to Gath, the southernmost Philistine city
Very quickly, the citizens of Gath likewise find it difficult to sit down
So then the Ark is off again to Ekron
And the news of the Ark precedes it, so that even as the Ark is being delivered to Ekron, the people are lamenting
They declare that it has come to kill them
These must be some case of hemorrhoids if they fear death!
In fact, we’re told there was a “deadly confusion” throughout Ekron
The suggestion is a great panic that led to people dying at each other’s hand
The city is dissolving into chaos and anarchy as a result of the Ark’s arrival
Those in the city who weren’t killed receive the tumors and all suffer
Once again, Samuel is a master of contrast in his narrative
In Chapter 4, the nation of Israel tried to use the Ark to access the power of God for their own purposes
And God didn’t play along
Israel couldn’t repackage God to fit their desires
So the Lord hides Himself from His own people leaving them to stumble
They are a culture of evil and sinful desires living like pagans
In Chapter 5, the Philistines, a pagan people, treat the Ark with reverence and awe
They try to incorporate it into their pantheon of gods
But the Lord of Israel will not be controlled by pagans either
Now He shows Himself by bringing judgment to the pagans in a particularly degrading way
His will is controlling the circumstances
If the people want to access the power of God through a relic, the Lord is content to demonstrate His power through that instrument
But He won’t perform as they expect
The Jews expected victory and received defeat
The Philistines expected to be blessed by possession of the Ark
And instead they were cursed
No man can own or manipulate God
His will be done
Not ours