Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongWe’ve covered Samuel’s birth and his arrival in Eli’s family
And now the story turns to Samuel’s call to serve the Lord
Of course, we already know that Hannah has dedicated Samuel to the Lord
And we know why she made her vow
But what of Samuel’s own perspective?
We might wonder how he felt about being “dumped” at the tabernacle by his parents?
He saw them periodically, so we know he knows them
Therefore, he knows he’s been dedicated to the temple service
But what does this mean to a young boy?
At some point, the true purpose in his dedication must become real for him
And the day has come for a revelation from the Lord
Chapter 3 is Samuel’s call, and his first prophecy, from God
And once again, that prophecy centers on Eli’s family
The start of Samuel’s ministry is both humorous and profound
First, we’re told again that Samuel is ministering to the Lord before Eli
The Hebrew word for boy in v.1 is a word that generally refers to a young man, not a young child
Josephus said that Samuel was 12 years old in this moment
Young, but at the same time he’s been working in this role for sometime now
Yet until this point, Samuel hadn’t heard from the Lord personally
We’re told he was ministering to the Lord though, so clearly the young man was intent on being a servant of God
But until the Lord revealed Himself to Samuel, his service was merely an aspiration
And his purpose in service was to fulfill a calling assigned to him by his parents
But if Samuel’s service was to become genuine, it required a call from the Lord
Unless and until the Lord called Samuel and anointed him, his service couldn’t fulfill God’s purpose
His situation is something like that of a child that has been baptized as an infant and is told to go to church
And he says his prayers at night and knows the Bible stories by heart
But until the Lord places a call on that boy’s heart, his acts of piety are works of ritual and obedience to his parents
But in time, the Lord will reveal Himself to such a one, and in that moment the heart quickens to serve the Living God
The Lord is ready to give Samuel a call as a prophet, a man who will hear the voice of the Lord and relate what he learns to men
Notice at the end of v.1 we’re told this is a time in which men didn’t routinely hear from the Lord
Visions from the Lord were not absent
But they were rare, which means men were living with only the Law and the book of Joshua to guide them
And it has been 300 years since Joshua was written
Beyond that, the Lord has only revealed His word in moments through judges
Now the Lord is going to call Samuel as a prophet, and being a prophet is a thankless, difficult job
You have to respond to the word of the Lord no matter when He calls
You can’t take a day off or tell the Lord you’re busy
And you have to be willing to tell people things they won’t want to hear
And you have to place your allegiance to the Lord above human relationships, being willing to leave behind family and friends
Remember that few prophets lived out their lives, since most were martyred
So given Samuel’s young age, it makes sense that the Lord’s first call upon Samuel would give him an opportunity to see what the prophet’s job entails
Eli is lying down in his bed located in the tabernacle courtyard
As High Priest he essentially lived in the tabernacle compound, which was his home
This is long before the high priest became a position of riches and wealth, though we can see the seeds of such thinking in his sons
But in this day the job was more like a fireman, living in the firehouse
Meanwhile, Samuel is also sleeping in the tabernacle, probably in the courtyard
In v.3 we’re told Samuel is in the temple
But the Hebrew word for temple is hekal, which is better translated “court”
So Samuel isn’t sleeping inside the Holy Place, since priests were required to remain standing inside the tabernacle
Instead, he’s sleeping somewhere in the courtyard of the tabernacle, where the ark of the Lord was kept
While he sleeps, the Lord calls to Samuel
We don’t know what that call was like, of course, but it appears to be an audible voice
Because Samuel responds as if he’s heard Eli calling him
Samuel’s first response is to say “Here I am”
When he gets no further response, he gets up to find Eli, assuming Eli called him
At this point, he finds Eli sleeping, and when he wakes Eli, the old man says I didn’t call you…go back to sleep
So far this scene has a comical quality to it, as we see the Lord calling Samuel and Samuel mistaking the voice of the Lord for Eli’s voice
In fact, the entire exchange happens a second time
A second call from the Lord and a second trip to Eli
And again, Eli says go back to sleep, it wasn’t me
As we laugh at the situation, stop and ask yourself why the Lord let this moment develop
Notice in the first encounter Samuel immediately responded “Here I am”
If the Lord wanted to have a conversation with Samuel, He has His moment
The Lord could have avoided any possibility of mistaken identity right then
But instead, the Lord says nothing, leading Samuel to get up and investigate
Only once Samuel has encountered Eli and returned to his place does the Lord call again
And once again the Lord allows the scene to play out without interrupting it
Clearly, the Lord is orchestrating this moment for some purpose
Can we make some conclusion for what the Lord wants to teach Samuel and us?
Remember, Samuel is about to receive his call to serve the Lord
And this call will lead to Samuel representing the Lord to the people of God
He will bring the word of the Lord
He will no longer answer to the authority of an earthly priest like Eli
The Lord wants Samuel to understand that his instructions will come from a God Who has elected to reveal Himself to one man only
Not all men will hear what Samuel hears
Not even the High Priest of Israel will hear what the Lord will reveal to Samuel
What better way to make this clear than to demonstrate to Samuel that no one else is hearing what Samuel is hearing
And in a perfect pattern of three, the Lord calls Samuel
By the time Samuel realizes this call is from the Lord, he’s also been made aware that his call is unique
Notice in v.7 we’re told that Samuel did not yet know the Lord and had not had the word of the Lord revealed to him
This phrase raises some interesting questions:
Does the comment simply mean Samuel had not yet had a personal encounter with the Lord of the type he’s having now?
That’s a common interpretation, but that interpretation makes the entire statement unnecessary
Obviously, Samuel had never heard from the Lord as yet
That’s the whole point of Chapter 3, and so this statement seems entirely unnecessary if that is its only point
Another possibility is that this is the moment that the Lord revealed Himself to Samuel’s heart, bringing Samuel saving faith
In this interpretation, we view Samuel’s earlier dedication in the tabernacle as simply service rendered as a dutiful son
He’s serving the ritual of the Law without actually knowing the reality of the Living God
Under these circumstances, Samuel would be very much like the millions and millions of men and women who have attended churches of one kind or another
And have genuflected, prayed, kneeled, and chanted on cue
But have no personal relationship with the Lord
Perhaps this is the moment of Samuel’s calling into faith, a moment like the one Paul had on the road to Damascus
Remember, Paul was a Pharisee of Pharisees, as he put it
He was the pre-eminent student in Judaism
Paul would have put even Samuel to shame
And yet Paul didn’t know the Lord in his heart
It required that Paul encounter the Word on the road, to truly answer His call
And remember, when Paul received his call he responded to the voice yet wasn’t even sure Who he was answering
But it was the moment the Lord revealed Himself to a man who had been supposedly serving God all his life
And what did it take to bring both Paul and Samuel into the Light? As v.7 says, it required that the word of the Lord be revealed to both
In Paul’s day, the Word had already become flesh, and so Paul’s exposure to the word came in the Person of the Risen Lord Himself
But in Samuel’s day, the Lord was still called the Angel of the Lord
And so Samuel is going to have an encounter with the Lord in this form
On the third occasion, the Lord calls Samuel and once more Samuel goes to Eli
Samuel must have thought that Eli was playing a trick on him
We should note that Samuel’s patient heart of service is evident in this moment
Who among us would show this much patience under the same circumstances?
Wouldn’t we start to show frustration at this point?
Or perhaps we would just stay in bed assuming it’s a prank?
But young Samuel is so dedicated to service that he gets up each and every time he’s heard a voice and returns to Eli without complaint
And Eli must have known Samuel’s heart for service
So when Samuel returns a third time, Eli suspects something else is going on, since he knows the boy wouldn’t be playing
And he comes to realize the Lord is speaking to Samuel
Given how rare it was to hear the Lord’s voice, you have to wonder if Eli was surprised by this encounter
Or perhaps the earlier visit from the oracle was intended to get Eli’s attention
And because he had recently heard from the Lord, perhaps he was more sensitive to that possibility
In any case, Eli tells Samuel to go back and lay down and when the voice returns, say “Here I am Lord” and then listen
Eli gives instructions like he’s been there before himself
When Samuel returns, sure enough the Lord responds
And Samuel has his encounter with the Word of the Lord
Once again, why didn’t the Lord just begin with His message in the first encounter?
We already said the Lord wanted Samuel to appreciate that he was receiving something uniquely appointed
But this call and response pattern is also an important detail to the story
Samuel needed to learn to hear the Lord’s call and recognize it
Not because the Lord is incapable of making Himself heard
But because He is intent on training His servant to know Him intimately
Samuel didn’t know the Lord, but it was time he came to know Him
And that process of coming to know the Lord begins with a call from the Lord to those the Lord selects to hear
And then once the time arrives to hear, the word of God opens the ears and the called will hear and respond
And so Samuel awaits the call, and then only when he hears the call and responds does the Lord reveal Himself
As Paul says
At this point the Lord gives Samuel his first “word from the Lord”
The Lord’s first words to Samuel aren’t an explanation for Who He is or what’s happening
There’s no “Hello Samuel, I’m the Lord”
If you remember in Acts when Saul meets the Lord on the road, Jesus doesn’t make introductions either
When the Lord steps into our lives and calls us into a relationship with Him, He needs not introduce Himself
His revelation of Himself is sufficient to bring us into the family of God
As Paul said elsewhere:
Samuel has had the Light of Christ shined into his heart, and now he’s in a relationship with the Living God
Since the relationship is established, it’s time to get down to business
Once we enter into that relationship, the expectation is that we immediately begin to serve the Lord
As Jesus said to Peter and Andrew
For Samuel, the first assignment is not a pleasant one
The Lord tells Samuel He is prepared to do something so remarkable in Israel that people who hear about it will be amazed
This phrase is more than just hyperbole
It’s a marker to indicate what news the Lord is preparing to bring
We know it includes the revelation about Eli’s family
But it goes beyond that detail
The Lord is looking beyond this single moment of revelation
He’s referring to the revelation that a monarchy is going to be established in Israel
How do we know that?
Because this comment about ears tingling only occurs one other place in the Bible, in Jeremiah 19 (quoted again in 2 Kings 21)
In this passage the Lord declares the end of the Jewish monarchy
Just as it began with Samuel with ears excited at the news
So it will end with ears shocked by the revelation that Israel will cease having a king
Until the Messiah comes, that is
No man apart from Christ will ever rule as king over Israel
Some like Antiochus and Herod have tried, but they were not legitimate nor did their reign last
So the Lord’s announcement is an allusion to greater things to come beyond this single revelation concerning Eli
The Lord tells Samuel that there is big news coming and he’s the man who will deliver it to Israel
But before we get to all that, the Lord needs Samuel to deliver Eli a personal message
Eli gets confirmation that he and his sons are going to be cut off
Notice in v.12 the Lord says that everything He’s already spoken concerning Eli is going to happen
So this is not new information for Eli…it’s a confirmation
He repeats that Eli’s house will have no opportunity for atonement for these sins but they will have a curse placed on them
Once again, we wonder why the Lord needed Samuel to deliver this confirmation to Eli?
First, Eli is the high priest, so the Lord could have spoken to Eli directly
Secondly, the Lord has already revealed this truth to Eli through an earlier prophet so why bother repeating Himself through Samuel?
The answer has little to do with Eli and everything to do with Samuel
This is Samuel’s opportunity to practice delivering bad news to people who won’t like to hear it
This will take courage and it will teach him a lesson about serving God rather than pleasing men
When the Lord says speak, we speak
And whatever response the word of the Lord generates is the intended reaction the Lord wanted
We can’t control it nor should we attempt to soften it
Today, believers aren’t arrested at night with a “word from the Lord”, since Hebrews tells us that the counsel of God is complete in Christ through His word
But we have a similar challenge when we’re tasked to share what we know from the word
There are many places in scripture that won’t please those we might share it with
People won’t like to hear what the Bible says about sin, especially sin that society has embraced and determined is acceptable
People don’t like to learn that Hell is a real place that real people go when they die in their sins
And people don’t like to know that they aren’t OK the way they are and that they must repent
But these messages, and many more truths, are the word we’ve been told to share with the world
The same word that condemns sin also proclaims the good news of salvation
The same word that speaks of Hell offers the promise of Heaven
The same word that convicts us saves us
We need to learn the lesson that the Lord is working to teach Samuel
We take what the Lord gives us and we share it without editing and without fear
The Lord in His wisdom has determined this is the one right message
We do not have liberty to change it or hide it
This was the situation Samuel faced at this moment…does he dare share this news with his surrogate father and the high priest of Israel?
What will be the repercussions? What might the High Priest do to Samuel when he hears this statement?
As we watch what Samuel does, remember he’s likely about 12 years old
And Eli’s sons are fully grown and ruthless
This is a test of Samuel’s heart to speak the word of the Lord without concern for the personal consequences
This is a test for every prophet
But we’re getting a chance to see how the Lord trains His prophets for this difficult assignment
Smartly, Samuel decides he’s probably woken Eli one too many times already tonight
Probably better to save this news until morning, so Samuel goes back to sleep
But when morning comes, Samuel isn’t feeling much more like sharing what he’s learned
Nevertheless, he got up and begun the duty of the day
And naturally Eli eventually encounters Samuel
Eli asks Samuel to share the news, which we can see as a measure of God’s grace to prompt Samuel to do the right thing
Confronted with the question, Samuel has little choice but to answer Eli
In fact, Eli pronounces his own prophecy on Samuel
That if Samuel isn’t willing to share the word the Lord gave him, then the things God proclaimed would come upon Samuel
Clearly Eli could tell Samuel had bad news he was reluctant to share, which made Eli all the more curious to hear it
So Samuel shares the news the Lord commanded him to share, and Eli’s reaction is nothing like Samuel expects
As we said last week, when a man hears the Lord is prepared to take the lives of his sons, we might expect him to react with more concern or passion
But Eli seems either indifferent or simply resigned to what’s coming
But at the very least, we see no indication of repentance in Eli
Eli is a man who is old, tired and weary under the burden of serving
He has raised two sons who have no regard for the Lord and who despise the priesthood
His sons will die
His family will be cut off from the priesthood
And he will live out his remaining days with the burden of knowing what the Lord has planned
The only blessing in his life was a young man that the Lord entrusted into his care for a few years, and now even that man is a source of pain
Not for who is or what he does but for what the Lord says through him
Such is the life of a prophet
They bring the word of the Lord, good news to those who love the Lord and serve Him obediently
But sorrow to those who are far from the Lord
And as is usually the case, those who are in power are those who know the sorrow of the Lord’s word
And as a result, they are prone to bringing persecution against the Lord’s prophet
Samuel will be spared much of that persecution
But later prophets will not be so fortunate
And in fact, from Samuel to Christ, the Lord’s prophets are increasingly persecuted for they minister to an increasingly apostate people
Meanwhile, the young Samuel has just begun his work for the Lord
Samuel grew to adulthood, and the Lord was with him and let none of Samuel’s words fail
This means that every time the Lord gave Samuel a word to share, the word Samuel spoke came to pass as the Lord promised
And Samuel says specifically that the Lord let none of his words fail (literally: fall to the ground, as in an arrow that misses)
So Samuel was always 100% accurate in his prophecy
This is important, because this is the biblical test for anyone who calls themselves a prophet
In Deuteronomy 18, Israel was told that the only legitimate prophet is one that is never wrong
The Lord promised Israel would receive a Prophet, Who was to be Christ
But of course other prophets would also arise before the Messiah appeared, and the test is the same for all of them
When they speak from the Lord, everyone must listen to the prophet
If they reject the word of the Lord, the Lord will reject them
But then the Lord anticipates the people’s question of how do we tell the difference between a true prophet and a false prophet?
The answer the Lord gives is: perfection
If something the prophet says does not come to pass, they are showing themselves to be a false prophet
You shall not fear such a person, meaning you can safely ignore what he says, since he isn’t speaking with the authority of God
Elsewhere, the Lord says such a person must be put to death because they were not a prophet at all
Essentially, the rule is someone is either 100% perfect in his pronouncements or else he was always 100% fraud
No true prophet is ever wrong
So Samuel’s own testimony to the legitimacy of his office is his perfect record of prediction
And that perfect record spreads as news throughout Israel
From Dan, which was the northern most tribe
To Beersheba, the Southern most city in the land
Everyone knew and accepted Samuel’s authority as a prophet
Given how long it had been since the people had been given a prophet (over 300 years), this must have been a dramatic development for the people
When the Lord steps out of 300 years of virtual silence and provide a prophet, you have to wonder what’s coming
And there were big changes coming for the people
But those changes are foreshadowed by events with the Ark
Which Samuel introduces in v.21 – which takes us to Chapter 4 next week