Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongSamuel opened his first book with a brief look at his family origins
He was born to a woman who promised to give him away in service to the Lord
And since the Lord was the One Who made it possible for Samuel to be born, we know this was the Lord’s intention
Samuel is going to be a servant of the Lord
He is the son of a priest, so he’s qualified to serve according to the Law
But his family is not the family we would expect to produce a child to lead Israel’s priesthood
Nor is he likely to receive the favor of the existing priesthood
Since Eli already has sons to serve in the temple
So how will the Lord bring Samuel into a position of service given he lacks the proper pedigree?
This question hints at important themes developing in this chapter
First, God will remove those who fail to seek Him in faith and obedience
Those who serve Him in selfish desire and pursuit will be thrown down
We remember the early chapters of this book are set in the times of the Judges
A time when men did what was right in their own eyes
Secondly, the Lord will raise up unlikely men to fill the void left by the departure of the expected leaders
Corrupt men will not stand no matter their pedigree
And the one upon whom God places His seal will rise
The content of Chapter 2 is arranged in a very structured manner to reinforce these points
We’ve already seen the opening of the chapter begin with a song that spoke of God defending the weak and frustrating the strength of men
And our next section is framed by bookends that repeat this theme in a new way
Notice how this section opens in v.11
The boy, Samuel, is ministering to the Lord before Eli the priest
To minister simply means to serve
So Samuel is serving the Lord even as Eli is priest
The statement is eye opening, since we would expect the appointed high priest to do the serving
But there’s a young boy doing the work of service
And then we’re introduced to Eli’s sons
In v.12 we’re told they are “worthless” men
Worthless means ungodly, wicked
Two reasons are given for why they were worthless
First, they do not know the Lord
Simply put, they are not saints
They are unbelieving Israel
They serve as examples of men, like the Pharisees of Jesus’ day, who claim to be near God and yet are far from Him
Secondly, they abuse their service as priests by despising the offering to the Lord
In v.13 they do not know the customs of the priests with the people
These customs refer to the Levitical rules God gave Israel
Imagine two men serving as priests who are not familiar with the customs of priests
And this isn’t merely a matter of ignorance
They despise these customs, preferring to do things their own way for selfish reasons
So the contrast that begins this section has on the one hand a young Samuel serving God while the established priests are abusing their positions
If you glance down to vs.17-18, notice you find the same pattern
In v.17 you see the same conclusion regarding the priests
They despised the offering and their sin was great
But in v.18 we find Samuel ministering before the Lord
And this time we see him wearing a miniature priest outfit, which only serves to reinforce the image of an unlikely hero
So what comes between these bookends is documented evidence of the brothers’ guilt
They would steal the offering from the Lord
Part of the offering was to be boiled and a certain portion was to remain with the priests as their allotted portion
But these boys would choose whatever portion they desired from the pot
The brothers insisted the meat to be consumed by fire on the altar be given to them raw so they could roast it and eat it later
If someone objected, they would take it by force
These men were offensive to the Lord and the people
They are examples of the way people in positions of great power may become self-seeking and arrogant
That’s why it’s healthy to maintain a degree of cynicism when observing the piety of men and women in positions of religious authority
Many are every bit as pious as they appear
But others are merely working the crowd
Don’t be sucked in by the persona or position…worship the Lord and give little regard to His servants
The contrasts continue in the next section
This passage begins with a little encouragement to all mothers
If you were troubled at the thought of Hannah dumping her little boy off at the tabernacle and turning her back, it turns out it’s not that way
Hannah gets to see her son at least annually
And because of her sacrifice, Eli the priest makes a point of blessing her when she visits with a promise of children
And in time, Hannah has more children to take the place of Samuel
Five children: the number of grace, the meaning of her name
The Lord blesses Hannah for her obedience
But she hasn’t forgotten Samuel, and so when she visits, she brings a little priestly robe for him
Since clothes wear out and Samuel was growing, Hannah brought a new robe each year
We can’t help but to smile as we think of her bringing a child-sized robe to the tabernacle
Clearly, she’s encouraging her son into a specific walk of life
Although Samuel was qualified to be a priest (being a descendant of Kohath) and he has been dedicated to the tabernacle service, he’s not the son of Eli
And therefore, there is no reason to expect Samuel will become Eli’s successor
And yet Samuel is wearing a miniature ephod
And only the High Priest wore an ephod
Hannah was saying something about where she believed God was taking Samuel
So we see Samuel looking like the future High Priest, but he’s not going to be the High Priest of Israel
The Lord has a different plan for Samuel
Samuel will serve as a priest, but he will never become the High Priest
Instead, he will be the final judge of Israel
And he will be the first prophet of Israel
Remember, this is the moment in Israel’s history when the Lord is ready to disassociate the roles of leader, priest and prophet
In Moses’ day, the roles were united as God brought the Law
Moses was the people’s intercessor for the covenant with the Lord
He was the leader of the people
And he was a prophet who brought the word
With Joshua’s entry into the land and the establishment of the tabernacle, the Lord separated the role of leader and intercessor
Joshua led the people while priests interceded before the altar
The leader was also the prophet for the people, bringing the word of the Lord
This has been the pattern through the period of Judges up to Samuel’s day
But the Lord is now going to separate the role of prophet
So that there will be leaders, priests and prophets
Though Samuel is qualified to be a priest, he must be a prophet
And in this role of prophet, his first task will be to depose the current family of priests
The story of Eli’s sons is really the story of Eli and his sons
First, his sons were the worst sort
We’ve already heard they are godless and worthless
And beside robbing people and despising the Lord’s offering, they are committing the worst sexual immorality
They are having sexual relations with prostitutes at the doorway of the tabernacle
Sex with prostitutes was a common practice among Canaanite pagans
So in effect these priests were engaging in pagan worship practices
Then we have Eli
First, we’re told Eli was very old
At first, you might think this detail is intended to paint Eli as a sympathetic figure in the story
But the opposite was true
Eli’s sons are full grown men and have been under Eli’s authority for many years
And as an elder, Eli’s word and authority should have been treated with unquestioned respect
Instead these men are clearly completely out of control, and we’re told in v.24 that Eli chastises his sons for the evil that Eli hears is “circulating” or passing around
Notice that Eli isn’t disturbed by their behavior so much as by the fact that it’s become a point of public complaint or gossip
Eli is concerned about his reputation and the reputation of his family name
He’s like a monarch that knows his sons are reckless playboys, but doesn’t pay attention unless they embarrass the family
And if this is truly the first time Eli has heard of his sons’ exploits, then it would mean Eli is guilty of gross negligence as High Priest
Either way, his sons’ behavior reflects negatively on the father
Eli is a popular preaching example of the sin of bad parenting
Biblically, parents aren’t responsible for the behavior of their children
But they are held to account for poor parenting choices that allowed bad behavior to develop
Every child is born in sin, and therefore every child is prone to misbehavior
Knowing that, every parent is expected to take the necessary steps to discipline to child to address that sin
Some kids are easier than others, but all need discipline
Eli was old, which means he had years to mold the character of these sons – but he failed to do so
And even now we can see how he failed
When Eli hears of his sons’ behavior, his response is a mild talking-to
He counsels them as if he were speaking about running in the halls of the tabernacle or showing up for work late
Eli’s heard that his sons are stealing from the Lord, despising the offering, threatening violence against worshippers, fornicating with prostitutes and defiling the tabernacle
Any one of those offenses is punishable by death, and yet this man does nothing except shake a finger and say “tsk, tsk”
If Eli were the kind of father the Lord requires, he would have removed his sons from service and likely put them to death
But honestly if Eli were that kind of father to begin with, the situation would never have come to this point
And that’s the lesson of scripture to all parents
Notice the promise of scripture is that lessons taught to our children early will produce life long dividends, according to Proverbs
And Paul says that bringing up a child starts with discipline and progresses to instruction
Because if a child is not accustomed to correction, they will give little attention or respect to the instruction of elders – whether parents or teachers
That’s what we see here…Eli’s sons neither listen to him nor respect him because he will not hold them accountable for their sin
But though a human parent will not hold children accountable, the Father in Heaven does
And as weak as Eli may be, he is endowed to speak the word of the Lord
And so he speaks perhaps more truth than he realized when he tells his sons that they are sinning against the Lord
He says if a man sins against another man, then he can expect the Lord will mediate
Eli’s advice to his sons is specious at best
He says that if a man sins against another man, then the Lord will mediate
But sinning against the Lord leaves no hope
This is not sound theological advice
Sinning against another man (i.e., murder) is just as punishable as sinning against the Lord directly, as his sons are doing
In fact, his sons are doing both
If this kind of twisted logic is representative of the training Eli gave his sons growing up then it’s no wonder they have little regard for right vs. wrong
This is like telling your children that it’s ok to cheat on your taxes because you’re not hurting anyone
Or a mafia boss who orders murders of rival bosses but apologizes for cussing in front of the priest
Notice at the end of v.25 that the Lord had already determined how to handle these boys
He has determined to put them to death as would be expected for these offenses
In a very real sense, Eli’s failures as a father have led to the death of his sons
And the same can still happen among today’s parents, including in believing families
When parents shrink back from their responsibilities, the Lord may step into that gap
Sometimes the Lord will show mercy by raising up a godly child despite the mistakes of the parents
Sometimes the Lord will bring discipline upon the ungodly child by allowing the consequences of their sin to come back upon them
And sometimes the Lord may even take the step like the one He took in this case
We take these chances when we abdicate our responsibility to discipline and instruct our kids in the way of the Lord
Finally, look at the contrast with Samuel once more
In v.26 he is growing in stature and favor with the Lord and men
This is a statement remarkably similar to what is said about Christ in Luke
Samuel is headed in one direction while Eli’s family is headed in another
Now we’re beginning to see how Samuel will emerge from this family on top
He is obeying while they are not obeying
Just as Hannah was obeying while her sister wife was not
Obedience results in blessing, while disobedience results in defeat and judgment
Perhaps above all others, this is the lesson of the books of Samuel
And now the time has come for the Lord to do as He declared
Only He will do much more than take the sons’ lives
A man is sent to Eli
We don’t know who this man is, but in the days before prophets, he would have been called a “seer”
If there was a difference between the two it was in the magnitude of their ministry and their message
In this case, a man is sent to Eli for a moment with a single message pertaining to him
This seems to be the extent of the Lord’s use of this man
What he came to say to Eli was intended to rock his world
The Lord begins by reminding Eli of Whose house the tabernacle is and for Whom the sacrifices are offered
The house and its functioning were established by and for the Lord’s purposes
And those who serve in the tabernacle were assigned their place by God as well
So of course the Lord takes a personal interest in how men serve Him there
The point is that a failure to serve Him properly should be cause for great concern for Eli
And yet Eli is guilty of kicking at the Lord’s sacrifice and offering
He honors his sons above the Lord
And now we learn, Eli has been enjoying the meat that his sons steal just as they did
Now we see additional reasons for why Eli offers just a half-hearted rebuke of his sons
He isn’t entirely unhappy that they do what they do, since he profits from it too
It’s important to note that the Lord decided to send this word to Eli, not to the sons directly
It shows us who the Lord holds accountable for the situation
The Lord sees Eli was the guilty one when he allows his sons to act as they do
Just as we said earlier that a parent shares a degree of culpability when they contribute to the delinquency of a child
And the Lord declared that Eli is honoring his sons above the Lord when he fails to correct and restrain them
I used to tell my kids after they had made a mistake and they were objecting to a punishment that:
“The Lord tells parents to discipline children. When you do the wrong thing, you can’t expect me to do the wrong thing by not punishing you.”
To not discipline your children is to sin against the Lord
And Eli is equally guilty of their offenses when he enjoys the fruit of their sin
The saddest sight is a parent who celebrates the sin of their kids, whether laughing off their rude behavior or congratulating them for finding a way to cheat on a test
In v.30 we find essentially the theme of the books of Samuel, expressing the thought I gave a moment ago
Those who honor the Lord will be honored
While those who despise the Lord will be forgotten
This is true for Samuel vs. Eli and his sons
And it will be true for David vs. Saul
Then the Lord reveals his plan for Eli’s sons and his entire family line
In a nutshell, the Lord declares that He will cut off Eli’s family line from serving as priests in the tabernacle
All the sons of Levi were called to serve in the priesthood perpetually
But this particular family line would cease to serve due to the sin of Eli and his sons
But in v.33 the Lord goes a step further declaring that the fulfillment of this curse will not happen quickly
It will take years to play out so that the Lord can make sure His point is well understood in Israel
Later generations in Eli’s family will enter into the priesthood only so long as to die in the prime of life
One after another will die, leaving the people to recognize that the family of Eli has been cursed by God
In v.35 the Lord promises to raise up a faithful priest to replace Eli’s family line
The final fulfillment of this curse happened in Solomon’s day
Solomon removed Eli’s great-great grandson, Abiathar, from office
And no member of Eli’s family line ever serves as priest again
In his place, Solomon installs the priest Zadok
Notice that this priest is said to walk before God’s anointed always
This is a reference to the Messianic Kingdom
Because in Ezekiel 44 and 48 we’re told that the descendants of Zadok serve in the Millennial Temple as priests
That’s how thoroughly the Lord moves to remove one line and install another
Where before Eli’s family abused their power as priest and stole food from the Lord and others in the tabernacle
In the future, they will be lowly in society and beg for charity from the priests
Because this one family acted in such foolish ways, they set the course of future generations on a downward path
Notice in v.34 the Lord says that Eli will receive a sign that all this seer has declared will come to pass
Since Eli won’t be alive to see the entire prophecy play out, the Lord is prepared to prove to him that it will happen as promised
And the sign will be particularly harsh, though entirely justified
Both of Eli’s wicked sons will die on exactly the same day
The point of course is that two boys dying on the same day can’t be a coincidence
Especially when it’s predicted in advance
Never mind the pain of losing both sons at all
How do we suppose Eli might react to this prophecy?
Perhaps he would cry out in repentance and ask for the Lord’s mercy?
Remember when David heard that he would lose his son because of his sin with Batsheba?
David made appeals to the Lord and fasted and prayed and kept vigil hoping the Lord might relent
That’s how a man after God’s heart responds to the Lord when he learns he has sinned against the Lord
But what does Eli do?
We don’t hear anything at this point, which in itself is telling
In the next chapter, Eli will hear from the Lord again on this matter
From Samuel directly next time
And when we see his reaction in that case, we will learn that his response is anything but David’s
We’re seeing the rationale behind the Lord raising up Samuel to lead the people
The leaders of Israel are corrupt (as you see in the book of Judges)
And now we learn the priests of Israel are corrupt
And we have yet to see prophets arise in the land
So where do men go for godly direction within Israel?
It’s evident that men cannot rule even under God’s authority because sin is a barrier to obedience
Instead, God must bless those who will serve and raise them up to replace those who won’t
And in Chapter 2 we see a chiastic structure that points out this truth
Chiasms are hard to explain, because they are by their very nature visual representations
Dr. Thomas Constable suggests the following chiasm
Eli blesses his successor without knowing it
Samuel is being prepared to step into his place
Just as Samuel’s parents raised a godly child to replace the ungodly children Eli was raising
The Lord removes the disobedient to install the obedient