Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongJesus Christ is our suffering Prophet, our High Priest, our righteous King and the Judge for all Creation
Sinful mankind requires someone assume these roles so we can know, serve and enjoy God the Father
We need a Prophet to explain the Father to us
We need a Judge to convict unrighteousness
We need a High Priest to intercede for our sins with the Father
And we need a King to lead us into righteousness
In the Old Testament, the Lord gave Israel each of these roles
Prophets were sent to the people
Priests were appointed to serve in the tabernacle
Judges ruled the people
And ultimately kings ruled the nation
Yet in each case, scripture demonstrates that human actors were not sufficient to the needs of the people
Judges failed to stem the tide of sin among the people
Prophets were ignored and usually murdered
Priests became corrupt and self-serving
Kings turned tyrannical and despotic
And so Jewish society remained far from the God Who called them into covenant
Like all men, Israel needed a Savior Who could serve and save mankind in these roles
The books of Samuel tells of the rise of Israel’s kings in this OT story
Our study of 1 Samuel is actually the study of the first half of a single work called Samuel
Prior to the Septuagint, 1 Samuel and 2 Samuel were one work in the Jewish Bible
They were later divided for convenience in the same way as Chronicles and Kings
The earlier parts of the book were probably written by Samuel
But the rest were later finished by other prophets like Gad or Nathan
The first seven chapters of 1 Samuel overlap with the final period of Judges
During these chapters, Samson is the judge of Israel when Samuel is born and becomes his contemporary
At Samson’s death, Samuel begins to judge Israel
Eventually, Israel demands a king in Chapter 8
Then from Chapter 8 until 31, we trace the reign of Israel’s first king, Saul: a man after the people’s heart
Midway through the book, we’re introduced to Saul’s eventual successor, David: a man after God’s heart
Both Saul and David reigned for 40 years
Leading to a rivalry during the final half of the book
There are several notable themes in this historical work, which we will highlight as we move through the book
Key among them is the sovereignty of God in ruling His people
Even as the people of Israel reject judges and demand a king, the Lord is still very much ruling over His people
He brings a king to satisfy the people’s fleshly desires for status, ego and image
And quickly the people see the folly of Saul
Having made His point, then the Lord elevates a successor the people overlooked, David
This new man will one day become king
But not before the Lord allows Saul’s life to play out even as he tries to destroy the man the Lord anointed
The delay gives opportunity for David to write most of the Psalms
And it forms a picture of the suffering Messiah awaiting to enter into His kingdom
Finally, the books of Samuel also reinforce the superiority of God’s word as spoken through the prophets
During the time of patriarchs and judges, the Lord spoke to the people through their leaders
Once kings arrived, God only revealed Himself through prophets, beginning with Samuel
Kings would lead, but even the kings had to turn to prophets to know the Lord’s word
Thereby demonstrating that God’s word is the highest authority in God’s creation
But before we get to all that, we dive into Chapter 1 and Samuel’s background story
Our story opens with Samuel’s parents
Samuel was born to a man named Elkanah
He is described as a “certain man” in the opening verse
In other words, his identity doesn’t matter except for his relationship to the story’s main character
Elkanah lived about 5 miles north of Jerusalem in Ramah
He was a Levite by birth, according to 1 Chr. 6, so he was a priest
But Eli’s living in a small town in central Ephraim
He’s not living in a Levite town as he should
This is our first clue that this man isn’t focused on obeying the Law
Nevertheless, in v.3 we also hear he travels annually to worship in Shiloh
Shiloh was the location of the tabernacle during the years from Joshua until David, when it was moved to Jerusalem
Jerusalem was an unconquered Jebusite city in these days
Elkanah also practices bigamy, which has always been contrary to God’s design of marriage
This is the second clue that Elkanah was not a particularly godly man
His two wives are Hannah and Peninnah
From Peninnah he received many sons and daughters, but Hannah was barren
The prospect of Hannah ever having children seems remote at this point
The Lord withholds the giving of children to a woman in scripture from time to time
Hannah reminds us of Sarah and Rebecca, two women who would only have a child if the Lord performed a miracle
In reality, we should understand these circumstances in the opposite way
These women couldn’t have children in the first place so that when a child finally came, the arrival would be “pregnant” with meaning
So the arrival of Hannah’s first child would mark a special moment in God’s plan
In v.4 we learn Elkanah was a decent provider to this family, including always giving his wives and children their allotted portions
But in sympathy and love to Hannah, he gave her a double portion
Much like with Hager and Sarah, Peninnah resented her husband’s favoritism directed toward Hannah
Which led Peninnah to mock and torment Hannah over her lack of children
To be childless in this time in history was the height of dishonor for any woman, and Peninnah turned the knife
Here’s another example to remind us that the Bible always looks negatively upon a man taking multiple wives
Whenever we see a man taking multiple wives, the circumstances of his life always reflect the mistake of that choice
Usually, we see the consequences of this sin play out as jealousy and bitterness among the wives
Which is completely logical, considering a man’s affections were always intended to be directed toward one woman alone
And there are other negative consequences tooHannah was a devout and godly woman, and we’re told she traveled regularly to the tabernacle in Shiloh to seek the Lord’s mercy for her barrenness
And each time as she prayed at the tabernacle, Hannah would weep and fast hoping to receive a positive response from the Lord
Meanwhile, Peninnah, who was there with the rest of the family, would provoke Hannah again
Mocking Hannah’s hope in the Lord
Hannah’s persistent hope in the possibility that the Lord might grant her a child was evidence of her faith in God’s promises
Even as Peninnah’s mocking would suggest she was not a God fearing woman
Meanwhile, her husband wasn’t the most sensitive sort either
He dismisses Hannah’s misery in a cold and uncaring way
First, he asks why she was so upset while worshipping at the tabernacle?
Why bother praying and fasting and weeping over the lack of a child?
He flippantly asks, isn’t having him as a husband better than ten sons?
Why would a wife need anything beyond a husband??
So not only has Peninnah mocked Hannah but so has her husband
All Hannah had was her faith in the Lord and His mercy
You can see just how godly this woman was when you read the first part of v.9
When her husband tells her to rise up from her weeping and fasting to eat, Hannah does what he instructs
I doubt she felt like doing so, but she obeyed her husband’s request nonetheless
Everything about this woman’s life testifies to her godliness
Even her name, which means “grace”
Meanwhile, in v.9 we learn that the priest at the tabernacle was a man called Eli
Though he’s not mentioned in the Book of Judges, Eli also judged Israel for 40 years before Samson became a judge
When Hannah returned on another day to the temple to pray and weep again, Eli was there to observe her
This time as she prayed to the Lord, Hannah was moved to make a vow to the Lord in the hope she would finally receive the child she desperately wanted
She declared that if the Lord should give her a son, this son would be dedicated to serving God from birth
Moreover, he would be raised as a Nazarite
Nazarites were men who took a vow to be dedicated to serving the Lord
And as evidence of that vow, they neither cut their hair nor drank alcohol
Hannah was essentially bargaining away the companionship of her son
From an early age, her son would be in the company of the priests learning the Law and serving in the tabernacle
This is a serious sacrifice on her part
She is trading away the very thing she seems to want most
In reality, what she wants is something even more important than the companionship of a son
She wants the honor of the Lord’s favor
It was understood in that day that a barren woman had been made barren by the will of God
It wasn’t bad luck or chance
It was the purposeful act of a sovereign God
And therefore, a barren woman viewed her circumstances as the Lord withholding His favor from her
Which is why Hannah’s prayer was to receive the favor of the Lord
And it explains her willingness to bargain away the very thing she requested
This too is evidence of her faith
For since she believed that her barrenness was of the Lord’s doing
Then she also understood that if the Lord were to grant her a child, it could only mean He had some specific purpose in mind for reversing her situation
Therefore, she concludes that any such a child must have a special future in God’s plan
So she loses nothing in acknowledging the obvious: the child would belong to God
But if Hannah received a son, she would gain greatly because she would be vindicated before her enemies
So she makes her request as Eli watches
As all this is taking place, the priest is observing Hannah praying
In this time of history, most public prayer was out loud not silent
People prayed out loud to relieve a burden before the Lord
In the same way that we might “vent” to a person in charge
But Hannah is praying without making a sound which was unusual
Eli notices her lips are moving but no sound is coming out of her mouth
So Eli makes an assumption that Hannah is drunk
And he chastises her for it
Naturally, Hannah defends herself
In v.15 she says she is suffering in her spirit
She uses a beautiful turn of phrase when she says she hasn’t taken in strong drink but has poured out her spirit before the Lord
And in v.16 she explains she has been praying like this for some time
But she never mentions her vow to Eli
Eli must have realized he had come to a wrong conclusion from the moment she began to speak
Clearly, she’s fully in control of her senses
So he quickly backs down and tells her to go in peace
And then he adds, may the Lord grant her petition
This encounter seems innocent to us, but it meant much more to Hannah
The high priest and judge of Israel took notice of Hannah during prayer
It was highly improbable that a man of such power and importance in Israel would take note of anyone in particular
Much less to notice a woman
For him to pronounce a blessing upon her prayer request was like hitting the lottery for Hannah
Remember in this day Eli was priest, judge and prophet of Israel
He was the man though whom the Lord spoke to Israel
And the prophet of Israel just said, may the Lord grant Hannah her request
I’m sure Hannah heard his blessing as a confirmation that the Lord was already at work in answering her request
Notice in v.18 she breaks her fast
And she is no longer sad
This is a woman operating in faith from beginning to end
In faith she put her request before the Lord
And now in faith, when she receives a word from the Lord, she rests in that word
But will she keep her vow concerning her son when the time comes?
After they travel back to Ramah, they return to regular life
And in the course of events, Hannah becomes pregnant
At this point, the miracle of her conception would have only served to strengthen her confidence and faith
At the first indication that she was with child, Hannah must have felt such joy at the confirmation that the Lord answered her
Whatever doubts she might have had were wiped away at that point
Such is the Lord’s work in our lives as well
Even when we believe and hope for the Lord to answer affirmatively, there is always room for doubt even in the life of a believer
That’s why the Lord commonly gives us encouragement along the way
Usually, the Lord moves in our lives by means of a series of smaller steps
With each step, the Lord will ask us to persist in our belief and trust Him for the rest of the plan
And as the Lord comes through with each step along the path, His faithfulness is a sign to encourage us forward
Like with Hannah, each step we take along that path will require faith and trust
Even after her husband and his wife mocked her, she maintained her determination
Though he ordered her to leave the temple, nevertheless she returned on another day
But the Lord never asks more of us than we are capable of giving
And as we take the next step in faith, the Lord will show up to encourage us onward
Just as He did when Eli encouraged Hannah’s faith
And so the next step comes easier
But here’s the catch…we’ll never reach the end of the path the Lord has prepared for us if we give up at a point along the way
We often think of a walk of faith as an “all or nothing” proposition
We are either walking with the Lord or we aren’t
And if we are speaking of saving faith, then it is an “either/or” proposition
But for the one who is a believer, then a walk of faith is truly a matter of degrees
We experience more and more of what it means to walk with the Lord as we follow Him in the small steps He asks of us
Then in v.20 Samuel is born to Hannah
The name Samuel probably means something like “heard of God” or “God hears”
He is Hannah’s only son
And yet she will give him up as she promised
When Samuel was born, his father prepared to travel to the tabernacle in Shiloh to pay his vow
In Lev 27 the Law required that when a person made a vow to the Lord, that vow must be accompanied by an offering
This rule has a parallel in modern contract law, where no contract is considered valid without a payment of consideration
Here it’s called Elkanah’s vow, because Hannah’s vow became his vow once he heard of his wife’s decision yet didn’t challenge it
So Elkanah is obligated to pay the offering associated with her vow
But Hannah declines to accompany her husband at the tabernacle
First, Hannah wasn’t required to make the trip
But she won’t go now because she would have had to take her infant son with her
And she is so committed to her vow, that she won’t bring him near the tabernacle until she is ready to leave him there
Clearly, she’s not going back on her vow to the Lord
She says she will keep the boy only long enough to wean him
But this length of time was considerably more heartbreaking for Hannah than it may appear to us
In the ancient times, weaning traditionally took place at the age of five years
While it would be difficult for any mother to give up a child, this woman is giving up her five-year old son
This is no small sacrifice for this mother
Hannah knew this day would come, and as promised she brought Samuel to the Lord
She brought a significant thanks offering with the boy
A bull, which was very expensive
Plus a large quantity of flour and wine
The value of the items she brought were evidence of her great thankfulness to the Lord
After she performed the sacrifice, she presented her son to Eli
He may have recognized the mother yet still been surprised to see her place a boy into his hands
And after reminding Eli of who she was, Hannah declares her young son is now a ward of the tabernacle
The Lord gave Hannah the answer to her prayer
So the time has come to make good on her vow
Notice in v.28, she declares that Samuel will be dedicated to the Lord
The word for dedicated in Hebrew conveys the idea of giving something completely to the Lord
She was holding nothing back
And because she was willing to give up her only son, Israel gained a prophet and kingmaker
There is an obvious picture of Christ in her actions
Samuel is the first, and one of the most important, prophets of the Old Testament
Not only did he write major parts of the books that go by his name, but he also likely wrote Ruth and Judges
This man had been a gift to Hannah
And she made him a gift back to the Jewish people
Hannah’s choice to give up Samuel is a beautiful example of how all God’s children should respond to His gifts
Whatever the Lord has given us should be made available to the Lord for His use
Paul tells us to make our lives a living sacrifice, and this is what that looks like
Holding nothing back, giving Him our all
And when we do that, He can take our sacrifices and make them into so much more than we can imagine
Notice at the end of v.28 we’re told that “he” worshipped the Lord there
The “he” is a reference to Samuel
Samuel begins to worship the Lord from the start of his time with Eli’s family
If we wonder how Hannah could leave her young son in the hands of a man like Eli, consider she wasn’t entrusting Samuel to Eli
She placed Samuel in the care of the Lord
The Lord raised this boy
Her logic must have been something like this:
If the Lord opened Hannah’s womb to give her Samuel, then the Lord must have a specific plan for Samuel’s life
Therefore, Hannah can trust the Lord to care for Samuel…even through the hands of a man like Eli
Hannah shows the full impact of living with trust in God’s sovereignty in our daily lives
We have to learn to act with the trust we claim to have
Do we trust the Lord to take care of our kids when they answer His call?
In fact, the story of Eli and his sons makes clear that God’s will is responsible for the outcome of each person’s life
And the Lord’s will brings blessing for obedience and consequences for disobedience
But regardless of whether we obey or not, the Lord’s will will be done
After this dedication Hannah praises the Lord in song, recorded in the first part of Chapter 2
Hannah’s song sounds like it was sung right in Penninah’s face
This song is a close match to the one David sings at the end of 2 Samuel
Both begin with a reference to the strength of the Lord as a horn and a rock
Both speak of a deliverer and salvation
Both end with a mention of His anointed
These two songs serve as bookends for the entire book of Samuel
And they both teach a similar lesson about the Lord and His ruling over His people
In fact, Hannah’s song serves as a roadmap for understanding the rest of this book and 2 Samuel
Hannah starts by declaring she can speak boldly and find strength in the face of her enemies because she finds her joy in the salvation God brings
In v.2 she echoes that there is no other rock, no other god besides the Lord
When you remember the Lord is seated on His throne, we cease our boasting and we take comfort in our afflictions
The Lord is never not reigning over His Creation
So that when things seem to be going against us and the world is falling apart, the Lord is orchestrating all these events
An understanding of God’s sovereignty in everyday events is the single most powerful spiritual insight any Christian can obtain
It will set everything else in your life in its proper perspective
Next, Hannah declares that the Lord is a God of knowledge in v.3
That He weighs every action He takes
In other words, everything God does has purpose and meaning
And the consequences of His every action are well-considered taken into account in His planning
Simply put, there is never a “Plan B” with God
Therefore, Hannah’s many years of waiting factored into God’s plan
Samuel was to be born, but not a day too soon
Therefore, Hannah’s years of mocking and waiting were not wasted
Nor did they suggest God was slow or uncaring
Furthermore, the Lord places His strength on the side of the weak, not the mighty
There is a familiar phrase people throw around, sometimes even claiming that it’s a statement found in the Bible
They say “the Lord helps those who help themselves”
But of course this statement does not appear in the Bible
More importantly, this concept isn’t biblical
The Lord is not inclined to help those who help themselves
Instead, He’s inclined to help those who confess they can’t help themselves and therefore appeal to Him for the help they need
And the Lord delights to assist these people, who gird themselves with His strength Hannah says
In v. 5 Hannah points out the foolishness of those who already have plenty yet still hire themselves out for work to gain even more
It’s foolish because it represented a waste of time and energy and a lost cause in the end
Meanwhile, those who are hungry are fed by the Lord
And those who have many children still languish because their children aren’t a comfort to them
While the barren woman is blessed with seven children she never expected
In other words, the world is busy working to obtain the very things that the Lord is prepared to grant to those who seek for Him
As Jesus said
The Lord helps those who can’t help themselves
And none of us can truly help ourselves, though sometimes we make the mistake of thinking we can
And we run the risk of spending our time on the wrong things while missing the chance to see God bless us in our dependence
From here, Hannah’s song moves to existential issues
She declares God brings both life and death as He sees fit
He determines the destination of all men’s souls, whether Hell or Heaven
He also sets the station of our lives
Some people will be poor
Some people will be rich – all according to God’s will
But the Lord creates the poor and needy, Hannah says, so that He can show Himself strong and compassion as He raises them up
And the Lord has the power to raise up the poorest and place them at the table of kings
Prophetically, she alludes to shepherd boys becoming king
For the Lord is in control of all men’s lives and delights to show His power as He moves men like pieces on a chess board
In v.9, Hannah moves finally into questions of God’s grace in the lives of men
The Lord is working to keep the feet of His godly ones
Godly refers to those who by faith have been saved and made children of God
And these the Lord “keeps” so that they remain His forever
But those who are wicked, which is all who do not know the Messiah sent to die in our place, will be silenced in darkness of Hell
The plan God has authored for our salvation works this way to preclude anyone from pointing to their own strength as a means of salvation
No man will prevail by strength
Not even kings who attempt to rule by their own power
Instead, those who prevail will do so by the strength of the Lord
And that strength is found in the Anointed One sent on our behalf
In v.10 Hannah ends by declaring the coming Messiah as King for God’s people
The Lord will judge the earth and give strength to His King
The anointed who will be exalted
This song forms a loose outline of the books of Samuel, and we’ll refer back to it from time to time as we study the rest of the book
To end tonight, in v.11 we’re told that the family returns home but Samuel stays with Eli
The story follows Samuel to tell the story of his new home
He has brothers who serve as a contrast to his godliness
And his new father, Eli, is a man with many problems of his own
Remember, this is the time of Judges when men did what was right in their own eyes
Furthermore, the men are weak leaders in their homes
Eli will represent that clearly
Nevertheless, the Lord is raising Samuel
So despite the poor family dynamic, Samuel turns out OK