Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongIn the story of David as king of Israel, we’re entering the golden era when everything is new and exciting and full of promise
Last week, David was finally accepted by all Israel as the true and rightful king of Israel
After seven years of struggle against the north, David’s succeeded in winning over all the tribes and consolidating power
The writer introduces this period of success and prosperity with an overview summary of David’s rule as king over Israel
We start in v.6 with David setting his sights on a new home for his reign as king
During Saul’s reign, the capital of Israel was located in Gilbeah in the region of Benjamin, which was Saul’s tribal affiliation
But David is from the tribe of Judah, so it makes sense that his new seat of power should be in that tribal area
Judah was a large territory, so David had many potential places to select as his capital city
But wisely, David decided not to move his seat of power too far away from the previous location in the tribe of Benjamin
Instead, David decides that a city called Jebus, later known as Jerusalem, should be his capital city and home of his throne
Jerusalem means foundation of peace, and it sat on the border of Benjamin and Judah making it the perfect choice politically
By sharing the border with Judah and Benjamin, Jerusalem became a compromise and an olive branch for the Benjamites
More importantly, it gave David the chance to make a statement to his subjects as he defeats Israel’s long-time foe, the Jebusites
So in v.7 we’re told that David invades the stronghold of Zion and defeats the Jebusites and takes the City of David
This text gives us none of the details of how that happens, and we get only slightly more in 1 Chronicles
Putting 2 Samuel 5 and 1 Chronicles 11 together gives us a little better understanding of how the battle took place
But a finer understanding depends on some understanding of the city’s history and geography
Jerusalem began as a settlement on the southeastern slope of a mountain the Bible calls Mt. Zion
In David’s day, the city was in the possession of the Jebusites, who had occupied the city for 515 years going back to before Joshua
The Jebusites descend from the third son of Canaan, Jebus, who settled it after the flood and named the city after himself
In fact, in David’s day the city was called Jebus, and before that, it had been called Salem, meaning peace
Archaeologists estimate that about 2,500 people lived inside the city walls
When Joshua entered the land, he commanded the Benjamites to defeat the Jebusites in Jebus, but they did not obey the command
Then years later under the Judges, the tribe of Judah tried again but the Lord did not give Judah favor at that time either
So up to David’s day, the Jebusites held Jebus, protected by high walls set atop steep valleys making attack nearly impossible
To the west of the city sat a peak called Mt. Zion, and over time this city took also took on the name of the mountain
To the north was Mt. Moriah, the peak known to the Jews as the location that Abraham took his son, Isaac, to be sacrificed
And to the east stood the mountain that came to be known as the Mt. of Olives
Between Mt. Zion and Mt. Moriah was a valley later called the Tyropoeon and between Mt. Moriah and the Mt. of Olives was a valley called Kidron
The city was built between these valleys and against these three mountains for two reasons
First, the valleys were very steep making an attack against the city very difficult
Secondly, the city was built beside the only supply of fresh water in the region: the continuously running spring of Gihon
The spring emerges along the side of the Kidron Valley, which made it vulnerable to attack
So to secure this important resource, the Jebusites built the city wall around it with a large watch tower to guard it from attack
Even though the spring itself was protected by walls, the residents were still vulnerable when they went to retrieve water
So the Jebusites tunneled a shaft underground from the city down to the source of the spring
That allowed residents to draw water up into the city without being exposed to an attacking enemy
And David decides this shaft could be his way into the city, so he goes with his men to Jebus to seize the city
In v.6 David brings his fighting men to the walls of Jebus to inform the Jebusites he will conquer them
Keep in mind that over the past five centuries, the Jebusites had seen army after army come threatening to invade their city
And each time, the city walls held, so of course this time they expect the result to be the same
They shout down from the walls to David and his men saying they shall not enter the city
Moreover, they declare that they can successfully defend the city with only their blind and lame residents
This a severe and embarrassing rebuke reflecting the confidence of the city and David’s small force
They think “David cannot enter here” but David is led by the confidence of a man walking in the will of God
David’s confidence in this situation is an example of what Jesus meant when He told us
When we know we’re walking in the Lord’s will, we can move with courage and confidence that believes mountains will move
This isn’t wishful thinking or arrogance…it’s confidence in what God intends to do
And that allows us to take bold action others see as impossible
David is confident that this city will be his, and therefore we must assume that a man after God’s heart had heard from God on the matter
Perhaps David understood the importance of the city from its time as Salem under Melchizedek, who was the king of Salem
The order of Melchizedek ran through David’s line on its way to Jesus, the Son of David, so perhaps God told David to take Jebus
Or perhaps it was the significance of Mt. Moriah nearby which led David to take the city
Whatever the reason David was confident that the Lord intended to give him that city, and so David knew this city was to be his capital
When you know what God is going to do, you can engage in that work confidently
And when it comes to pass, your faithful anticipation of the outcome becomes a testimony of God’s faithfulness
So Jebus’ record of impenetrability didn’t dissuade David from moving ahead, and when the occupants taunt him, it just provided added motivation
In v.8 David adopts the term “lame and blind” for his own purposes to refer to all the occupants of the city
And he tells his men they will defeat the city by entering through the water tunnel
According to 1 Chronicles 11, David offers a reward to the first man who makes his way into the city and kills a Jebusite that they will be commander
And Joab, the man who David spared for his earlier misdeed, decides this is his chance to win back David’s trust
So Joab enters the city via the water tunnel and initiated the battle
Then once the city was taken, it becomes known as the city of David, the stronghold of Zion
And David lived there his whole reign, building a palace on the northern end of the city just below Mt. Moriah
To protect his palace, David built a terraced wall down the side of the valley, which is called the Millo (mil’ - o)
This feature is called out in Scripture because it was unique and prominent and marked the location of David’s residence
Recent excavations of the City of David have helped us learn a little more about how David took the city
In 1867, Sir Charles Warren was excavating near the Temple Mount in Jerusalem when he discovered a shaft 230 ft long
It connected the Spring of Gihon in the Kidron with a settlement on the hill above, which was the location of the city of David
This is now believed to be the shaft that David’s men climbed to reach inside the city
We don’t know how David’s men gained access to the shaft itself, but perhaps they dug underground from outside the walls to reach it
Once they reached the shaft, they could climb the narrow walls by pressing against both sides as they made their way up
It would have been an arduous and risky climb, which is why David had to offer such a generous reward to the first one
In v.9, we’re told David lived in Jerusalem and built it up leading to it being called the city of David
Today the ancient city of David is buried under a mostly Arab settlement called Silwan
But Israel is busy uncovering as much of it as they can, including the area of the Spring and parts of the original wall
In fact, the Millo is now almost completely exposed, proving that David did exist but also that the Biblical record is accurate
David’s conquest of Jerusalem also gave rise to a saying
Israel would say that the blind and lame do not enter the house
The term “blind and lame” became a euphemism for the ungodly Gentiles of the land, like the Jebusites
And “house” was a reference to the temple of the Lord, located in Jerusalem
So this phrase was a way of saying that ungodly Gentiles may not enter the temple
And from this place, David became greater and greater because the Lord was with him in that place, we’re told in v.10
This is the writer’s key point as he reflects on David’s time in the city
David’s rise to power was nothing if not a testimony of God’s grace
David was the youngest shepherd boy of an insignificant family, and yet God selected him to be king
Later, David was tested during a decade of preparation on the run, and David grew more mature and powerful as a leader
Men came out to find David and support him in the desert
And then as his adversaries died off, David eventually found a clear path to the throne
And now, David defeats a city that stood undefeated for over 500 years, which leads to a period of unprecedented growth
This remarkable rise to power and wealth and security could only be explained, as the writer did, as God being with David
And yet when we look at David’s life in detail, we can see that his rise to this moment wasn’t a fairytale or a bed of roses
David was severely tested during his decade in the desert, and he often lamented his situation
We can find David often crying out to God in the Psalms like this:
So David’s rise to prominence and power and greatness included many years of low points and sadness and even humiliation
And yet God declared from the beginning that David would be king
Which means God was always with and for David despite those difficult moments
At this point as David sits on a throne in a city by his name and presides over a period of prosperity for his people, he can see God is for him
But did he see and trust that God was with him in the low points?
Listen to how Psalm 6 ends
This is what Paul means when he describes the state of every believer
Paul isn’t talking about a life of fairytales for the Christian, for if your life is going well, you never worry about problems
But when you are in the valleys of life, then you are prone to ask where is God and does God care and why won’t God fix this?
Paul says that when we face those moments, we should ask if God is for us (and He is), then who can be against us?
In other words, why do we worry over our difficult circumstances knowing God is using them for some good purpose?
Instead, we should think like David who argued his case before God but always trusted something good would come from it
The issue is one of time and perspective…knowing that time is on our side because God is for us
In time, the problems go away…in time, the solutions will come
In time, we will escape our adversaries, we will overcome our sin nature and we will leave this world behind
And who or what can stand in the way of that plan? If it’s God’s plan, then there is no one or nothing that can stop it
David lived a life that reflected that level of dependence and trust in God’s intentions
He didn’t always know God’s plans but he always knew God’s intentions
You may not always know what God is planning to do in your life or even why some particular event is happening to you
But you always know God’s intentions, and that’s enough by itself to be patient through the trials
Then in v.11 and on we receive summaries of David’s life as king over Israel
What follows here and in the next few chapters are the writer’s proof to support his statement in v.10 that the Lord was with David as king
In effect, v.10 is the topic sentence of an essay of David’s success as king
And then what follows is a summary of David’s personal, military, religious accomplishments
All of these accomplishments are a testimony that the Lord was with David and that David was king because God made him so
Starting here with David’s family blessings starting with the riches of his home, built from the finest materials available in that day
Tyre was an extremely wealthy trading port where the finest goods flowed from east to west and vice versa
The king of Tyre offered to build David’s house for him, probably as a gesture of peace and goodwill
He hoped to coexist with David and trade with Israel more than likely
Later this relationship between Israel and Tyre becomes a corrupting influence for future kings
Which is a vivid example of two biblical principles…first, bad company corrupts good morals as Paul says
And secondly, no godly person should choose to be unequally yoked with the ungodly, since it brings potential for compromise
Beyond his home, David continues to grow his household, and this too he does through unwise compromise
David takes additional wives and slave wives for himself, ultimately leading to a harem and a large family of children
As we addressed in an earlier lesson, the Bible records that David takes additional wives to be descriptive, not prescriptive
We are reading a description of what David did, however we are not reading a prescription for what we should do
And it’s safe to assume that David’s habit of taking additional wives when it pleased him was largely responsible for his most serious sin
Because of this sin in David’s life, he became a man accustomed to having women when it pleased him
As someone once said, “a man who has broken down the fence will wander endlessly”
I should add that if someone today believes David’s example allows us to take multiple wives, he should remember polygamy is against the law
And the Bible also commands believers to obey the governing authorities over us
And so for that reason alone a Christian is prohibited from practicing polygamy
But here’s the hardest part we must also accept…even though David was wrong to have multiple wives, God blesses the result
David is blessed to have a large family with many children, even though he produces those children from multiple wives
In that sense, David’s situation is no different than that of Jacob
Jacob had four wives and God used those four women to produce 12 sons in a much quicker period of time
As a result, all 12 sons were able to grow up together and live side-by-side long enough to establish twelve tribes
Without multiple wives, it’s hard to see how Jacob could have raised twelve sons fast enough for all of them to work together as they did
Here again, the fact that God used multiple marriages to His advantage doesn’t become a prescription for us
God has the power to cause bad things to work to good, but that doesn’t give us license to do as many bad things as we wish
Conversely, God’s blessings to His children do not turn on whether we are perfectly obedient or not
And in this case, the prosperity that God granted David was for God’s own purpose in blessing Israel
And God blesses us even though we sin, for if He made perfect behavior a prerequisite for blessing us, we could never have it
So a blessing from God is His grace to His sinful children, but that does not make it an endorsement of our sin
Looking at the list of sons born to David, we find eleven more sons born to him in Jerusalem to add to the six David had in Hebron
The tenth son is Solomon, who will ultimately succeed David as king
Solomon’s mother is not named in this list, but she is Bathsheba
David’s ninth son is Nathan, and interestingly both Nathan and Solomon are listed in the genealogy leading to Jesus
Jesus’ earthly father, Joseph, was descended from Solomon while Jesus’ mother, Mary, was a descendant of Nathan
And even later other sons are mentioned in 1 Chronicles, so David had a large family and many descendants in Israel
This helped cement his rule and his dynasty, at least in Judah
And we will learn more about his dynasty in coming chapters
Meanwhile, the writer now moves from David’s family prosperity to his military success
Here we’re told of two battles that took place early in David’s reign
They are not the only battles David fought, so we should see them as examples of why and how David fought
First, David fought the Philistines as a matter of economic necessity and for national pride
Every world superpower has been born on the battlefield and David’s military success was key to Israel as a superpower
In fact, Israel is among the first great superpowers of history, second only to Egypt
Victory in battle is the basis for establishing peace in the land, and peace is the foundation for economic prosperity
When a land is at war, it must divert people and materials into war fighting efforts, which lowers wealth for all
When the land is at peace, people and resources are invested in development of the land, which returns a harvest
And developed, producing land leads to prosperity for all
So David’s military successes set the stage for tremendous economic growth which led to population growth and the expansion of the tribes
As the tribes expanded, they took over more land, which led to more production, which led to more prosperity
When drought and other disasters hit one part of the land, other parts could compensate with greater production
The nation was able to stabilize its economy, drive out competition and enemies, and so on
Moreover, David’s relentless pursuit of his enemies was cathartic for a nation that struggled against the Philistines under Saul
Many Jewish lives had been lost over the decades of Saul’s rule, but now David is defeating larger forces everywhere he tries
This is a huge boost to national pride and to the nation’s identity as a power in the land, something not seen since Joshua
Secondly, notice how the writer explains David’s success…each time David asks the Lord how to proceed into battle
We don’t know exactly how these exchanges took place, whether by prayer or through the high priest’s divining stones
But I believe it was most likely through prayer, something David learned while he spent years in the desert depending on God
David was a man who knew that God hears and answers prayers, so David took full advantage of that opportunity
This also was a stark departure from Saul, who rarely if ever consulted with God before battle
And at the end of his life Saul was seeking wisdom from witches
In both battles, God not only approves of the engagement but even gives tactical plans to David
The first battle is retold in Chapter 23 and was probably a battle early in David’s reign as king
The location Raphaim means valley of the giants and is unknown except it’s probably south of Jerusalem
We assume the Philistines were hoping to defeat a new king before he had consolidated power
But the Philistines didn’t account for David’s God Who went before Israel into battle and so they were defeated
In the second battle, the Lord told David to attack and even how to prosecute the battle, coming from the rear
They were to lie in wait until the Lord gave the troops a signal which was a sound of marching from the tree tops
When the Lord created this supernatural sign, the troops would move out and catch their enemy by surprise
This second battle took place near Geba, which was also near Gibeon northwest of Jerusalem
These two battles were highlighted here because they were important to establishing the city of Jerusalem as a Jewish stronghold
And were probably the most remarkable since they were defeats won when David’s forces were smallest
It showed the Lord’s favor upon David that he could defeat such powerful foes even at the beginning of his reign
So based on David’s military success having trusted in the Lord and having taken His counsel, the people and the land are safe and prosperous
Now the writer turns his attention to David’s impact on the religious life of Israel
With peace assured, David is ready to install the ark of the Lord in its proper place
David goes up to retrieve the ark from Kiriath-jearim, also called Baal-judah
Interestingly, Baal-judah means master of Judah, which means it a center of Baal worship
So the ark of the Lord has been sitting in a town known as the center of pagan worship of the Canaanite god Baal in Judah
But now it will move to the city where it will become the center of worship of Yahweh, the true living God
And to understand why the ark is moving here, we need to understand a little of its history
About twenty years earlier, Saul had gone against the Lord’s wishes by taking the ark from the tabernacle in Shiloh into battle
Saul wanted to assure his success by having his troops enter battle with the ark going before them
Since Saul tried to force God’s hand, the Lord allowed the ark to fall into the hands of the Philistines who took it away in victory
For a time, it circulated among various Philistine cities causing mayhem and severe discomfort until finally they decided to return it to Israel
When the ark was returned in 1 Samuel 6, it first came to a place called Bet Shemesh
There the men of Bet Shemesh violated the word of God by opening the ark and looking inside, which no man may do
And the Lord responded by killing more than 50,000 men in Israel on that day
After that slaughter, Israel was so afraid of the ark that they sent it to a small mountain village in Judah called Kiriath-jearim
There it stayed in the home of a man named Abinadad, where it was cared for by that man and his son for the next 20 years
But that’s not where the ark should be, and David is determined to return it to the tabernacle
The fact that the ark has been away for so long also means the people of Israel have not been following the Law’s requirements very closely
Without the ark in the tabernacle, the priests couldn’t perform the sacrificial responsibilities properly
And the presence of the Lord was not in the tabernacle as well
And given that Saul was in power during those days, it’s logical to assume that the entire Mosaic system was out of fashion
So this move on David’s part isn’t just about bringing an artifact home, it’s also about re-establishing the importance of worship
The return of the ark to the tabernacle is the return of the Mosaic system in a sense
And that system would now be centered on the city of Jerusalem as well, where before it had moved around the land
David is consolidating the seat of political power with the place of religious authority in the land of Israel
Unlike Saul, David isn’t working to return the ark on the basis of superstition but rather to defend the honor and name of the Lord
Notice in v.2 we’re told that the ark is called by God’s name in that day, the very name of the God of Heaven
And that means something to David, and he dearly wants to ensure that something representing God’s name is honored
While David clearly wants to do the right thing here, as this chapter plays out, we shall see that David does it in the wrong way
And doing the right thing in the wrong way isn’t God’s way
And so the events of this chapter serve as counter argument of sorts to the previous chapter
David instructs the men to load the ark on a cart likely pulled by oxen
David appears to be trying to honor God, because he chooses a new cart, which means one consecrated to the Lord
A new cart is reserved for royal or holy purposes to ensure it was never used for lessor purposes
So clearly, David is trying to honor the Lord run his heart
And while David was trying to honor God, he was ignoring God’s word
Specifically he was ignoring the Law of God, which stipulated in Numbers how the ark was to be moved
The Law required that only priests move the ark on foot by using poles inserted into rings along its side
Nevertheless, either out of ignorance or disobedience, David chose to move the ark on a oxen-drawn cart
I wonder where David got the idea to bring the ark to Jerusalem in that way?
There were likely two reasons, beginning with the simple reason that it was easier to move it on a cart
It would have been very difficult for a small group of men to carry the heavy ark the 9 miles through difficult terrain
By comparison, it was much easier to place it on a cart drawn by oxen
I can hear David’s men saying, “Oh the pole method went out of fashion long ago. Everyone is using oxen and carts these days.”
The second reason is probably because of precedent
The Philistines used a cart to return the cart years earlier
But of course, the Philistines were not Jews and did not possess the Law of God
And had David consulted the word of God, he would have known that God expected him to do something entirely different
In fact, if ANYONE in Israel knew the Law, they could have informed David of his mistake, and David would have listened
Which tells you that there was a general ignorance of the Law in that day, and this was a problem going back generations
After the time of Joshua, a generation rose up that did not know or care to follow the law of God
And that led to each man in Israel doing what was right in this own eyes
After generations of wandering away from the Law of God, Samuel tried to bring obedience back to the people
For a time he succeeded, but under Saul’s leadership, the people reverted to disobedience and disinterest in the word of God
Since their leader was not a man to follow the Law of God, neither did the people
So by David’s time, the nation was in a bankrupt state, morally speaking, and even David himself was not a man schooled in the word of God
Nevertheless, David did have a heart after God and a desire to honor God and a pattern of seeking God
Therefore, we might assume God will give David a pass on knowing and following His word
After all, David acted with good intentions
This is a classic problem in the life of any follower of God who is not well acquainted or attentive to the word of God
Out of ignorance, we mix good intentions with bad methods which leads to sin and consequences
And when the consequences come, we blame God for not honoring our good intentions
Meanwhile, God is rightly blaming us for not honoring His word
We know David relied heavily on prayer and godly intuition to make his decisions, and certainly that’s a good and necessary thing for every believer
But there is more to pleasing God than having good intentions or even a robust prayer life
The call of Scripture is to obey the word of God, and answering that call depends on consulting what God has told us when we have questions
But that requires studying and remembering what we learn, and many believers resist doing that work
We find it easier to substitute our own ideas or our intuition for study
Or we expect God to tell us personally what to do in prayer or otherwise rather than consulting what He already gave us
This is lazy discipleship: expecting the Lord to deliver every instruction we need for life just in time, when we need it, automagically
“Lazy discipleship” assumes you don’t need to study because you can make direct appeals to God for answers whenever
It’s like a student who sets his or her textbook aside expecting the teacher to explain everything already given in the book
Or a man going to God in prayer asking for marital help after the marriage is on the rocks rather than studying the Bible before
But that is not how a relationship with God works
Yes, we are supposed to pray and we can certainly ask God to help our marriage or anything else, and He will hear and answer
But the answer you’re likely to receive is, “Read My book”
As Jesus said, the blessed are those who hear the word of God and do it
We aren’t supposed to replace study of God’s word with the expectation of personal revelation for matters already addressed in the Bible
For example, there is never a need for someone to pray on whether to have sex before marriage or cheat on their taxes
Those questions are clearly answered in the word of God, and because they are in the word of God, we are accountable to God
Asking God for a “personal” answer in prayer to such questions is simply someone looking for a different answer
And if you reject the answer given in God’s word, you will not receive a different answer in your prayer time or in your heart
Playing games with God or ignoring His word won’t be an acceptable excuse when we fall into sin
We will be forgiven for our sins by Christ’s blood, but that doesn’t mean our sin won’t bring consequences
David was ultimately forgiven for his sins too, but his mistakes often cost him dearly
The Lord had already instructed the people of Israel on how to move the ark of the Lord, but David seems to be ignorant of that fact