Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongWe’re in the middle of studying several chapters in 2 Samuel that summarize the success David had in ruling Israel during the early years of his reign
God was working to bless David personally and He was at work blessing the nation through David both militarily and religiously
David’s family is growing stronger and he’s moved into his new home in Jerusalem
The nation is defeating its long-time foes, the Philistines, and expanding into new territory
And the nation is returning to observance of the Law, including moving the ark back to its proper place in the tabernacle
David is so blessed because he is the man God raised up to show His people how life can be when led by a man after God’s heart
This must seem like nothing less than a miracle for the people of Israel, who have been ruled poorly for hundreds of years
The time of Judges was a disaster, and the rule of Saul wasn’t much better
But now things are looking up for Israel as David unifies, strengthens and grows the nation
But David is not perfect, of course, and there will be moments when David takes a misstep, and when he does, the nation will suffer too
In short, the nation will rise or fall based on David’s obedience to the Lord
And today we open with an early example of this relationship as David orders the ark moved to Jerusalem
Last week we introduced this story with David and his men going to Baal-Judah to retrieve the ark
In the Law, the Lord had instructed the people of Israel to move the ark of the Lord in a very specific way, carried by priests on long poles
Furthermore, the Law required that only priests could handle the ark and that if anyone else dared to do so, it meant death
Earlier in Israel’s history, 50,000 Israelites died after the men of Beit Shemesh dared to open the ark and look inside
It was that mistake that led to the ark being hidden away in Baal-Judah until this day
And now ironically, as David prepares to move the ark to Jerusalem, he’s in danger of making a similar mistake
Let’s re-read the opening verses of Chapter 6 as we return to our story
David assembles an immense crowd of 30,000 men to accompany the transfer of the ark from Kiriath-jearim to Jerusalem
And whether out of ignorance or carelessness, David decides not to follow the Law’s requirements for moving the ark
Instead, David arranges for his men to transport the ark on an ox cart accompanied and protected by his military
As we said last week, David has good intentions, and in fact notice that David and all the people are worshipping the Lord
They have instruments of various kinds in hand, and a crowd of 30,000 engages in loud, heart-felt praise of God
It’s a heart-warming scene, but good intentions are not a substitute for obedience to God’s word
And eventually, when we do the wrong things, even when we do them with good intentions, consequences follow
And King David’s mistakes always bring consequences for God’s people
The road between Kiriath-jearim and Jerusalem was a narrow and rocky path that snaked through the hill country of Judea
At a certain point along the way, the ark rolled over the threshing floor in a town called Nacon
The name Nacon means to be firm, which suggests that the land there was especially rocky or hard
So as the wooden cart rolls over this rocky terrain, the ark is tossed back and forth in the cart, and eventually tips
One of the men protecting the Ark as it travels was a man named Uzzah, whose name strong or mighty
Clearly, David chose Uzzah for this duty because Uzzah had the strength to steady the ark
But God’s word in Numbers 4 says that a non-priest could not touch the ark or he will die
And although we may choose not to keep God’s word, He always keeps His word
So as Uzzah reached out to steady the ark, the Lord’s anger burned against this act of disobedience and God struck Uzzah down
Notice the writer says that this striking was for irreverence, but the Hebrew word found here is only used this one time
And irreverence is not the right way to translate the word, because it suggests that Uzzah was being irreverent
And that leads to confusion, because everyone can see that the man was trying to honor God by protecting the ark
No, that wasn’t the problem…the problem was David’s mistake in ordering Uzzah and the other men to do what they are doing
And that means the word is probably better translated “the error” referring to David’s error in judgment, not Uzzah’s act
David made an error in judgment, and the Lord takes Uzzah’s life to make a point concerning His law and David’s leadership
Uzzah was an innocent victim, but God had no choice but to strike Uzzah down
If God had not acted against Uzzah, then God would be violating His own word in Numbers 4
And though we might argue this is a situation when God should have gone against His word, you don’t want God to do that
If God could violate His own word when it suited Him, then you would have no reason to trust in the promises of God
Because faithfulness works both ways…if you want God to be faithful to His promises of good for you, then He must be faithful to all His word
If God could overlook His promise that only priests touch His ark, then how do you know God won’t forget His promises to you?
You can’t have it both ways…either God is faithful to everything given in His word or He’s not to be trusted in anything He’s said
So because God’s word command a death when a non-priest touches the ark, Uzzah must die as collateral damage over David’s error
And can you imagine the scene…30,000 people singing, dancing and worshipping the Lord around the ark
And then instantly, the Lord strikes down one man for touching the ark and suddenly the worship stops and the people scatter
It’s such an ironic scene that proves the truth of one of Samuel’s better remembered statements
Samuel says that insubordination to God, meaning disobedience, is equal to idolatry and divination
So ironically, while David and the people were worshipping the Lord with their voices and instruments, they were practicing idolatry
By disobeying the word of God, they were acting contrary to worship, because true worship is obedience
We would do well to remember that truth as we seek the Lord in worship too
Coming to church to sing and raise our hands in worship is important and necessary
But it’s also nullified if at the same time we live in ways that we know are contrary to the word of God
And as we see in David’s situation, neither good intentions nor ignorance of the word of God will acquit us
Consider Uzzah…he acted in ignorance and with good intentions, nevertheless he died as the word of God required
And David too will suffer consequences as a result of his poor leadership
David becomes angry at the Lord after His destruction of Uzzah, resulting in that place coming to be known as Perez-uzzah
The name roughly translates as the place of Uzzah’s breaking or destruction, but it was actually the place of David’s folly
And David’s anger at God is evidence of how little David understands the word of God at this point
And it’s also an excellent example of what happens to believers commonly when we live without an understanding of the Bible
The pattern goes something like this: we have desires and plans and assumptions and beliefs about how we live and serve God
Some of those ideas are correct, but often many of them are misinformed
And unless we consult the word of God in a systematic, consistent fashion, we remain trapped by those errors
But we never stop to question whether our assumptions might be wrong, much less that we might be offending God
Then the Lord moves in our life to address our sin by bringing a reminder from a pastor or friend, or correction through a new teaching
Or maybe in the worst case, the Lord takes action to discipline our sin as He did here with David and Uzzah
And when that reminder, or correction or discipline comes, we react in anger as David did
We react angrily to someone daring to suggest we are doing something wrong or to a new teaching that implies we have wrong thinking
So we lash out at God’s discipline believing we’re being unfairly treated
Or as David did in v.9, we become afraid of God thinking He’s unpredictable or capricious in His anger
But the truth is that we were at fault for acting contrary to His word, whether out of ignorance or neglect
Like David, we are already on notice of what God expects, but understanding what He has said requires taking time to study it
That’s the key reason why Bible studies in general exist, and to a large extent, why VBVMI and VBVF were founded
All Christians are called to obey the whole counsel of God’s word but you cannot obey what you do not know
In v.9 as David sees Uzzah’s death and becomes afraid of God, he asks “how can the ark come to me?”
You should detect a little self-pity in that statement, because David is essentially saying, “It’s impossible for me to please God in this way”
David’s implying there’s no way to move the ark without God getting upset, but that’s not the truth at all
God very much desires that His ark be reunited with the tabernacle as He intended it to be
But the same word of God that called for the construction of an ark and for its location in the tabernacle also stipulated how to move it
And David’s predicament and despair are the result of ignoring those instructions
And this will not be the last time David makes this mistake
As David acts outside the counsel of God’s word, he will occasionally find himself stumbling into serious sin
And when he goes astray, so will the people under his charge, and both suffer consequences
This is a basic Biblical principle and it’s been a pattern in Israel virtually since the beginning of their history
David is just the latest (but not the last) example of this truth
That’s why the Bible places such high demands for the character and knowledge of anyone who would lead God’s people
The fruit of a competent and godly leader will be knowledgeable and obedient followers of Jesus
Conversely, unqualified and untrustworthy leaders invariably yield ignorant and disobedient followers
The Lord will use David’s life as an example of both sides of this relationship, and this incident will be the first major error of David’s leadership
In each case, the mistake has implications for David and the people, and in the end David learns from each mistake he makes
In this case, it takes David a few months to absorb and accept the Lord’s discipline and to understand the lesson
And in the meantime, the ark sits in another home for a time, this time in the home of a Gittite living just outside Jerusalem
A Gittite is the name given to someone who comes from the region of Gath, which is Philistine territory in the Shephelah
But according to 1 Chronicles 15 he appears to have been a Levite
So this Levite offers (or is made) to store the ark in his home after David and the people abandon their attempt to move it
This too is an example of consequences of ignorant leaders over God’s people
When poor leaders lead God’s people astray and consequences follow, the people often distance themselves from God
Believers “walk away” from practicing their faith, churches decline, and in the worst cases they disappear altogether
That’s how many old churches became museums or community centers
The faithful were misled by poor leaders and poor teaching, the church declined and disappeared and the world filled the space
David misled the people, the people suffered and abandoned this work of God and the testimony of God went under cover
It’s a cycle that happens over and over in Israel’s history and it happens still today
So David’s leadership resulted in Uzzah’s death and frightened the people and distorted their view of God’s character and led them to abandon the work
Then for three months David apparently engaged in Bible study and eventually learned the proper method for moving the ark
Can you imagine the “Ah hah!” moment when David came across this passage in the Law:
David discovers there is a proper method for moving the ark and it wasn’t on a cart
Which means he also realizes that Uzzah’s death was entirely unnecessary and entirely his fault
That must have been a humbling and intensely convicting moment for David and it gave him an appreciation for the importance of God’s word
And in typical fashion, David double-downs on obedience from that moment forward
David returns to move the ark properly, and when he does, he doesn’t just follow the Law’s requirements, he goes beyond
It starts with assembling the necessary team:
Notice the extent that David goes to follow the Law this time, including assembling representatives from all the priestly families
David is careful to instruct them in the Law and he explains their previous disaster was a result of disobedience not God’s fault
Finally, as the ark is moved in the right way, there is renewed celebration and praise with shouts of joy
This is true worship…praising God in the midst of obedience to His word
And the result is God is pleased and the people are edified
Back in 2 Samuel we’re told that the trigger that gets David moving again in obedience to God’s word is the prospect of blessing
After the three month delay David hears that the man who took the ark into his home was blessed by the Lord during that time
We don’t know what that blessing included but we can assume it was the enlarging of his household in various ways
Whatever it was, it caught people’s notice and when David hears about it, it changes his attitude toward God and this work
David realizes that Obed-edom’s prosperity is an indication that if the ark was in the tabernacle, blessing would come to the entire nation
Moreover, it reminded David that God is good to His people, if only they would hear and obey His word
So after coming to that realization and armed with the knowledge of how to move the ark properly, David is ready
David moves the ark as we learned in 1 Chronicles 15, and because he does it according to the word, God is with the people
In fact, David has the priests sacrifice an ox and a cow for each six paces they walked
Starting from Obed-edom’s home, the ark is within sight of Jerusalem, so thankfully they don’t walk that far
This was a very powerful display of repentance on David’s part, but it also reminds us of Samuel who said to obey is better than sacrifice
No matter how hard we work to show God we’re repentant, it’s still a reminder that we sinned in the first place
The best path is to avoid sin in the first place
Interestingly, we’re told in v.14 that David wore a priestly garment, a linen ephod
A linen ephod is a sleeveless white garment prescribed for priests
David wore it over his usual tunic, but the question is why did David don a priestly garment since He wasn’t a Levite?
There are a couple of possible answers
First, a non-Levite wearing a linen ephod is not against the Law, so there is no sin in doing so necessarily
Had David performed sacrifices then he would have sinned, but there is no indication that he is sacrificing
In fact, v.14 says David was busy dancing before the procession, and the word for dancing is literally whirling
So David didn’t assume any priestly functions on that day
So, it’s likely that David put on the linen ephod to identify with the rest of the procession of priests, who would have been wearing the same
Remember the last time he tried to move the ark, David’s mistake led to a man in his service being killed
So by wearing the same uniform as the men this time, David identifies with them as one of them
And in that sense, David puts himself in the place of Uzzah to show his men that he will take the fall this time should God act
Secondly, David is a priest of a different order, the order of Melchizedek
The order of Melchizedek is the priestly order of our Lord, which is a different order than the Levitical priesthood
Like any order, the office is handed down from father to son
Leading up to Christ, there was only one priest officiating from the order of Melchizedek on earth at any given time
And when that priest died, his son inherited the position
The first priest in this order was Adam and the line of succession passed from father to son until it reached Jesus
As Hebrews teaches us, Jesus lives forever so He holds the office of Melchizedek forevermore
But in David’s day, he was the Melchizedek, having received the position when his father, Jesse, died during Saul’s reign
So when David put on priestly garb, he was in effect acting as the priest Melchizedek, not as a Levitical priest under the Law of Moses
And in that respect, David offers us another clear picture of Christ, Who is both King and Priest in the order of Melchizedek
A Levite could never be king, since kings come from the tribe of Judah, not Levi
And a king like David from the tribe of Judah could never be a Levitical priest, since they must come from the tribe of Levi
But David (and Jesus, the son of David) can be both so long as they are priests of the order of Melchizedek
So the ark arrives in Jerusalem, and with it comes the blessing of the Lord upon David and the people, who celebrate with David
But the pattern of David’s sin having consequences for him and the people will continue, and in fact a previous sin raises its head
Michal was David’s first wife and a daughter of Saul which David left behind when he fled from Saul
Later, Michal was wed to another man, whom she loved, so when David negotiated her return, he ripped Michal away
And now we see that this experience has caused Michal to despise David and really who can blame her
David’s selfish choice has set him with an adversary in his own home
She witnesses David’s joy over the ark and his willingness to express that joy outwardly by dancing, and Michal disapproves
But in v.16 we see that her disapproval was a result of deeper-seated dislike for David
In fact, the writer calls her the daughter of Saul to link her attitude with her father’s dislike of David
Just as Saul was jealous of David’s relationship with the Lord and the people, so now is his daughter following in Dad’s footsteps
David completes the process of moving the ark by preparing a tent to protect the ark, though the tabernacle itself still resides in Gibeon for now
David celebrates the day by speaking a blessing on the people in the name of the Lord, which means in keeping with the will of the Lord
So that means the Lord has moved David’s heart to issue this blessing, which the Lord intends to fulfill in His purpose
This is the blessing for obedience to the Law and to the word of God, which the people will see in coming years
And in a gesture of kindness, David has gifts given to the people from his own storehouse
Each person present receives a cake of bread, a cake of dates and a cake of raisins
These were precious and prized treats in that day, and the people would have been thankful for them
David’s gifts commonly represented prosperity and fertility, and they follow in a long tradition of the Jewish people celebrating with food
Perhaps more than any other culture, Jewish culture revolves around food and feasts
And we see that tradition reflected here
But in the background, Michal is fuming at her husband and sees opportunity to lecture him upon his return
Michal’s complaint boils down to dignity…she complains that David acted in an undignified way leading the ark in the way that he did
So we need to read between the lines in Michal’s complaint to understand the real issue
Because as so often happens in marriages, the real complaint is something other than what’s being argued
She begins sarcastically saying “How the king distinguished himself today!”
Her specific charge is that David uncovered himself in the eyes of the servants, which refers to David’s men in general
Keep in mind, David was not dressed immodestly, so we must understand her complaint in relative terms
She’s upset that a king would dress at a level equal to his subjects rather than to maintain a superior, regal appearance
So she speaks in exaggerated terms about being “uncovered” and shameless
In truth, Michal despises David not for the way he dressed or danced
Most likely, she probably hated David because he abandoned her years ago and never returned for her when he had chances
Instead, he marries other women while on the run
And finally, David took her away forcibly from the husband who remained devoted to her even to the point of chasing her
And now that David has taken her father’s place as king, she can’t view him with respect, and watching his dance was just the last straw
David immediately recognizes that Michal’s true concerns were not with his dignity as king but with his relationship with her and with the Lord
David corrects his wife saying that he was dancing not before his servants but before the Lord
And it was that same Lord who appointed David as king in place of Saul and his family
And for that reason David was celebrating before the Lord he says
Then importantly, David adds that his dignity (or being esteemed) before the Lord is not his first concern
David says he will be more lightly esteemed than this, which means that he has even less reason to be esteemed
Dancing before the people is the least of his faults, in other words, and for that reason David will remain humble
And as he remains humble in his own eyes, he expects the Lord to make David distinguished before the people of Israel
These are remarkable words spoken by a powerful man who had every reason to be prideful and to demand respect from the people
And had David demanded that respect, he no doubt would have received it
But if you have to demand respect and authority, then you truly have neither
David displays perhaps his single greatest quality as a leader: humility
So many leaders (and individual Christians) would do well to remember David’s example and follow it
How many ministries have fallen to pride because of a prideful leader who forgot to please God and began to please himself?
This split between Michal and David led to their estrangement it would seem
In v.23 the writer gives us a footnote on her life saying she never had children with David
Given David’s fertility with his other wives, it seems that either David and Michal were never intimate again
Or else the Lord prevented her from conceiving
But what’s also clear is that David had a relationship with the Lord that Michal lacked
She couldn’t celebrate with David in his joy over the Lord, nor did she respect his relationship in that regard
Alexander Whyte said this about David and Michal
David did Michal wrong, and the consequence for David was to find a woman in his home who didn’t know the Lord or love him
And David’s right to the throne didn’t justify his domestic neglect
As the anointed monarch of Israel, he cared for God’s people with tenderness
But as husband to Michal, he was a harsh and unfeeling husband to the woman who loved him and saved his life
In the end, Michal’s barrenness was a blessing for David and the nation because any son born to a daughter of Saul might have been a rival
But since none of Saul’s sons survived and his daughters had no children, Saul’s line comes to an end
And the dynasty of Saul ends here
Moving into Chapter 7, the writer continues with the theme of David’s blessing on the religious life of Israel
This scene takes place much later in David’s life as king, and we know this because of the circumstances
Earlier in Chapter 5 we were told that David’s palace was built with the help of Hiram, the king of Tyre who provided cedar trees
History records that Hiram ruled only during the last part of David’s reign, and yet here we’re told David is in his cedar home
So this moment takes place late in David’s life after the Lord had given David victory over all his enemies
That may have explained why Tyre was so generous to David
With the Philistines defeated along the coast, the Tyrians undoubtedly benefited from the lack of trading rivals
So now David reflects on his position of wealth and safety living in a fine palace, and it dawns on him that the Lord’s ark still dwelled in a tent
And so David consults with the prophet of that time, Nathan, suggesting that David should build a temple for the ark
Nathan responds to the suggestion by simply saying the king should do what he feels is best
That is the proper response for a prophet who hasn’t heard from the Lord
Remember prophets were required by God to speak only what they were given to speak, for to do otherwise meant risking error
And if a prophet spoke error, it invalidated their ministry and required that they be killed under the Law
That rule was as much to protect the prophet from the people as it was to protect the people from the prophet
When a prophet knew that the penalty for speaking in error was death, it caused every prophet to pick his words carefully
So if he hadn’t heard from the Lord on a matter, he declined to express an opinion to avoid being wrong
So Nathan lets the king make his own decision telling David that since the Lord is with him, he can make the decision on his own
So David goes off thinking he has a splendid idea, but before he could act upon it, the Lord comes to Nathan with the answer
The Lord comes to Nathan that same night telling the prophet to remind David that the Lord never asked him to build a house
The Lord says that for all the years He has been with Israel since the time in the desert he has lived (contently) in a tent
That was all that God required for Himself, and as such He didn’t need David to build God a house of cedar
This is such an interesting moment because it’s God demonstrating the humility that David once possessed himself
How do we know the greatest of God? Is it from the greatness of the buildings that we build to honor God?
Isn’t that just a demonstration of our own pride, especially when God Himself hasn’t asked for such
Instead, God dwelled in tents because His greatness was self-evident and didn’t depend on externals
Moreover, the Lord adds in v.7 that He never instructed any of the tribes of Israel to build Him a house
And when you think back to the years in the desert, the Lord gave Israel a lot of instructions on what to build and how
So if the Lord wanted something more impressive for Himself, He had plenty of chances to demand it
The point is the Lord has no need for our buildings and His honor was not determined by them nor did He command that any be built
Once again, good intentions do not substitute for obedience
And a good rule of thumb for knowing what God wants is to simply do the last thing you heard God tell you
And keep doing it until He tells you something new
So then the Lord give Nathan the reason why He had not yet told anyone in Israel to build a permanent structure to house the ark
This is an important passage in Scripture is commonly known as the Davidic Covenant, a special promise made to David
We’ll come back to this next week and discuss the context and content of the passage
And learn why a tent is the right thing for God now