Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongLast week we stopped our study in Chapter 7 as God was speaking to the prophet Nathan with a important promise for David
Earlier, David had suggested to the prophet that he should build a house for the Lord in Jerusalem
In effect, David was proposing to build God a temple in place of the tents that housed the tabernacle and the ark
David took note of his impressive home and felt self-conscience
And though certainly David’s heart is in the right place, more or less, once more good intentions are not an excuse for disobedience
In this case, David was acting in ignorance of God’s plan for his temple and for His people Israel
So the Lord sends Nathan a word for David to correct him and to inform David of God’s plan for Israel
Let’s re-read last week’s text beginning at v.4 as the Lord speaks to Nathan
The Lord begins by chastising David for presuming he had the right to decide for God when and how He would build a house for His glory
The Lord rebukes David with three observations
First, in v.6 the Lord reminds David that He has been content to dwell in a tent for hundreds of years since the Exodus
So there was no pressing need for David to change that situation now
In fact, the only reason David has for improving God’s lifestyle was because he felt guilty over his own lavish lifestyle
Secondly, in v.7 the Lord reminds David that God never commanded Israel to build His house in any form other than a tent
This comment supports one of my favorite pieces of advice for any Christian
When you wonder what you should do to obey God, always do the last thing He told you
And keep doing it until you hear the Lord clearly tell you to do something else
The last thing God told Israel was to build a tent, and until they heard something new from the Lord, that’s what He wanted
Finally, back in v.5 the Lord asks rhetorically are you the one to build Me a house?
The Lord is intimating that David was not going to be the one God choose to accomplish that task
Later, the Lord will tell David that He has someone else in mind
But clearly David assumed a privilege for himself that he shouldn’t
So altogether David made three errors: he ignored history, acted without God’s direction and presumed too much for himself
Those three mistakes are almost always at fault when a believer acts outside God’s will yet with good intentions
We overlook the history of God’s work, we act without a specific word of instruction and we assume God will use us for the work
And because of those errors, we move against the counsel of God, and the solution is very simple
We just need to ask the Lord for direction before we act, both in prayer and by consulting His word
Did you notice that David never thought to ask God directly about his idea to build a temple?
Earlier, David sought the Lord’s will time and time again, as when he asked about engaging in battles with the Philistines
Nor did David review the Lord’s instructions in Exodus, where he would have been reminded that the Lord only asked for a tent
And in particular, David thought too well of himself when he assumed he would be chosen for such a task
The Lord corrects David’s presumption but He does it gently
In this passage the Lord makes promises to David and to Israel that we call the Davidic Covenant, and the Lord begins by reassuring David of his importance
The Lord reminds David that He took the boy from a pasture, literally shepherding, to make him king and shepherd over God’s people
And in v.9 the Lord tells David that He’s been with David throughout everything that’s happened since then
And the Lord cut off all of David’s enemies and will make David’s name great throughout history
Indeed, David’s name is counted among the greatest men who have ever lived, even among those who never read a Bible
Simply put, there is no leader of Israel held in higher regard even after all these years
The Lord is reassuring David that even though he won’t build the temple, David will still play an important part in God’s plan
And in fact, David’s greatness will supersede the construction of a temple
David and his line are key in God fulfilling His promises to the people of Israel concerning a Messiah and a Kingdom
In v.10 the Lord begins to lay out that plan in the form of specific promises, which both repeat earlier promises God gave Israel and add new promises
First, the Lord says He will appoint a place for His people to be planted, a land of their own where they will dwell in peace
This is a continuation of a promise God gave to Abraham and his descendants in the Abrahamic Covenant
God promised Abraham his people would have a land to call their own, and now the Lord repeats that promise to David
But notice the verb tense in v.10 is future tense, so clearly David’s achievements are not the fulfillment of God’s plan
And the key distinction outlined here is living “in peace” and without being disturbed (meaning uprooted) again
The people of God would one day occupy the land God gave them in peace never to leave again
But no one could say that had come true in David’s day, and the Lord reminds David of that fact in v.11
The Lord says Israel has lacked peace in the land ever since the time of Judges, when Joshua completed conquest of the land
So yes, Israel is in the land, but their occupancy couldn’t be considered a fulfillment of what God promised
There was still more history to follow
I believe the Lord clarified these promises to David because he is in danger of assuming those promise were already fulfilled in his time
And it would have been natural for David to make that assumption given his situation
Under David Israel had grown much larger and had become much safer than it ever was under Saul or before
Saul’s kingdom consisted of just a narrow strip of land from the tribe of Dan in the north to Beersheba in the south
And Saul never conquered the coastal plain because the Philistines held that land
But by David’s time, the nation had expanded several times over stretching from present-day Syria to the Sinai of Egypt
It also included the coastal plains, the Arabah and the area of present-day Jordan…all lands Saul could never conquer
So from David’s perspective, his kingdom seemed to be the safe and secure place God promised to Abraham and his descendants
And that’s also why David began assuming he should build a house to the Lord…because David assumed the kingdom had come
To interpret the covenants of God properly, including the Davidic Covenant here, we must understand an important principle of Scripture
I call this principle the Law of Suggested Fulfillment
The Law says that certain events may appear to fulfill a promise of God, yet upon closer examination they fall short in some way
These earlier events merely hint or suggest the eventual fulfillment of a covenant but they are not the actual fulfillment
For example, the Lord promised Abraham that his descendants would occupy the land of Canaan one day
Four hundred years later, Joshua crossed the Jordan and the people entered the land of Canaan
By the time of Judges, the people had set up residence in the land in tribal territories
And then by David’s day the nation possessed virtually everything that the Lord promised to Abraham
But those events were not a fulfillment of the Abrahamic Covenant because they fell short of addressing all the terms God set forth
First, the people of Israel were not able to hold the land, yet the promise to Abraham was that Israel would have it forever
Secondly, they were constantly fighting off enemies and losing ground at time, but the promise was to live in peace
So scripture and history prove the Abrahamic covenant has yet to be fulfilled
And those earlier events merely suggested the way that God will one day fulfill His promises
If we overlook the law of suggested fulfillment, we can become guilty of adopting an “over-realized eschatology”
That’s the theological term for mistakenly assuming a prophecy has been fulfilled before its time
And I believe David made that mistake when he offered to build the house of God
David may have assumed that his reign was the fulfillment of the promises to Abraham and therefore the kingdom had come
As a result, David sought to build a house for the Lord to equal the grandeur of the Kingdom itself
That’s why the Lord appears to Nathan and says (in my own words)…
“Yes David, you are important to the Kingdom, but you are getting ahead of my plan…”
“In a future day, the people of Israel will dwell in their land as I promised, free from all enemies and never to leave again…”
“And in that day I will build a house for myself, and I will have a house for you as well (v.11)…”
“But you will not build that house, nor will it come about in your lifetime”
In v.12 the Lord tells David his days will come to completion before these things come to pass
And then after David, the Lord will raise up a descendant Who will establish the throne of his kingdom forever
So David isn’t going to be king over the Kingdom, because that awaits a future King Who comes after David is gone
Before we move ahead in the passage, we can already clearly see that the Lord is speaking about the future Kingdom of the Messiah, the Millennial Kingdom
The Bible promises that a Kingdom is coming, a worldwide empire that Jesus Himself will rule over as King
The first mention of a future ruler over Israel comes as a prophecy about Judah spoken by Jacob
The right to rule over Israel will belong to Judah until Shiloh comes, which is a reference to the Messiah
And then to him shall be the obedience of all nations, referring to the Messiah’s Kingdom
This Kingdom will begin at Jesus’ return, and Revelation 20 tells us this Kingdom will last 1,000 years
A well-known passage in Isaiah describes this Kingdom
Isaiah describes a time to come when the highest mountain on earth will be in Jerusalem
And on that mountain will sit the house of God, the house that the Lord tells David will be built by a future King
The nations of the world will come streaming to Israel to hear the word of the Lord and Israel will live there in peace
Again, this matches what the Lord tells David in 2 Samuel 7:10
Elsewhere, Isaiah gives us even more details…
At this time the world will look to the root of Jesse (i.e., Jesus) who will rule from a glorious place in Israel
And at that time the Lord will recover or regather His people in the land, which implies He scattered them outside the land
And finally, they will live without jealousy and hatred, so that all Israel will be at peace together in the land
So in the Kingdom, Israel receives everything God promised to Abraham, including living in the land, permanently and in peace along with a king and a house
First, notice in v. 11 the Lord says that He will provide a house for David
This conversation got started when David offered to build a house for God, but now God says He will make a house for David
In other words, the Lord says He will do the work to bring about a Kingdom and home for His people Israel, including David
David isn’t the one who brings the Kingdom into existence nor is David the one who can fulfill God’s promises
God alone fulfills His promises by His own might and power and in His timing, and we merely receive the blessings of God
Remember, the covenant God gave Abraham was a suzerainty covenant, which is a grant from a greater to a lessor
God granted certain promises to Abraham, and Abraham was never asked to accept or reject them
God alone decided what He would do and the fulfillment of those promises didn’t depend on Abraham in any way
God even put Abraham to sleep when the covenant was established to emphasize Abraham played no part in it
Similar, the covenant God makes with David here is a suzerainty covenant, because the promises are unconditional
David isn’t asked to agree or accept this covenant, because God has decreed it unilaterally
Moreover David has no obligations under this covenant, and in fact the Lord is emphasizing that David can’t do anything
The Lord will do everything to bring about the fulfillment of these promises, including building David a house
Now up to about this point in the text, we can clearly see the Lord has been talking of fulfilling the Abrahamic Covenant in the Kingdom
But all of this was background to the main part of the Davidic Covenant, which comes in the form of new promises made to David and Israel
These new promises are built upon the earlier promises made to Abraham, so that they depend on that earlier covenant
But the Davidic Covenant adds new details that were never given previously to Abraham
In v.13 the Lord says this future descendant of David will build a house for God and God will establish his throne of his kingdom forever
Given what we have studied already, this verse appears to refer to Jesus building the temple in the Kingdom and ruling forever
But there is a problem with that interpretation, because the next verse (v.14) says this ruler will commit sin and be disciplined
Since we know Jesus commits no sin, this leads most scholars to conclude the text switches from Jesus’ Kingdom to Solomon’s kingdom
Solomon did come forth from David, of course, and he built the first temple
And while Jesus doesn’t have sin, Solomon certainly had plenty of sin
But other details in the passage don’t fit Solomon yet they do fit Jesus
For example, in v.12 Solomon was not raised up after David dies, neither in the sense of being born nor in the sense of becoming king
First, we know Solomon wasn’t born after David died, and in fact he was already a grown man by this time
But neither was Solomon installed as king after David died
David moved to have Solomon anointed as king before David died because he worried about contention for his throne
So Solomon can’t be the descendant that is raised up after David has died…only Jesus fits that description
Then in v.13 it says that Solomon’s throne will go on forever, but that’s clearly not true
Solomon’s throne didn’t even last one generation after he died, being split into two kingdoms instead
Only Jesus’ throne goes on forever
And in v.14 the Lord says He will be a father to this future king and this king will be a son to God
But nowhere does God ever call Solomon His son nor does Solomon call God His Father
Only Jesus is called the Son of God the Father
Finally, although Solomon had sin, the Bible never reports Solomon being corrected for His sin by the rod or strokes of men
But Jesus was struck by rods and the strokes of the sons of men
And that detail leads us to our solution to resolve this dilemma
I believe the transition we have in English for v.14 has missed the nuance intended by the context
A more literal rendering of the Hebrew of v.14 would be:
“Because of sins committed, I will chasten him with the rod of men and with the wounds of the sons of men”
God the Father will chasten this future King He calls Son with the rod of men and the wounds of the sons of men because of sin
Isaiah later says the same thing about this King to come
The Lord is revealing that this future Kingdom can only come because a King is willing to take the penalty of sin upon Himself
Obviously neither David nor Solomon could qualify to do that
And though the Father subjects His Son to this penalty, the Lord says in v.15 that His lovingkindness will not depart from Him
So now with that change the entire passage fits Jesus perfectly, Who is the King to come and rule the Kingdom forever
And in that future Kingdom, all the promises given to Abraham and David will be fulfilled
And that’s the key here…remembering this entire passage is an elaboration on the fulfillment of the Abrahamic Covenant
So if we say the text is speaking of Solomon, then we would also be saying that the Davidic Covenant was fulfilled in Solomon’s time
And if that were true, then it means the Abrahamic Covenant is likewise fulfilled in that time…except we know that is not true
So here again, by forgetting the Law of Suggestive Fulfillment we adopt an over-realized eschatology
Instead, we understand that the passage is speaking of promises that will be fulfilled by Jesus in the Kingdom
As the New Testament affirms to us:
In the meantime, Solomon’s kingdom and the temple he builds are not the fulfillment of the Davidic Covenant
They are simply earlier events that suggest the later fulfillment, which is an example of the Law of Suggestive Fulfillment at work
Solomon’s Kingdom suggests or hints of Jesus’ Kingdom, and it serves to show David and Israel that God will keep His promises
And that is why the Lord appears to David in the first place…to give David perspective on what’s coming so David doesn’t run ahead
Notice in v.16 the Lord sums up everything He’s spoken to David saying your house and your kingdom and your throne shall endure forever
This is the essence of the Davidic Covenant…a three-part promise that David’s dynasty would be permanent
Unlike Saul, who saw God’s lovingkindness depart and his dynasty end, the Lord would never allow David’s dynasty to end
David’s descendant would forever occupy the temple of God and rule over Israel
But the permanence of that dynasty was not established in David’s longevity or Solomon’s longevity but by Christ’s longevity
Jesus being a descendant of David fulfills this promise when He assumes the throne in the Kingdom
Moreover, as David goes, so goes the nation of Israel, as I mentioned in a prior week
So because David was blessed to see his dynasty continue, so the nation of Israel is richly blessed by the Messiah’s rule
As Isaiah says, in the Kingdom their nation will be the chief nation on the earth because the King dwells in Jerusalem
Until that time, the promise awaits to be fulfilled, so in the meantime the Lord revealed these details so David would be patient
Being patient to see the promises of God fulfilled in their proper time is considered a testimony of faith
The Bible points us to the patriarchs who received the original promises of God as examples of such patience
Like David, they too heard they would receive an inheritance in the land, and like David they knew it would come only after they died
In the book of Hebrews, we’re told that Abraham and his sons lived as wanderers in tents in the land rather than putting down roots
Abraham lived as a nomad as a testimony to the world that he knew God’s promise of the land awaited a future kingdom
Abraham, Isaac and Jacob knew they would die and be resurrected
And only then in the resurrected life would they receive the promised land permanently
So in their first earthly lifetime, the writer says they refused to establish a permanent home in the land that God gave to them
Since they knew God’s plan wasn’t to give them that land in this lifetime, they didn’t bother trying to take it for themselves
They were content to live as wanderers, which made clear to everyone that they didn’t expect to receive anything now
It was the ultimate demonstration that they were waiting for God to fulfill His promises after the resurrection
At the end of that chapter, the writer concludes that our lesson should be to think in the same way
We’ve gained God’s approval by our faith alone, yet we will not receive what He has promised in this lifetime
God has provided something better for us, something better than you can’t find in this world
And we will all receive it when we are made perfect in the Kingdom after our resurrection
Until then, we show our gratitude to God with acceptable service done in reverence and awe
We are saved by our faith, but we serve Him because of His love for us
That’s the kingdom God is talking to David about now
But for the same reason, the Lord chose for His ark to dwell in tents also, to offer the same testimony to Israel
The permanent home for God to dwell among His people had not yet arrived
And it won’t arrive until the Kingdom comes
Now the chapter ends with David’s response to the Lord’s revelation through the prophet
David’s response to the Lord’s revelation is exactly as you might expect and hope it would be…astonishment at God’s grace and humility over God’s choice
David asks who am I and who is my family that you would bring me this far?
This is always the first and right response to someone receiving God’s grace…how did I deserve what is undeserved?
When you realize that God chose you to be part of the family of God for no reason except His grace, it leaves you in awe
Secondly, David says the wonderful things God did for David and his family are insignificant compared to the honor of receiving God’s revelation
And this is the second response to God’s grace
Naturally, we give thanks for the many ways God confirms us in this life but none can compare to the blessing of God’s word
And new Christians may struggle to appreciate this truth, but the longer you walk with Jesus the more the word means
And David’s third response is to say he is speechless in v.20, because he says the Lord knows his heart
When you have heard from God as David did or learned from God’s word as we do, what can you say in response?
Every mouth is shut in the presence of the truth of God
Next, David praises the name and glory and work of God
In v.21says that God has done these great things not for David’s sake but for the sake of God’s word and God’s heart, meaning His desires
God’s word is the most powerful force in the Universe
In fact, it is infinitely more powerful than the Universe itself, since the Universe was created by it
So when the word of God goes forth, it becomes a force of its own
And when God made promises to Abraham, nothing could stop them from coming to pass
And David now sees that truth at work through the details God has revealed to him
You will have the same response when you see the word of God working itself out in your life
God does as His will desires and nothing in the Universe can change it, and that’s a great thing for those who are covered by His promises
Notice David says in v.21 that the Lord has done all this greatness to let David know the future…
In other words, God didn’t have to reveal anything to David, yet He did so as an act of His love, and David marvels at that
How often do you marvel at the great things God has done to reveal His word to you?
And in v.22 David sums it up saying God is great, there is none like you and no God besides you
And David says this is all according to what we have heard
David’s referring again to the word of God which was mostly an oral experience in that day since written text was rare
Today we would say God is exactly as the word of God says
Have you noticed a pattern so far? God’s love and mercy and greatness is directly associated with Him revealing and keeping His word
The word of God is how we come to know God and how we learn of God
And it’s proof of God’s love for us and the evidence of His greatness
It’s His power to do all that we hope and the thing that distinguishes Him from all false gods
Having asked “why me” to being awestruck by receiving God’s word, having nothing to say in response and then praising God’s greatness…
Now David recognizes the importance of Israel in God’s plan
In vs.23-26 David says that there no other nation on the earth like Israel nor will there ever be
Israel is central to God’s plan, which is now plainly and clearly evident in the Davidic Covenant promises
Israel was created by God, redeemed from Egypt and made into a nation so that He could bring about the promises He made to the world
Those promises are sure and cannot change, for if God could go back on His promises to Israel, then He could do the same to you
And notice in v.26 David declares that God will forever be known as the God over Israel
Remember, the Abrahamic and Davidic covenants are both suzerainty covenants, which means unconditional covenants
They are not dependent on Israel’s obedience in any way, so they will come to pass for Israel without question
Israel’s disobedience under the Law brought certain consequences spelled out in the Law
But the nation’s unfaithfulness could not lessen God’s faithfulness…He is forever the God of Israel
Finally, David says in v.27 that the revelation of God gave him the courage to pray this prayer
Your courage to pray or testify or do anything in the name of Christ will grow as you devote yourself to the study of His word
It’s not simply the transfer of information…it’s the way we build a relationship with God
And that relationship changes us on the inside bringing us, among other things, courage to speak and act in His name
And David now rests in the promises he’s heard and he knows they will come to pass without a doubt
If you’ve ever heard someone say they rest in the word of God, this what they mean
Resting in the word isn’t feeling drowsy or comforted…though you may experience those feelings too
I once shared a plane flight with Henry Blackaby
He was seated next to me, but I didn’t recognize him at first so we passed most of the flight in silence
It was night, and I started reading my Bible and soon fell asleep
As we were preparing to land, I finally recognized Blackaby and introduced myself and apologized for not speaking earlier
He responded it was OK, since he could see I was resting in the Lord
But truly resting in the word means relying upon it and depending upon it
Knowing it’s the rock and the enduring thing in the universe gives us confidence when everything else is falling apart
And now David knew that his future and the future of his dynasty and the nation itself was assured
And that gave David rest