Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongTonight is Part 2 of our study of the Kingdom
We’re taking our study of this fascinating time in sections
Last week we looked at the changes to Creation, the land, the animals and the government
Let’s summarize what we learned in those areas
First, the natural world will begin to return to the state that it knew before the fall of Adam
The animal kingdoms will no longer experience a predator-prey relationship
Likewise, human beings will no longer be threatened by animals
And these changes represent a partial reversal of the curses God pronounced on the earth after the fall
One change hasn’t been reversed, however: the snake still crawls on the ground
This memorial to Satan’s deception remains on the earth because the enemy himself remains for a time
Next we learned that Israel will be back in her land, and her borders will be greatly increased over the borders of today
They will be closer to the borders of Solomon’s day
And Israel will be the chief nation on earth because Jesus Himself will live in Jerusalem
Among other natural changes are new features on the land in Israel, beginning with a land that will produce an abundance of crops without effort
That too is a reversal of the curse on the land
And the mountains will have streams on top, so that water is everywhere and the land is easy to work
The mountain holding the temple will be the chief mountain in that day
And from the temple, a new river will flow that will split and go into the Mediterranean Sea and the Dead Sea
And when it hits the Dead Sea, it will cause the waters to turn fresh and produce new fish
And that temple will be the home of Christ and the government of the earth
Jesus will rule the nations from this place and His government will eliminate all disobedience and sinful behavior even among those who have sin
The Jewish nation will be ruled by David and the twelve apostles, along with the glorified nation of Israel
While the Gentile nations will be ruled by the glorified church saints in an unknown structure
And Isaiah said last week that when we need Jesus’ direction, we can call upon Him and He answers us instantly from anywhere
Now as we move on to the next section, we need to consider daily life, starting with why a government exists in the Kingdom time at all
Governing is fundamentally a process of dealing with lawbreakers
If there were no lawbreakers, there would be no need for government
As Paul explains in Romans 13
The purpose of government is to be an instrument of God to ensure that lawbreakers are punished and good behavior is encouraged
So the need for government comes from the effect of sin
Take away sin and we remove the need for government of any kind, for everyone would be doing the right thing
Therefore, the fact that government exists in the Kingdom is (another) proof that sin exists in that time
And we discussed earlier in this study how some will enter the Kingdom bringing sin with them
They are saved by their faith, yet they come with a sinful body since they had never died
Let’s take a moment to revisit the various groups of humanity who enter into the Kingdom
We learned earlier that there are five different groups of believers that enter the Kingdom on Day 1 while all unbelievers die beforehand
Three groups enter in new, glorified, sinless bodes, and these eternal, sinless people rule with Jesus in the government
They are sinless so they need no rule themselves, and because they do the will of Jesus perfectly, they can assist in ruling
Under Christ’s direction, they ensure that the world is ruled with a rod of iron in perfect justice
But two other groups enter in natural, earthly bodies that still possess sin and they will not participate in the government
The condition for entry into the Kingdom was not sinlessness but rather righteousness by faith
So 100% of those who enter the Kingdom will be believers made righteous by faith, but not all 100% will be sinless
These sinful believers who come out of Tribulation, both Jew and Gentile, will continue to live in the same bodies they entered with
They have not died yet, so they have not been resurrected into new glorified bodies yet
And these natural bodies may unite in marriage and reproduce to create a new generation of humanity in the Kingdom time
And the new generations they produce will also possess natural bodies, which means they too will have a sinful nature
But unlike their parents, these new generations of Kingdom citizens (the true Millennials) will not all be believing like that first generation that entered
Remember, we aren’t “born” believing…we all enter the world lost and in need of salvation
Which is why we must be born again by faith at some point in our earthly life
So the children of the Kingdom will enter into the world both sinful and without faith
All those who enter with sin will require ruling, and that will be especially true for the future generations of unbelievers
They will make mistakes, and the government will step in to stop that mistake from going anywhere
No sin will have a chance to grow or produce harm in the world because it will be contained quickly and perfectly
So for 1,000 years the world will be ruled by a class of humanity that does not die, cannot sin and will not marry or procreate
And those we rule will live in natural bodies that can die, possess sin and may reproduce more sinful natural people
And over time these natural people will repopulate the earth
But that scenario opens some intriguing questions…questions that are hard to answer in some cases
First, what is life like for those believers who enter into the Kingdom?
How many people are born in this time? Do they die in this world?
And if they don’t die, how can we have a government that never grows, rule a population that increases and never dies?
If we assume only 10,000 people, both Jew and Gentile, survive the Tribulation and enter the world in natural bodies
And then assume those 10,000 are roughly equal numbers of men and women and those 10,000 marry
Then assume that 2% have a child each year and no one is dying
Then after 1,000 years, the earth population would be 4 trillion!
That seems impossible to manage, so what does the Bible tells us about that time?
Isaiah gives us this description of the Kingdom
Isaiah’s poetry employs couplets in this verse to describe the rules of death in the Kingdom
The first and third lines go together while the second and fourth lines go together
Let’s reorganize them to understand them more easily
(1) No longer will there be in it an infant who lives but a few days,
(3) For the youth will die at the age of one hundred
(2) Or an old man who does not live out his days;
(4) And the one who does not reach the age of one hundred will be thought accursed.
Isaiah reports that no longer will there be an infant who lives only a few days
Obviously, there will be children born in the Kingdom, but this isn’t a surprise since we know that natural people enter the Kingdom
But no longer will a child die in infancy, which forces us to acknowledge a fundamental truth: God controls life and death
God has declared that in the Kingdom children will not die young which can only be true if God controls the timing of death
Isaiah says the earliest a child will die is at the age of 100, and the person will be considered a youth because life can go much longer
The Lord has assured every person born in the Kingdom at least 100 years of life
Obviously, this is a dramatic departure from what we see today
But to die at that point will be considered an early death, Isaiah says, which means that normal lifespans return to that of Genesis
Even natural men and women can live much much longer than 100 years in that day
Next Isaiah also says that an old man will never fail to live out his days in the Kingdom, meaning he will not die of old age either
So people will live hundreds of years, just as was the case in the ancient world
We don’t know about the aging process in this day, but apparently God is capable of sustaining natural bodies as before
This too is a partial reversal of the curses of the Garden
Before Adam sinned, there was no death, but even after bodies still died very slowly, since Adam lived 969 years
The one who does not pass the 100th year will be understood to be accursed
To be accursed means to fall under divine judgment, which in this context indicates eternal judgment in Hell
We know that only unbelievers are under condemnation from God, so those accursed must refer to unbelievers in the Kingdom
These are the offspring of the Gentile believers born into the Kingdom in natural bodies
They will die at age 100 and enter Hell at that point
So the 100th birthday seems to be the watershed moment for all those born in the Kingdom
Only those who believe in Jesus as Lord will be allowed to live longer than 100 years
Once a person believes, they become immune to death because Isaiah says they will live until the end of the Kingdom
So it’s an all-or-nothing proposition: the unbeliever will only live 100 years while believers enjoy the duration of the Kingdom
Clearly, this is a very different economy of life and death than the one we know today
And in this way God sends a very clear message that the Kingdom is meant to be enjoyed by believers
And the precision and severity of this judgment is in keeping with Jesus’ overall style of rule: He rules with an iron rod
If believers do not die in the Kingdom, then when do they receive a new, eternal body?
And this is one of the great silences of the Bible…because to my knowledge there is no Scripture that addresses this question
Clearly, they must be resurrected into a new, eternal sinless body at some point because we know all sin is gone after the Kingdom
But the Bible never tells us when this happens, so we’re left to guess
It could happen when they turn 100, or it could happen any point after that or at the end of the Kingdom
Meanwhile, let’s move to the next question: how does anyone live 100 years on the earth with Jesus ruling in Jerusalem and not believe in Him?
Students of the Bible naturally wonder how it could be that a world ruled by Christ could include unbelievers
Most assume that Jesus will be visible in the world
And we assume that supernatural displays will be common
And even the fact that we live among the world in our glorified bodies should be proof enough to bring faith
But if you think a moment longer, you come to realize these things can’t be true in the Kingdom
First, remember this has happened before, when Jesus walked the earth and showed His power and authority
People didn’t believe in Him then, so clearly it’s possible to see God in your midst and not be convinced to believe
Secondly, the unbelievers in the Kingdom were born during the time of the Kingdom, so they have no experience other than the Kingdom
They know nothing of the age that preceded theirs and there will be no evidence of that prior age
Just as this world refuses to believe in the stories of Adam and Noah, etc. because physical evidence is lacking
So it will be then that people lack evidence of the life that existed before the Tribulation and the renewing of the earth
Thirdly, they will never see Jesus during the entire 1,000 years of the Kingdom
We will study the details of the Kingdom temple in next week’s lesson, but one detail we need tonight is Jesus’ dwelling place
Ezekiel 43 tells us that the Lord dwells in the Holy of Holies in the Temple for the entire 1,000 years
The Lord returns to His usual appearance of glory as we saw John describe in Chapter 1, and He dwells in the temple without interruption
And Ezekiel goes on to tell us that the glory of the Lord is only visible to visitors on Sabbaths, Feast days and new moons
And unbelievers are never allowed to enter the temple or see the glory of the Lord…we will study this more next week
So in other words, the one born in this age can see that a temple exists on a high mountain in Jerusalem
And that person also sees a government of people ruling the world, but the unbeliever never sees the king on His throne in the temple
Therefore, the only way an unbeliever will recognize Jesus as King is by faith in the testimony of the word of God
The requirement for faith in the Kingdom is just as it is today (and has always been)
Salvation can never be a matter of sight…it must always come from faith in god’s word
The Bible teaches that faith is an expression of hope because it accepts something as true before it can be “seen”
Once something can be seen, accepting the truth of it no longer requires faith…it’s become self-evident
Nor should such a concession gain us anything, because God Himself gains no glory when we acknowledge the obvious
So God’s plan of salvation depends on faith, trusting in the promises of God found in His word concerning things yet to come
We place our faith in things that cannot be seen, Christ’s atoning death, our future resurrection and judgment
God’s word has made promises to us concerning these matters, and faith is required to accept them
Now imagine if Jesus were visible in His glorified form to the unbelieving world?
They would certainly acknowledge Jesus, but that acknowledgement wouldn’t be based on faith in God’s word
It would merely be a self-evident truth, and acknowledging Jesus under those circumstances wouldn’t result in salvation
No more than at the final judgment when Paul says:
At the final judgment, all humanity from all history will come to understand the truth that Jesus is Lord
In that moment, Paul says every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that truth
Notice the various places where humanity will exist when they make this confession
Some are above the earth, others on the earth, but importantly some are still below the earth
And Paul says that even those below the earth will acknowledge Jesus, referring to souls enduring eternal judgment
Paul says they too will confess Christ as Lord, yet they will remain in judgment despite their confession
Why? Because at that point their confession is simply an acknowledgement of self-evident truth…no faith required
And so it does not bring salvation
Therefore, since unbelief remains part of life during the Kingdom, then faith must still be the means to salvation
And if faith is required, then the truth of Christ will not be self-evident, at least not in the sense that it nullifies the need for faith
That’s one reason Jesus is not roaming the earth in His glorified form but rather He remains in the Holy of Holies
The testimony of that day will be that our Lord is resident in the temple, reigning and ruling
But accepting that testimony will require faith, since unbelievers will not see Jesus nor will they be permitted to enter the temple
And then there’s the issue of our appearance, and for the same reason, we should assume that our glorified appearance won’t vary dramatically
We should expect that our physical construction will mirror the one we have now albeit without sin or disease or weaknesses
Perhaps our appearance will remain essentially the same (just fewer wrinkles and maybe a little thinner)
And if so, that may be the way we’ll recognize each other
And perhaps most amazing, our sinless nature won’t make us radically different from the sinner
Remember, Jesus lived a sinless life, and yet none of his earthly brothers were moved by what they saw to believe in His claims
So if sinless Jesus could live side by side with unbelievers without them noticing, we should expect to do the same
We will live side-by-side with the natural man or woman and yet our sinlessness won’t challenge their lack of faith in Jesus as God
They won’t look at us so as to be amazed and persuaded to believe in Jesus
They may see us as kind or good, or on the other hand, they may think we’re impossibly good and feel convicted by it
That’s the situation I find myself in all the time
But one thing we can know for sure, our sinless nature won’t serve to nullify faith for those who remain unbelieving
So the unbelievers on that day will live with those who rule over them without appreciating a difference exists
Meanwhile, we who are glorified will enjoy endless days of joy serving Jesus and presumably we will have many relationships
We will re-establish relationships with those we knew here
We will establish new relationships with believers from all ages of time, including people famous and unknown to history
Elsewhere in the Gospels Jesus tells us we will be surprised by those who make it into the Kingdom and those who don’t
There will be those in the Kingdom who lived terrible lives but came to faith in the end
And there will be those missing who lived pious lives and even had well-known ministries but never knew the Lord personally
We will have 1,000 years to make it around the world and meet as many saints as we can and learn their stories
I suspect that tourism in that day will be less about seeing places and more about meeting people
You can read the story of Jonah on one day and decide to seek him out for a conversation on the next day
Ever wondered what it felt like to be in a boat with animals for over a year? Have coffee with Noah
Curious what the Red Sea parting looked like? Talk to Moses or Miriam
Want to ask Aaron what he was thinking with that calf? What Abraham was thinking with Hagar? Get in line…
The more we consider these issues, the more reasons we have to look forward to the Kingdom life
It’s going to be everything we like about life today and nothing we don’t
It’s going to be a life with fulfillment in place of disappointment
It will be a life with meaning instead of one that sometimes seems senseless
It’s a life with a rhythm and stability that eliminates fear or worry
A life where the prospect of growing old and dying are gone, where the consequences of sin are no more
Our days will be filled with work we enjoy, pastimes that don’t hurt us or others and possessions that never fade away
And for the unbeliever, the same will be true so long as they do not sin and if they come to faith during their first 100 years
And in the midst of that near-perfect world, the unbeliever will be told they must believe in Jesus if they want to continue in that bliss
Though we may assume that such a great world would make faith easier to come by, the reality will be the exact opposite
When the world is experiencing such bliss, faith will be harder
Just as today when people are comfortable in their circumstances, they find little reason to consider a change
Especially not a change as significant as repenting of their present way of life to embrace a new one in Jesus
What else can we know about life in that day? Let’s take a closer look at the Jewish life in the Kingdom
The passage opens with a familiar statement, that Israel, the branch of the Lord will be beautiful and the earth will produce bountifully for Israel in that day
And all who are left (after Tribulation) will be holy, everyone who is recorded for life in Jerusalem
As we studied earlier, there will be no unbelievers in Israel
So there will be natural un-glorified Jews in the Kingdom (just like the Gentiles)
But unlike the Gentiles, the children of Jews will always come to faith in the Kingdom or so it seems
But we also studied earlier in Ezekiel that there would be death among the families of the priests in the temple
So we still have a bit of mystery on the question of Jewish life
Isaiah also says that Jerusalem will be covered by the Shechinah glory of God like the assembly of Israel in the desert exodus
The temple itself is part of a great mountain that also includes Jerusalem and covers that plain we described earlier
The flat plain on the top of this mountain is 50 miles square
The city of Jerusalem will be up there too, 10 miles square
And then the temple itself which is nearly 1 square mile
Over this whole area will be a cloud at day time to provide persistent shade keeping the area cool
And at night there will be flaming fire in the sky to provide constant illumination over the temple
And the effect of both will be to prevent a storm or rain from falling on this area like a canopy
The glory of the Lord will be honored in these things
What about Gentile life in the Kingdom? We know only a few things specifically
In the Kingdom strangers, referring to Gentiles, will join themselves to the Lord to minister to Him in love of Him
They will live as servants and observe the Millennial law, which we will talk about next week
These Gentiles will be brought to the holy mountain and become a joyful part of the house of prayer
We know that “house of prayer” is an Old Testament term referring to the temple itself
So these Gentiles will become workers and likely priests in the Temple and will offer sacrifices before the altar as priests
In that way the temple will be called a house of prayer for all peoples
In the time of the earlier temple, only Jews were able to sacrifice and certainly only Jews could serve as priests
But in the Kingdom, the temple will be known as a house of prayer for all the peoples, because Gentiles will serve there too
And there are other places of service for Gentiles in Israel during this time
In the Kingdom the Lord will populate nations around the globe with the believing Gentiles who enter the Kingdom on the first day
The Lord says they will know His works and see His glory, because as we said earlier Gentile believers will have access to the temple
On certain days of the year, they can enter and witness the glory of the Lord in the temple
And in the lands where they live, the Lord says He will also set a sign among the nations
That sign will be the survivors God sends to live there, the Church saints who go to rule there
We are a sign to the nation by our witness of righteousness and faith that we possess
And Isaiah says in v.19 we will declare the glory of the Lord to those distant nations
In v.20 the prophet says that these will bring Israel’s brethren back to Jerusalem on horses, chariots and the like
This seems to describe the initial days of the Kingdom when Israel is reestablished in her land
The Gentile believers will carry Jews to their land as a statement of honor and reversal of previous scatterings
Where before Gentile nations pushed Israel out of her land, now we carry them back like making a grain offering to the Lord
Finally, Isaiah confirms that some of these Gentile believers will be honored to become priests serving in the temple
So the Gentile believers will have a place in government in distant lands where the Lord gives us an inheritance
But some of us may be called up to the majors to serve Jesus in the temple
And some Gentiles will be assigned to serve in Israel directly
Isaiah says that when the nations bring the Jews into the land at the start of the Kingdom, some of those Gentiles will stay in the land
They will become a possession of Israel as part of Israel’s inheritance
And those Gentiles will become servants of Israel though in a position of honor
Moving on, I said earlier that sin will not have a chance to gain momentum in the Kingdom, and so life will remain peaceful in this time
But there is an interesting exception to that rule: worship in the temple
The requirement for Gentile nations to visit the temple periodically may be disobeyed
And when a nation refuses to obey the requirement to come to the temple, the Lord will bring a devastating response
Nations will be required to come to the temple for an annual feast called the feast of Booths, which is the final feast on the Jewish calendar
We study this feast and the other worship events of the Kingdom next week
But for now notice what happens when a nation decides to skip church that week, so to speak
A drought will be the one and only response the Lord sends to nations that refuse to conduct worship at the temple
Remember, that the earth produces without effort because water is plentiful
So no irrigation systems will be necessary or built we presume
So a drought will have an immediate and devastating effect on agriculture and life making it an effective deterrent
Finally, for both Jew and Gentile living in that time, life will be satisfying
First, we will build houses for ourselves in the Kingdom Isaiah says
If you’ve ever wanted to design and build that perfect house for yourself, you will get that chance
And you will live in the house you decide to build, and I suspect it will be a house that far surpasses the one you have now
In fact, it’s a general rule of Scripture that this life is a pale comparison of the one we get next
Which is why the Bible warns us against investing too much of ourselves in this world rather than waiting for our reward
And as we already know we will plant crops and eat the fruit of it
This is more than a simple statement of farming…the point is the certainty of a return on our effort
The plants will not die, the crop will not fail to materialize
No one will raid the land, no one will take our house from us
Notice in v.22 Isaiah says we won’t build what we desire only to see someone else gain it later for some reason
It will be ours to keep without any fear of losing it, because the Lord has given it to us as our inheritance
Likewise, no one else will take our produce from the fields
And the days of our lives in this time will be like that of a tree, Isaiah says
There are trees that have lives 2,000+ years, and so we will know that kind of lifespan
In fact, our lifespan will never end, so every day will be a continuation of our joy
And we will wear out the work of our hands
And for those who can marry and reproduce, they will not labor in vain, because there will no infant mortality as we discussed earlier
The offspring of those blessed of the Lord will live
And every parent will gain the joy of raising children without fear for their young lives
Having covered what we can from Scripture, there is still a lot left unaddressed of course
We don’t know the level of technology present in the Kingdom
Will we enjoy the conveniences we have today or perhaps we will be rescued from the hectic nature of our connected life
Will there be entertainment, sports? Can we move to new places? Is there money and an economy?
I think the Lord has intentionally left many things unanswered so that the Kingdom life is a never-ending series of surprises
And I remind myself of how much life here can astonish and please us despite the terrible condition of the world and people
So imagine how much better it will be when sin is under control and we have none of our own
And curses are gone and the world is peaceful…I’m sure we won’t be missing this age at all
Next week we look at the temple operations, including why sacrifices return
And we look at worship in the Kingdom and take a brief tour of the temple building itself
And then the following and final week of the Kingdom, we look at the events that bring the 1,000 years to an end