
Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongWelcome to our virtual observance of Easter, the day we remember our Lord raised from the dead
The Bible says Jesus was raised before dawn on the first day of the week, which is Sunday on the Jewish calendar just as it is for us today
For that reason Christians everywhere celebrate Jesus’ resurrection on the first Sunday after the Jewish Passover
This year Passover occurred this past Thursday, which was the same day Passover fell upon during the week Jesus died
So as it turns out, this week is following the same pattern as the original Passion week
We will continue studying more about the events of that week as we progress through Matthew
But today is Easter, and typically I take a break from the verse-by-verse study I’m currently moving through on this day to acknowledge the day
I usually pause to preach a message on the significance of the resurrection of Jesus
Because Easter is all about resurrection, about Jesus’ dead body returning to life and walking out of the tomb
But in the providence of God, we happen to find ourselves today in a passage in Matthew that fits the topic of Easter perfectly
So instead of venturing away from our regular study, I’m going to continue forward with our study exactly as God planned
Because the topic the Lord prepared for us in Chapter 22 of Matthew today is…resurrection
Let’s return to the scene in Matthew 22, on the Tuesday before Jesus dies, Jesus is teaching in the temple and being challenged by various religious leaders
They are intent on discrediting Him and they’ve been coming at Jesus in waves, one group after another trying to trap Him
Last week we studied a trap set by the Pharisees and Herodians who brought a question about paying the poll tax to Caesar
They tried to lead Jesus to say that either Jews shouldn’t pay the tax, which would have upset the Romans
Or else Jesus might say that Jews should pay the tribute to Caesar, in which case the people would have been upset at Him
But Jesus sidesteps the trap by explaining that the tax could be paid without risk of idolatry because the denarius was worthless to Jews
Since the Roman coin had no value to Pharisees and only had value to Caesar, Jesus said give back to Caesar what is his
Giving something away that you don’t value can’t be considered a tribute because you aren’t making a sacrifice
But then Jesus added that these men should also give God what is His, meaning they had been missing the forest for the trees
They were worried about giving Caesar too much honor, meanwhile they weren’t honoring God at all
When their Messiah came to them, they conspired to kill Him
So Jesus won Round 2 in this battle, and now it’s time for Round 3, and the topic for Round 3 on this Easter morning is…resurrection
The Sadducees have returned to take a second shot at Jesus and Matthew introduces them with a parenthetical comment
In v.23 Matthew explains that the Sadducees were those who said there was no resurrection
The Sadducees taught that the notion of a future bodily resurrection was nothing more than a fairy tale
And to understand what they said specifically, we first need to understand what resurrection is and what it is not
Resurrection is NOT the spirit of a person rising up from their dead body into Heaven like a ghost in a cartoon
Resurrection is a dead body returning to life, as when Jesus' body came back to life after 3 days
Or in the case of Lazarus in John 11 when Jesus raised his dead body back to life after 3 days in the tomb
But in the case of our resurrection, we won’t receive back our original bodies
When we die our physical bodies go into the grave and eventually return to dust never to be seen again
From that moment, we exist in Heaven in the form of spirit only waiting for our resurrection day
Then in a day to come the Bible says the Lord will give to all saints a new eternal body for our life in the Kingdom
That is resurrection, when we will live again on this earth in a new glorified body
Now the Sadducees didn’t believe in resurrection, which means they didn’t believe that God gives saints new physical bodies
Instead, Sadducees taught that the saints remain eternally, in spirit form only, in Heaven with the God
And for that reason, they also didn’t believe in a literal physical Kingdom on earth
For Sadducees, this life on earth was the only one we receive, and afterward we live in an etherial state with God
This view was very different than the Pharisees, who taught a literal resurrection and a literal physical Kingdom to come
So this question had become a major debate between the two parties in Israel
Sadducees maintained there was no resurrection in our future, while Pharisees taught that there was a literal resurrection
So to prove their point and embarrass Jesus, the Sadducees contrived this ridiculous scenario to make the idea of resurrection seem foolish
Their scenario was built upon a provision in the Law of Moses (Deut 25:5) for a childless widow to carry on the family name
The law said if a woman’s husband died before she produced a male heir, then one of his unmarried brothers must marry her
And the first son born to that couple would be considered the son of the dead man, thus continuing his family name
And Sadducees viewed this requirement in the Law as proof that the concept of resurrection was unworkable in practice
In their example, they imagine a woman who is widowed and then enters into a Levirate marriage with the dead man’s brother
But then her second husband dies also, so she marries another brother and this continues a total of six times
Each time the next brother in the family steps up to marry her and later dies, resulting in seven marriages altogether
Eventually she dies and all are reunited in physical bodies after the resurrection
So then the Sadducees ask Jesus, which of those brothers would be her true husband after the resurrection?
They were mocking the idea that people returned to physical bodies and picked up life again where they left off
Under such circumstances, we would inevitably encounter serious problems, they assumed, especially in the area of marriage
They expected to see resurrected ex-spouses together in the Kingdom trying to figure out who was married to whom…it would be chaos!
For the Sadducees, such a scenario seemed to make the reality of a literal, physical resurrection impossible
And they assumed this scenario would make Jesus look foolish as He tried to untangle the conflicts
They then could turn to the crowds and say Jesus was teaching wrong and silly ideas about God and Heaven
And as a bonus, they could embarrass their rivals, the Pharisees, who also believed in resurrection
Now before we look at Jesus’ response, we might be tempted to ask what’s the big deal here? This sounds like an academic debate
It’s like theologians sitting around asking how many angels fit on the head of a pin, or can God make a rock so large that He can’t lift it?
But in reality this was a critically important question
And in fact there is no single issue in all the New Testament more important than the topic of resurrection
Your entire faith and salvation depends on this question, depends on the literal truth of resurrection
Or as the Bible often calls it, our “hope”
You have no doubt read in the New Testament about the Christian hope?
Paul uses the word hope 44 times in his letters, including telling us that in hope we’ve been saved and hope doesn’t disappoint
Consider these other statements by Paul:
Did you know in all these cases and many more, when Paul refers to our “hope” he’s speaking specifically of our hope of resurrection
The hope of the Christian faith is our expectation that we will rise from the dead into a new physical body and live on earth again
In Galatians 5:5 Paul calls resurrection the hope of righteousness, because it is the outcome for those who are righteous by faith
In Colossians 1:27 Paul says that resurrection is our hope of glory, because at our resurrection we receive a new glorified body
And in 1 Thessalonians 4:13 Paul says we ought not grieve for dead believers as those who have no expectation of resurrection
Your faith is in Jesus Christ, and that faith leads to your hope for resurrection
We are not yet in our eternal, glorified bodies, which is why it’s called a hope, but we anticipate that day
And our expectation for resurrection is not a senseless hope
On the contrary, our hope in a future resurrection is sensible, rational and well-founded
Why so? Because of Jesus’ own resurrection on the first Easter
When you place your faith in Jesus Christ, you testify that you believe His claims, and what did He claim?
In these two quotes, Jesus claims to have the power to raise people from the dead, meaning to give people new living bodies
Jesus promised that those who place their faith in Him would be resurrected on the last day
So in a time to come Jesus says He will perform a mass resurrection for all His followers just prior to the Kingdom
Now those are bold claims, and words are cheap, so how do we know Jesus truly has the power He claimed?
First, during His earthly ministry Jesus performed several resurrections including Lazarus, which I mentioned earlier
But His ultimate proof came when He foretold His own resurrection
Jesus said He would die and later be resurrected, but if Jesus dies, who will resurrect Him?
Jesus promised He would resurrect Himself, which He referred to as taking His life up again
Now that’s an audacious claim! Many people over the centuries have claimed to have the power to raise others from the dead
And a few have truly possessed that power, include the apostles who were granted power to raise the dead at times
But no one to my knowledge has ever promised to raise himself from the dead and then actually performed it…except Jesus
Jesus promised to have this power, and He settled all doubts when He walked out of the grave before dawn on Sunday
Now why is this so important? Because the hope of the Christian faith is knowing we live again in a body on this earth, that death is not the end
Death is merely a transition, and when that “day” of resurrection comes, we will have put death behind us forever
You will one day live inside a new body, one similar to the one you have now except this new one will never die again
And it will never get sick, never suffer, never know disappointment or heartache…and most of all it has no sin
In that day when you receive your new body and again walk on this earth, you will enjoy all the things you once knew
You will hold someone’s hand again, you will see your face in the mirror and this time it will never age again
You will go for a walk, swim in the ocean, eat a meal, sing a song, and you will never worry that things will be taken from you again
That’s our hope…it’s a hope in resurrection, a hope of escaping the fleeting life we know now to embrace an eternal life with Jesus
And that hope is based in something real and rational…it’s not a hope in a fairy tale
And we know this because Jesus raised Himself from the dead to give us confidence
His resurrection is perhaps the best documented event of ancient history
Jesus’ crucifixion was witnessed by hundreds so there was no doubt He died
And His resurrection appearances were witnessed by hundreds more over weeks of time
The four Gospels are accounts written by men who lived at that time and witnessed the risen Lord and testified to what they saw
And if Jesus had not proven His claims…if He had died and stayed dead, then there would be no reason to place faith in Him
If someone says they can give us the gift of eternal life but they can’t even give that gift to themselves, don’t believe it
Why place your hope for resurrection in someone who can’t even resurrect himself?
Or as Paul says:
Paul says if Christianity was merely a hope that Christ would give us our best life now, then Paul says we are a sad bunch
We should be pitied more than anyone else, because we denied ourselves the pleasures of this world with nothing to show for it
No, Paul says that’s not our situation, because Christ was raised from the dead, and the fact of His resurrection means our hope is justified
He does have the power to give us a new living body after this one is gone, and because we trust Him to do it, we will have it
That’s why Jesus’ resurrection is so important, and it’s why this question posed by the Sadducees is so important to us
If the Sadducees were right and resurrection was just a joke, our faith is a cruel joke and our hope is a farce
So how does Jesus deal with this question? He shows how these religious leaders had again misunderstood Scripture
Jesus states plainly that these men were mistaken, because they assumed too much about life in the Kingdom and assumed too little about the power of God
First, they misunderstood how resurrection worked because they assumed too much about what life in the Kingdom will be like
The Sadducees assumed that after we are resurrected we will just pick up in the Kingdom life right where we left off in this life
They thought our present world was the pattern for how life in the Kingdom will go, and in many ways it is a pattern
We still have our identity and enjoy daily life in similar ways, the Bible says
But many details of life will be different in the resurrected life in the Kingdom, not the least of which will be the complete absence of sin in us
By the way, we’re studying those differences now in Revelation and I encourage every believer to learn about their future
That’s why God told us so much about it in His word, so that we would anticipate it and give Him thanks for it
But Jesus says one of the key difference between life now and life in the Kingdom will be the elimination of the institution of marriage
In the Kingdom, we will no longer have husband-wife relationships nor desire such attachments
We will be like angels Jesus says, and we know God created angels to live and serve Him without other attachments
Angels are all devoted to the Lord, and they are completely satisfied in that relationship as we will be too
So the Sadducees’ trick question was just nonsense, because they had imagined a problem that simply won’t exist in the Kingdom
That woman and all those men in their scenario will simply be brothers and sister in Christ after the resurrection
Their marriage relationships will be a thing of the past and so their scenario was not proof that resurrection was foolish
It was proof that the Sadducees were foolish
Isn’t it amazing how wrong assumptions about God and the Bible can lead us to ridiculous conclusions?
These men assumed marriage existed in the Kingdom, and on that basis alone they dismissed with one of the most important truths in the Bible
That’s a good example of the danger of interpreting the Bible based on our assumptions and failing to take it for what it says
The scriptures said that resurrection was coming, but they said it couldn’t be true because they couldn’t imagine how it worked
But here’s a simple rule of Bible study: when what the Bible tells you is something you don’t understand, accept it without understanding it
It’s ok to know that something is true even if you don’t know why or how it’s true
Don’t dismiss it and certainly don’t change it just so you can feel better that you understand it…let God be God
Which leads us to the second mistake the Sadducees made: they didn’t understand the power of God
God has the power to do literally anything you can imagine and a whole lot of things you can’t even imagine
So when the Bible says that there is a Kingdom coming for us with a real and amazing life, you can believe it
And in the meantime, we will have questions about how and why and when and what will it be like, etc.
One day those questions will be answered, and many of those answers will amaze us as we see the power of God on display
But never underestimate what God can do, because when you underestimate God you will eventually misunderstand the Bible
Like the Sadducees you will assume that the rules we live under are rules that limit God too
But remember, God wrote the laws of the Universe, and He can change them whenever He wants
The rules of our world say a man can’t walk on water, but Jesus did
And our rules say you can’t make water turn to wine or multiply fishes and loaves, but Jesus did
And in our world dead things don’t come back to life, but in Jesus’ power dead things are raised again
And we know these things because the word of God tells us these things
The Bible says an ark saved man and animals, the Red Sea was parted, the sun stood still in the sky for hours, a virgin gave birth
To understand the Bible properly, we have to acknowledge God’s power to do anything, especially things that aren’t possible for us
So you can’t force God to operate according to the limits of this world, because He was the One Who established those limits
And therefore He can break them when He desires, and knowing that means we can take His word at face value
But the Sadducees interpreted the Bible according to what they already understood or could imagine, and so they didn’t understand God
In v.31 Jesus concludes by saying even Moses testified that resurrection was true
Jesus then quotes from Exodus 3:6 where the Lord identifies Himself to Moses as the God of three men
The Lord said He is the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the patriarchs of Israel
By that time, those three men had long since passed away, yet God said He “is” the God of these men, not that He “was” their God
So Jesus says God is a God of the living, not the dead
So if God was still calling Himself the God of these three men after they died, then clearly those men had not ceased to exist
They continued to live even after their bodies died, and so God was still calling Himself their God even in Moses’ day
But how does God’s claim to be their God prove the reality of resurrection?
We know those men weren’t resurrected by Moses’ time, and they haven’t even been resurrected today
The answer comes from the special meaning that Jews attached to those three names together
Whenever Jews say “Abraham, Isaac and Jacob” together, they are in reference to a covenant God gave those men
We call this covenant the Abrahamic Covenant, because it was given to Abraham first and later repeated to Isaac and Jacob
This covenant is the basis for all of Israel’s blessings, and in this covenant there are promises to Abraham and his descendants
And in particular, the Lord promised Abraham he and his descendants would live securely in an inheritance of land
So Abraham, Isaac and Jacob all received this promise, and yet none of these men ever saw that promise fulfilled in their lifetimes
They died without having received that promised inheritance of land, so if God is to be faithful to His promise, then He must resurrect them
They must live again if they are ever to receive the land that God promised to give them
And not only will they need to be resurrected, but so will all Jews who are of faith for they too were all promised the inheritance
So Jesus points back to these men and the covenant they received to show the Sadducees that even Moses knew that resurrection was true
For in his day God said that He was the God who promised to bring those men back from the dead to enjoy their promises
And the writer of Hebrews reminds us of that truth
So with that Jesus not only proves the truth of resurrection, but He also showed the foolishness of the Sadducees
They didn’t understand Scripture and they didn’t understand the power of God
Scripture shows that God has planned from the beginning to keep His promises to Israel and to us in the Kingdom
And if so, then it means we all must be there together in physical bodies so we can enjoy our inheritance
It means that resurrection is true and necessary, and Jesus’ own death and resurrection is your proof that these things will happen
Easter is God’s annual reminder that He will raise you from the dead and He will keep His promises to you
Easter is your proof that Jesus wasn’t lying and your faith isn’t in a fairy tale
Easter is the assurance of your hope, the Christian hope of our coming resurrection
How do you receive this hope? How can you know that your death will not be the end of your joy and life on this earth?
It’s very simple…all that God asks of anyone is that we believe in His Son
Believe that Jesus is your Savior, the One Who paid for your sin by dying in your place
Believe Jesus’ death on a cross was a payment for your sin, and if you believe that and accept the payment, God forgives you of all your sins…all of them
Paul says it this way:
Believing in Jesus is all about believing in His resurrection
Because it’s the difference between believing in fairy tales and believing in the Living God