Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongIn our verse-by-verse study of Matthew, we’re studying the events that took place in the temple on the Tuesday before Jesus died
Tuesday is one of four days that the Lamb of God was tested so He could be shown spotless and without blemish, without sin
His testing came in the form of trick questions brought by the religious leaders of Israel who opposed His claims
And so far, Jesus has endured three rounds with these guys and each time He’s put them back on their heels
Moments earlier the Sadducees had tried stumbling Jesus on the issue of resurrection with that question involving Levirate marriages
The Sadducees didn’t believe in a literal, physical resurrection
So they were seeking to discredit the idea, and Jesus, with a ridiculous scenario
Jesus responded by saying the Sadducees didn’t understand Scripture nor the power of God
Those two reasons are always behind all misunderstandings, debates, confusion and false teaching about God and the Bible
Whenever we overestimate our understanding of the Bible or underestimate the power of God, we get it wrong
So Jesus corrected the Sadducees by showing how Moses taught the reality of resurrection, stunning them and the crowd into silence
The Sadducees’ rivals, the Pharisees, were standing by watching this happen, delighted by their dressing-down
The Pharisees taught a literal, physical resurrection too, so for at least this brief moment, Jesus and the Pharisees were in agreement
So I’m sure they were pleased that Jesus sided with them on the question of resurrection
But that moment was more impactful to these guys than we realize, because Jesus just settled a long-standing dispute
These two groups had debated whether resurrection was true or not for years and the arguments went nowhere
Neither side could convince the other, yet Jesus settled that argument in one moment with one example from Scripture
He cited the yet-to-be fulfilled Abrahamic covenant to show that resurrection must be true or else God is a liar
Imagine how the two sides felt when they realized their debate had ended, and the Sadducees were wrong and the Pharisees were correct?
The Pharisees felt vindicated and smug, while the Sadducees were disoriented, deflated, embarrassed and maybe angry
But Scripture had the answer all along in Genesis
And if either group had known the Bible well enough, they could have put the issue to rest
The Sadducees weren’t listening to Scripture because they were set in their view
And they preferred winning an argument over knowing the truth
While the Pharisees, who believed in resurrection, couldn’t teach the Bible sufficiently to convince the Sadducees it was true
In my experience, this is how a lot of debates go in the Church today…scholars and pastor and Bible teachers arguing over ideas and never making progress
Both sides are ruled by pride, by academic achievements or fear of being diminished in the eyes of their congregations
So everyone digs their heels in without truly examining Scripture together with an open heart
And as a result, many of us who watch these exchanges assume that if the experts can’t agree, then no one can figure it out
The answer must be unknowable or unimportant, and then we “agree to disagree”, which is basically giving up
But as I like to say, just because many people can get the Bible wrong doesn’t mean you have to be one of them
In my experience in these debates, someone usually has the truth
One side in the debate will often know the answer
But the other side isn’t listening or won’t change their mind even in the face of Scripture that proves the point
Which is proof that pride can rob us of our ability to see the truth or even to care what the truth is
Always remember there are answers in the Bible, and the Lord delights to reveal them to those who seek Him with a teachable heart
And I think the reason we haven’t settled more disagreements in the Church is because we let pride and ignorance get the better of us
If we study the Bible to have our views affirmed, we will make fools of ourselves by missing the truth as the Sadducees did
Or if we are arrogant with the truth and unskilled at defending it from the Bible like the Pharisees, then we won’t convince others
But if we pursue a deeper understanding of the Bible while maintaining a teachable heart, we’ll all know Jesus better
But don’t forget that sooner or later we have to play the part of the Sadducees…sooner or later we will be the one who is wrong
And when it’s your turn to be on the wrong side of the Bible, I encourage you to remember one of my favorite sayings:
I’d rather know the truth than be right
If you always have to be “right,” you will miss the truth sooner or later, because sooner or later we aren’t right
And the Lord may eventually bring us the truth so we can grow spiritually
But He probably won’t bring the truth in a midnight revelation with a lightening bolt or from an angel
Usually He just places the truth in our path, maybe in a podcast or book…or maybe a word from a spouse or friend or pastor
And if our default response to those moments is to defend our current position, then we will miss the truth when God gives it to us
A Christian who wants to grow in the grace and knowledge of Christ must get comfortable with being wrong in order to receive the truth
If you develop a teachable heart willing to be corrected, you will learn a lot more truth than if you reflexively defend your views
Because when all is said and done and we’re with Jesus, then we will all know the truth no matter what we may have thought before
And that moment is not the time to discover we missed so much truth because we were more interested in protecting our pride
We want to enter that moment with a testimony of humility, of having allowed the Lord to correct us whenever necessary
As He is doing to the Pharisees and Sadducees here
Back in Matthew in v.35, we move into Round 4 of Jesus’ testing, but the nature of the question changes in this round
Rather than asking a trick question, the religious leaders come this time with a legitimate question about Scripture
But as usual, it merely becomes opportunity for Jesus to demonstrate their ignorance of Scripture
A lawyer from among the Pharisees comes asking Jesus a question to test Him
Mark describes this man as a scribe, but that’s just another name for a lawyer
Scribes/lawyers were aligned with the Pharisees in teaching Israel and enforcing observance of the law
But these men specialized in settling disputes over the law and resolving conflicts between different laws
So for a scribe, questions like the one he asks Jesus here were especially important to their job
So after this lawyer watches Jesus addressing the question of resurrection, he sees an opportunity to settle another long-standing dispute
In fact in Mark’s account the lawyer acknowledges that Jesus handled the previous question well
So he asks Jesus to name the most important commandment in the law
All laws were important to a Jew, of course, but sometimes two laws might come into conflict
And whenever that happened, the religious leaders would try to figure out which law was greater
And that investigation ultimately lead them to ask which law was the greatest of all, and of course multiple views were offered
So this man asks Jesus to resolve the question, but Matthew tells us this was a test, so we know the question has the potential to trip up Jesus
But this time the test didn’t come in the form of a trick question, but rather this is a test of the depths of Jesus’ understanding
The Pharisee wants to test whether Jesus had the knowledge of the Scriptures to answer the question wisely or foolishly
Depending on which law Jesus chose to call the greatest, the religious leaders could pick it apart or challenge it
Nevertheless, this man’s question was legitimate and reasonable, so Jesus answers it without objection
Jesus quotes the Jewish Sh’ma, which is a recitation that orthodox Jews make twice a day, taken from Deuteronomy 6:4-5
Deuteronomy means “the second law”, and it’s the final book of the Torah
In Deuteronomy the Lord repeats the Law to a new generation of Israel on the eve of entering into the Promised Land
The earlier generation of Israel that left Egypt received the law in Exodus and Leviticus, but they were unbelieving and disobeyed the Law
So the Lord judged that generation by declaring they would wander in the desert for 40 years until they all died
After the 40 years, the Lord repeated His law to the next generation of Israel and commanded them to obey it
Deuteronomy is that second giving of the Law, and just like the first time in Exodus, the Law begins with the ten commandments
But before the ten commandments, the Lord says this to Israel
Notice that before the ten commandments, the Lord declares that our highest duty is to love God with everything we have
Because the Lord introduces His law with this statement, the Pharisees determined this must be the greatest commandment
So they called it the Sh’ma and required that Jews recite this passage of Scripture daily to never forget it
Now Jesus confirms that their interpretation was correct, this is the greatest command in the Law
Above all else, we are to love God with our heart, soul, and might or strength…and Mark adds mind
Jesus says this is the great and foremost commandment
And the Greek word for great is megas, meaning nothing is greater, nothing overshadows this command
And foremost simply means first, so we show God love first and show Him love over all else
We notice Jesus mentions four aspects of our being to cover all the ways human beings interact with our world
First, we love God with our heart, meaning in our affections
Love God more than you love your hobbies or job, even before your spouse or your children
Secondly, we love Him with our mind, meaning in our thinking and understanding
We seek the truth of His word over the world’s lies through regular study of God’s word
We commit Scripture to memory, allowing God to renew our mind by training us to think as He does
And when God’s word comes into conflict with the world’s “truth” (and it often will), we choose God’s word
Thirdly, we love Him with our soul, meaning in our devotion of worship
We can’t share our worship of God with a pantheon of other gods or spiritual powers we follow
We can’t worship God properly if we also acknowledge other supposed spiritual powers like horoscopes or mother nature
That’s not loving God with all our soul because our soul is divided in its worship
And finally, we love Him with all our strength, which means in our physical struggles against our own sin and the resistance of the world
Following the Lord in a fallen world isn’t going to be easy and the enemy is determined to make it even harder
So to truly love God, we commit ourselves to persevering in those struggles against sin and temptation
And we remain determined to continue loving God even in the face of persecution
Jesus’ answer agreed with the Pharisees’ view which pleased the lawyer
In fact, in Mark’s Gospel we’re told that the lawyer compliments Jesus for having the right answer, (and I’m sure Jesus was relieved to hear that)
But Jesus doesn’t stop there…He goes a second step, adding a second commandment not found in Deuteronomy 6
Jesus says the second commandment is to love your neighbor like you love yourself
This Law is found in Leviticus, and the Pharisees hadn’t thought to include that one in their list
But Jesus says this particular law is so important that when you add it to the first commandment, the two together summarize the entire law
In other words, every one of the 613 commandments of the Law is related to ensuring our love of God and of others
Such that if a person kept these two greatest laws perfectly, then he or she would also have kept all 613 laws perfectly as well
And that begs a question…why wasn’t God’s law just these two laws? Why have 613 rules when just two rules would have been enough?
We might suppose it was to help us know how to love God and our neighbors by giving us a checklist of the right things to do
But the Bible tells us it was exactly the opposite reason
Paul tells us in Romans 7 that the Law was given so we would recognize we were sinning as we failed
In other words, our sin nature prevents us from doing what’s right and it didn’t matter how many laws we had
If God had given us only two laws, we still would have violated them repeatedly
But we would have had much less understanding of how much sin we truly possessed
So the Lord wrote 613 laws which clearly spell out how we sin, so that now as we sin we can see it clearly and recognize our need for a Savior
Or as Paul put it:
So Jesus gives these men the answer they sought, and it pleased them, but then rather than leaving it there, the lawyer decides to challenge Jesus
We don’t see his challenge in Mathew’s account, but Mark reports that the scribe responded to Jesus this way:
The scribe compliments Jesus for His answer and then repeats the Sh’ma from Deuteronomy 6:4 saying God is One and the only one
By his response, the lawyer seems to imply that Jesus’ claim to being the Son of God contradicted this commandment
I think this is the test this man intended to use to trap Jesus
He asks Jesus to affirm the Sh’ma so that he, in turn, could deny Jesus’ claim to be the Son of God
The Pharisees intended to use Jesus’ own words to trap Him
But Deuteronomy 6:4 doesn’t contradict Jesus’ claim to be the Son of God, because Jesus never claimed to be a competing God
Paganism says there are many gods which compete or challenge one another for rule over aspects of the creation
But the God of the Bible is One and the only Creator God of all and there is no other god competing with Him
Nevertheless, the Bible goes on to declare that the Creator God exists in the form of Three Persons named the Father, Son and Spirit
Together they are God, not three separate gods
They don’t compete or challenge one another to rule over different parts of Creation
They all work in perfect unison ruling over all Creation as One God
And the Bible has always represented God as Three and also as One, even from the opening verses of Genesis
The first verse of the Bible says, in the beginning God created the heavens and earth
The Hebrew word for God (Elohim) in that verse is plural yet the Hebrew verb for “created” is conjugated in the singular tense
Interestingly, the Hebrew scribes that reproduced the Scriptures faithfully preserved these seemingly contradictory grammar
Just 25 verses later in Genesis Moses quotes God saying “Let Us make Man in Our image…”
And even in Deuteronomy 6:4 the Hebrew word translated “one” can also refer to a plurality
So they knew the Bible presented God as One and as a plurality
And Jesus has consistently reflected this tension in His teaching, as He has called Himself God and the Son of God
At one point He says He is the great I AM, meaning God, and elsewhere He spoke of doing the Father’s will
Yet the Pharisees and other religious leaders couldn’t comprehend the plural nature of the one God
So when Jesus claimed He was God and also the Son of God, they thought He was contradicting Deuteronomy 6:4
And that’s why this scribe pointedly reminds Jesus that God is One and there is no one besides Him
Which leads Jesus to respond with a question of His own
Having made his point to Jesus, the scribe returns to the group of Pharisees, and Jesus turns to the group and asks them a question
Jesus quizzes them on their understanding of the Christ, specifically asking from whom is the Messiah supposed to descend?
The Old Testament foretold that the Messiah would come to Israel from the line of David
God made this promise to David through the prophet Nathan
The Lord assured David that in the future He would raise up one of David’s descendants to rule a Jewish kingdom that never ends
We call this promise the Davidic Covenant and we know that it was a promise to bring the Messiah to rule Israel
That Messiah would be a descendant of David, or a son of David as the Bible says it
So when Jesus asks these men who the Messiah will be, they correctly answer he will be the son of David
Jesus says you are correct, but then asks how does David refer to this future descendant he never knew as “Lord?”
Jesus is referring to the great Messianic Psalm 110, in which David writes
Everyone knew this psalm was written by David and the subject was the Messiah, the coming descendant of David
Yet in v.1 David calls this future son his Lord, and that makes no sense to a Jewish way of thinking
David wrote that Yahweh (the Lord) says to Adonai (the Messiah), sit at my right hand…
So God directs this future Messiah to have the position of greatest honor above anyone else; the right hand of God
But in Jewish society, a father was always greater than a son or grandson
So in human terms, a descendant of David couldn’t be David’s Lord or superior, and that was the conundrum Jesus asked these men to solve
In v.45 Jesus asks them how can David call this future Messiah “Lord” if the Messiah descended from David?
None of these men were able to answer the question, because it requires understanding that the Messiah was the Son of God
In human terms, Jesus was a descendant of David and therefore David would have been a superior of Jesus
But Jesus wasn’t merely a human descendant of David as the religious leaders had assumed
He was God incarnate, divinity and humanity in one
In human terms, the Messiah was David’s descendant, but in divine terms, He was David’s Creator, David’s Lord
Obviously, David knew this truth, which is why He wrote Psalm 110, and we might ask how did David know this while these men didn’t
And the answer is in the text where we read in v.43 Jesus said that David wrote psalm 110 “in the Spirit”
In other words, David was directed by the Spirit of God to write these words, which means that God revealed this truth to David
And self-evidently, the Spirit had not revealed them to these men in that day
And did you notice that in this short passage, Jesus has affirmed the Trinity itself?
In v.44 Jesus points out that David wrote of the Father speaking to the Son and placing the Son at His right hand
That statement clearly reveals that God is a Father and a Son
And then a verse earlier in v.43, Jesus said this truth was revealed to David through the third person of the Godhead, the Spirit
Once again, the Bible teaches Father, Son and Spirit…three Persons but One God
These concepts lay outside the grasp of these men, and because they couldn’t understand Scripture, they didn’t recognize Jesus as Messiah
Jesus’ question silences the religious leaders and that’s what the truth always does in the end
We may argue and disagree about Scripture with each other at times, and we certainly disagree with the world
But one day everyone will be silent before the Lord, because no one will argue with Him and all will confess He is the truth
Notice in v.46 that no one even dared to ask Jesus another question, and this is indeed the end of the questioning Jesus received
In the next chapter, Jesus is going to do all the talking, lecturing the Pharisees and the crowd for their unbelief
This moment is a good example of how the Lord will deal with all who oppose Him in a day to come
In a day not too far from now, the Lord will assemble all who opposed the truth of the Gospel and call them to account
In that moment, Jesus will do all the talking and those under scrutiny will have nothing to say in their defense
And the result will be a great judgment from which there is no escape
A countless number of people will enter into that moment and be crushed by the weight of God’s righteous judgment
Remember earlier I said that just because a lot of people get the Bible wrong doesn’t mean we have to be one of them
And likewise, just because a lot of people have rejected the truth of Jesus doesn’t mean you have to follow their mistake
Surely you see the truth of what we studied today…the Bible testifies that Jesus is the Messiah, the son of David and His Lord
Surely you agree that loving God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength is your highest duty
So if David knew God and was lead by the Spirit of God to write that the Messiah would be His Lord, then surely we can trust that word
Surely we should all agree that Jesus is deserving of our love and worship and confession
The Pharisees couldn’t see this truth, but surely you can, no?
Wouldn’t you rather know the truth than think yourself right?
You can trust the Scriptures when they say that all who place their faith in Jesus Christ will not be disappointed
Jesus is God, Who came to earth to live a perfect life for you to meet the standard for Heaven that you can’t meet
And then He died on a cross to pay for your sins, and in that way He did all that was required for us to be saved
You can believe that truth