Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongIt’s time to begin our study of Christ’s Kingdom on earth, which follows 75 days after His return to the Earth
All preparations have been made for the Kingdom to start
The earth has been restored to beauty
The temple has been cleansed and rebuilt in a new and better way
The evil of the world has been set aside at least for a time
And the citizens of the kingdom are present and ready to receive their inheritance in that time
All resurrected saints from the Old Testament, Church and Tribulation are entering the Kingdom
As well as those believers who didn’t die in Tribulation
And all living unbelievers, which are only Gentiles at this point, are sent to Hades
So now we get to learn about the Kingdom
And if we turn to the book of Revelation to study that time, we will be greatly disappointed by what we find
Returning to the place we left off, here’s all we find
In v.6 we learn what happens before the kingdom begins, and in v.7 we learn what happens after the kingdom ends
So the book of Revelation tells us nothing about what happens during the 1,000 years of the kingdom
The entire kingdom period takes place between vs.6-7 in the book of Revelation
The only thing the book of Revelation tells us about the Kingdom is the length of that time: 1,000 years
The reason Revelation virtually ignores the details of the Kingdom is because the rest of the Bible is literally filled with those details
The kingdom is described in the Torah and it’s a major theme of the OT prophets and psalms
Jesus offers tantalizing details in many of His parables and other teaching
And even the Epistle writers gives us a few details
So, we must venture outside the book of Revelation for the next two weeks to examine the life and times of the Kingdom
Let’s begin by remembering what the term “kingdom” means in the Bible
Many Christians operate with a very limited and superficial understanding of their own eternal future
The concept of the Kingdom (or Heaven) is largely limited to Hallmark theology
As a result, our understanding is largely void of substance or meaning
Ironically, the Bible speaks extensively about the coming kingdom using a variety of terms, and descriptions and pictures or shadows
In fact, the coming Kingdom is one of the most important themes of the Old Testament, second only to the Messiah
We can find these references literally from Genesis to Malachi
And in the New Testament, discussions of the kingdom were tremendously important to Jesus’ ministry
There are 160 mentions of the kingdom in the NT and 125 are found in the Gospels
Jesus talked of entering the kingdom, living in the kingdom, ruling in the kingdom, and having an inheritance in the kingdom
Paul also taught that we would receive our inheritance in the kingdom when Christ returns
And now Revelation has told us that the Kingdom is 1,000 years long
If we look at the Bible’s teaching about the Kingdom across all these references, we find the concept of the Kingdom progressing
The Kingdom concept transitions through four stages of meaning from the Old Testament to the New Testament
And it’s important to recognize these transition points to arrive at a proper interpretation
The Kingdom theme begins in Genesis as a promise, something God would do to correct for the sin of Adam
That promise is clearly articulated in the Abrahamic and Davidic covenants
The nation of Israel would enjoy an inheritance of land, a posterity of descendants, a perfect king and unending peace
And many generations of believers in Israel looked forward to the future fulfillment of that promise
Then the time came to fulfill that promise, and the Lord came to Israel offering the Kingdom in that day
Jesus made Israel a proposal: accept me as your King and I will give you the promised Kingdom
But Israel rejected their king, as we’re studying in Matthew
And as a result, Jesus withdrew His proposal and the Kingdom was taken from that generation of Israel
In their place, the Kingdom proposal was given to Gentiles, who became the Bride of Christ instead of Israel
So the proposal of the Kingdom was temporarily withdrawn, and in its place emerged a program of recruiting Gentiles to join the Kingdom
This program advances the call to believe in Jesus, and as a person obeys the call, they become part of a spiritual Kingdom
They become citizens of a heavenly Kingdom that is not of this world
And this program will continue until the Lord puts an end to it by calling His Bride to Heaven at the resurrection
Then as we have studied, the Lord will return to the earth a second time, and at that point the Kingdom will appear as promised
At that point the Kingdom will become a literal place just as God promised to Abraham and His descendants
It will exist on earth in the future, and it will also include men and women from all the nations
This is also a fulfillment of God’s promises to Abraham, when God said all nations would be blessed through him
So the concept of a Kingdom progresses from a promise, to a proposal, to a program and finally to a place
At the point we have reached in Revelation, we have seen the program come to an end at the Rapture
And we now see the Kingdom begin at Christ’s second coming
And in this time to come, all the good things the Lord has promised to His people will finally be fulfilled
We wait for the Kingdom to see His promises fulfilled because those promises were always set in that time, not in this one
So it’s time to learn about that place, a very real world that we will inhabit for 1,000 years
We will enjoy that time in a home we call ours, with land and possessions that can never be taken away
We will be absent disease and sorrow, for there will be nothing about us or the world to disturb our peace or joy
We will have meaningful work that is not hard and we will have relationships and natural beauty to enjoy
And we will know, worship and serve the Lord in ways we can’t even imagine today
We can’t say exactly what the earth and seas look like after the restoration, but one thing is sure
The world of the Kingdom won’t be less of a place to enjoy than the world we know now
The beauty and suitability of the Kingdom earth won’t be less than the beauty and enjoyment in the world today
On the contrary, it will be far greater
And while there is much we can’t know about that place, there is still much we can know
And our goal in this study is to learn what we can in a short time so that our understanding of that time would grow
And as we come to understand more about what life in that place will be like, we can look forward to it even more
And as you think more about the Kingdom life, you will begin to live more for that life rather than for this life
And because there is a lot we could say about the Kingdom, we need to approach this section of our study in sections
First, we study changes in the order of Creation and in nature, including the geography, borders and government of the land
Secondly, we will study the people in the Kingdom and the quality of daily life in that time
Thirdly, we study Jesus’ place in the Kingdom including the nature of worship at the new Kingdom temple
Finally, we study the culminating event of the Kingdom: the war of Gog of Magog
Let’s start with the way Creation changes during the Kingdom period, and that study begins with a look at the past
When Adam and Woman sinned, the Lord responded to their sin with a series of pronouncements
The Lord responded to Adam’s willful sin by cursing the ground, or the earth itself
God placed the earth under a curse, and a curse from God is a pronouncement of judgment resulting in destruction
So the earth will one day be destroyed and replaced, as we will soon see
In the meantime the nature of Creation also changed, starting with the need for mankind to toil to produce food from the ground
The Lord declares that the earth would produce thorns and thistles naturally
So apart from the toil of man, the earth would produce weeds and unhelpful plants
Only by the sweat of his brow would man be able to produce the food he required
Before the curse, man enjoyed life in a garden that produced all the food he required without any work at all
No weed came up, no unhelpful plants crowd out the good ones
Adam needed only to walk outside his door and he found all the food he wanted
Furthermore, the days of man will be numbered, meaning life would have an end called death
The spirit of Adam died in the moment he ate of the fruit, and now his physical body would also die
Everything that came from the ground was cursed like the ground itself, which meant the physical body of man was to die
Likewise, the animal kingdom, which also was made from the earth, would also die
The Lord instituted a process of decay that results in physical bodies succumbing to disease and frailty over time
Death may also come from instantaneous acts of violence, which are themselves the result of sin
All this was a change from the beginning, because the physical body was created to live forever
Without sin, Paul explains in Romans, there would be no death, either for us or for any other creature
So after the fall, the order of Creation changed in fundamental ways to include difficulty working the land and the death of the body
Then later following the flood, the Lord made more changes to Creation, specifically to the animal Kingdom
The Lord gave mankind permission to eat animal flesh after the flood
Prior to that moment, human beings ate only plants as God directed in the Garden
Though the text doesn’t mention the animals’ diet changing, we assume that animals began to eat each other too after this time
This change would have been necessary at that time since in the days and weeks after the flood vegetation would have been sparse
So without meat to eat, animals would have starved
Likewise, a change in the earth’s climate following the flood made it more difficult to grow crops
Then to protect the animals from a quick extinction, the Lord leveled the playing field by placing the fear of man into animals
The animals were previously unafraid of men and of each other, but now a predator-prey relationship was established
Animals were adversaries with each other and man with animals
Animals might attack men and men might eat animals
So the world we know where people and animals eat one another, attack one another, and ultimately die represents a change to Creation’s original intent
Likewise, the difficulty with which we work with nature is also a change to the original plan of God
These things were brought about as a result of man’s sin
And in the future the Lord has a plan to correct for all these consequences of Adam’s sin and He does it in stages
During the Kingdom He begins the correction process and He completes it in the New Heavens and Earth that follow the Kingdom
One of the first comforting things we learn about the created order of the Kingdom is that animals exist in this time as well
We often get the question will my pet be in Heaven with me?
Well, your pet might be there, but my poodle won’t…poodles go to another place
Whenever we answer a question about Heaven, we always need to be specific about the place and time we mean
Heaven isn’t a single place or time…Heaven is where Jesus is
And Jesus moves around, and therefore so do we
Heaven for us begins in the throne room of God after death or rapture
That will be our home for a short time, but it’s not our permanent home, because it is not a physical place to dwell
We are made to live on a physical earth, and so are animals
But since animals don’t have a soul, they won’t be found in the temporary home we have in the Heavenly throne room
But when Jesus brings us back to earth for the Kingdom, Isaiah says we will find animals on the earth during the Kingdom
But according to Isaiah 11, the nature of the animal kingdom is changed
Predators like wolves, leopards and lions will live peacefully next to prey like lambs, goats and calves
Even more interesting, large dangerous animals will pose no threat to people and animals will show no fear of men
Even a cobra poses no risk to a small child, and a young boy can command the obedience of any animal
And being without reason to fear men, these animals will cease attacking men with lethal defense mechanisms
In short, all animals can be domesticated now, and will obey the will of man, and we will once again have dominion over the animal kingdom
Today, many wild animals simply can’t be domesticated because they are unpredictable and may revert to their wild instincts
But in this day, the Lord removes the predator-prey relationship so there will no longer be the hunted and the hunters
This is a direct reversal of the pronouncement God gave Noah, and it’s a step back to the nature of the world at the start
Next, the Lord reverses the curse of toiling to produce food in the Kingdom life
In speaking about what Israel will experience in the Kingdom, the Lord says life gets easy
The Lord establishes a covenant of peace with Israel, and that covenant establishes the nation in their land once more
And in that place the Lord makes the hills of Israel a blessing again
He says they can sleep in the woods securely without fear, which is a way of indicating they have no enemies, neither man or beast
But then notice that the tree of the field will yield fruit and the earth will yield increase
These are terms referring to the natural production of the earth without the need to farm or cultivate the land
This is a direct reversal of the curse on the earth that made life hard and difficult
Now that curse has been lifted, so that working in the field isn’t work anymore
This is true for both Israel and all nations on the earth
So when you hear that we are given an inheritance in the land and our life will be one of farming, you need to understand what that means
It’s not a hard life…it’s the opposite
Farming is a joy when the land is giving you its produce without the need to prepare the land or even sow the seed
The Lord says the land will be like Eden again and there will never again be a famine in the land
The Lord will call for fruit and grain to come forth for the people
How hard will it be to farm a land producing food at the call of God’s voice?
It’s also a great picture of grace…the Lord does the work and we receive the blessing
How does God ensure so much success farming in a desert?
After the Lord rescues Israel, He gives it the good things He promised in the Kingdom
Where before they suffered deprivation during the time of Tribulation, now they have all they need
They get rain and rich, roomy pastures for cattle with plenty of feed
And then we hear that the geography of Israel is very different than today
Streams running everywhere on tops of mountains, rain falling wherever they plant
Even more curious, the moon and sun see their brightness increased dramatically
It’s not clear whether Isaiah means this literally or whether it is simply a literary device indicating the optimistic joyful perspective of Israel
That is, in this day, the sun will seem brighter, but if it is literal, it brings more questions than answers
How can we survive on a planet with so much light?
We can trust that God has a way to accommodate these changes and still produce a wonderful world
And I’m sure everyone has a fabulous tan
So the Creation in the Kingdom will be closer to the time of Eden, with animals obeying man, no predators killing one another, and the land producing easily
But one thing will not change though: the curse on Satan and the serpent will continue throughout the Kingdom period
Back in Genesis 3, the Lord also placed a curse on Satan for his part in the Fall
The serpent was a literal snake indwelled by Satan, who took the snake as a disguise to deceive the woman
As a result of that moment, the Lord cursed the snake in v.14
The snake was made to give up its legs and crawl on the ground
That tells us that prior to the fall the snake stood upright or at least its belly didn’t touch the ground
But from this point forward, the snake would be against the ground to remind men of their eventual destination: the earth
Obviously, the snake was an unwitting participant in that moment and not to be blamed for the outcome
So the Lord’s curse against the snake wasn’t intended as a punishment against the animal
Instead, it was a memorial to remind mankind of that moment and of their true adversary
So for as long as Satan remains and for as long as sin is still a part of life on earth, the snake would assume this form
So does this curse get reversed for the Kingdom period? No
In the Kingdom, Isaiah says the snake continues to eat dust, which is a direct reference back to Genesis 3
In other words, the snake’s cursed form continues unchanged during the Kingdom
His form isn’t changing because the conditions that led to his new form haven’t been reversed either
Satan is still around, though he’s bound until the end of the Kingdom
Next, let’s consider other changes to the borders and geography that take place during the renewing of the heavens and earth
First, Israel will exist in the Kingdom, but Israel’s borders will be different than they are today or at any time in the past
God establishes new borders for Israel, while eliminating the historical enemies of Israel that surrounded her
Today, Israel occupies a relatively small slice of land against the Mediterranean Sea
Lebanon is on the north, Egypt on the south and Jordan and Syria on the East
And this territory is only a fraction of what the nation once possessed at the height of the kingdom under Solomon
At that time, Israel was the dominant kingdom on earth, the superpower of its day
At its zenith, Israel reached well north into Syria, including all of Lebanon and the land east of the Jordan
And it stretched southward into Egypt and southern Jordan
Israel has never since controlled so much territory
We might expect that God would give Israel a grant of land similar to the land they held under David and Solomon
But that’s not the half of it, literally
Let’s look back at the land God promised to Abraham and his descendants in His covenant
God gives Israel borders from the river of Egypt to the river Euphrates
The river of Egypt is at the historic border of Israel in Egypt on the Sinai peninsula
And the Euphrates river is in Iraq, which is far east of any historical borders of Israel
Later when Israel moved into the Promised Land under Joshua, the Lord reiterated the borders of the land He was giving to Israel
The Lord elaborates on His grant of land saying He gave Israel the land from the wilderness to Lebanon
And from the great river Euphrates to the Great Sea
These descriptions extend far beyond the traditional borders of Israel
These are the borders God has promised will be Israel in the day He fulfills His promises to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and to Israel
Ezekiel gives us a few more markers in Ezekiel 47:15-20, and if we plot these geographical markers, we arrive at a much different Israel
Israel will occupy a far larger area of land than anything seen before
More importantly, God’s promises for Israel to rule over their captors is fulfilled by these borders
Israel will consume all the nations that historically persecuted her in this region:
Moad, Ammon, Edom, Egypt, Assyria, Babylon and others as God promised
So Israel will be much larger than it ever has been and will consume its neighbors
We don’t have borders given for Gentile nations, except that the Bible does note that many familiar nations will be represented
Time doesn’t permit me to explore this area in detail, and if you want more background, please listen to the Ezekiel study
But in summary, many nations will be repopulated around the earth with Gentile believers though there are a few exceptions
Edom will exist in the Kingdom but will remain empty as a memorial to their sin against Israel
It will be the location of the entry to the pit where Satan is held
Smoke will pour out of the pit and no human being will set foot in this land
Secondly, Egypt will exist but the Egyptians of the Kingdom will not be allowed to enter their land for the first 40 years of the Kingdom
This will be a memorial to the way Egypt stumbled Israel with idols, leading to Israel’s time of wandering in the desert
But eventually, Egypt will be allowed to be inhabited after the 40 years are up
Those are the major geographical and boundary changes of the Kingdom, but there are also natural changes to the land in the Kingdom
In addition to land being more fruitful and with more rivers, there will be other major geographical changes
Starting with the mountain on which Jerusalem sits
This mountain will be raised up high and will draw people toward it from around the world
The mountain at the center of Israel will become the tallest mountain in the world
On top of this mountain will sit the temple, the house of the Lord where Christ dwells
We’ll study more about the temple in a future lesson
Next, Zechariah says there will be new rivers flowing from the top of this mountain
The city of Jerusalem will become the source for two rivers, one that flows East and the other West
The river that flows west will end up in the Mediterranean Sea while the one that flows east will end up in the Dead Sea
According to Ezekiel, this new river flowing east will have a dramatic impact on the Dead Sea
The river flowing from Mt. Zion will transform the Dead Sea into a fresh water body of water
Ezekiel doesn’t say if this happens miraculously (instantaneously) or naturally over time as fresh water dilutes the sea
With the sense of the text saying this is a miraculous change, especially considering that the lake becomes filled with every kind of fish
So the Dead Sea comes to life as a beautiful Millennial picture of God’s grace bringing life to the dead
Ezekiel adds that fishermen will fish there, from Engedi which is in the south near Masada to Eneglaim, which is unknown but probably somewhere in the north
They will fish according to their kinds, meaning there will be so much variety of fish that fishermen will specialize in their catch
And the fish will be bountiful
But salt marshes remain, probably as a testimony of how the Lord changed the water from salt to fresh
Zechariah 14 gives us a few additional interesting details about the land
Seasons will continue as they do today, so life will continue to have a rhythm like we know today
And Zechariah says the land around Jerusalem will be transformed into a large flat plain extending for miles
We learn more about how this plain is used in a later lesson
Finally, on the the top of the mountain will sit the temple and seat of government for the entire Kingdom period
The nations of the world, wherever they are settled, will make their way to Jerusalem to learn from the God of Israel
And the laws of the world will come from Zion, from the word of the Lord
So the capital of the Earth will be Jerusalem, where the Lord dwells in ruling the nations
We will study more about the Lord’s dwelling place in a future lesson
And in v.3 Micah says the Lord renders decisions between the nations including mighty distant nations
To rule over people implies that they need ruling in order to do the right things
That’s a sign that sin is present, and therefore the world needs Christ’s perfect judgment to ensure proper behavior
But Christ rules with such perfection that He can control sin even on the opposite side of the earth
Christ exerts His perfect rule through a government that does His bidding perfectly
Isaiah says that His government officials will know His will instantly to do it always
His government will ensure that no sin gets room to grow or take peace from the earth
In fact, Michael says that implements of war will be done away with and the art of war will be forgotten altogether
So while sin will exist, it will have no material impact on life since it will be under perfect rule at all times
The psalmist describes the Lord’s rule this way
The Lord will break (or rule) them with a rod of iron
He shatters the resistance of the sinful nations like pottery
But also notice, there are kings and judges of the earth in that day, who Micah says should show discernment in ruling
So this means there is a government under Jesus, a government that rules with Jesus under His authority
The government carries out His orders perfectly to ensure sin is ruled perfectly
The government sits on His shoulders, meaning Jesus presides over a bureaucracy
The world is a big place and there will be many to rule over, so Christ enlists others in His government including us
And the government is divided into a Jewish government and a Gentile government
Israel, the nation that saw so many rule over it in the past, will now rule over the world
And their most famous king will return to rule over them them as their prince serving under the authority of the King, Jesus
David is resurrected and returns to rule over the land of Israel in Christ’s government
He is called prince because Jesus is King
Under David we find the twelve tribes of Israel ruled by the apostles as Jesus promised
The twelve apostles will rule over the tribes of Israel as Jesus promised
The tribes of Israel will exist in their land and have additional rulers over them
We can assume that these additional rulers will be other great OT saints rewarded with positions of honor for their service
Moving to the Gentiles, we find a little less detail, though we can learn a few things
First, the Gentile nations are spread around the world and will have need of government representation too
And you and I will fill that need: the church saints will rule them
We saw this already in Revelation 20, when we heard that the church saints will rule with Christ
Also Jesus taught parables emphasizing He will reward those who are faithful here and now with the opportunity to be faithful with more
In the parable of the minas in Luke 19, Jesus rewarded spiritual maturity with opportunity to rule over cities
That parable pictures the way Christ will assign us roles in the Kingdom government
You may say we don’t care whether you have a high position in the Kingdom government, but Jesus holds it out as a desirable reward
So we should aspire to please Him now and in the Kingdom as well, Paul says in 2 Corinthians 5
Finally, we need to understand that all nations are not created equal in this age
Israel will be the highest nation on the earth and all other nations will serve Israel
The Gentiles will serve Israel and the Lord will set Israel above all other nations in honor and position
This is a complete reversal of Israel’s historical position ever since the Lord began to discipline the nation for their sin
Now they receive their blessings under God’s promises
It’s worth a moment to remember how Israel arrived at this point of glory
They were created as a nation by God through Abraham, received promises
They entered into a national covenant to obtain God’s blessings
They violated the Old Covenant and so they spent many long years as a people under God’s judgment
They were dispersed and then suffered great losses
Ultimately they endured the Tribulation where God brought them to their end
In the end, they came to faith and received their Messiah
He will save them and bring them the promised blessings of the covenant and make them to obey God’s law perfectly
And He will make them the chief nation on the Earth
Now all this need for government and ruling suggests that there will be disobedience in that time
And disobedience implies sin, and so the questions comes how and why will sin exist in the Kingdom?
And we answer that question next week