Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongWelcome to the third night of our examination of the Kingdom
In our study of Revelation, we’re taking time to explore life in the coming Kingdom in depth
The Kingdom is the 1,000-year period that follows our current age, beginning at Christ’s Second Coming
That period is only described in a handful of verses in Revelation 20
And once you pass the brief mention of the Kingdom in Revelation 20, John says this world ends altogether
And then we move into an entirely new world described in Revelation 21 & 22
But before we get there, we have more to understand about the Kingdom
And because the book of Revelation itself doesn’t say much about that time, we’re spending a few weeks outside the book
We’re studying various Old Testament passages where the life and times of the Kingdom are described often and in great detail
I’ve divided this section of our study into four parts:
Order of Creation, nature, geography, borders and government
Daily life and death
The Temple, worship and Kingdom Law
Final War against Satan
Today we examine the temple operation of the Kingdom, including the sacrifice system and Kingdom Law
For those of you who are regular students of VBVMI, you will recognize most of tonight’s teaching
Most of what I cover tonight and next week will come from our recent Ezekiel study
That’s because virtually everything we know about the Kingdom temple and the final war is given in Ezekiel and nowhere else
So tonight, we will start with a tour of the temple itself, followed by a discussion of worship and sacrifice under the new Kingdom Law
The only temple mentioned in the book of Revelation is the temple constructed during Tribulation
John measures it in Chapter 11 and the Antichrist desecrates it at the midpoint of Tribulation
But Daniel 12 told us that the Tribulation temple will be cleansed of the image of the beast 30 days after the Lord’s return
That detail suggests that the temple itself will continue on in a new and better form
And Ezekiel confirms the existence of a temple in the Kingdom, and more than that, he describes it in great detail
Over nine chapters, Ezekiel gives his readers a tour of the entire building and its operation
Since that study already exists, we will just summarize what we learned there in this study
And for the sake of time, we will include Scripture references to the relevant passages in Ezekiel but we won’t read them all
Ezekiel’s description of the temple starts this way:
Ezekiel was given the privilege of seeing and describing the Millennial temple for Israel
He said it was positioned on a high mountain and the structure was so massive it was like a city all its own
That’s very different than the current topography of Jerusalem where the temple is at a height similar to the surrounding area
Ezekiel was also told to measure the dimensions of the building precisely
He takes these measurements so that we can appreciate the massive scale of the building
And from that we also know that this building was very different from any that came before it
So let’s walk through the building together based on the dimensions and descriptions that Ezekiel provides to us
And the easiest way to get oriented is to compare the structure we’re studying to others we know from history
Consider the size of the Millennial Temple in comparison to these structures
The Tabernacle, Solomon’s temple, an American football field, and Herod’s temple
The size of this temple reflects the need for some many millions of people to stream to this place from all over the world
This temple will save all humanity, not just the Jewish people
This reinforces the truth that Israel is the center of the world and all worship and government will center on this nation
And the reality of an operating temple of this scale, priests, guards and the like remind us of how prevalent sin will be in that world
We will be above it all, ruling, but we will still see it all around
Because of Christ’s perfect rule, the effects of sin will be greatly mitigated and controlled
But it will still be in the world, which will make Christ’s perfect rule all the more amazing to see operating
The structure is a perfect square, and it includes an outer wall with three gates and an inner wall with three more gates (no west gate)
There are two courtyards formed by these walls and there is the temple building proper with several supporting buildings around it
Let’s enter from the east gate, which is the main entrance at the start of the Kingdom [Tour will be via slides]
The gate is 100 ft long, 50ft wide and has a 100ft door and a 120ft porch
Notice that in the measurements the recurring numbers are 5 and 6 (the 5 found in the .5 cubit walls separating spaces)
The number 5 is the number of grace, while the number 6 is the number for sinful man
So symbolically, this gate reminds people that this is a place where sin meets grace
The spaces of sin (6 cu) where people congregate are divided or broken up by the walls of grace (.5 cu)
The symbolic sense is that sin will be broken here
After exiting the inner east gate, we walk into a large open courtyard, and as we move forward we reach the inner east gate
This gate leads into the temple courtyard proper
There are palm trees marking this entrance and exit
And there are tables for sacrifice at the entrance of this inner gate
Entering into the courtyard we find a high altar with steps leading up
And behind it the steps leading into the temple itself
There is no door on the temple nor is there a veil separating the inner rooms
That is different to the earlier tabernacle and temples that had veils on the entrance and leading to the Holy of Holies
Also, the Millennial temple will have only one piece of furniture inside
Only an altar of incense will exist in the temple
Previously, there were other items required, but they are gone now because they pictured Jesus
Since Jesus is present, we have no need for those symbols
But incense pictures intercession before the Father, so that item remains since Jesus’ role as intercessor for sin still remains as well
Around the temple we also find three additional buildings in that day, two for the priests and one that is not defined in Ezekiel except for its measurements
The priestly chambers flank the temple on the north and south sides, and in here priests begin their work day
They change clothes in these chambers before and after work
There are galleries here for viewing the offering of burnt sacrifices in the temple courtyard
Looking more closely at the temple, we find a small river emerging from the building leading us back outside the temple
The river emerges from under the foundation of the temple
It runs through a channel in the courtyard and under the inner east gate and the outer east gate
At that point it splits and runs both east and west as we learned last week
When it hits the Dead Sea in the east, it turns the salt sea into a fresh water lake
The symbolism of living water emerging from the temple is a testimony to the world of Christ’s presence in the temple
We will talk more about this symbolism in a future week of this study when we look at the New Heavens and New Earth
This temple will be the center of worship in the Kingdom, and that worship involves Jesus, sacrifice, priests and feast days as it did under the Jewish Law
First, let’s discuss Jesus’ place in the temple, beginning with Jesus' place in the earlier temples
In the first tabernacle built by Moses, the Lord occupied the Holy of Holies as the Shechinah Glory of God
Later, after Solomon built the temple, the glory of the Lord entered the temple to rest above the mercy seat again
The Lord eventually departed the temple in Ezekiel’s day in response to the sin of Israel and the coming judgment
When He departed, the glory of the Lord left in a very certain way starting at the doorway of the temple
First the glory of the Lord moved from the Holy of Holies to the temple doorway
It moves through the length of the Holy Place in the temple, Ezekiel says, and as it does the temple was filled with the cloud
Then He moves from the temple to the east gate of the temple structure escorted by cherubim
Finally the glory of the Lord moves outside the temple across the Kidron Valley and to the top of the Mt. Of Olives
From there the glory of the Lord disappeared and it has not returned to the temple since that day
So when it comes time for the Lord to once again reside in His temple, He arrives in the same way He departed
According to Ezekiel 43, the glory of the Lord enters the temple on the first day of the Kingdom in this manner
So the Lord lives in the Kingdom in that day in the form of His Shechinah glory once more, resident in the house of the Lord, the temple
He lives there continually, never leaving the temple again
He resides in the temple and out of view of the world
In fact, after He enters the east outer gate is shut forever, never to open again in the days of the Kingdom
The Lord is the only One Who enters by way of the east gate of the temple
No one will take the same journey that the Lord took, which clearly symbolizes the Lord’s work of atonement
His entry into the temple is a symbolic representation of Christ entering by His blood to be our High Priest interceding for sin
Christ entered once for all, which is symbolized by His entry into the temple through the east gate never to leave and re-enter
And the gate is shut because neither can anyone else enter the way Jesus did
This is why we said earlier that no one will be sitting down for coffee with Jesus in the Kingdom
Jesus never leaves the temple because to leave and return would suggest He must continue to qualify Himself
And since the east gate is permanently closed, David, the Lord’s prince, uses the closed off space as his temple office
So the only time believers and glorified saints see Jesus in the temple is when we come to the temple to worship Him
Ezekiel tells us that can happen on two feast days, Sabbaths, and new moon celebrations
There are only two feasts in the Kingdom, the feast of Passover and the Feast of Booths
Under the Law of Moses, there were seven feasts each calendar year
And all seven pictured some aspect of Jesus’ ministry of redemption
The first three feasts represent aspects of Jesus’ first coming
The last three picture aspects of His return and in the middle is Pentecost
Pentecost represents the Church period between the two appearances of Jesus
But in the Kingdom, there are only the first and last feasts, because they are the only two that still have spiritual meaning in the Kingdom time
The first, Passover, represents Jesus’ redemption of His people through His sacrifice as our Lamb
And the feast of Tabernacles or booths represents God dwelling among His people, which is still present in that day as well
In addition to these feast days, we may go to the temple on Sabbaths and new moon days:
When we go up, we enter by either the north gate or south gate, and we must exit out the opposite gate, Ezekiel tells us
That forces us to cross the courtyard, and in the process we can see directly into the Holy of Holies where the glory dwells
This will be the only opportunity for us to see the Lord’s glory in this day
Remember, we will still communicate with Him constantly and we will have seen Him before in the throne room earlier
But Ezekiel also states that nothing unholy can have access to the temple, meaning unbelievers
Those who are uncircumcised in the heart, which is Bible terminology for unbelievers, may not enter the temple
So that means an unbeliever will never see the glory of God in that day
Unbelievers will be required to make sacrifices in the outer court yard with the help of the temple priests
The role of a priest is to be an intercessor for the people, a mediator who brings God to the people and the people to God
In the days before Jesus, God only accepted certain men as intercessors between Himself and the people of Israel
Those Levitical priests served by ministering in the temple according to the Mosaic Law
But even then, Christ was the true high priest interceding for God’s children
Then after Jesus came and the Church was started, Peter says we were all made to be priests, calling us a royal priesthood
We are all priests because we are all in a position to intercede for the world
We bring God to the world by shining the light of Christ before men through our good works
And we bring the people to God by our testimony of Jesus and our preaching of the Gospel
Nevertheless, Jesus remains the high priest who reconciles all believers to God
But then in the Kingdom, we return to a time when there are only some who are designated as priests, but they will not be the Levites
Because of the unfaithfulness of God’s ministers in that day, He says the Levitical priests will officiate in a more limited way in the Kingdom
Notice in v.13 the Lord says they shall not come near Him in this time
This is different than under the Mosaic law, where the offerer kills his own sacrifice, not the priest
The priest offered the sacrifice on the altar and took blood into the Holy Place
Only one family of priests will be allowed to serve Christ as before
Zadok was the high priest who remained loyal to David when the house of Saul was contending with David for the throne
Zadok took the ark of the covenant and followed David as David fled the city of Jerusalem
He knew David was the the Lord’s anointed, and because of Zadok’s faithfulness, the Lord makes Zadok’s sons priests
But we remember from Isaiah last week that the Lord will also take some Gentiles and allow them to serve as priests as well
So there will be a joint Jew-Gentile priesthood to serve in the temple
They officiate over the sacrifices, and the Levites assist in the process by killing the animals and keeping the building organized
In the Kingdom, these priests will have a more limited role
They will have oversight of the house and gates, slaughtering animals and ministering to the people who worship there
They now do the “dirty” work for the worshippers, ministering to them in the temple
When worshippers bring sacrifices, they will assist in the sacrifice, cutting and burning of these sacrifices in pits
Finally, all of this discussion of priests and sacrifice begs a few questions about why such a system returns in the first place
For example, if Christ has always been our High Priest, why was any other priest even needed?
And if Christ was always our once for all sacrifice, why were other sacrifices ever required?
Over the centuries, many theologians have been troubled at the prospect of a return of a sacrificial system in the Kingdom
We remember the teaching of Hebrews
Basic New Testament theology holds that the substitutionary atonement of Jesus on the cross satisfies the wrath of God
And not just for one person or for one time, but for all who place their trust in Jesus and for all time
Therefore, why should God re-institute a temple and sacrificial system in the Kingdom?
To answer why there is a temple in the Kingdom, we must first understand why there has ever been a temple with sacrifices
And the story begins with what sin did to the human condition
Adam and Woman were alone on earth, enjoying the Garden, without sin and without need for clothing
Then they disobeyed the Word and sin entered their hearts
At that point, though they were married and were completely at peace with one another even without clothes, suddenly that changed
As soon as they sinned, they sought to cover themselves physically
Who were they hiding from? Who else could see them? Only each other and that never bothered them before
The point is that the arrival of sin resulted in an immediate impediment in the fellowship between these two people
Sin fundamentally changed the couple’s relationship with one another
Where before they were in perfect fellowship with one another, now they felt uncomfortable and self-protective
When sin corrupted their nature, the couple instantly became adversaries in the sense that they now had reasons to hide from one another
No longer could they be fully known, nor could they fully know another person as they once did
Sin had darkened their innocent transparent nature, so now they harbored secret thoughts, had sinful desires and secret sins
Shameful things entered their minds, and they were weighed down by guilt and the worry over their sin and that of their spouse
So they instinctively sought a way to feel comfortable in each others’ company again, but the best they could do was a fig leaf
But as serious as the physical effects of sin, the spiritual effects were even more serious
Spiritually, the couple suddenly realized they were accountable before God so they instinctively hid from His presence
Mankind no longer felt comfortable approaching God, because sin demanded God’s wrath
Their spirits within them sensed their vulnerability so they also lost the opportunity for fellowship with God
Where once they knew God intimately, now they could not even be in His presence
For the same reason, God could no longer dwell among men without shielding men from His glory
So sin had two fundamental effects on the human condition reflected in the behaviors of Adam and Woman in the Garden
Sin ruined our relationship with other human beings by corrupting our nature and making us enemies of one another
And sin ruined our relationship with God by incurring His judgment and making us deserving of His wrath
Physically, sin separates us from other human beings
Spiritually, sin separates us from God
And in response, God offered us a provision to correct for both of these problems, beginning with Adam and Woman in the Garden
First, the Lord corrected for our spiritual separation from Him with a spiritual covering which we receive by faith
He gave Adam and Woman the first Gospel preaching
The Lord promised to send Adam and Woman a “Seed” Who would defeat the enemy and reconcile mankind
That “seed” would be Christ in the day He came
This provision was spiritual in nature because it depended upon our faith in that promise
Jesus’ sacrifice wasn’t made in Adam’s day, but it was promised to happen one day
Adam received the promise, and by his faith in that promise, Adam was credited with Christ’s righteousness
So that through faith Adam was restored in His relationship with God
All saints, whether OT or NT, gain the same spiritual covering in the same way: through faith in the promised Messiah
Next, the Lord made a provision to correct for the physical separation that robbed Adam and Woman of their personal trust and intimacy
In v.21 the Lord killed an animal (probably a lamb) and used the skin to clothe the man and woman
That sacrifice was physical, not spiritual, and it came in addition to the spiritual provision
Without this physical sacrifice, Adam and Woman would have continued to feel shame in their nakedness
Their physical discomfort reflecting an inward mistrust toward one another
But once covered, they experienced a degree of restoration and comfort again
Moreover, the practice of making a physical sacrifice offered an object lesson to humanity about the greater spiritual sacrifice of Christ
That earlier spiritual covering was not witnessed…it came by faith alone, so it was difficult to appreciate in abstraction
But seeing a physical sacrifice in which an animal loses its life makes clear the price of sin and the need for blood atonement
So physical sacrifice also becomes a picture of the sacrifice of Christ for our sake
So the physical covering is both a means of restoring human fellowship and a way to teach us about Christ’s sacrifice
Importantly, notice God officiated over their physical sacrifice
The Lord was present as the animal was sacrificed in the Garden, and He presided over the ritual
Had Adam or Woman killed and skinned an animal without God’s involvement, it wouldn’t have qualified as a physical sacrifice
Our sacrifice must be to the Lord by His measure in order to satisfy Him
And it must be acceptable to Him if it is to be useful to us in cleansing our conscience
Finally, it’s critical to note the order of these events: first came the spiritual covering of faith to restore fellowship with God (v.20)
Then came the physical covering of an animal sacrifice in the presence of God to restore and maintain human fellowship (v.21)
We first reconcile with God by faith in the provision of His Son
Then He may accept our physical sacrifices made in His presence to grant us reconciliation with each other
This pattern is evident throughout the Bible…for example Noah believed in God and his faith found favor with God according to Genesis 6
Yet Noah also practiced animal sacrifice at altars before the Lord to maintain fellowship among God’s people
Likewise, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob were righteous by faith yet they also sacrificed animals on altars from time to time
Yet when sin required, they also participated in God-ordained physical sacrifices as the Angel of Lord attended in the moment
And of course, the Lord codified this practice in the Law of Moses
Throughout, faith was always the spiritual covering required for salvation, but God also commanded regular physical sacrifices
Jumping to the Church, what do we find? The same two sacrifices!
We too are reconciled to God spiritually by faith in Christ, Who is our spiritual covering, but we also need a physical covering
We too have sin and therefore like Adam and Woman, we too suffer from the physical separation that sin produces
So therefore, we also need a physical system of sacrifice to reconcile with one another
And our system of physical sacrifice follows the same pattern as before
It serves to reconciles us to others by cleansing our conscience and healing the wounds caused by sin
It also teaches us about Christ and His eternal sacrifice made on our behalf
And our physical sacrifice is also performed in the presence of God
That last detail is key to our understanding of when and how we offer physical sacrifices today and why a temple exists in the Kingdom
In Genesis 3, God dwelled directly with Man and Woman in the Garden, so the physical sacrifice happened in the Garden
During the period of the patriarchs, the Lord visited His people as the Angel of the Lord (pre-incarnate Christ)
So sacrifices happened at altars set up wherever the Angel of the Lord appeared or directed
And in Moses’ time the Lord dwelled in a physical building, so Israel gathered there to make physical sacrifices
A physical sacrifice is only edifying to the worshipper’s conscience if it’s approved by God in His presence
Today, the presence of the Lord is not located in a certain building because the Bible says that the Spirit of God is inside every believer
If our body is the temple and the Spirit resides within us, then our physical sacrifices are made in our body
Paul describes how we perform the physical sacrifices of this age in Romans
We are to present our bodies as living sacrifices to God, in His presence, as our service of worship
Just as the Israelites worshipped by making sacrifices in the temple, we worship by making sacrifices in our body
The Law of Moses demanded animals dying in a building, but the Law of Christ demands we die to self
And when time came for God to set Israel aside for a time and make Himself known to Gentiles, He had to change the place of His dwelling
He couldn’t build a new temple in a Gentile country, because He only gave His Law and the temple service to Israel
Moreover, if He had placed His temple in one Gentile nation, it would have signaled that He preferred one Gentile nation over others
Therefore, He chose to indwell the Church directly so that He could be equally present in every Gentile nation during this age
For that reason, we make our physical sacrifice by making sacrifices in our body, denying our flesh its desires, serving Christ’s desires instead
This is our physical covering, and it follows all the same patterns as before
Our personal sacrifices are an act of worship before God that restores fellowship with others
It is a form of worship, it is done in God’s presence, it cleanses our guilty conscience and it is modeled after Christ’s sacrifices
So as we sacrifice our pride and self-interest to show love for others, we restore fellowship within the body
This is why we are all called priests in the New Testament
We all have the Spirit God dwelling inside us, therefore we are all qualified to make sacrifices before the altar of our heart
Those physical sacrifices are how we worship God, and they are not contradictory to our spiritual dependence upon Christ
On the contrary, they are modeled on Christ’s own ministry, and in that way our sacrifices are also picturing Christ
As Paul explains
Though He had no sin of His own, Christ made Himself a physical sacrifice to serve the interests of the body of Christ
Likewise, we have no sin debt before God because of faith, yet we still make physical sacrifices to serve the needs of fellowship
Our dependence on Christ’s sacrifice does not invalidate the need for making physical sacrifices
Though the form of our physical sacrifices are quite different than the form they had under the Law of Moses
And the change in the form of our physical sacrifices was made necessary because God changed the place of His dwelling
So now, consider how the dwelling place of God changes again in the Kingdom…He returns to dwelling in a building rather than in human bodies
In the Kingdom age, Israel is restored as the chief nation on earth under God’s protection, so the temple is placed again in Israel
And as we read, Jesus returns to dwell there as before
And since the Lord’s presence dwells in a building again, then all physical sacrifices must happen at that one place again
Once again, people will stream to the temple regularly to sacrifice animals as the Lord directs
These sacrifices accomplish exactly the same things the earlier physical sacrifices covered
They serve to restore fellowship among God’s people and teach about the meaning of Christ’s sacrifice
If the people do not participate in these sacrifices, they are cut off from fellowship with God’s people
As we read last week about God bringing drought to nations that fail to worship at the feasts in Jerusalem
One final note…sacrifices are covering for sin, so this system is only used by those who have sin
Those of us who are glorified will have no sin, and therefore we will not make sacrifices
Our role will be limited to governing it seems, though perhaps some of us may be priests
But we will not participate in the sacrificial system ourselves
So at that time, we will have no need of it except to oversee it in some way
But those who have sin, whether believing or unbelieving, will be required to make physical sacrifices
And those who are believing will also have the benefit of a spiritual covering provided by Christ
Without that faith, it is impossible to please God, and the worshipper who seeks to please God will also perform physical sacrifices
Next time we conclude our study of the Kingdom looking at the culminating events of the 1,000-year period, including the Final War