Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongTonight we finish our study of the Kingdom period by examining the events that will end that 1,000-year period of history
In all, we’ve studied four broad areas of life in the Kingdom
We studied the order of Creation, nature, geography, borders and government
Daily life and death
The Temple, worship and Kingdom Law
And this week we end with the Final War of history, the war of Gog and Magog, which takes us back into Revelation 20
First, let’s remember where we are in the timeline of events in the book of Revelation
Revelation 20:6 tells us that the time of Jesus ruling with the saints will be a thousand years
That’s the period we have been studying over the past three weeks
But before we studied a brief period of time that bridged the seven-year Tribulation with the 1,000-year kingdom
That period lasted only 75 days, according to Daniel 12, so we called it the 75-day interval
I remind you of this detail because it sets an important precedent that will come into play in our study today
And that precedent is that not all the events of Chapter 20 take place within the 1,000 years of the Kingdom
Revelation 20 doesn’t start counting the 1,000 years until after the 75 days is over
So in a sense, the Kingdom period is 1,000 years plus 75 days
But it doesn’t stop there…Chapter 20 also tells us that there will be events that happen after the 1,000 years is complete
And yet these events are still part of the Kingdom period because they take place prior to the next age starting
For example, look at the next verses we cover in Revelation 20
Notice how v.7 begins with ”when the thousand years are completed…”
So by the time we get to the events of v.7 and later, the clock has already run out on the 1,000 year Kingdom
As we will see from our study of these events, these final events last at least seven years and likely a little longer
So now we can calculate the entire Kingdom period between the Tribulation and the New Heavens and Earth
That period must be at least 75 days + 1,000 years + 7 years
For simplicity sake, we say the total is 1,007 years
This detail is important for two reasons…
First, it helps us understand the purpose of the 1,000 year period
The Kingdom serves a specific purpose which is understood by separating it from the time of the war of Gog and Magog
Secondly, it helps us know that the war being described in this chapter is the same war Ezekiel describes in Ezekiel 38 & 39
Let’s start by understanding how the war gets started, which Revelation explains in the second half of v.7
The culminating events of the Kingdom age begin with Satan released from his imprisonment in the abyss
We remember Satan was bound and committed to this prison during the 75 days that preceded the Kingdom
Notice John said in v.2 that Satan will be bound for a total of 1,000 years
He is in prison before the Kingdom starts and he is not released until the 1,000 years have taken place
So Satan spends the duration of the Kingdom away from mankind and unable to tempt anyone
But once Satan is released, he immediately begins to deceive humanity leading to a war on earth for the first time since the end of Tribulation
That war will involve countless numbers of people from all the Gentile nations of the earth
Their target is Israel, and more specifically, the temple in Jerusalem
Notice Revelation 20 says they come up to the broad plain and surround the beloved city
The broad plain is the flat area that surrounds the high mountain on which the temple sits
We studied that broad plain earlier in Zechariah’s description of the Kingdom topography
So the detail of a broad plain clearly identifies the battle as taking place in Israel after the Millennial Kingdom
Finally, back in Revelation 20:9 John says that the battle is over quickly with a supernatural destruction of the invaders
God sends fire from heaven to devour them and that’s the last thing we read in Revelation 20 about the final war
This brief mention of the final events of the Kingdom raise more questions than they answer
And once more Revelation has only skimmed the surface of these events because the details are elsewhere in the Bible
So let’s list the questions we will address in our study tonight as we revisit Ezekiel 38 & 39 and elsewhere in the Bible
First, why was Satan bound only to be released again?
Secondly, why doesn’t the Lord destroy Satan in the first place prior to the start of the Kingdom?
Finally, who are Gog and Magog and what can we learn about this final war?
We start with the question of why was Satan bound in the first place, which begins by understanding his role on earth today
The Bible says that Satan provokes sin in two ways
First, the Bible says Satan is the great deceiver – the author of lies
By contrast, Jesus is the Truth, so all true and righteous knowledge comes from God, and God cannot lie, the Bible says
And yet the world is filled with lies, and the Bible says all those lies have their origin in Satan and his demons
Jesus said Satan is the father of lies and has been from the beginning, referring to his deception in the Garden of Eden
Had Satan never existed, the world would have known only truth
Satan is the author of all false knowledge on earth, and he uses his lies to trick the world concerning God and sin
As we read earlier in this study
So the enemy provokes sin by deceiving the world, and secondly he provokes sin by tempting our flesh nature to act according to its desire
He knows that our flesh nature is already predisposed to act against the word of God, as Paul explains in Romans 7
Our physical body has its own desires, and Satan and his demons are experts at enticing our flesh to fulfill its desires
Paul says in 1 Corinthians 10:13 that we all know the experience of being tempted by the enemy, who is our “tempter” (1 Thessalonians 3:5)
But in that same verse Paul also says that the Lord provides us a way of escape from the temptation if we would only take it
So the old saying that “the devil made me do it” is simply an excuse
The enemy may deceive us at times, but we have the word of God to correct our thinking
And he certainly tempts us to give in to sin, but the Lord has given us His Spirit to lead us into righteousness
So at the end of the day, the devil (and his demons) don’t make us sin…it’s our choice to sin either out of ignorance or lust
But as we studied in prior weeks, Jesus will rule the Kingdom with a rod of iron enforcing righteousness perfectly, without variation or delay
If Satan were loose deceiving and tempting the world to sin, it would undermine Jesus’ perfect rule
So for 1,000 years, to ensure there is no opportunity for sin to gain a foothold, our enemy is bound and out of the way
There is still sin in the world because the world is filled with people who possess a sin nature
But those people live under the watchful eye of a perfect and just King Who limits sin’s impact and judges it instantly and perfectly
And with the enemy bound, there is no catalyst to disturb that perfect peace
And though Scripture doesn’t say, I assume that his demons are also in the abyss and bound during this time
It makes no sense to think that the king of the demons is bound while the demons roam free to wreck havoc
So we understand why Satan is bound, but why is he later released?
Paul gives us the answer to that question in 1 Corinthians 15, and the answer is related to why he was bound in the first place
Paul quotes from Psalm 8 in which the Father promises He will eventually place all Creation under Jesus’ authority
Every enemy of God will be subjected to Christ’s authority before this world ends, and the last enemy to fall will be death
Death is a reference to the one who personifies death, Satan, because he brought sin and death into existence
Once Satan is defeated and all things are under Christ’s rule, then Paul says all powers and authority will be abolished forever
In other words, no longer will Christ rule separately from the Father much less will the saints rule in a government
Because there will be nothing to rule…if the last source of sin and rebellion is crushed then there is nothing that needs ruling
We’re learning the very purpose for the 1,000-year Kingdom and for the whole creation itself: to give opportunity for Jesus to rule over sin
According to the chronology of the Bible, the world has existed in its present form for about 6,000 years
During that time, the fallen world has been the dominion of Satan and sinful humanity has tried to rule itself
The testimony of those 6,000 years is death, war, misery and destruction…it’s been a disaster
Those 6,000 years of history proves that we cannot rule our own hearts, just as the Lord declared
If we trust in the heart or strength of mankind, we are sunk
But if we trust the Lord to rule our hearts, we are blessed
For 6,000 years the world has trusted in mankind, and not coincidentally the number 6 in the Bible is the number for sinful, fallen man
But for an additional thousand years, the world will experience what it’s like when we trust in the Lord’s rule over Creation
And when you add that additional thousand years to the age of the world, you get 7,000
And 7 is the number of perfection and completeness
So the purpose of the Kingdom is to be a capstone on the earth’s existence highlighting Jesus’ perfect rule
Those final 1,000 years contrast with the prior 6,000 years to make the point that only through the Messiah come righteousness and justice
Satan will be bound during that time to prevent him from interfering with Jesus’ rule over the Creation
And then once the 1,000 years is complete and God is ready to end this phase of history, He releases Satan for a little while
Why? Paul says so that he may be defeated as planned and once death is defeated, then this age may come to a complete end
When Jesus crushes Satan’s final rebellion, He will have abolished His final enemy
And at that point this Creation will have met its intended purpose as Paul explained
Now we know why Satan was bound – to make possible 1,000 years of perfection
And why he must be set free to deceive the nations – so that Creation itself can come to completion and Christ can defeat the last enemy
But had Satan been destroyed at the beginning of the 1,000 years, then there would have been no Kingdom at all
Because once the final enemy is abolished, Christ returns all authority back to the Father, Paul says
That leads us into the last events of this book, the final judgment and the New Heavens and New Earth in Chapters 21 & 22
But before we go there, we still have one final question to answer tonight
Who are Gog and Magog, and what are the details of Satan’s deception and this final battle?
Revelation doesn’t tell us much other than mention the names and explain how the battle ends
And that’s because the details are elsewhere in the Bible, and in fact the mention of Gog and Magog are intended as markers to leads us
There are only two mentions of a “Gog and Magog" in connection with a war against God’s people
We have this mention in Revelation 20 and as mentioned earlier in Ezekiel 38 & 39
Chapter 38 describes the preparations for the war and the war itself, while Chapter 39 describes the aftermath of the war
And as I mentioned last week, our ministry features a comprehensive teaching on Ezekiel online already
So we won’t cover all of Chapters 38 & 39 here…we will just cover the main points as they relate to Revelation 20
Starting with a simple framework for understanding the purpose of these chapters in Ezekiel’s prophecy
Ezekiel is a long book of prophecy with 48 chapters, and the last 16 chapters (33-48) are all devoted to prophecies related to the Kingdom
Last week when we studied the temple in the Kingdom, most of what we studied came from Chapters 40-48 of Ezekiel
And Ezekiel also tells the story of the final war that ends the Kingdom period, the war of Gog and Magog
Those details are found in Chapters 38-39, before the discussion of the temple
So perhaps for that reason, some scholars have decided that the events of Ezekiel 38 & 39 precede the time of the Kingdom
But a closer examination of the structure of Ezekiel’s final chapters tells a different story
Those chapters are not organized chronologically, they are organized according to God’s promises to Abraham
Because the entire Kingdom is a fulfillment of the Abrahamic Covenant given to Israel
So Ezekiel 33-48 are an explanation of how God is going to fulfill His covenant to Abraham and Abraham’s descendants
We can summarize this relationship with a simple chart
There are four parts to the Abrahamic promises
God promised Abraham an inheritance of land with prosperity, descendants living securely and His presence dwelling among them
Later the Lord added a fourth promise to David to provide a king to rule the land perfectly
So a king to rule a land of prosperity filled with a people at peace with the Lord among them in glory
Ezekiel 33-48 is the story of how the Lord will fulfill all four promises in the kingdom
And Chapters 38 & 39 show how God fulfills His promise to ensure the security of Israel in the land while demonstrating His glory to the nations
God allows Satan loose to deceive the nations, teaching them how to wage war and tempting them to do so
And then as Satan attempts to take peace away from Israel, the Lord intervenes to stop the battle before it starts
And in that way, the Lord uses Satan to show Israel that He is indeed keeping His promise to protect them
So let’s start our summary of Ezekiel 38 & 39 by looking at the primary human actors in this war
Our first actor in this drama is Gog, from the land of Magog
The word Gog is a title, not a specific name, similar to Pharaoh or Caesar
So Gog is a person while Magog is the nation or land that he comes from
And from the table of nations in Genesis 10, Magog roughly refers to Eastern Europe including present day Turkey
Among Noah’s grandsons to settle in that region north of Israel included men named Magog, Mechech, and Tubal
A man with the title Gog comes from this land, and this man will be joined by allies from east and south to start a war
They come to invade Israel from every possible direction but notice the impetus to gather and fight comes from God
In v.4 we’re told God draws them into battle, and we know from Revelation 20 that God uses Satan to accomplish that outcome
Next, notice the army is equipped in a very rudimentary way, with horses and rudimentary weapons
In Chapter 39 we learn that they battle using wooden clubs and spears, wooden shields and helmets, wooden bows and arrows
In fact, everything used in the battle will be made of wood, not metal
Remember, Isaiah told us that since the art of war will be lost in the Kingdom, all metal will be refashioned into farm equipment
And finally, notice that the attack will come against a land that has been restored from the sword
The word for restored is the Hebrew word shuv, which has many shades of interpretation
In this context, the best interpretation would be turned away from or to have put away
In other words, in that day Israel will be a defenseless land, a land without military weaponry because obviously none is needed
Notice a few other key details…this happens in the latter days after they have been summoned by God back into their land to live peacefully
Secondly, Israel will have been gathered from among the nations to live in their mountain which was previously a continual waste
That’s a reference to Israel regathered after the end of the Age of Gentiles, which ends with the conclusion of Tribulation
Finally, notice the small phrase at the very end of v.8…”all of them”
All of Israel is dwelling in this place, not just some Jews but all Jews
Putting all this together (with many other details in these chapters), this must be Israel in the Kingdom
But if you’ve studied Ezekiel’s war before or if you’re a student of prophecy, then you may have heard others placing these events earlier
It’s common to hear teachers placing these events prior to Tribulation, in our world today
But for the reasons I’ve shown already and more to come, that timeline just doesn’t fit the details nor the purpose of the war
As we continue our study, we will see more evidence stacking up for this war to take place at the end of the Millennial Kingdom
It’s worth noting that the only two places in the Bible where the leader Gog of Magog is mentioned is in Ezekiel and Revelation
That connection all by itself demands an explanation
Given the similarities of the situation, the obvious and logical connection would be that these reference the same individual
John mentions the name Gog in Revelation 20 with no explanation because it’s a reference to the earlier prophecy
He expects his readers to know who Gog is from having read Ezekiel
Now let’s move to the invasion itself
In v.9 we read about the movement of a vast army of people so great that it covers the ground like a cloud, which agrees with what Revelation 20 told us
Then beginning in v.10 we see how this invasion unfolded
An evil thought entered into the mind of an evil man, Gog
He devises a plan to invade Israel and his idea originates in opportunity and greed
Gog notices the land is at rest, which means quiet, unsuspecting and the land is unwalled, no bars, no gates
Walls are the most basic of protective measures intended to defend against an enemy attack
So an unwalled village indicates a total lack of concern, like living in a house without a front door
Secondly, Gog’s greed gives him reason to seize upon that opportunity
In v.12 Gog notices the abundance of the land, the cattle and goods amassed in the land
The Bible says the abundance of Israel in the Kingdom will be second to none
Israel will be blessed above all other nations in that time period, so it makes sense for Gog to see something there he wants
Ezekiel says these thoughts entered into Gog’s mind, but we know from Revelation 20 who the real instigator of these muses was: Satan
Though he’s not mentioned here, Revelation tells us that Satan has returned to work deceiving the world by this point
He deceives Gog to thinking that he can win this battle and that God has been wrong to bless Israel so much
Then Satan has tempted Gog’s lust into taking what Israel has for himself
So in v.15 Gog recruits others to enter into battle with him, and with the help of Satan he recruits other nations to invade from the north
In v.13 we’re told that Israel’s neighbors are puzzled by invaders gathering on Israel’s border
They seemed surprised and in disbelief at the unfolding events indicating how out of the ordinary this action will be in that day
No one has seen war before, so people in this day are literally stupefied to see an amassing of an army
Then in v.14, we hear the Lord’s challenge to Gog, asking rhetorically will Gog disrupt the peace that God has given to His people Israel?
Curiously, we know the Kingdom will be a time without war for 1,000 years
In fact, Isaiah told us that the knowledge of how to wage war will be completely lost
Generations will be born and raised without experiencing war so no one will even know how it’s done
And the technology of war will be gone as well
But God promised He would ensure Israel safety in their land during the Kingdom, so how will Israel know God is keeping that promise?
Without a threat to Israel’s peace, there is no way for God to demonstrate His faithfulness to keep the peace covenant
It’s as if God promised to cure you from cancer, but until you contract cancer, you can’t know God kept His promise
But since God said He will protect Israel from her enemies, He shows Himself faithful by defending Israel against Gog
So Gog’s invasion is how the Lord brings about Satan’s end, but it also serves an important purpose in the Kingdom
It gives opportunity for the Lord to show Himself faithful to the peace covenant He makes with Israel in that age
By how the Lord defends Israel against Gog’s invasion, everyone will come to see just how securely the people are dwelling in the land
Next, look at the nature of warfare in this coming day
In v.15 the Lord describes the invasion as many peoples all riding horses
The Hebrew word translated as horse means…horse
There is nothing in the text to indicate this is a symbolic reference to some non-horse tool of war
Which means this is a type of warfare where horses are again a chief means of transportation
If we suppose this battle happens in the present day, then we have a very difficult time explaining this reference
The Israeli Defense Forces are among the most modern and sophisticated in the world
Moreover, the armies of Russia, Turkey, Iran, Libya, and even Ethiopia possess tanks, armored vehicles, aircraft, etc.
So either we place these events in the pre-industrial times or forward to the Kingdom age where war technology is unknown
The people come into Israel covering the land like a cloud, similar to the description we saw in Revelation 20 of as many people as the sand
But God says He will be sanctified in Gog’s destruction
And the people will see the Lord’s faithfulness as He destroys the invaders
Speaking of destruction, let’s see how the Lord does that in Chapter 39
The Lord sets about thwarting Gog’s attack, and notice in v.3 the Lord says He will strike the bow and arrows from their hands
This reminds us of what we learned in Chapter 38, that the war is prosecuted in very rudimentary ways
As Isaiah told us the time of the Kingdom is a time of ignorance when it comes to war
So Gog has recruited a vast army, but one that relies on the simplest of tools like bows and arrows
Why do they think they can win with such simple tools? They were deceived by Satan into thinking they could win
But at the same time, Israel stands completely defenseless, so these simple weapons are a true threat to Israel’s peace in the land
So the Lord defends Israel against this uncountable army by defeating it by His own might
Israel never engages in the battle at all
As this army invades and attacks, they are struck down en mass by a supernatural act of God
Notice in v.6 the invaders are destroyed by fire from Heaven, a clear parallel to what John told us in Revelation 20
The army of the land of Magog will be completely consumed by fire from Heaven and the battle will end instantly
And Israel’s peace will have remained intact during the Kingdom
But there’s one more interesting details to this battle…
After the Lord has vanquished the invading armies, the wasteland of dead and their wooden tools become huge supply of fuel
So the people of Israel will go out to scavenge from among these weapons
Notice the people of Israel weren’t involved in the battle at all since the Lord did the fighting
They stayed securely in their unwalled villages while the Lord fought the battle for them out in the plain
The people of Israel collect weapons of all kinds, including shields, bows, arrows, war clubs, and spears
And for seven years Israel will use these tools as fuel for fire
This is confirmation that the tools used by the invading army are made of wood, because wood burns, but steel does not
In fact, in v.10 the Lord says that the people won’t even bother to take wood from the field or gather firewood from the forest afterward
They have enough wood from these implements to satisfy their needs for fuel, so wood is the primary fuel for the Kingdom age
There were so many invaders that the materials collected keeps all Israel supplied with wood for burning to last seven years
That’s a huge quantity of wood, and it tells us how vast this invading army must have been
Then Gog and all his multitude of army will be buried in the land of Israel where they fell
The location of burial will be in a valley east of the sea
The sea is the Mediterranean Sea, and the most prominent valley east of the Med. is the Jordan River valley
So more than likely, that’s the valley in mind here
And the bodies in that area will be so numerous that the burial ground will block the passage of people through the valley
Remember, a Jew may not traverse over graves, so the number of bodies buried in this region makes passage impossible
They will rename the valley Hamon-gog, which means multitude or uproar, so the valley is called the multitude of Gog
The dead will be so numerous that the burial process will require seven months
Israel will go through the land meticulously looking for unburied bones of the fallen so they might cleanse the land
And as they find a bone, they will mark it carefully to prevent a Jew from stumbling across it and becoming defiled
Then having marked the bone, it will then be buried in the valley where no one may go
Notice in v.13 the Lord says that Israel will make a name for itself among all the nations by how they respond to the dead
Turning back to the text, the Lord adds one more detail to help us understand how the Lord cleansed the land
In the Bible, the Lord directs people to make a sacrifice of animals
Our sacrifices of bulls and goats were intended to remind us of our sin and the need for a covering of blood
Now in this final act of war the Lord turns the tables
Remember, this event is the final moment of this world, the last event of human history on planet earth
And in that final moment, the Lord makes humanity a sacrifice to the animals
The animals gain the benefit while man pays the price and God is the One making the sacrifice
The message is that the need for sacrifice of any kind has come to an end
The Lord Himself conducts the final sacrifice and the final offering are those who oppose Him
And that final act of judgment to close the age gives opportunity for the Lord to be glorified
So with that all unbelief in Creation is gone though not yet judged
And that’s what we move into next week…the judgment moment for the souls of all unbelievers who have ever lived
Following that moment, the earth and its works will be burned up and a new world appears
We study that process over the next couple of weeks to finish our study