Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongIn the New Testament church, Jesus commanded two rituals or ordinances for His church to observe on a regular basis
The first ordinance commanded for every believer is water baptism, which should take place soon after we come to faith in Jesus
And the second ordinance we observe regularly is the Last Supper or Communion meal
Believers perform this ritual periodically to remember the meal that took place on the night before Jesus was nailed to a cross
That’s where we are now in the timeline of Jesus’ final week on earth, the evening of Passover, the 14th of Nisan
On that year the 14th of Nisan began on a Wednesday night, as the entire city of Jerusalem sat down to share the Passover meal together
As evening fell, Jesus’ disciples asked where they will eat their Passover that evening, and Jesus told them to find a certain man
This man would lead them to his home where he had prepared a meal in his upper room for no one in particular
In that upstairs room Jesus and His men celebrated the Passover, as Jesus says in v.18, and that’s the meal we’re about to study
But in the process, Jesus instituted something new and different better known as the Last Supper
Every Christian since that day has observed a version of this same meal
So this meal has united every generation of believers since the first until today
But what does this meal mean and why do we still repeat it today?
That’s what we want to understand as we study it over the next couple of weeks
And next week we will celebrate communion together, and that will give us an opportunity to apply what we learn
So we begin our study looking at the historical circumstances surrounding that meal and for the third time, Matthew’s scene opens with a focus on Judas
Evening has come, which means the Passover has started, and Jesus and his disciples are now reclining at a table somewhere in the city of Jerusalem
At a point in the meal, Jesus announces that one of His twelve will betray Him to the authorities
His men look around the table at one another aghast at the suggestion that one of them could do such a thing
Interestingly, no one seems to suspect Judas, yet we know he was a thief and an unbeliever
After each man issues his denials, Jesus says He will reveal the identity of His betrayer in a unique way
Jesus says the one who dips his hand in the same bowl as Jesus is His betrayer
Jesus’ comment reveals something about Judas and something about the meal
First, the fact that Judas’ hand could reach into Jesus’ bowl tells us something about the heart of Judas
A Passover meal was a carefully scripted event in which everything done happens in a certain order
In fact a Passover meal is commonly called a “seder” meal and the word seder means “order”
Even the seating followed a certain order around a rectangular table laying low on the ground
Traditionally, the Passover table was arranged so that the most honored person sat at one end of the table
Jesus being the most honored sat at one end of the table and the rest were seated according to honor from highest to lowest
The one seated immediately to the left of Jesus would have been the disciple of greatest honor and it moved around clockwise
So the one seated on Jesus’ immediate right hand would be the disciple of least honor
To preserve the dignity of the lowest ranking person, a special Passover rule required the youngest at the meal to sit to the right of the host
In this way the person seated there could rightly say they were required to sit there without regard to honor
And we know from John’s Gospel that John himself sat in this seat, so he was the youngest disciple
This may have explained why John supposedly lived the longest of the twelve apostles
Interestingly, seated on the other side of John was Peter, which means Peter uncharacteristically assumed a place of humility on that night
Of all the seats available to him, Peter chose to sit in the place of least honor
So we know Jesus was at the head of the table, John was at Jesus’ right hand, and Peter was next to John
So which disciple chose to seat himself on Jesus’ left hand, in the place of greatest honor among the disciples?
Jesus’ comment in v.23 gives us that answer, and the answer may surprise you
Jesus says the one dipping bread in His bowl is His betrayer
And only the seats immediately to the left and right of Jesus were close enough to reach into Jesus’ bowl
Since we know John wasn’t Jesus’ betrayer, that only leaves the person seated in the place of highest honor
So Judas placed himself in the seat of greatest honor on that night
Can you imagine the nerve of this guy? He’s about to betray Jesus and yet he takes the place of honor at the table
This tells us even more about the heart of this man…his shamelessness, his arrogance, and his self-deception
This man was not merely some wayward prodigal-son disciple or a misguided believer tripped up by greed
This man was a calculating enemy of God who somehow believed himself to be the most honored of Jesus’ disciples
Judas had never been physically closer to his Creator than he was on that night and yet never had he been so far spiritually
This reminds us that sometimes we can be in the company of those who mimic Christian culture but aren’t truly born again
Judas’ 3 years with Jesus is proof that association with other believers isn’t enough by itself to bring saving faith
They participate in the gathering and sit under teaching, but the truth never penetrates their hearts
They aren’t believers, but even they don’t realize what they lack because until you’re born again, you don’t know the difference
Unbelievers aren’t necessarily present in every gathering, but if one of the twelve could be an imposter, we should expect a few around us too
But this isn’t a problem we solve through witch hunts or by asking people to show their “Christian” card at the door
The way to find a Judas among us is to simply do the same thing we’ve always done…preach the word
As we proclaim the Gospel and teach the Bible consistently, any unbelievers in our midst will show themselves in one of two ways
Either they will be driven to their knees in repentance from the conviction of the word and the kindness of God’s grace
They will become Christians, and that is the solution we hope for since we were all once in their shoes
Or they will be driven out the door in disgust over what they hear…because you can’t sit still under the conviction of God’s word
If your heart isn’t submitted to the authority of God’s word, then you will chafe and ultimately rebel under its demands
There is simply no standing still when the word of God is preached with authority
In Judas’ case, Jesus’ teaching eventually provoked his unbelieving heart to rebel and betray his brothers and his Lord
While seeing unbelievers bolting out our door is not our first choice, it’s better than having them sit still in our midst indefinitely
Because if an unbeliever can feel comfortable in our company without a changed heart, then we’re doing something wrong
We’ve left behind the message of the Gospel and the power of the word of God, and we’re failing at our mission
So Jesus’ method of revealing Judas showed us his prideful, arrogant heart, and it also reveals something about the timing of this meal
As I said, the Passover meal closely follows a script, so we can know where we are in the meal by noting the events taking place
But to appreciate that timing, we need to know the script for Passover, called a haggadah which means a “telling”
Here’s a simple summary of the steps in a Passover seder meal
The meal is arranged around three activities: drinking wine, eating various food items and reciting liturgy
These three activities are spread out over the course of the meal in the following order:
1st cup of wine, washing, vegetables eaten, a third of the bread is broken & hidden
2nd cup of wine, washing, prayer, bread and bitter herbs eaten
The roasted lamb is eaten, then the hidden bread is “found” and eaten as dessert
3rd cup of wine followed by the grace recited
4th cup of wine as a door is opened for Elijah’s return
Every one of these details contains symbolic meaning to help tell a story
Primarily, the symbols of a Passover meal tell the story of Israel’s release from slavery in Egypt and their exodus under Moses
But Christians today also recognize that these symbols tell the story of Jesus’ death on the cross as the Lamb of God
So the meal looks backward to Israel’s flight from Egypt and it looks forward to the Messiah’s sacrifice for Israel’s sins
In v.23, Jesus mentioned dipping bread into herbs, and that event takes place roughly between the second and third cups of wine at this meal
More specifically, it happens after the second cup is poured but before the lamb and bread are eaten
Jesus dismisses Judas at this point because what follows in the meal after this point wasn’t something Judas could share
All the events of the Passover meal up to this point symbolize the slavery of Israel in Egypt and humanity’s slavery to sin
For example, the bitter herbs represent Israel’s bitterness for the harsh treatment they experienced under the Egyptians while in bondage
And the 2nd cup of wine is called the cup of deliverance because it represents the Lord’s promise to free His people from slavery
These symbols pertain to every Jew whether believing or unbelieving, because all share this history of slavery
Like the rest of the disciples, Judas’ Jewish heritage included enslavement in Egypt and the Exodus under Moses
Moreover, the story of the Exodus is also a story of every human being being sold into bondage to sin by Adam
We came into this world already enslaved to our sin nature, and we need a Savior, our own Moses, to set us free from that slavery
Here again, this part of the Passover story is certainly representative of Judas, since he was an unbeliever in sin
But after this point in the meal, the symbols move forward to the solution God will bring to His people
After this point in the meal, the lamb was eaten with the bread and the final two cups of wine called redemption and praise were consumed
These symbols represent Israel’s exodus from Eqypt under Moses
But more importantly they also represent our personal exodus from sin through our faith in the Messiah, Jesus Christ
The lamb in the meal is a picture of Christ, the Lamb of God, Who is sacrificed to take away the sins of the world
The bread is striped, pierced and broken to represent the body of Christ scourged, crucified and broken for our sins
The 3rd cup of wine called the cup of redemption represents God’s promise to redeem His people
And the 4th cup of wine called the cup of praise remembers God’s promise to bring His people into glory in the Kingdom
None of these symbols and the events they represent pertain to Judas or any unbeliever
Moreover, the new ritual that Jesus will institute after this night, which we call communion, is only for believers
Because the symbolism of the communion celebration are only relevant and true for believers
So for all these reasons, Jesus sends Judas away at this point so the meal may continue without him
And as Jesus dismisses Judas, Jesus says in v.24 that the Messiah will go as the Old Testament prophecies foretold He would
In other words, Judas was not changing God’s plan one iota, and in fact, he was the means by which God was enacting that plan
The OT prophets foretold that the Messiah would “hang on a tree,” be “pierced for our sins,” and be betrayed by someone close
Those things were written long before Judas and the religious leaders hatched their plans against Jesus the day before
In fact, Jesus even determined the timing of Judas’ betrayal, so Judas has no control over these circumstances
Nevertheless, Judas was still to blame for what happened to Jesus, and in v.24 Jesus pronounces woe on this man
Woe is a biblical term of eternal judgment indicating this man is being condemned at this moment
How can God hold Judas accountable if he’s just doing what God expected and ultimately uses to bring a great blessing for all?
The answer is simple: Judas is acting of his own volition to sin, and all who sin are accountable to God
Judas participated in a conspiracy by taking a bribe to pervert justice and bring harm to someone he knows to be innocent
So Judas will be held accountable for his sin by a just God, Who can also turn Judas’ sin to good for His eternal purposes
But just because God has the power to turn our sin into something good doesn’t lessen our guilt before Him
Nor does it give us license to sin more, as if by sinning we make it easier for God to produce more “grace”
God is using Judas’ sin to accomplish something good, but Judas’ sin still deserves severe consequences
Has anyone been granted more privileged than Judas to live with Jesus for three years, see His miracles and hear His teaching
And yet, has anyone done more harm to Jesus than Judas did?
Well, actually there was one actor who was closer to God and turned that access into even greater harm…Satan
In Ezekiel 28 you can read how Satan served in the Heavenly tabernacle before he rebelled and began a war with God
So I guess it’s no coincidence that Satan is now indwelling Judas to bring down Jesus…
Therefore, Jesus says Judas’ punishment will make him wish he had not been born, which sounds like something your parents say when they’re upset
But Jesus means it, and this is the perspective of all who come to know God’s wrath for sin
Every person, when faced with the prospect of an eternity in punishment, will wish they had never been born
But more than that, Jesus is saying that Judas’ personal experience in judgment will be worse than most
Scripture indicates there are varying levels of punishment in Hell for unbelievers
Just as God makes distinctions in rewards for believers based on our service, so God also makes distinctions in punishments for unbelievers based on the nature of their sins
In a way we don’t understand, some unbelievers receive greater punishment, but according to Jesus, none worse than Judas
After Jesus identifies Judas, the traitor tries at first to maintain his innocence in v.25 saying surely it is not me?
To which Jesus replies you have said it yourself, meaning Judas had made a confession of sorts
Jesus never identified His betrayer by name, yet there were two men at that table close enough to dip their bread in Jesus’ bowl
But only Judas spoke up to defend himself, and in so doing, Judas unwittingly identifies himself as the guilty party
So Judas, the unbeliever, has been exposed, and now that he has been dismissed, the rest of the meal can continue
With Judas gone Jesus can now move ahead with the rest of the Passover meal, except that Jesus departs from the normal seder
Instead Jesus strikes out in a new direction making changes to the normal Seder meal
And Jesus makes these changes because in this year the Passover feast would be completely fulfilled
We’ve already noted how the symbols of the Passover meal picture Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross as the Lamb of God
So every year as Jews gathered to observe Passover, they were unknowingly declaring Jesus’ atoning death on the cross
But during this year’s Passover in Israel, that prophecy will be fulfilled as the true Lamb of God will actually be sacrificed on Passover
And so now Jesus makes sure that His disciples will not miss that the symbolism of this meal is pointing to Jesus
And for that reason, there can only be one Lamb at this table
To explain what I mean, let’s consider again where we are in the order of the Passover meal again
We know we’re somewhere between the 2nd and 3rd cups of wine
The bread and herbs were eaten before Judas was dismissed
And the next thing required in the seder script is eating the Passover meal, consisting of the lamb and the bread together
But notice Matthew makes no mention of the disciples and Jesus eating a lamb…and in fact none of the Gospels mention a lamb at the table
Every other element of the Passover meal is mentioned except the lamb, which strongly suggests that no meat was present
In John’s Gospel, we can see how this confused the disciples because they indicate something was missing from the table
After Jesus dismissed Judas, the disciples try to explain why Judas would leave the room in the middle of the Passover meal
And the reason they land on is that Judas had gone out to buy supplies for the Passover meal, since he had control of the funds
Now at this point, they are already halfway done with the Passover meal
So why would they assume Jesus sent Judas on an errand to buy more food for the meal that was already underway?
The obvious answer is that something was missing from the table that evening…something like the roast lamb
Jesus didn’t provide a roast lamb because seated before them was the Passover Lamb for that particular year, the Lamb of God
Until Jesus dies on the cross the next day, the lamb won’t be sacrificed, so there can be no lamb eaten at this table
So without a lamb at the table, the men resort to eating the bread alone along with the herbs and vegetables already there
So in v.26, Jesus takes the bread, begins breaking it and handing it out
The unleavened bread Jesus hands out is like a hard cracker, and He declares that as this bread is broken so will His body be
He tells the men that as they eat the bread, they are eating His body
This is symbolism, obviously, because Jesus is still alive before them, so Jesus isn’t saying they should eat Him in any literal way
Jesus means that we must take Him in spiritually, like we take in food, which happens when we believe in Him as Messiah
His Spirit enters our body and we become born again spiritually, so in that sense we take Jesus in as someone eats bread
Once more, Jesus has changed the seder meal to picture Jesus’ body broken by taking the wrath of God in their place
Then Jesus changes the seder a third time at the third cup of the meal, the cup of redemption
In the Passover celebration, the 3rd cup represented God’s promise to redeem Israel from slavery in Egypt
But now Jesus says in v.28 that the cup represents His blood poured out to forgive us of our sins
And then finally, Jesus alters the Passover meal one more way: He declines to drink the fourth cup of wine that customarily ends the meal
In v.29 Jesus says that the 3rd cup will be the last time He drinks the fruit of the vine until He drinks it in the Kingdom
The term “fruit of the vine” is significant because it specifically refers to the pure wine without additives served at Passover
So Jesus wasn’t saying He won’t taste any wine again, and in fact we know Jesus is given a small amount on the cross at one point
Jesus is referring specifically to the 4th cup of Passover wine which He will not drink until He does so with us in the Kingdom
From these details, we know Jesus has clearly departed from the normal seder script on this night by making a total of four changes
He substituted Himself as the Lamb, He declared the broken bread was His body and He said the 3rd cup was His blood
But perhaps most significantly, Jesus delayed the drinking of the 4th cup of wine until the Kingdom
Which means that Jesus never brought that Passover to a close
In effect, Jesus suspended that Passover meal so that it never finished, not even to this day, it will not finish until we all join Jesus in the Kingdom
Remember what that 4th cup of the Passover meal represented? It is called the cup of praise representing the fourth promise God gave Israel
This cup represents God’s promise to bring Israel into the land He promised to their forefathers
And that promise is not fulfilled until the Kingdom, so now we can see why Jesus is waiting to drink that fourth cup
He will not drink it until the meaning of that cup will be fulfilled in that future day
But rather than just stop the meal unfinished, Jesus suspended it, as if He put that Passover on pause
And then He commanded His followers to continue repeating that same moment to remember that it has never completed
Every time we pick up the bread and the cup at communion, we are jumping back in time to that same moment with Jesus
We are eating the bread of that Passover meal and we are drinking the third cup, the cup of redemption
It’s like an instant replay running over and over, so that each year more believers can be included in that moment
And that cup of redemption keeps being shared because the time for the forgiveness of sins is still open and available
Today remains a day of salvation for all who believe in Jesus as Messiah, and as long as that day remains, the meal continues
Until a day to come when the Kingdom arrives on earth, and all of us will be gathered with our Lord after His Second Coming
And on that day the Bible says there will be a great feast to inaugurate the start of the Kingdom
And at the start of that feast, the Lord will raise the fourth cup from that long ago unfinished Passover meal, the cup of praise,
And all of us will raise a cup with Jesus, and we will all drink the cup with Him to praise God for our redemption and glory
And in that way, the Lord is bringing everyone in the Church and Israel with Him into that moment in the upper room one generation at a time
We are there with Him each time we celebrate communion, and we will continue to be there until we see Him face to face
That’s why the meal is called a remembrance, yet no longer is it a remembrance of the Exodus
Now it’s a remembrance of the fulfillment of Passover, of Christ’s death for the forgiveness of sins
And that’s why Paul ends his instructions on the communion meal this way
This is a meal for those who know Jesus, because the symbols of this meal only apply to those who share Jesus’ future
That’s why we limit participating in the meal to those who are believing, just as Jesus limited his group to believers only
Next week we will conduct our normal monthly celebration of communion
And as we do, I hope you will approach it with a better understanding of its meaning and its significance
We proclaim Jesus’ death until He comes again to finish the meal with us
And what we proclaim is that the third cup of redemption is still available to everyone who will come to the table with Jesus