Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongLet’s return to Ezekiel’s War, as some refer to Chapters 38-39 of Ezekiel
We’re endeavoring to study these chapters according to an understanding of what the Lord is revealing overall in this section
To understand that structure, I’ve provided a chart as you’ve seen in past weeks
The chart relates each chapter to the fulfillment of God’s covenants with Israel
In the covenant with Abraham and later with David, the Lord promised a king of power, a land of prosperity, a people of peace, and a God living among them
As my chart shows, the Lord addresses each of these promises in two parts
The first two chapters covered the promise of a king
The next two chapters covered the land of prosperity
The next two chapters address the people of peace
And then we move into the final section, a God dwelling among His people
This section is the longest section but it too has two parts
The first part, a single chapter, shows how God makes Himself known to the Gentile nations of the earth
And the second part, which is nine chapters by itself, explains how God will dwell among Israel
Last week in Chapter 38 we studied the first half of Ezekiel’s War, but that chapter was also the second part of the section on the people of peace
And when we overlay this organization to the text, we gain a better understanding of both the timing and purpose of these events
At the start of the kingdom, the Lord establishes a new peace covenant with the people of Israel
The Lord promises that nothing will disturb the peace of the Kingdom age for His people
This is a fulfillment of what God has promised in earlier covenants
Like all covenants, the Lord will show Himself faithful to His promise to protect Israel from enemies
To do that the Lord allows His enemies to attack the nation at the end of the Kingdom, so that He might defend the nation
So the timing of the war and the purpose of the war both point us to a period of fulfillment at the end of the 1,000-year kingdom
The Lord defends Israel from her enemies to show Himself faithful to His peace covenant to Israel
And He accomplishes it at the end of the Kingdom period so that He may put all enemies under Jesus’ feet
As David wrote describing Jesus’ rule in the Kingdom:
Jesus rules a Kingdom that still includes enemies, until the end of that period when the enemy is finally crushed
That final moment gives God opportunity to be seen as faithful to Israel
But this way also serves the purpose of revealing the Lord to all nations in the Kingdom
By His defense of Israel, the Lord reveals Himself to the nations on earth in a new and mighty way
The Lord is among the peoples of the earth, and through His defense of Israel He makes Himself known to the world
So looking at our chart, the Ezekiel War accomplishes two purposes
It shows God faithful to His peace covenant (Chapter 38) and to making Himself known to the nations of the earth (Chapter 39)
We studied Chapter 38 last week, where we saw the invasion begin and come to an abrupt end
The events certainly demonstrate God’s faithfulness to His peace covenant
He promised to defend Israel from her enemies and ensure that no one took the nation’s peace in the Kingdom
And certainly, the Lord shows Himself faithful to that promise by destroying the invading armies before they ever reach their targets
That leaves us in the second half of the war tonight, which is the first part of the last section of the chart
We now move into the final part of the Abrahamic Covenant, the Lord’s promise to dwell among His people
And this promise is also addressed in two parts
The first part is the second half of the Ezekiel War, as the Lord reveals Himself to the Gentile nations of the earth
So in Chapter 39 the Lord brings the war to an end, but in the way He does it, He produces a testimony to all Gentile nations
The first part of the chapter restates material from Chapter 38
And before we look at the text itself, we should ask why does the Lord repeat Himself here in that way?
The logical conclusion is that there must be a division taking place in the narrative between Chapters 38 and 39
And therefore, as we move into Chapter 39 the Lord takes a moment to remind us of the circumstances of the battle
So that then He may move the narrative in a new direction
And that new direction is the final topic of our outline, the Lord dwelling among His people
Beginning with this chapter, the Lord now describes how He will fulfill His promise to live among Abraham’s descendants
And by His relationship with Abraham’s family, He brings a blessing to all nations on earth
And since He gives a great deal more detail to Israel’s situation, He saves Israel for last
So this chapter is God revealing Himself to the Gentile nations
And the circumstances of that revelation is a great war that ends the Kingdom period
And the Lord reminds us of how that war ended
The Lord sets Himself against Gog of Magog and the surrounding regions
In v.2 the Lord says He turns against this leader, and drives him on into war
The Lord takes the man and his army up from the remotest parts of the north and brings them against Israel’s mountains
But even as this vast army invades, the Lord defeats them easily and quickly even before they reach their objective
In v.3 the Lord says He will strike the bow and arrows from their hands
This reminds us of what we learned in Chapter 38, that the war is executed in very rudimentary ways
The warfare involves horses, spears, bow and arrows
This is not modern warfare, which means the events do not happen in our present age of sophistication
Nor do they happen in the past, since these events have no parallel in history
So they must happen in the future, in a simpler time, a time when warfare has returned to a very crude form
And as we saw in Isaiah last week, the time of the Kingdom is a time of ignorance when it comes to war
So as Gog has determined to go up against Israel and has recruited a vast army, his army must rely on the simplest of tools
They ride horses and they bring bows and arrows to battle
Why do they think they can win with such simple tools?
Simply because no one has anything better in this day and age
The art of war and the implements of war have become lost in the 1,000 years of the Kingdom
But for the same reason, the spectacle of millions and millions of people rising up to conquer Israel using only wooden tools highlights their powerlessness
It’s reminiscent of the people of Babel building a tower to reach to the heavens
At a point the Lord “came down” to see what mankind has built
That tower was so far from reaching Heaven it served to mock mankind’s arrogance and impotence
Likewise, an uncountable army carrying wooden armaments invading an Israel protected by God Himself is hopeless folly
And as this army invades and attacks, they are struck down en mass
The bodies of so many people will be left exposed so that vultures will be enlisted by God to clear the earth
Now this reference causes some to draw a connection between this war and the one mentioned in Revelation 19
This passage describes a war that concludes the seven years of Tribulation when the Antichrist is defeated by Christ’s return
We commonly call this war Armageddon, and it’s a culminating event of Tribulation
This moment has parallels to the one we’re studying in Ezekiel 39
Both involve a massive loss of human life at the hand of God alone
Both result in a land covered by dead bodies and birds feasting on the remains
So for that reason perhaps more than any other, some believe this prophecy is another view of the war of Armageddon
But that interpretation fails to address the overall context of Ezekiel
Specifically, why would Ezekiel break out of his Kingdom prophecies to engage in a two chapter discussion about a war of the past?
The war of Armageddon has no contextual connection to the rest of Ezekiel at this place in the book
And beyond the contextual problem, there are timing issues in the rest of the chapter which we will see soon enough
Notice in v.6 the first of what will be multiple references in this chapter to the Lord’s purpose in these events
He says He destroys Magog, and those who come with that army, with fire so that they will know the Lord
The reason for the war and the reason the Lord destroys these invaders in such a visible, dramatic fashion is to make a point
And He explains that point in the next two verses
The Lord says that this war will serve several purposes
First, the Lord will make Himself known in the midst of Israel
Now at first that may seem a strange goal if this is the Kingdom period
After all, we’re told that all Israel will know the Lord dwells among them during this time
During the time of the Kingdom, all Israel will know the Lord in the New Covenant
None will need to be taught about the Lord
Everyone will know Him among Israel
Therefore, why does the Lord need this war to make Himself known in the midst of Israel
Take a look at your chart for the answer…the audience the Lord is playing to is not Israel but the other nations of the world
Notice the phrasing of v.7…the Lord will make Himself known in the midst of my people
It’s not the people of Israel that need to know the Lord…He’s already in their midst just as He promised
The problem is that the other nations have not recognized that the Lord resides in Israel
But how is it possible that other nations would not acknowledge the Lord is residing in the Kingdom?
Doesn’t the whole world see and know Jesus as Lord? Not at all
As we’ve already established in earlier lessons, there is a world of unbelievers born in the time of the Kingdom
And these unbelievers do not acknowledge Jesus as King
Moreover, as we will learn in a future chapter of Ezekiel, Jesus will not be visible in the Kingdom
He is not a suffering prophet walking the earth or riding a donkey
In the Kingdom Jesus will be a conquering King, residing in the temple at all times
No one will see Him, so as it is today, the world must have faith in Jesus according to the word of God
Under those circumstances, the Lord’s statement makes good sense – and for that matter, so does the war
After 1,000 years the world has been repopulated and many are unbelievers
These unbelievers are the ones Satan deceives who come up against Israel to attack
This is the first and only act of war and violence during the entire 1,000 year Kingdom
And in this moment, the Lord displays His power and might in protecting Israel
As a result, the world will know without a doubt that the Lord dwells amidst His people Israel
This is the day the Lord has spoken about, the day He’s spoken about throughout Scripture
This is day that Psalm 110 promised when Jesus would put all His enemies under His feet
This is the day Isaiah spoke of, when the purpose of the Kingdom would be fulfilled for Israel’s sake
Notice v.5 of Isaiah 9 speaks of a battle in the midst of Christ ruling
And interestingly, Isaiah also mentions that the debris of the war will become fuel for a fire
Which leads us into the next section of the chapter
After the Lord has vanquished the invading armies, the wasteland of dead leave behind an almost endless supply of fuel
And the people of Israel come out to scavenge from these weapons
Notice the people of Israel weren’t involved in the battle at all since the Lord did the fighting
They stayed securely in their unwalled villages while the Lord fought the battle for them out in the plain
The people of Israel collect weapons of all kinds, including shields, bows, arrows, war clubs, and spears
And for seven years Israel will use these tools as fuel for fire
This is confirmation that the tools used by the invading army are made of wood
Wood burns, obviously, but steel does not
In fact, in v.10 the Lord says that the people won’t even bother to take wood from the field or gather firewood from the forest afterward
They have enough wood from these implements to satisfy their needs for fuel
The tools will become spoil for Israel
So this detail confirms that the invaders use wood tools only and that the age in which this event takes place is rudimentary
Wood is the primary fuel of the Kingdom age
And therefore, the chance to collect so much wood is a great advantage to the people of the Kingdom
Also, notice that there were enough invaders that the materials collected keep all Israel supplied with wood for burning to last seven years
That’s a huge quantity of wood, and it tells us how vast this invading army must have been
But this reference to seven years of burning is a critical detail in the overall account for other reasons
It eliminates another option for interpreting the timing of these events
You remember I said that there are four primary interpretations for when this war takes place in history
First, some claim this war is only symbolic representing God’s ultimate victory over Satan and Israel’s enemies in general
A second view says the war happens during our present age before the start of the seven-year Tribulation
A third view says the war happens at the end of the Tribulation
A fourth view, which you see me advocating, says this war is the Gog and Magog war at the end of the Kingdom period
The details of seven years of burning would appear to rule out option #3
If the burning of the wood requires seven years, then the aftermath of the battle would extend far beyond the years of Tribulation
Tribulation itself is only seven years and the battle at the end takes place on the very last day of that period
So then how could we find time for an additional seven years of burning
That detail would appear to eliminate that possibility
Now some might make a similar argument against my view, option #4
They would ask how can these events fit within the Millennial Kingdom if they are the last events of the 1,000 years?
The answer is found in Revelation 20
The events of this war take place after the end of the 1,000 years
In other words, the Kingdom overall lasts longer than 1,000 years, but the time of peace without Satan is 1,000 years
After that 1,000 years is complete, then Satan is let loose, Revelation says
And then the war follows after that point, which means we’re off the clock
There is no time limit for the war or the burning that follows
Only after the events of this war have concluded do we move beyond the Kingdom time
But we can’t say the same thing about the end of Tribulation
Daniel 12 teaches that the destructive events of Tribulation come to an end within 75 days following the war of Armageddon
That leaves no room for the seven years of burning
But for that same reason, we can’t put these events in our time
We wouldn’t expect an army in our day to fight with wooden weapons
Furthermore, even if such an event took place today, people in modern Israel wouldn’t collect the spoil of the army to burn them
Modern Israelis don’t forage in forests for fuel
Modern homes are heated with natural gas and lit by electricity generated in modern plants
Cars run on gasoline, aircrafts use jet fuel
There’s simply no way to see the nation finding interest in burning wooden tools for any length of time, much less for seven years
Clearly we’re looking at a time of history very different than the one we have today
And that argues for the Kingdom more than any other detail in this account
And the next passage continues to make that case
Gog and all his multitude of army will be buried in the land of Israel where they fell
The location of burial will be in a valley east of the sea
The sea is the Mediterranean Sea, and the most prominent valley east of the Mediterranean is the Jordan River valley
Addendum: The "sea" referred to here is more likely the Dead Sea because the valley is avoided by those traveling east from Israel whereas the Mediterranean Sea is west of Israel.
And the bodies in that area will be so numerous that the burial ground will block the passage of people through the valley
Remember, a Jew may not traverse over graves, so the number of bodies buried in this region is so great that it makes passage impossible
They will rename the valley Hamon-gog
Hamon means multitude or uproar
So the valley is called the multitude of Gog
The dead will be so numerous that the burial process will require seven months
Israel will go through the land meticulously looking for unburied bones of the fallen so they might cleanse the land
And as they find a bone, they will mark it carefully to prevent a Jew from stumbling across it and becoming defiled
Then having marked the bone, it will then be buried in the valley where no one may go
So why is Israel intent on these burials? Notice the Lord gives a reason in v.13
The Lord says that all the people of Israel will bury their oppressors
And the care by which Israel takes to dispose of the bodies of the slain will be to the renown of Israel
Israel will make a name for itself among all the nations by how they respond to these circumstances
Jeremiah says that when the fortunes of Israel are restored and their iniquity cleansed that He will give them praise among the nations
That praise comes knowing all that God does for Israel and all the peace they receive
This is a description of the Kingdom situation of Israel
The Lord is a victorious warrior in the Kingdom
And He will deal with Israel’s oppressors, turning Israel’s shame into praise and renown
The promise to bring Israel renown in her day in the Kingdom is completed at the end when they are renown for grace in victory
Once more, what’s the point of this chapter? Showing the nations that God is the God of Israel, dwelling among His people Israel
And as the battle is won supernaturally, the Lord shows Himself strong
And as the people of Israel burn wood for seven years without foraging, the nations see that the Lord is on Israel’s side
And as Israel patiently spends seven years burying their enemies’ bodies, the world praises Israel’s name
All of these details support the overall purpose of the chapter and the war as a whole…to sanctify the Lord among the nations
Turning back to the text, the Lord adds one more detail to help us understand how the Lord cleansed the land
In the Bible, the Lord directs people to make a sacrifice of animals
Our sacrifices of bulls and goats were intended to remind us of our sin and the need for a covering of blood
Now in this final act of war the Lord turns the tables
Remember, this event is the final moment of this world – the last event of human history on planet earth
And in that final moment, the Lord makes humanity a sacrifice to the animals
The animals gain the benefit while man pays the price
And God is the One making the sacrifice
The message is that the need for sacrifice of any kind has come to an end
The Lord Himself conducts the final sacrifice and the final offerings are those who oppose Him
And that final act of judgment to close the age gives opportunity for the Lord to be glorified
To end the chapter the Lord summarizes His purpose in the war and in defending Israel
First, He is setting His glory among the nations
Those who observed this battle will not see the judgment that the Lord executed
They see the result of the battle and the way the Lord handled the aftermath and they glorify Him for it
Secondly, the house of Israel will know the Lord is their God
This isn’t to say that the people of Israel didn’t know their Lord prior to this moment
The Lord is summarizing the entire Kingdom period, culminating in the final battle
The Lord says in v.23 that when the people of Israel see how easily the Lord defeated the invading army, they will realize that the Lord has always had this power
And if the Lord has always had the power to defeat Israel’s enemies, then when those enemies prevailed it must mean God permitted it to happen
Therefore, the time Israel spent in exile under Babylon’s authority were appointed times
The Lord was still in control and He continued to watch over Israel even while in exile
But they were there for good reason, ultimately because of their sin
This is the consequence of appreciation for God’s sovereignty
We come to understand that even the tragedies in our life are God-ordained for good purposes
And when you understand that the “bad” things in life were appointed by God, then you make an effort to understand how God intended these things to bless us
We search for the meaning, and in that search we come to understand the lesson
That’s what the Lord wanted Israel to do in Ezekiel’s day
This is the Lord’s summary of how His grace will manifest in the hearts of His people as they see what He does for them in the Kingdom
Once they see how the Lord provides for them in the Kingdom to preserve them as a people, they will understand His previous judgments
Notice v.28…they will know the Lord is their God because they were taken through exile and then back into the land
In other words, with the benefit of hindsight, the people of God will see the undeniable wisdom of all that God did for them
And in that understanding, they will know He always acted out of love for them
But in the end, the Lord will not hide His face from them, having poured out His spirit upon them
So to summarize the war in Chapters 38-39…
The Lord instigates an attack from among the unsaved on the earth at the end of the 1,000 year kingdom
Using Satan as His instrument for deception, the Lord causes Gog to assemble an uncountable army
That army consists of men and women who have never seen warfare before nor have ever contemplated it
But because of Satan’s influence, they come to desire Israel’s wealth and believe the people of Israel to be vulnerable since they are unguarded
They fashion rudimentary weapons from wood and the sea of people advance upon the nation of Israel from all sides (on land)
But the Lord has purposed this attack so that He might demonstrate His might and faithfulness to protect Israel
So as they approach, they are struck down with fire from heaven
They are a sacrifice of God, made for the sake of Israel, and they become a feast for birds
In the end the attack accomplished two purposes to conclude the Kingdom
First, the battle serves to demonstrate the Lord’s faithfulness to His promise concerning peace in Israel
He promised Abraham that his descendants would find peace in their land
And He promised Israel in the Kingdom a peace covenant
So this battle serves to demonstrate the Lord’s faithfulness to that covenant
Secondly, the Lord makes Himself known throughout the earth as the God Who dwells in the midst of Israel
As Psalm 110 says, Christ rules until all enemies are put under His feet by the Father
This is the final act of rebellion against Christ and therefore it is the final battle where Christ prevails and destroys His enemies
And now that He has defeated all foes, everyone on earth glorifies and sanctifies the Lord