
Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongOur long-anticipated start to the second part of Ezekiel has finally arrived
Today we begin studying prophecies concerning the future glory and blessings the Lord has planned for His people, Israel
This is a welcome change from Chapters 1-32, which were a series of oracles pronouncing judgment
In those chapters the Lord told Israel that the nation was on the verge of complete destruction
The city, the walls and the temple were going to be destroyed by Babylon
The Leadership would be removed, the people would be taken out of the land, and their exile would last for some time
Finally, at the end of those chapters the Lord spoke judgment against Israel’s enemies that surrounded her
But now we’ve come through all that, and the Lord is ready to show His people that better things awaited them in the future
Now remember, the calamity Israel has just experienced in Ezekiel’s day came as a result of the Mosaic covenant
In that covenant the Lord gave His people a law that came with strict requirements and harsh penalties for disobedience
The nation agreed to those terms, and now the Lord has acted to hold them accountable to that covenant
But before the Lord gave His people the Old Covenant through Moses, He had previously given them a very different covenant through Abraham
The Abrahamic covenant, unlike the Mosaic Covenant, promised Abraham’s descendants only blessings
And also unlike the Mosaic Covenant, the Lord’s promises to Abraham were unconditional
God asks absolutely nothing of Abraham and his descendants
The promises of the Abrahamic covenant would come to pass regardless of what Abraham or any of his descendants did or didn’t do
So in a sense, the prophecies of the first part of Ezekiel are related to the Mosaic Covenant (though not exclusively)
While the promises of the second part of Ezekiel are related to the Abrahamic Covenant (though also not exclusively)
So despite the magnitude of Israel’s sin evidenced by the first part of the book, nevertheless we will now see the magnitude of the Lord’s grace to His people
As I mentioned last week, this story begins slowly though
In fact, the initial chapters may seem similar to what we’ve been studying in the first part
That’s because Lord moves the narrative carefully away from the story of judgment and toward a story of restoration
What God tore apart in Chapters 1-32 He now explains how He will restore in Chapters 33-48
But that story moves in stages that roughly correspond to the stages of Part 1’s prophecies
The first half of Chapter 33 is actually a continuation of the prophecy that started in Chapter 32, dated to March of 585 BC
Then in the middle of Chapter 33, we begin the thirteenth prophecy that God gives to Ezekiel
That prophecy runs all the way until Chapter 39
Then the fourteenth and final prophecy runs from Chapter 40-48
The structure of the thirteenth prophecy follows a pattern we saw in Part 1
That is in Part 1, the Lord systematically tore down the nation because of their sin
First, the Lord took aim first at Ezekiel himself, warning the prophet to be faithful with the message
Part 2 begins the same way here in Chapter 33
Then in Part 1 the Lord told the people they were responsible to heed what the prophet told them…that also happens in Chapter 33
Then Part 1 moved to convicting the leaders and their role in corrupting Israel
So in Part 2, Ezekiel tells Israel about new leadership God will raise up
And in Part 1 God said Israel would lose access to the blessings of the covenant including their prosperity, their security, and their land
So in Part 2 He tells Israel that He will restore those things in new and better ways
Finally, in Part 1 we saw the nation vacated, the city destroyed, the people scattered
So in Part 2 the nation is brought back to life
And instead of falling to a foreign enemy, the Lord will protect the nation from devastating foreign attack
So let’s begin that journey with the Lord preparing the prophet and the people for what He will reveal to them
This is a recommissioning of the prophet that mirrors the first one in Chapters 2-3
Back then we learned that Ezekiel was to act as a watchman, a sentinel who stands guard to warn the people of approaching threats
The prophet doesn’t respond to the threat, but merely warns
The Lord says that if a watchman does his job and issues a warning, then the response is out of his hands
It’s the responsibility of the people being warned to heed that warning
And in vs.4-5 the Lord assures Ezekiel that if the people hear but do not heed warnings, they will suffer
But their fate is not the watchman’s responsibility
The watchman has done his part, he has obeyed the Lord and given His message as the Lord intended
That’s the mission of a prophet…to open his mouth and speak what he’s told
And he should not concern himself with what comes next
On the other hand, the Lord reminds Ezekiel in vs.8-9 that if he’s given a word but doesn’t share it accurately, the Lord will hold Ezekiel accountable
The wicked will still die but now so would Ezekiel for failing to warn as instructed
But if Ezekiel should deliver the message faithfully, then even if the wicked doesn’t repent, at least Ezekiel would be spared
This is the same warning that the Lord issued in Part 1 and it’s always the way the Lord works with those He commissions
Do as you’re told and let the results take care of themselves
But ignore God’s instructions or think that you know a better way, and you will be accountable to God
Now, the Lord turns to the people and reminds them of their responsibility
The Lord reminds the people as He did at the beginning of Part 1 that there is hope for those who heed the word of God and repent from their sin
The people might tell themselves that there was no reason to obey since they have no hope…God was set against them
But the Lord says He has no pleasure in their destruction
There was opportunity for the wicked who turned back to the Lord
And at the same time, there was no hope for the righteous who sinned
The Lord was speaking to two kind of hearts present in Israel, both of which were lost
First, there were the wicked in Israel who had knowingly and willingly transgressed the covenant
Their sin was self-evident and they stood condemned
But when you sin in the open and without regret, you set your heart against God and you sear your conscience
If ever you begin to consider returning to the Lord, you are stopped at the beginning because you assume that you’re too far gone
The enemy will work to reinforce that thinking, producing guilt and hopelessness, which give further motivation to sin
Such a person tells himself that there is no point in seeking God because even if he returned, he would be rejected
So continuing in rebellion seems to be the only option
Then there’s the person at the other end of the spectrum
The self-righteous person who doesn’t recognize their own sin, and as a result sees no reason for repentance
That person lives in an upright fashion, keeping the rituals of religion without understanding their own place in it
They view themselves as not needing the forgiveness God offers
In v.13 the Lord says that if the righteous person hears that he will live yet goes out to commit sin, his prior good deeds won’t save him
That person is equally guilty as the first person
And unless they too seek God’s forgiveness, they will be condemned just as much as the wicked
Conversely, if the wicked repent, the Lord says in vs.14-16, then he can be forgiven
The first person assumed they couldn’t merit God’s forgiveness
While the second person assumed they didn’t need God’s forgiveness
Both are equally condemned yet both have equal opportunity to repent
Then the Lord echos what the people were saying, that the Lord’s ways were not right
They were accusing the Lord of not treating Israel properly and fairly
But the Lord reiterates that His ways are more than fair and that each man will be judged by God accordingly
The point is that we might complain now that we shouldn’t be held responsible for our actions or that God is unfair
But when we face Him, our protests and excuses will count for nothing
The only thing that matters is what we did with the word of God
Those who hear and repent receive forgiveness
Those who don’t will die, the Lord says
With that, we move into the 13th dated prophecy with the Lord again reminding Ezekiel of his role and responsibility
You may remember that the last prophecy of judgment that came as Nebuchadnezzar attacked the city was in Chapter 24
As that prophecy ended, the Lord told Ezekiel he would remain mute until the city was destroyed
Now we hear that the exiles from that attack are finally making their way into the camp of the exiles
So now the time has come for Ezekiel’s forced silence to come to an end
So on January 19, 585 BC word reaches the exiles that everything Ezekiel has foretold has come to pass
The siege of that city began on the tenth day of the tenth month in the ninth year of King Zedekiah
Ten is the number of testimony while nine is the number of judgment
So this is a testimony of God’s judgment
Now after many months later, the news of the city’s fall reaches the exiles
So in v.22 the Lord has now put His “hand” upon Ezekiel indicating he could open his mouth again to speak to the people
And what Ezekiel says is intended to ensure the audience listened with an appreciation for what had transpired
First in v.24 the Lord repeats what’s being said by the few Jews still living in Judea
After the Babylonians destroyed Jerusalem and left, there were a scattering of Jews in the land
These were Jews who hid from Babylon in caves, lived in isolation in fields and on mountain sides rather than in the city
They escaped death and exile, and so now they were the only Jews remaining in the land
These Jews looked at their circumstances and concluded they were God’s appointed remnant in the land
They assumed they would restart the nation and repossess the land, like Abraham
In v.24 the Lord says they are telling themselves that they are like Abraham
Abraham was only one yet the Lord said he possessed the land
So they conclude they will be like Abraham…not mighty in number but nonetheless the Lord was working through them
This self-deception overlooked two big differences between them and Abraham
First, Abraham was told to dwell in the land by God
These people have been told by their prophets that God wanted them to leave the land
Secondly, the promise God gave Abraham was that he and his descendants would possess the land in a future Kingdom
While these refugees were telling themselves they would possess the land by themselves in their own lifetime
So now the Lord tells the exiles that they should not expect those left behind to succeed in their folly
He reminds the people that these refugees were just as ungodly as the rest of Israel
And therefore, they would not receive God’s mercy, though they remained in the land
Remember, earlier the Lord told Israel that any who refused to go willingly into exile would die
Only by submitting to Nebuchadnezzar’s army could they expect to live
So the Lord says in v.27 that all who remain in the waste places, meaning in the rubble of the city, or in the fields or in caves will die
In the course of events the Lord will sovereignly ensure that these people will die one at a time
Until His word has been fulfilled and the land is free of Jews as promised
But then the Lord tells Ezekiel that the group in exile aren’t much better
The citizens of Israel in exile will tell Ezekiel what he wants to hear
After years of listening to him and seeing prophecies come to pass, the people are showing him a measure of respect
But the Lord warns the prophet that they are saying nice things about him in the public areas, as they meet and talk
The word goes out, “Ezekiel is talking again…let’s go listen to what he will say this time”
They treat him as a spectacle, a side-show at the circus
But as they come, Ezekiel needed to know that they were listening for reasons other than obedience
They sat before him to hear the word
Yet they went away and did the very same lustful things they had always done
This generation which has come out of Israel hasn’t turned from their ways
And in fact, until they stand before the Lord in judgment, they won’t get it, the Lord says
They see Ezekiel like one sees a carnival performer
Ezekiel’s mysterious prophecies were like a sensual song
It excited the people so they listened, just as someone listens to a musician singing or playing a musical instrument
But like a performance, when it was over, they went away having been entertained but essentially unchanged
This is how the Lord thinks about His people sitting under the word of God without actually putting that word into practice
The Lord is not impressed
He doesn’t reveal himself for the purpose of our entertainment
He speaks to us to move our hearts into obedience for His glory
That prophecy serves as an interesting introduction to the prophecies of restoration
It’s as if the Lord is saying that the generation of Israel who are listening to Ezekiel are not those who will heed the message
We know historically that this generation didn’t return to Israel for the most part
They die in Babylon, and it falls to later generations to return to the land
So it would seem that this prophecy was a footnote for those who left the land
The Lord would now present them with His promises of restoration, but these things would not come to this generation
They would hear these things, but they would not be the ones to see these promises fulfilled
Nor should they receive these good things, since their lustful hearts were responsible for the exile in the first place
And they were not repenting even now
So now we move into the first area of restoration: leadership or shepherds
Beginning with a brief reminder of the problems that poor leaders have created among God’s people
The principle sin of Israel’s corrupt leaders was self-serving hearts, a desire to accumulate comfort and riches at the expense of the people
Leading God’s people in any capacity is an inherently self-sacrificial role
And once again, a shepherd is a good analogy
A shepherd sacrifices a lot to care for a flock of defenseless sheep
A shepherd stays outside in the weather with the sheep, exposed to the elements
He moves away from his own source of food in the farmhouse so he can direct the the sheep to their food source in the field
He exposes himself to thieves, wild animals and other dangers to keep the flock safe
He can’t spend time on his own interests and pursuits because the demands of caring for the flock are 24/7
And the same things are generally true for anyone who leads or shepherds God’s people
Or at the every least the person is expected to have a heart that is willing to do these things
It’s part of the job to be a servant to God’s people, but you can’t serve people and take advantage of them at the same time
In Israel’s day, the shepherds saw their positions of power as opportunity for wealth and comfort
They were taking advantage of the sheep, consuming them, and taking their wool, so to speak
Those who were sick were not being healed, those who were broken were not bound and those scattered were not brought back
In terms of the analogy, the Lord is saying that as the people wandered away from the Lord and were harmed by their sins, the leadership did nothing to rescue God’s people
They didn’t chase after them, correct their mistakes, counsel them on better ways and lead them in a better direction
Instead, they manipulated the people, became rich from them and ultimately used them
They treated them without care or love, dominating the sheep rather than protecting them
Without a true shepherd, the flock of Israel became food for beasts and were scattered
That was an apt description of Israel in exile
They were scattered from the land, consumed by violence and disease because their shepherds mistreated them
And even now the Lord says there was no one to search for them
It’s even remarkable that the people of God survive, it’s a miracle actually
They are outside their land, isolated and in captivity and without leadership
Under those circumstances they shouldn’t survive, yet by God’s power they will
And now, in the first message of restoration, the Lord begins to tell His people that they won’t be without a shepherd forever
First, before the Lord may raise up a better shepherd, He must dispense with the corrupt shepherds
So in v.10 the Lord begins to tell Israel’s corrupt leaders what they can expect
The Lord is the ultimate Shepherd of His people, so that even when corrupt men lead His people, the Lord remains concerned
And more than concerned, He remains engaged in their care
He will oppose the corrupt leadership, whether the kings or elders or priests of Israel
And rather than raising up better leaders over His people, the Lord says He will personally take over leading His people
He says in v.11 that He will search for His sheep and regather them
The Lord says that He will bring all Israel back, and as they return they will find a land that will care for them in a new way
In v.13 the Lord says He will feed them on the mountains of Israel
And He will give them rich pastures
Unlike the bad leaders, the Lord will heal the sick, bind up the broken, strengthen the sick
And He will bring judgment to the corrupt who profited off the people
We know that these prophecies are looking ahead to the 1,000 year reign of Christ, Who is the Shepherd
At Jesus’ return, Israel gains a righteous shepherd Who finally serves God’s people as God intended
And we can see this clearly by looking at internal references in this passage
First, the passage sets these events in the time of Tribulation
In vs.12 we see that reference to a cloudy, gloomy day
That’s an allusion to the seven years of Tribulation that precedes the start of the Kingdom
And earlier Ezekiel gave us the same description
The day of the Lord, a reference to the Tribulation, is a day of clouds and gloom
That’s the time we’re talking about here in Chapter 34
In the day of Tribulation, Israel’s scattering will be brought to an end
Secondly, notice in v.11 the Lord says that He will do it in a personal way, not through a human leader
The return of Christ is described as a Shepherd coming to tend to a lost flock of Israel
Isaiah is speaking of the same moment as Ezekiel, when the Lord returns to give Israel what the Lord has promised
So we cannot see this prophecy as fulfilled in some earthly leader of Israel that has come since Ezekiel’s prophecy
Nor can this prophecy be said to be fulfilled in Jesus’ first coming
Remember in Matthew 9 we studied that the Lord looked upon Israel as a flock without a shepherd
That’s Matthew’s way of telling us that Jesus’ first coming wasn’t a fulfillment of Ezekiel 34
Israel’s flock must await for Jesus’ return to set up the Kingdom
Furthermore, the Lord says in v.12 that He will gather the people of Israel from all the places where they were scattered
Once again, this promise cannot be understood to be fulfilled in days after the captivity or even in our day today
This promise means that all Jews on earth will be present in the land with their Shepherd at the same moment
Isaiah says that at the start of the Kingdom, the root of Jesse, a reference to Christ, will rest in a glorious place in Jerusalem
And at that time, the Lord will seek and find all Israel
All dispersed of Judah, from the four corners of the earth, will return
Obviously, the earth is round and doesn’t have corners
So this phrase is a euphemism meaning every part of the entire earth
In other words, Isaiah confirms that the regathering at the start of the Kingdom will be a complete return of all Israel from everywhere
But also notice this will be the “second time” that a regathering happens
We know there have been multiple minor re-gatherings over history
But in prior re-gatherings, like the one that followed the exile to Babylon, the return was limited in range and in the number of people
But Isaiah says there will be two worldwide re-gatherings of Jews back into their land, the greater coming at the end of Tribulation
The one we see happening today is the first worldwide regathering
It’s the first time that Jews from all over the world have come back into the land
This regathering started at the end of the 19th century and continues today
Ezekiel told us earlier that this regathering would happen in preparation for Israel to experience Tribulation
The Lord promised to regather His people from their worldwide scattering for the purpose of bringing them under judgment
This time is approaching, and the present regathering of Israel is a sign that the Tribulation is coming
But after that period of judgment, the second regathering happens
A new regathering will be necessary after the turmoil of the Tribulation scatters Israel outside the land again
Some end up in places like Petra, others are hiding outside the land
And still others are in Heaven with Jesus awaiting His Second Coming
But after the Second Coming, the Lord brings all Jews together
So the present-day regathering of Israel that we are witnessing now is merely a warm up act to the event Ezekiel is describing
But even today, notice that the people of God are choosing to return to their land without a single human leader prompting it
So even now we see the hand of God acting as a Shepherd of His people rather than human leaders drawing the people back
But then the Lord tells those leaders of Israel who have misbehaved, that there will be an accounting one day
Notice that the Lord says that even within the sheep and the goats there will be a judgment
He says He will judge between the sheep and another (non-sheep)
Between a ram (sheep) and a male goat
In v.18 the Lord asks, is it a small thing that Israel’s leaders would enjoy the best of the land that the Lord gave to His people?
Yet at the same time, they made it impossible for God’s people to enjoy it themselves
By their misdeeds, they led Israel into idolatry and other sin – leading the nation to suffer exile
So the Lord says He will ultimately judge between the lean sheep, that is the people who suffered, and the fat sheep, their corrupt leaders
This is a sober reminder that the Lord is aware of how men and women in leadership deal with His flock
And when leaders fail to take that responsibility seriously, when they fail to shepherd the flock properly, they are accountable to God
That accounting may not happen in this age, but it will happen
And better that it happen in the next age, when the consequences are even more severe
The first moment of this accounting happens at the Lord’s Second Coming, as Matthew describes
In that parable, the Lord uses the quality of care provided to His people as a measure of whether someone loved Him
This is another reference back to Ezekiel, where the Lord says that those who refuse to care for the flock will be judged like goats
Finally, the Lord says He will put an end to improper leadership over His flock one day
In that future day the people of God will receive a new shepherd who will care for them as God intended
That shepherd will be David
This is not a reference to Jesus…this is a literal reference to King David resurrected to rule over Israel again as God promised to him
Notice in v.24 we’re told that David will be prince over the people people of God
In his earlier day, David was the king, but in this Kingdom age Jesus is the King
So the Lord calls David prince reflecting that he occupies a role under Jesus
David rules as prince over the people of Israel in the Kingdom as part of the government that Jesus establishes on the earth
Furthermore, the Lord will establish a new covenant with Israel, a peace covenant
Notice in v.25, the Lord will remove all harmful beasts from the land during the Kingdom
So the people will live in peace and security in the wilderness
And in v.26 the lands around the mountain of God in Jerusalem will be a blessing for the people
The land will always get rain in the proper season, meaning no more drought and famine as a result of judgment
All the plants of the field will produce abundantly and without fail
Furthermore, the people of Israel will not be victim to oppression or attack, as they will have no enemies
Because of the glory and peace of that time, the people of God will all know the Lord and be His people
And the sheep of that field will be God’s people in a true and loving sense
And they will finally have a Shepherd who cares for them
That’s just a taste of the glory that’s coming for Israel
When we get back next week, we’ll come back to this description to fill in some details