Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongTonight we reach the end of the first half of the book of Ezekiel
This first half of Ezekiel (which is actually 66% of the book) ends in Chapter 32
And in those 32 chapters Ezekiel was given the difficult task of telling Israel that time was up
Israel had engaged in gross idolatry repeatedly over centuries in spite of the Lord’s warnings spoken through various prophets
So Ezekiel said the time had arrived for the city and temple to be destroyed
He’s communicated that message in a variety of ways over more than a decade
The exiles in Babylon have ignored the prophet, made excuses, and argued with him
Meanwhile, the glory of the Lord has departed the temple and the Babylonian army has descended on the city
Nebuchadnezzar’s final siege will last for three years
After the battle, the remaining remnant of the people will make their way to join the rest in exile
And Israel will appear to be gone forever, destroyed by the very God Who made them a people and gave them the land
But that isn’t the end of the story for God’s people, and in fact a glorious future awaits
That’s what we learn in the second part of this book
Before we get there, we have to finish the prophecies against Israel’s enemies
Last week we began the seven oracles against Israel’s greatest enemy, Egypt
Egypt’s worst offense against God’s people was introducing them to idolatry
And therefore the Lord gives them the longest rebuke
Last week we studied the first three of the seven messages against Egypt
The Lord promised to judge Egypt in the future through a unique period of abandonment of the land
Neither man nor beast would set foot in the land for 40 years
When we studied this prophecy, we concluded that the fulfillment must be in the Kingdom to come
That for the first forty years of the 1,000-year Kingdom, the land of Egypt will be left empty as a testimony against the nation
After which time the people of Egypt would be allowed to return for the remainder of the 1,000 years
But the nation would be the least among all the nations
This prophecy was followed by a near-term prophecy, promising that Egypt’s Pharaoh would be judged in the immediate future
He tried to oppose Babylon when it attacked Jerusalem
And in that he was opposing God Who sent Babylon
So the Lord promised to use the Babylonian army to eliminate Pharaoh’s power
And as we learned, just as the Lord promised, Nebuchadnezzar’s army put an end to the reign of Pharaohs over Egypt
Now we reach the fourth message to Egypt, and this message is an argument of logic against the false sense of security that Egypt maintained
The oracle begins with a comparison to another great power of the age, Assyria
This oracle is dated to June 21, 587, which is about 2 months from the previous message God gave Ezekiel
The oracle is directed at the current Pharaoh of Egypt who was a man named Hophra
Ezekiel is writing in Babylon, so we must assume that God was either delivering this message to Pharaoh through some messenger
The point of this oracle is stated simply in v.2
Whom is Egypt like in its greatness?
Egypt was undoubtedly a great world power, and the nation had been great for thousands of years
It was the world power back in Abraham’s day
And in Ezekiel’s day it was one of two powers, along with Babylon, that vied for domination
But there was one big difference between Egypt and Babylon…Babylon had been chosen by God to execute His judgments
Babylon was the nation God chose to disciple His people, Israel
And likewise Babylon would be used by God to judge many of Israel’s enemies, including Egypt
So the question God is asking Egypt is “who do you think you are? Just how great do you think you are?”
It’s a rhetorical question, so the Lord proceeds to give Pharaoh an answer
He compares the greatness of Egypt to another world power of that period of history: Assyria
Assyria was the world power that preceded Babylon on the world stage
For centuries Assyria was THE world power who competed with Egypt, but it was they who dominated the world scene
At this point in history, Assyria was gone
Babylon had conquered Assyria after Nebuchadnezzar’s rise to power
But in its day, it was glorious
So in vs.3-9 the Lord uses figurative language to remind the Egyptians how truly great and powerful the kingdom of Assyria had been
Assyria was like the dominant cedar in Lebanon
The old growth cedar trees in Lebanon are gone today…the region was deforested long ago, over centuries
But the Bible is filled with references to these trees of old
In fact, the cedars of Lebanon are the most commonly referenced plants in the Bible
That fact is a testimony to how impressive these trees were…something like the giant redwoods of California
These trees reportedly stood 80 feet tall and were beautifully symmetrical like a perfect carved column of stone
And they possessed a thick canopy of interwoven branches
Cedars were the keels of the great ships of the ancient world
They were used to build the temple in Jerusalem
In v.3 the Lord uses the cedar as a picture of the greatness of Assyria in its day
In the way a giant cedar’s branches shaded and protected a large patch of ground, so did Assyria “shade” or cover much of the world
It was the top nation, like a cedar reaching to the clouds
The point is obvious…as great as Egypt was, it wasn’t the first or only nation to have achieved such greatness or prominence
In fact, the Lord uses the picture of a river to make a direct comparison to Egypt
In v.4 the Lord says Assyria was made strong by water that fed it like a river by a cedar tree
Literally speaking, the Lord is describing the Tigris river, which contributed greatly to Assyria’s power
It watered the fields and supported trade with other nations
Likewise, Egypt’s greatness was owed in large part to the power of the Nile river
So the Lord is drawing Egypt’s attention to the similarities between it and Assyria
In v.5 the Lord uses birds nesting in branches to describe how Assyria, like Egypt, provided support and protection to many other nations
People often fled to Egypt for food in the midst of famine, and nations near Assyria turned there for support as well
So in summary, in vs.6-7, the nation of Assyria was a sight to behold in its day
It was the center of the world, the strongest nation and unmatched in power
No other nation could compare with Assyria
Yet even great Assyria had its day of reckoning
At a point in time, the Lord contended with the pride of Assyria
Like all nations, the Lord had raised up Assyria for a purpose
Assyria was called by God to bring discipline against the northern tribes of Israel
The king of Assyria did indeed conquer northern Israel and Samaria as God intended
We hear a summary of the Lord’s act in 2 Kings 18:
But the Lord also told the king that he was not permitted to attack Judah
The Lord’s judgment at that time was against the northern tribes alone
But after completing the work God gave to him, the king of Assyria still wanted more
The Assyrian king became greedy and forgot Who it was giving him the power to defeat Israel
So he assumed he could keep going south and take Judah too in his own power
But the Lord defended Judah
The Lord defeats the entire Assyrian army overnight without Judah lifting a finger
In 2 Kings we learn that 185,000 Assyrian warriors were killed
That essentially put an end to the Assyrian army
And beyond this judgment, they determined to bring the entire kingdom to an end
Notice in v.11 the Lord says He would give Assyria into the hands of a despot of nations
That man was Nebuchadnezzar, and he would thoroughly deal with the rebellious, arrogant Assyria
Assyria’s wickedness was cause for God to send a greater wickedness against it
Referring again to the cedar analogy; the Lord says that alien tyrants cut Assyria down, leaving it splintered on mountains and valleys
Its branches and bough fell, referring to the alliances that crumbled after Assyria’s downfall
The peoples of the earth would flee from its destruction and in its ruins new things would rise up
Notice in v.14 the Lord declares that all “trees” by waters would not be exalted in their stature nor be set among clouds
Rather, these trees have been given over to death; to the earth beneath
Among the sons of the men who go down to the pit
The point here is clear: Assyria has no inherent power of its own
The nation, like all nations (i.e., trees), lived to serve God and had no power apart from what God gave it
And in the end all nations come to an end, in the same way that all things die and go back into the earth
And when Assyria’s time was up, the Lord says in v.15 that it too went down to Sheol
Referring to the destination of souls, the Lord is comparing the death of a nation to the death of a man
No man, however powerful he is in life, can escape death
Which is a reminder that every person’s – and every nation’s – power is an illusion
It’s merely a temporary assignment by God, and in the moment God is finished with our service, our power comes to an end
Assyria’s end was a shock to the world, because Assyria seemed unbeatable
In v.16 the Lord says the nations quaked at the fall of this cedar
And because Assyria fell, the other nations profited in the end
In the way smaller trees get more sunlight after a tall tree is cut down, the rest of the nations prospered when freed from Assyria
They didn’t pay tribute or suffer under the authoritarian rule
But those nations that had aligned themselves with Assyria were brought down with her
Like a tall tree falling on other trees in the forest, the Lord says in v.17 that those who lived under Assyria’s sword went to Sheol too
So those who were oppressed by Assyria were set free, while those who oppressed with her shared her fate
What’s the point here? Assyria was every bit as great as Egypt, and in fact Assyria was even greater in its day
And yet consider what happened to Assyria in the end?
When it stopped serving a purpose to God, God brought it down
It only had power because the Lord gave it power
So when the Lord withdrew His hand, the nation fell quickly
We’re talking about an ancient superpower disappearing overnight at the hands of Babylon
It’s similar to the end of the Soviet Union
That nation was virtually equal in power to the United States for decades
And then almost overnight, it disappeared
That’s the power of God to move nations as He wills
So the point to Egypt was that they ought not delude themselves by thinking that they were invincible
They certainly have existed for far longer than Assyria
But they are no more powerful, and therefore they can disappear just as fast when God wills
Ands that’s exactly the final point the Lord makes in this oracle
To Egypt, the Lord asks which of the trees in Eden are you equal to?
The Lord uses the term Eden to emphasize that the “garden” of nations were planted by God like trees in Eden
So the Lord says to Egypt you have no equal among the nations of the earth, yet you too will be brought down
You will be slain, lying with the uncircumcised, meaning with the unworthy outcasts
The Egyptians practiced their own form of circumcision, though Babylonians did not
And for an Egyptian, to die unburied and uncircumcised was the worst end imaginable
In Egyptian thinking, these indignities prevented a person from entering into the afterlife
So will be Pharaoh and all his hordes
Not only was this prophecy intended to put Egypt in its place, but it was also directed to the exiles in Babylon
Some were probably holding out hope that another nation might rescue them from Babylon
And the only nation with enough power to make that happen was Egypt
But now the exiles are hearing that there will be no rescue from Egypt
This was the end of the line for Egypt as a meaningful world power
And it was the end of the line for the exiles hoping for a way out of Babylon apart from the Lord’s grace to release His people
Which brings us the final two messages written to Egypt, the first of which is a lamentation or eulogy for Egypt’s fall
This oracle and the one that follows come in the final month of the twelfth year of exile
This one comes on the first of the month, while the second one comes 2 weeks later
Based on the dates provided in the next chapter (Chapter 33), we learn that this oracle comes several months after Jerusalem to Nebuchadnezzar
And it also comes two months after the exiles in Babylon first learned of Jerusalem’s fall
If the exiles had heard of Jerusalem’s fall, then certainly the Egyptians had also heard the same
And the news probably gave them reason to celebrate, since it meant one less rival on the world stage
But the Lord sends this message to the exiles and to the Egyptians to make clear they had no reason to celebrate
Though it would take a few more years to come to pass, the Egyptians would likewise be destroyed
In v.2 Ezekiel is told to speak a lamentation over the Egyptians and specifically over Pharaoh
Remember last week we mentioned that Ezekiel recorded the prophecies against Egypt out of order from when he received them from God
The different order allowed him to stress other connections, as with Tribulation and the Antichrist as we saw last week
And in the case of Chapter 32, it means Ezekiel moved this prophecy to end since lamentations typically follow judgments
The Lord begins saying that Hophra, the Pharaoh of Egypt, compared himself to a lion, when he was actually a monster of the Nile
The Egyptian sphinx has the body of a lion but the head of a pharaoh, which is how the kings saw themselves
But the Lord says that was an incorrect picture
In reality, the king of Egypt was more like a river monster that comes out of the water to foul the river and muddy it
That symbolizes Egypt’s negative influence on the nations around it, particularly Israel
As a result, the Lord promises to catch Pharaoh out of the water like catching a fish in a net
The net would be manned by a large group of people, Ezekiel says, referring to first the Babylonian army and later the Persians
Interestingly, in the Babylonian account of Creation, they believed that their god Marduk captured a sea monster
The sea monster, Tiamat, was responsible for the chaos of the Universe, and Marduk caught the monster in a net and killed it
So it appears the Lord is using imagery from Babylonian culture to remind Israel that He is the sovereign Creator over nations
We know there was an invasion of Egypt by the Persians resulting in widespread destruction and death in the land
The imagery of vs.4-6 indicates many lives would be lost and blood spilled throughout the land of Egypt
And in 526 BC, a final battle of Pelusium resulted in Egypt becoming part of the Persian empire
But the destruction of that battle didn’t equal the destruction described here
So unless we are prepared to accuse the Lord of exaggerating, the facts of history are starting to diverge from the text
Furthermore, the descriptions in vs.7-8 really go off in a new direction
The Lord says in the day of this destruction, the heavens would be impacted as well
The stars would be darkened, the sound would not shine and the moon would not give its light
Furthermore, the lights of the heavens, referring to the stars, would darken over Egypt and darkness would come over the land
That reminds us of the judgments of the Exodus, which are themselves forerunners for the judgments of Tribulation
So just as we saw last study, these references preclude a historical interpretation
There is simply no historical record of these things happening over Egypt in conjunction with an foreign invasion
Yet we do see examples of them reflected in end times events
Specifically, we know the heavens will be shaken by God’s judgments during the Tribulation
Revelation mentions blood from Armageddon flowing like a river for 200 miles, which is the distance from Jerusalem to the Nile delta
Furthermore, we see the sun going black for periods, the stars falling, and the moon changing as well
These descriptions fit the circumstances described by Ezekiel
And they remind us of what we learned in previous oracles, when the Lord will bring ultimate judgment against Israel
In particular, note in v.9 that the Lord will trouble many other nations by bringing destruction upon them too
Clearly that points to something bigger than merely an invasion of Egypt
In v.10 the world as a whole would be frightened at Egypt’s fall, which also suggests events bigger than one nation
And the description becomes even more interesting in the next part
Now the Lord tells Egypt that the king of Babylon would be part of the judgment
In v.12 the Lord promises that the pride of Egypt would be brought low
The hordes of Egypt, referring to its armies, would be cut down
And the cattle would also be destroyed
But then notice that as we saw last time, the Lord says neither man nor beast would set foot in the land
The water would settle, as into the ground
And in place of water, the rivers would run like oil
And the land would become a desolation
And all who live in the land would die, He says in v.15
So the mention of the king of Babylon suggests something historical, perhaps at the hands of Nebuchadnezzar
And though we know Nebuchadnezzar did contend with Egypt, there is no record of him attacking to this extent
And some of the details simply can’t be historical events because nothing like them has ever happened
So we’re back to our same conclusion…this is a prophecy concerning the destruction of Tribulation
The desolation is consistent with the destruction of Tribulation
And even the reference to the rivers running like oil makes sense
The two witnesses of Tribulation have the power to turn waters into blood, which flows like oil
And certainly the other references to massive death fits
If so, then what about the reference to the king of Babylon?
That reference also fits if we assume that this is the future king of Babylon, the Antichrist who rules from Babylon during Tribulation
If so, then the march of his armies in Egypt refers to the conquests of that man during the early stages of the seven years
Apparently the Lord uses the Antichrist to judge Egypt much in the same way He used Nebuchadnezzar to judge Israel’s enemies
And so in that day to come the world will chant a lamentation over Egypt
Because that nation will fall to the Antichrist and signal the start of that man’s conquest of the earth
And with that statement, Ezekiel receives the final oracle about Egypt, which serves as a summary of all the other six
Just two weeks later, Ezekiel gets the final oracle about Egypt
It’s a bit tongue-in-cheek picturing Egypt in her final resting place alongside the other enemies of Israel who have been judged
Each nation is personalized as if they could literally descend into Hell
It starts with the Lord mocking Egypt for all her supposed strength and beauty
Nevertheless, they will end up among the lowly in the pit
The people of the nation will be destroyed in battle, Ezekiel says in vs.20-21, slain by a sword
They are given over to the sword, which indicates that the Lord appointed this outcome for the nation
In v.21 Ezekiel says the strongest among the mighty nations of the world would speak of Egypt and its helpers as barbarians, brought low with the rest
Among those who see Egypt brought low into Sheol is Assyria
Assyria and her allies are strewn around Sheol buried in corners
The rest marveled at how a kingdom so great could be brought so low
Elam is mentioned in v.24 and was a country east of Babylon
This a prophetic reference to the Persians, who followed the Babylonians in history
Elam is also lying with its hordes in Sheol, put there by God’s hand at an appointed time even though the world feared them
And Egypt would share their fate as well
Also, we find Meshech and Tubal, nations that occupied present-day Turkey, which may be a reference to the Alexandrian Empire that followed Persia
They suffered a similar fate, of course
One moment they ruled the world
The next moment, they are gone; their warriors in the grave with their weapons
That’s the power of God to move nations, and such would be the outcome for Egypt too
At the end, the Lord mentions several former powers of the region including Edom, the chiefs of the North and the Sidonians
Each were the world power for a time in their region and yet each had come and gone and were now residing in Sheol
And those who lived and supported these nations died and landed in Sheol, in disgrace with them
So no one in Egypt should be deluded to think they would escape this pattern
And Israel should trust the Lord to bring these judgments in the course of time
Finally, in an ironic twist, we see the king of Egypt being “comforted” by the sight of so many other mighty nations occupying Sheol
Obviously, the king of Pharaoh is not at all comforted to be there
But it dawns upon the leader that he is sharing the same destiny of all other powerful nations
That at least Pharaoh was singled-out in judgment
Even though he was once the terror of the land, now he’s merely one among equals all in judgment together
Death is the great equalizer, and though this scene is obviously contrived to make a point, it also serves as a reminder of the reality of judgment
This is the fate for so many in the world
It is a conscious existence where understanding follows
Those who enter Hades are aware of their fate and of those who shared it
Yet it’s a timeless state that has no end, leaving no hope
And certainly, Chapter 32 ends without a sense of hope for Israel’s enemies
But for the exiles who first heard the prophet’s words, there was an equal sense of hopelessness over their circumstances
Their nation had been destroyed, their beloved city razed and their holy temple erased to the foundations
The final gourd of exiles had arrived telling tales of horrors
So the emotional low point of Ezekiel’s book comes at the end of this chapter, both for the enemies of Israel and for Israel itself
And from this pit of despair, the Lord begins to lift Israel up a step at a time
That process raises their eyes off of their present circumstances in judgment and onto a vision of the final glory of the Kingdom
We start that process of moving upward next week