Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongTonight we finish our study of Daniel’s seventieth seven, the Tribulation, and the War of Armageddon that ends this period of devastation
More importantly, we’re rejoining the events of the Second Coming of Jesus, which takes place in a series of events
So let’s revisit the scene from the end of our study last week
The last of the unbelieving Jews on earth are huddled in Jerusalem under the withering attack of the Antichrist
The Antichrist, who is indwelled by Satan, is determined to destroy every last Jew to prevent the return of Christ
But the enemy has already lost that battle since a few days earlier the Lord poured out His Spirit on Israel
As a result, the nation has come to faith in Jesus, and all Israel has called out to Jesus as He required as a condition for His return
And now Paul’s words are being fulfilled:
Paul was quoting Isaiah 59, which describes the Second Coming of Jesus in response to Israel coming to faith
Here’s the full quote:
That’s the moment we’ve reached…the moment of Jesus setting His feet on the earth again to set up a Kingdom for Israel
We left Jesus and the Church saints and an army of angels descending to the earth in response to the cries of Israel
Half of the city of Jerusalem has been taken and the rest are experiencing dread in knowing they killed their Messiah
They have yet to understand that the grace of God is still coming to rescue them
They are desperate and without hope even as they cry out to God for mercy
Which is why Zechariah told us last week that Israel’s first reaction after coming to faith in Jesus is to mourn
The Old Testament story of Joseph and His brothers gives us a beautiful picture of Israel’s turn around in the midst of trial and sorrow
Joseph was the preferred son of Jacob, which made his older brothers jealous
When Jacob placed Joseph in command over his brothers, they rebelled against his authority and conspired against him
And one day when Joseph came to his brothers near Dothan, they decided to sell him to Gentile traders
That part of Joseph’s story pictures Jesus’ first coming when He offered the Kingdom to Israel if they allowed Him to rule over them
But like Joseph’s brothers, Jesus’ brothers rejected His rule and instead sold Jesus into the hands of the Gentile Romans
Later, Joseph rises to rule over a Gentile power, Egypt, just as Jesus became the Lord over the Gentile Church
Joseph was the second in charge of Egypt, just as the Son of God is under the Father God
Later, the Lord is ready to bring Jacob’s family under Joseph’s rule, so He brings famine to the land to cause Jacob to seek for help in Egypt
And one day Joseph’s brothers appear before Joseph desperate for help
But Joseph decides how and when to reveal himself to his brothers
And when the right moment arrives, Joseph opens his brothers’ eyes
This moment is a picture of Christ’s Second Coming, and for both Joseph and Jesus the first response of the Jews is fear
Notice Joseph has to tell his brothers not to fear him, because they assume he will deal harshly with them for their sin
But Joseph tells them that this plan of God was intended to produce a great deliverance for them and the world
And indeed, Israel’s rejection of Jesus at His first coming was a part of God’s plan to ensure that the entire world would be blessed in the end
And that’s what we’re seeing now as Jesus returns to earth
He is about to deliver Israel the promised Kingdom
But because of Israel’s earlier rejection of Jesus, that Kingdom will now include a great Gentile army of saints
Just as Joseph ruled not only over his family but also over the entire nation of Egypt
So now let’s rejoin the action in the final two stages of war of Armageddon, and these two stages happen across two fronts
First, we have the Antichrist attacking Jerusalem, having already destroyed half the city
And we have the believing Jewish remnant in Botzrah under attack as well from the Antichrist’s forces sent from Babylon
They have not managed to find a way into the stronghold yet they persist
But both battles are about to come to an end, at Jesus’ return
You’ve probably heard others tell you that Jesus’ Second Coming will happen at Jerusalem
And certainly Jesus does come to Jerusalem – eventually, but His Second Coming does not begin there
The first place of His return isn’t to Jerusalem…it’s to those believing Jews in the fortress of Botzrah
Let’s start with Isaiah’s description of Stage IV of the war…
Notice at the opening of this chapter, Isaiah describes a time in history when all the nations’ armies are ready to be destroyed by the Lord
And that the Lord Himself will be the One to bring this slaughter against the nations
The Antichrist is the leader of the whole world, of all nations, so his army is the army of all the nations
And in v.4 we see this battle occurs in conjunction with a time when the heavens will wear away, speaking of Tribulation
The sky is rolled back like a scroll and the vegetation is gone
Clearly, this description closely matches what we’ve seen in the time of Tribulation
So this battle of the nations’ armies against the Lord is set in the time of Tribulation, according to Isaiah
Then in vs.5-6, the Lord Himself begins to speak about the battle
The Lord’s sword is satiated in Heaven, and the term satiated means satisfied, saturated
So the Lord’s sword has had its fill from Heaven, implying it is now ready to fight in a new way
And so in v.5 the Lord says His sword will descend for judgment
The reference to descending is important, because it communicates that there is a transition taking place in that verse
That sword is moving from Heaven to the earth, at Christ’s Second Coming
And Isaiah says that the destruction of all nations will come at the hands of God starting at Edom, specifically at Botzrah
Isaiah says the Lord has a sacrifice prepared in Edom, in Botzrah
And notice in v.3 the bodies of the slain will be found on a mountain that becomes stained with their blood
That’s a clear reference to the mountainous ring that surrounds the open area of Botzrah or modern-day Petra
These descriptions confirm that the Lord will defend the encampment of His people in Petra and destroy all who attack it
This destruction happens during Tribulation and in conjunction with the Lord’s descending from Heaven, which is at the end of Tribulation
Jesus’ attack at Botzrah is Stage IV of the War of Armageddon, when the Lord destroys the armies of the Antichrist there
The Lord alone does the fighting, and the text makes no mention of any other person or entity fighting – just the Lord
So the Lord descends as described in Revelation 19 with armies behind Him, and as He arrives in Petra He destroys the forces of the Antichrist
Now Micah tells us what Jesus does next
We read Micah 2:12 earlier when we studied Israel’s flight into the desert in Revelation 12
Micah is the prophet who names the place of Israel’s protection: Botzrah
In Hebrew the phrase “in the fold” is the word Botzrah, which refers to the nature of this place as a protective enclosure
It is the literal Hebrew word for a sheep’s pen and it is also the proper name of the present-day town of Petra
This is the place that the believing remnant of Israel will be kept safe for the second half of Tribulation
And now that the Tribulation is ending and Jesus has returned, it’s time to let the “sheep” out of that “pen”
And in the very next verse Micah describes that release on the day Jesus comes
Micah says “the breaker” goes before those who have been held in this place
That breaker is a reference to the One Who sets them free, breaking them out of that place
The Hebrew word for breaker means one who breeches or destroys or breaks down the enclosure
This is the Lord Himself, and notice that they follow Him out passing through the gate and go out by it
Passing through a gate is another reference to a sheep pen and the way a shepherd lets sheep out to enter the pasture
This is a calm, peaceful exodus like sheep calmly following after their shepherd when he leads them out
And notice Micah adds that their king goes before them and the Lord is at their head
So this is a description of the remnant being released from their place of protection and provision at the end of the Tribulation
Jesus defeats those attacking the remnant and then He opens the gate and leads them out
We don’t know what kind of gate this will be, but imagine it like Noah’s ark
The ark had a door that God closed before the flood and opened after the ship landed safely, and so will it be here
So as Jesus set these believing Jews free from Petra, we can imagine a scene like that of the Exodus
As Moses led the people of Israel through the Sinai, Jesus now leads His people into the open desert
Only now Jesus, assumes the role of Charlton Heston
But as the Lord leads them out, where are they going?
Isaiah gives us the answer
To understand this text properly, we must appreciate its context
Isaiah is writing from a first-person point of view while standing on the walls of Jerusalem during the Antichrist’s attack on the city
That’s the context of this chapter, and so imagine the prophet on top of a crumbling wall, the city under attack, smoke pouring out
Chaos everywhere, fighting in the streets and armies gathered around the walls
And in the midst of that moment, the prophet is on the wall facing east toward the Mount of Olives
And as he gazes into the distance, he begins to ask questions
He asks, who is this coming from Edom? He is majestic in apparel
Remember the way John described Jesus’ appearance at His Second Coming?
Jesus returns in His glory and Isaiah’s description of Jesus in glory with glowing colors and fierce wrath matches John’s description
He has a robe dipped in blood, and I mentioned last week the blood reflected the battle He was going to wage
And now Isaiah tells us that the blood comes from the battle in Botzrah
Isaiah says His garments are red from treading the wine press, a reference to the fierce wrath
So Isaiah sees the Lord coming to Jerusalem from Botzrah with His robe bloodied from a battle
But Isaiah doesn’t understand why the Lord has appeared in this way, so he asks for an explanation
The Lord’s explains He has engaged in a battle by Himself
He says He strode the peoples, describes the battle He encountered in Botzrah
He says He trod the wine press alone, a reference to the Lord’s outpouring of wrath against the armies at Botzrah
He trampled them in God’s wrath and their blood stained His clothing because the day of redemption and vengeance had come
Notice that the Lord says He fought this battle by Himself, and no one helped
He was astonished, which means appalled, at what He saw at Botzrah
And He took it upon His own authority and power to destroy the pitiful army waiting
The strong language here reflects the fierce anger of God against the ungodliness of the world that He finds at His return
Remember the Lord’s words when He came the first time:
The Lord foretold that at His return He would not find a world of faith waiting
Rather His return will be met by a world of intense and unrepentant unbelief and hatred for God and His people
So Isaiah witnesses the Lord coming to Jerusalem leading a procession of the remnant who accompany Christ
It’s interesting to consider how this group might cross this distance in a short time, since it’s about 75 miles as the crow flies
Do they move in a natural way or supernaturally?
Obviously Jesus Himself has the capacity to move there without limitation and His armies are capable of going wherever He goes
So presumably, Jesus moves the remnant in a supernatural way to transport them quickly to Jerusalem
So now Christ approaches the city of Jerusalem, and as He does, He’s met by the second front of the war of Armageddon
And much like the first front we have the rag-tag army of the Antichrist scratching and clawing their way into the city
The Lord has been defending the city, supernaturally strengthening the citizens of the city against the invaders
Though they have done some damage, there is still a resistance holding out
But they can’t hold out much longer…and then appears Jesus and His armies
In Zechariah 14 we see how the battle unfolds as Jesus arrives at Jerusalem in a step by step process
We will study this final battle of our age in several steps as Zechariah explains them
Beginning with Jesus approaching the city
Previously, we read vs.1-2 of this chapter when we studied Stage III of the War of Armageddon, the initial assault on Jerusalem
You remember that the Antichrist moved from the north of Israel southward and then climbed up from the west to siege Jerusalem
As the battle begins, the Antichrist begins to scale the walls and enter the city
Zechariah says the city is invaded, half of the city will be carried off and presumably killed
Women are raped and likely killed as well
And Hosea told us that the battle would go on for 2 days, and then on the third day the nation of Israel would be brought to faith by the Spirit
And as they respond by calling out on Jesus, He comes to them
Specifically He comes to them from Botzrah, leading a band of believing Jews who were waiting for Him there
Zechariah picks up the narrative at that point in v.3, explaining that the Lord comes to fight for Jerusalem
The Lord fights against those nations that come against the city
And in v.4 we’re told the Lord’s feet stand on the Mt. of Olives
That phrase is sometimes misunderstood to mean that Jesus lands on the Mt. of Olives, but Zechariah doesn’t say that
He simply says Jesus stands there, and Isaiah tells us that He arrives there by coming from Botzrah
So Jesus comes to the mountain range east of Jerusalem and stops, standing directly on the Mt. of Olives
From that point, He can look down into the city and witness the Antichrist’s attack
And it’s from here that Jesus begins to defend the city
This is Stage V of the War of Armageddon, the final battle of the war and the end of the Age
But the Lord doesn’t charge down the hill and into the city to start beating up soldiers kung fu-style
Instead, the Lord begins the fight remotely, by changing the landscape of the battle
Notice that Jesus is approaching the city from the east, which makes sense if He is coming to the city from Botzrah
And we also remember the Antichrist’s forces are attacking from the west, according to Daniel 12
So as Jesus arrives, He is on the east, the Antichrist is on the west, and what’s left of Jerusalem lies between them
And Zechariah says that as Jesus stands on the Mount of Olives, He commands the mountain to split in two, east to west
Then the two parts of the mountain will move apart, one half to the north and another half to the south
This will create a channel or valley that runs eastward away from the city to the east
Remember the world has no mountains at this point, except the mount that Jerusalem sits upon and the surrounding connecting range
So when the mount itself is split, it creates a channel that provides complete protection for those in it
Zechariah then says the Jews in Jerusalem will then flee the battle out this channel
Because the attack is coming form the west, the exit route will be to the east through this valley
In v.5 Zechariah says the Jews will flee by way of the valley the Lord creates in the ground
Does this remind you of another time when the Lord rescued fleeing Israelites from an attacking army by creating a valley of protection?
We remember Israel fleeing from Pharaoh through the valley of water created in the Red Sea, another flight from West to East
Finally, Zechariah says the Lord will enter the city with all His holy ones behind Him to finish the battle
Only after the innocent ones are out of the way does the Lord then move ahead in His attack
Habakkuk gives us another view of this movement from Petra to Jerusalem
The passage is a description of the Second Coming of the Lord to Jerusalem, and notice it begins with geographical references
The prophet says the Lord comes to Jerusalem from Teman or Mt. Paran
These are ancient names for Edom, where we find Botzrah
And the Lord arrives with a radiance like sunlight, confirming the other accounts we’ve read of the Second Coming
In v.6, Habakkuk describes the earthly destruction that preceded His return
Plague, pestilence, mountains shattered, etc.
These are references to the Tribulation events that precede Jesus’ return
His wrath was against seas, rivers, and the sun and moon stood in their place and then went away at the light of His appearing
All of those descriptions are literal depictions of things we’ve studied elsewhere already
So we know this prophet is talking about the same event…the Lord’s Second Coming at the end of the Tribulation
But in Habakkuk he asks rhetorically in v.8 whether God’s wrath was directed at the rivers and mountains and seas themselves?
In other words, was the Lord mad at the Creation itself?
In vs.12-13 the prophet answers no… the Lord wasn’t raging against the creation itself
Instead, He was raging against the armies and nations of the world, Habakkuk says
So after the Jews escape, Jesus enters the city from the east, and meets the Antichrist as he and his armies advance from the west
He battles for the salvation of His people, Israel, and at the end of v.13, he says the Lord will strike the head of the house of evil
The head of the house of evil is a clear reference to the Antichrist who is the head of the world and all that is evil
The Lord’s blow lays him open from thigh to neck, which is a graphic description of the death of the Antichrist
He is literally flayed open, sliced open by Christ’s sword
So at the moment Jesus arrives in Jerusalem, His attack results in the death of the Antichrist along with all his armies
We see confirmation of this outcome in 2 Thessalonians
The Lord’s appearing will result in the Antichrist’s end and his end comes by the breath of Christ’s mouth
Remember, the word (or breath) of Christ is called a sword in Scripture
So Jesus literally fights only with His word, because the word of the Lord is a force of its own, the only true force in the Universe
Hebrews also says that the word of God is literally the glue holding the Universe together
So Jesus’ word is more than enough to destroy anything, because it’s the only thing holding everything together
So at the word of Christ, the Antichrist’s body is split open, his armies die in a similar fashion, and the battle is over quickly
Remember Revelation 14 gave us a preview of that destruction
This is the moment of that bloodletting as Jesus ends the lives of thousands and perhaps millions of human beings in an instant
So quick and violent is their death that all their blood is suddenly released filling the Kidron Valley and flowing 200 miles
Now all that remains is to clean up the mess, and it’s quite a mess, but the Lord has a plan
We’ve now returned to John’s heavenly perspective on the events
Remember, we are studying Christ’s return from an earthly perspective and a heavenly perspective
The Old Testament prophets gives us the view from earth, whether at Botzrah or Jerusalem
While John sees the events from his vantage point in Heaven, which is also where we will witness these things thankfully
We started from John’s perspective at the start of this chapter, and then we studied the earthly perspective
Now Jesus and His entourage have reached the earth, so at this point the two perspectives merge
Habakkuk described a violent end in Jerusalem with many dead, and now John sees the same thing
It’s as if John never saw the battle but later comes upon the aftermath and he’s viewing the carnage
After the battle ends, Jesus’ angelic realm starts work on calling the clean up crew
An angel in Heaven calls to birds in midheaven to come and assemble for a great meal
The term mid-Heaven is usually a Biblical term for outer space
But these are birds that eat flesh, like vultures, so in this context the term mid-Heaven is understood a different way
In Greek it can also be translated zenith, as in the highest point in the sky, which is the sense intended here
Ezekiel give us confirmation that God uses birds and beasts to devour the carcasses of the dead at times in Chapter 29
And thus Stage V of the War of Armageddon, the Age of the Gentiles, and the Tribulation come to an end…the earth is at rest from war
All opposing armies are destroyed and all Jews on earth have been saved
There are always believing Gentiles on earth at Jesus’ coming
And there are unbelieving Gentiles who aren’t in the army and so they aren’t killed in the final battle
We will look at what happens to all these groups after Jesus returns in next week’s study
But before that, we need to see what happens to the instigators of the world’s rebellion: the three players in the False Trinity
In v.20 we read of the final disposition of the beast or Antichrist and the false prophet
They receive a special and dubious distinction of being thrown alive into the Lake of Fire
But just as we’ve seen elsewhere, there’s more going here than John records in this quick summary in Revelation
First, both the Antichrist and the false prophet are human beings, of course
But during the second half of Tribulation, they are both instruments of Satan
The Antichrist is indwelled by Satan, we know, and the false prophet is likely indwelled by a powerful demon
And when the body dies, any spirits in the body are released from the body, just as the person’s own spirit is released from the body at death
Since we know the Antichrist was killed when Jesus returned, because Habakkuk and Paul told us that
And presumably, the false prophet also dies in the battle as well
Then we can assume that Satan and his demons were released, and the men’s own spirits were also released from their bodies
So what happens to each of these characters? First, the Antichrist’s soul descends for a short time into hell
Isaiah gives a lengthy description of what happens to the Antichrist’s soul as it arrives in Hell
This scene in Isaiah will occur at a time when the nation of Israel has been restored, the prophet says
The Lord will take His people, having shown compassion on them, and settle them in their land
They will bring other people (Gentiles) along with them into the Kingdom
And the Lord will give Israel rest from their pain and turmoil
Clearly that’s a reference to Israel coming into the Kingdom
So that’s our context, and in that moment, we hear Israel taunting the King of Babylon
Remember, Babylon is the Bible’s term for Satan’s Kingdom and all that it represents
And this king of Babylon once ruled the people with unceasing strokes and subdued the nations
So in this context, it’s a reference to the Antichrist
But now the world is at rest and this king finds himself in Sheol or Hell (v.11, v.15), resting on a bed of maggots
Notice in v.19, he had been clothed with the slain, a reference to his resurrection at mid Tribulation
Then in v.20 we’re told that he will not be united with his people in burial
His people are the nations that followed him and went to their death into Hell at the Second Coming of Jesus
But the Antichrist will not join them, because He will be brought out of Sheol almost immediately
And as John tells us, he will be sent directly into the Lake of Fire along with the False Prophet
So the Antichrist and the false prophet die in the final battle, and as they die they enter into Hell like all souls but only for a short time
Just long enough for them to be welcomed by the kings of the earth that preceded them into that terrible place
Notice in Isaiah 14 they mock the Antichrist for having been brought so low
This is the reception that all the great and mighty unbelievers receive when their lives end and they enter Hell
They are surrounded by their own kind who, like them, suffer
And yet they have memories of each other and the life they left behind
So the Antichrist is almost immediately resurrected into a new, eternal body and then cast into the permanent home for the unbelieving
He and the false prophet enter the Lake of Fire alive, which is how all unbelievers will enter that place
All human beings are resurrected into new bodies, both believers and unbelievers
The difference is where the two groups spend eternity living
The Antichrist’s distinction of being first to be resurrected and cast into the Lake of Fire is an ironic twist on our story
When Satan, the Antichrist and false prophet came together, they tried to form a counterfeit, false trinity
They were copying the true Trinity of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit
And unintentionally, they reflect that counterfeit even in their death
Christ is the first fruits of the resurrection to eternal life
Meaning He was the first human being to be resurrected into an eternal body that never dies
Similarly, the Antichrist will be the first fruits of the resurrection among those who go into eternal death
Next week we move into Chapter 20 which describes the Kingdom period, but we don’t move very far into that Chapter right away
Because first we enter a little-known period of God’s timeline called the 75-day interval
We’ll introduce the concept next week and explain its purposes
Once we cover that period, we will move into an introduction to the Millennial Kingdom period and an extended study of that period