Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongLet’s rejoin the final battle of our age, the War of Armageddon, or as the Bible calls it, the war of the great day of God
Like most wars, the war of Armageddon isn’t one battle that takes place in a single moment
Rather, it’s a series of events that take place over days and weeks
The war concludes the seven-year Tribulation, and in the midst of the war, Jesus returns to bring an end to the Antichrist’s rule
But even the Lord’s return isn’t a single moment as it first appears to be in Revelation 19
Revelation 19 summarizes His return, but it leaves out many details, because those details are already given in earlier books
So as we did last week, we will spend significant time outside the book of Revelation to fill in those details
Last week we read through Revelation 19:10 which described the events in Heaven prior to the Lord’s coming
During that time the early stages of the war are playing out as a result of the seventh bowl judgment
As I said two lessons ago, the final bowl judgments set off a chain of events like falling dominos
That chain of events starts the war and moves it along its five stages until the end comes
So far, we’ve studied Stages I, II and III of the war, so let’s summarize what we learned
The sixth bowl judgment dried up the river Euphrates so that God could lure the Antichrist and his forces to leave Babylon
They travel west toward Israel and camp in the Jezreel valley preparing to move southward to invade Jerusalem
This movement is also the first stage of the war of Armageddon
The Antichrist hopes to crush the remaining Jews in Jerusalem and Petra who continue to resist his reign
While they are gathered in the Jezreel Valley, Stage II of the war commences in Babylon
Two of the seven kings under the Antichrist’s rule rebel against him and invade his capital city Babylon
And after they invade, the Lord brings the final bowl judgment against the city, reducing it to ashes and destroying the invaders
With the Antichrist’s beloved city in ruins, he now has no choice except to move forward in attacking Jerusalem as God intends
This leads to Stage III of the war as the Antichrist moves his forces southward through the central valleys and into the Shephelah foothills
Eventually they reach a point between the Great Sea and the Holy Mountain, as Zechariah told us
Then from that point, they advance east up to Jerusalem eventually surrounding the city and sieging it
Because the Tribulation has reduced society to a rudimentary level of technology, warfare returns to a medieval style
Zechariah and other Old Testament prophets told us the Antichrist uses siege ramps, horses, swords, and the like
And for the same reason the Jews in Jerusalem are protected for the most part by the walls of the city
And during the siege, the Lord supernaturally defends the city, including defending those who are encamped outside the walls
The city inhabitants recognize that the Lord is working in that time to defend them from the Antichrist and they rejoice
Ultimately it will cause them to turn to the Lord in repentance which we will study soon
Meanwhile, the Antichrist opens a second front in this war by sending what’s left of his forces at Babylon to Petra to siege the Jews there
Petra or Botzrah is the place the Lord has prepared to keep the remnant of Israel safe during the final 3.5 years of Tribulation
Satan initially tried to destroy the remnant during their flight to Petra, but the Lord protected them as He did in the Exodus
And now Satan tries again by directing the Antichrist to use his army to attack
Tonight we move forward along both fronts, beginning with the Lord moving from Heaven to Earth to become personally involved in these events
And to start that examination, we first need to remember the purpose of the Tribulation itself
Daniel gave us six reasons why the nation of Israel must endure the Age of the Gentiles, including the seven-year Tribulation
The angel told Daniel that this period of history would accomplish six things for Israel
Among other things, it brings an end to sin in Israel and ushers in everlasting righteousness
Simply put, it brings saving faith to all Israel and causes them to return to the Lord
And the Lord accomplishes this by placing the nation in an incredibly difficult situation after seven years of intense trial
And at their low point the Lord begins to show Himself to them and they begin to rejoice in Him as Zechariah told us
Speaking of the Antichrist’s siege against Jerusalem, the prophet wrote
Earlier in this study we learned the Tribulation period was made necessary for Israel because of the agreement God made with them in the Mosaic Covenant
In the Old Covenant, the Lord told Israel that unless the entire nation kept His law perfect for all generations, they would suffer consequences
The consequences for failing to keep the law perfectly would be severe and the Lord warned them in advance
Moses said this to the generation of Israel that agreed with this covenant
When Israel entered into the covenant shortly before entering the Promised Land, Moses put Israel on notice
Moses said this covenant was a national arrangement that bound not only the Jews in the desert but also their descendants
So the requirements of the covenant and the consequences of failure apply to everyone equally
This Mosaic covenant set a standard for God’s relationship with His people that stand to this day
As the individual goes, so goes the nation and as the nation goes, so goes the individual
Until the covenant is fulfilled, the nation will continue to be held to its terms
An individual Jew is released from the Law when they place their faith in Jesus Christ, because He fulfilled it in its entirety on their behalf
But apart from the remnant who come to faith in Jesus, the rest of the nation of Israel remains bound to the Law’s commands and penalties
In Deuteronomy 29 the Lord goes on to say that when Israel fails to keep the covenant, which was inevitable, then the curses would come
And those curses would lead future generations of Israel to recognize the problem
Notice the judgments that are described here have never been experienced in Israel, not even till today
They are a description of the devastation that comes during the day of the Lord, the seven year Tribulation
While the curses for failing to keep the Old Covenant will be severe, they are evidence of God’s grace because of the way they lead to good
First, as we learned earlier in this study, Israel’s period of judgment under the Old Covenant gives opportunity for Gentiles
The period of the Church Age is made possible because the Lord sets His people aside for a time to make salvation available to us
As Paul said
Secondly, the Lord will use the period of Israel’s judgment to bring the nation back to Himself as Daniel and Zechariah indicated
In their trial and testing, the nation will call out for the Lord and He will hear them
Jesus said this must happen before He would be willing to return to His people and give them the Kingdom
Jesus set the terms for His Second Coming for His people…they must call out for Him as their Messiah
When they call out for Him, then He will return to them as promised
The trial of Tribulation will create the circumstances under which the nation of Israel will experience that change of heart
And even before the Lord came to Israel the first time, the Old Covenant itself foretold that Israel would experience judgment followed by repentance
Leviticus says that after Israel has experienced the curses required by the Old Covenant during the Tribulation, it would experience a change of heart
And in their Law, God made provision for His grace…a loophole I called it
The loophole in Leviticus 26:40-42 gives Israel a way to escape the penalties of the Old Covenant on the basis of faith alone
First, each Jew must confess his own sin and their need for a Savior, just as anyone coming to faith in Jesus
That is sufficient repentance for that individual to be saved, but there’s still the issue of the nation’s rescue
And the Old Covenant requires that the entire nation make this confession together, no exceptions
Israel must make a national confession of repentance which Leviticus calls a confession of the sin of their forefathers
Specifically, this future generation of Israel must confess that their forefathers were wrong when they crucified Jesus
So a personal confession is enough for personal salvation but a national confession is necessary for the nation’s salvation
And when the nation makes that national confession of faith in Jesus, the Lord said He’ll remember His promises in the Abrahamic Covenant
When the Lord says He remembers something, it’s a way of saying this is the moment when His promise will be fulfilled
So the promises He gave Abraham will be brought to fulfillment in the moment that Israel makes that national confession
The Bible says that all Israel will make this confession at the end of Tribulation when the city of Israel is under siege and the people in fear
Paul says this in Romans
Notice Paul says that all Israel – the entire nation of Jews alive on earth in that moment – will be saved in a future day
That moment will happen when the deliverer, Jesus, comes from Zion
That Zion mentioned in v.26 is Heavenly Zion, a reference to Christ’s Second Coming
So the Second Coming of Jesus will be associated with God removing all ungodliness from His people Israel
Just as Daniel told us in Chapter 9…the age of the Gentiles would result in the removal of Israel’s sin and the ushering in of righteousness
And at the moment, every living Jew on earth will be saved, because every living Jew will be part of this national confession
Remember under the Old Covenant, as the individual goes, so goes the nation and vice versa
That’s why Jesus made this promise to Israel:
At the end of Tribulation, the nation of Israel will be under such intense pressure in Jerusalem, that they will turn back to the Lord
And at a certain point in that battle, the unbelieving Jews in Jerusalem are all moved to confess Jesus
That’s what we’re waiting for in our study of the war of Armageddon
Jesus is in Heaven with His Bride made ready to return to Her home
Babylon is gone, the rest of the world is in ruins, food and water is running out and the Antichrist is positioned around the city
The believing Jews in Petra are alive and well, protected by the Lord and waiting His return
And the unbelieving Jews in Jerusalem are desperately pleading with God for rescue as the Antichrist attacks
Meanwhile, all that’s remaining is for all the unbelieving Jews in the city to obey the Lord’s demands to declare Him Messiah
At the point they say blessed is He Who comes in the name of the Lord, Jesus will hear them and return to save them all
All Israel will be saved and the Tribulation will end, because it will have met its ultimate purpose in bringing Israel to faith
But how does Israel move to that last step…how does Israel ever reach a point where every Jew simultaneously comes to faith?
This may seem impossible, but if so it’s only because we view salvation as a human decision
And if salvation was only a matter of a personal decision, it truly would be impossible, but all things are possible with God
So now it’s time we return to the events of the war beginning with the war on the Jerusalem front
The Antichrist has seized the city and Zechariah tells us how the siege leads to the moment required by Leviticus 26
When all the city confesses their faith in Jesus
Zechariah says a day is coming for Israel when the tables will be turned
Instead of Israel being the oppressed and conquered, they will be the conquerers
In other words, the Age of the Gentiles will end and the Age of the Messianic Kingdom will come
And that turn begins with all nations of the earth gathered against Jerusalem to battle the city
This has never happened before…so this is an unfulfilled prophecy
But when the leader of the entire world attacks Jerusalem, then truly we can say the entire world has come against the city
So Zechariah is describing the Antichrist’s attack in Stage III of the war of the Armageddon
And he goes on to report that the battle will initially result in the city walls breached and part of the city will be captured
Half the city will be exiled and women in the city will be sexually assaulted as often happens in warfare
But God intervenes to prevent the entire city from being overrun by the Antichrist’s attack
The Lord has allowed the Antichrist’s forces to gain this partial victory to put the remaining city under added pressure
Earlier in Zechariah 12, the prophet explains the Lord’s purpose
The Lord has set a trap for the Antichrist by bringing him to siege the city and by allowing him a degree of success in the early goings on
We studied this passage last week, and we learned that the end effect of the siege would be the Antichrist’s defeat
But we also learned that the city would be terrified of defeat, and now we know why
The Antichrist will manage to capture half of the city resulting in many dying and worse
But as Zechariah 12 told us last week, the Antichrist’s partial victory is merely set up for his total defeat
In that day, the Lord will set about to destroy the nations that have come against the city
And that turn begins with a movement of the Spirit
As with every work of salvation, the Lord is the first to move when at the 11th hour the nation seems on the verge of annihilation, the Lord sends His Spirit
He pours His Spirit out on two related groups: the house of David and the inhabitants of Jerusalem
The house of David refers to the ruling class of the nation of Israel
The inhabitants of the city refer to exactly that…the Jewish population still alive in the city
Remember, many have been taken away but a part of the city remains, and it’s this remaining group that is still alive in the city
And this group, as a result of the pouring out of the Spirit, begin to make a national confession of faith
They look upon Jesus, the One that Israel pierced in previous millennia, and they mourn for Him
They mourn for Jesus like someone mourning for an only son who has died, which is a subtle reference to the Son of God
So those remaining Jews who are barricaded in the city receive the gift of faith as the Spirit comes upon them all
And the effect of the Spirit’s arrival is an instant recognition that Jesus is the Messiah
Except that this doesn’t feel like good news to these Jews, because the Spirit also reveals that Israel killed its Messiah
Zechariah says they mourn terribly for Jesus, and this mourning is a sign they have come to believe in Him
But their belief will not result in joy because they assume they have lost their chance to receive Him
Their Messiah came for them once before, but they killed Him they realize
So now in their greatest moment of need, they assume it’s too late to expect Him to save them
But remember what Leviticus 26 told the nation…
The Lord’s response to Israel is based on His covenant with Abraham, not based on the Old Covenant made with Moses
And why is it not based on the Old Covenant? Because in the moment the nation confesses Christ, they are no longer under it
They have come out from under the Law, and the Law of Moses is no longer in effect
So the Lord moves on the basis of grace alone to fulfill the unconditional promises He made to Abraham’s descendants
The Lord brings all His people to faith in the midst of this crisis, every single person, and Zechariah makes that clear
Zechariah makes it clear that the Spirit’s impact on Israel is universal
All the families that remain in the city come to faith, and moreover this mass revival happens as people are in isolation
Four groups of the Jews are mentioned to represent the entire spectrum of Jewish people
David (ruling class), Nathan (prophets), Levi (priests), and Shimeites (the common Jews)
In other words, the great and small, the learned and uneducated, the privileged and the ordinary are all coming to the same faith in Jesus
And this happens while they are alone with their families, meaning this isn’t a group experience
Nor is it the result of conventional evangelism where one person tells another
Every Jew is individually and simultaneously convinced by the Spirit
There is a beautiful Psalm that captures the thinking of the Jewish people in Jerusalem in this moment when they come to faith
Psalm 79 captures the repentant voice of the nation in that moment as the Antichrist presses his attack against the city
And the very next Psalm, Ps. 80, continues that confession moment
The climax of that confession comes at the end
The nation is calling for the Son Who God has strengthened for Himself
But that shoot (the shoot of Jesse) is burned with fire and cut down, they say
They’re recognizing they have rejected their only hope, the Son of God
But nevertheless, they ask that the Lord’s hand would be upon the Son of God, meaning that He would be sent back to them again
And this time they promise not to turn back from Him
Instead, if the Lord should revive Israel they will call upon His name as Jesus required they do
And when that happens they know they will be saved
So the climactic moment of Jesus’ Second coming isn’t His return but rather it’s Israel’s repentance and call for Jesus to rescue them from certain death
And Hosea tells us the precise moment when this turn happens
Hosea says the Lord’s reviving of Israel happens after two days, and He raises them up on the third day
In this context, to be raised up doesn’t mean to be resurrected but to be raised spiritually
They are saved on the third day of the Antichrist’s siege of the city
In those first two days, the city is captured, half of the Jews are killed and the women are sexually assaulted as Zechariah says
But that final half of the city is able to survive until the third day
And as Jesus said in Matthew, the one who endures to the end shall be saved
And the Lord will come to them as rain watering the earth, which is a consistent picture of God’s grace in the Bible
So the Jews have called out for Jesus, and in Heaven the Lord hears their call and as promised He comes to earth a second time to save His people
As we said earlier, the description of Christ’s return in this chapter is a summary of the events, including of the actual moment itself
John describes the scene as it unfolds from his perspective in Heaven
But the experience from the perspective of the earth is completely different
So we need to move between John’s account in Revelation and other passages that give us the earthly viewpoint
First, John says that Heaven itself is opened up so that all Heaven is opened and visible from Earth
And Jesus appears at the head of a great procession
Jesus is depicted in the glorified form that John first described in Chapter 1 of Revelation
He has flaming eyes, diadems reflecting His natural right to rule all nations
And He has a name unknown to anyone else, a name above all names
This suggests to us that the name we know today, the name Yeshua, is not the name the Lord will bear in the Kingdom
So for all the controversy that circulates in the church on what to call Jesus, in the end we will all feel a bit foolish about it
Because Jesus will have a new name that no one has yet heard, though Jesus will still be known as the Word of God
Next John says Jesus is riding a white horse as He appears, which is interesting because it matches an earlier description from this book
The Antichrist, the false ruler, also appeared riding a white horse, which reminds us that the Bible uses a white horse as a symbol of ruling
But now the true King has appeared to replace the false ruler
Which is why Jesus is wearing a robe dipped in blood
In v.15 John says Jesus comes to strike down the nations and rule with a rod of iron
He is bringing a sword and will tread the winepress of God’s wrath
So our King comes to earth prepared for a fight, which is very different than when He first appeared to mankind
Jesus’ first coming was to preach salvation and to show mercy and forgiveness, but His Second Coming will be for judgment and to rule
For the same reason He bears the title King of Kings and Lord of Lords
No one on earth or in Heaven will ever challenge Jesus’ rule again, as all authority will bow down to Him
Also, Jesus is followed by “armies” and they are clothed in fine clean white linen
Earlier we saw the Church saints clothed in this way, so we are the army that follows Jesus in that moment
So our vantage point for the Second Coming of Christ will be the vantage point John is describing here
We are accompanying our Savior and King in His triumphant return to rule, and though we are called an army, we will do none of the fighting
Still, it should excite every Christian to consider that day to come
We are reading about a future event in which we are assured to participate
We can’t say with certainty what we will do tomorrow, but we can be assured by our faith that we will be there on a future day
Finally, Jesus tells us in Matthew 16 that when He returns, He will also be accompanied by an army of angels
So now let’s move from heaven to earth to understand the Lord’s return from an earthly perspective, and as we expect, the event looks a little different
Jesus says it starts with great disturbances in the Heavens, even greater than those that took place in the Tribulation judgments
Immediately after the Tribulation ends, every source of light in the heavens will cease to give its light
Zechariah confirms this in his description of the return of Jesus
Literally, a complete blackout of the Universe takes place, leaving the earth in complete and utter darkness
Then out of the midst of that complete blackout, the window into Heaven opens up and the Lord comes on the clouds
And in that moment, the Lord Himself is the only source of light in the entire Universe
Earlier in Matthew Jesus warned the church not to follow after anyone who came to them claiming to be the Messiah
And now we know why Jesus gave that warning…because when He does return, we won’t be able to miss it
In fact, we will be with Jesus and the rest of the world won’t be able to take their eyes off Him
There will be nothing else to see except Him, and Jesus says that the effect of His return will be to bring the nations to mourning
They will mourn because they are watching their Judge return to bring them to an end
So we leave tonight with Jesus in mid-air returning to save Israel
Next week we complete the war of Armageddon by studying Stages IV and V, both of which are battles carried out by Jesus Himself
The result of these battles is the complete end of the Antichrist and his forces and the conclusion of the seven year Tribulation
So after next week our study of Tribulation comes to an end, and we transition to the events that follow the Lord’s return
And that includes some of the most fascinating prophecy in the entire Bible