Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongToday we begin a study of what most students of Revelation would consider to be the climax of this book: the Second Coming of Christ
Certainly, the Lord’s return to reign is climactic, especially for those who live through Tribulation and await His rescue
But like other events we’ve studied in the book of Revelation, the process of Christ’s return is not a simple affair
Nor is it even a single moment, but rather it is a series of events spread out over several days
Chapter 19 informs us of Christ’s return, but the details surrounding His return are found outside Revelation in the Old Testament prophets
And in particular, the OT’s coverage of Christ’s Second Coming is focused on ending the War of Armageddon
That war is called the Great War of God in Revelation, and as we reach the end of Tribulation it becomes focused on the Jews
Indwelled by Satan, the Antichrist has lost everything
His headquarters is destroyed as is the rest of Babylon, the great city he rebuilt
His allies have turned against him and have overrun the city
So now he’s sitting in northern Israel with what’s left of his army and only one way to go
All that remains is Jerusalem and the last group of Jews on earth still resisting the Antichrist’s reign
So now the plan becomes killing that final resistance and in the process, preventing Christ’s return
Obviously, this is not the way the story ends…the Antichrist does not succeed in his plans though he tries
So we must learn why the enemy wants to kill all remaining Jews and what stops the Antichrist from succeeding in his plans
So let’s start in Chapter 19 with the preparation in Heaven for the Lord’s arrival
In typical fashion, Revelation moves from a discussion of heavenly events followed by their impact on earth
John’s nineteenth chapter opens with meta houte houtos again, that Greek phrase implying a cause-and-effect sequence
So the events of Chapters 17 & 18 and these events in heaven are related, and that relationship is somewhat obvious
The seventh bowl judgment described in Chapters 16-18 led to several events that precipitated the Lord’s Second Coming
First, it made it possible for the Antichrist to move his forces out of Babylon and into northern Israel – Stage I
That resulted in the destruction of Babylon, the great harlot, by an attack of rebellious forces – Stage II
And now with Babylon’s demise, the way has been paved for Christ’s return because opposition to His rule is quickly disappearing
The preparation for Christ’s return begins in the opening of Chapter 19 with the marriage supper of the Lamb
The multitude of the heavenly host recognize the significance of this moment and sing out Hallelujah!
All human history has been pointing to this moment, and as it arrives, the drama is undeniable even in Heaven
They declare that salvation and glory and power belong to God and these characteristics of our God are now ready to appear on earth
The Lord has brought His righteous judgment to the ungodly and vile on earth
He has avenged those who were persecuted and martyred, just as He promised to the souls under the altar
And He has put an end to the chief adversary of the truth, spiritual Babylon in all its forms
That leads to a moment of worship and praise in Heaven for Who God is and what He has done to bring about the dawn of the Kingdom
The elders and the four living creatures fell down and worshipped
And all the bond-servants do the same, the great and the small
Note that the term bond-servant is a specific reference to the Church saints, so the Church is clearly in Heaven with Jesus
This statement refutes any claim that the Church remains on the earth until the Second Coming of Christ
In v.5 we see irrefutable evidence that we are already in Heaven at this point
Also, note that the leaders in the Heavenly realm are also the worship leaders in that realm
Worship is the natural expression of any child of God who recognizes the power, wisdom, grace and goodness of God
Never will that be more evident than in Heaven, of course, but we shouldn’t wait until that moment to demonstrate our worship
Worship isn’t merely an inward feeling or thought…it only fulfills its purpose in glorifying God through an outward expression
That outward expression takes the form of words, song, posture and other forms of expression
So it’s a proper and necessary Christian discipline to express our devotion and praise outwardly, both individually and corporately
And scenes like this remind us of how important worship is
So now the stage is set for Christ’s return and next we see preparations for that return beginning in Heaven
In the heavenly realm, a declaration is made by a great multitude (an uncountable number) that Christ reigns!
The composition of this multitude then becomes the focus for the next few verses of the chapter
The first group called out from within the multitude the Bride, who has made herself ready for the Lamb
The “Bride of Christ” is a New Testament reference to the Church saints, those who are baptized in the Spirit by faith in Jesus
We are given this association by Paul in Ephesians 5
Paul compares the Church’s relationship to Christ to one of a bride to a husband
Elsewhere Paul defines the term “Church” to mean all who have the indwelling of the Holy Spirit
And the only ones with that distinction are the saints who lived between Pentecost and the Resurrection (rapture) of the Church
Certainly, there are saints who lived before the Church and there are saints who lived after in the Tribulation
But only those who fall within this special period are called the Bride of Christ in the Bible
The Lord has chosen to call His Church a Bride and Himself our Groom to picture our relationship to Him and the events that lie ahead
The Lord uses the metaphor of a wedding to reflect the process He follows to bring us to Him and ready the world for our return
We studied this connection between marriage and our future as the Church in an earlier lesson
I compared the Church’s removal from the earth at our resurrection to a Jewish betrothal
In this process, the betrothal happens before the bride and groom meet, just as we entered into a covenant with Jesus without meeting Him
Next there is a period of waiting for the groom to claim the bride, which is the period the Church is in presently on earth
Later the Groom will come for His Bride at the resurrection and we will return to the Groom’s home for a time in Heaven
After time with the Groom, the wedding is held and a celebration at the Groom’s house
This is followed by the Groom and Bride traveling back to the Bride’s home for another celebration
That step will happen after the Second Coming of Christ
But now we see the marriage supper at the Groom’s home preparing to happen
This is the moment that Jesus told the disciples would take place while He was still with them
The Lord suspended the Passover meal with a cup of wine still waiting, and He says that final cup awaits the Kingdom
That celebration will begin with the wedding supper
Then back in v.8 John hears how the the Bride (i.e., the saints) is prepared for the wedding
We receive bright clean linen to wear which are the righteous acts of the saints
We discussed the way linen represented our works earlier when we studied the letters to the churches
The Church is preparing to go to earth and receive our inheritance and the rewards for our service in the Kingdom
So as we prepare to make that journey with Jesus, we receive a token representing their good work done by faith and in service
But notice that the linen represents only works that are righteous
We will do many works “for” Jesus over the course of our life walking with Him, but not all are righteous
Some of those works are done with selfish or insincere motives or are not a result of the leading for the Spirit
These are bad works in the sense that they are not directed by and for Jesus…they are simply done for our own sake
And those don’t count for reward
So the first group mentioned in the throne room are those who are the Bride (the Church) and we are preparing by donning proper garments
Meanwhile, every wedding needs a wedding party to share in the moment and celebrate with the Bride and Groom
And there will be guests invited to the wedding in Heaven also
In v.9 John is told that those who are able to view this wedding moment in Heaven are blessed by that opportunity
So who will be present in Heaven and able to attend this wedding moment and yet will not be the Bride?
The Bride isn’t invited to her own wedding, so these are saints other than the Church
So the guests must be the Old Testament and Tribulation saints
Every believer from Abel to John the Baptist and all those who die in Tribulation will be in Heaven at this moment
They remain there in spirit form only, without bodies, awaiting their opportunity for resurrection
We will study their resurrection moment later in the study
Meanwhile, they look on as we participate in the marriage supper of the Lamb
At the thought of all this, John is moved to spontaneously drop down and worship his escort angel, but the angel tells him to stop
He says he is just a servant of God and of believers
Instead, worship only God because Jesus is the spirit of all prophecy
The angel means Jesus by His Spirit is the source of all revelation and the angel was just the messenger of that revelation
The author of the message deserves glory, not the conduit of that message
So when we are dying of thirst, we praise the water coming through our tap, we don’t praise the pipes
Similarly, we praise Jesus the Author of this plan, not the messenger who told us about it
Now at this point in Revelation 19 at v.11, John moves to describing the return of the Lord, but we’re not ready to take that step with John
We have events on earth that we left hanging, and we need to know how those events conclude before we come back to Chapter 19
So on earth at this point, the world had been rocked by unbelievable devastation and turmoil
The Kingdom of Satan was wiped out, but the Antichrist is still ruling and persecuting the remaining Jews in Jerusalem
His army is now on the move southward, to take the only city still remaining on earth, Jerusalem
Since his headquarters is gone, he has no choice but to make Jerusalem his new capital
So the great war of God is now about to take place, the war we call Armageddon
We’ve already studied Stages I and II of the battle so let’s review them again briefly
Stage I was the movement of the Antichrist’s forces from east to west, from Babylon to the Jezreel Valley
That move was triggered by the Lord drying up the blood river Euphrates and setting the Antichrist’s mind to attack Jerusalem
Stage II was the invasion of the armies of the northern kings who wipe out Babylon and seize control of the Antichrist’s headquarters
But then shortly thereafter, the Lord destroyed the city completely with the final bowl judgment
So the armies and the city itself cease to exist, but that attack has motivated the Antichrist to move toward Jerusalem
So now Stage III of the war begins and will be the next part of our study
Stage III involves three different locations in the Middle East:
Jerusalem, the Mt. of Olives and Botzrah
Let’s start with an overview from the book of Daniel
In this passage we studied earlier, we learned that the Antichrist would dominate the world and take control with the power of Satan
But then we read this…
First, notice in v.40 that Daniel says “at the end” meaning at the end of the seven years
So we know these events are related to the end of the Tribulation, right before and during Christ’s Second Coming
At that time, two of the seven kings will take action against the Antichrist
The kings of the South and North collide with the Antichrist, and the Hebrew word for collide is push, as in press in
These are the two kings that come against Babylon as we studied in Chapter 18
They storm against the city of the Antichrist with chariots and horsemen and with ships traveling up river
Meanwhile, as that attack is happening, v.40 says the Antichrist is entering other countries, namely Israel, passing through the land
Then in v.41 Daniel confirms that the Antichrist has entered Israel by calling it the Beautiful Land, which to a Jew means only one place
He successfully invades Israel, which we also studied earlier in Chapter 17
But notice that three areas of the world will be rescued out of his hands: Edom, Moab and Ammon
These are ancient names for roughly the same region, which is present-day Jordon, a strip of land east of the Jordan River
This is also the region that includes Botzrah
So if this area is rescued out of his hand at the end, then it means the Antichrist must attack this area at the very end
And the prophet Jeremiah confirms that the Antichrist will attack Botzrah at the very end
What remains of the Antichrist’s armed forces are located largely in two places
First, the bulk of his army is concentrated in the Jezreel Valley in northern Israel ready to attack Jerusalem
But there are still others scattered around the ruins of Babylon
They escaped the invaders and watched the city’s destruction from afar as described in Chapter 19
So Jeremiah says in v.14 that the Antichrist sends an envoy probably on horseback to the nations back in Babylon and instructs them to attack
Their target are the Jews at Botzrah
Remember that at the mid-point of Tribulation the Lord escorted believing Jews out of Jerusalem into the desert to be protected
He prepared a place for them in present-day Southern Jordan, in a rocky canyon area that can’t be easily breeched
In the Bible, the place is called Botzrah (Petra), which is Hebrew for a sheep’s fold or pen as Jews will be protected there like sheep
And though the enemy will desire to attack and destroy them, he won’t have the ability because the Lord defends His people there
But at the very end of Tribulation, the Antichrist will try again to destroy the Jews hiding in Petra
And when he does, Jeremiah says that Botzrah in Edom will become a ruin
He means that the Antichrist’s forces there will come to ruin
Notice in v.15 the Lord says He has made the Antichrist’s army small among the nations
This army has been reduced greatly by the judgments and yet it will still try to defeat the Jews in protection
And in vs.21-22 Jeremiah says the Lord will swoop down like an eagle to defend His people
The Lord’s Second Coming involves an appearance at Botzrah, to defend those waiting in protection there
We will come back to this moment a little later, but for now let’s move to the second major theater of this war: Jerusalem
And that takes us back to our overview in Daniel 11
As the Antichrist rampages throughout the remaining inhabitable lands of the Middle East, he receives a report, a rumor, from the East and from the North
In v.44 Daniel says these reports from the East and North will disturb him
This reminds us of what we learned last week when we studied the destruction of Babylon
The Antichrist, while in the land of Israel, hears of the defeat of Babylon at the hands of the king of the North
Those are the rumors that disturb him here, and notice they bring him to great wrath and lead him to annihilate many
Then in v.45 Daniel says this news also causes him to move his forces from the Jezreel Valley to the west side of Jerusalem
It says he pitches his tents of his royal pavilion, which is proof that this is a military encampment on the move
He locates his encampment between two familiar places in Israel
On the east stands the beautiful Holy Mountain, a reference to Mt. Zion where the temple is located
On the west he has the seas, and the only sea touching Israel is the Mediterranean Sea
So he will be located in the Shephelah, the foothills on the western side of the country
Once again notice that this battle will also not go his way
In v.45 Daniel says that he will come to his end and no one will help him
He will have no allies or other forces come to his aid and of course nothing will be able to stand against Christ anyway
So the Antichrist’s deployment of his forces to Botzrah and Jerusalem is Stage III of the War of Armageddon
These movements are triggered by the news that his headquarters is gone
It enrages the Antichrist and leads him to go forth in anger to annihilate many, specifically the Jews in Botzrah and Jerusalem
The third area of action at Christ’s Second Coming will be on the Mt. of Olives, but we will wait to address that scene later
For now, let’s stay with the action near Jerusalem and consult a few other texts to understand how that battle develops
The armies of the Antichrist siege the city and prepare to breach what defenses remain
Remember, the Tribulation has reduced men to attacking on horses using ancient weaponry
And stone walls are once again an effective defense
So the Antichrist’s attack will proceed in a manner similar to ancient warfare
A siege followed by an assault and a defense using basic weapons, and ultimately hand-to-hand combat
The OT prophets give plenty of detail about the attack of Jerusalem, but we’re only going to look at a few select places
Beginning with Joel, who tells us this attack is centered on Jerusalem in the Valley of Jehoshaphat
Joel says that warriors will come against the city having beaten farming implements into makeshift weapons
They come because the Lord has brought them here, in the sense that He has orchestrated the events leading to this battle
They come to the valley of Jehoshaphat, which is another name for the Kidron valley along the east side of the city
So the armies approach from the west and eventually surround the city on all sides
Isaiah gives us more detail on this attack
In this passage, Isaiah describes the place under attack as Ariel, which is another Hebrew name for the city of Jerusalem
We see that confirmed because Isaiah says it’s the city where David once camped
And this city will be under siege with battle towers erected and it will be like an “ariel” to the Lord
The word Ariel literally means altar, or a place of sacrifice
The Lord will be making a sacrifice with the people who die in the battle, an atoning sacrifice for the sins of the nation
During the Antichrist’s siege, the city’s inhabitants will be faint of heart, expecting to die at any minute
Notice in v.4 it will result in the nation bowing low, speaking from the earth, meaning with their face on the ground
That’s a posture of humility and worship, so the nation will be moved to seek for God
And from the dust where they are prostrate, their voice will rise up like a spirit from the ground
We will study this moment more later
Meanwhile, notice that the enemies of Israel will be struck down in an instant, suddenly as a result of Israel’s prayers for help
In a whirlwind of consuming fire, all the nations that stood against her will be gone as if it was just a dream
Clearly, this is a supernatural defeat
Micah confirms this account
Micah asks why the people of Israel cry out and why is there no king among them?
These are rhetorical and somewhat mocking questions, because God is pointing out they turned their back on their king in times past
And now that’s why Israel is suffering in this time
Many nations have assembled before Israel and are gloating over their opportunity to possess the city
But they don’t know that the Lord has set them up in this trap, and the trap is about to be sprung on them
They don’t understand the Lord’s purpose which is to destroy all of the Antichrist’s forces
He has gathered the Antichrist’s army at Jerusalem like sheaves in a threshing floor to be crushed and separated like wheat from chaff
Finally, Zechariah tells us this plan of allowing the attack on Jerusalem serves God’s purpose in putting pressure on Israel
In v.7 Zechariah refers to the Lord as the Shepherd and the Antichrist as My Associate
The Shepherd would be struck down in His day and Israel would be scattered
That’s clearly a reference to the Lord’s first coming
After Jesus died, the Lord scattered the Jews in AD 70 as penalty for rejecting their Messiah
And now the time has come for the Lord to bring judgment against the man, My Associate, speaking of the Antichrist and Satan behind the scenes
In v.8 Zechariah says that two parts to the land will be cut off and perish
These two parts cut off are the sections of Israel in the north and south
Those Jews living there will die when the Antichrist enters the land
Only the Jews left in the middle of the nation in the city of Jerusalem will be alive
And this group will be put through a furnace of trial to refine them
This will ultimately lead these Jews to respond to their fate by calling out for their Lord
And He will answer them, Zechariah says
Finally, Zechariah gives a very detailed description of the attack and of the Lord’s defense of the city
After the siege comes against Jerusalem, the Lord will make the city like a heavy stone too heavy to lift
And when the nations try to “lift” it, they will be injured in the attempt
He is describing the way the Lord supernaturally defends the city during the Antichrist’s siege so that he can’t take the city
The horses will be struck with bewilderment and blindness and the riders with madness
So the attackers and their animals will become confused and disorganized
At the sight of this, in v.5 we’re told the people in the city will acknowledge that the Lord is the One coming to their defense
In v.7 the Lord will defend not only those living in the city but also Jews who are camped outside the protection of the walls
Those dwelling in tents is a description of Jews who are outside the city and especially vulnerable to the attack
Judah is a reference to the larger region in which Jerusalem sits, so the Lord will defend not only the city but all of Judah
Remember, this is the “middle” third of the people that God said He would refine by ultimately saving
And in v.8 we see that the Lord will strengthen the hearts of the people for the battle, so even the weakest will be like David before Goliath
The end result will be that the Lord will destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem in that coming day
Later in our study we’ll come back to this scene to see how Jesus accomplishes this victory upon His return
But here we see that even before Jesus returns, the Lord works supernaturally to defend Jerusalem
This moment is pictured in the history of Israel in a vivid way in the story of Hezekiah
In Chapter 37 of Isaiah and in 2 Kings 19 we learn the story of Assyria’s siege of Jerusalem
Assyria was sent by God to destroy the Northern Kingdom of Israel as punishment for their sins
But Assyria became proud and thought it had the right to conquer Judah as well
God did not give Judah into Assyria’s hands…Assyria was told they could destroy only the Northern Kingdom
But the king of Assyria was greedy and decided to attack the south anyway
The Assyrians invaded Judah encamped around Jerusalem sieging the city and attempting to defeat it
They had a massive army and it appeared as if the city would be defeated
At one point the commander of the Assyrian army sends a letter to King Hezekiah demanding surrender or suffer annihilation
The people were faint with fear and expected to be crushed
But King Hezekiah famously took the letter from the commander of the Assyrians and spread it out before the Lord and prayed
He ends the prayer saying:
The Lord tells Hezekiah that because he prayed, the Lord would rescue the city from the Assyrians
And then the Lord says to the commander of the Assyrian army
This story is a picture of what takes place in the time of Tribulation with Jerusalem and the Antichrist
And it also pictures the way the nation will be saved by the Lord in the end as well
Israel will feel the pressure of the fight, and fearing for their lives, they will finally turn to their Lord
And when they bow to Him and ask for rescue, then the Lord will rescue them
He will come and finish the fight for them, just as He destroyed the Assyrian army Himself
The Lord went into the Assyrian camp as the Angel of the Lord and destroyed the army Himself
This is what we will study next week as we see the Lord’s return and His destruction of the Antichrist’s armies
Beginning with the army in Botzrah and ending with the army attacking Jerusalem
And in that study we will also look closely at the moment that Israel calls out for Jesus as we saw tonight
And as we do, we will learn why it is so important to Satan that he destroy the Jews in Tribulation
And also why it’s so important to God that the Jewish people survive