Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongWe’re nearing the end of the mid-Tribulation period, and as we do, let’s take a brief moment to stitch together everything we’ve learned about this period
The trigger for all the mid-Tribulation events seems to have been Satan’s casting down from Heaven
After he loses the war with Michael, he is bound to the earth and knows his time is short
So Satan begins to war with the saints and the Jewish people
He first attacks believing Jews, and the Lord protects them in a fortress in the desert
So then Satan departs and seeks a new strategy, beginning with orchestrating the death and resurrection of the Antichrist
The man is killed in Jerusalem by three kings but then is resurrected by Satan
His resurrection stuns the world, and they celebrate him as a savior
His first act is to kill the three kings and the two witnesses in Jerusalem and then enter the temple
In the temple, the Antichrist declares himself to be god and puts an end to the practice of Judaism
He eventually leaves the city to complete his conquest of the world and to persecute the saints
Before he goes, Satan raises up a second man to be a false prophet who, in the Antichrist’s presence, possesses great power
The false prophet tells the world to worship the Antichrist
He sets up an image of the Antichrist in the temple to focus worship after the Antichrist leaves Jerusalem
And he institutes a new religious order for the world that requires taking a mark to buy or sell
Those who refuse the mark are executed
All of these things happen in a relatively brief period of time at the midpoint of Tribulation
We have one more chapter of mid-tribulation events and a concluding chapter to close the book of this part of Tribulation
Let’s set the scene for Chapter 14 with a brief transition out of the events of Chapter 13
The false prophet now requires all humanity to worship the Antichrist and take a mark on their bodies
If they do not worship the image of the Antichrist in the temple, they are killed
And if they do not take the mark of the beast on their body, they could not buy or sell anything
The false prophet’s requirements placed all mankind between a rock and a hard place
On the one hand, refuse the mark and die
On the other hand, take the mark and forever be excluded from the possibility of receiving salvation
Everyone in the world must now make a public declaration for or against the Antichrist
There is no room for undecideds or agnostics
The world will be polarized into a few camps defined according to their response to the Antichrist
Among those who choose not to worship the beast, the principle group will be believers, both Jew and Gentile
The believing remnant lies in protection in the wilderness and of course will not have the mark or worship the beast
They will be the only ones who escape persecution once they reach Botzrah
Then there will be believing Gentiles who experience severe persecution and many, if not most, will be martyred
Finally, there will also be unbelievers who refuse the mark, namely the orthodox Jews who continue to believe in Yahweh
Both these groups will face stiff persecution and many will die, though as we will see some will survive
But there is one more distinct group that will never takes the mark of the beast and so they too are persecuted
But unlike the earlier groups, none of those in this fourth group will survive the Tribulation
In fact, 100% of this fourth group will be martyred
That group is the 144,000 Jewish evangelists that began the work of salvation during this period of history
That’s the group we open with tonight in our study
John’s vision transitions to a new scene, that of the Lamb standing on Mt. Zion
We know from earlier chapters of Revelation that the Lamb is Christ
But then we’re told He is standing on Mt. Zion
Today, there is a mountain directly south of the temple mount in Jerusalem called Mt. Zion
So at first glance, we might assume that John was witnessing Jesus standing on earth in Jerusalem
But there are several problems with that view, beginning with what we see in the rest of Revelation
The previous time we saw the Lamb mentioned as part of the action was in Chapter 8 when He broke the seventh seal
At that time, Jesus was in the throne room of Heaven
And the next time we see the Lamb taking part in the action will be in Chapter 19 when He returns to Earth
So logically, we should expect the Lamb to remain in the Heavenly realm until the return of Christ in Chapter 19
But at this point, we’re only at the mid-point of Tribulation
So that raises questions of where this scene is taking place – which we will answer as we move ahead
Next, we see the 144,000 standing with Jesus, having the name of the Father written on their foreheads
Obviously, this group of 144,000 Jewish men is a reference back to the events of Revelation 7 when the Jewish men were commissioned
144,000 were marked with the seal of the Living God, which is the name of the Father
Then they went out to bring an uncountable multitude to faith
Since then we haven’t heard anything of these men and their work
But now as we reach the mid-point of Tribulation, we find them standing with Jesus on Mt. Zion
Are they on the Mt. Zion of present-day Jerusalem?
If so, then it would mean that Jesus was standing with them on earth in the middle of Tribulation
But that can’t be since we know that Jesus doesn’t return until the end of the age according to Daniel
So where is this scene taking place? We need to move further in the text
As John sees Jesus and the 144,000, he hears a voice from heaven, but the voice isn’t really a voice…it’s a loud thundering sound
It’s also like the sound of harpists playing, so it’s the sound of many thundering voices combined with harps playing
That’s a unique sound and difficult to imagine
And it came from the throne, so it seems to be the voice of God
Then John says the 144,000 begin singing before the throne of God and before the creatures and the elders
The only ones who knew this song were the 144,000, therefore we must conclude that only ones singing were the 144,000
If the 144,000 are singing before the throne, then they are obviously in Heaven as is Jesus
So why did John say he saw them on Mt. Zion? Mt. Zion is a common term in the Bible for the Kingdom of Israel in glory
So John saw the future kingdom of Israel in glory depicted in the Heavenly throne room
Jesus in His glory preparing to rule and 144,000 Jewish men prepared to enter and rule with Jesus
And they were standing on the heavenly Mt. Zion in the New Jerusalem in Heaven
The New Testament mentions the Mt. Zion in Heaven in at least a couple of places
The writer of Hebrews says that our future lies in Heaven, with a heavenly Mt. Zion ready to descend to earth
And Paul says that Jesus will come from this place when He returns to earth
So the chapter opened with a scene of Jesus in Heaven accompanied by the 144,000 evangelists
So why is John being shown this scene of the 144,000 in heaven with Jesus at the mid-Tribulation moment?
Notice in v.3 that the 144,000 are described as those who were purchased from the earth
To be “from the earth” is a clear indication that they have left earth and arrived in Heaven
And they were “purchased” which means redeemed by the blood of Christ
Back in Chapter 5 we heard something similar
Back in Chapter 5 we had another group around the throne singing a song declaring that Jesus purchased men from the earth
In this context, the term purchase clearly refers to the Lord purchasing believers by His sacrifice on the cross
So in Revelation 14 we must conclude that these 144,000 were removed from the earth and now reside in Heaven
And they entered Heaven because they believed in Jesus
Then in v.4 we’re given the reason for their death: they were the first fruits for God
The concept of first fruits is found throughout Scripture, and the concept is simple
During any reaping of produce, the best fruit are typically harvested first (low-hanging fruit)
In the law, the Lord dictated that these would be given to God as an offering of thanks
The Lord deserves the first and the best in everything, including in the bounty of the land
So the concept of first fruits is that the best goes first and belongs to the Lord, and in v.4 we’re told these men are the ones who follow Jesus everywhere
They are in Heaven, so clearly they have died, and since it’s mid-Tribulation, they died before the second half of the Tribulation
So they are the first and best of the martyrs that will soon follow
They aren’t necessarily the first people to die during Tribulation, but they are the first group to enter complete into Heaven
They were a privileged group because they were the first to receive faith after the rapture removed all believers from earth
And they were the first to spread the Gospel again
And they were set apart from earthly pleasures like marriage so they could be dedicated to serving Jesus
And they were single-minded to their task, obediently following Jesus wherever He asked them to go and whatever He wanted done
In v.5 we’re told they never lie, which is a truly powerful testimony for any person
They certainly weren’t sinless, but it appears they were on a level of Paul or the other apostles in their sanctified lifestyle
Simply put, they were models of obedience and service during their short time on earth
And then as further grace to them, the Lord allowed them to be the first of the martyrs, removed from earth before the worst of Tribulation starts
They were probably being killed throughout the first half of Tribulation
And then when the mark is required and worship of the image of the beast is required, these men refuse, of course
And so the remaining are quickly killed and become models for obedient martyrdom as well
Now that all have been martyred, they stand Jesus on Mt. Zion awaiting the end of the Tribulation
So if the 144,000 were sealed in Chapter 7, how could they be killed at mid-Tribulation? Wouldn’t the sealing protect them?
Let’s revisit the description of their sealing
These men were sealed and the text indicated that the sealing would prevent the supernatural disaster harm them
Much like God protected Israel in Goshen during the time of the Exodus plagues, these men would be protected too
Earlier in Revelation 6:6 we’re told that these disasters won’t hard the oil or wine either, which is a reference to the land of Israel
So the disasters spare the land of Israel and they also spare these men no matter where they travel
So the 144,000 were sealed to protect them from God’s judgments, but evidently that sealing is removed at mid-Tribulation
The time has come for evangelism to end and for all destinies to be set
God has purposed to allow believers to experience martyrdom and the first fruits of that martyrdom will be the 144,000
By their example, the saints will have encouragement to know that death is not something to fear
Back in Chapter 12 we were told that mid-Tribulation would include believers dying rather than bending their knee to Satan
The martyring of the 144,000 is further evidence that the opportunity to know the truth and be saved by God’s grace has come to an end on earth
It’s highly symbolic to see those God selected and commissioned to re-ignite the spread of the Gospel having died and completed that mission
The suggestion is that the time for sharing the faith and persuading people to believe is over
With the Antichrist demanding that everyone take a stand, everyone must decide at mid-Tribulation
So the undecided column quickly drops to zero
So who is left to save?
The saved already believe and the unsaved have taken the mark and are therefore unsaveable…except for one group
We come back to that remaining hold out group later, but for now let’s move ahead
Meanwhile, the Lord offers one, very final opportunity to the world to believe, and the offer comes from the very top
Now John sees another angel flying in midheaven (the atmosphere), and the last time he saw an angel flying was to announce the coming Woe Judgments
And sure enough, this angel is bringing another heavenly declaration to the entire world
This angel preaches an eternal gospel to the world, John says
He calls it an eternal Gospel because it’s the very same message that has always been preached
There has only ever been one way to be saved, one plan for salvation, one message that must be believed
The details of that message have expanded over time to include more specifics, but the thrust of that message never changed
From Adam and Woman in the Garden to Noah to Abraham to Moses to Samuel to David to the Apostles
From Abel to Zachariah, the message has always been that a righteous man lives by his faith in the promises of God
And here the angel delivers it one last time to the world of this age
In this case, the angel declares that the window was closing, the salvation train was leaving the station
The hour of judgment had come, and in this context “hour” simply means a short time
So don’t fear the Antichrist and don’t fear physical death, but instead fear the Lord, and trust Him Who has made all things
This angelic declaration is God’s final presentation of the Gospel to the world prior to the return of Christ
We can hardly accuse God of not making enough opportunities available
Not only has God delivered the Gospel by means of men who faced death for their willingness to declare truth
But now God has also elevated that presentation to the heavenly realm
In this moment, the Gospel is proclaimed to the entire world, just as Jesus promised
Jesus tells us that the Gospel will be preached in the whole world before the end of Tribulation and here we see that fulfilled
He says it will be done as a testimony to all the nations
It’s a testimony both in the sense that some might believe, though we don’t know how many will
But also in the sense that it’s a warning to convict the world
It’s also a reminder to us that evangelism has never and will never depend upon human beings
This one passage forever negates and renders irrelevant any question or objection about how God saves people
God has all the power He needs to save whoever He desires
So if you’ve pointed to the native in a jungle who has never heard of Jesus and wondered if God has been unfair to them, remember this passage
All those God intends to reach will be reached one way or another
And often the method He will use is people like me and you, people who worry about the unreached in the jungle
So when those people come to your mind, perhaps that’s a sign you are supposed to be part of that solution
The Lord has more to say to the earth, so a second angel makes an announcement from midheaven
The second announcement concerns the enemy and his kingdom on earth
The name of the Antichrist’s kingdom is Babylon, and this is the first mention of this city name
As we’ve seen already, major topics of Revelation are generally spread out over multiple chapters in the book
The topic of Babylon is significant to understanding the events of the second half of Tribulation
But since it’s revealed in pieces, beginning here and running until the end of Chapter 18, we will wait until later to explore it
Next, a third angel declares that if anyone doesn’t heed the call to believe the Gospel and takes the mark, they will be tormented forever
There will be no second chance for anyone with the mark of the beast because there is no source of the truth after this moment
Since God Himself has preached by means of an angel, human messengers are no longer available
No more evangelism, no new voices sharing the truth
So the fate of every person on earth will be sealed at mid-Tribulation
Moreover, the punishment is eternal and terrible, and in v.10 we have one of the most detailed descriptions of eternal punishment in the Bible
The specific judgment described is one of burning and suffering in torment
Those who die absent faith suffer the wrath of God for sin
Specifically, they suffer in intense heat, described as fire and brimstone
And they suffer night and day without end and without rest
They’re suffering without end because they are forever existing in a sinful state
So their suffering is a result of who they are, not merely for what they’ve done
Finally, they will suffer in the presence of the angels and the Lamb of God
In recent time, it’s become fashionable to proclaim that there is no hell and that a loving God would not punish people so harshly
Some claim God gives second chances after death and others claim that eternal punishment doesn’t last forever but after some time it ends
While we might be able to empathize with someone’s desire to see unbelievers given a reprieve in eternity
Or entertain thoughts the eternal punishment must end at some point, we can’t let our emotions override the meaning of the text
Scripture is abundantly clear about the nature and duration of eternal judgment for unbelievers
Unbelievers face a never ending burning torment, the wrath of an angry God Who hates sin
And they face eternal judgment because their sinful nature itself never ceases even in eternity
Ironically, those false teachers who try to convince others that there is no hell or punishment isn’t eternal contribute to the plight of the sinner
They remove perhaps the one incentive God was prepared to use in converting the unbeliever, thus ensuring their demise
And these false teachers also give purpose to Hell’s very existence
Now the narrative switches…
In v.12 John says here is the perseverance of the saints, and notice that this verse is not a quote
An angel was speaking in v.11 and a voice of Heaven starts talking again in v.13, so this is commentary by John
The perseverance of the saints means the way the saints maintain hope in these difficult days…
So John says to the saints of Tribulation, here’s how you maintain hope during the difficult 3.5 years about to start
They maintain hope by understanding that dying is a blessing
Those who die in the Lord will have been released from living in a horrific, sinful world
They will have rested from the burden of trying to escape the enemy, surviving on meager supplies of food and water
Of dealing with sinful, sick and weak bodies and the uncertainty of what lies around the corner
The hope of all believers in that day will be the rest that death brings, knowing their deeds will follow them
The mention of deeds following is a reference to the eternal rewards that will be theirs for persevering in difficult times
They will be rewarded for maintaining a strong witness in the midst of so much pressure to recant
And they can press on knowing that if and when death comes, it is a blessing
But more than just escaping the turmoil of Tribulation, death brings another blessing for these saints
If a person dies in this time, they will be assured of living in the Kingdom in a resurrected state
And in that resurrected state they will be sinless and glorified
And as a glorified member of the Kingdom, they will be part of the government
Those believers who live to the end of the Tribulation and never die will also enter the Kingdom, but they will enter in natural bodies
And therefore, they will not be part of the Kingdom government
We will come back to that topic later in our study
So those who die in the Lord from now will be blessed, and that number will be very high
In fact, martyrdom will be the norm…
On a white cloud is one like a son of man Who has a sickle in his hand
At the command of an angel, he swung his sickle and reaped the earth
Obviously, we have numerous questions about what John is seeing, so let’s work back through the details
We’ll begin by determining who is the one on the cloud with the sickle
John says he was sitting on a cloud like a son of man, and the reference to “son of man” immediately draws us to suspect this is Christ
We know it’s a Messianic term in the New Testament
And John commonly uses that term for Christ in his gospel
But there are a several details that undermine that conclusion
First, the “man” has a golden crown on his head but the Greek word for crown is stephanos
That is not the Greek word used for the crown worn by a king (diadem)
In fact, the next time we see Jesus described in Chapter 19, we’re told this
The form of crown Christ wears is a diadem, not a stephanos
Second, the one on the cloud takes an order from an angel sent from heaven
It seems unlikely that the Lord in His glorified form would take a command from an angel
Third, the angel that gives that command is described by John as “another” angel
“Another” could simply mean another angel like those earlier in the chapter, but it suggests that both these characters are angels
Giving further support to that conclusion, Jesus described in the Olivet Discourse a reaping of the earth during Tribulation by angels
In speaking about the events of the second half of Tribulation, Jesus said that the elect will be gathered (or reaped) from the earth
There is a regathering of the elect at Jesus’ Second Coming which we will cover later
But throughout the Great Tribulation, the angels will be reaping believers through martyrdom
So the two in view here are both angels, and the directive from Heaven comes announcing that believers are now to be removed
This is our confirmation that the second half of Tribulation is a time of great martyrdom
Angels are reapers of believers, and according to Jesus in Luke 16 believers are escorted into Heaven by angels
But while angels will be reaping the earth of believers, the actual process of death will be carried out by the Antichrist’s forces
Remember what Daniel told us would be true in this time
The Lord allows the Antichrist to prosper and have success in killing saints for 3.5 years
This is the time of martyrdom
But as the angels already declared, his success will be temporary
Finally, two more angels emerge from the temple in Heaven, and one angel has a sickle also
This again confirms our earlier conclusions that these characters are angels and none are Jesus
Like before, the second angel gives an order to the first angel to reap
But this time the reaping task involves removing a different group from the earth
We know this second group is different than the first group because they face a different fate
This is a description of the deaths of the world’s entire population of unbelievers at a point near the end of Tribulation
Obviously, this chapter has been describing events that span the second half of Tribulation
And believers are dying throughout this time
But the death of the unbelievers is largely confined to the final days and weeks of Tribulation
This group will be placed into the great winepress of the wrath of God to the effect of a great bloodshed, John says
This is looking ahead to the end of the seven years even as we exit the mid-Tribulation period
Specifically, it’s referencing the war of Armageddon, which we begin to study next week
But for now, the reader gets a taste of what’s coming for the unbeliever to balance what we’ve learned about the fate of believers
And unbelievers will become a bloodbath, literally, producing a river of blood rising incredibly high and traveling impossibly far
The blood is 4½ feet high and two hundred miles long
How is this possible? Because it happens in a narrow ravine that runs in Israel
As we will learn later, the battle happens in the valley of Kidron which is probably the channel through which the blood flows
Nevertheless, the amount of blood here is literally the blood of billions of people
If we assume it flowed to the width of that valley, we’re talking about 62 billion cubic feet of blood
That would require over 300 billion people’s blood, which is clearly too high to be realistic
Instead, it likely means that at the moment of the winepress when the armies are killed, there will be a sudden release of blood in the valley
And it will produce a 4.5-foot high wave of blood that flows away from the valley for 200 miles
We’re still talking about a tsunami of blood, and as you let that scene settle in your mind, let it balance your concern for the believer
Vengeance is mine, declares the Lord
So the ending of Revelation 14 describes the eventual fate of the unbelieving world upon the return of Christ
But the specific moment when the winepress of the wrath of God takes place will occur at the end of Tribulation
In fact, this reference is a foreshadowing of the bowl judgments, which are right around the corner in a chapter or so
And when it comes, the world will see immense bloodshed
But in the meantime, the second half of Tribulation is a relatively peaceful time for the unbeliever
Only at the very end of Tribulation will the unbelievers encounter suffering and death
The bowl judgments bring a new level of suffering unlike anything the world has ever witnessed before
But the people who suffer through most of the second half of Tribulation will be believers and Jews who oppose the Antichrist
So Chapters 10-14 have taken us out of the Trumpet judgments and into the amazing events of mid-Tribulation
Those events have drawn to a close, and now we wonder how the second 3½ years will proceed
Though there is still much to happen at the end of Tribulation, in a way the answer will be a bit of a disappointment
Because the next two chapters pick up at a point near the end of Tribulation
Most of the second half of Tribulation will have concluded, and in reality, we’ve already studied most of the last half of Tribulation
In Chapters 12-14 we learned that during the last 3½ years the enemy is confined to earth
Together with the Antichrist and false prophet, he persecutes and kills anyone who threatens his existence, particularly Christians and Jews
The Antichrist and false prophet pursue an economic and police state that brings a temporary sense of peace to the unbeliever
But it brings great persecution to believers and Jews
That’s how the final 3.5 years of Tribulation will go…until the bowl judgments begin
To end today, let’s revisit all three judgment series in Tribulation
The first series of judgments, the seals, contains all three judgments
So that seventh seal ARE the seven trumpet judgments
And then the seventh trumpet will become the seven bowl judgments
When the judgments were suspended at the end of Chapter 9, we knew we were waiting for the seventh trumpet to sound
We do not know the exact timing for any of the judgments, whether seals, trumpets or bowls
We only know relative positioning within the seven years of Tribulation
For example, we know that the seal judgments cannot begin until Tribulation itself has started by the signing of a covenant
We also know that the seal judgments must happen before the trumpet and the trumpet before the bowls
And we know that the seal and trumpet judgments happen before the middle of Tribulation
This is based on the sequence of chapters in Revelation
Now as we transition into the second half of Tribulation, we know that the bowl judgments are after the middle of Tribulation
But we’re faced with the same question of where exactly in the second half of Tribulation do these judgments take place
The short answer is we can’t be sure exactly, but there are some strong suggestions that they come at the very end of Tribulation
We’ll come back to this question next time as we return to the final judgments of Tribulation