Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongIn our last study, we moved into the mid-Tribulation period of our study
Revelation Chapters 11-14 cover the events that take place in and around the 3.5 year mark of the Tribulation
Each chapter reveals a a piece of a puzzle, a different aspect of the events that mark this important moment
And the number of chapters devoted to the mid-point of Tribulation makes clear how important this time will be
Last time we studied Chapter 11, which revealed that during the first half of Tribulation, two men were prophesying in Israel
They condemn the world for their sin while bringing great disasters that mirror the judgments of the first half of tribulation
In that way, they become the narrators for the destruction taking place because of the seal and trumpet judgments
And as a result the world comes to despise these men, so that when they finally are killed, the world celebrates
A beast was finally able to overpower them, but how did that beast gain the ability to defeat the Lord’s anointed?
We don’t get those details in Chapter 11, but they’re coming
Meanwhile, the chapter ended with a preview of the end to come
And that will be a recurring feature of the mid-tribulation chapters
The events of mid-tribulation are the final act of God in this age, which sets in the motion the events that bring the age to an end
Now we move to the next mid-tribulation chapter and with it a new piece of our puzzle
The twelfth chapter opens with two signs, and these signs work together to tell a single story concerning mid-Tribulation
A sign is, by definition, a symbol that stands for something in the real world
Signs are convenient tools that teach us something about the thing they represent
For example, as we drive on a highway and approach the outskirts of a city we may see a city limits sign
The sign will be labeled with the name of the city, as in our case the sign would say “San Antonio” and maybe the population
By what we learn on the sign, we know the city is nearby and we can anticipate how big it will be
But that small sign is not the actual city; it’s far smaller, of course, nor does it resemble the city at all
We can’t live in the sign, we can’t make the sign our home, etc.
So though the sign pointed us to the city and taught us something about the city, it looked nothing like the city
That may seem obvious, but often Bible students make the mistake of conflating a biblical sign for the true, physical reality it represents
They fail to translate the sign into its true form, and when we do that we will misinterpret the meaning
Imagine the mistakes we would make if we assumed that a road sign was the actual city?
As we open in Chapter 12, we are given two signs, and we know they are signs because John tells us so
Therefore, we must translate these signs into something real, and what we choose must fit all the data we have in this chapter and in the Bible
The first sign is a woman with a child, but since that’s the sign we know the interpretation isn’t a literal woman or literal child
The woman represents something else as does the child
We have to keep reading to understand the meaning of these signs
In v.5 we’re told that the child is a son Who will rule all the nations with a rod of iron
The reference to ruling with a rod of iron comes from Psalm 2
So a child represents the Messiah, and of course Jesus came into the world as a child born to a woman
But notice this sign concludes with the child in Heaven on His throne
So the child doesn’t represent the baby Jesus… Jesus doesn’t sit on a throne and rule the earth as a child
It refers to Jesus the Messiah destined to rule as King over all the nations and seated on His throne in Heaven awaiting the Kingdom
That distinction is important because it keeps us from making the wrong interpretation when we get to the woman
Because if we forget to translate the sign into reality, our interpretation would be too simplistic (baby=baby Jesus)
And if we do that, then naturally the woman will be interpreted as Mary, Jesus’ earthly mother
But the woman is a sign, and as such she doesn’t represent a literal woman, much less Mary
So what does the woman represent? The context gives us our answer
Notice the woman is clothed with sun, moon under her feet and has a crown of twelve stars on her head
Because the Catholic religion has deified Mary, they typically depict Mary according to this description
Once again, that’s treating the sign as the reality which is a misinterpretation of the text
Instead, we follow our rules of interpretation for determining the meaning of a woman with sun, moon and stars
First, we consult the immediate context…but find nothing
Secondly, we consult the rest of Revelation…but there is nothing else in the book
So we go to the rest of the Bible looking for that symbol, and we find our answer in Genesis
Joseph was one of two men in the Bible that received revelation from God through dreams
Joseph’s dreams communicated through symbols and the symbols were always explained in the same context as the dream
In this case, the dream came in two parts, and I’ve provided the two parts so we can see the meaning even more clearly
In the first part of the dream, Joseph and his brothers are represented as sheaves of wheat
This first part of the dream establishes the central meaning of the dream
Joseph’s family would bow down to him in a future day
We know this was fulfilled when Joseph goes to Egypt
But when his family heard this prophecy, Joseph’s brothers react in anger at the suggestion they would serve Joseph
The second part of the dream repeats this central thought but adds additional detail
In the second part of the dream the symbols change from wheat to celestial bodies
Joseph sees the sun, moon and stars bowing down to him, and he shares that with his family
As he relates his dream to his family, Joseph’s father, Jacob, reacts in anger because he too understands its meaning
Jacob’s response gives us the proper interpretation of the symbols
Jacob says the sun, moon and eleven stars represent Jacob, his wife Rachel, and the eleven sons of Israel (not counting Joseph)
So we now have a Biblical interpretation of what a vision of the sun, moon and stars means
It represents the family of Israel (Jacob), or we could say the people of Israel
Confirming that conclusion, we also see Scripture representing the nation of Israel as a woman
So our interpretation fits perfectly…
A woman with sun, moon and stars represents the nation of Israel, the twelve tribes that came from Jacob
Furthermore, that interpretation fits the combination of woman giving birth to a child
Israel as a nation brought forth the Messiah, just as the sign of a woman giving birth to a child
Jesus was Jewish, born out of the family of Jacob
So the first sign of a woman giving birth is Israel bringing forth the Messiah into the world
Next, we turn to the third sign of a dragon and this sign is also complex
By following our rules for interpretation, we find our answer quite easily this time because the interpretation is given in v.9
The dragon is the serpent of old – Satan – so the identity of the dragon is clear
Going further, the dragon has a “tail” that sweeps a third of the stars from heaven and down to earth
Since we know the dragon isn’t literally a dragon then the tail isn’t literal either and neither are the stars
So what do stars represents when they are used symbolically? They usually represent angels and the text later confirms it
Remember we already learned that stars that fall are symbols of demonic (or fallen) angels, as we saw in earlier chapters
And we know that Satan is the leader of the realm of fallen angels who fell from Heaven with him
And again in v.9 we find an interpretation given to us that these stars are the fallen angels that followed Satan in his rebellion
Therefore, logically the tail represents Satan’s corrupting influence which “swept” angels out of heaven
The symbology describes Satan’s fall and the rebellion of a third of the angelic realm that followed him
And when that sign is combined with the earlier sign, we find the chapter is telling a story about Satan’s opposition to Jesus
The dragon had been waiting for the Messiah intending to devour the “child” when He appeared, but Satan did not succeed
Jesus triumphed on the cross and was caught up to His throne
But Satan knows that isn’t the end of the story…so he’s continued fighting against the Messiah hoping he can find a way to win in the end
But since Jesus has left the earth for a time, Satan has no choice but to direct His attacks elsewhere
And the symbols in this chapter explain how Satan has changed his tactics since Jesus’ departure
And more specifically, this chapter explains how the enemy’s attacks will change at the mid-point of Tribulation
Next, we tackle the most difficult part of the second sign: the dragon’s seven heads, seven diadems (or crowns) and ten horns
As good Bible students, we should immediately recognize these symbols
They should be familiar to us because of our previous study of Daniel 7
In that chapter, Daniel saw a dream of four strange beasts, and the final, dreadful beast possessed similar features
This passage is review for us, since we studied Daniel 7 earlier in this course
The fourth beast in Daniel 7 represents the final Gentile kingdom that rules the world during this age
It began with the Roman Empire and evolved into the Imperialistic-Democratic Alliances of our world today
Eventually at the very end of this age, the Fourth Kingdom will take the form of a ten-king ruling structure that controls the entire planet
These ten kings are represented as toes on the statue in Daniel 2
And they are represented as ten horns on the beast in Daniel 7
Then at a later point, Daniel 7 tells us the ten horns will be reduced to seven because an eleventh ruler rises to subdue three of the ten
This coup results in the eleventh leader becoming the absolute authority for a period of time, times and half a time (3½ years)
That phrase, as you remember, means 3.5 years, and it is the telltale sign that we are in a mid-Tribulation moment
And it’s also the key to connecting Revelation 12 to Daniel 7
According to Daniel 7, the world is ruled by ten kings for the first half of Tribulation but at the 3.5 year point, the eleventh takes over
Then that eleventh king proceeds to rule over the whole world for the final three and a half years of the age
We will get more detail on these events in Chapter 13 of Revelation
So for now let’s go back to Revelation 12 and apply what we’ve learned to interpreting the meaning of the dragon’s features
The dragon has ten horns, and from Daniel 7 we know those horns represent the ten kings that will rule the world as the tribulation starts
But Daniel 7 also tells us that by the time of mid-tribulation, we have only seven kings ruling the world (plus the antichrist)
So that means we have seven kings ruling what ten kings previously ruled…seven kings over ten kingdoms
Looking at the dragon again, we find that symbology evident: seven heads with diadems (or crowns) with ten horns
At the mid point of Tribulation, the three rulers are gone leaving behind seven yet the ten kingdoms remain
So the seven now divide up responsibility for ruling over the ten kingdoms
And since all these features are present on the dragon and we know the dragon is Satan, the implication is clear
Those seven leaders are pawns under the control of Satan, they are his heads
And the ten kingdoms these men rule belong to Satan…they are his horns
Therefore, Satan controls the kings and kingdoms, meaning Satan is the god of this world
Now we can put the symbols together to tell the story John recorded
A woman, Israel, was created to bring forth a Messiah Who would defeat the Dragon, Satan, who controls the fallen world
The dragon, in his long-standing war with God, knew his adversary would come one day
So from the beginning, the dragon has anticipated the arrival of Messiah and sought to stop that plan
We know God first announced the plan of His coming Messiah to Satan while in the Garden of Eden
Satan isn’t omniscient so he couldn’t know in advance Who the Messiah would be, so he has attacked in multiple places
Initially, Satan corrupted Cain and used Cain to kill Abel
The purpose was to corrupt the seed through whom God would bring the Messiah
With Cain a murderer and Abel dead, it seemed God’s plan was stopped in its tracks…and then came Seth
Later Satan sent his demons to mate with women during the time of Noah
He hoped to corrupt humanity and prevent the Messiah’s birth, but the Lord wiped out that corruption with a flood
The story of the Bible is a story of God working to fulfill His promises of a Messiah while the enemy worked to oppose that plan
So along the way, Satan has attacked everything and everyone who seems to him to be important to God’s plan
And once God called Abraham out of Ur, the enemy had a focus for his anger and attack
Once it became clear that the Lord intended to bring the Messiah through His people Israel, they became the #1 enemy for Satan
The Jews have long been the world’s most persecuted people and they remain so today
Because the enemy understands how Israel is key to God’s plan to bring a Messiah Who would destroy Satan
Satan tried to corrupt Israel time and time again, introducing idol worship and all manner of evil to God’s people
When the Messiah was born, Satan used Herod to kill all the infant boys in Bethlehem hoping to stop the child
Later, Satan used Judas to bring Jesus to death, which Satan hoped would lead to God’s defeat
Instead, it sealed his own fate, yet the war goes on
So vs.1-5 are background reminding us of Satan’s ages-old effort to stop the coming of Messiah as promised in Genesis 3:15
The dragon attacked the woman not in one single moment (like during Herod’s murder of the children) but throughout the ages
Satan's attacks always failed, because the god of this world is no match for the true God
The Messiah came as promised, completed His mission on earth, and then was caught up to His throne with the Father
And in the future He rules the nations with a rod of iron
Then the story continues…
We know the woman is Israel, so Israel is fleeing as a nation into the wilderness to a place prepared for her for 3½ years
Here we have our reference to 3.5 years, which is proof that this chapter is describing something that happens in the middle of the Tribulation
At the midpoint of Tribulation the nation of Israel will be given shelter and nourishment for the second half of Tribulation
We don’t know the specific circumstances yet, but that comes next
John describes a great war in Heaven where Michael, the chief angel, wages a war with the dragon and his demons
This war will result in Satan being thrown down to the earth, which sounds like a description of Satan’s fall at his rebellion
We know that event happened long ago, during the time of the Garden and Adam and Woman
Yet this war is happening at the 3.5 year point of Tribulation, according to our time reference in v.6
So this is a different war…not Satan’s original fall but something that has yet to happen and won’t happen until mid-Tribulation
As the rest of the passage explains, this is the moment Satan and the demonic realm loses access to the throne room of God
Since Satan’s original fall, he and his demons have maintained access to God and the heavenly realm at least in some sense
Notice in v.10 John says that Satan is the accuser of the brethren who accuses us of our sin before God day and night
Other Scripture confirms that Satan has access to the Lord
So imagine every time you sin, you give Satan something to declare before God, Who must defend His assignment of grace
But at mid-Tribulation, all that changes, and for the first time in history, the enemy is forever barred from Heaven
At that point, the angel Michael and the other angels wage a war against Satan and his angels
The sense is that Michael initiates the war selecting the timing to fit God’s plan
And when the war takes place, the good guys win and Satan and his demons are kicked out of Heaven and down to the earth
Up to this point in history, Satan’s dominion has been the earth, but since he had access to Heaven, he hasn’t felt defeated
He could roam back and forth from earth to Heaven as Job 1 taught us
And that allowed Satan to remain self-deceived about his chances for success in his battle against God
He may have lost his privileged position as the covering cherub, but still he was free to access the throne room
But in v.10 John hears a declaration from heaven that the kingdom of Christ is now ready to appear because the rule of Satan is ending
That declaration, together with Satan’s expulsion from Heaven, puts Satan on alert that the end he has always feared has come
And the Heavens will celebrate his impending doom and the arrival of the Lord’s kingdom on Earth
Heaven will be glad to be rid of him, and remember, we will be in Heaven during this time too, so you will share that joy
We will have experienced his presence in the throne room and will watch him at work accusing the brethren
We will be cheering as well when we see Michael kick Satan out of Heaven
We might ask why didn’t God do this a long time ago? Why has God been so patient (and continues to be patient even now) allowing Satan this access?
In a word, it’s grace to the world because to have removed Satan’s access earlier would have brought Satan’s response earlier
Notice in vs.11-12 Satan’s expulsion from Heaven puts him on notice that his time is running out
Satan understands that when God bars him from Heaven, the end of His reign on Earth is approaching
And that causes Satan to respond like a cornered animal fighting for his life
Satan’s rage and fear drive him to lash out against anyone who his aligned with God
And now that Satan is confined to earth, he is limited to taking out his anger in that realm – so the Heavens declare woe on the Earth
The Earth will suffer greatly at having an angry Satan confined there, and specifically Satan’s enemies suffer greatly
Had the Lord sent Satan out of Heaven earlier, then Heaven would certainly have been better off, but the earth would have been much worse
The saints have always endured Satan’s attacks
But had Satan lost access to Heaven earlier, those attacks would have been much worse
So why does God take this step now? Why subject the earth to even 3.5 years of Satan’s wrath?
Because the Lord wants Satan to play an important role in the events that end Tribulation
And in order to get Satan to play his part as planned, the Lord must confine Satan to the earth
So God is waiting to bar Satan from Heaven until mid-Tribulation because He knows that taking that step will bring great misery to Earth
The effect of Satan’s expulsion will the be to provoke Satan to great anger and ruthless attacks against those who are aligned with God
Obviously, that rage will come against those who believe in Jesus, resulting in the martyrdom of most tribulations saints
But not only will believers be martyred, but also those Jews who remain faithful to the God of Israel
And in particular, the enemy takes out his anger against Israel, and that’s why the chapter opened with the sign of the woman and dragon
The enemy has always opposed Israel because Israel plays a central role in God’s plan for the Messiah
And now at the middle point of Tribulation, the enemy’s vitriol against Israel reaches new heights
Which is why the Lord makes a provision for Israel to ensure that the nation isn’t wiped out by the enemy’s rampage
As we saw in v.6 the “woman” flees into the desert to escape the rage of the dragon for 1,260 days
So what is this provision of safety that Israel enjoys for the second half of Tribulation?
After the Satan’s expulsion from Heaven, he goes after Israel – because he goes after anyone who he perceives as his enemy
As we noted earlier, this isn’t a new phenomenon, since throughout history Satan has targeted the Jews
But at mid-Tribulation, the enemy comes against Israel in an especially vicious and concentrated way
And that persecution has the potential to bring an end of the believing within Israel
If that happened, then the remnant of Israel would be extinguished, which would be contrary to God’s promises
And as we will learn later, the fate of the Jewish people are uniquely connected to the enemy’s fate during Tribulation
Destroying the Jews is Satan’s only hope for self-preservation
And we will consider this important connection later in the study
Meanwhile, v.14 uses new symbols to describe how the Lord protects His people during the final half of Tribulation
The woman receives wings of an eagle so she can fly into the wilderness to be protected for 3½ years
Even as she is protected, she remains in the presence of the serpent, we’re told in v.14
The flight to protection was a response to the enemy’s attacks on Israel, and the flight is made possible by an “eagle”
Since the woman is a sign, we understand the eagle to be a sign as well, and obviously, a nation wasn’t riding an eagle
Furthermore, the text says is it “the great” eagle, so clearly, there is some eagle the reader is suppose to remember
So we go look elsewhere in the Bible to find a reference to an eagle’s wings carrying Israel, and we find one in Exodus
The last time Israel fled into a wilderness to avoid danger was the Exodus account, and in that account the Lord brought them to safety
The Lord described the process of escorting His people to Midian as bearing them on eagle’s wings
So the symbology is a picture of the Lord’s supernatural ability to protect His people in a wilderness journey
Here God uses the same sign in a very similar context, so we must understand that God will grant Israel a supernatural escape
God will provide Israel a way of moving through the desert and into a place of protection in the wilderness
Notice they are protected in the presence of the serpent
That means they are still on earth, for that is the only place Satan can be at this point in history
They are in the presence of Satan, yet they are also beyond his reach because God is protecting them
Despite God’s protection, the enemy does all he can to destroy them even as they flee, and at one point the dragon used water to drown Israel in a flood
But the Lord opens the ground to swallow the water and dry up the land
These details continue to draw a connection to the Exodus story, which only serves to reinforce our interpretation of “eagles’ wings”
We remember that the Lord allowed Israel to walk through the sea but drowned the Pharaoh’s army
When interpreting the water, we should be cautious about assuming those details are literal
Remember, the dragon is a sign, and like his tail, his mouth is an extension of that sign
So the water could stand for something else, like an army attacking Israel
But if we allow that the water as a river is semi-literal (i.e., a rain storm brought by the enemy to drown Israel in the desert), then a picture forms…
And to piece it together, we need to bring in other Scripture
In the Olivet Discourse, Jesus describes the events of Tribulation, and in v.15 He reaches the mid-point of Tribulation, the point we are now
He says when you see the abomination of desolation described by Daniel, which refers to the timeline spoken of in Daniel 9:27
In that verse, Daniel told us that the Antichrist would desecrate the temple by placing an abomination in the holy place
And Jesus says that's the signal to leave Jerusalem, to flee to the desert
That flight of Jews from Jerusalem at mid-Tribulation is the same flight being described now in Revelation 12
That flight will be Jews who believe in the testimony of Jesus in Mathew 24, which means they are the believing Jews, saints
They will flee especially quickly, with no provisions, which is exactly the way Israel fled at the Exodus
This flight will be a test of faith, for only those who believe in the word of God will take Jesus’ advice and by doing so, save their lives
Then notice in Matthew 24:21 Jesus says that what follows immediately afterward is a trip of tribulation that the world has never seen
As bad as the disasters of the first half of Tribulation were, they are nothing compared to the terror of the second half
But now we’ve learned that the terror of the second half is not caused by the Lord’s judgments but by Satan’s fury
And yet the Lord protects believers from that wrath by giving them a provision in the desert
In the Old Testament, we have two prophets who describe this provision of protection God will make for Israel during Tribulation
First, we read this in Isaiah
The chapter opens with a discussion of a destroyer being destroyed and ceasing to be
And it goes forward from there to describe the fear the world experiences during the Tribulation
And then we reach this comment:
There will be those who are ungodly in Zion who will be terrified at what takes place in the second half of Tribulation
But for those who are righteous (the saints), they will be protected in refugee
And that refuge will be on the heights and among impregnable rock
So the place god sends the remnant of Israel for protection in the second half of Tribulation is a place high on rocks and impregnable
Then Micah 2 gives us the name of the place
Like most of the minor prophets, Micah writes to Israel about the times of Tribulation
And in this section of Chapter 2 the prophets tells Israel that during Tribulation they will receive a command to arise and go
They must leave because they are not in a place of rest, rather they are in a place of painful destruction and uncleanness
But the Lord says He will gather the remnant of Israel as they flee
The term “remnant” is the way the Bible describes the believing Jews within the nation of Israel
There have always been believing Jews and always will be, as Paul explains in Romans 11
The Lord will never allow belief to cease within Israel, but Satan wants to destroy believing Israel during Tribulation
So for that reason the Lord must preserve it by protecting it
Micah says this remnant will be together like sheep in a fold
The phrase translated “sheep in a fold” is literally the Hebrew word for a sheep pen
The Hebrew word for pen or fold is botzrah
And as it turns out, there is a place in the wilderness not far from Jerusalem called Botzrah, or sheep pen
The confirmation of that place fits perfectly the Biblical description of a place of impregnable rock and high cliffs
So where is this place? It goes by another name you’ve probably heard…Petra
Petra also has places where fast moving rivers of water can form suddenly, threatening anyone walking in that area
The area is filled with wadis, which are deep canyons running down the sides of mountains
It is prone to flash floods from rainstorms, and when the rain is channeled down the wadis they form dangerous floods
Apparently, the enemy brings a flood of rain into one of these wadis, but the Lord supernaturally swallows it to save Israel
I’m sure that scene will remind everyone of the Lord’s command over the Red Sea at the approach of the Pharaoh’s army
So in summary, at mid-Tribulation the enemy is forced out of Heaven in preparation for the events of the end of Tribulation
The reason he is forced out isn’t revealed until Chapter 13, but the effect of his fall is explained in Chapter 12
Knowing he has a short time, Satan turns his wrath on the Jewish people
And God responds by protecting the remnant of Israel by supernaturally escorting them out of Jerusalem and into Petra
The Lord allows the remnant to remain in this impregnable place for the duration of Tribulation
And he prohibits the enemy from hurting the remnant of Israel
No matter how bad things get on earth over the next 3.5 years, the believing Jews wait it out in safety
They are said to be in the presence of the dragon, because they remain on earth and earth is Satan’s dominion
But not all Jews are in this place…only the remnant lies outside Satan’s reach
The dragon soon realizes that he cannot touch the remnant held in protection, so he must turn his attacks elsewhere
And John says he goes off to make war against the rest of “her” children
Her refers to the woman, which is Israel
And Israel’s children would logically be the Jewish people, so in this case that would be unbelieving Jews
If a Jew was believing, that is a part of the remnant, Micah says they will be held in protection in Petra
So those who are outside Petra are the unbelieving Jews, which means they hold to the Law and the traditions of Judaism
But they haven’t received Jesus as their Messiah
This is the group who keep the commandments of God, which is a reference to the Law of Moses
Because these Jews are still associated with God, they are a target of the enemy and he will go after them in his rage
But notice that John also mentions those who hold to the testimony of Jesus
Clearly, that is a reference to believers, and yet if a Jew was believing they would be part of the remnant
And if they are part of the remnant, they will be in safety in Petra
So that means we’re looking at two different groups who are children of Israel
The first group were unbelieving Jews, and this second group are believing Gentiles
They are not being targeted by Satan for being a Jew
They are being targeted for holding to the testimony of Jesus
So in the second half of Tribulation, Satan goes on an all-out war against any Jew or believing Gentile he can get his hands on
They will be persecuted, and most of them will be martyred as we will see later
This all-out war on Jews and believers is one of the major consequences of the mid-Tribulation period
And it comes as a result of Satan’s expulsion from Heaven