Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongWelcome to the mid-point of Daniel’s Seventieth Seven, or as we call it, the Tribulation
We’ve reached the middle of the seven-year period designated to end this age and bring about Christ’s Second Coming
It’s a time the prophets have been speaking about for millennia
It’s a time of unimaginable calamity, death, destruction, mayhem
And at the center of it is one man who takes over the world, the Antichrist
As we learned earlier, anyone who opposes Jesus is – by definition – an antichrist
And beyond that, we also learned that the spirit behind that opposition is always the same spirit, Satan
So while they are many antichrists on earth today and everyday, there will be one particular man who rises above them all
That man is the focus of our attention from this point forward in Tribulation
Last week we studied Chapter 10, which was a transition chapter leading us into the middle of the Tribulation
The mid-point of the seven years is so important that Scripture measures in three different ways
It’s marked as times, time and half a time, 1,260 days and 42 months
We will find one of these references in all the chapters that describe the events of mid-Tribulation
In Chapter 10, John received a small scroll from a powerful angel
That scroll was originally written by the prophet Daniel, but he was told to seal it up and hand it back to a powerful angel for safe keeping
Then in Chapter 10 that same angel handed the scroll to John and told him to eat it
Symbolically, John took in Daniel’s prophecy so he could then share it with us
What was this special prophecy? Back in Daniel, we’re told that this secret prophecy regards the second half of Tribulation
The Lord tells Daniel that the events contained in this secret prophecy would last 3.5 years
And at the end of those 3.5 years, Daniel is told the events of this prophecy would be completed
That tells us this prophecy deals with the final 3.5 years of the Tribulation, which is what we now go to study in Revelation
And Daniel 12:7 also reminded us that the point of all this calamity was to shatter the power of the holy people
The holy people refers to the people of Israel, and shattering refers to breaking their resistance to God and His word
So as we learned before, the ultimate outcome of Tribulation is to bring Israel to faith and fulfill the promises God gave them
And the events of mid-Tribulation and beyond put that plan in high gear
Finally, remember that the events of mid-Tribulation are centered on the 3.5 year moment, but they span time on either side of that point
So what we study in chapters 11-14 are all happening at the same time
And so at the very end of Chapter 10, John has now taken in the prophecy originally given to Daniel and he’s commanded to deliver it to us
Although the disasters of Tribulation are focused on Israel, nonetheless the scale of what God does impacts every nation and tongue and even kings
But it’s centered on one place, one region of the world, and that place takes center stage during the middle of Tribulation
John is taken to a Jewish temple and told to measure it and make note of who worship there
Interestingly, John is told to measure the temple but never gives us the measurements
So clearly, the size of the building is not the point here
The point is much more obvious…there is a temple in Israel again and it has worshippers around the altar
The temple of Israel was destroyed in AD 70 by the Romans, and it has not existed since that day
Though the orthodox Jews dearly desire to rebuild their temple, they have been unable to do so for nearly 2,000 years
But according to John’s vision, there is a day coming when the temple will return in some form
And when it does, the nation will once again worship there before the altar of God
In the design of the temple, the altar sits outside in a courtyard around the building housing the Holy Place and Holy of Holies
That courtyard is itself surrounded by a wall separating Jews from Gentiles
John is told to measure only the courtyard where the altar stands and the worshippers gathered but not the Gentile court
Those instructions serve to focus our attention on three facts concerning mid-Tribulation
First, as we enter the middle Tribulation period we learn that the temple is operating in Israel and the Jewish people are worshipping there
So despite the war and supernatural calamities taking place during the first half of Tribulation, the temple continues to operate
That suggests strongly that the Lord has been sparing Israel from these disasters during this time
And if so, it would only serve to reinforce Israel’s desire to return to their God and to worship at the temple
So while the rest of the world is in turmoil and cursing the name of God, Israel is at rest (to a degree) and in worship
Secondly, we learn that the existence of the temple doesn’t mean the Age of the Gentiles has ended, at least not yet
Notice in v.2 we’re told that the Gentiles continue to tread down the holy city
We remember that the Age of the Gentiles was defined by Jesus in Luke 21
The Lord has placed Gentiles over Israel during this age, and as Daniel 2 & 7 taught us, this age won’t end until Jesus’ Second Coming
So even though we are only 3.5 years away from Jesus’ return, still the city of Jerusalem remains trampled by Gentiles
And that trampling is about to get much worse
Which brings us to the third and final important detail at the opening of Chapter 11…our mid-Tribulation reference
Remember last week I told you that the chapters of Revelation that deal with the midpoint of Tribulation will all contain a time reference
These chapters will each have one or more mentions of the midpoint using one of our three ways of measuring time
In this case, we see the mention of 42 months, which is 3.5 years
That reference tells us that this chapter is anchored to the middle of the seven years
And therefore it has something to say about how we move from the first half to the second half
But the question becomes how does this chapter relate to the mid point?
And to learn that, we must keep reading
Abruptly, John begins describing a new scene involving two prophets
We were hearing about the temple, but now we’re suddenly talking about two prophets
These two topics may seem unrelated, but as we’ll see the two are closely connected
John says these men prophesy for 1,260 days, which is another of our three ways of describing 3.5 years
So John is connecting the operation of the temple with the ministry of these men
That during the time the temple stands (42 months), these men also prophesy in Israel (1,260 days)
So like the operation of the temple, the ministry of these two men is also closely connected to the midpoint of Tribulation
They are called the Lord’s two witnesses, and a witness is someone who testifies concerning the truth in some matter
And we’re reminded what the Law says concerning the necessity of witnesses prior to condemnation
Before the Law condemned someone for sin, their offense must be confirmed by the testimony of at least 2 witnesses
So the ministry of these two men serves the purpose of condemning the world for its sin prior to judgment
We often talk of being witnesses for Christ, but don’t forget there are two biblical purposes in witnessing
One purpose is to bring a message of the truth so that a person might be convicted and repent and be saved by faith
But a second purpose of a witness is to testify concerning someone’s sin for the purpose of conviction and condemnation
Their ministry seems to serve both purposes, but especially the latter
They wear only sackcloth, which is the traditional garb of prophets mourning and suffering in Israel, and they have supernatural powers John says
Like the 144,000 in Chapter 7, many speculate on the identities of these two individuals
People love to conjecture over which Old Testament prophets these men might be
And some believe they are entirely symbolic, even going to so far as speculating that they represent the World Trade Center towers
But like the 144,000, all that speculation is completely unnecessary because the text itself tells us who they are
In v.4 John tells us these characters are men we’ve heard about before
They are the two olive trees and two lampstands before the Lord, John says, which is a clear reference to Zechariah 4
Zechariah was written shortly after Daniel and Ezekiel wrote their books, and it addresses similar topics
Specifically, the book is written to those exiles of Israel that returned to the land after the 70 years of exile was complete
Remember, the Lord designated that Israel spend 70 years outside the land to make up for ignoring the land sabbath
And then that 70 years of exile would be followed by another seventy sevens (490 years) for the Age of the Gentiles
But after the first 70 years, the people of Israel were allowed to return to the land, but there wasn’t much waiting for them
And in particular, they lacked a temple since it had been destroyed by Babylon
It took 49 years for Israel to rebuild it
And in that time the Lord spoke to His people through several prophets including Zechariah
Zechariah’s book speaks to Israel about the Lord restoring their fortunes while judging the nations around Israel that took advantage of her
In particular, the Lord assures Israel that His servant Zerubbabel will succeed in rebuilding the temple
This accomplishment will be done not by the man’s might but by God’s Spirit
And that temple will sit atop a plain on the mountain of God, and therefore do not despise the day of small beginnings
The Lord is alluding to the future of that modest temple
What Zerubbabel builds will eventually become Herod’s Temple, one of the greatest structures of the world
And it will sit atop a flat plain built to hold the massive building
But then Zechariah wonders about the lampstands and olive trees standing on either side
And the Lord tells Zechariah these are the two anointed ones but the phrase in Hebrew literally reads the two sons of oil
And these two men stand by the Lord of the whole earth
That phrase means that their ministry will have worldwide impact, meaning they literally impact every person on earth
It’s hard to imagine how any one person could have a worldwide impact in ministry…not even Paul impacted every human being
And according to Zechariah their worldwide impact is connected in some way to the temple
And now in Revelation 11:4 were told the the two prophets of Tribulation will be the fulfillment of Zechariah’s prophecy
Back Revelation 11 we’re told that these men have a supernatural protection that prevents their enemies from harming them
In fact, they can make fire come from their mouths to devour an enemy that tried to harm them
That’s quite some superpower, and it leads us to wonder why are these men so hated that they need this defense?
The next verse explains why…they also possess power to make life on earth utterly miserable for everyone
They can stop rain from falling on earth during the time of their ministry
Additionally, they can turn water to blood and strike the earth with every plague as often as they desire
Now we know why the earth wants to harm them and yet for 3.5 years the Lord protects them from harm
So we know these guys were prophesying to the world for 3.5 years, and in that time they could not be harmed
Meanwhile, they brought great harm on the earth and naturally everyone hated them for it
What was the point of their ministry? We don’t know what they were saying specifically
But since the Lord calls them witnesses it’s not hard to guess
It’s likely they were declaring the end had come and that the judgments the world was experiencing were a preview of the end
In a sense, these guys were the narrators for the natural disasters that were playing out everywhere
They provided an explanation to accompany the seal and trumpet judgments so that no one missed the point
In that sense, they testified to the truth of God’s purpose in these events
But interestingly, these guys are also gifted by God to bring many of the same judgments themselves
So while Jesus is producing drought by holding back the four winds of the earth, these guys are doing the same
While Jesus is causing the seas to turn to blood, so are these guys at times
While Jesus brings plague after plague through the seal and trumpet judgments, so will these guys do the same
Why have the duplication? Well, consider how it must look from the standpoint of how the world experiences the first half of Tribulation
They can’t see what Jesus is doing in Heaven, but they do see what happens on earth and they see what these men are doing
And so naturally, the world will see these men as the specific cause of all the tragedies that come upon the earth
During the first 3.5 years of Tribulation, they will be blamed for everything bad that happens
Which will ensure that the world connects the events they see with the explanations that these men offer
No one will pin it on “climate change” or aliens or Brexit…everyone will hear these things are a judgment from God
But the world will choose to see these two men as the cause and they will look no further
But the Lord only appoints these men to warn the world for 3.5 years, so when we reach the middle of Tribulation, their time is up
John says that as these men finish their testimony after 3.5 years, the Lord will allow them to be killed
In v.7 he says they will be overcome by a beast that comes up out of the abyss
We know what the abyss is since we studied that back in Chapter 9 as part of the trumpet judgments
It’s the place where the Lord has confined the disobedient angelic realm
So clearly the beast is connected to the demonic realm, and the term reminds us of the beasts mentioned in Daniel 7
For now we know nothing more about this beast
But we’ll soon know a lot more about the beast later in the mid-Tribulation chapters
After they are killed, their bodies will remain visible in a great city for three days
Although unnamed here, we can clearly see what city this is
It’s the city where their Lord was crucified, which can only be Jerusalem
But John says this city is also mystically called Sodom and Egypt
Sodom was a city of great depravity while Egypt was the nation that first introduced idolatry to the Jewish people
So John is saying that in the day of these events Jerusalem will not be a holy city as God intended
On the contrary, by the time of mid-Tribulation Jerusalem will become a city of great depravity and idolatry
And as we learn later, the beast will be connected to these things
After they die, their bodies are left unburied for three days, and during this time the world is celebrating their death like nothing else the world has seen
The world turns the occasion of their death into a cause for celebration, even like Christmas
They give gifts to one another and rejoice
And why? Because they say these two prophets tormented the earth
Remember, I said that the world is likely to conflate their plagues with those coming from Heaven
So the world blames these men for everything bad that’s happened since the start of Tribulation
Can you imagine how much the world must have hated these men after seeing so much destruction?
Just the first woe judgment of five months of stinging would have been enough to make these two men hated like no other
No wonder the world was trying so hard to kill these men, and no wonder the Lord had to give them supernatural powers to defend themselves
And when they are killed, the world believes the bad days have finally come to an end, like the end of WWI but far greater
And what do we suppose the world will think of the one who defeats them?
The “beast” will certainly be celebrated as a world hero
How were these men connected to the operation of the temple?
According to Zechariah 4, these men will conduct their ministry out of the temple
So during the first half of the Tribulation, the Lord uses them as a form a protection for the nation of Israel and the temple
They seem to protect the temple from the destruction of the plagues and enemy attacks
That’s why in the narrative of Revelation 11 the operation of the temple is associated with the ministry of these two men
After 3.5 days, the Lord will resurrect their dead bodies so that they return to life and stand upright again
Naturally, seeing two dead bodies return to life after 3+ days of death will strike fear into the hearts of the world
But even more than the miracle of resurrection, the world fears the prospect of these men returning to ministry again
The world is watching this resurrection and becomes terrified that the plagues will start again
But then the witnesses heard the Lord calling them up to Heaven
And as their enemies watched, these men were taken to Heaven in their resurrected bodies
The message to the world is clear: God approved of these men and what they did and what they said
So the world was rejoicing prematurely
In all these things, we now see how Zechariah’s promise that these men would have a worldwide ministry could be true
Not a person on earth won’t have heard of these men and/or won’t be impacted by what they say and do
And not a person on the earth won’t be happy to hear they have died or be afraid when they return to life
And the worldwide impact of their ministry goes one step further as their bodies are viewed by the whole world
Many speculate that the world’s unified response to the events of the two witnesses is made possible by modern technology
But I believe all modern technology will be inoperable by this point of Tribulation
The disasters will have been too great to allow modern infrastructure to operate
So the whole earth knows of what they do because the whole earth will be reduced to a relatively small community centered on the Middle East
Furthermore, the impact will be so widespread that everyone is talking about the same thing
And the two witnesses are known to everyone as a result
We know these men are connected to mid-Tribulation, but some wonder if they operate in the first half of Tribulation or the second half
They are operating in the first half of Tribulation and as we look back on the events of this chapter, we see that clearly
First, the timeline can’t fit in the second half of Tribulation
We know the second half ends with Jesus’ Second coming exactly 3.5 years after the mid point
But we’re told these men serve for 3.5 years and then their bodies are viewed for an additional 3.5 days after that
Those extra few days aren’t very long, but still they are more time than exists in the second half of Tribulation
Secondly, these men will be killed by the rise of the beast from the abyss at the end of their ministry
And as we will learn in a couple of chapters from now, the rise of the beast happens at the midpoint of Tribulation
Since they are killed at the midpoint of Tribulation, they must serve in the first half of Tribulation
Finally, look at the final verse of the chapter
We know that there will be three woe judgments and then the Tribulation will come to an end
The first woe judgment was the demonic scorpions
After that woe ended, we were told that one woe was past and two more woes were still coming
And then the second woe judgment was the army of 200 million demons who killed a third of mankind
That woe judgment brought us to the middle of Tribulation
The final woe judgment will be the seven bowl judgments which come at the very end of Tribulation
But as we leave Chapter 11, we’re told that the second woe judgment is done yet the third one remains
That would indicate that we are still waiting for the seven bowl judgments to start
So the second woe has just ended and the third has yet to begin, and meanwhile the two witnesses are now dead and resurrected
So clearly, they were living and ministering during the first half of Tribulation and have died now at mid-Tribulation
Which leads us to a brief moment to end the chapter, which looks forward to the coming end
The seventh angel sounds in v.15, and this refers to the seventh trumpet, which are the seven bowl judgments that end the Tribulation
At the sounding of that seventh trumpet, there are voices in Heaven declaring that the world has become the Kingdom
In other words, the seventh trumpet leads us to Christ’s Second Coming and into the long promised Kingdom on earth
And with that proclamation, the elders fall to their faces to worship God for fulfilling His promise
Since we are made to live in bodies and on earth, I must imagine that the saints in Heaven are specially eager to see the Kingdom
As much as we look forward to it, at least for now we have a body and live in a world we call home
But these elders are living in the Heavenly realm, which brings them a step closer to the Kingdom but yet is not a real home
So I wonder if they are even more eager for the Kingdom having come so close to it
And in vs.18-19 the elders begin to tell the story of the Lord’s faithfulness to His promises, retelling the events of Tribulation
The nations were enraged against God and then God’s wrath came, which is a reference to the bowl judgments
Following that is the time to judge the dead and to reward the believers
And the temple in Heaven was then opened and the ark in that heavenly temple appears along with great natural powers
The overall scene at the end of Chapter 11 serves as a foreshadowing of where the story is going, but it’s not there yet
In fact, we will see this preview a second time in Chapter 15, the chapter that leads us out of the mid-Tribulation chapters
But the bowl judgments are coming without doubt
And when they come, they will be followed quickly by the Lord’s return and the events that follow leading into the Kingdom
And that’s where we return next time…