Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongTonight we conclude the judgments that mark the first half of the Tribulation and move to the next major period of the seven years
We’re studying the second wave of judgments called the Trumpet judgments
They are called trumpet judgments because each judgment is announced by the blast of a heavenly trumpet
The Lord uses trumpets as warnings, so each of these judgments serve as warnings to the Earth of the end
The first four trumpet judgments brought devastating damage to the physical earth
Third of the earth was burned up, a third of the oceans turned to blood and a third of the earth’s fresh water turned poisonous
The warning implied by these judgments is obvious: the earth isn’t going to last forever
The end is coming, and the world needs to prepare to see its Maker
Then beginning with the fifth trumpet, we moved into the woe judgments
The word woe means judgment, and so the final three trumpets will bring especially difficult times for humanity
Each judgment targets the physical bodies of the world’s remaining population
The first of the woe judgments brought demons which were released from the pit to attack humanity for five months
All unbelievers on earth suffered continual stinging pain for five months without relief
And when the pain became too much to bear leaving mankind to seek death instead, the Lord prevented them from dying
This judgment gave unsaved humanity a preview of Hell without requiring mankind to visit the place
And that’s where we ended…one woe complete but two more to follow
Back in verse 12 we’re told that the second and third woes must wait until the first woe is completed
So that tells us that these particular judgments are sequential, happening one at a time
The five months of stinging runs its course and ends, and then a second woe will begin sometime after that
Can you imagine the relief people felt at the removal of that penalty?
They have suffered what must have seemed like an eternity and probably didn’t know if it would ever end and then it’s gone
It’s like seeing your life sentence commuted unexpectedly
But then a new woe comes, this time in the form of a great army of horsemen, led by four angels
As we did with the scorpions of the first woe, let’s try to make sense of who these angels and horsemen are
And once again, the clues in the text point us in only one direction
We start with the origin of this judgment: a voice from the altar in Heaven ordering that certain angels be released
So we know God Himself is causing the action that follows
And He harnesses supernatural agents, angels, to bring about the events
So we immediately begin to see these events as supernatural and not natural, and the details that follow confirm it
Next, notice that the angels set loose were bound at a place on Earth, specifically the river Euphrates
Angels that are bound (or in captivity) always refer to fallen angels (demons)
And to be bound on earth further emphasizes they are fallen angels
And the location Euphrates confirms they are demonic, since Mesopotamia is the biblical home to Satan and his agents
So the Lord begins the second woe judgment by releasing four demons who were bound and prepared specifically for this day
What does it mean they were prepared for this judgement?
In simple terms it means that the Lord bound them at some prior moment knowing what they might do if released
In other words, if they had not been bound, they would have been killing mankind already
It seems as if some of the fallen angels are worse than the rest, and these God has set aside for the day when they would be useful
But that phrase has a deeper suggestion, because we know the Lord creates all things
So in a sense, we can say that in the day the Lord created these four angels, He did so knowing they would one day fall with Satan
And when they fell, they would become excessively violent and hateful, yet the Lord still went forward with their creation
And He did so because He intended to use them for this one moment during Tribulation
These four demons go forth to kill one third of humanity by means of two hundred million horsemen, John says
In Greek it literally says two myriads of myriads, and a myriad is 10,000
John said 2 x 10,000 x 10,000 which is 200 million
We might reasonably ask John how he knew it was exactly 200 million horsemen, since it would be impossible to count so many
John anticipated the question, because he quickly adds that he heard the number of them
That little detail reminds us that we always take the numbers given in the Bible literally unless specifically told otherwise
We know the angels were demons, but what do we make of these horsemen?
This is another place where speculation often takes the place of careful observation of the text
Some have imagined a human army accomplishing the killing
And then they seek a place to find so many people in an army, to say nothing of finding so many horses
The answers they land on include the Chinese army among others
But they are looking in entirely the wrong direction because they have failed to simply read the text for what it says
First, notice the description of these “horsemen”
The riders have breastplates made of fire and brimstone and horses have heads of lions with smoke and brimstone coming from their mouths
Far as I know, the Chinese don’t outfit their soldiers this way
And seeing this as a description of modern warfare with tanks is just rampant speculation, not proper interpretation
Clearly, their appearance strongly suggests they are supernatural creatures just as the scorpions from the first woe judgment
Since they are led by demons, it only makes sense to conclude that these too are demons being led by their masters
This continues the pattern we noticed last week that as the judgments become more fierce, the Lord increasingly relies on demons to carry them out
Demons seem especially well-suited to producing great destruction, mayhem and misery
So they are naturally the agents of choice for the Lord to use in bringing a taste of Hell to the occupants of the earth
If there was any doubt about their supernatural identities, look at the way they take life in v.19
They kill a third of mankind on earth with their mouths and tails, because their power is in their mouths and tails
Their mouths shoot forth fire and brimstone, like four-footed flamethrowers
And their tails kill like serpents, which presumably means they have a deadly bite
Here again, nothing in the text suggests we should take these descriptions to be symbolic representations of something else
Instead, we see them just as described, which means they are not of this world
And given their demon overlords, it only makes sense that these horsemen are 200 million demons sent to kill humanity
The Lord foretold the coming of this army in the Old Testament speaking through the prophet Joel saying
These opening verses confirm that Joel 2 is set in the time of Tribulation
The day of the Lord is the Bible’s preferred term for the seven years of Daniel’s seventieth seven
And it’s a day of darkness and gloom and there has never been anything like it
In this day comes an army like war horses, but notice they are not horses
Joel says they have the appearance of horses
And as they go, they have a consuming fire before them, which mirrors John’s description of the horse’s mouths
And the land behind them burns like a flame, so as they pass by they leave a burning destruction in their wake
And the land is like Eden before them, which is a reference to the fall of the Garden
These demons see the land like Satan saw Adam and Woman in the Garden, a place to be destroyed
And after they pass through the land, they leave it a desolate wasteland…nothing escapes them
These horsemen pursue humanity relentlessly, climbing walls like soldiers, marching in line, never deviating from their path
The overall scene is of an unstoppable and disciplined force that sweeps across the land
They enter houses like thieves through windows
Clearly, regular horses do not enter this way, much less have flame thrower mouths and serpent tails
Then Joel says that these judgment would be accompanied by natural calamities like earthquakes and celestial disturbances
This fits the pattern of what we’re studying perfectly
And it confirms that we’re looking at something supernatural and demonic unleashed on humanity by God
Finally, Joel says this is the Lord’s army, because as we know the Lord called for the four angels and the horsemen to begin their rampage on earth
This is the great and awesome day of the Lord, and Joel asks who can endure it?
Obviously, some will endure this judgment, but for a third of mankind it won’t be endurable
The combined effect of these horsemen is to leave a third of mankind dead
Like the first woe that produced great suffering for everyone but no death for anyone, the second woe produces death for some and great suffering for everyone
Having exactly one third of humanity die seems designed to impact every human being either directly or indirectly
If one in three people on earth are dying around you (if not you yourself), then you are being touched by this event
Everyone is impacted one way or another, and the effect of such calamity will be worldwide mourning
This is a worldwide wake up call to the reality of the coming end of all things and the judgment that follows
Nothing brings questions of eternity to mind more powerfully than the death of a loved one
For the Christian, the mourning over the loss of someone we love is tempered by the knowledge that they are doing just fine
And in a short time, we will be where they are, and so we haven’t lost them for long
But for the unbeliever, death is a wound with no relief, since there is no confidence in a better future and no hope for reconciliation
There is only loss and suffering and questions
And sometimes those questions will move hearts to consider the promises of the Lord found in Scripture
And the Lord may use the suffering to bring a person to faith, so we wonder what will happen to a world of grief after the second woe?
John says “the rest” (meaning the two thirds of humanity that wasn’t killed by the second woe judgment) do not repent and turn to the Lord
They continue to worship demons and idols, and they will not repent of their murders and sorceries and immorality
Notice the completeness of John’s statement…none who survived (i.e., “the rest”) repented
The indication is that 100% of the earth responded to these judgments without coming to faith
Yet we know that there is faith during this time, because the 144,000 are at work saving people and martyrs are dying
So how do we reconcile these two statements?
It’s easy when you remember what the Bible says about how faith comes in the first place
Paul says it’s the kindness of God that leads us to repentance, meaning the grace of God working in our hearts prompts our faith response
So for those in Tribulation who are recipients of the grace of God, salvation will be the result
And these judgments are part of how God prepares their hearts to receive His grace
We know that difficult circumstances are often useful to God in bringing a person to the end of themselves
But as we consider how much calamity the world has experienced thus far, we must consider what it means that “none” are moved to faith by it
Unless and until the Lord is at work in someone’s heart, the natural man will not turn to the Lord out of calamity
Even unprecedented judgments won’t convince the world to believe
Faith isn’t based in fear, or emotion, or even convincing proof
Faith is a gift that comes from God Himself, according to Ephesians 2:8-9
And these judgments make clear the realities of man’s predicament
For if ever there were a time when trial and calamity could prompt faith, wouldn’t these circumstances qualify?
But the woe judgments simply affirm what we already know from Scripture
That apart from God’s work in the heart of the unbeliever, a person will never turn to God
So at the conclusion of Chapter 9, the judgments of the first half of Tribulation have come to an end
The seal and trumpet judgments are complete except for the final trumpet judgment, which are the seven bowl judgments
As we’ll soon see in the next series of chapters, the seven-year Tribulation is now half over
And as a result of the first 3.5 years, about 50% of the earth’s population is dead
One third of the earth is uninhabitable, and one third of all bodies of water are undrinkable and unnavigable
But the worst is yet to come, as the final woe judgment is coming, which are the Bowl Judgments called the wrath of God or the Great Tribulation
But before entering into the events of the second half of Tribulation, Revelation enters an interim period
This period explains the events of mid-Tribulation
The middle of Tribulation is simply a moment when we have experienced half of the 7 years of Tribulation, with half still to come
This moment is so central as a time of great changes on earth so it deserves special attention in the narrative of Revelation
In fact, Revelation devotes four chapters to the events of mid-Tribulation
Plus there are additional chapters introducing and concluding the period for a total of six chapters for mid-Trib
So Chapter 10-15 are all mid-Tribulation related, which gives you an indication of how important this period is to the story
But technically, the midpoint of Tribulation is just a brief moment, a point in time dividing the first 3.5 years from the second 3.5 years
That halfway point can also be expressed as 42 months or 1,260 days (on the Jewish calendar), times time and half a time
But when we say mid-Tribulation, we’re not talking about a single moment but a period of time surrounding that moment
It’s an amalgamation of events that happen simultaneously, all stacked on top of each other
So when we look at these 6 chapters we need to remember that they are happening at the same time
And we identify the chapters focused on the mid point of Tribulation by noting time references in each chapter
In every mid point chapter (other than the introductory and concluding chapters), we’ll find a mid-point reference
Those chapters will contain one of three references to mid-Trib moment: times, time and half a time, 42 months or 1,260 days
Each of those comments means 3.5 years, which is an indication that we’re at the middle of the seven years
Chapter 10 talks of what is coming in mid-Trib time, while Chapter 15 talks of what is coming next in Tribulation
So let’s move into the introduction to mid Tribulation
John says another strong angel comes down from Heaven, surrounded by cloud and a rainbow above him
This is “another” such angel because there was an earlier distinctive angel who descended from Heaven
In Chapter 7:2 a similar angel possessing the seal of the living God appeared in a similar way
This angel is like the first, but his appearance is different
His face was glowing like the sun and his feet were glowing like pillars of fire
This fearsome sight suggests an angel of great authority, and we wonder who it might be
Clearly, this angel must have a prominent place in Heaven
A clue to his identity is found in something he carries: a little book
The word for book in Greek is biblaridion, and the diminutive (small) version is a biblos, or small scroll
So John says the angel is carrying a little scroll, something smaller than the usual size of a scroll
When that angel reaches the earth, he is so large he places one foot on the sea and another on the land
This angel then cried out in a voice so loud and powerful John could only compare it to the sound of a lion’s roar
If you’ve ever been in a zoo when a lion decides to let loose with a roar, you know how powerful and shocking that sound is
In response to that sound, the Heavenly realm responds with seven voices of thunder
These voices must have revealed some deep truth to John because he was about to write what he heard
But he’s ordered not to write it at all but to seal up what he’s heard
This means to hide or keep secret what he’s heard
This scene is odd in all its details, and so we are forced to ask what does it all mean? How can we make sense of it?
The scene is odd and mostly incomprehensible…unless you had studied a prior book of the Bible
Students of the book of Daniel will immediately recognize the scene from something they studied in Chapter 12
In that earlier moment we also find a strong angel who appears in a similar manner near land and water
And in that earlier moment, a different prophet is also told to seal up things to be revealed in the future
And therefore this scene is intended to draw our attention back to that earlier moment
And by that connection, we come to understand what’s happening here
So let’s spend a little time in Daniel 12 tonight
Because we’re dropping into the final chapter of Daniel, let’s spend a moment understanding the context of the passage
The chapter opens up with the phrase “Now at that time…”
The time that Daniel is speaking about is the time being described at the end of the prior chapter, Chapter 11
At the end of Chapter 11, Daniel was explaining the rise and work of the Antichrist in conquering the world
That tells us that “at that time” refers to the time of Tribulation, and more specifically the time of the Antichrist’s rise
At that time, a powerful and strong angel, Michael, will arise which means to assume his assigned role or station
Michael will take his station in a period of great distress unlike any other, which is a reference to the Great Tribulation
The Great Tribulation is the name Jesus gives to the second half of Tribulation from Matthew 24
As we move through the mid-Trib chapters, we will learn what makes the second half of Tribulation so great and terrible
Meanwhile, Daniel’s description in v.5 of what he sees is similar to the description of John’s angel in Revelation 10
Daniel’s man in linen is hovering above a river while two other messengers stand on either bank of the river
John’s great angel descends over water and lands with one foot on land and one on water
And in Revelation 10 John hears something spoken by thunder that he can’t reveal but must seal up for a time
And likewise, Daniel heard something from the angel but was told not to reveal it either but to seal it up instead
The two scenes are so similar it suggests a connection
Specifically, Daniel’s moment is Part 1 and John’s moment is Part 2 of a single conversation with the same great angel
The angel that visits Daniel tells the prophet to prepare a scroll containing a prophecy of the end of the age
Daniel is told the wonders he hears about will go on for a time, times and half a time, which is 3.5 years
That’s one of our references to the mid-point of the seven-year Tribulation
So we know Daniel was learning about the second half of Tribulation, the Great Tribulation
Daniel can’t understand the wonders that take place in the Great Tribulation, so he asks for clarification in v.8
But the angel tells Daniel to seal up what he’s heard, meaning he should write it on a scroll and seal it up until the end of the age
So in effect, the angel was telling Daniel here is what happens during the final days of the age of the Gentiles
Write it down and seal it up, because we can’t reveal these details to the world until the last days begin
Remember, the last days of the age are the times of the Church, as we learned earlier in this study
So where did that little book go? Moving back to Revelation 10, we find our answer among the second part of this conversation with the angel
Daniel’s angel took the scroll that Daniel wrote and held on to it until it was time to give it to John in the first century
And that’s what we see happening in Revelation 10
In v.2 John says the angel descends from Heaven carrying that little scroll
Then John hears things spoken he can’t repeat, at least not yet, things concerning the very end of Tribulation
Meanwhile, the angel stands on the sea and land to praise the Lord for not delaying longer in the fulfillment of these things
What delay is he talking about? It’s the delay that has ensued since the day of Daniel
The events of the Great Tribulation were first revealed to Daniel so long ago, but they were sealed
And even as they were later revealed to John, they are still yet to be complete
But in a future day, that great angel will arise and when he does, the events of the Great Tribulation will finally take place
And they will be fulfilled when that seventh trumpet is blown and the Bowl judgments come to pass
So it falls to John to reveal the details of the Great Tribulation that Daniel heard so many years earlier
John is told to take the small scroll from the angel and eat it
Normally scrolls came on papyrus rolls and were not edible (or at least palatable)
But in this case, John is able to do what he is told
The angel says the book would be sweet in the mouth but bitter in the stomach
We can simulate the experience here at least a little
The point is there is a bitter-sweet nature to prophecy about God’s judgment and the end of the age
For the prophet (and for his audience) there is a certain sweetness to receiving prophecy about the end
First, we find the topic attractive and even exciting
And since it’s explaining how we move beyond this age and into the next age, it’s very attractive to us
These are the good things of prophecy and they are certainly sweet on our lips and we speak about it
But as the truth of what that transition requires sinks in, it becomes bitter
Because the reality is that this world cannot move from its present age to the next without a whole lot of judgment
There are literally billions of souls that will face judgment for sin and they will endure a level of turmoil and distress never seen
And for the believers who live in this period of history, the distress will be equally great though for different reasons
So as a preparatory step to receiving the knowledge of the end of the age, John is first reminded that this is serious business
Then John is called to prophesy what he has received from Daniel
That prophecy concerns the state of affairs for many people over the whole world, referring to the events of the Great Tribulation
So what follows in Chapters 11-19 are the events that John receives from Daniel so to speak
And John now has the privilege of revealing what Daniel first heard but sealed
Let’s finish by going back to Daniel 12 for one last bit of information
Earlier in Daniel 12:7 we learned that the events Daniel was recording on his scroll would last for a time, times and half a time
We also know that Tribulation is started by the covenant talked about in Daniel 9
Between the Antichrist and Israel, allowing the people to return to sacrificing in a new temple of some kind
Officially beginning the 7 years of Tribulation
Now Daniel 12 confirms that the midpoint of Tribulation comes 1,260 days after the signing of the covenant
We can see that the time on either side of the midpoint is the same
v.11 defines the mid-point as when the Antichrist abolishes sacrifice at the temple
Affirming that the covenant is key to driving the timing of Tribulation
You might spot that from the time of the abolishing of sacrifice until the abomination of desolation, there is still 30 days unaccounted for (1,290 days)
Over the next several weeks we will focus on the next four chapters
What goes on in the middle of Tribulation and why
How it relates to the covenant being broken
We’ll return to that 30 day period when we study Chapter 19