Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongIn July 2015, Psychology Today published a list of 5 ways to deliver bad news successfully
The five steps were:
Tell (at least) part of the truth if you think the person needs to hear it
Sugarcoat the news if you think the person can’t handle hearing it
If the bad news involves a potential threat to their self-esteem, help the recipient save face (develop a cover story to preserve the person’s reputation)
Take your time to prepare your message (choose your words carefully to avoid offense)
Rely on others to help you (deliver the message as a team)
The article says that if you follow these steps, you are far more likely to deliver the bad news successfully
Now at this point, some of you are wondering if I’m about to deliver bad news
Well, rest easy…I have no bad news to deliver
But there was a man, a priest of Judah, who lived long ago in the nation of Israel
And the Lord called this man to deliver some very bad news to the nation
But this man never read Psychology Today
So he violated every single one of these rules
He delivered the bad news according to the wisdom of God, not the so-called wisdom of men
As God required, this man delivered the whole truth to Israel
He held back none of the terrible details of the judgment God was preparing to deliver
He sugarcoated nothing, explaining in graphic detail the sins of Israel and the consequences that would follow
He cared nothing for Israel’s self-esteem
On the contrary, this prophet targeted Israel’s pride
He called them out for their apostasy and refused to let them hide behind their excuses
While he did choose his words carefully, he chose them to ensure maximum impact
He spoke in graphic and even vulgar terms intending to awaken the nation to its depravity
The man sought to offend Israel, just as they had offended their God
Finally, this prophet stood virtually alone in his declarations
Though he lived at a time when multiple prophets operated, he worked alone
Moreover, he was rejected by his own people, who responded to his declarations in cynicism
History does not record his birth or death or even if he had children
In fact, there are no records of his life outside the book he wrote
This prophet was a man named Ezekiel
His name means strengthen by God, and so he was because he had a very difficult mission
Ezekiel was a major prophet called to speak to Judah in the days of the Babylonian captivity
He is a unique – even enigmatic – character in scripture
God asked things of him that God asked of no other prophet
But he received rare and marvelous visions that no other prophet received
He was told to explain to Judah the reason for God’s harsh judgment, and Ezekiel delivered that message just as God required
He didn’t mince words, he didn’t soften the blow, and he didn’t worry about hurting feelings
God told Ezekiel to arrest a disobedient Israel with dramatic words of judgment so they would be without excuse
But in the midst of the bad news, God also gave Israel a glimmer of hope
Ezekiel provided Israel with a stunning preview of the glory God has prepared for the nation in the Kingdom
He assured the captive nation they would one day return from their scattering
They would see a renewed temple filled with the Glory of God
Then even as Israel was unfaithful to the covenant, nevertheless God would remain faithful to His promises
As we study this book together, we’re going learn some history, we’re going to learn about covenants, and we’re going to learn about sin and judgment
Above all, we’re going to learn about the glory of God and the power of God’s promises found in His word
Ezekiel more than any OT work emphasized the glory of God
The phrase “Then they will know that I am the Lord” appears over 60 times in the book
Reminding us that the Lord chooses to reveal Himself to us for the purpose of receiving the glory He deserves
But when God’s people turn from Him into idolatry and other sin, we spurn His revelation and break fellowship
As Thomas Constable observed:
Ezekiel is the classic Old Testament text recording God’s faithfulness to His word concerning Israel
He fulfills His promise to judge Israel’s disobedience
He reiterates His promise to bring blessings and glory to that same nation in a day to come
And He promises a better covenant to put an end to Israel’s cycle of sin and disobedience and the judgment that followed
For us the Church, this book offers a lot to be excited about too
The prophecies have existed for over 2,500 years but today the things Ezekiel promised are coming to pass before our eyes
We are living in the days of Ezekiel’s prophecy
Some of Ezekiel’s prophecies have already been
And even the most dramatic and mysterious visions in this book are soon to become reality
So let’s dive in to the opening chapters, which offer the most dramatic and mysterious start of any book of scripture
Ezekiel begins his book with geography and chronology
That’s one of Ezekiel’s distinctive characteristics
His book is known for its precise time and historical references
His book is a collection of prophecies which he received over 20 years while in exile with the rest of Judah in Babylon
And Ezekiel dated each prophecy as he received them, so we have exact dates down to the very day God spoke
Altogether, Ezekiel recorded 14 prophecies during those 20 years, and the first prophecy runs from Chapter 1 through the middle of Chapter 3
The prophecy came on July 31, 593 BC on the modern calendar
This was during the reign of King Jehoiachin, who was also living in captivity
The king was taken into Babylon in the same year as Ezekiel, during the second deportation in 597 BC
This year is the base year Ezekiel uses to date all 14 of his prophecies in this book
Ezekiel says he received this first vision while living on the river Chebar in the midst of the exiles of Judah
The Jews taken into slavery by Nebuchadnezzar when Babylon conquered Jerusalem and Judah, were settled along this river
They lived in a community called Tel-Aviv, which means “old spring” which is a euphemism for “something old and something new”
The Chebar was a great canal that brought water out of the Euphrates River to serve the population east of Babylon
The Jews living here had a surprisingly comfortable existence despite being held in captivity
They opened homes and businesses
They could travel within Babylon
They were free to worship
And so when the nation was permitted to return to Jerusalem 70 years later, many chose not to leave Babylon
Ezekiel was not one of the apostate Jews responsible for the judgment, yet he was caught up in it
Though some in the nation were faithful to God, all were subjected to the judgment
This happened because the Old Covenant, which required this judgment was a national covenant
It bound the whole nation to whatever circumstances came as a result of its terms
Ezekiel was a faithful participant in the covenant, but still he maintained his association with God’s people while under judgment
He says he lived among these exiles, in their midst
And while there he began receiving visions
The prophecy came in the thirtieth year, meaning Ezekiel was thirty years old
In v.3 Ezekiel says he was a priest, and priests began their service in the temple at the age of 30
Since Ezekiel turned thirty while in captivity in Babylon, we know he never had a chance to serve as a priest in the temple
And now the Lord has called him into a different form of service as a prophet to Israel in exile
Ezekiel spent his early adult life preparing to serve God in sacrificial rituals performed in the temple
Priestly preparation was demanding, and no doubt Ezekiel dedicated himself to the hard work expected of him
But just as his time for service approached, suddenly Ezekiel finds himself dragged off to a foreign land and the temple destroyed
His opportunity for service as priest seemingly stolen from him
In reality, the Lord was preparing Him for an even greater service as a prophet to the exiles
Ezekiel’s predicament is a reminder that God may set us on a course of preparation which suggests to us a certain role in serving Him
And yet when the day comes, the Lord may direct us into a completely new and better way of service, something we didn’t expect
If we are to fulfill our call properly, we need to be open to these detours in our life
Likewise we must be ready to receive those called to serve us even if their background doesn’t match our expectations
Jesus calls unqualified people to serve Him, but He won’t leave us untrained
But the Lord’s training can be very unorthodox
He uses all our experiences to prepare us to serve Him and then He puts that training to work in surprising ways
A servant may be trained in farming or business or in a trade of one kind or another
And then in a day to come, God takes that training and puts it into service in a ministry no one saw coming
History confirms this pattern
Many good servants of God gained their start in ministry in unorthodox ways
The church has known good shepherds who were never trained as pastors
And good Bible teachers who never attended seminary
Remember, even the apostles themselves never trained to be religious leaders, yet they were called to found the Church
Ezekiel’s time preparing to be a priest might have seemed wasted for a man who would spend his life in exile absent a temple
But as it turned out, his priestly training became critically important for his role as a prophet
Because many of his visions concerned priestly matters, namely the construction and operation of the Kingdom temple
God’s ways make no sense to us…until we come to understand God’s purposes, and then they make perfect sense
So remember Ezekiel’s career shift as you consider your own call to serve God
You may be trained as an accountant, a soldier, a teacher, a nurse, an athlete…or even a pastor
But God may take that preparation and call you to use it serving Him in new and surprising ways
A farmer trained to work the land may be called by God to pastor a church meeting in his barns
And a seminary-trained pastor may be called out of the pulpit to plant fields to feed believers in a poor village
God may use our preparation in unexpected ways, but the common requirement for every servant of God is to serve faithfully
Remain open to the Spirit’s leading and obey His call
Don’t rely on stereotypes and don’t be afraid to change your 5-year plan
Be ready to accept any servant of God regardless of whether his or her preparation fits with your preconceived expectations
Now we turn to the opening description of Ezekiel’s first vision
The prophecy that begins here runs until the middle of Chapter 3
Ezekiel’s description of what he saw is found within Chapter 1
Then in Chapters 2 & 3, Ezekiel tells us what the the Lord says as He called Ezekiel to prophesy to Israel
The entire scene is reminiscent of Isaiah’s call to prophesy in Isaiah 6
But Ezekiel’s vision is far more detailed and mysterious
Ezekiel’s visions are filled with mysterious – even disturbing – images, making interpretation of this vision difficult
Interpreting the vision in these chapters requires a careful adherence to the fundamental rules of interpretation (called hermeneutics)
In particular, distinguishing between literal and symbolic details and applying other scripture appropriately
So we’ll begin with observations of the details of just one verse; v.4
A storm comes blowing from the north bringing a great cloud filled with lightning
Such a vision would be dramatic but not entirely unknown to a resident of Babylon
The Middle East desert commonly produces dust storms that fit the general description of this vision
The storm rises up suddenly, moving across the land like a great shadow of dust, like a freight train obliterating everything in its path
Sandstorms can generate spectacular lightning displays
So the Lord gives Ezekiel familiar imagery, but quickly the details depart from the normal
For example, natural sandstorms are shrouded in darkness, but this storm had a bright light surrounding it
Furthermore, dust storms are monolithic, nothing but sand
But in the center of the storm was something like glowing metal
Already, we can begin to understand the meaning of some of these symbols
First, we have a cloud or storm of lightning
The Bible use the symbols of lightning and clouds or storms in a particular way
These details are commonly associated with the appearance of the glory of God
For example, the camp of Israel witnessed the glory of God in a cloud filled with lightning and fire while on top of the mountain at Sinai
And Elijah was carried by God in a similar whirlwind
And John saw burning fire and lightning in the throne room in Revelation
Secondly, this cloud has glowing metal inside it
Glowing metal, as in a furnace, is a picture of God’s judgment
In particular, glowing bronze in a furnace is a common picture of God’s judgment fire
Finally, the storm approached from the north, which would have been a particularly significant detail to the exiles in Babylon
The Babylonian army came from the north to invade Judah
Just as Assyria had done centuries earlier in defeating Israel
So God is reminding the captives that God has brought judgment to Judah by way of Babylon
Babylon was an instrument in God’s hands executing His judgment
I say God is reminding Israel because in earlier centuries, the prophets, most notably Isaiah, told Israel God would act in this way
Isaiah told Israel that God would use Babylon to judge them for their sin
So Israel was on notice this would happen
And yet they did not repent nor did they seek obedience
They continued in sin and apostasy
And so now as they sit in exile, perhaps they wondered why…
The answers they sought should have been obvious
The exiles had been in captivity for several years by this time
The temple, the house of the glory of the Lord, had been robbed and the priesthood decimated
The people of Israel were scattered and in slavery
The kingdom of Israel had ceased to exist
The people of Judah were imprisoned and with no hope to return
And in a few short years, Nebuchadnezzar would return to Jerusalem a third time to destroy the city and temple completely
So they must have been asking questions of God?
Did the God of Israel only dwell in Judah?
Where were they now without a God?
And even if they could return to God, how could they pursue Him without a temple or a priesthood to make sacrifices?
Did their captivity mean an end of all that God promised to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob?
Had the Lord forsaken His people?
To answer those questions, the Lord brings Ezekiel this vision as an explanation for his personal circumstances and those of all exiles
But the Lord has much more to say
And His message centers on Himself
On His omniscience, His sovereignty and ultimately His glory
God’s glory is always the first priority of Creation
The Lord proclaimed by His word in the covenant given to Israel that He would judge them for their sin under the covenant
These were hard words, but God issued these warnings to give Israel incentive to obey the covenant they freely entered
But Israel forgot their commitment to the covenant
And so now what should the Lord do?
His glory was on the line
God could no more ignore His own promises for judgment than He could lie
So for His glory sake, He was obligated to fulfill the terms of this covenant in judgment
Israel couldn’t begin to understand their circumstances unless they understood the importance of the glory of God
They were in exile because they entered into a covenant with a covenant-keeping God
We too are in covenant with the Lord by His blood
And unless and until we gain a high view of God’s sovereignty and glory, we too may struggle to experience strength and joy and peace in our relationship with Him
Like Israel, we must appreciate how life circumstances are moving under His hand to accomplish His will
According to His glory, not to our desires
When circumstances require, the Lord may bring difficulties into our lives too, by one means or another
But when He does, it’s only because His glory requires it
To grow us, to prepare us, to discipline us according to His word
But even if He does, he won’t leave us in the dark about why
By His Spirit in His word He’ll explain Himself, just as He did to Israel through Ezekiel
And usually He will be reminding us of things we already know
That we serve a holy God Who calls us to be like Him
That He asks us to bring glory to His name among the nations
And that He remains faithful to His word even when we aren’t faithful to ours