Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongWe’ve reached the climactic period of the seven year Tribulation, the time of Jacob’s Troubles
God is pouring out His wrath in a series of final bowl judgments prior to Christ’s Second coming
Six of the seven judgments have already come upon the earth
The first five produced devastating destruction such that life on earth is virtually impossible so the end must come quickly
The final two judgments kick off a complex series of events that collectively are known as the war of Armageddon
In Chapter 16 we get an overview of the seven judgments and the first stages of this war
Last week we studied the first phase where the Lord dries up the body of water of the Euphrates river east of Jerusalem near Babylon
In doing so, the Lord opens the way for the Antichrist’s forces to attack Jerusalem and the Jews still living there
The Lord motivates Satan to launch this attack by eliminating all sources of fresh water on earth making sustained life impossible
So with time running out and Satan aware that Christ’s return is imminent, he causes the Antichrist to bring his forces to Israel
The Antichrist moves westward toward the Jezreel Valley, near a place called Har-Megiddo, from which we get Armageddon
The stage is now set for an epic battle between good and bad, and with it comes the end of Tribulation and this age
So the Lord is directing the enemy’s actions like pieces on a chess board bringing everything to its appointed end
Which brings us to the final bowl judgment at the end of Chapter 16
This judgment is focused on the fall of a great city, and that fall is the most important event in Tribulation
In fact, it’s so important that this one judgment is explained in greater detail in Chapters 17 & 18
That judgment is the next stage of the war of Armageddon
The final bowl judgment is poured out into the air, as if the wrath of God coats the entire planet like a blanket
The atmosphere of our earth is an ocean surrounding the planet
And just as the previous bowl judgments were poured into bodies of water, so is this judgment poured into an ocean of air
It’s like a dye poured into a pool that mixes throughly bringing wrath to every part of the pool
So God’s wrath is going everywhere on earth
And this judgment results in an earthquake that produces a unique destruction unlike any other earthquake ever
The damage must be on a par with the flood of Noah except without water
Mountains are gone, islands are gone, and even the continents are ripped apart
Mountains and islands are the same thing, geographically speaking
An island is simply the top of a mountain rising out of the sea
So the logical conclusion is that mountain ranges – both on land and in the sea – sink downward into the crust of the earth
And anything built on a mountain would be gone…only the cities built on the plains remain and even these are leveled
Then as this final judgment comes, a voice from the temple says “It is done”
The Greek word for done can also mean accomplished
Meaning the wrath of God and His purposes in the Tribulation would come to an end with this final bowl
As promised, these judgments bring an end to God’s wrath
Remember also, when Jesus had completed the work of redemption, He declared it is finished as well
On the cross, Jesus took the wrath of God upon Himself for our sake
And once He had received God’s wrath for sin, He declared the wrath of God against the elect is finished
So the wrath of God will be poured out against all sin
It will be poured out either upon those who will bear God’s wrath themselves
Or it was poured out upon Jesus Who took it in our place
Finally, a hailstorm to end all hailstorms pummels the earth
Then the hailstorm brings 100lb hail falling on the entire earth
When we think of hail, we think of ice, which would be bad enough
But when the Bible speaks of hailstones, it literally means stones falling from the sky
God destroys the world with 100lb falling rocks, leaving nothing intact…resulting in the complete destruction of anything man-made
Since the judgment is clearly Heaven-sent, people on earth recognize this is another act of God
Who couldn’t recognize this as God’s work?
Nevertheless, they blaspheme His Name in response
So what is God’s purpose in these terrible disasters? In v.19, we’re told all the cities of the nations fall
The Greek word for nations, ethnos, can also be translated Gentiles
All nations apart from Israel are, by definition, Gentile
Therefore, “all the cities of the nations” means all the cities of the Gentiles
Therefore, the purpose of the seventh bowl judgment was to eliminate all Gentile cities anywhere on Earth
Only Jerusalem has been excluded from these judgments
And since Jerusalem stands on a mountain, we can presume that the mountain is still there as well
So the Lord has made abundantly clear which city He favors
Jerusalem alone remains intact and rises above all other cities, literally the highest point on all the earth
But there is one Gentile city still remaining on earth, at least to a degree
In v.19 we’re told a “great city” was split into three parts
At first glance, we assume that the term “great city” is a reference to Jerusalem
But when we follow our rules for interpreting symbols we find a different answer
The term “great city” appears in only eight verses in all the Bible, all of them in Revelation
And in every instance, the term references the same place: Babylon
For example, if we jump forward to Chapter 18 we find one of those eight occurrences:
One of the eight references to “the great city” in Revelation occurred back in Chapter 11
We know that verse was describing Jerusalem
But the term “great city” was being used in that verse also as a reference to Babylon
Notice Jerusalem is described in a total of four ways in that verse
It’s called the great city, Sodom, Egypt, and the place Jesus was crucified
The last of those four descriptions clearly tells us the city in view is Jerusalem
And therefore, the first three references are all euphemistic:
Jerusalem is like the great city, Babylon, and like Sodom and like Egypt
Each of these three places are known for great sin and rebellion against God, and so will be the state of Jerusalem in that day
So the term “great city” is always a reference to Babylon, and this city will now become the focus of our story for two chapters
In v.19 we’re told that Babylon is now receiving the cup of wine of God’s wrath
Bowls and cups are commonly used in Scripture as symbols
They store up God’s wrath for a later time when it will be poured out upon the deserving objects of God’s anger
This is now the fate of Babylon, but the concept of Babylon is complex, which is why it requires two chapters to deal with her destruction
The destruction of Babylon is one of two major themes of the Bible (the other major theme being redemption through Christ)
These two themes play against one another throughout all of Scripture
Babylon serves as the antagonist to Christ’s protagonist in that story
But just as Jesus’ identity was revealed slowly in stages over the course of Scripture, so is Babylon slowly unveiled
The word Babylon in scripture carries multiple meanings
In fact, Babylon stands for five related concepts in the Bible
First, Babylon is the home of sin, because it is the location for the Garden of Eden in present-day Iraq
The Garden of Eden was the location of Satan’s original attack against God
After Satan’s fall in Heaven, he was removed from his position in the Heavenly tabernacle
Later, Satan’s jealousy over the creation of Man and Woman led Satan to attack Adam and bring mankind into sin
At that point Satan gained dominion over the earth, having taken it from Adam when Adam obeyed him instead of God
So Babylon is Ground Zero for the start of sin on earth and the beginning of his battle with God over control of the earth
Forevermore, Babylon has been Satan’s home territory, his stronghold
Today, this region continues to be heavily guarded by Satan and his dark forces
Demonic activity seems to be especially strong in these areas today as well
So when you hear the word Babylon, you should think of the home of Satan and sin
Secondly, Babylon was the source of idolatry on earth
Genesis 11 records how men gathered in Babel under the leadership of a man called Nimrod
Nimrod was the antichrist of his day, and his story even serves as a picture of the Antichrist
Nimrod was an all-powerful world leader of everyone in that day
He calls for a new kind of worship, one that leads mankind into a project building a tower that will reach to heaven
While that goal may seem like folly, it was actually deadly serious, because the Babel tower was the start of idolatry among mankind
The tower was the first false religion
And like all religion, it attempted to replace obedience to God with a man-made way to reach Heaven
In that first case, their attempt to reach heaven was a literal one using a tower of mud bricks
But behind their foolish act were hearts that believed for the first time that it was possible to make your own way to God
The building of the tower in Babel was no coincidence…who do you think was behind this idea? Satan
Satan used Nimrod to establish the thinking that men could define their own way to reach Heaven
The Lord responded by scattering people, confusing language to ensure such a worldwide rebellion would be more difficult in the future
Since that time, languages have kept men separated and fighting one another rather than organizing against God
Until recent times, as Western culture and the internet have increasingly reunited the world under a common language
So as the world overcomes the barrier of language, a new worldwide rebellion against God becomes possible yet again
So when you hear the word Babylon, we need to think “the source of idolatry”
Thirdly, Babylon is the first Gentile kingdom to conquer the nation of Israel and the city of Jerusalem
Prior to Nebuchadnezzar, no Gentile nation had ever succeeded in overpowering God’s people
God permitted Babylon to conquer Israel as part of His plan to discipline His people for their sins
And in that way, Babylon becomes the first of the nations to control Israel during the Age of the Gentiles
And as we studied in Daniel, the man at the head of Babylon, Nebuchadnezzar, is also a picture of the antichrist
God permitted Babylon to conquer Israel, but He also promised to eventually punish Babylon for their cruelty against Israel
And the times of the Gentiles will end in a similar manner
A single Gentile ruler controlling the entire world and persecuting Israel, controlling both Jerusalem and Babylon
This will be the Antichrist’s kingdom and like the first Babylon, this final Babylon will be used by God to discipline His people
Yet as God promised, the discipline will not be to Israel’s destruction
So when we hear the word Babylon, we need to think “God’s instrument to discipline Israel”
Fourthly, Babylon becomes the seat of power for the Antichrist during the time of Tribulation
Some interpreters argue over whether the Babylon referenced in Revelation refers to the historical city or the symbol of Satan
But Scripture makes clear the Babylon in Revelation is both the literal place and a Biblical symbol
We’ve already seen in Revelation 16 that the Antichrist resides in the geographical Babylon near the Euphrates river
When the Euphrates river dries up, it becomes the opportunity for the Antichrist to bring the world’s armies to Israel
Also, the seventh bowl judgment declared that the great city, which is always Babylon, would be destroyed like the other Gentile cities
Again, a destruction of the city Babylon is singled out precisely because the city has become a center of power again
The Antichrist moves the world’s seat of power to Babylon during Tribulation at the point when he is indwelled by Satan
And that makes sense, since we know Satan’s home has always been in Mesopotamia
So naturally, he headquarters a world government in that city
So when we hear the word Babylon, we need to think “the seat of power in the last days”
Finally, because Babylon is the home of the Father of Lies and the seat of power for the Antichrist during Tribulation, the city stands for false religion in general
Babylon does not represents one specific false religion but all false religious systems Satan has ever invented
Because in reality, there are only two religious systems on earth
One is the way of God made available by His promises found in His word and through our faith in the work of Christ
Everything else is Babylon
The enemy’s counterfeit religion which began in the Garden, took shape at Babel, and eventually gave birth to uncountable numbers of children
Today’s smorgasbord of religious choices is a testimony of the enemy’s proliferation of lies
Creating many false religions plays to Satan’s advantage in two ways
First, it camouflages the truth, leading to confusion and making it harder for someone to find the truth
And secondly, it perpetuates the myth that there are many roads to heaven, so that all religions seem equally valid
So when we hear the word Babylon, we need to think “all false religion”
Putting all this together, we find that Babylon is both a literal, physical place of importance in the end times and a seat of spiritual power in Scripture
It is a physical location where sin began, and the spiritual home for Satan and rebellion
It was the starting point for idolatry, and the source of all hatred and oppression against God’s people in the Age of Gentiles
Babylon represents all of Satan’s false religions and the untold damage they have done over the millennia
So Babylon becomes representative of everything Satan is and all that he does to undermine the truth and oppose God
Just as other places like Sodom or Las Vegas convey certain meaning, so is the term Babylon loaded with meaning
And as Babylon is the poster child for Satan and evil, so Jerusalem symbolizes the opposite: it’s the city of God and a place of redemption
Jerusalem is God’s dwelling place, the capital of His people and the place of Christ’s sacrifice
It will be the seat of Christ’s government and the center of the world in the Kingdom
So as Babylon is for Satan, so Jerusalem is for Jesus
Therefore, Babylon and Jerusalem are always set opposed to one another in all Scripture, though that relationship is often hard to see
Generally, it’s expressed simply in terms of cardinal directions rather than by specific titles
So Babylon is east of Jerusalem, and therefore the direction east represents evil
Similarly, Jerusalem is in the west, and so moving west is a picture of moving away from evil and toward the Lord
For example, after Adam was created, the Lord put him in a Garden in the east, representing Adam moving toward sin
Later, Cain is sent to the east after he murders Abel
Then Abraham was sent from Ur in the east to the Promised Land in the west, intimating his move from paganism to faith
Even Jesus moved from west of the Jordan to the east to meet Satan in His temptations in the wilderness
And this pattern happens time and time again, with characters moving east or west suggesting a spiritual change as well
And now in this climactic end to the Age of the Gentiles, the figurative has become the literal
Where before Babylon and Jerusalem pictured the dichotomy of evil vs. good, now they have become the literal battle ground
The only two cities left standing at the end of the age are Babylon and Jerusalem
The Lord has narrowed the focus of the world on to these two locations
And with the bowl judgments he brings Satan from the east to the west to attack Jerusalem for a final battle
We know that the bowl judgments of Tribulation are the final wrath of God upon the earth
Therefore, these Tribulation judgments must bring an end to Babylon in all her forms
When all is said and done, Satan’s influence must be ended
The Antichrist and his base of power, the city of Babylon, must be destroyed
But more than that, all false religion must come to an end as well as all rebellion and idolatry
So in the seventh bowl judgment, Babylon, the great city, will fall
The physical city coming to an end including its political, economic and military power
Once and for all, the city that stands opposed to God and His people will be gone
But Spiritual Babylon will also be destroyed
All false religions will end, all idolatry including the idol of wealth, anything that could compete with worship of the Christ
All things Babylon will be conquered in preparation for Christ’s return
We see Babylon destroyed in two parts: first in Chapter 17 we see God judging Spiritual Babylon
The Lord brings an end to all false religion and its control over the unbelieving world
Interestingly, the Lord uses the father of false religion, Satan Himself, to complete that destruction
Secondly, with Spiritual Babylon defeated, Chapter 18 describes the judgment of the physical city of Babylon
The Antichrist makes the city a seat of military and financial power in the last days of Tribulation
So the Lord brings the city to ruin, robbing it of its wealth, power and prestige
We now see the judgment against Spiritual Babylon
In Chapter 17 we get a puzzle to solve, but the answers to the puzzle all appear in the chapter more or less
The angel tells John he will give him greater insight into the seventh bowl
And he introduces the scene in vs.1-2 by describing a certain woman whom he calls a harlot who sits on many waters
In v.5 we learn that the harlot is a symbol for the great city, Babylon, and its rule over the kings of the earth
Women are commonly used to symbolize religious systems in Scripture
Israel is called the wife of Jehovah, and the Church is called the Bride of Christ
And harlot is used here to picture Spiritual Babylon because a harlot is a perfect representation of false religion
A harlot or prostitute is an illegitimate, counterfeit wife, who gives the illusion of a marriage without the substance or reality
So in that sense a harlot is a fitting picture of idolatry, a false religious relationship rather than covenant with the true God
But more than merely picturing idolatry, John is told that this woman, the great city Babylon, is the Mother of all harlots
Babylon is not merely one of many harlots or false religions, she is the source, the beginning of counterfeits
Here’s confirmation of what we observe in the rest of the Bible
The source of false religion is Satan, personalized by His home city of Babylon
Notice the harlot sits on many waters, and the meaning of the waters is explained later in v.15
These “waters” represent the multitude of nations and peoples of the world…all of humanity in other words
So if the woman sits on waters, then it suggests she is over them or dominating them
The world is under the deception of false religion, which finds its source in Babylon, the home of Satan
The angels says that world leaders “fornicate” with her and the peoples became drunk in immorality
The enemy entices people to engage in false religion for a variety of fleshly reasons
Throughout time, world leaders have used religion to build a base of power, to enrich themselves to control their subjects
They fornicate with the harlot in the sense that they use her for their own pleasure and become partners with her
They become drunk by her immorality in the sense that they lose their senses as they come under Satan’s influence
False religion is both a sedative and a stimulant
It stimulates the lust of the flesh for greater power, various lustful desires or other greed
And false religion sedates the mind, lulling a person into a spiritual stupor and inoculating them from the truth
Then in v.3 John is taken to see this harlot in a new and more mysterious form
In the desert wilderness, John sees a woman riding a red beast, full of blasphemous names and having seven heads and ten horns
This beast is the same as the first beast John saw back in Revelation 13
We said then the beast is the Antichrist, and in v.8 we see confirmation that this is the Antichrist
He is the one who was, is not, and is about to come up out of the abyss and to destruction referring to his death and resurrection
And he is also the one the world will see and marvel over
And the beast is being ridden by the harlot, clothed in scarlet and purple and adorned richly
We know the woman is Spiritual Babylon, the mother of all false religion and idolatry
She has existed long before the Antichrist, and in fact we just saw her sitting on many waters, which are the kings of the earth
So Satan has been using false religion to control and manipulate world leaders throughout the ages
But now Babylon the harlot rides only the beast, the Antichrist who rules the world
As Satan indwells this man, Spiritual Babylon, the mother of idolatry, and the beast have become united as one
Which means that at the end of the Tribulation, all world religion is vested in a single man, the Antichrist
No longer will there be many false religions, because now there will be only the worst, the beast
In that sense, the harlot is now riding the beast, since he is her owner
And the woman is clothed like royalty and adorned with riches because Satan requires the world to worship him by making sacrifices to his false religion
Remember what Daniel told us about this same person during this time
The Antichrist honors Satan by calling the world to sacrifice greatly for the cause of the new world religion
The world lavishes the one false religion with great wealth, which honors Satan
And yet her judgment is assured because the effect of Spiritual Babylon has been to promote immorality and abominations and to kill the saints
In v.4 we’re told she holds a cup of abominations and immorality and it’s as if she indulges in these things like drink
She takes pleasure in them as if she is addicted to them
And in v.6 John hears that she is drunk on the blood of the saints, which pictures the martyrdom of the Tribulation but also of earlier times
In effect this scene tells the story of religion in all times
False religion is Satan’s tool to enslave the world, bringing it into all manner of sin, and using it to persecute the saints
And of course the worst examples are so-called Christian false religions that Satan uses to discredit Jesus and the true Church
So this is Spiritual Babylon, the system of lies and corruption Satan promulgates throughout the history of the world to counter the true God
In the final days of the age, all his schemes are vested in a single man, the Antichrist
Now John is given an answer to the meaning of the horns and heads of the beast
And the answer will explain how this beast relates to the fourth beast of Daniel 7
First, remember that we learned already in Chapters 12 and 13 that the dragon was Satan and the beast was the Antichrist
The dragon had ten horns and ten heads with crowns
This indicated Satan was in control of the entire world, all its kingdoms and all its rulers
But the beast had ten horns with ten crowns, but only seven heads with blasphemous names
And one of those seven heads was killed and then resurrected
Now we get the rest of the story
To have wisdom is the Bible’s way of saying you must know history and the rest of the Bible, specifically the Old Testament
First, the heads are mountains, which is itself a symbol of world rulers
And in v.10 we get confirmation that these mountains are kings because the text goes on to say they are seven kings
So why did the text go from heads to mountains to kings?
The angel is distinguishing these seven kings from the seven leaders who rule under the Antichrist
When the Bible uses mountains to stand for kings, it means kings of the highest authority…no one is higher
That means these seven kings cannot be the seven kings under the Antichrist, because they are not the highest authority
Furthermore, the harlot will sit on these seven kings
Remember, we learned earlier that the woman sits on the king of the earth
But once the Antichrist rises to power, she sits only on the beast
So if the harlot sits on these kings, they must have ruled before the Antichrist ever came to power
Then in v.10, we’re told five of these seven have fallen by John’s day, one is in power in that day, and one has not yet come
Clearly we’re talking of these kings appearing in a sequence over time
They don’t all rule at the same time, which is another indication that these seven kings are not the ones who rule at the end
The ten kings of Daniel 7 who rule in the Tribulation are all in power at the same time
Later in v.16, we’re told that the ten horns, not the seven heads, represent the kings of Tribulation
These horns give their power to the beast, but in John’s day they had not yet come to power
It would be 2,000 years or more before they come to power, but when they do they will rule for a short time (an hour)
So these seven heads on the beast are different kings than those who rule under the Antichrist in Tribulation
Next notice in v.10 the beast himself is also one of the seven heads, which means he is a successor to these other kings
And when he comes to power he remains only a little while, referring to his 3.5 year reign in the second half of Tribulation
So that tells us these are kings that rule one after another, not all at the same time
Next, in v.11 we’re told that the beast is not only a seventh but also an eighth
In v.11 John says he was and is not, which we know is a reference to the Antichrist’s death and resurrection
So the Antichrist is also an eighth in the sense that he dies and then comes back to life
He was the seventh until he dies, and then when he resurrects, he is in charge again, as if he becomes an “eighth” king
To understand the meaning of the heads of this beast, we need to go back to Chapter 13 to take note of one important detail
The beast of Revelation 13, which is the same beast we see here in Chapter 17, incorporated aspects of all four of Daniel’s beasts
It had parts of the lion, bear, leopard and the fourth beast with his ten horns
So this beast represents the entire age of the gentiles, culminating with the Antichrist’s rule of the world
The heads of the beast, therefore, must be supreme world leaders who ruled in this age
So we must look across all four of the kingdoms in Daniel’s Age of the Gentiles to find the identity of the kings
We know that during the 2,600+ years of the Age of the Gentiles, there have been many more rulers than seven
So how do we know which ones are represented by these seven heads?
Well, we get answers from the additional clues in the text
John is told five of the seven kings have fallen, one is, and one will come for a short while
So as John received this revelation in 95 AD, five of the kings associated with the Age had come and gone already
Before we start guessing, we need to remember the criteria for any nation or ruler to be considered part of the Daniel’s beasts
They must conquer both Babylon and Jerusalem
Now we begin to see a connection between this chapter and Daniel…it’s always been about Babylon vs. Jerusalem!
Even in the way the Lord put together this age of discipline for Israel, He emphasizes the point of good vs. evil
The nations that rule over Israel will also possess Babylon
So that ultimately we can say Israel has remained under Babylon’s authority until Christ’s return
So what supreme kings ruled over Jerusalem and Babylon and had died by the time John wrote Revelation?
History records only five, beginning with Nebuchadnezzar’s dynasty in Babylon
Followed by Cyrus’ dynasty in Persia and Alexander’s short rule
Upon Alexander’s death, Greece dissolved into four parts, just as the four wings of the leopard represented
Initially, the Seleucid Empire retained control of Babylon while the Ptolemaic Kingdom controlled Jerusalem
Then in 246 BC Ptolemy III attacked the Seleucid Empire and temporarily achieved control over both Babylon and Jerusalem
Later in 170 BC Antiochus Epiphanies IV of the Seleucid Empire attacked the Ptolemaic Kingdom and gained control of both
So by John’s day five kings and kingdoms had ruled Babylon and Jerusalem during the Age of the Gentiles
In that way, each of these kings pictured the antichrist in the simple sense that they did what the antichrist would one day do
In John’s day one was still in authority in the same way
General Titus conquered Jerusalem in AD 70 and ruled over Babylon when he ascended to emperor of Rome
Following Titus, the Roman Empire and its remnants continued to exert control over both cities off and on until 1923
The next head to conquer both will be the Antichrist during Tribulation
The Antichrist will be the last world leader to gain control over both places
He comes for a little while, meaning 3½ years, doing what his predecessors did, but doing it even more violently
So the seven heads are those kings who lead Satan’s kingdom, Spiritual Babylon, serving God’s purpose of Gentile domination over Israel
And as the harlot rides these kings throughout the history of the Age of the Gentiles, she eventually settles on the Antichrist
These kings were her benefactor and the harlot was an enabler for them to gain control
Together, Satan ruled the world by deception and lies and greed and lust
Then in Tribulation, that relationship becomes even closer as she rides one world leader
Finally, the ten horns, the ten kings who lead the world at the start of Tribulation, exist only for that purpose and they give their authority to the beast
The only purpose these kings serve is to support God’s program to bring the Antichrist to power
Ultimately, they and their kingdoms are brought to an end with Christ’s coming
Finally, now that we understand Spiritual Babylon, let’s see how the judgment comes to her
During the Age of Gentiles, God put Satan’s counterfeit religious system to work for God’s own purposes in discipling Israel
But now God sends the seventh bowl judgment to bring an end to this corrupt, counterfeit system
In v.16-17 we’re told that the Antichrist and the world rulers under him come to hate the harlot
At mid-Tribulation when Satan indwells the Antichrist, he directs that all worship be given to him
He puts an end to any form of worship and religious practice
So all religious institutions, temples, churches, mosques, and other places of worship are destroyed
These physical structures and the relics within are burned with fire we’re told in v.16
These things constitute the “flesh” of the harlot
And all religious institutions are stripped of their wealth, so she is made desolate and naked
The angel says in v.17 that these kings are working to fulfill God’s purposes though they think it’s their own idea
So after the seventh bowl is poured out, the only false religious worship remaining on earth will be worship of Satan
Which has always been the goal of Spiritual Babylon anyway
So now that Spiritual Babylon is no more, all that remains of idolatry and false religion is Satan and the Antichrist and the False Prophet
And in v.14 we’re told that Jesus will take care of them Himself upon His return
So the Lord used the seventh judgment to greatly simplify the problem of cleansing the world of false religion
He allowed Satan to do it for Him, so that at His second coming He need only destroy one man to end all idolatry