Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongRalph Waldo Emerson once said:
The Israel of Ezekiel’s day certainly fit that description
They were miserable in their captivity, puny in their power, voracious in their appetites for sin and hesitant to hear the word of the Lord
And most of all they were following…following corrupt leaders as they had for centuries
These leaders were godless men intent only on saving themselves and their place of prominence among the people
And their corruption brought the people of Israel down with them
So as the Lord concludes His declarations of judgment upon Jerusalem, He takes aim at the root cause of it all: Israel’s corrupt leaders
Last week we studied through most of Chapter 20 where the Lord explained the pattern of judgment that accompanies idolatry
The generation of Israel that lived in Egypt and the generation that wandered in the desert both ran afoul of the first commandment
As a result they each suffered exile of a sort, and the Lord uses their examples to convince this generation they face a similar fate
And that fate came largely as a result of evil men who led the people astray
That too had parallels to earlier generations
As we remember that Aaron enabled the generation in the Exodus to sin at the mountain
So the Lord now turns His words of wrath against the leaders
In the Hebrew Bible this final section of Chapter 20 is considered part of Chapter 21, because it leads directly into where we’re going
The Lord tells Ezekiel to set his face toward three places
First, toward Teman then the south and finally the Negev
All three of these Hebrew words were general references to the southern kingdom of Judah
The word temanah (Teman) means “right”, as in the direction of south when facing the rising sun in the east
And the Negev was the desert south of Jerusalem
So this is a prophecy concerning the south, and as we move into Chapter 21 we soon see that the “south” refers to Judah in general
To the southern kingdom the Lord says He will soon kindle a fire in that kingdom
That fire will consume every green tree and dry tree, the whole area from south to north
Green trees represent the good within Israel, while the dry tree represents the spiritual dead Jews in the land
This was to be a judgment that wouldn’t distinguish between the good and bad, at least not in the sense that anyone could expect to escape
The only difference would be that the good within Israel would be preserved in captivity while the bad would not
But this flame could not be quenched, and all flesh would know the Lord Himself was responsible for bringing the calamity
From all our study up to this point, we can see that this parable describes the coming third invasion of Nebuchadnezzar’s army
As the army moved in from the north and went through Judah, they followed a scorched earth policy
They left few survivors, they left no cities standing, and they showed no mercy to anyone
They literally wiped Israel off the map…it was an unprecedented degree of destruction, even for the Babylonians
But as Ezekiel relates this latest warning to the people, he hears the exiles complaining that the prophet is speaking in parables
That’s not a compliment…they are suggesting he’s not making sense
And so they aren’t responsible for listening much less heeding his words
And so Ezekiel complains back to the Lord asking for defense
Which leads us into Chapter 21…
This chapter opens with the Lord making plain what the exiles complained was too hard to understand
In short, a judgment is coming against Jerusalem and all the southern kingdom
In v.2 the Lord explains that the judgment would impact the city, the temple and the land overall…nothing would be overlooked
More importantly, the Lord takes full credit for that destruction
The Lord wants the people to know that He was the one swinging this judgment sword
Moreover He has designed this judgment to remove all Jews from the land, both the righteous and the wicked and from south to north
There will be no exceptions
And the sword won’t be placed in the sheath, He says
Which means the Lord won’t stop short of completing the total judgment He’s promised
Now we’ve heard similar things in this book before, yet some may still wrestle with what’s happening here
Some question whether the Lord could truly be the Author of destruction, death and mayhem in this way
They prefer to think that the Lord isn’t involved in such things…that such events are the result of Satan’s mischief
And the Lord desires for better things to come to pass
For that group, let me remind you of the Lord’s own words
The Lord says plainly to Israel that there is no source of power and authority for what happens on earth besides Him
All that happens is according to the Lord’s power and intentions
He is the one who created both light and darkness in the beginning, symbolizing good and bad
And He says He is the One who causes well-being and also creates calamity
Yes, the devil is real and he has power of his own as a created being
But the Lord harnesses Satan’s power as part of His plan for Creation
Remember, it was Jesus Who released Judas from the meal and instructed him to accomplish his plan of betrayal quickly
That’s one of the clearest examples of God’s permissive will incorporating Satan’s evil desires into God’s plan
While we credit Satan with leading Judas to betray Jesus, we also acknowledge that Satan acted by and according to God’s will
Likewise we’re told that the Lord used a demon to torment King Saul
So the Lord has always used evil to further His plan
And creating calamity in this way isn’t sin when it’s a righteous judgment in response to sin
That’s the situation we have at present in Israel
These people have sinned for generations
So the Lord is perfectly right to bring judgment
Nevertheless, that raises a second concern for some: the indiscriminate nature of this judgment
Peter tells us the Lord distinguishes between the righteous and the unrighteous in His judgments
Yet in this case, the Lord says His judgment will impact both the righteous and the wicked (i.e., the green tree vs. dry tree)
Still, no one escapes untouched, and so we should ask why is the Lord willing to allow the righteous to suffer at all?
The answer is the Old Covenant
That covenant, as we’ve discussed, bound the entire population of the nation to God under certain terms
And as part of the terms of that covenant, the nation was required to refrain from idolatry
If they violated those terms, then the Lord committed to placing the entire nation into exile
So in this unique case, the Lord must bring the entire nation into exile
Because the terms of the covenant require the nation be treated uniformly
Nevertheless, there is a measure of distinction between the righteous and the unrighteous in the events of the judgment
The righteous will escape death if they obey the voice of the Lord and surrender to the Babylonians
While the unrighteous who resist the invasion because they don’t heed the word of God will die in the fight
So even as the Lord is bringing the entire nation into the judgment as the covenant requires, He is still just to all
The Lord’s purpose in bringing such a sweeping judgment was that there would be no question in anyone’s mind Who the true Lord is
Notice in v.5 He says all flesh would know that it was the Lord Who acted
And in knowing the Lord acted, all people would also know that He was real, He alone is God and He is faithful to His covenant
Nevertheless, the judgment would be terrible to behold, even for the righteous, the Lord says
So he asks Ezekiel to begin his mourning process now
Ezekiel is told to groan publicly as one would do when in mourning
Obviously, this would gain Ezekiel a lot of attention from the exiles who would come to him asking what’s wrong
And to that question, the Lord says in v.7 that Ezekiel is to tell them that this is what everyone in Israel will be doing soon
Which leads to the next part of this prophecy
This prophecy is written in a poetic form at least in parts, so it’s become known as the song of the sword
The poem describes a spectacularly dangerous sword, an “Excalibur” of a weapon that strikes terror
It’s been specially prepared for God’s people
And the Lord will bring it upon everyone
The poem is arranged as a chiasm
Notice it starts in vs.9-10 with descriptions of the sword’s sharpness and reflections
And then in vs.15-16 those same features are repeated in a reverse, chiastic order
Next we have descriptions of the slaughter and the slayer in vs.11-12
And that thought is repeated on the opposite end again vs.14-15
Which places the center of the chiasm on v.13, which is the “point” of the chiasm
The point of the chiasm is the point of the story
And in this case that point is this judgment is a test for the people of Israel
The test is how will they live in exile without any leaders to guide them
Because the Lord is going to remove all officials from among them
Backing up for a moment, we need to understand why the Lord keeps emphasizing the point of a coming judgment over and over again
The Jews held stubbornly to their assumptions of rescue
As long as the city of Jerusalem still stood, the people continued to believe that they had a home to return to one day
As long as the temple still stood and the walls of the city were still standing (mostly), and priest and kings ruled, they clung to hope
They simply wouldn’t believe that they weren’t going to return home soon
But the Lord says over and over again through Ezekiel and Jeremiah that they won’t be returning anytime soon
And many of them would never return
The cities would be empty and wiped away
The temple would razed to the foundations and the walls would gone too
There simply would be no Israel on earth for a time
And when that reality hit home at a certain point, the people came face to face with the reality of this judgment
They aren’t there yet, but the Lord is giving them these prophecies now in preparation for that moment
So that when the events come to pass, Israel will have reason to pause and consider what they heard and recognize the Lord acted
So in v.11 the Lord says He hands His sword of judgment to an unnamed executioner, who would be Nebuchadnezzar
And in v.12 the Lord says that man’s attack would be directed specifically at the officials of Israel
Here we reach the point where the Lord calls out the leaders of Israel for their part in the tragedy
The leaders of Israel would be sure to die in this attack, which means they would not have the option to live as others might
But though we understand the leaders to be bad and to be worthy of this end, it was still a particularly sad outcome for the people
The people of Israel would be rocked by the complete loss of their leaders
Traditionally, the people have known three types of leaders: judges, priests and kings
We could also include prophets in that list, though prophets typically didn’t hold authority over people in the same way
But after this judgment, the nation would lose access to priests, judges, kings and the like
There would be no officials in Israel at the start of the exile
The people would be leaderless for a time, and that would prove to be a great humiliation to them
And it would provoke great fear among the people
Because even though their past officials were evil, nevertheless they offered Israel an identity and a degree of security
Because it’s bad enough to be held in captivity away from your country
But it’s a far worse thing to be held in captivity away from your country and your country doesn’t exist any longer and your leaders are wiped out
In vs.12-13 the Lord says this will be an occasion for great mourning such that Ezekiel and the people will strike their thighs in despair
And the Lord says this will be a severe testing for the people
The Lord calls His choice to remove all leaders a “rod” as in a stick used to disciple disobedience
Specifically, Nebuchadnezzar is that rod of discipline
Having no officials while in exile leads the people to search for authority and guidance
And in their searching they will rediscover the Lord and His law
So the Lord then asks what will they do if even that rod is no more?
He’s alluding to the day when Babylon gave way to Persia and this stage of discipline ended for the people
In other words, He’s saying that even though the rod doesn’t last forever, still it will have its desired effect
So then the Lord tells Ezekiel clap your hands as you announce this double of the sword on the third time
The third time is the attack on the city which was coming
And in that third attack, the battle would be twice as bad as anything that had come to the city so far
And Ezekiel was to clap as if applauding the Lord’s judgment and apprising of His judgment
Finally in v.17, the Lord says He will “clap His hands too” in approval of this judgment on His people
It will appease His wrath and He has spoken so it will come to pass
Remember, the Lord instinctively experiences wrath in the face of sin
And His wrath cannot dissipate absent something to remove it, something to appease it
If the Lord’s wrath for sin were to dissipate without cause, it would be an injustice
So this severe judgment is the means by which the Lord appeases His wrath under the terms of the Old Covenant
The people have violated the agreements prohibiting idolatry
And He is now acting to bring wrath and once it is spent, He approves since it has appeased Him
Now it’s time for Ezekiel to return for a moment to his prior role as a street artist, giving Israel prophecies by mime
The Lord tells Ezekiel to make a map, probably by drawing in the dirt or on a tablet
The map traces the major road that connects Babylon to Jerusalem
That road diverged at a point in Damascus
The east fork of the road went to Rabbah, the capital city of the Ammonites that settled east of Judah
The other side of the fork went to Jerusalem
Now in that day, these roads were little more than worn paths used by traders
Generally, maps didn’t exist and roads didn’t have signposts
So as Nebuchadnezzar’s army marched, they relied on local knowledge and divination to find their way to their desired destination
In this prophecy, the Lord tells Ezekiel to explain to the exiles how Babylon would find its way to Jerusalem for this devastating attack
Using the map, the Lord says He brings the sword upon Jerusalem by guiding it to them
In v.20 the Lord tells Ezekiel to mark the left route toward Ammon and the right path to Jerusalem
And then the king will stop at the fork not knowing which way to go, so he will resort to divination
Divination is ritual that taps into demonic power for insight and guidance
In this case, demons certainly know the right way to go, so they can provide that knowledge to those they wish
There were standard methods diviners used to learn the knowledge of the demons
And the Lord mentions three of them here:
Belomancy involved writing possible answers on arrows, mixing them up, replacing them in a quiver and drawing one
Necromancy was a process of consulting idols that could communicate with dead ancestors
And hepatoscopy involved inspecting the liver of dead animals to discern an answer from the markings or shape of the organ
In all cases, we’re talking about methods that opened the person up to hearing from demons
And the Lord says in v.21 that the king of Babylon will use these methods to learn how to find Jerusalem for his attack
And in v.22 the Lord says the king’s divination efforts will lead him to the road headed to Jerusalem
In other words, the Lord will ensure that Nebuchadnezzar gets the right answer
And as a result, their battle cry, battering rams and siege ramps will appear at the city walls
But the people of the city will see Babylon’s arrival as some kind of colossal mistake on God’s part
They expected God to thwart the king’s efforts and to lead the army toward Ammon
After all, Ammon was the enemy of God
Ammon deserved God’s wrath, Israel thought
And in v.23 they say to themselves we have sworn oaths to the Lord and He to us, so that should ensure Israel’s safety
But the problem is those oaths committed Israel to remaining faithful to Yahweh, which they didn’t do
They want it both ways…they want God to be faithful to them even as they weren’t faithful to Him
We’ve already learned that Israel was committing worse sin that her neighbors
So in reality Ammon was less deserving than Israel
In v.23 the Lord says He is using this judgment to bring Israel’s sin back to mind
That’s the fundamental disconnect driving Israel’s misconceptions
They fail to remember or appreciate their own sin
And if you don’t recognize your sin before God, you’ll never understand His discipline or judgment
And even when judgment comes, you won’t get the point
But in this case, the Lord is working to ensure they get the point
In v.24 He says their sinful deeds have been exposed to all and so will their judgment be
Furthermore, the current king, Zedekiah, would also see his time come
He would have his crown removed, and he would receive his own punishment
Everything that was exalted by this people would be made low and that which was low will be exalted by the Lord
Notice v.27…the disposing of Zedekiah marks a fundamental shift in ruling in Israel
Where before in Israel there was a steady succession of kings who ruled uninterrupted, that was changing now
The Lord would bring the Davidic dynasty to ruin
And it would be no more until “He” comes whose right it is to rule Israel
Obviously, that’s a reference to Jesus ruling Israel
So another consequence of this judgment is the elimination of legitimate kings ruling Israel
Even those who tried to assume the throne after the Maccabean rulers, or Herod’s family, were not from David’s line
In fact, Herod’s family were not even Jewish
So the nation will have to wait for the Kingdom before they see a king again
Which is in keeping with the pattern of restoration we saw last week
Now we have one last section of the chapter to complete, and it’s a bit of foreshadowing
The second half of this book starts in Chapter 25
In the first part of that second half, Ezekiel will issue a series of prophecies concerning Israel’s enemies
One at a time, the Lord explains how in the future He will judge the nations that have historically opposed Israel
These prophecies come true when the Kingdom comes to earth, so they are part of the section looking forward to that time
One of those enemies are the Ammonites, which the Lord just mentioned in this prophecy to Israel
But rather than wait for that coming section to pronounce judgment on Ammon, the Lord chooses to mention it here
So this is a bit of a preview of what we will be studying soon as we enter the second half of the book
The Ammonites were the descendants of the incestuous relationships between Lot and his daughters
They were always enemies of the Jewish people
And in this situation particularly, they did Israel a disservice
The Lord had just mentioned that He would send the Babylonians to Jerusalem rather than to Ammon
And of course, this would confuse the people of Israel at first, because they understood that the Ammonites were people deserving God’s judgment
Furthermore, after the Babylonians removed Israel from the land and destroyed Jerusalem, the Ammonites entered the land
They ransacked what little was left of Jerusalem
They attacked the few remaining Jews that had managed to escape the army of the Babylonians
So naturally, the people of Israel were expecting the Lord to bring vengeance on that people
So the Lord connects Israel’s judgment to Ammon’s fate
He says the same sword that conquers Israel will be drawn against the Ammonites too
They will suffer reproach for their acts against the Lord and His people
And even though the Lord chose to bring judgment to Israel over Ammon in the case of Babylon’s third attack
That doesn’t mean that Ammon didn’t have their own judgment coming
So the Lord reminds them not to be self-satisfied
The sons of Ammon will see false visions and lies in their divination that cause them to be on the necks of Israel (v.29)
This is a reference to the way Ammon piled on to Israel’s troubles during Babylon’s attacks
But in v.30 the Lord says when Ammon returns to its land, they will face judgment
Sure enough, the land of Ammon was attacked not long afterward by Persia
The Persian army was even more brutal than the Babylonian army, men skilled in destruction the Lord says
The Ammonites would be fuel for the fire and their blood would be in the midst of the land
After the Persians attacked the region and subdued the Ammonites, history mostly forgot about that people
There are isolated mentions of Ammonites up to about the second century
But they were never again a powerful people much less a threat to Israel
And in Jeremiah, the Lord also tells Israel that in the Kingdom the land of Ammon would become Israel’s possession
So the example of Ammon reminds us that the Lord can harness evil to do His bidding and then turn around and judge that vessel for that evil
God can allow Satan to use Judas to betray Christ
And then He can turn around and judge both Satan and Judas for that sin
That’s the sovereignty of God to use evil without forfeiting His right to judge evil for what it does
That’s why the Bible asks us to leave room for the vengeance of God
When evil comes against you, the Lord allowed it for some good purpose
But that doesn’t mean the Lord doesn’t have a plan to ultimately judge that evil for what it did
So He can use evil to accomplish good and then do good Himself by judging that same evil
That’s how He has dealt with Israel through all her enemies, and in weeks to come we will examine how God does this in each case