Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongThroughout this first half of Ezekiel, the Lord has spoken repeatedly to the exiles about their sins
Much of that time, the Lord has defended the need to bring judgment against a people that were in denial
So the Lord’s patiently reminded them of Israel’s history of idolatry and depravity
And at other times He’s reviewed the offenses of their past leaders who dragged the people into their sin
Still, the people seem to believe that they are being treated unfairly by God
So as we approach the end of the first half of the book, the Lord begins to increase the pressure on this generation
He gets more specific and more graphic in describing their sin
Because as He recounts their sins in increasing detail, He also gives added justification for the radical and dramatic judgment that is coming
So tonight, Chapter 22, the Lord returns to a focus on the nation’s leaders as He did last week in Chapter 21
This chapter looks again at the culpability of the current leaders
In the next chapter, the Lord uses another allegory to explain Israel’s sins
And in the final chapter of this section the Lord pronounces a final devastating judgment on the people using a parable
We will do Chapter 22 this week, and we will move rapidly through Chapters 23-24 next week to conclude part 1
So let’s look at the bloody guilt of the present generation of Israel
The Lord repeatedly describes the various abominations of Israel as bloody
The Hebrew word is literal “blood” but the meaning is idiomatic
It doesn’t necessarily mean that a person was harmed in every case, though certainly at times that was the case
Child sacrifice was a part of their practices and they also shed the blood of prophets and others who tried to bring Israel back to the Lord
Nevertheless, the word blood in Hebrew can be used euphemistically to mean acting in a vile or violent way to oppress the truth and harm well-being
That was Israel’s pattern for centuries and it was true of this generation
The people shed blood in the midst of the Lord’s city and made idols in the city against their own interests, the Lord says in v.3
These acts brought the day of judgment nearer and brought judgment to Israel in their time, in their years
That’s a useful way to conceive of God’s judgment, and it also applies to His discipline for the believer
With each decision to sin, each step away from the Lord and His word, we are “pulling” His judgement closer
It’s as if it’s a train headed our way and it moves in concert with our decisions
As we choose to sin against the Lord, we accelerate that train of discipline toward us
But as we repent and move away from sin, the train stops and retreats
Israel kept pulling that train toward itself and so the time had come for Israel to get run over, so to speak
The Lord would make the city know of her abominations through this judgment
The blood they shed and the idols they built convicted them
We’re not talking about their fathers’ sins…this is about the sin of this very generation now
They would become a mocking and reproach to neighbors, He says in v.4
That’s a significant statement, because Israel’s neighbors hated God’s people
They would love nothing more than to see Israel brought low
But the Lord says Israel will become a reproach before her neighbors
They will look at Israel with contempt because of this outcome…almost as if they feel sympathy for God’s people
That tells you how devastating the coming attack will be
And the nations will mock Israel for its downfall
Their mocking will go this way…here’s Israel, the nation that claims to be God’s people and expected to always be protected by God
And yet look who’s now been devastated by that very God
So they laugh at the Israel who thinks they were better than everyone else and yet now is worse
That’s also a reminder of what happens when we enter into a relationship with the living God
Our future hope is better than the world, because our relationship with God has rescued us from the world’s future fate
But that same relationship also places significant expectations on us for obedience
And when we suffer the consequences of a lack of obedience, we risk becoming a laughing stock to the world
Our faith ensures we will be victorious in the end, but in the short term we may be exhibited as an example
Then in v.6 the Lord turns to the leaders and recites an inventory of all that the current rulers of Israel have done to further Israel’s fall
He says they each contributed to the bloodshed and violence according to his power
So individuals did evil in their own power
Judges and priests presided over evil in their jurisdictions
And kings spread evil throughout their kingdoms
In v.7 the Lord begins to list their specific offenses
He begins the list with disrespect for parents
The leaders treated the authority of parents lightly within Israel He says
Now with all that we’ve heard about going on in Israel in this book, this offense may seem out of place
It’s not very serious compared to child sacrifice, yet it’s the first one on God’s list
But that’s where it should be, because it’s probably the root cause of much of Israel’s ills
When children are brought up in families and in a culture where respect for parental authority is optional, it sows the seeds of greater problems
Those children eventually become adults who will not respect authority in general
And a lack of respect for authority takes the brakes off the depravity of the human heart
A child absent respect for parents experiences a way of life that teaches them that authority is a force to be fought and defeated
Rather than appreciating authority as a God-appointed force to be respected for the sake of good
These leaders didn’t enforce the Law’s requirements that disobedient children be disciplined
So disobedience became the norm
And as childhood rebellion became the norm, societal rebellion against Law and authority in general also became common
And in a related trend, when a culture becomes engaged in fighting against the powers that be, it loses interest in the weak
So the fatherless, the widow and the like will be overlooked and abandoned and abused
The alien who has little or no right in the culture will be oppressed
When society only desires power and rebellion, it loses all respect for those who offer neither
Third, the Lord says that Israel despised the holy things of God, including the Sabbath
This is the next step of progression for those who have learned to fight against authority
There is no authority greater than God, so for a heart determined to fight back against authority God makes the perfect target
Israel was a culture saturated with the symbols and rituals of God
And each week a day was set aside to cease in everything and remember God
So if you were a Jew with a heart set against obeying authority, then profaning the Lord’s rituals and sabbath was an obvious choice
You had a daily opportunity to flex your muscles against the Lord
And once a heart gets a taste of rebellion, it’s hard to cut it off
So disobedience to parents led to disobedience against Law and authority as an adult
And a rebellious and disobedient adult heart soon turned to rebelling against the ultimate authority in Israel, which was God Himself
And once the heart is freed from the constraints of law and God’s authority, there is nothing to restrain its depravity
So the next offense in this chain in v.9 is slandering, murder, engaging in idol worship, which and sexual depravity
This slippery slope follows Paul’s wise words in Romans
Turning from the true authority led to establishing authorities of their own making, which is merely license to do as they wish
They saw themselves as wise and sophisticated, but in reality they were foolish
And that so-called wisdom led them to worship the silliest of things, which then led to a profaning of their own bodies
Ritual sex was the height of Canaanite worship practices, and naturally it was a great attraction to Israel
Surely the enemy anticipated that effect and so he used sex to entice the Israelites into pagan idolatry
Douglas Stuart said this about Canaanite worship practices:
Naturally, as sexual practices degenerated within the culture, it became a free-for-all of sexual lust
They uncovered their father’s nakedness, which indicates that fathers were engaged in ritual sexual activity side by side with their family members
Women were put in service to men even while in mensuration, which was against the law and considered abhorrent
Adultery and incest followed as well
These practices weren’t simply happening in dark corners of the culture
They had become common place and were accepted and even encouraged by Israel’s leadership
Can you imagine such a place? We know our current culture is bad too, and in some ways, it’s worse
But generally, society frowns on such things at least for now
But imagine a place where these behaviors were as common as kids’s soccer games and walking your dog in the park
And just as acceptable
Finally, the culture saw men taking brides as a contract to put other men to death, according to v.12
The people are charging interest on debt, which was prohibited by the Law
And they willingly injure their neighbor for financial gain
In short, the people have forgotten their Lord
Knowing how bad things had become in Israel, is it any surprise that they can’t accept Ezekiel’s warnings?
They could scarcely remember the God Who called them into being and set them in the land
It’s been generations since the people have truly experienced His presence
And meanwhile as His glory resided in the temple, they were a short distance away engaging in ritual sex and idol sacrifice
It’s a wonder that the Lord didn’t strike the entire nation down long ago
So now as He speaks to them, the Lord’s words hardly make a dent in their hard heads and harder hearts
But the grace of God is evident in the fact that He keeps trying
The Lord pursues His people despite their disinterest in Him
And getting their attention for His words begins with stripping them of the unholy gain of their depraved practices
And then it moves to applying such intense heat and pressure that their hard hearts melt and soften
The Lord promises the leadership, which found ways to profit from Israel’s lawlessness, will see their dishonest gain stripped away
Practically, we know that this stripping process came in a big, dramatic way
The entire city is wiped out
The people are either killed or hauled off into captivity with nothing
The land is left fallow for 70 years so that when they eventually return it’s a serious fixer-upper project
So the glory of the nation is stripped away and the evil hearts of the people are humbled
Which leads the Lord to ask if they think their proud, hard hearts can endure what the Lord is bringing against them?
The answer is obvious, or should be obvious to everyone who entertains it
Can you withstand what the Lord is prepared to bring against you to get your attention?
To soften your disobedient heart and bring you into submission?
It’s worth remembering that should we entertain a season of disobedience in our lives, we can’t beat the Lord
In His patience and long suffering nature, He may give us plenty of rope to hang ourselves, as He did Israel
But eventually, the Lord will bring us under the rod
And when that time comes, can your heart endure?
Do you think you will be strong in that day?
The foolish think they either won’t be held to account or can stand up to God
The same foolishness that caused them to rebel against God’s authority in the first place also deceives them into thinking there will be no consequences
But when they inevitably do come, it’s impossible to stand against God
So the Lord, once again, promises to disperse the people out of their land so that He might consume their uncleanliness
Consuming their uncleanliness refers to the way the Lord used these events to eliminate idolatry in the nation
Yet in their desperate circumstances, Israel would profane themselves He says
In other words, as they turn back from idolatry while in captivity, they will be unable to abide by the ritual requirements of the law
Likely, the people ate pork and other unclean things at times
We see Daniel refusing to eat such things in captivity, though it’s unlikely that all Jews were equally scrupulous
The people would be stripped of everything to the point all they had left was their identity in God
And in that way, they rediscovered a respect for His authority
This process of stripping away the sin and depravity and hard heartedness can be compared to the way metal is refined
And that’s the process the Lord uses next to explain what was coming for His people
The Lord begins the analogy by referring to Israel’s sin as dross
Dross are the impurities in ore mined from the ground
The desired metals of silver, gold, lead and the like must be freed from other impurities like sulphur and the like
In the smelting process, the ore is heated to a temperature that melts all the metals in the soil
The desirable metals are heavier, so they sink in the hot vessel
Those parts of the ore that are not heavy, float to the surface
Then a blacksmith will take a tool to scrape the impurities off the surface of the molten metal
Those impurities are the dross
So the removal of the impurities involves a two step process of heating and separation
Likewise, the stripping of Israel’s impurities involved both steps
First in v.19 the Lord says they will be put in the middle of the city of Jerusalem
He’s talking about Jerusalem like it’s a pot
Historically, the people were contained in the city like in a pot over fire, because the city was blockaded by the Babylonians
Secondly, the Lord has gathered the previous metals in the city, referring to the people themselves
Israel’s sins were numerous, but the people themselves were precious to the Lord
So the Lord need a stripping process to remove the people from their sins so that the precious things of Israel could continue
So the people in the city are heated up like metal in a pot
The Lord will blow His wrath on them like a blacksmith blowing on a hot fire to increase the heat
The Lord will melt the people so to speak
The heat refers to the difficulties of the coming siege and destruction of the city followed by their years of trial in captivity
This trial was severe indeed, but it caused the people to soften their hearts
After the softening, the Lord scraped these desires away
First, He moved them away from the people’s sight by removing them from the land
Then He removed the evil leaders who were encouraging the people to do the wrong thing
And finally, he stripped the people from the ability to do what they desired by limiting them in captivity
As desperation takes hold, the people naturally seek for relief and turn to God again in repentance
And what was left was something pure, something holy and obedient to God
That’s what the Bible means when it says the kindness of God leads a person to repentance
It means that as the Lord allows us to experience the desperation created by our rebellion, it produces a desire for relief from the effects of sin
And in that process, our heart will come to see obedience to God as the better path
Where before God’s holiness and law seems like something to fight, we now see it as blessing
But getting to that point requires heat and separation
Like the Prodigal Son in Luke 15, the son’s trial in the pigs’ mud led him to see the father’s kindness
His poverty and loneliness was his heat
And his desperate circumstances stripped him of his pride and arrogance and defiance
And at that point, the son was ready to return a new man, precious and pure again
Where before the father’s authority and provision was something to be resisted and rejected
Now the son, who was desperate in his situation, came to appreciate the father’s authority as a comfort to be respected
That’s how the Lord brings a heart into repentance
So now to end this chapter, the Lord directs the blame squarely at the leaders, who have made it possible for the people to stray so far
First, to Israel the prophet says they are a land that is not cleansed or rained upon
The punishment for their sins began long before they went into captivity
It started as a drought that lasted for many years
The people were seeing the land drying up around them as a foreshadowing of the dry period of captivity that was coming
But in the Bible rain is also a picture of blessing from God, so the imagery was clear…the days of blessing from the Lord were over
The nation was about to experience a spiritual dryness
And that dryness was the result of corrupt leaders
And the Lord then lists four groups of leaders and presents how each played a part in Israel’s downfall
Prophets, priests, kings and finally the people themselves
Interestingly, prophets get mentioned first and last in this list, which reflects the unique importance of those who claim to speak for God
Israel’s problems all began and ended with God’s word, or the lack thereof
In the case of these prophets, they are not true prophets, of course
Ezekiel’s speaking of false prophets and these prophets form a conspiracy
The false teaching of one prophet would be “confirmed” by another
And in that way, the people could be convinced that the false prophets were speaking for God
It’s like the old saying that just because two people repeat the same rumor, that doesn’t prove it’s true
This is a typical tactic of false teachers generally
They tend to feed off one another
Today, you can see prosperity heretics, false healers and the like sharing each other’s tricks and false interpretations
If one discovers something that works (i.e., raises money), the others soon copy it
And in that way, the false teaching seems to be confirmed
But the results are always the same
In v.25 we’re told they devour lives, take treasure and make widows in their midst
The effects of false teaching is always to kill, steal and destroy because it’s a tactic of the enemy
The testimony of these false prophets produced devastating results
Many in Israel were robbed of their money, and many saw families and relationships broken
Israel was unraveling from the lawlessness in families and in society in general
Many even lost their lives
The prophets were telling Israel in Ezekiel’s day that God said to fight the Babylonians when they returned and they would win
This was the opposite of what the Lord actually said through Jeremiah and Ezekiel
Their lies created many widows in Israel
And false teaching is having a similar effect on the church today
Obviously, false teachers are constantly trying to fleece the flock of our money
And unfortunately, greedy Christians are willing to believe their lies in the hopes of riches from God
But false teaching also breaks relationships, causes suspicions, and destroy testimonies
Moving to priests, the ones called to intercede for Israel with the Lord, we’re told in v.26 they did violence to the Law and profaned holy things
The Lord had given Israel a Law and system of worship carefully designed to reveal Him to His people
And the priesthood was commissioned to guard these things for the people
They would guard the name and character and word of God so He could be clearly understood and appreciated in Israel
But instead, the priests became representatives of pagan gods and led the people away from the true God
They presided over profane practices in the temple
They set up idols and invited prostitutes to serve inside
So if the people managed to avoid the misleading testimony of false prophets, they would be sidetracked by a corrupt priesthood
They came looking for the true God, but the priests sent them in a different direction
That too was part of the conspiracy
We don’t have priests today, as no man or woman intercedes to God on our behalf
We are all part of the priesthood of God, since we all have direct access to the Father through our High Priest
Nevertheless, we can still act in a similar way to mislead people when we mix the holy and the profane
We can’t mix what Scripture calls us to do and say and believe with worldly notions
People come to a church presumably looking for the truth about God, and any that would steer them away from God in that moment will be held accountable
Thirdly, in v.27 the Lord says Israel’s princes (kings) were like wolves tearing at a prey because they encouraged bloodshed and destroyed lives to gain riches
Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely
Israel’s kings were men who should have put the needs of the people and the nation above their own needs
That’s God’s expectation for any person who has authority to lead over His people
But when someone holds power, they will always face temptation to use that power to their own advantage
In Israel, the corrupt kings were willing to condone or engage in murder to become richer
And then in v.28 we hear that those false prophets were lying in support of the king to share in their favor
Again, it all began and ended with false words from lying prophets
The enemy used these men to corrupt God’s people
And as he did, Satan assumed he was working a plan to destroy God’s Messiah even before He could come
For if Israel was absorbed in idol worship, then the Messiah would have no one to receive Him or even look for Him
But the Lord used Satan to work his own demise
Satan directed the hearts of Babylon to attack God’s people
And in that attack, the Lord brought a refining process that ultimately led Israel away from idolatry
Much the same way as Satan’s desire to kill Christ was used by God to accomplish the atonement
Finally, the fourth group are the people themselves, and the Lord says in vs.29-30 that the fruit of these corrupt leaders is a people without mercy or love
They rob, oppress, and have no compassion on the needy or stranger
These are the traits common in any group of people who have taken their eye off the Lord
When we are not walking with the Lord, we will become untrustworthy, unloving, unkind people too
Our hearts will rebel in full force against God unless and until He brings us back by His kindness
In Ezekiel’s day, the Lord says He looked for one person to take the place of these bad leaders, a man who could lead His people back to Him
And despite His search, He found none
That statement is hyperbole and it’s spoken for effect
Obviously, the Lord need not search for anyone, since He Himself knows all hearts
Furthermore, He has raised up Daniel and Jeremiah and Ezekiel, and certainly these men could stand in the gap
The Lord’s point is that the nation had strayed so far by this point that no man would have been able to tame the people’s rebellious hearts
Simply put, this problem was too big to solve with a man
It required a God-sized solution
First, that refers to the Lord’s solution of conquest and exile
That was literally the only way to solve this problem and no “good” king could come to power and solve this situation
Notice, in v.31 the Lord promises to pour out His indignation and consume them, because there simply was no other solution
The people wouldn’t have listened to David or Solomon
They wouldn’t have repented even if Moses preached to them
The problem was too big, the evil was too entrenched and the rebellion too far gone
So destruction was all that was left
There is a point when rebellion must be met with severe consequences
As Paul says about a particularly rebellious sinner in Corinth
1Cor. 5:3 For I, on my part, though absent in body but present in spirit, have already judged him who has so committed this, as though I were present.
1Cor. 5:4 In the name of our Lord Jesus, when you are assembled, and I with you in spirit, with the power of our Lord Jesus,
1Cor. 5:5 I have decided to deliver such a one to Satan for the destruction of his flesh, so that his spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus.
This believer was to be handed over to the enemy to put an end to his life through some difficult series of circumstances
And as hard as that judgment sounds, Paul reminds us that it was necessary to save the man’s soul
That’s a reference to saving his testimony, saving his standing with the Lord, not allowing him to do any more damage to his reward
But the real solution for rebellious hearts is found in another God-solution: Christ