Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongTonight we begin the most fascinating part of Ezekiel: the visions of the Kingdom temple
Before we dig into this complex topic, let’s get our bearings
Let’s remember my outline of the second half of the book
We are now entering part 2 of a section of prophecy devoted to revealing how God will dwell among men in the Kingdom
Part 1 in Chapter 39 explained how God would reveal Himself to the Gentile nations
The Lord shows Gentiles that He is the God Who dwells among Israel by protecting the nation when under Gentile attack
He defeats the invaders and makes a seven-year spectacle of the army’s defeat
And as we read in 39 last week, the Lord declares that His supernatural response to the invasion will make an impression
Both Israel and the Gentile nations will end the 1,000-yr Kingdom understanding Israel’s God is the only God
And in that way, His dwelling place among men is clear to all
But beyond that display, the Lord will manifest Himself to Israel in a special manner consistent with how He has done so in the past
Specifically, the Lord will set His dwelling place among His people in a temple that dominates Jewish life in the Kingdom
Just as the Lord dwelled in a tabernacle in the desert and later a temple in the Promised Land, so He will do again
But as is typically the case, the Lord’s earlier manner is a small taste of His ultimate plan for His people in a day to come
So while Solomon’s temple and even Herod’s temple were impressive, they pale in comparison to the temple of the Kingdom
Chapters 40-48 offer virtually the only description of the Kingdom temple in all Scripture, and it’s filled with details
Ezekiel begins with a physical description of the temple complex in Chapters 40-42
Then in the first half of Chapter 43 the Lord’s glory returns to dwell in that temple, the first time since the Babylonian exile
In the second half of 43 through 46 we learn how worship at the temple will operate in the Kingdom
Finally, in Chapters 47-48 we learn about Israel’s geography and borders to accommodate the massive new temple complex
In effect, the Lord gives Ezekiel a nine-chapter, guided tour of the future temple, and we accompany the prophet on that tour
The length of this section tells us something about the importance of the material
The Lord considers His presence dwelling among men to be the ultimate demonstration of His glory
And the fact He chooses to make Israel His home communicates how special that nation is to Him
Therefore, the nation sitting in exile hearing the prophet’s testimony had every reason for hope in the future
The Lord had not forsaken His people nor was He set to destroy them
Instead, the Lord would fulfill His promises for a glorious future
And the pinnacle of that glory would be God dwelling in His house
Let’s begin with an introduction, as Ezekiel presents it:
This is Ezekiel’s final dated prophecy, which corresponds to April 19, 573 BC
That’s 12 years since the last message Ezekiel gave the exiles
This is the final prophecy Ezekiel wrote in his book, but it was the next-to-last vision he received
The final prophecy was against Egypt which came two years after this one
But notice the date of this prophecy is also tied to the fall of the city of Jerusalem
On the very same day that the city of Jerusalem fell for the third time to Nebuchadnezzar, the Lord gave Ezekiel this vision
So as the temple in Jerusalem was being burned and knocked to the ground, the Lord was showing Ezekiel the next temple
It’s a clear statement of hope in the midst of judgment
Also, the date of this prophecy was significant in the Jewish calendar
The prophecy comes on the Day of Atonement according to the civil calendar of Israel
That makes this vision so fitting
The old temple’s destruction and the vision of the new temple occur on the same day, a day appointed for cleaning Israel’s sin
Next, notice the vision Ezekiel receives is centered on a very high mountain
Israel has plenty of mountains including at least one very high mountain
But this high mountain is something altogether different
According to Isaiah, it will be the highest mountain on the earth in that day
Already, we can see that the Kingdom temple and surrounding area will be dramatically changed from today
And yet as tall as this mountain will be, it will also be broad enough to support a large city at the very top
Ezekiel says on the south end of the mountain will be a structure as large as a city
That is the temple itself, and as we’ll see in coming chapters, it’s massive
In v.3 Ezekiel says the Lord brings him to that city and in that city he meets a “Man”
The man will be Ezekiel’s guide for this tour
His appearance is like bronze, which indicates strength and a glowing fire of glory
Because the description of the man is so brief at this point, we can’t know for sure who He is
But He may be the same visitor Daniel received in Babylon (at the same time in history (Daniel 10)
The man holds a line of flax cord and a measuring rod
These were the measuring tapes of Ezekiel’s day, the cord for longer lengths and the rod for shorter lengths
Obviously, Ezekiel’s tour will include the need to take measurements along the way
The man wants Ezekiel to pay close attention to details so he can relate what he sees to his readers with proper perspective
And as you will see, the distances measured give us a whole new appreciation for what Ezekiel sees
From here Ezekiel begins a detailed description of the Millennial Temple moving from the outer court inward toward the Holy of Holies
That description culminates with the return of the Lord’s glory to His sanctuary
But before we look at these details, the mere existence of a temple raises important questions
First, why does a temple exist? What is its purpose? And how do we reconcile it with New Testament teaching on Jesus’ sacrifice
Over the centuries, many theologians have recoiled at the prospect of a return of a sacrificial system of worship in the Kingdom
As a result, many have rejected Ezekiel’s book from the canon or simply ignored it
Even the rabbis prior to Jesus struggled with Ezekiel
The Kingdom sacrificial system differs so much from the Mosaic system which the rabbis held to be eternal, that they couldn’t believe it was from God
Of course, for Christians the greatest concern is with the idea of sacrificing for sin
We remember the teaching of Hebrews
And not just for one person or for one time, but for all who place their trust in Jesus and for all time
Therefore, why should God re-institute a temple and sacrificial system in the Kingdom?
It seems to negate Christ’s work or at least contradict New Testament teaching
So before we look at the temple itself, let’s do some homework on the question of why this temple even exists
And to understand the Millennial Temple, we first must understand temples and sacrifices historically
Starting with the effects of sin on the human condition
Adam and Woman were alone on earth, enjoying the Garden, without sin and without need for clothing
Then they disobeyed the word and sin entered their hearts
At that point, though they were married and were comfortable together without clothes, suddenly that changed
As soon as they sinned, they sought to cover themselves physically
Who were they hiding from? Who else could see them? Only each other
So we see that sin resulted in an immediate loss of fellowship between God’s people
Sin fundamentally changed the couple’s relationship with one another
Where before they were innocent and in perfect fellowship, now they were suspicious of each other
Now the couple had something to conceal, something to hide from one another
No longer could they be fully known nor fully know each other as they once did
Secret thoughts, sinful desires, shameful things entered their minds, and they recoiled from one another seeking cover
But as serious as the physical effects of sin, the spiritual effects were even more serious
Spiritually, the couple were suddenly vulnerable before God and instinctively they hid from His presence
Mankind could no longer feel safe before God, because sin exposed them to God’s wrath
Their spirits within them sensed their vulnerability so they lost the opportunity for fellowship with God
Where once they knew God intimately, now they could not even be in His presence
And God could no longer dwell among men openly because their sin demanded His judgment
So not only must man hide from God, but God must shield Himself from man
That’s why God made noise as He entered the Garden, to alert Man of His presence to give Adam opportunity to seek shelter
So the effects of sin on the human condition are two sides of the same coin
Spiritually, sin separates us from God by making us enemies of His holiness
And physically, sin separates us from one another by making us enemies of one another by our selfish hearts
Sin has made us spiritual enemies of God and sin has made us physical enemies of one another
And throughout history, God has offered provision to correct for both of these problems, beginning here in the Garden
First, the Lord corrects for our spiritual separation with a spiritual covering which we receive by faith
The Lord promised to send Adam and Woman a “Seed” Who would rectify the enemy’s deception
The Seed was Christ, Who would reconcile mankind to God through His perfect life and sacrificial death
This covering was spiritual in nature because it depended upon faith
The sacrifice wasn’t made in Adam’s day, but it was promised, so in that moment Adam didn’t receive the sacrifice
He received the promise of it, and by his faith in that promise, Adam was credited with that covering in advance
How do we know Adam believed in God’s promise of a spiritual covering?
We see Adam’s faith reflected in v.20 when he calls his Wife by a new name, Eve
Previously she was named Woman, which means “of Man”
But now having heard God’s promise Adam renames his wife Eve, which means “mother of living”
Her new name was evidence of Adam’s faith in God’s promise to bring life to all mankind through the seed of Woman
Then later, the Lord brought His promised Messiah into the world on a certain day to make the once-for-all sacrifice for sin
Jesus’ sacrifice is the focal point of faith throughout all history
Old Testament saints like Adam looked forward to that day, while New Testament saints look backward to that moment
But regardless, all saints receive their spiritual covering by faith
But Adam and Woman also required a physical covering to restore fellowship between each other
Their sin had not only ruptured their relationship with God, but it had also destroyed their intimacy with one another
So in v.21 the Lord killed an animal (probably a lamb) and used the skin to clothe the man and woman
That sacrifice was physical, not spiritual, and it came in addition to the spiritual provision
It was necessary to restore physical fellowship between God’s people, Adam and Eve
Without it, they would have continued to feel shame in their nakedness
Their physical discomfort reflecting an inward mistrust toward one another
But once covered, they experienced a degree of restoration and comfort again
Moreover, the physical sacrifice offered an object lesson on the meaning of the spiritual sacrifice
Since the spiritual covering was by faith alone, it was invisible and hard to appreciate in abstraction
But a physical sacrifice in which an animal loses its life makes clear the price of sin and the need for blood atonement
So physical sacrifice also becomes a picture of the sacrifice of Christ for our sake
So the physical covering is both a means of restoring human fellowship and a way to teach us about Christ’s sacrifice
But also notice, God must officiate over our physical sacrifice
The Lord was present as the animal was sacrificed in the Garden, so that He presided over the ritual
Had Adam or Woman killed and skinned an animal on their own, it wouldn’t have sufficed
Only if the Lord ordains and sanctifies the sacrifice does it serve His intended purpose
So, sin makes necessary a spiritual covering and a physical covering
Spiritual covering comes by a spiritual sacrifice, which is faith in the promised provision of Christ
And it restores our fellowship with God
Physical covering comes by a physical sacrifice ordained by the presence of God
And it restores fellowship between the children of God and teaches us about Christ
It’s also critical to note the order of these events
First came the spiritual covering of faith to restore fellowship with God (v.20)
Then came the physical covering of an animal sacrifice in the presence of God to restore and maintain human fellowship (v.21)
This moment establishes a pattern for all time
First, we must come to God by faith in the provision of His Son
Then having done so, we make physical sacrifices in the presence of God by which we maintain fellowship with God’s children
This pattern continues throughout the Bible
Noah believed in God and his faith found favor with God
Yet Noah practiced animal sacrifice at altars before the Lord to restore fellowship
Likewise, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob were righteous by faith
Yet when sin required, they also participated in God-ordained physical sacrifices as the Angel of the Lord attended in the moment
Then when Israel became a nation under Moses’ leadership, the Lord codified physical sacrifices in a formal way
Faith remained the spiritual covering for God’s people, but now the Lord instituted strict and regular patterns for physical sacrifice
He placed His spirit in a specific vessel, first the tabernacle and then the temple
And in that place, He commanded that Israel bring regular physical sacrifices
The Law treated Israel as a nation, a single entity
So the physical sacrifices served to maintain fellowship between the nation and their God
Spiritual fellowship with God was still by faith on an individual basis
But animal sacrifices provided for physical fellowship between the Jewish people and God and pictured Christ’s sacrifice
Any Jew who refused to participate in the physical sacrifices of the Law would be cut off from the commonwealth of Israel
Now let’s jump to the Church period of history
Do we still find these same two sacrifices at work? Yes!
Of course, we too are reconciled to God by faith in Christ, which is our spiritual covering, but we also need a physical covering
It’s also for the purpose of restoring earthly fellowship and teaching us about Christ
And our physical sacrifice is also performed in the presence of God
So where and how do these physical sacrifices happen today?
The key to understanding our physical sacrifice is to first recognize where God dwells during this period of history
In Genesis 3, God dwelled directly with Man and Woman in the Garden, so the physical sacrifice happened in the Garden
During the period of the patriarchs, the Lord attended as the Angel of the Lord (pre-incarnate Christ)
So sacrifices happened at altars set up wherever the Angel of the Lord appeared or directed
And in Moses’ time the Lord dwelled in a physical building, so Israel gathered there to make sacrifices
Today, the presence of the Lord is not located in a certain place nor does He come and go
The Bible says that the Spirit of God is resident inside every believer and remains there forever
If our body is the temple and the Spirit resides within us, then our physical body must be the place of our physical covering
Our body is the place where God presides over our physical sacrifices
Paul describes how we perform the physical sacrifices of this age, in Romans:
We present our bodies as living sacrifices to God, in His presence, as our service of worship
Just as the Israelites brought animals to God in the temple and sacrificed for physical covering, so we do something similar
Except in this age there is no physical temple nor are we under the Law Moses which demanded animal sacrifice
Instead, we are under the Law of Christ which demands personal sacrifices, as Paul said
We sacrifice our flesh’s desires and comforts to obey Christ and serve His body, and in that way we obtain physical covering
The structure of Romans reinforces this interpretation
In the structure of Romans Chapters 12-16 contain a list of ways the Church is called to sacrifice the flesh in service to Christ
Which is why Paul opens Chapter 12 with a call to perform the physical sacrifice required in worship of God
In effect, Romans 12-16 describes a sacrificial system for the New Testament believer
Our system looks very different from the system of the Old Testament
But that’s because the house of God in our day is so different than the one He lived in during Israel’s day
Nevertheless, the physical sacrifices made in their day accomplish the same purpose that ours do today
As we sin against one another, we are called to make sacrifices in God’s presence to atone and restore fellowship with one another
By traveling to a certain building and taking the life of a valuable animal, a Jew made a sacrifice of time and money
This reminded the Jew of the cost of sin and gave incentive to not repeat the mistake
Likewise, we are called to sacrifice our own fleshly desires in the presence of God
So that by our sacrifice of pride and self-interest for the love of others, we may restore fellowship truly within the body
That’s why we are all called priests in the New Testament
Because we all have the Spirit God dwelling inside us, therefore we are all qualified to make sacrifices before the altar of our heart
Those physical sacrifices are how we worship God, and they are not contradictory to our spiritual dependence upon Christ
On the contrary, they are modeled on Christ’s own ministry, and in that way our sacrifices are also picturing Christ
As Paul explains
Though He had no sin of His own, Christ made Himself a physical sacrifice to serve the interests of the body of Christ
Likewise, though we have been declared righteous by faith in Christ, we still make physical sacrifices to establish fellowship in the body
We do this even as we rely on Christ’s sacrifice for our spiritual covering
Our dependence on the one does not invalidate the need for the other
As long as sin exists both will also exist
With that, let’s consider what we already know of life in the Kingdom
First, as we learned in earlier lessons, sin will continue to exist within the Kingdom world
Those saints who have been resurrected prior to the Kingdom (i.e., the Old Testament saints, Church saints, & Tribulation saints) will not possess sin since we are glorified
But the natural believers who enter the Kingdom following Tribulation will bring sin with them
These believers will reproduce and in time their offspring will repopulate the earth with sinful humanity for 1,000 years
Since sin still exists, then the need for a spiritual covering for sin remains as well
Once again, faith in the once-for-all sacrifice of Christ on the cross will be the spiritual cover that restores fellowship with God
Just as an Old Testament saint’s faith looked forward to a future day in this age when the provision would be made
And a New Testament saint’s faith looks back to a prior moment in this age when that fulfillment took place
So a Kingdom saint’s faith will look back to that moment in an earlier age
For that same reason, however, a physical covering for sin will also be required
Sin in the Kingdom will still require a physical covering to restore fellowship among God’s people
And these physical sacrifices will picture the spiritual sacrifice of Christ
But the nature of the Kingdom sacrifice reverts back to the Old Testament style of sacrifice because God’s dwelling place became a temple again
God has always reserved a physical temple for His people Israel only
After the people of Israel were established as a nation, the Lord promised that they alone would be His people eternally
Therefore, the Lord only ever sets up His physical temple in Israel
During the Church Age, Israel is placed under judgment until the return of Christ (i.e., the Age of the Gentiles, according to Daniel)
So the Lord is not tabernacling with Israel at this time
Instead, He is tabernacling with a people who are not His people, He says, meaning with the Gentile Church
But there is not “one” Gentile nation…all non-Jewish nations are Gentile!
So instead, the Lord dwells within every Gentile individually, so that in effect the Lord dwells in every Gentile nation at once
But in the Kingdom age, Israel will no longer be under judgment so they are restored as the chief nation on earth under God’s protection
Consequently, in keeping with His promises, the Lord will once again dwell among Israel and nowhere else
Therefore, a temple will be rebuilt and God’s presence will return to live within it
And since the Lord’s presence dwells in a building again, then all physical sacrifices must happen at that one place again
Once again, people will stream to the temple regularly to sacrifice animals as the Lord directs
These sacrifices accomplish exactly the same things the earlier physical sacrifices covered
They serve to restore fellowship among God’s people and teach about the meaning of Christ’s sacrifice
If the people do not participate in these sacrifices, they are cut off from fellowship with God’s people
For example, here’s what the Lord says will happen to any people who refuse to engage in the physical sacrifices:
All the nations on the earth will be required to go up to the temple regularly to participate in worship of various kinds, including feasts
And if a nation refuses to participate, then the nation will experience drought and plague in the Kingdom
One final note…sacrifices are covering for sin, so this system is only used by those who have sin
Those of us who are glorified will have no sin, and therefore we will not make sacrifices
Our role will be limited to governing it seems, though perhaps some of us may be priests
The Lord will take some of the Gentile nations and make them priests for this temple
It’s possible that only the natural citizens of the Kingdom will play this role, however
So with that background, let’s return to Ezekiel’s tour of the temple structure
The outer wall running around the temple is measured first in cubits and a handbreadth, which is about 21 inches
Altogether, the wall is ten feet high and ten feet thick
And the outer wall has gates
Gates in walls were more than swinging doors to keep out intruders
They were elaborate chambers built within the wall itself and extending inward for use in guarding the entrance and conducting business
Altogether there are three gates in the outer wall, and Ezekiel begins with the East gate
That gate is in line with the entrance of the temple building itself which faced East
The entrance to the gate has seven steps and leads to a 10 foot deep threshold
The gate has three guard rooms on each side that are 10x10 in size and separated by 5 ft walls
Finally past the guard rooms is a porch
In this case, the gate is elaborate and includes guard rooms
The doors of this gate are 100 ft high, which is not unusual for important buildings
The entire structure is reminiscent of the Solomonic gates discovered from that king’s day