Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongWe’re going back into a study of the fascinating and somewhat mysterious details of the Millennial temple and the sacrificial system of the Kingdom
Last week we took a visual tour of the temple grounds
We learned that the Kingdom temple is far different and far more impressive than any that preceded it in Israel’s history
The mountain, the courts and the buildings are huge
In fact, the outer barrier of the temple compound is over a mile square
>> Image 1
In the next section of Ezekiel, the Lord shows the prophet how this building is to be used, at least in part
Chapters 43-46 detail the sacrificial system of that coming time
For anyone not intimately familiar with the Mosaic sacrificial system, the Kingdom system will appear to be the same
But the two systems vary considerably, which means this is a new system and not a continuation of the Mosaic Law
That’s important because it reaffirms New Testament teaching that the Mosaic Law came to an end in Christ
Nothing we find in Ezekiel contradicts that truth, yet that doesn’t mean the Kingdom time is without a law
There is a law – let’s call it the Kingdom Law – and it’s in effect for the sinners of that age
Before we look at that system, we first need to revisit our chart explaining the purpose in these chapters overall
>> Image 2
Chapters 40-48 explain how God’s glory dwells with His people Israel
It’s the second half of a section that started in Chapter 39
The highest goal of the Kingdom is that God dwell with His people, and He fulfills that purpose differently for Jew vs. Gentile
For the Gentiles, His demonstration of dwelling among Israel is to protect His people against a Gentile invasion at the end of the time
We studied that in Chapter 39 with the conclusion of the Ezekiel War
But when it comes to showing Himself to Israel, the Lord accomplishes that through His magnificent temple structure
That’s what we’re studying now
So obviously, if God is to dwell with His people Israel, then He must take up residence in this elaborate home He builds for Himself
In the tabernacle and the first temple, the glory of the Lord entered and remained in the Holy of Holies
There He remained for centuries, even as Israel committed many abominations against Him
Then at the end of Chapter 11, the glory of the Lord left the temple and city shortly before Babylon destroyed the temple
That happened around 600BC, and subsequent temples in Israel remained absent the glory of the Lord ever afterward
But now we’re in the Kingdom period, all is well between Israel and the Lord, so it’s time for Him to take up residence again in His temple
So the first half of Chapter 43 explains the glorious return of God’s glory into His house to dwell among Israel
And His return will remind us of the way He departed
Ezekiel is taken by his angelic escort to the east gate of the outer wall of the temple compound
And looking through the open gate, Ezekiel sees the glory of the Lord approaching from the east
>> Image 3
We remember that the last place we saw the glory was on the top of the mountain to the east of the city – the Mt of Olives
Now the Lord’s glory returns, beginning at the same point at which it was last seen in Israel
Notice this time the cherubim are not present at the return as they were at the departure
We know cherubim are protectors of God’s glory
So their absence indicates that the Lord’s glory is not under threat of diminishment
Obviously, the circumstances have changed dramatically from the day He left
Also, notice how Ezekiel begins to describe the appearance of God’s glory – beginning with the sound of His voice
It sounded like the sound of standing over Niagara Falls as the water roars below
Or the sound of flood waters charging through a canyon
That loud rushing sound that communicates immense power
And in then v.3 Ezekiel says the Lord’s appearance was the same as Ezekiel saw by the river Chebar
He’s referring to the first vision in which he saw the Lord
The first appearance of the Lord was a radiant, fire-filled, powerful moment that put Ezekiel on his face in fear
And Ezekiel says the appearance of the Lord in the Kingdom will be the same
And the effect is to cause Ezekiel to fall on his face again, just as he did in Chapter 1
Obviously, this isn’t a description of the Jesus we know from the Gospels, the Jesus Who existed in the Galilee in the first century
So perhaps we might assume that this appearance of God’s glory in the temple is a different member of the Godhead…the Father perhaps?
Scripture tells us otherwise
First, Scripture tells us that the one who rules and reigns over the Kingdom is the Second Person of the Godhead, not the Father
This passage describes our Lord ruling over His enemies in the Kingdom of power
The Father places Our Lord in this position
And that Lord will also be our Priest according to the Order of Melchizedek, David says
That is an unmistakable reference to Jesus, according to the New Testament writer of Hebrews
So the member of the Godhead who rules the Kingdom is Jesus
And according to Psalms (and many other places), Jesus will rule from Zion – from the temple in Jerusalem
So we must conclude that the Glory of God that Ezekiel sees entering the temple here is a reference to Jesus glorified
And this conclusion is further confirmed by the two descriptions of Jesus in glory that we have in the Bible
Here again, we know John is describing Jesus, because the Lord says He was dead and is now alive, which is a clear reference to the resurrection
And again His voice sounds like many waters
And He has glowing features like fire
And it’s so stunning that it puts John on his face dead like Ezekiel
And finally when Jesus was transfigured we read this description
Once again, the pattern is the same
Jesus in His glorified form will not wear a soft robe, eat fish around a table with His disciples or ride a donkey in sandals
He will shine forth, sound like a tumult and illuminate the temple by His presence, prompting reverence and fear
So now the glory of God is returning to reside in His temple for the duration of the Kingdom
>> Image 4
The glory of the Lord enters from the East gate
This is the east gate that we saw described earlier in Chapter 40
The glory of God exited from that direction back in Chapter 11 and now He returns from the same direction
Though He left a very different temple and gate at the time
Other Scriptures confirm that the Lord returns again by the east
Jesus departed from the Mt. of Olives east of the city and temple
>> Image 5
And the angel says He will return this way again
Zechariah describes that return
From the context, it’s clear that Zechariah is describing a battle scene involving the nations of the earth and Israel
That places us at the end of Tribulation, as the Lord returns to rescue Israel against the Antichrist’s attack
So this is the Lord’s Second Coming at the end of this age, not the beginning of the Kingdom age
And therefore the city and temple here are of the Tribulation, not the Kingdom
Nevertheless, the Lord’s entrance is from the east
This confirms what the angel told the apostles as Jesus departed the earth
As the Lord enters the temple in v.4, He would then enter into the outer court
>> Images 6-14
That would lead Him directly toward the east gate of the inner court
And then through the inner court gate and directly toward the altar
And then past the altar and up to the threshold of the temple itself
Finally, through the Holy Place and into the Most Holy Place where the glory of the Lord filled the house
This is similar to the way the glory entered the first temple
Notice this Holy of Holies is empty, which is different than it was in the first temple
The first temple contained the ark of the covenant
But this temple has no need of an Ark
Jeremiah says that the ark will not be present, not be remembered, not be missed or needed again
It was an artifact of the Mosaic Covenant, and a reminder of Sinai and the Law established there
Those things have passed away and a covenant and law is in effect, so that ark will not be remembered or needed
Once God’s glory fills His house, the entire mountain will also be protected by smoke and flame as it was in the Exodus journey
The airspace over the mountain will be protected from sun by perpetual shade and will be lit by fire at night, as it was for Moses
>> Image 15
In the Exodus, these provisions allowed the people to journey for seven days straight, day and night, without stopping
But in the Kingdom, it will protect the mountain from weather of all kinds
Presumably it also marks the mountain of the Lord as unique from all else, marking God’s presence in His Temple
From this moment, we have Jesus in the Holy of Holies filling the temple with His glory
Under the Mosaic Law, only one man could enter this room on one day a year
But under the Kingdom law, any priest may enter and it seems they will enter regularly
Still, that limits exposure to Jesus to those who are priests only, and though there will be Gentile priests, it’s unclear who will be appointed
So we must assume that Jesus is seen only by a few and even then, His appearance is like John or Ezekiel saw…awesome
And will Jesus come out from this place from time to time?
The answer comes in the next passage
Ezekiel hears a voice again, and it was the voice of the Lord coming from the “house” which is a term for the temple
The Lord speaks personally to Ezekiel saying that this will be the place of His throne
And here Christ’s feet will dwell among the sons of Israel forever
Notice the Lord is very specific…”this place” will be the place He dwells forever
In other words, the Lord doesn’t get wanderlust, He doesn’t need to take a walk or vacations
The Lord remains in this location for the duration of the Kingdom age, which is called “forever” in this text
Contextually, forever means until the end of the age, or we could say until the end of time in the Kingdom
We know that this is not the eternal situation for Christ, because Paul says that after the Kingdom ends, the order of things changes
Then in the second half of v.7 the Lord says that this dwelling with Israel will be different than the past
The house of Israel will not defile the house of the Lord with their abominations
Of course, the first half of this book was a recounting of those abominations
It was the cause for the exiles’ banishment from the land
But now those exiles were hearing that there would be a day for the people of Israel when they could dwell with the Lord without defiling His temple
Specifically, the king wouldn’t allow harlotry in the temple in the Kingdom
The corpses of kings buried by the threshold of the temple is a euphemistic reference to the idols and their altars set up in temple
These altars were set up threshold to threshold, door to door, with only a wall between the Lord’s glory and a demon’s altar
Imagine how proud Satan must have been to achieve such a thing
And it’s the reason the Lord consumed them with His anger He says
But not in the Kingdom…things like this won’t happen at all
Now our attention turns to the sacrificial system itself, the rules for using the temple
This study will go in parts, and our approach will be to simply note important highlights and distinctions to the Mosaic Law
But we’ve already addressed the key purposes of the system in general
So we won’t revisit why sacrifice is happening…please refer to earlier lessons for that detail
The detail starts with the center of worship…the altar
First, notice the main purpose in giving Israel so much description of their future temple
The grandeur and magnificence of what God will do for Israel in the future brings shame to the people for how they have treated the Lord
God’s goodness puts Israel’s faithlessness into stark contrast
And that contrast is useful to God in convicting the hearts of the people
I believe that’s a pattern you will see repeatedly with the Lord as He disciplines His children
He can do His best work of conviction by blessing us beyond measure even in the face of our sin
So that we see Him come to our side when we anticipated judgment or retribution
In that moment we’re shocked by the goodness of God
And the awesomeness of the goodness of God can be such a humbling moment that it propels us into greater obedience
That’s the point here, to shame Israel for their past by giving them a preview of the glory that God has prepared for them
And to do that, the preview needs to be specific so that it can be appreciated fully
Which explains all the detailed measurements
But for the same reason, it seems that we’re given a preview, not a full accounting
If the Mosaic system is rough comparison, then we seem to get details about some aspects of the system while others aren’t mentioned
The sacrificial system is called the law of the house, the “house” being the temple
The entire mountain on which the house sits will be called holy
And at the center of the mountain and the sacrificial system of Israel sits the altar
Altars are not “tables” where we place candles in a church or other such ritual
Altars are always places of sacrifice…a place where an innocent’s blood is spilled
Therefore, in the church today we don’t have altars…at most we have tables that we mistakenly call altars
But in the Kingdom, sacrifice returns for the reasons we discussed earlier
Therefore, an altar will return too
>> Image 16
This altar has a terraced design and stands about 16 feet (8 cubits) off the ground
The altar itself stands another 8 feet (4 cubits) high
The stairs leading up probably go to the top of the altar, so you stand on top of it
After the altar is built, it will be prepared for use
The initial sin offering will be a bull
In all cases, the sin in view is that of those who live in the Kingdom in natural sinful bodies
It’s providing the temporary physical atonement for those of sin we rule over with Christ
And it’s also for that audience to understand Christ’s atonement for sin
The ritual you see described here differs from that used in the Mosaic Law
The meaning of those differences are not clear, though at the very least they reinforce that the Law has changed
Mosaic vs. Kingdom Law
Mosaic Sin Offering | Kingdom Sin Offering |
Anoints the altar |
No anointing of the altar |
Demands a sin offering in the form of a bullock for all seven days |
Demands a bullock only on the first day |
No goat offered |
Goats have to be offered for the last six days |
Blood applied on the horns of the altar |
Blood applied on the horns, the corners, and the lower molding round about |
Next the angel takes Ezekiel back to the east gate along the outer court of the temple, where the glory of God first entered
The east gate is now shut and can’t be used again since it was used by the Lord
No one will take the same journey that the Lord took, which clearly symbolizes the Lord’s work of atonement
That work of Jesus dying on the cross can’t be repeated by anyone
So too His journey into the temple won’t be repeated by anyone else
So all others will enter through some other route
Don’t confuse this sealing with the present-day sealing of the east gate of the Old City of Jerusalem
>> Image 18
Today, you see a walled up gate on the east side of the present walls facing the Kidron valley
Those walls were built by Suleiman the Magnificent in the early 16th century
For the most part they are built on top of the remains of previous walls built by the crusaders around the 11th century
It was the crusaders who first walled up the east gate thinking Jesus entered through this gate
So they believed it should be sealed until Jesus returned
But they barred the wrong gate…the gate Jesus entered is buried underground today
And of course, the entire modern structure of the temple and walls will be gone when we get to the Kingdom
The walls we’re talking about here don’t even exist yet
So Jesus will enter the current walls in the Tribulation under a time of distress and destruction
No brick is going to stop Him then
And then in the Kingdom He enters an all-new temple in full glory
Going back to Ezekiel, we see one man will occupy the gate inside the wall, the prince
>> Image 19
You may remember from past study that the gates inside city walls served as places of official business
And magistrates and other officials would sit in the gate to conduct business
So it will be in that day as well
The prince of Israel will sit in the gate, though the outer door to the gate will not be opened for anyone
So visitors must enter the temple outer court through either the North or South gates
Then they will walk to the East gate and enter through the porch as you see this figure doing in Image 18
So who is the prince who will officiate in the temple?
We learned back in Ezekiel 34
Ezekiel named the resurrected King David as the prince, so here he doesn’t bother naming him again
David will again rule over Israel, though he is a prince this time because Jesus is the King
Since Jesus is on the throne, David doesn’t sit on a throne
We also know from elsewhere in Scripture that the government that serves Jesus will include several levels
Under David will be the 12 apostles ruling the twelve tribes
The twelve apostles (including Matthias) will rule over the tribes of Israel assembled in their land in the Kingdom
This reference is one of those passages that suggests Israel may yet have natural citizens in the Kingdom (despite other passages that seem to say otherwise)
Or perhaps there will be natural Gentiles living in the tribes’ territory that require ruling
And Gentile believers (Church saints) will also be in the government
Several passages tell us that
Paul says the Church will be involved in judging the world and even the angels under Christ’s authority
Again, all who participate in the first resurrection (the believers’ resurrection) will reign with Christ
To participate with the resurrection means to be glorified, of course
So the glorified will judge the world under Christ’s authority
>> Image 20
What place will you have in Christ’s government? Does everyone get the same role? Does it matter?
Many passages give us those answers but we get a concise summary in two parables of minas and talents
You can read the answer on the VBVMI website here.
Next time we pick up with the priesthood and the land divisions for Israel’s tribes