Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongThe action in our story of Jesus’ trial and crucifixion is heating up, and from this point forward, much of what we study in this story will be familiar to most of us
We’ve probably all read the Passion account at some point or heard a pastor teaching it or at least watched one of the many movies about it
And that’s good and helpful to a degree, but it’s also a challenge for us as we study it anew now
Because certainly the majority of what you’ve heard or seen in movies is likely an accurate reflection of the text of Scripture
But just as likely, some of those accounts may have overlooked important details, or in some cases even misrepresented them
And details make a difference in our understanding of what’s happening in Jesus’ death and resurrection and why it’s happening
So as we go forward, let’s try to put aside what we remember or what we think we know, and let’s allow the text to speak to us
And that process starts today, as we move to Jesus’ confrontation with the religious leaders
The Roman soldiers have appeared in the Garden led by Judas and followed by the conspiring Jewish religious authorities
The Romans provided the muscle to arrest Jesus, but the Jewish leaders were the brains behind the operation
And Jesus knows this, which is why He doesn’t even bother to address the soldiers but speaks directly to the Jewish leaders
Jesus asks the religious leaders why they enlisted so much force to arrest Him
Jesus is mocking the leaders’ weakness, relying on Gentile soldiers to enforce Jewish Law
Jesus says these Jewish leaders could have seized Jesus in the temple grounds at any time but they didn’t do it
And to explain what Jesus is talking about, we need a moment of background on the relationship between Israel and Rome
Israel was governed by two systems of law in that day…first, Israel was ruled by the Law of Moses which was both a religious law and a civil law
Israel’s political leaders were rabbis on the Sanhedrin Counsel, their judges were Pharisaic rabbis, and their local leaders were priests
Every rule of society and life came out of the Law or more specifically, out of the Mishnah, which was the rabbis’ rule book
So for a Jew, there was no distinction between church and state, so to speak, because they were one and the same
Before Rome conquered Judea around 66 BC, Israel ruled itself according to Mosaic Law
But after Rome invaded, Judea became a province of Rome, and Rome ruled Judea according to Roman law
They brought Roman language (Latin) and Hellenistic culture and pagan worship practices
And as Romans did everywhere, they forced the local populace to adopt these practices in place of the previous culture
But the Romans soon discovered that Jews could not be ruled in the same way as other peoples they conquered
They resisted Roman culture and language, and they were especially resistant to the introduction of other forms of worship
Unlike other cultures, Jews would willingly die rather than worship foreign gods or allow Gentiles to enter their temple
This posed a serious dilemma for the Romans, because though they had the military power to enforce their policies, it led to constant unrest
The Jews resisted and rioted almost continually, leading to endless conflict in Judea
Quickly the Romans realized that the Jewish people weren’t going to be won over to Roman ways
So if the Romans wanted peace and stability in Judea, they must either wipe out all Jews or make an exception for their culture
Since the Romans valued peace and stability over almost anything else, they decided to give Israel certain exemptions they offered no other people
First, the Caesar permitted Jews to worship Jehovah instead of Roman gods, which was the only such exception permitted in all the empire
Jews throughout the Roman empire were not required to pay homage to Caesar nor were they required to worship him
No other conquered people received this exemption, which is why the Jewish temple was the only such structure in the empire
Secondly, the Romans agreed to recognize the Jewish temple as sovereign territory and allowed Jews to control and police its grounds
In fact, Roman soldiers would not even be permitted to enter the temple except in times of rebellion or social unrest
So as long as the Jews kept the peace, the Romans would refrain from entering or interfering with the temple operations
And within the temple, Jews could conduct business in their own currency and without Roman taxation
Finally, Jews could govern other Jews under the Mosaic Law including conducting trials and punishing offenders with Roman approval
But there was one major exception to Jews governing themselves…Rome reserved capital punishment for itself
If Jewish authorities wanted to execute someone for a violation of Mosaic Law, they needed Rome’s approval
And since Rome wasn’t particularly impressed by Jewish law, it could be a challenge to convince Rome to allow an execution
As a result, the Jews found a way of getting around this limitation…by seizing a Jew inside the temple grounds outside of Roman oversight and intervention
Because of the exception given by the Caesar, Romans were not allowed to enter the temple or police its operations
In fact, a sign was posted at the entrance of the Court of Women declaring that Gentiles would be killed if they entered
So the Jews had almost free reign to apprehend, convict and even execute criminals inside the temple walls
Technically, the Romans did not approve of such things, and if the need arose, they could intervene to put down unrest in the temple court
But in most cases, the Romans just looked the other way, as long as the event didn’t turn into a riot or disturbed the peace
And that’s what Jesus is talking about now as He mocks the Jewish leaders for arresting Him with the help of Romans
If these men had wanted to seize Jesus, they could have done so without Roman intervention at any time in the temple
Jesus has spent the better part of the last four days in the temple, and Jesus is asking them why not take Me there?
In other words, the religious leaders’ choice to arrest Jesus with Roman soldiers outside the temple proves they have no case
If they had arrested Jesus in the temple, they would have charged Jesus in full view of the people and the ruling counsel of the Sanhedrin
Under those circumstances, their accusations would have been subject to public scrutiny – yet they lacked any hard evidence
Under those circumstances, the Jewish crowds would have rioted against them, as they mentioned earlier in the Gospel
Moreover, they would have likely lost the resulting trial, since they didn’t have evidence against Jesus and their eye witnesses were inconsistent
So the religious leaders couldn’t risk those outcomes, which is why they chose to use Romans at night away from the crowds
And Jesus is mocking the weakness of their case and their own cowardice in arresting Him in this underhanded way
Jesus adds that all this happened to fulfill Scripture, referring to His own prophecy that He would be handed over by the Romans to the Jews
Jesus also predicted that he would be abandoned by the disciples and notice at the end of v.56 it happens as He said
This little detail is one of those key moments you find recorded throughout the Gospels that proves their authenticity
If the apostles had invented the story of Jesus, we would not expect to find moments like this recorded in their account
Throughout the Gospels, the apostles report themselves in a negative light either bumbling about, making poor choices and acting cowardly
But if these men had invented the Gospel accounts, we wouldn’t have expected them to depict themselves so poorly
On the contrary, liars who invent tall tales portray themselves as heroes or at worst innocent bystanders
But these men represent themselves as weak, ignorant and foolish, which argues for their authenticity
In fact, in Mark’s account of this moment in the Garden, he describes his own behavior this way
Not the the most flattering way to remember your part in that evening’s events, yet Mark reported it
The fact that these men tell it like it was is strong proof for us to know these accounts came from accurate, eye-witness reports
So Jesus is now in Roman custody, but how did we get to the point that the Messiah and Creator of the Universe is being manhandled by godless Gentiles?
Luke tells us that God gave Satan the upper hand over the Light of the World for a brief moment that God planned and purposed
God appointed Satan and his forces to accomplish this plan, yet Satan doesn’t even realize he’s following God’s script
Once again, Jesus is in control here with events going just as Jesus said they would over 4,000 years earlier in the Garden
After the fall of Man in the Garden, the Lord told Satan that He would establish enmity or conflict Satan’s forces and God’s forces
The Lord called those who belong to Satan his “seed“ and those who belong to God are the “seed of Woman”
The seed of Woman is an oblique reference to a virgin birth, since women don’t have “seed,” biblically speaking
And as Paul explains in Galatians 3:16, the term seed was singular, not plural, because it refers to a certain person: Christ
So the seed of Woman is Jesus, therefore those who are born of this seed are those born again by faith in Jesus Christ
So there will always be enmity or conflict between the enemy’s followers (unbelievers) and Christ’s followers (believers)
Ultimately this conflict comes down to a battle between Christ Himself and Satan, which climaxes at two different moments
In v.15 the Lord summarizes these two moments, saying Satan will strike at Christ’s heel but Christ will strike at Satan’s head
The Lord was foretelling His plan of redemption, where Satan would first strike Jesus but in a limited way
This was a prophecy of the cross, where Jesus is struck on the “heel” by Satan indicating that this blow won’t be strong enough to destroy Christ
Jesus will die on the cross as a result of Satan’s blow, but Jesus is raised again by the power of God
And by His resurrection Christ conquers Satan’s only power, which is the power of death
The second battle comes much later, when Christ one day strikes Satan on the “head,” meaning with a fatal blow
This striking will result in Satan’s destruction at the end of the Kingdom when Jesus casts Satan into the Lake of Fire
That’s the plan that Jesus Himself wrote, since He is both the Author and Perfecter of our Salvation
So as we watch the first of these battles unfolding here, remember that darkness gets the upper hand only because Jesus ordained it
The enemy is striking Christ on the heel with a blow that accomplishes the plan of redemption
But in a day to come, the Lord will return that promised death blow to Satan once and for all
And if the Father allows Satan this hour of authority over His own Son, then we shouldn’t be surprised when the Father opens the same door for us at times
As He did with Jesus, God will allow Satan and his forces opportunity in our life to bring trial and even suffering as part of His plan for good
First, remember that we are not above our Master, so if Jesus was persecuted by Satan, so will we be persecuted at times
But persecution isn’t merely someone pressuring us not to practice our religion or attacking us for our faith
More often, the enemy brings persecution in the form of temptations for us to disobey God or to walk away from practicing our faith
He brings us trials or other temptations that lead us into sin of one kind or another, and that’s the purest form of persecution
If you’ve never understood your own tendencies to give in to sin as a form of persecution, then you haven’t understood the battle
And if you don’t understand the battle you’re facing, then you’re certainly not prepared to triumph in it
Remember the story of Job…the Lord allowed Satan to persecute a righteous man in horrible ways to prove his faithfulness
But how did Satan bring that persecution? Did God cause the government to attack Job’s freedom of religion?
Did Job’s neighbors protest his desire to worship God?
No, Satan’s persecution of Job came in the form of hardships that made life so hard for Job that it removed the joy of obedience
Satan was hoping that Job would become so upset and discouraged that he would become unfaithful and curse God
And although Job was very unhappy and couldn’t understand why this was happening, nonetheless Job said this about God
The Bible says that Satan is allowed to attack believers at times, just as he attacked Jesus, so that God might use the trial to accomplish something good
That is the enmity God promised would exist between unbelievers and believers, and it’s the purest form of persecution
But when the enemy persecutes you, you can be sure the enemy is just following the Lord’s script
The Lord is bringing that trial for a good reason, and it requires spiritual maturity to recognize and benefit from that purpose
Moreover, the Bible says that the Lord will not allow us to be tempted beyond what we can handle
Nor will we be without the Lord’s help to withstand the trial
Successfully enduring persecution is first and foremost recognizing there is something larger going on behind the scenes
Persecution is bigger than some enemy coming against you
It’s evidence of the fight between God and His enemies, between Satan and Christ, and we’re just foot soldiers in that battle
So when we experience temptations to sin or to walk away from serving Jesus, you need to know that is persecution from the enemy
And therefore, when you resist the enemy’s schemes, you are battling with God, in the name of Christ and for His glory
On the other hand, when we give in to temptation to sin…when you neglect the disciplines of your faith and fall away into sin…
Then you are essentially throwing your support behind the enemy and his purposes…you have put on the enemy’s uniform
But the Lord will provide ways of escape from moments of temptation, if only we look for those opportunities
I think of these ways of escape as “off ramps” that allow us off the freeway of our sin desires
God gives us ways to say no to temptation or to stop what we’re doing, and all we have to do is take the off ramp
Once we take it, God guides us along that new path and the farther we go, the more that sin desire fades in our rear view
So with that, the trial of Jesus begins
The trial of Jesus was a complicated affair involving two separate trials held in four different locations and we’re just going to introduce it today
First there will be a Jewish religious trial conducted by the two High Priests operating in that day
That trial begins in the home of the High Priest, Annas, and we learned in an earlier lesson about Annas
Annas had been High Priest of Israel about 30 years earlier, but had been deposed by the Romans when he failed to cooperate
In his place, the Romans installed their own choice as high priest, a man named Caiaphas
Because Annas was still alive, the Jewish people still honored him as God’s choice for high priest, even as Caiaphas ruled by Rome’s approval
So in that day, there were two men who could lay claim to be High Priest, and both these men wanted a turn at Jesus
So that meant there was a joint religious trial split between the two homes of the high priests
And according to John’s Gospel, the trial starts at Annas’ home and then moves to Caiaphas’ home
Matthew only records the second part of the trial at Caiaphas’ house, but both trials proceed in a similar way
Both involve multiple abuses of the Jewish justice system, including physical abuse of the prisoner and false testimony
And following closely is Peter who watches at a distance so as not to be associated with Jesus yet wants to know what’s happening
So in v.58 we’re told that as the trial moves from Annas to Caiaphas, Peter gets a little more brave and enters the courtyard
John tells us in Chapter 18 that he helped Peter gain access
John was known to Caiaphas, probably through a family connection, so John was allowed access to the courtyard
Then later, John goes back out and convinces a guard to allow Peter to enter the courtyard as well
So Peter seats himself by some officers, and Mark tells us Peter begins to warm himself over a fire in the courtyard
These men may have been the same temple police who accompanied the Romans in arresting Jesus in Gethsemane
But in the darkness, they don’t recognize Peter at first
Meanwhile, inside the house Jesus is undergoing interrogation and the priests are calling witnesses to testify against Him
Under Jewish law, a court could only convict upon identical testimony from 2 or more witnesses
But the religious leaders were so disorganized in their conspiracy that they are having trouble finding two witnesses who agree
Matthew says in v.60 that many false witnesses come forward to testify falsely against Jesus, and the fact that it is many means they don’t agree
If the testimony of two witnesses had agreed, then the religious leaders would have had all the evidence they needed to convict
And surely at that point, they would have concluded the trial and pronounced a guilty verdict
But it’s been a kangaroo court of one form of slander or another with no two liars able to say the same thing twice
Then in v.60 Matthew says they finally succeeded in finding (or coaching) two witnesses to testify to exactly the same charge
Two men testify that Jesus claimed He was able to destroy the temple and rebuild it in three days
One of the witnesses’ statement is recorded in Matthew’s Gospel and the other witnesses’ statement is recorded in Mark’s Gospel
If we compare the two statements, we find they are not exactly the same, which should have disqualified their testimony also
But after a night of frustration, the priest has judged it close enough to convict Jesus, and so he turns to Jesus demanding He offers defense
In v.62, the high priest tries to goad Jesus into making an incriminating statement, which was against Jewish law
Under Jewish law an accused was not permitted to make a statement at trial to protect them from self-incrimination
And notice in v.63 Jesus follows Jewish law by not defending Himself at this point but remains silent
Obviously, the Jewish authorities were not interested in justice nor worried about breaking rules to get the result they want
Then out of frustration, Caiaphas says I adjure you by the Living God to answer my question
With this phrase, Caiaphas has officially placed Jesus under oath and according to Jewish law a person under oath must answer
So where before Jesus followed Jewish law by remaining silent, now Jesus follows Jewish law by answering the question
And in v.64 Jesus responds under oath saying “you have said it” meaning you are speaking the truth, and in Mark’s Gospel Jesus adds “I am”
Jesus specifically and directly answers the question affirmatively…He is the Son of God, He is the Messiah
Moreover, Jesus says one day you will see Me in My glory, and in that day you will realize how true your words were
By the way, you may have heard some scoffers think to claim that Jesus never declared Himself to be the Son of God or to be Messiah
They suggest that Jesus spoke of the Messiah, but He never claimed to be that Messiah
That’s one of the easier lies to disprove, and here’s one of several places where we find Jesus openly declaring His identity
So after Jesus declares under oath that He is the Messiah, the high priest has heard enough, and from here the religious trial ends and the next one begins
The Jewish leaders can’t pronounce a death sentence on Jesus without Roman approval
If they tried to kill Jesus outside the temple grounds, they could be charged with murder under Roman law
So they will hand Jesus over to the Romans while making a case for the Romans to execute Jesus for offenses under Jewish law
But before they do that, the Jewish authorities will take their opportunity to abuse Jesus viciously while they still have Him in custody
This will begin Jesus’ physical abuse, and before the abuse ends, Jesus will be rendered unrecognizable in appearance
We will study the physical effects of Jesus’ torture in coming weeks
But more importantly, we will also study the godly purpose in Jesus receiving this treatment
If you’re one to shrink back from the troubling details of Christ’s suffering or from studying the events of His passion, then I sympathize
But trust me when I say, there is something good for us in this study, something God intended
And I hope you will be with us through this study in the two remaining chapters
Moreover, if we are to face our own trials of persecution and suffering in the way God intended, then we must learn from Jesus’ own suffering
We need to learn from Jesus’ courage, His perseverance, His godliness and His submission
So we study His suffering to learn from His example