Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongHaving spent several weeks studying the Kingdom program, we’ve got a pretty good idea now of how Jesus wants us to work in His absence
We understand our objective, we’re clear on the message and we’ve got the method Jesus gave His disciples
Last week we learned a simple way to assess our results
Jesus said inquire who is worthy, but Jesus didn’t mean who is worthy to receive the Gospel
Because no one is worthy to receive the Gospel…that’s why it comes by grace alone
Jesus meant see who is worthy to receive your time and attention…who the Spirit is working in around you
When you find that person, you make an initial assessment by offering them your spiritual greeting
And if the person’s response is encouraging, pursue them further hoping to bring them to the truth
And if they agree, help them begin their walk with Christ
Now after last week’s sermon, someone asked me how much persuasion is appropriate in bringing someone to faith in Jesus?
Since we follow the Spirit as He leads us to opportunities, is it wrong to then press someone into believing?
The answer is, there is a place for persuasion but, like everything else in the Kingdom Program, it requires following the Spirit
Think back to my metal detector vs. shovel analogy I gave you last week
In my analogy I compared the Spirit leading us to lost sheep, to the signals coming from a metal detector as you sweep the ground
We look for signals that the Spirit is preparing a heart before we invest significant effort in our work
Those “signals” generally take the form of a receptiveness to our spiritual conversation and a willingness to engage with us
When we detect such an opportunity we pick up our shovel, so to speak, and start digging
It’s at that point, you are free to persuade, to push, to answer objections, to make your best case for Christ
But even then, you continue watching for signals from the Spirit
It’s as if you have a shovel in one hand and a metal detector in the other
As long as you continue getting positive responses, keep digging
If the signals ever go cold – if the person stops listening or starts arguing or just walks away – then it’s time to move on
Here’s how Paul combined personal effort with dependence on the Spirit:
First, Paul said he served as an ambassador for Christ, as though God were making the appeal through him
Paul knew he wasn’t in control of this process…Christ determines the results and Paul was Christ’s ambassador
Nevertheless, when Paul found a receptive audience, as he did in Corinth, he picked up a shovel and dug with all his might
Paul says, I beg you to be reconciled to Christ
The Greek word translated beg could be also be translated implored, pleaded…and it can even mean prayed
Paul didn’t just deliver the Gospel message, casually waiting to see what happened
He did everything in his power to pull his audience across the finish line of faith
That’s our model for seeking results in the Kingdom program
Remain sensitive to the Spirit’s leading, recognizing the Lord is the one Who determines our results
But we give Christ our best efforts in that work
That brings us to our next major point, one I’ve titled “Our Mindset” and it’s found in v.16
I’m calling this section “Our Mindset” but we could also label it “Our Enemy”
Because this step of the Kingdom program involves a certain understanding that our work will be opposed by a powerful adversary
It’s a mindset that recognizes our opposition are not those we’re trying to reach with the Gospel…
Nor are our enemies those who hate us or hate Jesus or hate Christianity
In fact, we don’t fight against any human being…because we are fighting for everyone to know Jesus
No…as Paul explained, our enemy is something altogether different
Paul says our struggle isn’t against flesh and blood, which refers to all physical creatures, whether man or beast
Our enemy is not physical; he is a dark, spiritual ruler, Paul says
Of course we know Paul is referring to Satan and to the demons who follow after him and do his bidding
Satan wants to stop the progress of the Kingdom program by any means necessary, because the Kingdom program undermines his goal
Satan’s goal has always been to be a god, so he opposes anyone or anything that glorifies the true Living God
Of course, nothing brings God more glory than men and women praising Him for His plan of redemption through Jesus Christ
Therefore, when we win new citizens to the Kingdom – or even just preach the Gospel – it will incite the enemy against us
Jesus wants us to be spiritually, mentally and emotionally prepared for that opposition so that we will respond to it in the right way
Jesus gives us that proper mindset in v.16, and our study of this verse will be similar to our study of v.7 a few weeks ago, coming in three parts
Part 1 is the first half of the verse, where Jesus says He sends His disciples out as sheep in the midst of wolves
Once again, Jesus draws upon a metaphor of shepherding
And of all the threats a shepherd faced in his work of caring for the flock, probably the greatest threat was attack by predators like wolves
Wolves attack quickly, silently, viciously, and they can bring down a sheep in a moment
As one sheep is attacked, the rest of the flock is scattered by the commotion making life very hard for the shepherd
And to make matters worse, typically a shepherd would be held financially liable for any sheep lost to predators
So when Jesus spoke these words, the disciples immediately recognized what He was saying…they faced real danger in the Kingdom Program
They had a fierce and determined enemy who would prey on them
Moreover, they were like sheep…defenseless and comparably weak, so they needed to depend on the Lord for protection
Nevertheless, in the course of time, they should expect to suffer losses
That’s how Jesus describes the way it’s going to be in the Kingdom program…like sheep surrounded by wolves ready to attack
If we’re going to remain diligent and effective in our work, we must first recognize there will be opposition
We need to understand that we operate behind enemy lines…we are playing on the enemy’s field
We can’t be naive about our enemy nor cavalier about the risks
So Jesus puts us on notice informing us we will face opposition, so that when it comes we won’t be surprised or complain or give up
Nor does He want us to act foolishly, stumbling into danger without considering the cost
While we won’t find Satan waiting behind every corner, we will certainly experience his displeasure from time to time
Now before we look at the mindset we need to face that foe, I need to address two misconceptions that often arise out of the first part of v.16
First, some assume that Jesus willingly sends His disciples out among wolves because our faith in Him has rendered us untouchable by Satan
Some will tell you that your faith in Jesus has given you power and authority and dominion over Satan, etc.
You may hear Christians talking about binding Satan or rebuking Satan in the name of Jesus
Some go so far as to assume we are conquerers of Satan, as if the sheep are more powerful than the wolves
This kind of thinking is a mixture of ignorance and arrogance, and it plays right into the enemy’s hands
Obviously, Jesus didn’t say we are sheep among wolves to embolden us or to reassure us that we can’t be hurt
More importantly, the Bible clearly teaches that believers are not more powerful than Satan
In fact, the Bible makes clear that no created thing is as powerful as Satan
In Jude’s day, false teachers downplayed the power of Satan and his forces; mocking him and dismissing him
Jude says such men were guilty of reviling angelic majesties
Jude is referring to Satan and his demonic forces
Satan is the source of all evil, but he is still an angel of great power, according to the Bible
And therefore, his angelic majesty demands respect, at least in the sense that we shouldn’t underestimate his power
In fact, Jude says Satan is so powerful that not even the great and powerful archangel, Michael, dared to oppose him directly
During a dispute over Moses’ body, Michael refused to speak a word against Satan but left it to God to rebuke Satan
God made Satan so powerful that nothing else in the Creation has the power to oppose Satan
Only the One Who created Satan is stronger
So don’t be fooled into thinking your faith in Jesus suddenly gave you personal power over Satan
The second misconception floating around in the church says God will always defend us from Satan’s attacks, so we need not worry about our enemy
While that sounds appealing, it’s also wrong – at least in the sense that God doesn’t always defend us nor can we be sure God will defend us in the way we desire
On the contrary, Scripture says Satan will have opportunities to oppose us, to attack us, and even to defeat us on earth at times
And again, the Bible is filled with examples of this truth, but certainly the most classic example is that of Job
Most of us have heard at least a little of Job’s story…he’s the guy that suffered through a series of terrible attacks brought by Satan
The Bible describes Job as a righteous man, a man of great wealth with a large home, many children and a successful business
Then in one day, Satan attacked Job and took everything
Satan killed all of Job’s children, stole all his livestock and killed all his servants, ruining his livelihood and destroying his house
And if that weren’t enough, Satan inflicted Job with painful sores over his entire body leading Job to curse the day he was born
Job is the classic example of the Lord permitting the enemy to attack us despite our faithfulness…in fact, because of our faithfulness
But what many Christians overlook in that story is how Job came to Satan’s attention in the first place
The Lord was the One Who brought Job to Satan’s attention, which then led to Satan’s attacks
What we’re learning is that not only does the Lord permit the enemy’s attack’s from time to time, the Lord causes those attacks
Therefore, we can’t assume God will always protect us from the wolves…on the contrary we should expect attack from time to time
The Lord uses those trials for our spiritual good as a test of faith
And the Bible says by our response to those trials, we may glorify the Lord and He may bless our obedience
James tells us to consider it all joy when trials come
Notice he doesn’t say feel joy, because you won’t feel joy in the midst of a trial…Job certainly didn’t
James meant count your circumstances as joy because in a day to come, the result of your endurance will be great joy
This is a classic “eyes for eternity” passage in the Bible, because you can only understand what James is teaching by thinking in eternal terms
James says as we endure trials, we will receive a result that leaves us perfect and lacking in nothing
In earthly terms this statement makes absolutely no sense, but in eternal terms it makes total sense
James is saying that when we endure trials in faith, we give opportunity to be sanctified or perfected in our spiritual maturity
And as a result of our endurance and the maturity it produces, we will not lack for eternal rewards in the Kingdom
So as you face trials, count it as joy because the Lord has granted you a tremendous opportunity for gain in the Kingdom
That’s a gain you can only obtain through enduring trials
But if we are to receive those benefits, we must be prepared to endure the trials with godliness just as Job endured his trial in obedience
Enduring well depends in part on proper mental preparation, including having an awareness and appreciation for our enemy
Jesus says you will be surrounded by Satan and his demons, so be prepared
Don’t let the enemy discourage you, don’t play into the enemy’s hand, and don’t give up at the first sign of trouble…
Think of Jesus’ warning like the way a dentist or doctor warns you before you get a shot by saying “this might sting a little”
Their warning gives you opportunity to prepare mentally for what’s coming so when you feel the pain, you can handle it well
That’s what Jesus is saying in v.16…
He started with the word “Behold” meaning pay attention, take note…you will face opposition
Be prepared to deal with it
Which bring us to Part 2 of the verse…how do we prepare to deal with an enemy who is more powerful than any other creature?
Jesus says be as shrewd as a serpent
The Greek word translated as serpent is ophis, and it’s the common Greek word for snake
In fact, we could have translated this verse to say “be as shrewd as a snake” and in fact the NIV chose that translation
But most English translations render the word as serpent, not snake, because the translators recognized Jesus was alluding to something
Jesus wasn’t complimenting the intelligence of snakes…snakes have far less intelligence than many other animals, to say nothing of humans
In fact, snakes are probably second only to poodles for dumbest creature
Jesus wasn’t talking about literal snakes…He was alluding to the wisest of all creatures, who famously indwelled a snake once
Satan indwelled a snake in the Garden of Eden to deceive Woman into eating the forbidden fruit
The serpent in the Garden was the craftiest beast of the field in the sense that Satan was in the snake
And the Bible says Satan is the most intelligent being God ever created (Ezekiel 28)
So Jesus is telling His disciples we should emulate Satan’s shrewdness
Shrewd means wise, discerning, being thoughtful and informed – not being naive or foolish
But it’s more than merely being as wise as Satan
Jesus used Satan as our comparison to say we must learn the enemy’s tactics so we can anticipate how he will try to stop us
We have to be creative in our own thinking, taking advantage of what we know about our adversary so we can find ways to thwart him
I can illustrate with a simple story about a wise, older gentlemen who was dealing with rowdy teenagers in his neighborhood
That’s a cute story and an even better illustration of how we can find creative ways to combat the chaos and opposition the enemy tries to sow
For example, I know of missionary teams who travel into dangerous places where the enemy has set the culture against the Gospel
Traditional Christian evangelism in these places is all but impossible due to government restrictions and persecution
On the other hand, these countries are very welcoming to Western businessman who bring the prospect of greater wealth
So the missionaries were shrewd…they decided to travel under the cover of businessmen entering the country to buy and sell goods
They printed business cards, they carried briefcases full of product samples…
They even made websites advertising their wares so that if immigration authorities did a random check, all looked fine
As they move around the country, these “businessmen” naturally made many contacts in shops, cafes, marketplaces, taxi cabs, airports, etc.
And of course, with each of these contacts they would inquire to know if the person was willing to hear the Kingdom message
They gave a simple spiritual greeting, and if they got a positive response, they pressed further without giving too much away
They worked shrewdly, understanding they were surrounded by powerful wolves capable of attacking from any direction
And even here at home in our everyday life, we too need to be shrewd in how we work the Kingdom Program so that we don’t play into the enemy’s hands
For example, men in ministry typically follow guidelines for not meeting with women one-on-one to avoid giving the enemy opportunity
For the same reason, churches do background checks on ministry workers
And as you might preach Jesus to coworkers in a workplace setting, you keep a low profile to avoid unhelpful attention
When I travel to teach in muslim countries, I have to be careful not to say things about Islam that might be reported back to the authorities so I don’t lose my chance to visit again
I call this approach the James Bond mindset…working as a secret agent on enemy ground…that’s the mindset Jesus is calling us to have
And I think it’s the most fascinating part of working the Kingdom Program
I love the cat-and-mouse game, the working behind enemy lines, the matching of wits with the enemy
Now, of course, this isn’t a game, and we can’t hold a candle to Satan’s wisdom or power
But we have the Holy Spirit, and He Who is in you is greater than he who is in the world (1 John 4:4)
So while the Bible calls on us to respect the enemy’s power, it never tells us to fear him…in fact, it commands us not to fear
Go out into that world full of wolves, just go with wisdom and discernment, preparing to face your enemy knowing his ways
If we walk by the Spirit we can navigate the enemy’s traps and pitfalls…
So long as we don’t shoot ourselves in the foot
Which brings us to the third part of v.16…Jesus says we must also be innocent as doves
Just as the term serpent was an allusion to something more, so too does the dove represent something greater
In Scripture the dove often represents the Spirit of God
So in effect, the Lord is asking us to be as innocent as God Himself; or we could simply say “do not sin”
But more than that, we must learn the Spirit’s ways so that we operate in concert with Him at all times
So Jesus is telling us that as we go about the Kingdom program, we must combine the shrewdness of Satan with the innocence of God
Obviously, the Bible directs all believers to put away sin because as Paul says, should those who died to sin still live in it?
But besides that, now we’re learning that in the Kingdom Program our sin can do great harm to our mission
Now we all have sin…none of us are perfect, so clearly Jesus wasn’t suggesting only perfect people may serve in the Kingdom Program
But the problem isn’t the existence of sin… the problem is when our methods or lifestyle come into conflict with our message
When we work to reach lost sheep in dishonest or unloving ways, our behavior stands in contradiction to our message
We have a word for someone who says one thing and does another: hypocrite
And nothing neutralizes your message faster than hypocrisy
When someone notices that we preach about the Kingdom but live like the world, they will immediately lose interest
We can see that Jesus has placed these two commands – be shrewd as Satan and innocent as God – in opposition to guide our thinking and behavior
In reaching the lost, we want to use every trick in the book, every scheme we can imagine, every tool at our disposal…without crossing the line into sin
Sometimes finding that line can be difficult
Think back to my example of the missionaries posing as businessmen…was that lying?
Well, it could be, and the missionaries recognized they were getting close to the line
So to make sure they could honestly represent themselves as businessmen, they went a step further in their plans
They actually started real businesses…a t-shirt printing business, a consulting business, an advertising business
The businesses were real in every sense of the word…they even sold to a few customers in the nations where they visited
But of course, these missionaries put almost no time or attention into running their business, and they made no effort to turn a profit
In the end they could honestly declare they were businessmen without sinning
And then they took advantage of their occupation to shrewdly penetrate unreached areas of the world
That’s being as shrewd as a serpent and as innocent as a dove
Nothing they did compromised their witness or their message
Yet they were as crafty as the enemy in getting around the barriers he erected against the Gospel
Finally, we need to remain as innocent as doves because if you let sin take hold in your life, the enemy will use your sin against you
Many men and women have seen their opportunities to serve the Kingdom Program ruined by sin
We see the stories all the time…pastors cheating on wives with the church secretary
Elders taking money out of the building fund to buy a nice car
Youth leaders compromised with their students, associate pastors lying about their background on resumes, etc.
And outside the church staff, individual Christians engage in all manner of secret and not-so-secret sin thinking no one will ever know
Besides being hypocritical, that behavior runs the risk of letting the enemy get the upper hand
Because you may think no one knows what you say or do in private, but God knows, and in many cases, so does the enemy
His agents are everywhere, and when they discover your secret shame, your spiritual weakness, the enemy loves to exploit it to bring shame to Christ and to weaken the Church
So when we sin, we give the enemy a weapon he can use against us in stopping our Kingdom Program work
It’s like we took a loaded gun, cocked the hammer, pointed the barrel at ourself, and placed the gun in the enemy’s hand
We’re daring him to pull the trigger
Maybe he will reveal your sin to your spouse somehow, or to your boss or to your pastor or to the I.R.S…
And just like that, your sin has now sidelined you in the work of the Kingdom
Jesus asks us to be innocent not only because it brings Him glory when His children obey Him
And not only because it keeps us from being hypocrites
He doesn’t want us to be disqualified in our work by playing into the enemy’s hand
How will you respond to this week’s message from Scripture?
Obviously, we need to develop wisdom in the face of the enemy’s schemes against us
And we need to double-down on our efforts to keep ourselves from sin, especially in ways that compromise our message
But here’s a simple way to get started…spend the next week observing how the enemy is at work to stop you in the Kingdom Program
Just as you get up the courage to tell a co-worker about Jesus, his phone rings or a friend interrupts your conversation
As you get ready to come to church, you get into an argument with your spouse or the kids start screaming or the car battery is dead
Don’t look past moments like that…see them as attacks because they almost always are…and then respond in godliness
Don’t play into the enemy’s hands, don’t give up easily, build wisdom, put away sin