Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongWe’re studying the Kingdom Program as Jesus taught it to His apostles in Matthew 10
Jesus is on the cusp of being rejected by the nation of Israel
So in anticipation of that rejection, Jesus has begun preparing His apostles to take the message of the Kingdom to the world
I call this the Kingdom Program and it’s the mission of the Church
Remember, the concept of the Kingdom in the Bible develops through four stages
The Kingdom began as a Promise God made to Abraham and his descendants
Then when Jesus came, the Kingdom became a Proposal, and the Lord declared the Kingdom was at hand to Israel
But Jesus was rejected by Israel, so the Kingdom transitioned into a Program of the Church recruiting Kingdom citizens
Finally, in a day to come the Kingdom will become a Place on the earth at Jesus’ Second Coming
Promise → Proposal → Program → Place
So in Chapter 10 of Matthew Jesus initiates the formal preparation of His disciples to oversee the beginning of the Kingdom program
But the Kingdom program will operate contrary to human thinking…God’s ways are not man’s ways
The program of recruiting citizens for the Kingdom won’t be a marketing campaign or a sales effort
We don’t collect followers for Jesus through clever arguments or by force
People won’t be awarded Kingdom citizenship by birthright, nor can they earn them by good behavior
The recruiting method Jesus gave His disciples worked according to different rules, and relied on supernatural power
My outline for our study of Matthew 10 is in your bulletin, and today we move into Part 4; the Result
Last week we looked at the Method, and in a sense you can say that this entire chapter is a method of sorts
But specifically, in vs.8-11 Jesus gave us four steps that should guide our approach to recruiting, to evangelism
First, He told us to use our spiritual gift to minister to those we seek to reach
Our spiritual gift is a superpower that has potential to yield supernatural results as the Lord appoints
The Lord will work through our gift to open doors and open hearts to make opportunities for Gospel conversations
Secondly, Jesus commanded us to give this message freely, because we don’t want to erect unnecessary barriers to the Gospel
The Lord gave us His Kingdom freely
So what God gave us freely, we share freely with no demands or expectations on those we serve
Jesus, and His word and His Kingdom are not ours to sell
So any suggestion that people owe us something in return for the Gospel will inhibit them from responding
Thirdly, we go about in a posture of dependence and vulnerability, which will lead to opportunities to engage with others
As we lean on others to meet our needs, we’ll have opportunity to present the Kingdom message
And when we receive a gift of kindness, reciprocation kicks in, leading the other person to anticipate something in return
And we take advantage of that opening to offer them the Gospel
Finally, step four was do our homework before entering a situation
I want to pick back up with that thought as move forward into the Results this evening
Once again, in v.11 Lord gave His apostles step four in the method, which is do their homework
Jesus said “inquire who is worthy” meaning understand where opportunity is greatest
Combine a reliance on others’ kindness with careful forethought on how to make the most of every encounter
Ask questions of local expert, connect with other ministries on the ground, partner with existing mission organizations
Watch YouTube videos, check out social media, etc.
The point is, take advantage of every resource the Lord places in your path to understand your opportunities
But as you do, here’s the thing to remember…the point of this research is to detect where the Spirit is already at work
The best evangelists become experts at following the Spirit, because they know He does the real work
So all their research of who is worthy is directed at learning where the Spirit is already at work opening doors
They’re not trying to decide whose door to knock down
When you understand this concept, it completely changes your approach to the Kingdom Program, both in how your prepare and how you measure results
It’s the difference between searching for buried treasure using a shovel vs. a metal detector
Our human way of thinking of evangelism can sometimes feel like searching for underground treasure with a shovel
We depend upon on our strength and persistence thinking if we dig long enough and in enough places, we’ll find some gold
In reality, that method just wastes a lot of lost time and effort and accomplishes little more than spreading a bunch of dirt around
Eventually, we’ll get tired and frustrated of trying
And all we learn is a bunch of places where the treasure isn’t
But the method Jesus gave us is so much easier, because His burden is light
He asks us to work with a metal detector before we pull out the shovel
We don’t waste effort digging in fruitless places…we only invest time in places worth digging
So we do our homework expecting the Spirit to lead us in our search
The Spirit already knows where the sheep are, so we don’t need to work in random fashion
We inquire (of the Spirit) who is worthy, and when He shows us, we focus our efforts there
It’s like following the signals of a metal detector, letting the Spirit lead us to buried treasure
Now you see how Jesus’ Kingdom Program method operates differently from human approaches, and likewise, Jesus says consider your results differently
The first step of assessing results comes in v.12, where Jesus says as you enter a house, begin by giving it your greeting
What’s our greeting?
By the context, our greeting is the message Jesus defined earlier in v.7, the message of the Kingdom Program
So Jesus is saying as you begin your encounter, give your Kingdom Program greeting right away
As we learned back in part 2, the specific words we use in our presentation will vary to fit our culture and circumstances
To Jews of first-century Palestine, Jesus declared the Kingdom of God was at hand, but we will state it differently
Regardless of the words we use, the content of our message will remain the same: it’s always Christ and Him crucified
We preach that entry into the Kingdom has been made possible by the sacrificial death of the King
Presenting that greeting is your first step in assessing our results
Does that statement sound odd to you? Does that seem too soon for us to begin evaluating results?
Well, here’s another chance for us to rethink our approach to the Kingdom Program
Jesus is telling us to begin assessing our results early in the process, not at the end
Perhaps when you’ve delivered the Gospel message in the past, you were focused on getting to the end of your presentation?
You launched in, full speed ahead, and plowed along hoping to get to the end uninterrupted and unchallenged?
If that’s how you worked, you weren’t following the Kingdom Program method
That’s racing out ahead of the Spirit, that’s trying to work the process in your own power
What Jesus is saying is, don’t get ahead of the Spirit
Think one step at a time, don’t outrun your headlights
Instead, send up a trial balloon to see whether the Spirit is at work in that moment
Think back to my metal detector analogy
Hovering over a spot of earth with a metal detector does not produce gold
It’s merely a way of testing whether that spot is likely to yield the gold should you make the effort to dig
We wave it back and forth for a moment to get a reading
If we don’t get a response, we just move along
But if we get a positive reading, we look closer, and if we get consistent positive responses, we begin digging
So you have to pay careful attention to the signals coming from your spiritual metal detector to know whether digging is warranted
Give someone your spiritual greeting but before you go too far, pause to take a reading
See whether that person is willing to go deeper
Dumping your entire presentation on someone before understanding whether their heart is ready is like working with only a shovel
It’s blindly digging holes hoping to find a sheep buried at the bottom
More importantly, it’s working without the Spirit’s leading
When the Spirit points us in a certain direction, we can’t turn to Him and say, “Thanks, I got it from here…”
We need to rely on Him every step of the way
Now practically speaking, these spiritual metal detector moments play out in endless ways but always with fascinating results
Ask simple questions like, “Has God been doing anything in your life lately? Have you been reading the Bible? Do you have questions about Jesus?”
One friend strikes up conversations with taxis/Uber drivers by asking if he enjoys conversations about spiritual things?
Or when someone indicates they’re going through difficulties ask if they want prayer or maybe a word of advice from Scripture
Personal examples…telling a waitress we pray to thank Jesus before the meal, and asking if we could pray for her in some way
On the other hand, there are wrong ways to approach the greeting moment which can lead us to misleading results
You get false positives, like a metal detector going off when nothing is truly there
For example, asking if someone is interested in Christianity or if they want to be a Christian may get you a false positive
Because those terms comes with a lot of baggage
Many people think they are Christian simply because they grew up in “Christian” homes
Or because they went to church or were born in the Southern US
Likewise, we can’t measure a person’s interest in Jesus by asking if they want to go to church or read a book or listen to a podcast
The Kingdom Program isn’t about leading people to church or a book or website
Because even if they say yes to those offers, we still won’t know whether they have responded to Jesus Himself
Meanwhile, we’ve missed the chance to put the truth of salvation before them for their immediate consideration
In a sense, we’re passing the buck to someone else
The Kingdom Program is about about leading people to a Person, to Jesus Christ
Of course, it’s ok to invite someone to church or to suggest a good book
Or even send them to a website with good Bible teaching like ours…
But both those offers aren’t substitutes for the Gospel itself
Remember Paul’s example in Athens:
In v.16, Paul was doing his homework in Athens when he strikes up a conversation with some locals in the market
Notice the men remarked that Paul was discussing strange deities because he was preaching about Jesus and the resurrection
Paul was preaching the Kingdom message looking for a response
And it triggered the men’s interest and resulted in an invitation for Paul to tell them more…that’s a metal detector going off
So Paul followed up with a deeper presentation of Christ
If you’ve read how that story ends in Acts 17, you know most of that crowd eventually loses interest in Paul’s message but a few believed
Paul was able to find a few lost sheep by simply following the leading of the Spirit
But like Paul, our message won’t appeal to everyone
Sometimes our message is met by a negative response – that’s going to happen, and it’s ok
So Jesus says give a house your greeting, and then as you do, begin measuring your results
And if there is a positive response to your message, Jesus says in v.13 give that house or person a blessing of peace
In the original Greek, the text translated as “give your blessing” is just the word erchomai, which is the Greek verb to come or go
So perhaps a better translation would be “if the house is worthy, peace comes”
In other words, if the person gives a positive response to your spiritual greeting, peace has come to that person
In Hebrew the word for peace is shalom, but that word also carries other subtle meanings
Shalom means completeness, perfection in welfare and health and safety, wholeness
Jesus uses the word peace to say that spiritual wholeness, spiritual health has come
A broken heart has been bound, a new spiritual birth has taken place, a child of God has been born again
That’s a beautiful and succinct way to understand the moment of salvation –
When a person is born again through an encounter with the power of God in the message of salvation, they receive shalom
Paul puts it this way
In fact, Paul described Jesus’ own preaching of the Kingdom as a message of peace
When a person accepts the Kingdom message, our search is over…it’s just that simple
Then a new process begins, a process of discipleship
Matthew doesn’t mention that step specifically, but Luke’s account gives us that additional piece
Luke says that the house (or person) that receives our greeting will be our focus for a time, we stay there until we move on
We make that new sheep our primary concern until such time that we feel led by the Spirit to move on to the next place
So imagine you’re out on a street corner or going door to door in your neighborhood giving your “greeting”
Then someone expresses interest, your metal doctor goes off
So you dig deeper, explaining how to receive Christ as Savior
And the person follows suit and confesses Christ
What happens next? Jesus says that person is now your focus
In effect, the Lord has just given you the privilege to be the first person to disciple that new believer
Now perhaps you’re not equipped to work with this person very well…
Perhaps you meet them on an airplane and you’re landing in 30 minutes
In those cases, you work to find them a local church community, or refer them to an organization or friend or pastor you know in the area
At the very least, point them in the direction of good Bible teaching resources; a way for them to pursue Christ
In the best cases, you take them under your wing for a time and help them begin an obedient walk with Jesus
Whatever you do, don’t say goodbye and move on…because the Kingdom Program isn’t about simply putting notches in our belt
It’s about finding – and caring for – lost sheep
So we must take a long term perspective…a view that seeks to serve Christ in a process of preparing disciples
For the same reason, if the results go nowhere we need to move on
In v.13 Jesus says if the person is not worthy, take back your blessing of peace
Here again I think this English translation isn’t as helpful
A more literal way to render v.13 would be “let your peace return to you”
In Luke 10, Jesus is quoted speaking it this way:
The idea here is that in the face of a rejection, our offer of peace continues on with us elsewhere
Jesus is preparing us for the reality that at times – in fact many times – our message of peace will be rejected
The idea that someone would refuse an offer of peace with God seems almost unimaginable to us, but the human heart is hard
And if we worry too much about failure, we might be tempted to come up with alternative methods – to consider alternatives
We might begin to think that there’s something wrong with our message or a method that could be improved
That if we made “improvements” in what Jesus told us to do, if we innovate, we might get more yes’s and fewer no’s
While that thinking might seem sensible and even well-intentioned, it’s both wrong and dangerous
Jesus didn’t ask us to innovate on His methods, to improve on the message or to make the Gospel more palatable
As I’ve mentioned in past weeks, we need to remain absolutely clear that our objective is finding lost sheep – not turning goats into sheep
Our message must always be the Gospel and not some other, more palatable and easier-to-accept worldly message
And our method is preaching about Jesus, not trying to soft-sell religion or to sneak up on someone with the Gospel
Then notice in vs.14-15 Jesus also makes clear we aren’t to dwell on the rejections so they don’t become motivation to not do these things
If someone will not receive us or heed our words, we shake the dust off our feet and move on
Receiving us refers to how they respond to us as we offer someone our spiritual greeting seeking an audience
And heeding our words refers to their response to the Gospel message itself
Jesus says regardless of whether they reject us or the Gospel itself, our response is the same: shake the dust off
In that day, travel was mostly by foot with sandals or leather boots
And roads were either hard packed soil, brick or stone, and the ground was always dusty
So travelers’ feet became caked in dirt
When travelers sought shelter in a home, it was customary for the host to offer to wash the person’s feet as a form of hospitality
Hospitality of this sort was very important in Eastern culture, and still is today
So if a traveler had to shake dust off his feet as he left a town, it meant he didn’t receive a good reception
And that was a severe indictment against the town and a sign of shame
In fact, Jesus says those who heard and rejected the Kingdom message faced harsher judgment than Sodom and Gomorrah
Jesus is speaking about the unique consequences for the generation of Israel who rejected Messiah when He came
We’ll take a close look at that consequence when we get to Chapter 12
The point is that even when your message is not received, you have still produced a testimony to the glory of God
You came to someone bringing a message of grace and mercy and hoping to produce a testimony of their faith and salvation
But instead, the Lord chose to use you to produce a testimony of judgment
You shake the dust off your feet in the sense that you acknowledge their rejection is on their own head, not yours
And that’s a part of the Kingdom Program…God may use us as a witness so someone may come to know the truth
Or He may use us as a witness against someone
Either way, it’s in God’s hands…we’re simply called to be obedient to deliver the message
And obvious as it is to say, the Kingdom Program will not result in the salvation of everyone who hears our message
Use that truth to produce even greater urgency to reach the next town
Don’t continue digging after the Spirit says you won’t find gold
That’s why Jesus says when someone rejects the message, our peace returns to us
He’s reminding us that the Spirit wasn’t working in that moment through our message to bring faith to that heart
And if the Spirit isn’t working, we can’t work without Him
So it’s as if our message of peace went out and bounced off their hard heart, and in that sense it returns to you
Which means you still have that message available to share with others
One person’s rejection doesn’t mean the message was wrong or that our method was wrong
It means we need to keep looking…we haven’t found our lost sheep yet
Do you remember in Luke 14 the parable about the king who holds a banquet and invites guests to attend?
The invitation goes out, but the invited guests refuse to accept the offer
The king doesn’t say, “Well I guess my invitation was worded wrong. I need to change my approach, make the menu more appealing,…etc.”
No, the king in that parable tells his servants to look elsewhere, talk to more people
Because the king knew his offer was good and the opportunity would appeal to someone sooner or later
And sure enough, the servants filled that banquet table with people all around
Of course, in that parable, Jesus is the King, and we are both the invited guests who received the offer…
And we are His servants seeking to fill the seat next to us
Now it’s time for another challenge…
In weeks past, I’ve asked you to go out from this building with a willingness to put to work what you’ve learned
In Week 1, it was to look at the world with spiritual eyes knowing that lost sheep are all around us
After that, I asked you to prepare your message and to apply the method Jesus taught us
And in those weeks, I’ve been hearing great testimonies
We had a group of ladies organize to go out on Super Bowl Sunday
They went to the Riverwalk with Gospel tracts and engaged in conversations about Jesus
Last week I read you the letter from the lady who listens online who heard my challenge to reach out in the way Jesus taught
So she prayed for an opportunity to help someone in need
And the Lord put a person in her path literally minutes later
So then she was faithful to preach the Gospel to that person, something she hadn’t done before
This week the ministry received another letter from a listener in Indiana who also decided he wanted to be more receptive to the Spirit’s leading
He told a story of helping a woman who was walking at night on the side of the road through a snow storm
He took her to her destination and along the way he offered her a spiritual greeting, praying for her and telling her about VBVMI
Turns out the woman was a former student of the man’s wife, who taught her in junior high school years earlier
I also heard from a man who took initiative to talk to an Amish man about Jesus and VBVMI
After months, he ran into the Amish man again and this what he heard
Indeed, God is sovereign…and all those people had to do to experience those miracles was set their minds to following the Spirit
That’s all that stands between you and a miracle in your week ahead
Who will you give your greeting? Where is the Spirit leading you? What could happen?
I can’t wait to hear next week