Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongI’ve good news and bad news…the good news is we’ve reached the sixth and final point in our outline of Chapter 10
Today we study the section I’ve labeled The Cost of the Kingdom Program
This section runs from v.17 through the end of the chapter
Which leads me to the bad news…I’m going to teach 26 verses tonight
But don’t worry, we will address it in large sections
Last week we studied part 5, the mindset Jesus said we will need to serve in the Kingdom Program
As we bring the Gospel to others, we enter a world where the enemy had the advantage
Like a wolf, the devil and his demons work behind the scenes to disrupt our progress and discourage our interest
So Jesus told us to become as wise as our enemy, learning his ways so we can anticipate them and work around them
And at the same time, learn how to work in harmony with the Spirit of God – without sinning
Combining shrewdness and innocence to defeat the enemy’s schemes and maintain a Christ-pleasing witness
Jesus’ advice will keep us in the game and position us for success, as the Lord appoints
But let’s be honest…as I said last week, Jesus is also warning His disciples that we will suffer losses on this spiritual battlefield
The more invested we become in the Kingdom Program, the more we invite the enemy’s wrath
So it’s time for us to consider, are we prepared for the cost of serving Jesus?
Elsewhere in Luke 14, Jesus says that wisdom is calculating the cost of an endeavor before entering into the work
So it’s time we pulled out our calculators, because serving in the Kingdom Program will cost us something
At the very least, the Kingdom Program will take time away from other things we might prefer to do with our time
It may take us away from our family at times
It will almost certainly impact our personal finances
And in the most extreme cases, it may cost us our earthly life
So in the last section of this chapter, Jesus explains to His disciples the cost of serving Him in the Kingdom Program
In our first section, Jesus issues a series of stark warnings to His apostles
And perhaps most interestingly, notice Jesus doesn’t offer them solutions on how to avoid the trouble in the first place
Which is rather odd, from our point of view, since we tend to think that the purpose of a warning is to help us avoid trouble
But Jesus simply tells us His apostles how to endure the trouble
Remember, last week we learned from James that a trial is an opportunity to bank future joy in the Kingdom
He told us to count trials as joy knowing that as we endure a trial, we gain spiritual strength and eternal reward
And that’s the overriding theme of this final section of the Kingdom Program
The Lord is calling us to count the cost of serving Him and be prepared to pay that cost because we stand to gain far more than we will lose
Jesus starts in vs.17-23 with two warnings given specifically to His apostles
His first warning is in vs.17-18 and the second warning is in vs.21-22
First, Jesus says His apostles would be handed over to courts to be whipped in synagogues and hauled before kings
And obviously, Jesus is referring to the early days of the church
As the Gospel began to take hold in Judea, the Jewish Pharisees initially ignored the movement
But as the movement gained momentum, the mood among Israel’s religious leaders changed
They began to vigorously oppose the leaders of the church
They assumed that if they persecuted Peter, James and John, the movement would fall apart
Instead, Jesus says in v.18 that the Lord had planned this persecution as a means of bringing a testimony of the Gospel to the Gentiles
Opposition to the gospel by the Jewish authorities in Jerusalem, and the rest of Judea, led to a seismic shift in the early church
Persecution of the apostles dispersed the early leaders into the diaspora and there they began to teach Gentiles about Jesus
And that’s what the Lord intended, which is why He permitted persecution to begin
Notice the Lord tells the apostles not to worry about how to deal with the coming persecution
Instead, leave it to the Lord to handle it
In vs.19-20, Jesus says that when they were standing before synagogue trials and kings, they would receive instructions in the moment
The Spirit would speak to their minds, giving them words to say that would accomplish God’s purposes
Elsewhere, Jesus goes a step further and forbids His disciples from even planning ahead for these situations
Jesus says just enter into those moments with the faith to know I will ensure that my purpose is fulfilled
So Jesus warns the apostles that the Kingdom program will be opposed by powerful institutions
Yet the Lord would use that opposition to bring Himself glory and to grow the church
That promise was fulfilled soon after Jesus left the earth, as the apostles confronted opposition in Jerusalem as told in Acts 4
Obviously, the Lord continues to use government and religious opposition to strengthen and spread the church
In fact, it’s been said that the church is always at its strongest when persecution is greatest
And the church is always at its weakest when its safety and comfort are greatest
Jesus’ second warning in vs.21-22 moves from societal opposition to personal opposition
He says not only will governments and authorities oppose you but so will those who know you best, including your own families
Brothers would betray brothers, parents and children would be set against one another
We don’t have a record of such a thing happening in the book of Acts
But Jesus probably wasn’t speaking of a specific situation
Notice Jesus switched from second person plural to third person in that verse
Jesus is speaking in generalities about how bad opposition to the Kingdom program will eventually become for His disciples
It’s one thing for the world to oppose you, but it’s another thing when your own friends or family turn against you
And that has happened many times in the history of the Church
In the first century and during times like the Reformation
And it continues to be a threat for believers in certain places today
But then notice in v.22 Jesus switches back to the second person plural to say the apostles would be universally hated for their work
That was the cost those men paid for serving Jesus in the Kingdom Program
Early church fathers report that virtually all the apostles were martyred
And even before that, they spent many years on the run, evading their enemies
The apostles were hated by everyone in Judaism outside the church, which meant their entire culture opposed them
You wouldn’t wish the apostles’ experiences on your worst enemy
Given the costs of serving Him, Jesus offers the apostles two consolations
First, He says the one who endures to the end shall be saved
Jesus is not speaking about receiving eternal life, because that would be saying salvation was earned through works
And we know that’s not what the Bible teaches, so we have to think more deeply about Jesus’ choice of words
The Greek word translated “end” is literally the word for tribute, as in an accolade or the finishing tape used to mark the end of a race
So Jesus is saying the disciples who endure these trials to the end of his race will be saved
That takes us in the direction of eternal rewards for serving Christ
And in that context, the Greek word for saved has several shades of meaning, including preserved or maintained
So a paraphrase of this verse could read “the one who endures until the end of his race will see his reward preserved”
It’s the same idea we saw in James last week…count it joy when you endure trials knowing endurance brings reward
Secondly, because of opposition Jesus says in v.23 that the apostles should keep moving, don’t stay in one place too long
Specifically, Jesus says move through the towns, villages and cities of Israel
Obviously He was speaking to these men concerning their ministry to Israel in that day
And He even adds that they would not reach every Jew with the Gospel message until the Messiah sets up His kingdom
In other words, Jesus says the proper response to persecution is simply to take our message to the next place
And in that way, persecution serves God’s purpose by scattering His messengers to reach more people
And this pattern of movement will continue until the Lord returns, in such that not even all the Jews will be reached until the end
Because until the Kingdom becomes a place on earth, the Kingdom Program of recruiting citizens will continue
So here’s what Jesus says to His apostles (and indirectly to us) regarding the cost of serving Him in the Kingdom Program
You will be opposed in your Kingdom Program work, both by authorities and individuals and even by members of your own family
You may find yourself in difficult, threatening situations before powerful people, but let Me do the talking
And you may be hated by the world, even by your own family, but if so, go find new friends and new family
But whatever you do, don’t stop serving the Kingdom Program…endure until the end knowing you will be preserving your reward
Jesus’ advice is entirely different than the world’s advice for how to face these kinds of situations
The world (and too often the church) tries to tell us we need to escape difficulty, stop the trial and ease the discomfort
When we face opposition, they say we need to back off, be more tolerant, seek compromise
Others advise to leave the situation, quit the church, take a vacation, take a pill
After all, God wants you to be happy, so certainly we shouldn’t have to feel sad emotions, endure discomfort, face persecution
But that’s not Jesus’ advice…He merely says be forewarned and let’s endure it together, turning it to our advantage
We’re learning that the Lord’s highest priority for us isn’t our personal safety or our freedom from suffering
Therefore, we can’t make our goal in this life to be avoiding trouble either
In fact, if we strive to be like Jesus, we will know suffering
Jesus says a disciple is not above the teacher or a slave above the master, which is a basis principle of rank and authority
A person who falls under the authority of a superior can never possess more privilege or authority than their superior possesses
A disciple falls under the authority of a teacher so a disciple can never have greater authority than the teacher
A slave falls under the authority of a master so that slave can never possess more authority than the master
In v.25 Jesus says the highest goal for any disciple or slave is merely equalling the teacher or master
So knowing Jesus is our Teacher and Master, His life sets the bar for our life
If we follow in His footsteps, we can expect no better treatment than He received
At the end of v.25 Jesus asks, if the head of the household was labeled Beelzebul how much more will the members of that household be maligned?
The name Beelzebul is a title of Satan meaning Lord of Flies, and Hebrews 3 tells us that the head of the house of God is Christ
So If Jesus had to endure comparisons to Satan as He preached the Gospel, what should we who are less than Christ expect to receive?
Do we suppose that we can preach the Gospel and avoid persecution when our Lord received it?
Jesus isn’t saying we will suffer the same things He did
But if the Father allowed Satan to murder His Son for our good, then nothing is off the table for us
No, the Father’s highest priority for His disciples is not our earthly happiness…it’s our eternal holiness
And the proof of that is seen in Jesus, Who we are to follow as His disciple
So Jesus is asking us to understand what is coming, to count the cost before serving Him in this program
Because if happiness is our highest priority in this life, then we shouldn’t get engaged in the Kingdom Program
The enemy will only need to push on us a little to cause us to give up or change our message
And if that’s how our service goes, then we risk shaming Christ…
Better that we never get engaged than to begin a work that casts shame upon Christ
So Jesus puts us on notice…serve in this program and we will experience some degree of persecution and suffering
Now at this point, I’m guessing it might be really difficult to sign anyone up for a mission trip…Jesus has just said there will be a cost
But obviously, He doesn’t want that truth to keep us from the work, so He follows with two arguments for why we should persevere
First, Jesus reminds us of God’s sovereignty over all of it
Earlier, Jesus said beware men, but now He adds do not fear them
Fear is a sin, because it’s a manifestation of a lack of faith in God’s power and a lack of trust in the Lord’s good purposes
And Jesus begins by reminding us of God’s sovereignty
He says there is nothing concealed that won’t be known or secret that won’t be revealed
In short, Jesus is saying that the truth we’ve been given to share with the world will be known by all eventually
In the end, Jesus will conquer Satan, the Kingdom Program will prevail and all opposition will cease
So don’t fear the battles in the meantime
Have you ever recorded a football game or a basketball game on your DVR and then watched it after you already knew how it ends?
Perhaps somewhere in the game, your favorite team is losing and it looks like there is no chance they can pull it out
But because you know the final score, you’re not nervous, you’re not worried
In fact, you enjoy watching how the tide turned and how they found a way to get the win in the end
That’s how it should feel to work for Christ in the Kingdom Program
Some days may feel like it’s late in the fourth quarter and the home team is way behind and there’s no way to win
But you know how this game ends, so there is no need to fear
Which is why Jesus says proclaim the Gospel from the rooftops, without worrying about what the world of the enemy thinks
No matter what comes to you, the good guys win
But then you will say to Jesus, yes I know YOU win in the end, but in the meantime I don’t want to suffer personal loses
To which Jesus says in v.28, you’re worrying about the wrong thing
You may not have noticed, but everyone dies somehow, some day…the death rate for human beings is 100%
So unless you’re banking on the Rapture, you aren’t getting out of this world alive
So don’t spend your life worrying about your death and how to avoid it
Instead, Jesus says concern yourself with what happens after you die
Jesus is not saying we could be sent to hell…He’s simply making a point by comparison
He’s saying if we shrink back from the Kingdom Program because we fear personal loss, we’re worrying about the wrong thing
We ought to be far more concerned with the eternal consequences of our decisions than we are with preserving our earthly life
Instead, trust your earthly circumstances to God – He has a plan for us all and cares for us intimately
In vs.29-31 Jesus says you are so precious to Christ and to His Kingdom Program that He knows exactly how many hairs are on your head
Moreover, the Lord is watching events on earth so closely that not even a worthless sparrow dies without God’s active involvement
Think about that…how many countless birds die each day (to say nothing of every other animal)…
Yet Jesus says the Father has ordained each death at a certain time and place, just as He wills
Knowing we are far more valuable to Christ and knowing our Father is in control of everything, we become free to focus on eternal things instead
And here’s the eternal perspective on the Kingdom Program
First, having eyes for eternity recognizes the awesome privilege we’ve been given by God to participate in the Kingdom Program
We have been called by God to proclaim a message with the power to grant men and women eternal life
Jesus says those who confess Christ in response to our message will be acknowledged by God and those who don’t, will not
Is there any more noble, meaningful, awesome way to spend your life on earth than in the pursuit of those moments?
You share a simple message, and depending on the response, you get to watch someone’s eternal future change before you
Secondly, having eyes for eternity recognizes that this message will invite conflict with the world
But we’re not afraid of that conflict, and we don’t see conflict over the Gospel as a problem that we need to solve
We simply work in wise and innocent ways to navigate the minefields the enemy places before us, knowing opposition is inevitable
Because if we love harmony more than Jesus, even harmony in our families, than we are not worthy to follow Him into that work
We can’t serve Him because the opposition will stop us or else we will change the message to avoid the opposition
Notice in v.39, Jesus says the one who foolishly tries to hold on to what they have here in this life will lose it in the end
But the one who lets those things go to serve Christ will find good things waiting in a life to come in the Kingdom
Finally, eyes for eternity knows that our Father cares for us and will shepherd us and care for our needs even in the face of trials
In v.40 Jesus assures us that as someone receives our message, they are receiving Christ, and if they receive Christ, they receive the Father
What Jesus is saying is you will not go out alone…the Father will go with you and will work through you
From time to time we will experience success
Preach the Gospel often enough, and you will be rewarded with hearts that accept your message
And when you see that response, the Father is right there too…encouraging you and reminding you He is working through you
In fact, the Lord honors all His workers equally and according to the same standard
When someone receives a prophet (a messenger) or a righteousness man (a godly Christian) in the name of Jesus, they will be rewarded
The reward isn’t salvation itself, for that comes by grace only
The Lord is promising that those we bring to faith will share in the same inheritance that He has made available to all saints
Receiving the same message means sharing in the same inheritance in the Kingdom
It’s as if you carry a winning lottery card with you everywhere you go, ready to hand to anyone who would accept your message
And in the final verse, the Lord adds that even the smallest act of kindness done in the name of the Kingdom, in the name of a disciple, gives opportunity for the Lord to reward us
The point couldn’t be clearer today…there is a cost to the Kingdom program
But it’s so small and meaningless
It only requires that we give up things of this world…things destined to burn up or die anyway
But serving Christ brings opportunity for eternal gain
Such that even the smallest gesture of service to Christ in furthering that program will bring eternal reward
So what do you have to lose?