Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongThe writer has concluded his tour through the Hall of Faith
We’ve examined the lives of many Old Testament saints, learning from their examples of what faith lived-out looks like
The writer began this tour following his fourth warning to the church
That warning explained the consequences of shrinking back
Specifically, he was concerned about Christians who step back from living with eyes for eternity in a vain attempt to preserve something about their earthly lives
In his day, the Church suffered great persecution
So the temptation was likely to return to Judaism, which was a relatively safe practice in the Roman Empire
But in doing so, they were repudiating the Lord Who bought them
They were sacrificing eternal, Heavenly reward for the sake of a passing, earthly gain
So to inspire his audience to live-out their witness, even in the face of trials and persecutions, the writer presented example after example of OT saints who willingly accepted trials and deprivation and persecution for the opportunity to please the Lord
He ended with a conclusion that summed up his entire argument
The writer says all these saints gained God’s approval by living-out their faith
And they lived in this way, despite never seeing the full measure of their reward on earth
For it was not God’s intention to reward His people in this fallen, passing world
That is our inspiration to do the same
Notice in v.40, the writer turns to his audience and adds that God had another reason in delaying their rewards
He says that God had something better for us
God’s plan is to provide the inheritance to the saints all at once
All saints throughout history will enter in the glory of the Kingdom together
And together, we will all receive our respective share of Christ’s inheritance
How glorious it will be to see all the saints marching in together into the Kingdom, as the song celebrates
So God’s delay in rewarding the saints is part of a plan, one intended to bring all God’s children together on an appointed day
Therefore, all His children are called to testify through a life of patient, expectant faith
We await our rewards in Heaven
We don’t grow faint or weary in the meantime
This is where the writer picks up as he moves into Chapter 12, with his exhortation
Referring back to Chapter 11, the writer says first, since we have such a great legacy of examples, we should look to these examples
He calls them a cloud of witnesses, which is a phrase that reminds us they still exist in spirit form only
These witnesses have not yet received their new physical bodies
Like us, they await the resurrection
Once again, the writer is emphasizing that apart from us, these saints will not see the fulfillment of God’s promises
Furthermore, the word “witnesses” doesn’t refer to an observer, but rather to one with a testimony
In other words, the writer isn’t saying these saints are watching us – they’re not
He means we should be watching them, as in taking note of their examples
And if we’re taking note of them, then we should do as they did
Secondly, the writer instructs us to lay aside every encumbrance and sin so that we may run the race set before us
There are several important elements to this exhortation, beginning with the notion of laying aside sin
The Greek word translated “encumbrance” is used only here in the New Testament
It’s a word commonly used in relationship to running a race
We might use the word “drag” or “resistance”
Anything that negatively impacts a runner’s ability to gain full speed
Obviously, in a foot race, we want to eliminate anything that holds us back and slows us down
When you race, you are trying to win the race to obtain the prize
You can’t achieve that goal as long as you run encumbered by resistance or drag
Swimmers wear skull caps, or even shave their bodies of all hair, to reduce drag
It’s that important to ensuring they can win the race...they want every advantage they can get
Likewise, we want every advantage we can get, for our race is far more important
We are running a race against ourselves
As Paul writes in Romans 7, when he talks about the duality of the saved man living in an old body, shackled by sin
We are running to win an eternal prize
Not our salvation, for that a free gift of God, obtained by faith alone
We are running, so to speak, to please the Master Who bought us so that we might please Him and receive a greater share of His inheritance
Remember Paul’s own words on how he understood his race
Notice Paul echoes the writer’s line of thought
He says that he must exercise self-control in the race of life to ensure a good outcome
So that even after he has helped others live a life that pleases the Lord, he himself must not be disqualified from winning his own prize
That prize being a great imperishable reward
So if we want to follow the lead of the OT saints like Abraham, Moses, and the prophets, we must begin by setting aside the sin that is holding us back from obedience
Those sins are numerous for all of us
Search your heart, and you will know what you must do
Lay aside the sin, put it away, walk away from it
Don’t play around the edges of the problem
And in doing so, you are freeing yourself from a drag-weight that is literally preventing you from winning your race
If you do so, you can expect that the prize that lies ahead of you will far surpass the temporary pleasures of what you can provide yourself today
We must all recognize that though we have been saved from the penalty of sin by the grace of God , we are still called to wrestle with it
And as we struggle and persevere, we are not furthering our salvation, for the Lord won that battle on our behalf
Rather, we are ensuring that we will not be disqualified from receiving our prize
Finally, notice how the writer describes the race of our life of faith: it is a race “set before us”
The Lord, in His sovereign will, has prepared a race for each of us
Put simply, the Lord has designed us to experience a certain life
Some of us will have strong health, some of us will not
Some of us will have great wealth, some of us will have little
Some of us will know joyful family life, some of us will experience great tragedy
Some of us will live peaceful lives of faith, while others will be persecuted and martyred
The Lord has set these races before us
We didn’t choose them; He did
He didn’t ask us to approve of His choices
But He does ask us to run well the race He set before us
Run with endurance, the writer says
“Endurance” implies difficulty – don’t give up
Like a runner rounding the find bend and staring at the finish line in the distance, don’t stop running until you reach the tape
What a shame it would be to run a good race of faith, sacrificing for the Lord and husbanding your witness...only to give up in the final lap
To succumb to sin and to indulge our fears and weaknesses
We all have struggles in our walk of faith
In fact, the Lord has ensured that all of us face tests in our walk of faith
These tests are God’s way of qualifying us for the reward
You can’t win if you don’t run, so to speak, which is why James opens his letter with such counterintuitive advice
We are to consider trials in our life as joy
Because the existence of a trial is evidence the Lord is at work, offering us an opportunity to demonstrate endurance
Endurance to walk with trust in the Lord’s promises
Endurance to make the sacrifices of time and treasure required to move the Kingdom forward
Endurance not to shrink back from the trials to seek comfort in the world
Comfort in materialism, ego, lust, drugs, career, whatever
And that endurance will bring a result of ensuring we lack none of the rewards the Lord offers to us for obedience
And of course, as usual, our ultimate example is found in the work of Christ
In v.2, the writer says, fix your eyes on Jesus’s example
He is the author and perfecter of our faith
The Greek word for “author” can also mean “pioneer” or “originator”
Jesus authored our faith, in the sense that He went before us to establish a way into salvation
Furthermore, as Paul says in Ephesians 2, He then brought saving faith to each of us as the starting point of our relationship with God
More than authoring our faith, Christ is also the perfecter of our faith
The Greek word for “perfecter” means “to carry through to completion”
Jesus doesn’t just start us down the road to salvation, He ensures we complete that journey
He brings us into a state of glory by His power, not by our own
But between the beginning and the end, lies a course with many turns and detours
We have a part to play in mapping out that journey
Some choices pay greater rewards than others
The key to taking the right road is to have a clear view of the destination
So the writer says, fix your eyes on Jesus and what He did in His earthly life’s journey
He had an immense trial set before Him by the Father
The course of obedience given to Christ was greater than anything we have faced
He was tempted to seek refuge in the world and to avoid the cross
Obedience required Jesus to set aside everything, including life and His power as God, so He could endure the cross
He was willing to endure these trials because of the great joy set before Him
The joy of pleasing the Father
The joy of receiving a great inheritance and a people called by faith
He is our North Star, the target we set our sights on so that as we run our race, we have a reminder of how it should be run
Let’s consider Jesus in this way, as One Who shows us how to live a life of faith in the face of trials
Jesus endured harsh treatment at the hands of sinners
Just as you will endure harsh treatment at the hands of sinners
And when you consider how He pressed forward anyway, you and I can find reason not to grow weary and lose heart
You might say, “Well, Steve you don’t know what I have endured”
You might have a testimony of great suffering and abuse
You may have endured a life of tragedy and tremendous loss
I’m sure many of us have endured many things in life that could become reason to shrink back and seek compensation in some kind of sinful pursuit
But if we compare our trials to those Jesus faced, we come up short every time
As the writer says in v.4
In the trials you’ve endured, have you sacrificed your life for the sins of the world?
Have you worked so hard to set aside sin and endure trials that it required you give your life?
Obviously, the answer is no, which is why the writer poses this question rhetorically
We can’t say that our trials have been so hard that our encumbrance in sin is necessary and understandable
We still have more we can do to endure and run the race
In fact, Jesus says the servant is not greater than the Master
If the Father was willing to demand our Master die to please Him, is it too much to say that He might ask us to die to please Him?
And if our trials bring us to the end of ourselves, as it did Christ, then so be it
Our reward in Heaven will be great
In fact, this church had sought to escape their trials by sinfully retreating to spiritual life as an unbelieving Jew, a life that testified that the Messiah had not yet come
This sin was their escape from trials, which the Lord delivered to perfect them through endurance
So to those who see trials as reason to indulge sinful options, the writer rebukes his audience, saying you have forgotten the whole reason God brings trials
Trials are sent as discipline measures by God
The writer quotes from Psalm 3
The psalmist says, don’t regard lightly (or reject) the discipline of the Lord
We reject the Lord’s discipline when we do not take advantage of the trials He sends us to grow and learn endurance
To use them to become a better witness of love and faith and joy in the Lord
To learn our weakness and crucify the flesh
Imagine if you your father grounded you for a week as discipline for something you did wrong
And then imagine that instead of obeying that restriction, that you would sneak out of the house every night anyway
You would be rejecting the discipline of your father
And rather than feeling regret and learning a lesson that would pay dividends in the future, you would have missed the whole point of the discipline
And you would very likely repeat the same mistake in the future, possibly with even greater consequences the next time
As the writer says
When we confront a trial of any kind – whether emotional, marital, physical, financial, or whatever – we are encountering a course the Lord has set before us
It is a form of discipline the Lord is using to grow us spiritually
And we only gain that benefit if we endure it, accepting it as a loving act of a Father who is disciplining us for our own good
The Lord works in a similar way with His children
Because He loves us, He doesn’t want us to continue in sin and suffer the loss of rewards as a result
So He brings us discipline in the form of trials
These trials move us over time away from sin and our fleshly behaviors and into a closer spiritual walk with Him
But they only have this effect if we accept them as discipline...as something good for us
Perhaps we might say that it’s unkind for the Lord to bring these things upon us
As the saying goes, what kind of loving God allows tragedies to befall His children?
The Bible says it is proof of His love that these things come, because they have good eternal outcomes
When we ask the Lord to give us an easy life, absent trials and disappointments and tragedy, here’s what we’re really asking Him to do
We’re asking Him to not discipline us
To allow us to remain as fleshly and sinful as when He found us
We’re asking Him to refrain from growing us spiritually so that we can please Him through our endurance and gain eternal reward
Would a loving Father accept those terms? If your child asked you to forgo discipline so he or she could grow up spoiled and immature, would you agree to that arrangement?
As the writer says, no loving father would make that bargain
So why do we think our loving Father in Heaven would do such a thing?
In fact, if the Father in Heaven neglected to bring us trials for the sake of discipline, it would mean we weren’t His children at all
Can you discipline the child of another family, like a stranger’s child in a supermarket?
No, because you have no relationship with that child
Likewise, if you could live a life free of God’s discipline, it would only be possible if you didn’t have a relationship with Him
That is, if you weren’t saved by His grace
So the writer says, if we accept the discipline of our earthly fathers with understanding, then we should be able to accept the discipline of our Heavenly Father with understanding
We should welcome His discipline
The discipline of our earthly fathers taught lessons that lasted a lifetime
But God teaches us lessons that last an eternity
We are grown spiritually, so that we can carry that maturity into our next life
And that maturity will bring us a far greater, lasting reward
That’s why in v.11, the writer says all discipline, whether from our earthly father or our Heavenly father, is not something we value in the moment
Yet in the long run, with the benefit of hindsight, we come to appreciate why it was necessary and worthwhile
God’s discipline produces righteousness
It brings a peaceful fruit that leaves us better prepared for the next trial
And in eternity, at our judgment before the Lord, we will see just how much we profited from our trials and the spiritual maturity they produced
But of course, we only gain these benefits if we endure the trials
With each challenge we face in life, we are at a crossroad orchestrated by God Himself
It’s the course He has set before us
Consider these great trials to be evidence that we have a lot of spiritual growing to do
And the Lord has counted us worthy to receive His attention in this way
And the question is, will we receive His discipline and learn the lesson and endure the trial and receive the reward?
Or will we reject His discipline, miss the lesson, shrink back from the trial, indulge our sin and forfeit eternal reward?
You have not endured to the point of shedding blood like Christ...so fix your eyes on His example and repeat it
Run the race He set before you
Do so with endurance, so that you will not be disqualified from the prize that awaits