Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongToday, our tour through the Hall of Faith comes to an end
We’ve spent over a month wandering the halls, studying example after example of saints who lived according to a faith in God’s promises
Our tour started by understanding the definition of faith
Then it progressed through the corridors of time
We’ve looked at Abel, Enoch, and Noah, who acted in confidence that God would do as He promised
We studied the patriarchs, who lived their earthly lives in expectation that they would only see God’s rewards after resurrection
We studied Moses’s example of trading the easy life of the world for the hardships of serving God among His people
And today, we end with mention of a few more saints, followed by a flurry of named and nameless examples to reinforce his point
And that point is, that those of faith will orchestrate their lives in keeping with what they believe
They will take action consistent with an expectation that God will fulfill His promises
Likewise, these saints took steps of faith in confidence that God was true to His Word
And as we’ll continue to see today, their faith revolves around the expectation of resurrection and eternal reward
Consider our first example this morning
Last week, in v.29, the writer mentioned Israel’s passing through the Red Sea as an example of faith
It was an act of faith for Moses to rebuke the nation for their fear
He knew the Lord had promised to bring the nation out of Egypt
And though the situation looked hopeless, Moses maintained hope, knowing the Lord was faithful to His promises
It was also an act of faith that Israel itself walked through the waters
They must have had fear of the walls of water on either side
Still, they ventured forward, confident the Lord would hold back the water
Because they trusted in the Lord, they were saved in a physical sense
There were many other supernatural displays of God along the journey, but the Red Sea marks the beginning of Israel’s departure from Egypt
Now the writer moves to the other bookend in the Exodus journey: Jericho
Israel’s encounter with Jericho serves as the official end of their wanderings and their entrance into the Promised Land
Just as the beginning of their journey was marked by an act of faith, so was the conclusion
The story of Jericho begins with Joshua leading the people of Israel into the land
He has circumcised all the nation, celebrated the Passover for the first time in 40 years, and began eating off the land, as the manna ceased
Then the Lord appeared to Joshua and told him that the walled, fortified city of Jericho had been delivered into his hands
All that Joshua and the army had to do was to march around the city for seven days, carrying the Ark and blowing horns
At the end of the process, on the seventh day, the walls of the city will crumble
The Lord gave very specific instructions, and Joshua relayed them with equal precision
And the people followed them carefully
And the walls fell flat
Faith in God’s Word may require we do some crazy, outlandish things from time to time, depending on what the Lord may ask of us
In this example, the Lord gave instructions that ensured that when the walls fell, there could be little doubt in Israel and in Canaan that God knocked the walls down
Israel’s laughable display of walking and blowing horns looked like a children’s game
It was intended to look ridiculous to the unbelieving world
So that all glory for the outcome rested on the Lord
Remember what the Lord said to Israel before they entered Canaan
The people were told they would face Jericho’s strength in the land
But the Lord also told them:
Israel wasn’t going to be victorious because they were inherently powerful
They would overcome because the Lord would be their strength
And just to make sure the world knew where to assign credit, the Lord devised plans that center on our faith in Him
Rather than our faith in our own strength
The compliment to this lesson is found in the example of Rahab
Rahab is one of two Gentile women listed in the genealogy of Christ
She was a resident of Jericho and, more than that, she was a prostitute in the city
She occupied the lowest rung on the societal ladder
And being a Gentile, she carried even less stature among the people of Israel
And yet, when the spies of Israel entered the city to assess the strength of their enemy, it was Rahab who secretly protected the spies from her king
Why would Rahab risk her own neck for foreign spies?
She explains it this way
Rahab says all the people in the city knew of the exploits of Israel in Egypt and in the land
They understood the miraculous things that God had done
They knew that the people of Israel were being led by a God more powerful than all the so-called gods of Egypt
And the news of this God’s power caused the people of the land to faint in fear of Israel
As Rahab says, the people knew that the Lord Who led Israel was the God of Heaven and earth below
You might think that if an entire city knew this truth, they might seek to reconcile with a God of such strength, but they didn’t
When the king learned that the spies had entered the city, they came to Rahab’s home to capture and kill the spies
But Rahab responded to the knowledge of God in a different way
She exhibited faith, knowing that these men were agents of the Living God
So she sided with God against her own people
She acted in faith, knowing that if she sided with Israel, then the Lord would protect her from the judgment that was soon to come against her city
She took a chance that she would be killed either by her own people or by Israel
But she acted with confidence that the Lord Who led Israel would show mercy to the one who acknowledged Him and served Him
And certainly, God honored her faith by rescuing her from Israel’s army
When the walls fell and Israel entered the city, Joshua gave instructions that no one in the city was to be spared, except Rahab’s family
Notice, the writer says she welcomed the spies in peace, in contrast to the way the rest of the city welcomed them
She didn’t have more information or better reason to accept them
She simply believed the reports, while the rest of the city rejected them
And so she was saved
Taking these two examples together, we see complimentary messages about living in faith
Jericho was an example of faith resting in the strength of the Lord
We serve Him, knowing that He uses weak things to shame the strong
And when we triumph over the enemies of God, faith says it was all God
Rahab is an example of faith trusting in the mercy of a righteous God to rescue us from coming judgment
Rahab threw herself on the mercy of an all-powerful God Who was preparing to destroy her and her home
Rahab knew she wasn’t worthy of anyone’s respect
And she certainly couldn’t appeal to God on the basis of her own righteousness
But she trusted by faith that the Lord would show mercy on her because she loved Him and His people
And in both cases, faith required a step of action to acknowledge and reflect that faith
The people of Israel had to walk around the city and blow the horns before the walls fell
Their walking and horn-blowing didn’t knock down the walls
God knocked down the walls
But would the walls have fallen had Israel ignored the Lord’s instructions?
The Lord gave them a ritual to ensure that observers throughout history could look back and see that God was working through Israel
Their pitiful actions were important in only one way
They were a testimony to faith which served to glorify the Lord
And Rahab’s step of faith was to hide the spies of Israel
Rahab’s faith was present even before the spies showed their faces at her threshold
Still, it was her decision to hide them that led to her rescue
The Lord brings faith into our hearts for a purpose, and that purpose goes far beyond ourselves
While we certainly celebrate faith as a means to our own celebration, don’t forget that you weren’t saved for your own sake
You were saved to glorify the Lord
And your mission of bringing Him glorify requires a life lived as a reflection of faith
One that does crazy things, one that goes against the current, so that we can bring attention to the work and power of the Lord
At this point, the writer has barely entered into the period of Joshua, and yet, the examples of the Old Testament continue on unabated
I assume that if he had continued to relate all the significant examples of OT saints, we would need another book of Scripture just to summarize them
So does he, which is why he moves to a summary of his own at this point
What more could he say? Too much, he agrees, so he acknowledges that time would fail him if he tried to list them all
He then mentions a series of names, each of which we could spend considerable time examining
But since the writer chose to gloss over the details, so will we
It’s enough to note that the names are arranged in a pattern
The first four names are judges
The next two names are kings
The last one is a prophet, and he mentions the other prophets in passing, as well
All of these men faced various trials, fought battles while greatly outnumbered, took steps that seemed crazy, until the Lord showed up and vindicated them
They conquered kingdoms like Gideon, shut the mouths of lions like Samson and Daniel
They quenched fire, like Elijah and Daniel’s friends
Some escaped death on some occasions, like Elijah
Others endured terrible deaths for their faith, like Isaiah
Women saw their children raised from the dead because they exhibited faith in God’s Word
While other saints suffered greatly at the hands of God’s enemies
Interestingly, the writer ends his list focused on the suffering of those who live by faith
Saints who died not for any other reason except for the fact they loved the Lord and desired to live according to their faith
And because of their faith, they were stoned, sawn in two, tempted to dishonor the Lord
Suffering various indignities, sharing in the Lord’s reproach among those not worthy of Him
Living like rats in holes, on the run and without any of the comforts of this world
Look at the contrasts in this list
For some saints, living in faith brought rejoicing and relief
While for other saints, living in faith brought deprivation, suffering and death
Clearly, living in faith doesn’t lead to prosperity or easy living, not automatically
In fact, that’s never the point of walking in faith
So what does it bring?
First, the saint gain the approval of God through living in faith
Living according to faith pleases the Father and meets the purposes for why we have been ushered into the family of God by His grace
We are like children who do as their father requires
And in so doing, the father is pleased by his child and seeks to reflect that pleasure in rewards
Secondly, we please Him even though we do not receive what was promised
These saints in the Hall of Faith were willing to endure suffering and even death because it mattered not to them
Their faith focused them on the eternal realm and all that it offered
They knew they would see the Lord’s pleasure reflected there
And that was enough
Thirdly, they knew that what awaited them in the Heavenly realm was far greater than anything they could earn for themselves in this world
They were willing to sacrifice earthly comfort, wealth, security, family and even their lives to obtain what awaited in Heaven
A person would only do such a thing if they were confident that the things in Heaven are of far greater glory than what we can obtain here
They knew it was a good trade
Finally, the writer says that these saints were required to wait past their earthly lives, because the Lord had something good in store for us also
He’s referring to the plan of salvation to include the Gentile nations of the earth
While it was possible for the Lord to bring the Kingdom to these people earlier and end their waiting, He didn’t for our sake
He made them wait a lifetime and longer to receive the promises
Because that waiting has as its purpose the accumulation of Gentile saints, who will join these earlier examples
Notice the writer says that these heroes in the Hall of Faith will not be made perfect without us
Being made perfect refers to the resurrection prior to the beginning of the Kingdom at Christ’s Second Coming
These saints will not receive their new bodies and enter the Kingdom and receive their bodies until the very last Gentile appointed to believe has been found
Only at the conclusion of this age will the Lord bring all things to conclusion and our reward will appear in the Kingdom
So in a very real sense, these earlier saints were called to wait and even to suffer for our sakes, so that we might be given the opportunity to join them in the Kingdom
Knowing this, how can we not also follow their lead and live according to faith?
Are we not obligated by history and example to honor their sacrifices by serving the Lord as well as they did?
That’s the call of the Hall of Faith
It’s not a dusty museum of relics we’re supposed to visit once in a while for inspiration or encouragement
It’s the price that has been paid to bring us into the family of God
It’s the record of God’s faithfulness to His promises
And it’s our call to live according to our testimony, a testimony these heroes shared for our sake
Consider their examples the next time you feel your faith wavering
More importantly, consider the inevitability of your death
The inescapable judgment moment that follows
A righteous and demanding Lord Who will require we give an account
And the unimaginable rewards that await every servant who lives according to faith