Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongFor the past two weeks, we’ve spent our time studying exactly five verses in the book of Ruth
At this pace, we will require nearly nine months to finish this study
Have no fear though
We won’t need more than seven months, tops
Seriously, our pace is going to pick up beginning today
In the first five verses of the book, we learned that the story of Ruth centers on a Jewish family
The family fled famine
Sought refuge in the land of Israel’s enemies
And over nine years the family was reduced to just three women
We also learned that the story of this family is also a story of Jesus as our Redeemer and a story of how God deals with disobedient Israel
These pictures are embedded in our story of Ruth
So as we move through the story, we’ll look to uncover their meaning as well
For now, it’s time to return to the story of Ruth and what’s left of her family in the time of Judges
Approaching her tenth year in Moab, Naomi decides it’s time she leave this land and return to the land of her family in Judah
What prompts her to leave now?
It can’t merely be the death of her sons
After all, she has been bereaved of her husband for many years
In v.6 we’re told Naomi has heard news that things have become better back home
Specifically, she hears that the Lord has visited her people and is giving them food
The wording indicates that famine and drought have ended in the land
And more importantly, the people recognize that the arrival of better times is a result of the Lord’s sovereign will
That just as the time of deprivation was directed by God, so now is this blessing a result of God’s direction
And as a result of food returning to Judah, Naomi decides to return home, but what to do with her widowed daughters-in-law?
In the culture of this day, a woman leaves her father’s home and attaches herself to the home of her new husband
In a sense, she is no longer part of her parent’s family
She has become a member of a new family, a new tribe
So when Orpah and Ruth married Mahlon and Chilion, they became part of the household of Elimelech
Even after Elimelech died, these women remained part of his household since their husbands had received Elimelech’s inheritance
But now even their own husbands had died, leaving the women connected to a household without men
Their family ties are very tenuous, almost invisible at this point
No one would fault them for walking away from this family and returning to their father’s household
The future for any woman without a husband in these times was very bleak
These women would have few options for survival
They don’t own any land on which to survive, since Elimelech was not a Moabite...he abandoned his property in Judah
And even if they did return to their inheritance, the farmland would be overgrown and unable to be farmed without significant effort
And these women likely lacked the physical strength or expertise to work the land in that way
They were likely destined to be beggars
Moreover, these women were unlikely to attract new husbands
They had already been given away in marriage once before
So they were no longer as attractive to a potential suitor
Much in the way that someone might prefer a new car over a used car
And this was especially true for Naomi, the older woman
At least her daughters-in-law were younger
If they separated from Naomi and returned to their homes, they had a decent chance of being accepted by another man one day
But if they stayed with Naomi, they would have few reasons for hope
Naomi recognizes the situation for what it is
So in an act of mercy, she attempts to persuade her daughters-in-law to abandon her for their own benefit
In v.8 Naomi blesses the women by asking that the Lord be as kind to them as they had been to their deceased husbands
So we see that these daughters-in-law were loved by Naomi
Furthermore, Naomi calls for the Lord to grant them rest from the trial and uncertainty of widowhood
Resting in the house of a husband is a euphemism for remarriage
As Naomi first suggests this plan, the ladies embrace in tears over the prospect of seeing their pitiful family broken apart further
The young women declare they will not abandon Naomi
But Naomi will not hear of it
She insists they depart
Then Naomi begins to engage in a little self-pity, understandably so
Sarcastically, she asks if she has two more husbands waiting in her womb
In other words, Naomi can’t help them in their goal of remarriage
She will not bear more sons at her age, and therefore they have no reason to attach themselves to her
In fact, Naomi says even if she had hope to remarry, and even if she had two more sons, how could these daughters wait that long?
She ends her argument saying the Lord has gone forth against her, so who would want to have a part in that future?
Naomi is giving these young women permission to be selfishly-minded under these circumstances
They would naturally feel obligated to stay with their mother-in-law, since Naomi would likely need their help to get along
But to stay with her likely means passing up the opportunity to be married themselves
So Naomi releases them from that obligation
Her insistence allows each woman to make the decision of their heart
What happens next is a reflection of each woman’s heart
Orpah decides to take advantage of the opportunity to abandon this sinking ship
She kisses Naomi as a final gesture of love
And she departs
She loved Naomi, but not enough to sacrifice her own desires
In a sense Orpah valued a marriage to a future husband more than her relationship with Naomi
Naomi gave her the chance to choose and Orpah chose a husband
And her name reflects her heart
Orpah means stubborn or stiff-necked
Her personal interests came before Naomi’s
Then there’s Ruth
At the end of v.14 we hear that Ruth clung to Naomi
The word cling can also mean cleave or joined together
The word doesn’t merely indicate that Ruth stayed with Naomi
It means Ruth pledged herself to Naomi forever
Ruth made a commitment that she was going to spend the rest of her life in the household of Naomi
Even if it meant she never married...Naomi mattered more to Ruth than even the prospect of a husband or children
We don’t get the explanation for Ruth’s dedication in v.14, but we see it in the next two verses
Naomi hints at the reason in v.15 when she refers to Orpah’s path
Naomi says Orpah returned to her people and her gods
Naomi must have sensed that Orpah’s allegiance to Moab went much deeper than merely finding a husband
She was drawn back to pagan worship
Elimelech’s God, the God of Israel, had never made an impression on Orpah’s heart
So when the going got tough with Naomi, there was nothing else holding Orpah
But then there’s Ruth
Ruth begs Naomi not to leave her behind
She pledges that whatever future Naomi has, it will be Ruth’s future as well until she dies
In fact, she invites a curse from God should she fail to keep this commitment
Ruth has entered into a covenant with Naomi
Ruth’s reason for her commitment is to be among Naomi’s people, the Jewish people
And to have the God of Israel as her God
We’re coming to understand that Orpah isn’t leaving simply because she wants a husband
And Ruth isn’t staying simply because she doesn’t
It’s much deeper than that...it’s a matter of faith
Orpah finds nothing particularly attractive about the Israel of God
And she has no affinity for the God of Israel
Orpah is proof that you can take the girl out of pagan Moab, but you can’t take pagan Moab out of the girl
And likewise, Ruth has become a worshipper of Yahweh
She no doubt wants a husband like any young woman of her day would
But she has come to realize there is something much greater than being married
She wants to know and follow the true living God above all else
And most importantly, Ruth realizes that maintaining her connection to Naomi is her link to that relationship
Before Naomi came into her life, she didn’t know Yahweh
But now she does
And if Ruth is to know more of the God she follows, she must stay close to Naomi
And so her love for God propels her to sacrifice her earthly desires to obtain heavenly desires
I often wonder why Ruth wasn’t included in Hebrews 11, in the “hall of faith”
She exemplifies the self-sacrificial love that faith requires
She passed on the opportunity for earthly reward in order to seek heavenly reward
Based on her actions and her words, we can safely conclude that Ruth was saved by her faith in the God of Israel
While we can also conclude that Orpah never turned that corner
You can remember each of these women this way:
Naomi was the grieving widow
Orpah was the leaving widow
And Ruth was the cleaving widow
Naomi relents and allows Ruth to accompany her, no doubt with a measure of relief
She will be glad to have the company and the support
And it will be a source of encouragement to hear that Ruth was committed to her despite the sacrifice required
This is the biblical definition of love
To sacrifice one’s own interests for the needs of another
Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends
Perhaps that’s why the name Ruth means friendship
So Naomi and Ruth head back to Bethlehem
And as Naomi arrives, she is greeted by those who remember her family
They are astonished to see her again
They must have assumed that the family of Elimelech was lost forever
Perhaps they heard how the family had fallen on hard times while in Moab
As they greet Naomi, she responds by asking them to call her by a new name
Her name was Naomi, which means pleasant Jewish wife
But she asks that they call her Mara, meaning bitter
Naomi is bitter against the Lord for her misery and loss
But remember, her family suffered as a result of a chain of sin, not as the result of a cruel god
Their story began with the sin of Israel disobeying the Lord and breaking His covenant
That prompted God’s response of judgment, leading to the family’s choice to abandon their land during the famine, another sin
And their sin continued with the sons’ decisions to marry Moabites while outside the land
So Naomi may be bitter toward the Lord, but it wasn’t the Lord’s fault
Naomi spent 9 years outside the land during a period of judgment
But even then, the Lord has remained faithful to her
That’s why she is now back in her land to begin a time of testimony
How ironic that even as she returns from exile, she’s still harboring resentment against God for her situation
Naomi even adds that she left “full” and has returned empty
In reality the situation is exactly the opposite
She left in a famine, but she is returning to a land of plenty
She left with three men who were intent on disobeying the Lord and serving only their own selfish interests
She returns accompanied by a devoted daughter who is faithfully following her and Yahweh
The truth is Naomi has never had it so good
Her situation at the end of chapter 1 is a classic representation of how the child of God can be persecuted, deprived, and hated by the world and yet blessed by God
If we measure our circumstances in earthly, worldly terms, we will also find reason to be bitter
Our Lord Himself said that those who follow Him will know the same rejection and persecution He knew before us
And Paul reminded us that our faith in Christ has made us enemies with the world, as it was from the beginning
That’s why we have to live with spiritual understanding, with eyes for eternity
We need to realize that we can’t let our happiness be determined by earthly matters
Because the Word of God has already disclosed that the life of a Christian will mirror that of our Lord
We will suffer at the hands of hateful men and see trial and testing from the Father, just as Jesus did
Therefore, we let our joy come from knowing we are assured of glory in our heavenly state
We will have eternal reward, an inheritance in this earth that God appoints and no one can take from us
And we will enjoy that inheritance in a glorified body that can never die or suffer again
In light of that future, how can we dwell on the present suffering?
As Paul declared:
Naomi had her eyes down when she returned from Moab
They were looking on her earthly circumstances, not her heavenly position
Yes, her situation was difficult and we too would likely be mourning in her place
But there is a difference between mourning and bitterness
Naomi is bitter because she can’t see past her circumstances
She needed to lift her eyes heavenward and consider what God was doing around her
That’s our challenge as well
Our challenge is to look past this world and consider the one to come
We aren’t to pretend everything is fine on earth, because it won’t be
But we are to see life’s travails with an eternal perspective
To remember that nothing we lose here matters when we stand to gain so much in eternity
But this isn’t a perspective we can obtain as a result of a single sermon or through the power of positive thinking
It comes naturally as we mature spiritually
Spend time in God’s word, consider the example of the saints who have gone before you
Follow the example of the Lord
The more the word of God influences your thinking, the less you will care about the world that is passing away
Next time, we return to this chapter one last time to consider Naomi and Ruth in the second story, of Israel and Jehovah