Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongLast week we spent most of our time introducing the structure and character of this book by reading vs. 1-5
Let’s re-read those verses to begin again this morning
As we saw last week, this beautiful love story revolves around a single Jewish family in the time of judges
A man, his wife and two sons flee a famine in the land of Judah
The famine was the result of God’s judgment on the land for their sin under the covenant
This family decides to try to escape God’s judgment by fleeing east into the land of Israel’s enemies
But they can’t run far enough to escape God’s authority
And so during the years they spend in Moab, the father and his two sons die
Leaving behind the mother and two daughters-in-law who had married the sons while in Moab
All three women are now widowed and destitute
During our introduction of the story, we also learned that the book of Ruth contains additional layers of meaning
Embedded in our story is another lesson picturing Jesus as Israel’s redeemer
As well as a third story of end times that tells how the Lord will bring this age to a conclusion
A picture is a prophetic story that uses the characters and circumstances of a story to represent another set of characters and events in the future
One character stands for another future character
One situation represents other future circumstances
Scripture is literally filled with pictures like this
For example, Jesus told us that the story of Noah is a picture of how the world will come to an end
The story of Moses and holding the bronze serpent on a staff pictured Jesus on the cross
Abraham taking Isaac to the top of the mountain in Genesis 22 is also a picture of Jesus being sacrificed on the cross
And the Passover lamb is yet another picture of the same thing
In fact, all the Jewish feasts are pictures of events related to either Jesus’ first coming or His second coming
So why does the Lord create these pictures in His word?
First, because they teach us about the meaning of certain events
When you see a picture behind events that happened long ago like the Passover, they help to shed understanding on why those events needed to happen
Ultimately, that meaning will always point us to the story of Christ
Secondly, pictures are evidence of the sovereignty of God as He moves all events of History toward achieving a common purpose
Just consider what it says about God’s power when we see Him orchestrate the movements of people, kings, armies and nations in order to create these pictures
It tells us unequivocally that all things exist to serve Him
And it confirms for us the trustworthiness of the word of God and the power of the One who authored it
So let’s return to our story in chapter 1, but not to the story we started last week...
Instead, let’s start a different story...
Like our first story, our second story also begins with a wife and her husband
But in this story, the wife’s name is Israel and the Husband is Jehovah
But this husband is no ordinary man
In scripture, God often describes Himself as the Husband of Israel and Israel as His wife
As we see in this passage, the Lord compares Israel to His wife and calls Himself her Husband
But interestingly, the Lord says Israel is like a wife who has rejected her Husband
He’s referring to the way Israel rejected the Lord by the forsaking of the covenant, abandoning the Law and worshipping idols
This was the pattern in the time of judges, the time of Ruth
Even more interesting, the Lord speaks about a time in Israel’s history when the Lord disciplined Israel by making her a “widow”
The Lord forsook Israel because of her sin against her Husband
The Lord made Israel like a wife forsaken and grieved in spirit
This is one of the classic ways in which the Bible describes disobedient Israel
The Lord placed Israel outside her land, so Israel finds herself grieving, alone and without the Lord’s blessing
So in Ruth, the second story is what the Lord does to His disobedient wife as a result of her sin against Him
Last week we learned that God promised to bring drought to the people of Israel if they sinned under the Old Covenant
But there is more to God’s judgment than just famine
The Lord told Israel that if they failed to keep all His commandments, then He would bring a number of devastating curses on His people
Specifically, the Lord says He will weaken them in several ways
He says I will consume them, causing them to waste away, bringing wasting diseases, draining away their life
He would make their sky like iron and earth like bronze, which is a reference to drought
He would rob them of their children, making them fewer in number
They would perish among the nations (Gentiles), rotting away in the land of your enemies
Do you recognize this pattern?
Think back for a moment to the names of the characters from our opening lesson on Ruth
We had Elimelech, the husband
His name means God of the King
We had Naomi, the wife, whose name means lovely (as in the lovely Jewish wife)
They lived in the times of Judges, a time marked by Israel’s disobedience
And then the Lord brought drought and famine
And the famine scattered the family into the land of their enemies
Then while they are in this land, the family begins to waste away and reduce in number
Soon Naomi is without a husband, made a widow
And soon her sons, Mahlon and Chilion, die as well
Interestingly, the name Mahlon means sick, weak or afflicted
And the name Chilion means pining, destruction, consumption, failing
Their names foreshadow their lives in Moab
They succumb to weaknesses and die while in the land of their enemies
The circumstances of this family closely parallel the promises spoken concerning Israel
Just as Leviticus promised, the sons of Israel (i.e., these sons of Elimilech) are wasting away during their exile
They would be reduced in number while they lived in the land of their enemies
We’re learning that the events of Ruth are also telling the story of how God will deal with His disobedient wife, Israel
The exile and death of Elimelech and his sons pictures the eventual exile and wasting away of generations of Israel to come
These events eventually came to pass when Israel suffered under the conquest of various Gentile nations
And in the story of Ruth the Lord is explaining that these events were necessary as a result of His wife’s disobedience to her Husband
Now it’s one thing to draw a simple connection between a Jewish character in the story of Ruth and the Jewish people as a whole
But it’s another thing altogether to suggest that even the smallest detail of their lives can hold important prophetic meaning
But that’s exactly the case
The prophetic connections in the book of Ruth go far beyond the meaning of names or a character’s identity
For example, I want to draw your attention to a little word at the end of verse 4
The word in Hebrew is ke – meaning about
Scripture is careful to tell us that Naomi was in the land of Moab for “about 10 years”
The Bible is never inexact
Every Hebrew and Greek word in the original manuscripts was carefully chosen by God for a specific purpose and meaning
So here when we see the author use the term “about 10 years” it’s not because he didn’t know the exact date
But because the word “about” adds meaning that’s important to the story
And because the phrase contributes to the picture being created concerning Israel
As I’m sure many of you know, numbers in scripture are intentionally loaded with symbolic meaning
That is not to say that numbers don’t have a true literal meaning...they absolutely do
But God orchestrates events in the world to align with certain numbers (like seven days for Creation, etc.)
He does this to supply important clues concerning His purposes and His plans
By observing these patterns carefully, we can learn even more than what first meets the eye
For example, the first ten numbers have the following meanings in scripture:
The number 1 stands for God’s sovereignty
2 means division
3 means the Godhead
4 means the Earth
5 means grace
6 is the number of fallen man
7 is perfect completion
8 is a new beginning
9 is judgment
And 10 is the number of testimony
Let’s take a close look at that verse in Ruth 1:4
Naomi and her family are living in Moab about 10 years
About means they have been there at least 9 years
9 is the number indicating judgment
And saying “about” ten suggests that the tenth year approaches but as not yet arrived
Therefore, saying “about 10 years” is a way of saying we’re leaving a period of judgment and entering a year of testimony
Naomi’s family has endured a time of judgment in Moab because they fled a famine during the time of the judges, a time of sinfulness
God left them there for 9 years to communicate His sovereign purposes in their exile – they were exiled in judgment for sin
But now at about the tenth year, circumstances change and a transition is beginning
The period of God’s judgment is coming to an end for Naomi and what’s left of her family (a remnant)
And redemption, a new testimony, draws near
But the next year will be a year that testifies to God’s faithfulness to His people
It also pictures a year of testimony in our second story about the Husband Jehovah and His wife Israel
Just as Naomi’s period of judgment gradually transitions to a new time of testimony
So will Israel’s time of exile eventually give way to a time of testimony
To understand that transition, we first need to understand a little of how Israel becomes a wife forsaken by her Husband, the Lord
As I mentioned earlier, the Lord tells Israel that disobedience to His Covenant will result in the nation being scattered into the nations of the world
The Lord promises this most specifically in Deuteronomy
This promised scattering eventually takes place in several stages
Many of the tribes are scattered when the Assyrians capture them and take them out of their land
Later the rest of the tribes are scattered by the Babylonian invasion in 605 BC, which began a period called the Age of the Gentiles
Neither of these events accomplished the complete scattering of Israel though
The total and final dispersion of Israel takes place after Israel rejects their Messiah
So in AD 70 the nation is set outside their land in a final dramatic fashion when Rome conquered the city
Jesus warned believing Jews to escape before this judgment fell upon the city
Jesus gave those who would listen the clues they needed to understand how to escape the coming destruction
When you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies, then escape
Jesus says there will come the days when what is written will be fulfilled
The things to be fulfilled are the things we read in Deuteronomy 28
The time had come for Israel to be scattered as God promised, led captive into all the nations as Jesus said
And once they are scattered, the rest of the curses will follow; the wasting away, reducing in number, etc.
Jesus said that during this time of exile Jerusalem will be trampled under foot by Gentiles
And this scattering will continue until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled
The attack on Jerusalem in AD 70 initiated a period of judgment upon Israel in keeping with God’s promises to His unfaithful wife
And so like Naomi in the story of Ruth, Israel has been wandering in the land of her enemies ever since
But also like Naomi, Israel’s time of wandering in judgment must eventually transition to a period of regathering in preparation for a new testimony
God also spoke prophetically about not only a period of judgment but also a period of regathering
The Lord declared that the time spent wandering outside the land was a time of judgment, a time when Israel was passing under the rod
And in that time God would purge out the rebels, those who had hearts to disobey and reject the Lord
He declares those rebels will not enter the land of Israel
He is speaking about the Kingdom to come
Those who have hearts to reject the Lord will not be permitted to enter the Kingdom
But the Lord will bring some in Israel into righteousness for His name’s sake
If the Lord were to wait for someone in Israel to have a heart to follow Him, He would be waiting a very long time...an eternity
So the Lord declares that He will reach out to restore disobedient Israel for His own name’s sake
The Lord has promised to bring Israel into her kingdom
And He will keep that promise because His faithfulness is on the line
And He will be faithful to His promises
Therefore, the people will be set outside their land as just punishment for their sins of idolatry under the Law
We can certainly understand the Lord’s desire to scatter His people
Remember all the terrible things we’ve learned from the time of Judges alone, to say nothing of the things that follow
But our Lord is merciful and loving so He will bring a remnant of Israel back into her land
And in that regathering the Lord prepares to bring His wife back into obedience
Ultimately, He will bring her into a period of testimony and redemption
Again, He does these things for His own name’s sake, not because Israel has done anything to deserve it
That’s where our second story is headed
Israel has been in exile for the past two millennia
Less than 100 years ago, the nation began to regather in her land
That regathering is our sign to know that Israel is moving from a time of judgment to a time of testimony
That promise of Ezekiel 36 is being fulfilled in our very days
Speaking in the Bible’s language of numbers, it’s been about 10 years for Israel, figuratively speaking
She has seen much despair and misery during her years of wandering under judgment
And yet judgment is giving way to testimony even before our eyes
We’ve only scratched the surface of this second story, to say nothing of our first story
Next week we’ll return to the story of Naomi and her daughters-in-law
And as we see where events take them, we’ll continue to examine how that story reflects the story of Jehovah and Israel