Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongJoseph’s brothers have returned to Egypt, and this time they’ve brought Benjamin
They need to buy more grain and then there’s the issue of Simeon still in prison
Of course they don’t know the Pharaoh’s prime minister is actually Joseph in disguise
So they fear his response when they return with the money they found after they returned home from their original visit
Joseph has his own plans
He is waiting for the brothers to return so he can move them closer to reconciliation
At this point we might ask what would Joseph have done if the brothers never returned for Simeon?
Jacob was insistent that they wouldn’t go back if it meant taking Benjamin
But Joseph never considered that option
He knows his family will return
The dreams the Lord gave him confirmed that one day his family would bow down before him
Joseph’s faith in God’s promises leaves him no doubt that the brothers would return sooner or later
And therefore, the Lord prolonged the famine to ensure Jacob would relent
The brother’s return to Egypt means they passed Joseph’s second test…they are willing to return for Simeon even though it means they place themselves at risk
This is progress, but it doesn’t fully address their sinful hearts
They are coming back for Simeon, but how can Joseph know if they want to save their brother or because they need grain
Joseph needs to test them further to yield repentance
The next test won’t be one of stress and trial, but of kindness, as we’ll see today
Finally, we’ve been observing that there is a larger story pictured in the account of Joseph
As Joseph pictures Christ, the brothers picture the nation of Israel
And just as the nation rejected their own Messiah, Joseph’s brothers rejected him
But in a future day the nation will reconcile with their Messiah
And the Lord will work through trial and tribulation to bring about the environment where repentance can take place
So as we watch Joseph work his plan, we look for clues of how this story foretells how the Lord will bring Israel back to Himself in the last days
As the brothers arrived in Egypt, they stand before Joseph again
And Joseph sees Benjamin among them and realizes they did as Joseph required
So then Joseph begins the next part of his plan
Joseph commands that the men be assembled at Joseph’s house to prepare for a meal at noon
The prospect of going to the home of such a powerful man scared the brothers to death
Normally, it would be a high honor to receive such an invitation, but since they worry about the money switch, they fear the worst
They say to one another that the reason for the invitation is so that Joseph can take them as slaves in his home
This is an absurd assumption really
If Joseph had wanted to make them slaves, he could have done so with any pretense
No need to drag them all to his house and pretend to serve them a meal
He would have just ordered them bound in chains
Nevertheless, they can’t imagine this is a good sign and they are terrified
As they approach Joseph’s house, they see a servant standing outside
So they think this must be a chance to plead their case before it’s too late
Imagining the scene, it’s a little comical to me
Imagine ten men in a mild panic all speaking quickly over one another pleading with this powerless servant
They tell the story of having paid for the grain but then opening their sacks to find the money was returned
They say they have brought the money back to prove they were honest men
Furthermore, they have brought new money for more grain
And they have no idea how the original money was returned
We can sympathize with the brothers’ panic
We know they are guilty of far greater things than stealing, but in this case they’re innocent of any crime
Still, they understand that justice is blind and a judge like Joseph would be unforgiving
So the fact that they were found with the money would be reason enough to presume their guilt and punish them
Because they had no choice but to return, they’re hoping they can convince someone of their innocence
They’re seeking mercy from Joseph, and they’re hoping the slave will plead their case for them before they are dragged off in chains
After they finish telling their story, the slave says something completely unexpected
First, he tells them to be at ease
The word for ease in Hebrew is shalom, which means peace
He tells the men to be at peace
Or another way to translate shalom is to be complete or to be well
He says you are complete
Secondly, the slave says do not fear
This slave knew his master to be a good and fair man
So he could confidently tell these ten men they had no reason to fear Joseph’s judgment
Third, the slave says the money was returned by their God and the God of their father
This is quite a thing for an Egyptian to say
This man has obviously been introduced to the God of Israel, probably by Joseph
We can’t be sure if he was God fearing, but he seems to know that Joseph is working in union with the Lord
But what he says is exactly true
The Lord is working in these circumstances
The brothers have been viewing the situation from a negative point of view
The mysterious return of the money was a terrible thing in their eyes
Who knows how many nights they’ve lost sleep because the money was returned to them
Yet from the beginning it was simply God blessing them, albeit to teach them a lesson
When we get right down to it, they got their grain for free
What a great blessing, yet because they were so far from the heart of the Lord, it never crossed their minds to consider that this was a blessing from God
They only considered that it was a curse and a calamity
Certainly, Joseph was working to prick their conscience
But he also wanted to bless his family by returning the money
Finally, and most surprisingly, the slave says that he already has the brother’s money
That phrase in Hebrew doesn’t translate very well into English
His statement is better translated “I received your money”
In other words, someone else had paid the price for their grain
The someone was Joseph, obviously
Joseph paid the price for them
With that, the servant brought the men into Joseph’s house, brought Simeon to them and refreshed them with water, washed their feet and fed their donkeys
The brothers aren’t recorded as having said anything more, so we must assume they were stunned by what was happening
They were being comforted in the house of the second most powerful man on earth
They have learned that someone else paid the price for their grain, and they must have assumed it was Joseph who made the payment
They are not being treated as honored guests
And they have learned that a feast has been prepared in their honor
In fact, at noon Joseph will appear to eat with them
These are a turn events that would have been unimaginable a short time earlier
Their heads must have been spinning about now
Let’s take a closer look at the story of Jesus and Israel pictured in this story
First, we know the brothers have been brought to this point so far because of great trial and stress
The famine alone made Jacob so desperate he was willing to place Benjamin in jeopardy
But then the capture of Simeon put added pressure on the brothers
This is exactly how the nation of Israel will be brought closer to a reconciliation with Jesus
Israel’s reconciliation with the Lord begins with calamity and difficulty brought about by a worldwide Tribulation that God brings
Then in Tribulation, life for Israel is made even worse by the activity of the lawless one, as Paul calls the Antichrist
The Antichrist seeks to destroy Israel as a means of ending Christ’s return
As we learned in our last lesson, the enemy knows that were Israel to cease to exist on Earth, then the Messiah could not return, according to Luke 13
And during this time of persecution, the nation will retreat to safety in Jerusalem to prepare for the Antichrist’s attack
But as the pressure of their ordeal seemed ready to bring the brothers to a breaking point, Joseph’s kindness begins to bring them along
First, the brother’s hear that their debts were paid
Then they receive the kind treatment of Joseph’s servant
Similarly, as the pressure of Tribulation reaches its height, the Lord will begin to show His kindness to His people, even before He reveals Himself to them
The Antichrist will attack Israel and cause them to retreat to Jerusalem for a final battle
But while Israel is under attack, they are supernaturally protected by the Lord in the city of Jerusalem
We read this account in Zechariah
Notice that Israel is living in Jerusalem in this future day
The time of Tribulation has drawn the nation back to the city God gave them
We also know from Revelation that the nation will have opportunity to rebuild the temple during that time
So we can say the nation will once again return to God’s house in the city of David
This is pictured by the way the brothers are invited back to Joseph’s house
Joseph pictures Christ, and therefore his home can be said to be a picture of the temple in Jerusalem
The brothers have been brought back to their Lord’s house to prepare for a reconciliation
And their first understanding of Joseph is provided by Joseph’s servant
The brothers don’t know Joseph’s identity yet, but through Joseph’s servant they’re beginning to learn more about his heart
They’re learning he’s kind even to ungrateful men
This pictures how the Lord will begin to make Himself known to Israel in a future day
He will begin to reveal Himself by means of His servant, the Holy Spirit
And the Holy Spirit will testify to Israel that the Lord is a good and gracious Lord
As Jesus said
Because of the servant’s testimony, the brothers begin to rethink their assumptions about Joseph
Furthermore, Zechariah says the nations of the world under direction of the Antichrist attack Jerusalem, putting Israel at great fear
Notice that the attack is actually something God is orchestrating for His purposes in Israel
It may be the Antichrist leading the nations into battle
But it is the Lord causing the war
Then at a point near the end, when Israel is at their breaking point, the Lord begins to show His kindness to the nation from behind the scenes
He fights for them, giving them an advantage and causing them to withstand the enemy’s attacks
But throughout the fighting, they don’t see the Lord
They can sense He is working to strengthen them
They say they recognize that the Lord of host, their God has acted upon their behalf
Likewise, though Joseph has yet to reveal himself, his brothers are even now experiencing the kindness of Joseph in an unexpected ways
They are being treated with honor, an honor they do not deserve
They have not earned Joseph’s favor
If anything, they have earned his judgment
Nevertheless, they are receiving grace
The servant, who pictures the Holy Spirit, declares to them that the price for their grain was paid already
Then he washes their feet, gives them refreshment
He takes care of the brothers in Joseph’s absence
And what is the basis for the brothers receiving grace?
We don’t see the rest of the world receiving this grace as they come to Joseph for grain
No, it is only Joseph’s family of Israel that receives this special grace in the time of difficulty
Joseph is one of their brothers and he is determined to win them back to himself
Joseph suffered a penalty because of their sin against him, a penalty of 20 years
But now Joseph is determined to turn his suffering into an advantage for his family, as a means of reconciliation
Likewise, Jesus suffered the penalty of Israel’s rejection when He hung on the cross for their betrayal of Him
But His penalty also becomes the means for Jesus to forgive Israel’s sins
And that forgiveness is coming, just as Joseph is preparing to reveal himself to his brothers
Joseph arrives at noon, the brothers bring the present that Jacob had asked them to deliver
It must have looked so pathetic to Joseph
He had the best of the world at his disposal, and the gift that the brothers bring would have been very meager by comparison
Still, the mention of their father’s gift leads Joseph to ask of Jacob’s welfare
Joseph is told that Jacob is well
Then Joseph sees Benjamin again and the sight of the entire family gathered before him causes him to leave the room overtaken by emotion
After composing himself, Joseph returns to eat with the men
They are seated for a meal but in a particular manner
Joseph eats by himself
To the brothers, Joseph was an Egyptian, so they wouldn’t eat with him
And to the Hamite Egyptians, Joseph was a Semite, so they wouldn’t eat with him
So then his brothers sit at another table
And the Egyptians by themselves
The Hyksos rulers were Semites, and the Hamites refused to eat with Semites
Even in this moment we see another picture of Jesus in the days of Tribulation
The world will reject Jesus and are offended by His message
So Jesus is not embraced by the world
Likewise, Christ’s own people, the nation of Israel, don’t receive Him until the end of Tribulation, though Christ is one of them
Nevertheless, Joseph knows these men far better than they could ever imagine
And so at the meal, Joseph takes the opportunity to devise yet another test
The men are seated around a table in an order that Joseph assigns
The order is based on birth order, so that they are arranged around the table according to age
These men are all old enough now that it would have been impossible to discern their birth order by appearance
They were all born within a few years of one another
And the odds of guessing their birth order correctly was 40 million to one
They look around at each other and realize that they are seated in a perfect birth order
They are amazed because they can’t see how Joseph would have known this
Yet they know it can’t be coincidence…their positions were selected intentionally
Then the test came…Joseph showed Benjamin much more honor than his brothers
Benjamin receives 5x the portion of the brothers
A double portion might have been overlooked or dismissed as a sloppy servant
But five times was obviously intentional
Joseph’s test is whether Benjamin’s favored position still causes discontent in the brothers
Do they resent it or can they accept their brother regardless of how the father treats them all?
Do they revert to their old behaviors and attitudes?
The Lord calls us to leave behind our old nature and old habits and old grudges when we come to dine with Him
We have been given an eternal inheritance and forgiveness from all our sins
We have been given so much more than we deserve
So we are told to leave behind our old nature as a show of thanks and obedience
And the Lord may test our hearts from time to time to see if we have moved beyond the old nature
The Lord was testing these brothers through Joseph, and we’re told they ate and drank freely
It would appear the animosity is fading
The brothers are acting in love despite favoritism
They are willing to forgive and forget injustices
And this sets the stage for Joseph to forgive them as well