Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongJoseph has devised a plan to reunite and reconcile his family through a test of their hearts
Years earlier, the brothers had heartlessly sold Joseph into slavery
They showed no pity on Joseph when he asked for it
They have continued to go astray, as Judah showed in Chapter 38
Now they face a true test of their love for one another
Joseph sends them home to get Benjamin and bring him back to save Simeon
He also puts their money back in their sacks making their return all the more difficult
Joseph’s test is also going to place his father in the spotlight
Jacob’s favoritism for the sons of Rachel over the sons of Leah has been a source of tremendous strife in the family for many decades
This family is destined to become a nation of people, so it’s essential the family remain united and strong
Now the test Joseph has devised is going to hit both the brothers and their father in their weakest places
The brothers are returning to confront their past hatred for the sons of Rachel by facing their own deaths for the sake of Benjamin and Simeon
Jacob will come face to face with his favoritism and selfishness by being forced to allow his favorite son to leave & perhaps never to return
And yet despite these pressures, neither Jacob nor the brothers are truly ready to repent and yield to God
In fact, Jacob’s heart is so hardened that it requires God to bring a worsening of the famine to drive the family back into Egypt
And these worsening conditions provide a reminder to us of the beautiful picture developing in our story of Joseph
The prophetic picture is of the last days of Tribulation, when the world will be suffering under God’s judgment
And that judgment is merely a backdrop to an even greater work the Lord will be doing in that day
A work to bring stubborn unbelieving Israel to its knees and to a reconciliation with the One Joseph pictures, that is Christ
After Jacob refused the brothers’ request to return for Simeon, they begin to live off the grain they received in Egypt
The grain they bought only lasts so long
Naturally Jacob hopes that the grain will bring them through the drought
So they will never have to go back to Egypt and risk Benjamin’s life
But the Lord brought this famine for a reason
And until that purpose has been met, the famine isn’t going to stop
In fact, this is only the second year of a seven year famine, but of course Jacob doesn’t know that yet
When the grain runs out, Jacob tells his sons to go back to Egypt for more
But his fourth son, Judah, tells Jacob it’s not that simple
The man (Joseph) said they could not return until all the brothers were present
If they don’t return with every member of the family, they will not see Joseph’s face
The point being that they won’t even get an audience with Joseph much less be able to buy grain
So Judah tells dad if you don’t give us Benjamin, there will be no point in going back, so they won’t even bother going
To this Jacob utters one of the most revealing, self-centered comments in all scripture
It’s right up there with “…this woman You gave me” and “…am I my brother’s keeper?”
Jacob’s comment reveals his focus and perspective
First, it’s a ridiculous statement
As Judah points out in v.7, how did he expect the brothers to anticipate that a mention of the number of brothers in the family would have resulted in Joseph’s demands?
They couldn’t have seen that coming
Secondly, even if they could have seen that, how could Jacob have expected his sons to perpetuate their father’s favoritism for Benjamin?
He had no reason to expect that
They are the ones hurt by his unfair preference for Rachel’s children, so they can hardly be expected to make it easier for dad to continue in this pattern
This is the problem that Joseph is working to correct
To put an end to the brothers’ rivalry created by his father’s selfish behavior
And this is God’s desire as well
Notice in v.6 Jacob is being called Israel again
We remember that whenever Jacob is beginning to turn in the direction of God and to live according to God’s call upon his life, his name will shift
The name Jacob describes a man moving away from the Lord
While the name Israel, his new God-given name, indicates a heart change is taking place and Jacob is moving back toward God
Wouldn’t it be helpful if we had two names like Jacob?
One name could represent my life in obedience when I’m walking in God’s will and hearing His voice
While the other name would represent my tendency to live according to my flesh, following my own desires rather than the Lord’s
Then when I notice everyone calling me by my godly name, I know I’m on the right track with the Lord
But when I’m off track, everyone starts calling me by my worldly name
The truth is we have something even better already
We have the Holy Spirit living in us, and He is always talking to us
He reveals God’s desires and convicts us when we stray
And above all, we have the word of God providing us all the instruction we need to be obedient
The problem in our following God has never been our ability to discern God’s will or know His desires
The problem has always been our willingness to listen and do what we hear
Though Jacob’s words still sound selfish and desperate, the use of the name Israel is our clue to know that his heart is softening
Jacob is beginning to move in the direction of God, and hence Moses begins calling him Israel
But notice, it’s not a joyful turn…Jacob is being dragged by God kicking and screaming in the direction of obedience
And the famine is the blunt instrument God is using to provoke that turn
Jacob’s unwillingness to allow Benjamin to join his brothers creates another part of the picture of Tribulation and end times contained in this story
Joseph has stated flatly that he will not show his face to the family of Israel until all of Israel has come before him according to Joseph’s instructions
They must appear as one family, all of them present and willing to submit themselves to Joseph’s authority
If even one is missing, then the family will never see Joseph
We know already that Joseph is a picture of Jesus, and the brothers collectively picture the Israel of the future in Tribulation
After Israel’s leaders rejected Jesus as the Messiah, Jesus spoke to them in harsh terms
Jesus told Israel what would be required for them to ever see Jesus come to them again as their Lord
Jesus spoke these words at a point in His earthly ministry, recorded at the very end of Luke 13
Jesus declared to Israel that after He departed the Earth the Jewish nation would not see Jesus come to them again until they take a certain step
The nation must reverse their sin of rejecting Jesus as Messiah
Jesus is the Messiah sent to Israel as promised in the covenants
And though the nation was unfaithful, the Lord remains faithful to His promises
And in accordance to the promises God gave Israel through Abraham, the nation will have their Messiah one day
But that future day depends on the people of Israel coming to accept the Messiah they earlier rejected
Notice in v.35 Jesus says He will not return for Israel again until they declare “Blessed is He Who comes in the name of the Lord!”
This is a quote from Psalm 118 (incorrectly stated in the audio as Psalm 119), a Messianic psalm that tells of Israel receiving their Messiah
Jesus says until Israel declares Jesus as their Messiah, Jesus will not return
This truth is pictured by Jacob’s sons submitting to Joseph’s authority
The sons must stand before Jesus and seek him according to Joseph’s standards, or else they will never see Joseph’s face
But when that time comes, it must be the whole of Israel to make this declaration
It cannot be that only some of Israel come to this view
If all the brothers return to submit to Joseph’s authority, but even one brother is missing, the meeting will never happen
Likewise, Paul tells us that when the day comes for the Lord to show mercy on Israel, the entire nation on earth will be included in that work of mercy
In a future day, when the plan of God for His Gentile church has run its appointed course, then the Lord will bring mercy to a disobedient and stubborn Israel
On that future day, the hardening of Israel will be lifted
And notice in v.26 Paul says “all Israel” will be saved by the return of their Deliverer, the Messiah
Every single member of the nation of Israel on earth in that day will be included in this rescue
As the Lord returns to the Earth, He brings salvation to all Israel
And if the Lord has returned, it means all Israel has called out for Jesus as Jesus required in Luke 13
What will bring about such a miraculous reversal of the Jewish nation?
Certainly today they are not moving in the direction of faith in Jesus?
As we move further through the story of Joseph and his brothers, we’ll see this picture develop even further
And the rest of the picture will fill in gaps for how and when the Lord brings Israel back to Himself in such a dramatic way
But already we know it begins with a worldwide distress so severe it pressures Israel just as this famine is pressuring Jacob to let Benjamin join his brothers
After sensing his father’s heart softening to the prospect of sending Benjamin, Judah puts an offer on the table
He declares that he will take personal responsibility for Benjamin’s safety
Judah doesn’t make the foolish offer to allow Jacob to kill his own children as Reuben had done earlier
Instead, Judah puts his honor on the line, which means he is offering to forgo his right to any inheritance in the family
And in that culture, this was the greatest thing Judah could offer his father
And it’s only appropriate that Judah should be the one to lead Israel in reconciling with Joseph
First, Judah was the instigator of Joseph’s slavery
He suggested that the brothers sell Joseph
So Judah redeems himself to a degree by taking responsibility to bring the other favored brother back safely
Quite a turn around for Judah
Secondly, it’s very important symbolically that Judah be the one to lead the delegation back to Joseph
Remember that Judah was fourth in line in this family
But he had become the leader by virtue of his three older brothers disqualifying themselves in various sins
Reuben slept with one of the concubines
Simeon and Levi destroyed Shechem against their father’s will
So Judah was the most favored of Leah’s sons
And Joseph is the one holding the birthright, and with it the double portion of the inheritance and authority in the family
So reconciling the seed promise holder and the birthright holder is critical to family unity
The seed will come from Israel and Israel will be a single nation at that time
What is also interesting about Judah’s insistence that the brothers return is the complete lack of concern about finding the money in their packs
It seems the brothers have set that fear aside in consideration of their brother
Despite the possibility they might be accused of stealing from Pharaoh, they are determined to return for their brother
This is another good sign for the family
So Judah tells Jacob we could have been there and back twice in the time we’ve delayed
A journey from Canaan to Egypt’s capital was about two weeks in each direction
So assuming Judah isn’t exaggerating, the time since they returned from Egypt has been about 2 months
For 2 months Simeon has been languishing in prison in Egypt
In v.11, Israel moves in God’s direction, agreeing to allow the sons to go with Benjamin
And he tells the boys to take the best the land has to offer as a gift to the Pharaoh’s representative
What’s noticeable about this list is the relative low value of these items as produce of the field
If this is the best the land has to offer in this day, it is truly a devastating famine
No grains, no succulent fruits, no dairy products, just some nuts, a little honey, and some simple spices
It was similar to the widow giving her mite
Then Jacob tries to address the issue of the money
He says take double what you took the first time
Plus, take the money that had been returned to you
So the brothers are returning with three times the money they took the first time
And Judah says perhaps the money was returned by mistake, a hopeful point of view on his part
Remember, there were 10 brothers traveling the first time, and each returned with money in their sacks, so they returned with 10 sacks of money
Now again, there are ten brothers traveling, but this time with 2 times the money, or we could say 2 sacks of money each
It’s fascinating how God brings our mistakes full circle to impress upon us how our wrong choices have consequences
While the brothers first sold off their brother to Egypt for 20 pieces of money, now they are returning to ransom a brother from Egypt with 20 sacks of money
The repayment for a sin that God requires will often exceed the value of the sin itself
Then Israel allows Benjamin to travel with the brothers
He says take Benjamin and go to the man, that is Joseph
And then Jacob places the boy’s welfare in the hands of God
Jacob appeals to the Lord for protection
He says may the Lord have compassion on his family
But if the sons are taken from him, then so be it
In other words, Jacob was willing to trust in God for the outcome, a step of faith
These tactics are similar to the ones Jacob tried during a previous crisis
Remember he tried to buy off Esau with gifts, which proved unnecessary in the end
And yet Jacob wrestled with God begging God for a blessing in the face of his approaching foe
It’s as if Jacob wants to always cover his bets
Here Jacob does something similar
He gives his sons something of value to appease the anger of the man
But he also appeals to the Lord for mercy in case the appeasement doesn’t work
This is the story of Israel the nation
Resting in their works, but if that fails, resting in the Lord as their backup strategy
But the Lord isn’t content to be our backup strategy
He is no strategy at all…He is the One Who saves by His mercy
The Lord stands ready to offer mercy, but only to those who humble themselves
To those who acknowledge their weakness and inadequacy to meet God’s standard
Not only is Jacob moving in the right direction, so are the brothers showing positive signs
But Joseph isn’t done testing them
A third test is coming