Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongAs we usually do, we rejoin our study with a short review of the big picture
We’re entering into Part 3, the things that happen after the Church
And in that time we’re studying the seventieth seven of Daniel, which we learned last time is also known as the day of the Lord
It’s a period designated for Israel’s troubles as a response to breaking the Old Covenant
Its purpose is to bring Israel back to obedience and holiness as they enter the Kingdom
We can see clearly how the Lord uses that period for the benefit of His people in a couple of chapters in Leviticus
Chapter 25 says that Israel must observe a land sabbath every seventh year
And it also says that those who are dispossessed of their land must have that inheritance restored after 49 years
Then in Chapter 26, we find penalties for those who violate these laws
If Israel fails to keep the land sabbath, they will be put outside the land for 70 years (a penalty of 10x)
This was the time Israel spent in Babylon
And for Israel’s failure to keep the Old Covenant, they will be oppressed in many ways and put outside their land as well
Daniel 9 tells us that those penalties will last 70 sevens or 490 years
But then at the end of that 490 years, the people will receive back their land as their inheritance (again, 10x penalty)
That’s the Age of the Gentiles, and the final seven years will be the day of the Lord, the worst period of all
So the entire period of history beginning with Nebuchadnezzar and ending with Jesus’ return is focused on Israel’s judgment
And it comes in these two chunks as laid out in Leviticus and Daniel
The last of which is the seven year Tribulation
Let’s put this moment in perspective of our outline
Chapters 1-3 covered the church period, which itself is part of the larger period of Daniel called the Age of the Gentiles
Chapters 4 & 5 explain how we leave the times that ARE and enter into the things that follow
It began last week with our study of Chapter 4 as John witnessed the throne room of God
From the clues we were given, we concluded that the promised removal of the church from Earth had taken place
The church was present in Heaven, having received new bodies in the resurrection and their heavenly rewards
That was the coming of the Lord for the Church as promised in John 14
It’s an event that is markedly different than the Second Coming of Christ in that the flow of events is in the opposite direction
We have come to calling it the rapture, but whatever you call it we know it can happen at any time
It’s not connected to any other event in history, except that Paul told us it must happen prior to the wrath that is to come
That wrath will come upon the whole earth, Paul said, yet it won’t come upon the Church
And as we said, the only way something can come upon the whole earth yet not impact the Church is if we are gone
Therefore, Chapter 4 is given to us in the book of Revelation to make clear that the things that “are” have ended
The Church is no longer, having been moved into Heaven at the coming of the Lord
But here again, the things after the Church Age are themselves still a part of the Age of the Gentiles
That Age continues until Jesus returns to the Earth
If we were to jump ahead to Chapter 19 of Revelation, we find a description of Jesus’ physical return to Earth
So Revelation 19 gives us the end point of the Age of the Gentiles within this book
So by process of elimination, Chapters 6-19 describe events after the church has departed the earth but before the Lord’s return
This is the next period of our study
The study of the events that end the age, which is the day of the Lord – a time of wrath
So let’s take a brief look at the end of Chapter 4 and move into Chapter 5
We read these verses last week though we didn’t spend time considering them in detail
For our purposes tonight we will focus on one interesting connection to the book of Ezekiel
The four creatures around the throne are cherubim, which is the highest class of angelic being
Cherubim are guardians of the glory of God, and the last time we saw them mentioned in the Bible was in Ezekiel 10
In that chapter these guardians arrive in Jerusalem to escort the glory of God out of His temple in advance of the coming Babylonian attack
When the glory of God departed the temple, it was the last time God dwelled among His people Israel
His glory has not been present on earth with Israel since that day (apart from Jesus’ appearing in His day)
Now we see them mentioned again, and they are still at God’s side guarding His glory
Interestingly, Ezekiel 10 takes place at the point when the Age of the Gentiles is beginning, just as Nebuchadnezzar arrives at Jerusalem
The Lord sent Babylon to attack so that Israel would fall and the Age of the Gentiles would begin
And He foreshadowed that coming destruction by removing His glory from the temple shortly before the armies arrived
Now in Chapter 4 we enter into the final seven years of events that will bring the age to an end and allow the glory of God to return to a new temple
So just as the cherubim were used in Ezekiel to foreshadow the departure of God’s glory from dwelling with a disobedient Israel…
Now they are shown again to foreshadow the return of God’s glory to His temple to dwell among an obedient Israel
Notice the phrase they use in their worship of God
He is the one Who is to come, meaning to come into His Kingdom in glory
So this chapter is the preamble to the rest of Revelation, which tells the story of how the glory of God will return to earth and to Israel
But before that can happen, much will take place on earth and in Heaven, including much wrath
So that’s where we go next, to the beginning of the wrath of God on earth during the final seven years of this age
That story opens in Chapter 5
I read Chapter 5 in total because it helps to set the scene in your mind’s eye
Obviously, Chapter 5 continues the scene begun in Chapter 4, so we have John still in the throne room of God
The Father is on the throne as before with the elders and four living creatures present
And we can assume the Seven Spirits of God are also still present
And now we see a new character, the Lamb
If there was any doubt as to His identity, He is also called the Lion of Judah and the Root of David
So obviously, this is Christ, and although Jesus was always there, only now does John mention Him
So all three Persons of the Godhead are present in the scene
But from this point forward in the book of Revelation, all focus remains on Christ alone
The chapter opens with the Father on the throne holding a book
The Greek word for book is biblion, and in John’s day a biblion was not a bound volume of pages like books are today
A biblion was a scroll or rolled up parchment
Typically, important scrolls, like legal documents, would be sealed where the edge of the rolled scroll ends
The scroll would be sealed shut with wax seals, and in this case we’re told the scroll was affixed with seven such seals
The number seven means 100% again, so this is a complete sealing of the scroll…no one has opened it or knows its contents
So what is this scroll? The only clue we is found is in the description John gives us
John says it has writing on both sides, and in that day scrolls were usually written on one side only
Only certain legal documents were required to have writing on both the inside and outside of the rolled up parchment
In particular, land deeds were often annotated in this way
When land was sold or awarded in Israel, a deed would be drawn up describing the land and the terms of the sale or use of the land
Those details were written inside the document, and the scroll was sealed
But any transfer of property within Israel was temporary at best
The law required land to revert back to its original owner at the Jubilee year
In the meantime, a land deed granted a transfer of the land for a time according to the terms of the deed
The deed scroll was sealed to ensure no one could tamper with the document or change the terms of the agreement
And a summary of the terms of the deed were written on the outside of the scroll so that others could know what was agreed
If there was any doubt raised over the authenticity of the summary, the seals could be broken by a magistrate
And then the full deed could be inspected to verify the terms of the sale or transfer
However, once the seals were broken on the deed, it was considered complete or finished and brought to an end
So in the event that seals were broken for any reason, the deed ends and a new agreement must be struck
Since the scrolls is said to contain writing on both sides and with what we know about Revelation overall, it’s reasonable to conclude this is a land deed
Which leads us to ask, a land deed for what land? And the obvious answer is for the land of Israel
In 605 BC the Lord set Israel outside their land and under Gentile oppression
Moreover, He gave their land over to Gentiles to trample it to varying degrees for the past 2600 years and counting
This period of history, the Age of the Gentiles, is a time when the land of Israel has been deeded (so to speak) to Gentiles
But a time is coming when the Lord ends that land deed and returns the land to its rightful owners, Israel
Just as God promised Israel back when He began this age
But breaking the seals on a land deed was reserved for a magistrate or judge with the authority over the land
In past times, it would be a local leader with authority over an area within Israel
But who has authority over the whole of Israel and all the land promised to God’s people?
John hears a strong angel in the throne room asking the same question in v.2
Who is worthy to open the book and break its seals?
Or to put it another way, who is able to end the Age of the Gentiles and return Israel’s land to the rightful owners?
And at first, the answer is that no one was found
Notice it’s no one “in heaven, on earth or under the earth”
Now at first that seems hard to believe since the Father is in Heaven and surely He is worthy
But the term worthy doesn’t mean “good enough” it means appropriate or deserved
Remember, God the Father gave Israel’s land to the Gentiles in the first place
And therefore, the Father couldn’t break the seals, because to do so means He would be breaking His word in that agreement
So we need someone authorized to Judge the matter rightly, someone authorized to inspect the terms of the agreement
And once the agreement is inspected, it comes to an end
And in its place, a new agreement must be struck, one that establishes a very different arrangement with the land
So initially John is told that no one is able to Judge an agreement established by God the Father, and John is moved to tears at the prospect
Because it means that the land of Israel will never again return to Israel, or so it seemed to him
But there is One Who could rightly Judge an agreement established by God, and that would be our Mediator
If God were to take human form, He could rightly Judge His own agreement with humanity for He could represent both sides
And notice that in vs.5-6 John is told by one of the human elders in Heaven that the Lamb has overcome so as to open the scroll
Notice in v.6 Jesus is describes a Lamb standing “as if slain”
The phrase “standing as if slain” is histemi hohs spazo
It is an idiom or figure of speech in Greek meaning back from the dead or we would say resurrected
So John describes Jesus as the resurrected Lamb of God
Furthermore, Jesus has seven horns and seven eyes
The text tells us these details represent the Spirit of God sent out into all the earth (all-seeing, all-ruling)
That detail suggests that the Spirit of God has returned to the Earth to resume His ministry after having removed the Church
Then John is told Jesus is worthy to open the scroll because He has overcome
To overcome means to have been victorious over something or someone
And Jesus himself tells us what He gains victory over
He overcame the world, which is a way of saying He defeated the ruler of the world
So Jesus has overcome the devil, and we know how He did this:
Jesus’ death and resurrection overcomes the enemy’s dominion on the earth
And in so doing, Jesus took away the enemy’s only weapon against us – death – and rendered it null and void
In that way, Jesus has become qualified (“worthy”) to Judge the world
So the Father’s deeded over Israel’s land to the enemy and the Gentile world for a time, and now the Judge of the world has authority to inspect that deed
By His death and resurrection, Jesus is worthy to play mediator between God and man – and to Judge
So Jesus comes to the Father in v.7 and removes the book from the Father’s hand
We get the sense of authority being transferred from the Father to the Son
Therefore, the events that follow are the first moments of Christ exercising His authority to Judge the world
And in particular, to open the land deed for Israel and render it void and finished
As He does so, the land will revert to its original owner, which is God
Who eventually will award that land to Israel as He promised to Abraham He would do
But this scroll has seven seals, so opening it is a process, not a moment
And as Jesus opens each scroll in Heaven, certain events will play out on earth
That will be the pattern of Chapters 6-19…events in Heaven trigger events on earth
And it all starts with Jesus opening this scroll
In vs.8-10 the cherubim around the throne break out into a song of praise, accompanied by musical instruments and bowls of incense
Besides confirming the Lord approves of musical instruments in worship, it demonstrates how we participate in praise of God even now
The bowls contain the prayers of the saints, which have risen before the throne of God and are part of worship
So our prayers literally become content to the worship of God in Heaven
And the song they sang confirms that Christ’s authority to take back the world and Israel from the enemy is based on His sacrificial death
He purchased with His blood many peoples and nations
And together they have become a kingdom and priest for God
The song alludes to where these events are headed, to the establishment of the Kingdom in place of earthly kingdoms
We are the citizens of that future Kingdom
So in God’s economy He created the citizens of the Kingdom before He established it physically on earth
And He made us to be priests in preparation for the Kingdom’s arrival
We are intercessors who bring a knowledge of God to the world
Ultimately, we will reign upon the earth with Jesus
Finally, the scene ends with an incredible moment of praise for God
John looks up to see that the throne room was actually filled with an uncountable number of angels and the rest
And together they all are worshipping the Lamb at the moment of His coming into His Kingdom
And notice this praise rings out from every thing in Heaven, on the earth, under the earth and on the sea as Paul promised
Every living thing, including those in the sea and even the dead unbelievers in Hell all praise Jesus
Paul told us in Philippians that this is the destiny for all Creation, and Revelation 5 tells us it comes to pass at the dawn of the Kingdom
As the final seven years of Daniel’s seventy sevens begins, the Creation is put on notice that Jesus is to be praised
And yet obviously, those on earth praising Jesus aren’t universally converted
And those in Hell aren’t saved…because when Jesus’ worthiness to receive praise is self-evident, it won’t be based on faith
In the next chapter, Jesus will begin breaking the seals, and with each one, the world convulses in expectation of the coming end of the age
John is going to witness that process from Heaven and then report what happens on each as a result
That process will continue throughout Chapters 6-19
By this pattern, we come to understand that Jesus is the direct cause of the events on earth
He is exercising His authority from Heaven in preparation for His return to Earth where He will exercise authority in person
Chapter 6 can be frustrating for Bible students because it describes the opening events of Tribulation in such limited detail
It leaves us with many questions concerning the exact nature and meaning of the events taking place
As we’ve seen before, the reason the details aren’t given in Chapter 6 is because they are elsewhere in Scripture
Revelation is simply making us aware of where they fit into the overall program of end times events
So if we want to know the details, we must consult the earlier Scripture
We will take time to do that homework both before and during our study of Chapter 6
Beginning tonight with a brief overview of the signs of the times
Specifically, we need to gather as much as we can from outside Revelation concerning how these last seven years will play out
Then armed with that detail, we can understand Revelation better
First we go to Isaiah 2
This language is both poetic and literal
Isaiah describes a time of terror on earth directed at all the proud on earth and those who are abased or ungodly
God will make the earth tremble to humble all mankind for their pride, arrogance and ungodliness
Notice in v.22 God will stop regarding man, stop allowing breath in his nostrils, for why should mankind be esteemed?
This will be the final reckoning for this age of mankind
So this coming time of terror is for the whole earth, but it is made necessary because of the Old Covenant God gave Israel
Moving now to a passage we’ve mentioned before
Jeremiah’s passage gives us an excellent overview on the nature of the Tribulation and its focus on Israel
The coming time for Israel and Judah is a period of terror
It’s so bad it will cause men to writhe in pain as if men were giving birth, holding their loins
It’s a unique day and there is none like it
But ultimately it’s a time for Jacob (or Israel) to experience distress or affliction
God is inflicting this on Israel specifically though it impacts the whole earth as well
Yet in v.7 Jeremiah says that in the end, Israel (the nation) will be saved out of it
This time of trouble ultimately sets Israel free of the yoke of sin and their slavery imposed by God during the Age of Gentiles
In its place, Israel will live free in their Kingdom with their King
And with David resurrected over them as well
From these first two passages, we already see a consistent pattern, of God promising a terrible world-wide calamity
It impacts the whole world but it’s for Israel
It comes not to destroy Israel (not fully) but to save them
Knowing this, we understand all the more why Paul said the Church was not appointed to experience this coming tribulation
We were not appointed to wrath…because someone else was appointed to receive it: Israel
And when we say Israel, we mean those unbelieving Jews who will be alive on that future day
Believing Jews will have been raptured with the Church and will not experience the wrath intended for the rest of the nation
The unbelieving Jew is still required to experience God’s wrath, because the unbelieving Jew is still bound to the Law
And it’s Israel’s law that requires this penalty
Let’s go back to the beginning, where all this began…
At this moment, the nation is standing on the edge of the Promised Land, having spent the previous forty years in the desert
Moses speaks to a new generation of Israel, and commands them to obey the Covenant that was established between God and their fathers
But to make sure this generation understands the Law, Moses repeats it all to them in this moment
And then he asks this new generation of Israel to obey it, which they do
And in v.10 Moses explains that even as this generation stood in this moment to accept this covenant with God, they represented a nation
In effect, the entire nation of Israel from all time was standing before God in that moment
In vs.14-15 God says this covenant will apply not only for those standing in that day but for all future generations
Even those Jews who were not yet born were being bound by this covenant
So that literally every single Jew who has ever been born into the nation would be bound by this covenant
This was not an individual covenant, this was a national covenant or we could say a multi-generational covenant
Every Jew born after this day was bound to this covenant even though they never personally agreed to keep it
Much as a newborn child in the United States is bound to keep the laws of our nation, so were children of Israel bound to their law
And in this law were promises of blessing for obedience and promises of judgment for disobedience
The Lord reminds the nation not to have idols, to keep God’s sabbaths and care for His sanctuary
Then the Lord begins to outline the consequences of obeying the covenant
He begins by stipulating as in a contract what the duties of the people of Israel would be under this agreement
Namely, they must keep His statues and commandments and carry them out fully
And if as a nation they keep the covenant, then the Lord describes the blessing they will experience as a nation
I won’t read the entire passage, but in vs.4-13 the Lord provides a list of national blessings
Including living in peace, without beasts in the land, with great harvests, enemies vanquished and in perfect security
But in this covenant, there are also penalties for failure to keep the covenant
In v.14, the conversation changes to the negative
The description I read continues through v.39, and in fact, God devotes over twice as many verses to the curses as He does to the blessings
Notice the Lord begins by reiterating that these curses will come upon the nation as a whole
And they will come unless the nation as a whole carries out all the commandments in the Law
So if one Israelite fails to keep even one commandment, then the entire nation will see all the curses
And there are some interesting curses in this list including God allowing Israel’s enemies to rule over them (ie. The Age of Gentiles)
And He will scatter them among the nations and many of Israel will perish in those nations so that they become few in number
Also He will lay waste to their cities bringing seven plagues against them including pestilence and famine
These things will come unless Israel keeps the Law perfectly for all generations
So what are the odds they were going to meet the terms of this covenant and receive the blessings?
It would be impossible for even one person to keep this covenant perfectly, which is the requirement, much less all the nation
How can every Jew in Israel remain perfectly compliant with the entire Law?
It’s obvious that the nation was destined from the beginning to experience the curses
And since this is the word of God, all of these curses must take place, not just some
And as we go down the list, we can see that many have already come to pass
But we can also find some that have yet to come true, like the seven plagues
So if these curses must happen to Israel yet some have yet to happen, we should expect to see more in the future
Some of these curses will be found in later chapters of Revelation, which is why we’re looking at this passage first
We need to understand that events of tribulation are not random chaos or violence
They are specific fulfillment of things promised for Israel as part of the covenant of Moses
God is going to uphold His side of the covenant, to keep the terms of this agreement
Furthermore this covenant was made with a nation, not an individual
So whatever happens under the terms of this covenant – whether good or bad – must happen to the entire nation at once
The penalties are not handed down on an individual basis
Just as all Israel went into Babylon (including Daniel and Ezekiel) so will all Israel experience the tribulation
Only if a Jew has come out from under the Law may they escape the penalties of the Law in tribulation
How does a Jew come out from under the Law? By faith in Jesus so that Jesus takes the curses for him or her
And having taken the curse for us, we then are no longer under the curses of the Law
So Jews who believe in Jesus in our time become part of the Church, and as such they are saved from the wrath to come
But what of the Jews in Tribulation? How can they escape the wrath?
Earlier we read in Jeremiah that the time of Jacobs’ troubles would eventually result in Israel being saved by it
So how does that happen?
Let’s look once more at Leviticus 26
At the end of the curse, the Lord inserts this “loophole” which offers to remove the curse of the Law from Israel
He says that even though the nation disobeys the terms of the Old Covenant, they may still be restored
But the nation must confess their iniquity and the iniquity of their forefathers
And in v.41 the Lord says if their uncircumcised heart becomes humbled
If Israel does these things, then the Lord will invoke the terms of a different covenant, the Abrahamic Covenant
By the terms of that earlier covenant, the Lord will not reject the nation
The earlier covenant promises Abraham’s descendants the blessing of the Kingdom unconditionally
So by “remember” the Lord simply means He will bring to pass that covenant at the moment the nation confesses
So within the terms of the Old Covenant, the Lord has embedded a loophole that invokes the promises of the Abrahamic Covenant
And in this way, the Lord uses the Old Covenant to bring about the fulfillment of the promises made to Abraham
The Old Covenant brings curses that ultimately are used to bring Israel to faith in their Messiah
And in coming to faith, the nation comes out from under the Law
And in that way they follow the example of Abraham who believed God and it was reckoned to him as righteousness
So this is ultimately how the Old Covenant becomes a tutor to lead the nation to Christ
But here’s the most interesting part…the Old Covenant is a national covenant
So this loophole requires that the entire nation participate in the confession moment
The nation must recognize their sins and the sins of their forefathers
Remember, this is not a personal salvation covenant…this is not a provision calling for personal salvation
Personal salvation doesn’t require confessing our forefathers’ sins too
Rather, this is a special provision calling upon Israel to make a national confession of repentance
And now we understand that Tribulation (as part of Daniel’s 70 sevens) is the last piece of this plan to bring an end to this covenant
The tribulation is the culmination and final fulfillment of the curses promised to Israel under the Old Covenant
And at the conclusion of that period, Jeremiah says the result will be that Israel will be moved to a confession and be saved
He means the nation will be saved out of the turmoil of Tribulation and into the safety and security of the Kingdom
Moses foretold exactly this outcome in Deut 30
Notice that Moses says that when all these things have come upon you – both blessings and curses…
Moses acknowledges right up front that the nation will not keep the covenant
And as a result, all the curses are inevitable, but then again, all the blessings must also come, Moses says
So there must be a day when the entire nation of Israel lives in accordance to the terms of the Old Covenant perfectly
How can we ever expect an entire nation of people to live the law of Moses perfectly?
Moses says in v.2 that can only happen when the nation obeys the Lord with all their heart and soul
Then there will be a gathering back into the land where they will prosper and serve the Lord
Furthermore, they will have circumcised hearts and their descendants will also have circumcised hearts
We know that phrase refers to a believing heart, but even a believing heart doesn’t guarantee perfect living
So this isn’t just a believing Israel, this is a glorified Israel, an Israel of resurrected, glorified people who live without sin
So Moses says that there is a future for Israel that is glorious in keeping with the promises of the Abrahamic Covenant
But this glorified future can only happen to Israel after all the curses have come upon the nation first
The period of Tribulation is the final phase of those curses which must come to Israel
And the tribulation period ends the age of the Gentiles and ushers in the arrival of the Lord
How does Tribulation bring about this national confession of faith?
We will examine the details of Tribulation in coming weeks
For now, we can just conclude that the reason Israel must experience Tribulation is because the Old Covenant requires it
Now to end the evening, let’s ask why did God institute such an elaborate plan to establish Israel in the Kingdom?
Why did God need the Old Covenant in order to establish Israel as a nation according to the Abrahamic Covenant?
The answer is the Church
Remember, this final period of curses upon Israel can’t happen until the Church is taken out of the way
But that begs a question of why did the church even get in the way in the first place?
Paul tells us in Romans that Israel was set aside for a time so that the Gentiles might have the opportunity to receive mercy
But if God was to be just in denying His people the opportunity to receive the Messiah in His day, He needed a basis to do that
His just cause for denying His people Jesus was the Old Covenant, which Israel freely agreed to keep
The terms of that covenant permitted God to set Israel outside His blessing until the curses have been completed
The Age of the Gentiles was still underway when Jesus came to Israel
So they could not receive Jesus in that day for the curses had not yet run their course
But God will return to them and grant them mercy one day as He also promised
The return of Jesus to Israel is the moment He removed sin from Israel and keeps the covenant terms
Which covenant is Jesus keeping when He comes and brings Israel a clean heart?
He is keeping the terms of the Old Covenant in Leviticus 26 which promised that outcome for Israel when they confess
So our study of Tribulation is fundamentally a story of how the Lord fulfills the Old Covenant terms for Israel
Including how He brings the nation into a national confession
And how that confession brings Israel into the Kingdom