Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongHaving finished our background work in Daniel 2, 7, and 9, we are ready to return to the book of Revelation
The last time we were studying in the book itself, we finished Chapter 3 and the seven letters to the church
This was the section that Jesus called the things that “are”
That section taught us about the Church Age, a period of history still ongoing
The Church occupies the last days of a present age that Jesus called the Age of the Gentiles
That age is centered on Israel and on Jerusalem
According to Jesus in Luke 21, the age is defined as a period of history when three things will remain true for Israel
Israel is under threat of Gentile attack, scattered outside their land and their city is trampled by Gentiles
That led us outside the book of Revelation for a while to Daniel to study the age in detail
We learned the age started in 605 BC with Nebuchadnezzar’s conquest of Jerusalem
It progresses through four different kingdoms and eventually it comes to its end with the Second Coming of Christ
At the very end, the age experiences dramatic events including the consolidation of all authority on earth to ten rulers
And then finally to one world leader who persecutes believers and opposes God before coming to his end at Christ’s hand
Daniel also told us that this age had a time limit of 70 seven-year periods
But that 490-year period wasn’t contiguous…Daniel told us that it included a break or pause of an unknown period
That break will finally end and the final seven years of that Age will play out
We are currently living in that pause, and as Paul told us, the pause was necessary to make room for the Gentile church
So we are living in the pause created for us, but sooner than later the pause will give way to Daniel’s final seven and the age will end
But the book of Revelation has three parts, not just two, and that third part will now become the main focus of our study
Jesus called Part 3 “the things that take place after these things”
It tells of the events that take place after the church age has ended
These chapters tell the story of Daniel’s final seven year period before Christ’s Second Coming
And before we move into those chapters, what should we call Daniel’s final seven, this final period of the age?
The period goes by numerous names in the Old and New Testament
But one of the more common terms in the New Testament is the “day of the Lord”
Peter describes the day of the Lord as a surprise when the world endures great destructive forces
Paul describes it this way:
Like Daniel earlier, Paul confirms this is a dark day of destruction that comes upon the whole earth
And it is also a surprise to all who dwell on the earth
One term for this period found in the Old Testament stands out:
This is a time specifically intended for Israel (Jacob), Jeremiah says
And we remember from Daniel 9:24 that this seven year period was specifically part of a plan for Israel and Jerusalem
So the final period of seven years is the day of the Lord, Israel’s final accounting and in the Church, and it’s come to be known by one name more than any other –
It’s commonly called the “tribulation,” which means affliction or anguish
The Hebrew root word means to compress or constrict, like grapes in a press
It’s also the most common term used for this period of time in the New Testament
The seven year Tribulation can be subdivided into smaller periods, which we’ll do later in a lesson introducing the Tribulation
But for now we need to understand how we transition from the Church Age into Daniel’s final seven years of tribulation
Chapters 4 & 5 provide that transition
They are one continuous scene, but we will take it in sections
This is an amazing scene and the most detailed description of the Lord’s throne room found in the Bible
All three members of the Godhead are present in these two chapters
And throughout the scene we see exclamations of praise for God
It will begin with “Holy, Holy, Holy”, and then three times God is declared worthy of honor, power, judgment and glory, etc.
And that’s followed by a fourth declaration of honor and glory at the end of Chapter 5…it’s nonstop praise for God
We can’t overstate how worthy our God is to receive praise from His creation, and in Heaven there will be no doubt
John says a door is open to Heaven and Jesus calls John to come up (to Heaven)
We know it’s Jesus calling because John says it’s the same voice he heard earlier, the one like a trumpet
And we know the scene is set after the Church Age has ended
Jesus says He is showing John what must take place after these things, meaning after the things of the church
And the details within this scene serve to confirm for us that the Church Age has ended
The first thing John sees is the Father God, seated on a throne, and Chapter 4 focuses on the Father
God the Father is described as appearing like jasper and sardis
Jasper is the ancient term for a diamond
And the sardis stone was first mined in the city of the same name, and it’s fiery red in appearance
So the two together suggest a bright, dazzling, fiery light around the Father along with an emerald green rainbow
This vision is similar to the one Daniel saw of the Ancient of Days in Chapter 7
But elsewhere John tells us in 1 John 4:12 that no one has seen the Father at any time
So like Daniel, we know John witnesses a vision prepared for Him
It’s a representation of the Father, not the Father’s actual appearance
The point is to give John something He can understand so as to communicate a message to him through this vision
And that story centers on events taking place around the throne, beginning in v.4 with twenty-four elders praising the Father
They are seated on thrones of their own, they are wearing white garments, and they are adorned with crowns on their heads
The word elder is always used in connection to human beings who lead God’s people
Israel had elders over them since the time of Moses and the Church is led by elders, of course
So in calling these characters “elders” John is indicating that they are human beings
And this is the first time “elders” are described as present around the throne of God
In earlier visions of God’s throne given in Isaiah, Ezekiel and Daniel there is no mention of elders
These twenty four elders wear clothes that symbolize righteousness by faith
The Bible says that by our faith we have received Christ’s righteousness
And figuratively speaking, we are said to put on Christ’s righteousness as if wearing clothing
And remember, earlier in studying the letter of Sardis we learned that white garments represent the works of the saints
So these men are believers present in the Heavenly throne room
Secondly, they are sitting on thrones indicates they have ruling authority
And we know that Jesus says that the Church saints will have positions of authority to reign in the Kingdom with Jesus
Later in Revelation 20:4 we’re told that the saints will receive thrones to judge in the Kingdom
Thirdly, they are wearing crowns John says, and the Greek word he uses for crown is stephanos
That Greek word specifically describes an award for excellent performance
It’s the same Greek word used for the wreath given to an athlete who competes in the Greek Olympic Games
And as such, it lines up with other Scripture that says crowns represent the eternal rewards available to believers
So crowns are tokens representing believers’ eternal rewards that eventually become our inheritance in the Kingdom
These elders represent the leadership of the church throughout the centuries
Obviously, over 2,000 years, there have been far more than 24 elders in the church
But the Lord couldn’t show John every person who has ever served as an elder in the church
So the Lord showed John a certain number to represent all leaders
We would expect the Lord to use “7” to represent 100%, but here He uses 24 to represent all the leaders of the church
The number 12 represents government or leadership over God’s people (i.e., 12 tribes govern Israel, 12 apostles governed the church, 12 months govern the year, etc.)
And doubling a number means to emphasize or make complete the concept behind that number
So double 12 (24) means all the leaders of the church
Next, in v.5 John describes seven lamp stands burning fire around the throne of God
John explains that these lamp stands represent the seven Spirits of God
Like the Father, the Spirit of God is not visible, so if the Spirit makes His presence known to us, He must take some other form
He often appears as fire or a dove or in this case a lamp stand
But here He’s described as the “seven” Spirits of God, similar to the way Isaiah describes the Spirit in 11:2 using seven characteristics
Once again, we know the number seven means 100%
So seven lamp stands of fire is a symbolic way of saying 100% of the Spirit is present in the throne
Obviously, the Spirit being a spirit is present in all places at once, yet in the same way, the Spirit can also choose to be nowhere for a time
So if 100% of the Spirit is present in Heaven, then it means He is nowhere to be found on earth at this moment
And if the Spirit is not present on earth for any time, then the Church cannot be present on earth at that time either
For Jesus made clear that His presence would remain with the Church until the end of the Age
Therefore, by what John witnesses the suggestion is that the entire church must be present in the throne room
And the structure of Revelation gives support to this conclusion
We note that this scene immediately follows Part 2, the things that “are” in Chapters 2-3
So as we enter Chapter 4, we know that the times that “are” (i.e., the Church Age on earth) has ended and new things have begun
The outline of the book of Revelation itself confirms that the time for the Church on earth is over
And if all the leadership of the church is present then surely all the Church under its care is present
And if the entire Holy Spirit is present, then the entire body of Christ must be present
Though we don’t hear of the multitudes of the Church saints, the 24 elders and the lamps lead us to that conclusion
But that conclusion brings important considerations, and so we would really like additional proof before we move forward in that view
And two key details in the description of those 24 elders give us firm proof that the Church has left the earth and is in this scene
To understand those two details, we need to step out of the book of Revelation for a moment
We need to look at what other Scriptures teach about the end of the Church Age
Beginning with understanding another key term: the coming of the Lord
Like the “day of the Lord” this term is easily misunderstood
It sounds like the Second Coming of Jesus, but when viewed in proper context, we find it’s talking about something else
In v.8 James says the coming of the Lord is near and ever present
But those words were written in the first century, long before the events of the Church Age much less Daniel’s final seven year period
So James couldn’t be talking about the Lord’s Second Coming
That event was not possible in James’ day, nor even is it possible in our day today since we still have need for more to happen
So we know that there is an ever-present possibility of the Lord’s return for the Church and in John 14, Jesus promised this would happen
Jesus tells the disciples that in His Father’s house are many dwellings
The “Father’s house” is a reference to the Heavenly realm, the same scene we just observed in Revelation 4
In that place, Jesus says there is plenty of room for His disciples
Jesus tells His disciples that He will leave them for a time so that He may be where the Father is and prepare a place for them
And Jesus says we can be sure that He will return for us one day
His return for the Church takes a very certain form
Jesus comes to receive us to Himself so that where he is we may be also
In other words, Jesus will take the Church off the earth and bring us back to the throne room of God
This promise is very different than the Second Coming of Christ described elsewhere in Scripture
Daniel tells us that Jesus’ return will be followed by a Kingdom on the earth where Jesus rules with us
But here we have a promise to return just long enough to receive the Church to Himself and bring us back to heavenly dwelling places
This is a different event than Jesus’ Second Coming with an opposite outcome to the Second Coming
Instead of Jesus on earth ruling a Kingdom, we find the Church in Heaven with Jesus
That’s an event not mentioned at all in Daniel and not connected to the events of the Age of the Gentiles
In John 14 Jesus is promising something in addition to what we know is coming according to Daniel
Furthermore, the timing of these two events is very different
The New Testament also tells the Church that the coming of Christ is ever possible and not dependent on any other event
James said Jesus is right at the door and was telling his first century readers to expect Jesus at any time
But we’ve seen how the Second Coming of Jesus awaits the end of the Age and is dependent on other events happening first
For example before Christ returns, the Age of the Gentiles must play out to conclusion
So that among other things, ten kings must take control over the world and later give power to a single man who rules the entire earth
Those things haven’t happened yet, so the Second Coming isn’t possible yet
But the coming of the Lord for the Church is always possible because it’s not dependent on anything
So there is a promise for the Church to be removed from the earth in a day to come
And we know this promise must precede the end of the Age, because at the end of the Age Jesus comes to earth to remain
Moreover, we will be with Jesus in that moment, because Daniel says we receive the Kingdom
So a day is coming before the Second Coming of Christ when Jesus returns, collects the Church and returns us to Heaven
That day is not connected to the end of the age and could happen at any time
And that fact brings with it some important considerations which inform our understanding of the scene in Revelation 4
First, we know when that day comes, we enter into the throne room of God with Jesus, for that’s the promise in John 14
Secondly, we also know that if we are to enter the throne room of God, we must leave behind our current sinful bodies
Because Paul tells us that our present earthly bodies are corrupted and therefore may not enter into the heavenly realm
Our present, corruptible body cannot inherit the kingdom of God or enter the presence of God
That’s why when we die, our body stays behind and only our spirit enters the Heavenly realm
But we’re not destined to live eternally without a body
On the contrary, the Bible teaches that we will one day be resurrected, into an eternal sinless physical body
There is a new heavenly body coming for every believer, and this new body is necessary to inherit the kingdom of God
So when Jesus returns to collect the Church and bring us back to Heaven, He must give us a new eternal body at that time
The manner of our resurrection is described in two passages:
The movement here matches John 14
Us on the ground
Jesus coming down to meet us partway (in the clouds) to receive us
We move from there with Him
Let’s note for a moment in v.17 Paul says we will be caught up (as opposed to resurrected)
In the Latin Vulgate version of the Bible, this term is translated raptura, which becomes the word rapture in French
Many have adopted the word rapture to describe the moment the Church is caught up to be with Jesus
That term reflects that we are changing into the new body without passing through death first
They are resurrecting but not actually since they didn’t die…they are rapturing or being caught up
When this happens, we meet our brothers and sisters in the clouds and return to the Heavenly throne room with Christ
Paul gives us a little more detail in 1 Corinthians
The coming of the Lord involves a two part process beginning with the Lord descending from Heaven
There will be a shout, and the word in Greek is keleusma, which means a military order
Therefore, the removal of the Church begins when a heavenly order is issued
Secondly, there is a trumpet call, and the mention of a trumpet connects this moment to the Feast of Trumpets or Rosh Hashanah
This feast is a picture of the Rapture, and it fits between the Feast of Pentecost and Yom Kippur, which is a picture of Tribulation
This reaffirms our understanding of the timing of the Rapture
It happens after the beginning of the Church (Pentecost) and before the start of Tribulation
And at that signal, the dead in Christ rise (resurrect) first
And then secondly, those Christians who are still alive on earth are instantly changed into a new eternal body
In fact, the writer of Hebrews says that no saints will be made perfect (i.e., receive a new glorified body) before the rest of the saints
The writer says that the Old Testament saints never gained the promises of the Kingdom in their lifetime
That delay was necessary because they could not be made “perfect” apart from us, the Church saints
The writer is setting forth a biblical principle concerning glorification (or being made perfect)
A saint from a given group cannot receive his or her new, perfect body apart from the rest of that group
So the Lord resurrects all Old Testament saints into new bodies together at the same time
And the Lord resurrects all Church saints together at the same time as well
And in particular, Paul confirms this in 1 Thessalonians 4 speaking about our resurrection moment when Christ comes for the Church
In explaining how we receive our new resurrected bodies, Paul says that all believers dead or alive receive new bodies together
So no Christian receives a new body apart from the rest of the Church
So the coming of the Lord for the Church is also the moment we are resurrected to receive new physical bodies
For that is the only way we can see Jesus’ promise to bring us to His Father’s house fulfilled
The second implication of Jesus’ promise in John 14 is that the coming of the Lord is also the moment we receive our eternal reward
Because the Bible says that our reward is assigned to us at our resurrection
First, understand that all Christians face a moment called the Judgment Seat of Christ
We all appear before Christ for judgment at the same time, so the judgment seat moment happens only once
Therefore, all believers are judged one by one in that moment and each receives his or her reward at that time
Furthermore, the Bible says that this moment is connected to our resurrection moment
Earlier in James 5:9 we read that the Judge is at right at the door and soon to arrive
James was saying that the Lord comes bringing judgment for the Church
Paul echoes these points
He says that the Lord’s coming will bring with it a judgment for all believers
And that judgment is for the result of assigning to each person praise from the Lord
So it’s not a judgment for condemnation (see Romans 8:1), but rather it’s a judgment for determining reward
And speaking of his own reward in that moment, Paul says:
Paul said the church in Thessalonica was a testimony to his good work
And therefore, Pauls said that church would become a “crown” for Paul, symbolizing a believer’s reward
But notice Paul connected his own reward not to the moment of his death but at the Lord’s coming
And still other passages connect Jesus’ return with judgment and reward
So the New Testament writers all agree that the Church is rewarded at the revealing of Jesus when He appears to resurrect the Church
So even if we die today, we don’t receive our reward until the rest of the Church receives theirs at the resurrection
So all Church saints are resurrected together and all will be judged in the same moment
So that all receive their reward together
Returning to the scene in Revelation 4, we can now see proof that the Church has been removed from the earth prior to that moment
The 24 elders are seated on thrones, wearing robes and have heads supporting crowns
These details tells us they possess human bodies
They are not merely souls present in Heaven, but are present in physical bodies
Paul told us earlier that only the heavenly body can enter the heavenly realm
So if they possess bodies, then these believers must possess the new eternal body
And if they possess the new eternal body, then they have experienced the resurrection
And if even one believer possesses the new eternal body, then the entire church has been resurrected
And if the entire church has been resurrected, then the Lord has come for the church and removed it from the earth
And if the church has been removed and resurrected then it has also received its reward
These conclusions fit all the data we have in this scene
The 24 elders are present in the throne room in new glorified bodies, with their rewards and with all the Holy Spirit present around the throne
And of course, this scene in Revelation follows the end of the things that “are”
And it’s the beginning of the things that must take place after the Church Age
We should ask why does the Lord take this step of removing the Church so dramatically before the end of the Age?
Well, remember the two terms we learn today
The day of the Lord, or rather Jacob’s troubles, and the coming of the Lord or we could say the resurrection of the Church
They are connected only in the sense that one makes way for the other
Paul explains it this way
Paul points out that the day of the Lord (the tribulation) is not a day that the Church will experience
Yet Peter said in 2 Peter 3 that the day would overtake the entire earth
How can a day of destruction that impacts the whole world not also impact the church?
The only answer is the Church must be gone before that day comes
So removing the Church is necessary before the seven year period can begin
The church in Thessalonica was disturbed by stories they had missed the coming of the Lord and were now experiencing tribulation
Next, Paul says that the coming of the Lord cannot happen until the apostasy of the church and the man of lawlessness is revealed
Apparently the church knew these two events were connected
But Paul reassures the church again that the day of the Lord could not have started yet because certain things hadn’t taken place
The man of lawlessness, the eleventh horn of Daniel 7, the man who rules the world at the end, hadn’t yet been revealed
And he must be revealed early in the Tribulation period
And Paul goes on to say that until the One Who restrains his appearing must be removed first
So there is a “removal” required before the seven year period of Tribulation and the appearing of the Antichrist can begin
The Restrainer isn’t specified here, but given what we know about the coming of the Lord, we can propose an answer
The Spirit of God living in the body of Christ on earth restraining the mystery of lawlessness
Once He is out of the way, the final seven years of the age can play out
So once again, the coming of the Lord and removal of the Church is a prerequisite for the start of the Day of the Lord
From what we’ve learned, we find an interesting comparison between the day of the Lord and the coming of the Lord
This comparison puts the two events in the proper perspective
The day of the Lord is for Israel and for judgment
It awaits the final seven years of the age and the revealing of the antichrist
It brings to an end the Age of Gentiles
The coming of the Lord is for the church and for reward at the resurrection
It is always possible and near
It happens before the lawless one is revealed and before the end of the age
And it brings to an end the Church age
Elsewhere in Matthew 24, Jesus says one more thing about the timing of His coming, something that has puzzled students for a long time
The mystery is solved by returning to John 14 and noting the language Jesus used in His description of His return
He refers to building dwelling places for us in Heaven
Though Jesus was a carpenter, nevertheless we can’t imagine that He is presently occupied constructing condos in Heaven for us
Jesus was speaking in a figure of speech which leads us to ask why did Jesus choose this metaphor?
Jesus is using language associated with the traditional Jewish wedding ceremony
So while it isn’t familiar to us, it would have been very familiar to His disciples
Jesus is comparing Himself to the groom in a Jewish wedding and He’s comparing the Church to a bride
And of course, we know the New Testament uses those same comparisons
The Church is called the Bride of Christ and He is our Groom
And now we see how that comparison can be useful in understanding God’s plan for the Church
In that ancient tradition, a marriage was arranged by the family of the bride and groom
Specifically, the Father would send a servant to locate a suitable bride for his son
The servant visited the prospective bride and her family at her home
A negotiation followed, a price was paid and the covenant was established
At that moment, the bride and groom were betrothed though they had yet to meet
At that point, the servant returns to report his success to the father, who then directs his son to begin building a home for his bride to be
The son begins building an addition on to the father’s house, which will serve as his home
Only after he has finished building the addition to the satisfaction of the father can the son claim his bride
Meanwhile, the bride remains at her family home always ready for the groom to appear
She doesn’t know when he will come because it depends on the father’s judgment that the new addition is suitable
Therefore, she spent everyday in her wedding dress waiting to be claimed by her groom
Once all is ready, the son travels to the bride’s home to claim her in a surprise appearing
They travel back together to the father’s house where the marriage is formally completed and consummated
The two remain together in the marriage tent for a week
When the week is complete, the two travel back to the bride’s house to celebrate with the bride’s family
It’s easy to see how the details in this ancient tradition reflect aspects of God’s plan for the Church
God the Father sent a Servant (the Holy Spirit) to the bride’s home (the earth) to find a suitable bride for the Son
The Spirit locates the Bride one believer at a time, entering into a covenant by which we are betrothed to our groom
We are given gifts by the Spirit to mark the entry into the covenant, and the Father pays a price to gain us in Christ’s blood
Then the waiting begins
We don’t know when the Son is going to return for us
So we are called to remain spotless and clean, ready for our Groom to appear
The day and the hour of that moment is unknown
In fact, in Matthew 24:36 Jesus says not even the Son knows, which also fits the Jewish marriage ceremony
In the marriage ceremony, the son’s opportunity to claim the bride depends on the father approving the new addition
Not even the Son knows when the Father will be satisfied, and so it is with the Bride of Christ