Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongLet’s pick up in our “second story” again within the book of Ruth
We’re following the story of two widows seeking rest in the land of Israel
I’ve reflected in the past on how the timing references within the story of Ruth were important details in our second story
The story of Ruth and Naomi takes place in the time of the judges
Which creates a picture for a second story of Israel and the Church
The story of Israel and the Church takes place at the end of an age of judgment, and on the verge of a new age of testimony
Today we have seen the re-emergence of Israel on the world scene
So we know we are living in the very period of history anticipated prophetically by the events of Ruth
And there are more clues in the story of Ruth and elsewhere in scripture that reveal God’s timeline for restoring Israel
Let’s begin by remembering a couple of important time references found in earlier chapters
First, we learned in 1:22 that Naomi’s return to her Land, with Ruth in tow, was at the beginning of the barley harvest
And in 2:23 we learned that Ruth worked as Boaz’s servant in the field until the end of the harvest
In that way, Ruth pictures the Gentile Church working in service to Christ, laboring in His “field,” in the world, which is ripe for the harvest
But the harvest is drawing to a close in the story of Ruth, so what becomes of the Church’s work and what comes next for Israel?
Before we understand the significance of these sign posts, let’s revisit the circumstances of our widows, Ruth and Naomi
Ruth we know enjoys security and protection because of her new relationship as Boaz’s servant
But Naomi is still searching for what she needs
She enjoys a measure of protection through Ruth’s relationship with Boaz
But she is still without a husband and therefore lacks true rest
Naomi’s situation is a perfect picture of Israel today regathered in the Middle East
Israel is certainly better than they once were in the sense that they have a degree of provision
And that provision was made possible by the Lord through the sympathetic support of Christians in the West
Time does not permit me to recount the political events that led to the modern nation of Israel
But suffice to say that the Lord prompted Christians in Britain, France, the United States and elsewhere to support Zionism
And even after the nation was formed, many believers have provided financial and political support to Israel
And on an individual level, Christians have been used by God to preserve the Jewish people during many periods of persecution both inside Israel and around the world
Ruth’s support of Naomi while living in the land is a picture of the relationship between the church and Israel in these days
Nevertheless, like Naomi, Israel isn’t secure in their land
They possess very little of what was originally granted them by God
They are constantly under attack and must defend their land daily
They do not have security nor rest in their land
However in Chapter 3, the relationship between Ruth and Boaz changes dramatically
At the end of a harvest, the threshing and winnowing begins
Remember I described this process as one of violence and separating
Stalks of grain are beaten and crushed
The seed are separated from the chaff
The seeds are collected while the chaff is taken away
All the while, Ruth is resting at Boaz’s feet, while Naomi is alone in her home
This section of the book of Ruth reveals the plan God has for bringing the Church’s work on earth to conclusion
It pictures the Church’s departure and Her wedding to Her Groom, Christ
To understand this picture, we must first notice how the Bible describes the Church’s work serving Christ on earth
In John 4, Jesus describes the world as a field and He describes believers as workers gathering a harvest
As we work in the field, we earn wages which are “fruit” for our eternal life in the kingdom
Next, we turn to Matthew to hear Jesus saying this:
Again, believer are workers, and there are not as many workers as Jesus would prefer
In other words, the entire Church is offered the opportunity to work for Christ and earn eternal rewards in the field
Yet surprisingly, few believers take up the opportunity to work in this way leaving the plentiful rewards to a minority
Then we turn to Matthew 13 to discover that a “harvest” time is the Bible’s metaphor for the end of this age of working for Christ, appropriately enough
Jesus compares the end of our age to the end of a harvest period
Notice, however, some of the imagery changes...
The field is still the world, but now the seed represents the believers in the world
While the stalks of tares represent the unbelievers in the world
And most importantly, a harvest pictures the end of this age, Jesus says
So at the end of this age, the Son of Man will collect all His precious grain from within the field
The chaff, the unbelieving world, will be left behind, burned up
Just as the chaff collected during the winnowing process is gathered in bundles and burned up
But the grain seed will be collected and delivered to the Master
Putting this together, we come to understand that the harvest in Ruth 3 pictures the end of the Church age
So what comes next for the Church and Israel in God’s plan? What does the end of the age bring?
Well, we can answer that question simply by looking at what happens to the characters in the story of Ruth
First, let’s examine Ruth and Boaz
Ruth came to Boaz, as Naomi instructed, to remind him of his
opportunity to acts as a kinsman redeemer
Even though Naomi was a Jewish widow without a husband, it was Ruth who gained the husband
According to the Law, either woman could be redeemed because neither had a husband and neither had sons
But Naomi had already been given two sons, yet they amounted to nothing, so it was a squandered opportunity
Meanwhile, Ruth was without any sons and was still young enough to produce a son
So Boaz could have acted as Naomi’s redeemer or he could act as Ruth’s redeemer
And from the story, it’s clear that Naomi decided to forgo her own opportunity to be redeemed in favor of allowing Ruth the opportunity she never had
These details are a revealing picture of Israel’s relationship with their Messiah
When Israel’s Redeemer made Himself available at His first coming, Israel declined Him
Which in turn resulted in Christ redeeming others in place of Israel
We see this truth reflected by the parable in Luke 14 of the banquet set out for invited guests, but they declined to join the host
Naomi pictures Israel passing over her opportunity to receive a redeemer
And in her place, another receives the redemption that could have been hers
Just as Ruth, the Gentile church received the Messiah that Israel overlooked
So then what will come of Israel at the time of harvest? And what’s next for the Bride of Christ, the Church?
When the harvest comes, Israel will be in her land but lacking rest and security
But she is still very insecure, troubled, surrounded by her enemies
And most importantly, still without a redeemer, without their Messiah
Meanwhile, Christ has proposed to His Bride
The moment here takes place while Boaz is with his grain, after the harvest is over
But Naomi is nowhere in the scene
And the entire scene takes place in the pitch black of night...
So let’s list the elements found in the description of this scene in Ruth
It’s night, it’s a dark time
Naomi is in her land but alone
There is violent threshing and separation taking place in the field
Boaz is at rest with his grain harvest, the fruit of the field
And his bride, Ruth, is resting at his feet in safety
Now let’s look at scripture to find the parallels
First the detail of night, darkness, is important
Boaz’s proposal to Ruth happens in the middle of the night, a period of darkness
And the Bible (particularly in the OT) teaches of a period of judgment that must come upon the Earth before the Lord’s return
And this time of judgment is for Israel
And it’s commonly associated with darkness
In Zephaniah this period of judgment is called the Day of Darkness
As the prophet explained to Israel, the Lord will bring a period of great distress on the entire world
This period is repayment for Israel’s sins against the Lord
And he calls it a day of gloom and darkness
Jeremiah tells Israel that this time of gloom and destruction is focused on Israel
Notice several important details in Jeremiah’s prophecy concerning Israel
First, a period of great calamity is coming for the world and for Israel
These events occur after Israel has been brought back into their land in v.3 (just as Naomi has returned to the land)
Secondly, these events are targeted against Israel (v.4)
The events are called the time of Jacob’s (Israel’s) troubles
Nevertheless, Israel will not perish in it (v.7)
Earlier in our study, I read a passage from Ezekiel 20...let’s reread it now
We read this passage earlier when discussing Israel’s return to her land, as pictured by Naomi’s return to Israel, in bitterness
But now take note that this regathering will take place during a period of judgment
Ezekiel says Israel would be made to pass under the rod, which is a term for God’s discipline
Israel would be disciplined by God in order to bring them into the bond of the covenant which they have forsaken
God will use judgment to purge the rebels from within the assembly of Israel
Ezekiel is also describing the time of Jacob’s troubles
This period called the Day of Darkness
This coming time when the world suffers under God’s outpouring of judgment against the nation of Israel
So as we seek to understand what happens to the Church and to Israel at the harvest, our first clue is these events are associated with a time of darkness
Which is a picture of a time of great distress on the earth, directed at Israel
The second clue is found in the threshing and winnowing of the harvest itself
As I’ve mentioned, threshing was a brutal beating of the grain
The fruit of the grain is so dense that it’s almost impossible to damage it in the threshing
So the workers find the most brutal way possible to crush the grain, often treading it under the hoofs of oxen that weigh thousands of pounds
John the Baptist describes Jesus as One Who carries a winnowing fork and goes to the threshing floor to separate the wheat from the chaff
Jesus applies this pressure at the time of the harvest, at the end of the age, against His “grain”, that is against Israel
Isaiah describes how the Lord will strike His people in this way
Isaiah asks rhetorically has God ever struck Israel in the way He plans to strike them in this future moment...the answer is no
And in that day, Israel will experience a “threshing” in preparation to be gathered up one by one
So this coming period of judgment against Israel for their disobedience to the Lord is like a threshing – a beating
The One doing the treading and holding the winnowing fork separating the wheat from the chaff is the Lord
And this process leads Israel into a glorious future
Finally, to a third clue, which is Boaz at the base of his pile of grain with Ruth resting at his feet throughout the night
While Naomi is in the darkness, alone and exposed, Ruth is in safety with Boaz
It’s as if Boaz has gathered up Ruth like he gathered up his precious grain
She has received her rest in a husband even as Naomi still seeks rest
We read earlier in Matthew 13 that Jesus compared the end of the age to a harvest
We know that Ruth is a picture of the Church gathered to Christ at the end of the age
But now we also notice that Ruth spends the entire period of night with Boaz
So during the period of darkness and gloom appointed for Israel, is a time when the Bride of Christ rests with Her Groom
This time of judgment we’ve been describing goes by many names in scripture
In addition to the time of Jacob’s trouble or the time of darkness, it also goes by another name
The Bible refers to this same time of judgment and calamity against Israel and the world as “the day of the Lord”
It’s not a literal day but a period of time lasting several years
And as Joel asks, who can endure it?
The New Testament also describes this day, where we find Paul explaining to the Church what will happen to us in that day
In vs.13-18, Paul revealed to the church that there would be a day when all those in the Church, whether dead or alive, would be resurrected into new bodies and raised to meet Christ in the clouds
We commonly call this moment the rapture; when we are united with Jesus permanently
Jesus comes for the Church, just as Boaz covered Ruth
But Jesus doesn’t come back to the Earth because God isn’t ready to set up His kingdom yet
Jesus has unfinished business with the nation of Israel
In Chapter 5 Paul says this coming day of judgment, the day of the Lord, comes like a thief upon the world
But in v.5 Paul says the Church is not a part of this darkness, that is the day of the Lord
It will not overtake the church because as Paul says in v.9 the Bride of Christ is not appointed to receive that wrath
So the Church is caught up to be with Jesus prior to the dawning of the dark day
Just as Ruth was taken in with Boaz during the night when Naomi was left alone and exposed
So let’s end with a summary
A dark time is coming for the entire earth
It is a time when the Lord brings judgment against Israel for their sins under the Old Covenant
The violence of that time is compared to a threshing floor, a severe beating that separates the fruit from the chaff
Jesus is the Winnower collecting His grain, the fruit of the field, and placing it in His barn
This time of darkness is called the time of Jacob’s troubles, the day of the Lord, but it’s also called the Tribulation
The threshing of God’s judgment has come upon not only the nation of Israel but also against the world as a whole
But Ruth will spend that “night” safe at Boaz’s feet
Which is a picture of the Church raptured and removed from the calamity coming upon the Earth and Israel
Finally, that rescue culminates with a proposal and wedding
Where Boaz elevated Ruth from maidservant working in His field to a betrothed bride
Likewise, the Church will be wed to Christ following our removal from the earth
As we are gathered into Heaven, we will hear this in the throne room
Next week we pick up again in the story of Naomi and Ruth
And as we move forward, we watch as the work of Boaz takes center stage in the story
The work of our Redeemer ties together the fortunes of both Ruth and Naomi
Just as Jesus is the One Who redeems both the Church and Israel