Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongAfter a long break, we’re ready to start back in our study of Ruth, picking up again in chapter 3
We’re following the story of two widows seeking rest in the land of Israel
One widow is Jewish, one is Gentile
Together they represent Israel and the Church
And they have met, Boaz, the man willing to care and provide for them
For Ruth, Boaz entered into a personal covenant to care for the woman
For Naomi, Boaz is discreetly making provision available through Ruth
Boaz is a picture of Christ
And his relationship with each of these women pictures Christ’s relationship with God’s chosen people, and with the Gentile Church
While Israel has been set aside in a period of judgment, the Church has entered into a relationship with Christ
But Israel hasn’t been forgotten, so that in a time to come, they will be restored as well
These two stories are intertwined in the story of Ruth
One story of two widows who work together to obtain the rest they desperately want
And a second story about two groups of people who obtain eternal rest by the grace of a common Savior
As we reached the end of Chapter 2, the season of harvest is coming to an end
Ruth has spent the season working in Boaz’s field
The work has been easy and rewarding because Boaz has made it so
And it gave Ruth and Naomi the security they sought
In these details, we also saw a prophecy of God’s plan for Israel and the Church
Israel would enter into a period of judgment as a result of her disobedience to the Old Covenant
During that time, the nation will experience trial after trial, making the nation weak and reduced in number
During that time, the Gentile church would come into a relationship with Israel’s Messiah
And it would do so through the influence of the Jewish people, through their scriptures and according to their promised covenant
Eventually, the time for Israel’s judgment would give way to a time of testimony
And in that moment, Christ’s relationship with both Israel and the Gentile church would change in significant ways
Those changes are where we go next in this story
Beginning with how Naomi and Ruth’s relationship to Boaz changes in Chapter 3
The harvest season is drawing to a close, and so Naomi’s concerns over rest return
How will these two widows get by during the long winter?
Will Boaz’s kindness continue after the harvest is over?
Not waiting to find out, Naomi launches a plan to help Ruth cement her relationship with Boaz and ensure this season of provision becomes a lifetime of support
Naomi’s plan centers on Boaz’s role as the kinsman to Naomi
Boaz is Elimelech’s relative and so, according to the Law, he’s the man expected to rescue Naomi’s family from widowhood
But as we learned in past weeks, Naomi is simply too old now to be taken as a wife
But Ruth is still young enough to marry, and that’s Naomi’s hope
Ruth’s decision to remain with Naomi has become Naomi’s best hope for security
If Ruth remarries, then Naomi knows she will be welcomed into the home as well
So Naomi’s future is tied to Ruth’s
Naomi explains to Ruth that her relationship with Boaz is the key to their continued survival after the harvest ends
Naomi says she is going to seek security for Ruth
This is the chiastic turning point in the story of Ruth
The Hebrew word translated “security” here is manoach, which literally translated means a place of rest
Naomi finally sees a way to obtain rest, both for her and Ruth
To the Hebrew mind, rest is a sacred term
Theologically, we speak of “being saved” in the same way that Hebrews spoke of obtaining rest
Obtaining rest means far more than simply finding a comfortable living
Manoach means ceasing to worry, ceasing to struggle, ceasing to doubt, ceasing to be in jeopardy, by obtaining a permanent source of blessing
Finding rest has been the desire of Naomi’s heart from the beginning of our story
She followed her husband outside her land, seeking rest from a famine
But his decision led the family to experience one tragedy after another
First her husband died, then her sons died, and so she found herself destitute in a foreign land
The family had done everything it could and by its own power to find rest
But things have only gone from bad to worse
So Naomi and Ruth returned to the land still in search of rest
Meeting Boaz gave them a measure of provision and protection in the land, but this is not true manoach; rest
It’s temporary provision at best, and when your hope lies in something temporary, it’s no rest at all
Many of us know how Naomi and Ruth feel, searching for rest from the disappointments and insecurities of daily life
Rest seems forever out of reach
Every phase of our lives is a pursuit of some kind of satisfaction, but for many of us it’s like living in a Rolling Stones song
We strive in school expecting to enjoy the security of a good job
We get the job, but then find we have to work overtime to afford the things we expect will bring us comfort and rest
We obtain the things, but they never bring the joy we expected
In fact, we struggle a lifetime to be ready for the retirement that will finally give us rest
Yet as we approach retirement, we begin to worry there won’t be enough to last...enough money, enough health, enough friends or enough purpose
And what are we supposed to do in retirement anyway?
If we’re not careful, we’ll fill our lives with striving and regrets so that as the end approaches, we’ll be left with worry that life just passed us by
We worked our whole life for some kind of rest, yet it was always just out of reach
Where’s the satisfaction, the rest, the security, the freedom from want and worry that we were striving so hard to obtain?
For those Christians who lead this kind of life, the problem isn’t that rest can’t be found
The problem is they were always looking for rest in the wrong place
As the saying goes...we all want to go to heaven, but just not today
In that sense we’re like Naomi’s family, working to secure a rest that couldn’t be found outside the land
Their rest was found in a redeemer they never saw coming
But now that they have him, they’re anxious to move to the next step of the plan
Just as we’ve come to know our Redeemer, our Protector and Provider
He’s made promises to us, and He’s directed us to work in His field
But we’re eager to see Him bring us into the rest we so long to know
The true, eternal rest of the Kingdom
While you wait, don’t make the mistake of thinking you can accelerate His plan, that you can obtain true rest on your own terms
True rest isn’t going to come while we’re working in His field
Our true rest – true relief from sin and disappointment and conflict and all the unfulfilled longings of our life –
That rest comes only in the Kingdom
If we think we can find that rest while we’re still working in the field, we’re going to get distracted from the work of serving Christ
We’re going to wander into someone else’s field, so to speak
But we’re not going to find that peace we were seeking, because it was never there
Nevertheless, we can know a measure of that rest even now...if we know what to look for
We aren’t going to escape working, but if we make our work building the Kingdom, then our work can be as joyful and easy as Ruth’s work in Boaz’s field
We may not obtain earthly riches, but we can learn to be content with less if it means obtaining riches in the Kingdom
We won’t escape trials, but we can endure them gladly knowing Christ is testing us to know if we are worthy of greater things in the Kingdom
In other words, we can withstand a lifetime of striving with Christ to obtain an eternity of rest with Christ
So at the start of Chapter 3, Naomi and Ruth are seeking to find that true rest, and Naomi sees an opportunity to secure it
Naomi has been waiting the entire harvest season for Boaz to fulfill the levirate marriage requirement of the Law
Remember, the levirate marriage law expected the closest relative to marry a widow who lacked a son
Through a levirate marriage, the widow might receive a son and an inheritance for her dead husband
A husband and a son for these women would mean true rest
In a patriarchal culture, a husband and a son would bring the protection and provision for life that both these women are seeking desperately
If only Boaz would decide to meet the terms of the Law
One of these widows needs to pursue the relationship in a cautious manner
But which of the widows should seek his proposal?
Obviously, Naomi’s child-bearing days are over, so it falls to Ruth
Naomi instructs Ruth to take a bold step to prompt Boaz into assuming the levirate marriage responsibilities
She tells Ruth in v.2 that Boaz is sleeping on the threshing floor during the harvest
At the end of a harvest, the threshing and winnowing begins
This is a process of bringing the stalks of grain to a hard floor and beating them severely to separate the grains of fruit from the chaff
Then the remains are lifted up into the air so that the wind might blow the lighter chaff away from the heavier fruit, which then falls back to the threshing floor to be collected
This process was usually done at night because in the Middle East in late summer, the hot dry climate produces little breeze during the day
But the breeze kicks up in the evening, finally subsiding around midnight
So in the first half of the night, the threshing begins with the beating of the grain
Followed by the winnowing until about midnight, when the work would cease and a large meal would follow
Then the workers would sleep by their heaps of grain to guard them
Naomi knew how the harvest worked so she saw an opportunity for Ruth to approach Boaz on this night and appeal to him to fulfill the Law for her sake
Naomi tells Ruth how to approach Boaz to encourage a proposal for marriage
First, Ruth is to wash herself, anoint herself and put on her best clothes
These are the steps a bride takes before a wedding
In this day, a bride was betrothed to her husband weeks or months prior to the wedding day
And during this time, the bride lived apart from her groom in a state of perpetual readiness
On an unannounced day, her groom would come to claim her and escort her to the wedding ceremony
Therefore, Naomi is coaching Ruth to present herself as a woman ready for her groom
Secondly, Naomi tells Ruth to find Boaz at the threshing floor
In the time of the harvest, the threshing floor would have been a busy, happy place
It was the place where a year’s hard work was rewarded
Each night’s feast would be a joyous affair
It’s the place Naomi knew Ruth could find Boaz and find him in a good mood
Notice that she tells Ruth to wait until the eating and drinking has completed
She’s telling Ruth to be patient and wait for the right moment when things have quieted down
Finally, in v.4 Naomi tells Ruth to lie down discreetly next to Boaz and uncover his feet
Men in this day wore robes that covered even their feet
So as they lay down to sleep, their robes formed a blanket over them
Naomi wants Ruth to discreetly pull up Boaz’s robe just far enough to expose Boaz’s feet to the cool desert night air
At first this may seem like a strange plan, but Naomi knew what she was doing
She’s drawing on a Jewish custom, one Naomi expects Boaz to understand
We can see this because in v.4 Naomi tells Ruth that Boaz will tell her what to do
What is Naomi up to here?
By taking these actions, Ruth will be letting Boaz know she’s willing to be his wife if he should desire to marry her
In Israel, uncovering someone in this manner was an allusion to marriage
We can see this idea reflected in scripture in various places
In Ezekiel, the Lord describes entering into a covenant with His “wife,” Israel this way
Notice that God says He spread His “skirt” over Israel and covered Her nakedness
This is symbolic language to represent a spiritual marriage through the Old Covenant
Similarly, entering into a sexual union is described in the same way
So when Naomi asks Ruth to lift up Boaz’s cloak to expose his feet, she’s sending a clear message to Boaz
By uncovering his feet, Ruth is inviting a marriage proposal
She’s implying that when Boaz acts to recover his cold feet, he is welcome to cover hers as well
Some have chosen to take this innocent moment and pervert it by suggesting Ruth was uncovering more than Boaz’s feet
Others have suggested Naomi was encouraging Ruth to brashly make her own proposal to Boaz
But these speculations are not dealing with the text honestly
In reality, Naomi was asking Ruth only to uncover Boaz’s feet, just enough exposure to make a point and no more
And Ruth wasn’t proposing to Boaz
Boaz has already initiated the relationship with his earlier promises to Ruth
Boaz hasn’t moved the relationship ahead because he was considerably older than Ruth and assumed she wanted a younger husband
Therefore, Ruth’s actions were a way for her to politely indicate her willingness to consider marriage
Furthermore, Naomi has ensured that the encounter would take place in the most discreet manner possible
It was dark and many people were gathered in a large area sleeping in the open
Under those circumstances, Ruth’s appearance at the feet of Boaz would not have attracted much attention
And as she uncovers Boaz’s feet and waits for his response, no one would have been the wiser either way
Boaz would be free to respond either way without concern for his reputation
And with that Ruth sets out to obey her mother-in-law
Ruth executes Naomi’s plan perfectly
When Boaz awoke to find Ruth there and his feet uncovered, he asked Ruth who she was and what her intentions were
The fact that Boaz didn’t realize it was Ruth at first tells us how dark it was that night
Everyone was in the shadows
Ruth responds telling Boaz he may “spread your covering over your maid”
Moreover, Ruth adds that Boaz is a close relative
The Hebrew word for close relative is the same word for kinsman redeemer
So Ruth is politely saying I am willing to have you as my redeemer if he would be willing to fulfill the Law on her behalf
Naomi expected her plan to bring Ruth and Boaz to this point
Naomi has faith in Boaz’s character to expect he’ll do the right thing in the end
In response to Ruth’s overture, Boaz responds with joy declaring that her first kindness to him has been exceeded by this kindness
That may seem like a backward statement, since after all it was Boaz who showed kindness to Ruth, wasn’t it?
Yes, but Ruth showed respect and kindness to Boaz as well
Her first act of kindness toward Boaz was to serve him well as a maidservant
Ruth showed Boaz kindness in her devoted service during the harvest season, working every day, all day, rewarding his trust
Every servant in Boaz’s household was blessed to be made a part of Boaz’s house
But not every servant returned that favor by blessing Boaz with faithful obedience
So Boaz was blessed by Ruth’s service
And now Ruth is willing to forgo younger men and become Boaz’s wife, a second act of kindness toward him
Boaz notes that Ruth hasn’t gone after younger men
From his perspective, Ruth was young and attractive
As an older man, Boaz must have assumed she was looking past him seeking a younger man as a husband
Instead, she has remained devoted to him, gladly seeking to be his bride
Once again, it’s Ruth who would be gaining the blessing of a husband, but Boaz is likewise blessed by her affection
Just as every man is blessed by the affection of a loving wife
In response to Ruth’s kindness, Boaz pledges to do what he can to make the wedding happen, but there is an obstacle
Here we learn the second reason Boaz hadn’t moved yet to redeem Ruth or Naomi
Boaz is not the closest living relative to these women
Another man has the first right to redeem any widow in Elimelech’s family
So Boaz has been prevented from acting for this reason
Remember, the levirate marriage rule in the Law required that the closest relative be the one to redeem the widow
And marrying a beautiful young woman was not considered an act of sacrifice but of privilege
So before Boaz could take Ruth, he had to give the closest relative the right of first refusal
Boaz was a man who made sure the Law was followed exactly
Therefore, Boaz says he will address this conflict in the morning
In the morning, he will seek to know if this closer relative can redeem Ruth
If the closer relative is unable to meet the terms of the levirate Law, then Boaz will step into his place and redeem Ruth
One way or the other, Ruth and Naomi are finally going to get the rest they have been seeking
Turning to our second story, we remember Ruth pictures the Gentile church betrothed to our Groom, Christ
Like Ruth, we feel as though we are the ones blessed by our relationship with Christ, and certainly we are
In fact, we truly don’t have a clue just how blessed we are
We can’t possibly appreciate all the glory our relationship with Christ will bring for us in time, as Paul says
But also like Ruth, despite the fact that we receive so much from Christ, nevertheless we can be a blessing to Him
Ruth blessed Boaz in response to his kindness by working diligently in his field
Likewise, we can bless the Lord Who has extended grace to us by serving Him faithfully in His field, that is the world
It’s a small thing when you think about it, really
Where would Ruth have been without Boaz’s kindness?
And where would we be had the Lord not extended His grace to change the eternal course of our lives?
How lonely, how frustrated, how desperate, how hopeless might we be today without Him?
So if you have wished you could find a way to repay the Lord or show Him your thanks, well here’s the way we do it
Paul sums it up in Romans 12
If you want to bless your Lord, serve Him sacrificially
Bless Him by forsaking other, more “attractive” suitors and remaining devoted to Him
Set aside your desires for earthly riches, fame, power, accomplishment, pleasures and the like
Don’t waste time striving for the rest that only comes in the Kingdom
Just serve in the field, get up everyday seeking ways to bless the Lord
And when the harvest comes, we’ll have our rest, just as these women are about to receive theirs