Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongWe throw the word “grace” around frequently, and so we should
God’s undeserved favor for us is a miracle that makes all other blessings possible
Truly, we can’t talk about grace enough
Because we will never comprehend all that God’s grace has accomplished for us, not until we’re with Christ
So in the meantime, it’s good to spend time studying what the Bible says about His grace
The key to wrapping your head around God’s grace is to separate His grace on the cross in saving us from sin from the other blessings of His grace we’ve received
For example, last week we moved to studying Christ’s work on our behalf, and we found what we expected to find
That Christ’s part in God’s plan of grace centered on His sacrifice for our sin
His atonement ransomed us out of slavery and set us free to serve God without fear of death
But earlier in Chapter 1 of Ephesians we discovered that God’s grace began long before we were even born
The Father chose to save us even before our sin had been conceived, before the foundations of the earth
That’s a different form of God’s grace
Then we saw how God’s grace in Christ move forward from there
The believer’s ability to understand the word of God is evidence of grace in our lives
God grants to His children the capacity to comprehend the wisdom of Christ found in the word of God
And by the grace of Christ, Christ directs our steps in life so we may live according to the counsel of His will
Both of these experiences are evidence of the grace of Christ in our lives, Paul said
If you’ve seen the arm bands that ask “What Would Jesus Do?”, then you need not wonder anymore
If you read His word and listen to His counsel, then you will know what Jesus would do
So the grace of Christ moves beyond saving us through His death to grant us the means to live a life that pleases Him
So today let’s continue forward looking at more of God’s work in bestowing grace upon God’s children
We pick up in the middle of Paul’s impossibly long sentence in vs.3-14
We’re at the end of v.10 as Paul is giving a new work of grace found in Christ
Let’s reread that verse and continue forward to v.12
We discussed the first part of v.10 last week, as you remember
We learned that the word of God is God’s grace to us in Christ for the purpose of God’s administration of our lives
The word administration can also be translated management or dispensation
So we could say that the Lord provided us with the Bible so He could dispense His grace into our daily lives
That by His word, He could manage us during the time we live in a sinful body in a fallen world
The enemy and the world and even our own flesh are trying to pull us away from God and against His will
But the word of God is the spiritual manager in our life to defend us against those enemies and guide us into righteousness
Paul goes to say that management carries the Church forward until the fullness or completion of this age
The word of God manages us for a time
Once we escape this earth and enter into the presence of Christ, we leave this sinful body behind
In the process, we will gain a complete understanding of God’s will and His Kingdom
At that point, we won’t need management in the same way, since our sin nature will be completely gone
We will always have the word of God, but we won’t be fighting against it in that future day
Of course, as I said last week, in order to gain the benefits of this administration, we must endeavor to read the word and obey what it says
Just like a human manager in our workplace, the word of God can only help us if we listen to what it says and commit to following its orders
Many believers fail to attend to the word of God
And many more fail to heed what they read
As James warns, we must be doers of the word, not merely hearers
And so now we move into the next half of v.10 to see the next way in which Christ offers us His grace
Christ is at work to show us grace in summing up all things in Himself
To understand what Paul is saying, we need to take a closer look at the words he’s using
The Greek word for summing up is anakephalaioo, which means to bring together
Paul says Christ will ultimately bring together everything in God’s creation, both in heaven and on earth
This is another manifestation of God’s grace to us in Christ’s work
But what does it mean that Christ is bringing all things together
First, we need to remember how all things became divided in a sense
When Adam sinned in the Garden, he brought about the consequences for sin, which the Lord explained to Adam beforehand
The Lord told Adam that the consequence of eating the forbidden fruit would be death
Specifically, the Lord meant that Adam’s spirit would experience spiritual death, meaning his spirit would become separated from God
This was the moment that humanity’s nature became fallen and separated from fellowship in peace with God
Moreover, when the Lord came to Adam in the Garden, the Lord responded to Adam’s sin with a second act of judgment: a curse
Because of Adam’s sin, the Lord pronounced a curse upon the physical earth
A curse means to condemn to destruction
This curse impacted the planet and all that comes from it
Therefore the ground (i.e., the earth itself) and all that comes from it was doomed to undergo destruction
When we look back at the Creation account in Genesis 1 & 2 we discover that plants, animals and the human body find their origins in the ground
Since these things come out of the ground, they too are cursed
Plants wither and die, animals kill one another or grow old and die
And of course, the human body dies eventually as well
One day, even the earth itself will be destroyed as the curse requires
Meanwhile, the earth and all that it contains bears up under the weight of the curse
The entire creation is longing to be restored, to be brought back together with God
It’s as if nature itself recognizes that it’s in need of godly repair by the grace of Christ
So as a result of Adam’s disobedience to the word of God, the spirit of mankind and the physical creation fell under judgment, separation from God
We were cast into darkness and became enslaved to the enemy who had conspired to bring us down
But as we learned last week, the grace of God in Christ has freed us from slavery to that enemy
His blood on the cross purchased us back from the enemy and set us free from condemnation
So now by faith our spirit has been restored to the Father in peace, because His wrath against our sin was poured out on Christ instead
But Paul says God’s grace in Christ accomplishes even more for our sake by summing up or bringing together all things on earth and heaven
Now that we understand what was divided as a result of Adam’s sin, we can understand what Christ reconciles by His grace
First, He has reconciled us to the Father by giving us a new spirit by His grace
Furthermore, Christ will one day reunite the spirit of every believer with a new, glorified body, as Paul says
The Bible calls this day the resurrection, the day we receive a glorified, sinless body in which we will live forever
That day will be the summing up of our spirit with a new body
Later in the Kingdom on earth, the Lord will return the animal kingdom to the way it once existed
According to Isaiah, the coming Kingdom will include animals just as our current world does
But in that coming day, the animal kingdom will be restored back to its original state before the curse
They will not hunt each other or harm mankind
By the grace of God in Christ, they will return to an existence of harmony and peace
Even more, the Lord will by His grace reconcile the fallen earth to Himself by eliminating the burden of the curse
In Revelation 21-22 the Bible describes this future world
John wrote that in this future world, there will no longer be a curse
The curse John mentions is the same one God pronounced in the Garden after the Fall
The Creation is restored by Christ, brought back to its intended state by the grace of Christ
How did Christ accomplish this work of grace for us?
The Bible says that as Christ hung on the cross, he took the curse upon Himself
Jesus was hung on a tree, referring to the wood of the cross
And in doing so, He took upon Himself the curse for all Creation
Having paid the price of the curse, Christ restores the earth from the effects of the curse
Finally, there is yet one more way the Lord sums up everything by His grace
The Bible says Christ will put an end to sin through judgment
When we talk about sin, the concept of summing up means to bring sin to its proper end
Beginning with the author of sin, the devil himself, and the death that the devil produces
In a day to come, the Lord will sum up Satan
The Lord has no plan to redeem Satan, since the Bible says that the Lord doesn’t give help to fallen angels (Hebrews 2:16)
Instead, the Lord brings Satan together with the judgment He justly deserves
So Christ sums up things on earth and in heaven by judging Satan
The enemy’s fall began in Heaven, according to Ezekiel 28, when Satan defiled the heavenly tabernacle with his rebellion
He was cast to the earth where he brought sin into the Garden according to Genesis 3
Christ addressed both through His sacrifice on the cross
After His resurrection, Hebrews says Christ entered the Heavenly tabernacle where He spilled His own blood to cleanse it from Satan’s rebellion
In this way, Christ’s blood summed up (or reconciled) things in heaven
And in a day to come Christ will do away with Satan entirely, thereby reconciling Satan to judgment
Finally, Christ sums up those who belong to the enemy, those who die in unbelief
After the Kingdom age, the Lord will serve as Judge at a trial of unbelieving humanity
Humanity’s sins will convict them before this holy court
And like their father, the devil, these will receive the just penalty for sin…eternal separation from God
So this is what Paul means when he says that Christ’s grace toward us results in a summing up of all things on heaven and on earth
First, He brought us together with the Father
Then He brings our spirit together with a new body
Then He restores the animal kingdom to peace and harmony with man and with each other
Finally He restores all Creation with a new, peaceful planet freed from the burden of a curse yielding death, corruption and suffering
Likewise, Christ reconciles the guilty to their just end
The enemy is judged and sent away forever
And the unbeliever is justly condemned and sent from God’s presence forever
These acts are also grace to you and I
They result in the destructive power of sin being removed from us forever
Then in vs. 11-12 Paul gives us one more way Christ’s grace is summing up things on earth
By Christ’s obedience to the Law and His death on the cross, Christ reconciled or summed up the Jews and the Gentiles
Notice in vs.11-12, Paul says “we” have also obtained our inheritance in Christ
I trust you remember our lesson on the Father’s choosing us for an eternal inheritance
And how that inheritance was made possible in Christ’s death
For we were chosen to be part of Christ’s Last Will and Testament so we may receive a part of His inheritance
But Paul’s use of the pronoun “we” in these verses is meaningful
He’s speaking of a group of which he was a part but which his readers in Ephesus were not
Notice how in vs.13-14 Paul switches to speaking of “you”
We’re going to study vs.13-14 next time
But for now it’s enough for us to notice the shift Paul makes
Paul is comparing the grace Christ poured out on Jews (we) in the past to the grace He grants to the largely Gentile Church (you)
Paul says the Jews were predestined by the Father to be God’s chosen people
By His promises to Abraham, the Lord granted the Jewish people a special inheritance in the Promised Land in the future Kingdom
The creation of the Jewish people and the covenants given to them was a special manifestation of Christ’s grace
God promised His people they would have a Messiah
He promised them He would dwell among them
He promised them they would live forever in a special inheritance, the Promised Land
This outpouring of grace upon Israel separated that nation from the rest of humanity
They were called out to be special and distinct among all nations
Paul says later in this letter that Israel’s predestination as God’s people meant that Gentiles were strangers to these promises
Gentiles were outside the grace of God for a time, divided from the Jewish people
That’s why Paul says in v.12 that the Jewish people were the first to hope in Christ
They were hoping in Messiah long before any Gentiles knew what a Messiah was or why someone would need a Messiah
Therefore, the Old Testament Jewish saints were those predestined by God to be the first to give praise to the Lord’s glory
Christ’s grace made this possible
Yet Christ has summed up this divide as well, having brought Jews and Gentiles together in the faith
John says in his Gospel that Jesus’ death would bring together all His children from across the earth
The grace of Christ resulted in the divide between Jew and Gentile dissolving in the plan of salvation
Now all could be saved according to God’s grace
In that way, the Lord has summed up Jew and Gentile into one body in the Church
This summing up has some interesting parallels
The Jewish people were promised a special inheritance where they would enjoy the presence of God tabernacling among them forever
This promised inheritance is fully realized in the Kingdom
Yet in the meantime, the Old Testament saint in Israel received a downpayment on that inheritance
They were permitted to live in Canaan and they had the blessing of the glory of God living in the tabernacle
These blessings were down payments on the full inheritance promised for the Kingdom
Likewise, we will learn next week that the Gentile believer in the Church also receives these blessings in a new and better way
God once again dwells among His children
And we receive a law written on our hearts and a promised inheritance
These blessings are down payments on our full inheritance to come in the Kingdom
So Christ’s grace sums up the experience of the Old Testament Jewish saint and the New Testament Gentile saint
We both were predestined to receive grace
We both received a downpayment now in the form of God dwelling among us and the promise of an inheritance in the Kingdom
Even now, we have both been brought together into one body in the Church
Christ, summing up everything in heaven and on earth
Are you beginning to appreciate the magnitude of God’s grace to you in Christ?
Christ’s grace goes far beyond the cross
Yes, the cross is all-important in this discussion
But He has a plan of restoration and reconciliation that boggles the mind
He addresses your sinful spirit, your corrupt body, your fallen world and your needs into eternity
He has a plan to make all things new
And He has moved in your life to bring these things about for no reason except His unmerited favor toward you, a sinner
Truly His grace is amazing