Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongToday we finally finish Paul’s 270 word sentence in Ephesians 1
From vs.3-14 Paul has been explaining the ways in which the believer is spiritually blessed as a result of God’s grace
This section is merely Paul’s introduction to the topic of grace
Yet he pours it on in this passage, running from point to point as if carried away by his amazement of all God is doing for us
We’ve been studying this passage according to the outline Paul provides
Paul begins by explaining the role of the Father in bestowing grace upon the believer
Then Paul moves to the role of the Second Person of the Godhead, Jesus Christ
And then finally, Paul ends explaining the role of the Holy Spirit in bringing us God’s grace
So far, we’ve studied the grace found in the Father and the grace given us through the Son
So today we move to work of the third Person, the Spirit of God, Who plays a distinct role in bringing us God’s unmerited favor
Last week I touched on the Spirit’s work as I explained the work of Christ summing up all things
I said Christ sums up (or brings together) the work of God among the Jewish people with His work within the Gentile Church
And the Spirit of God plays a part in that reconciliation
Let’s go back into this passage, beginning in v.13, which starts Paul’s explanation of the Spirit’s work
In v.13 Paul describes a process of sorts
He is explaining how by God’s grace we moved out of unbelief and into the family of God
As I look at my English Bible, I see three steps in the process preceding in a certain order
The final step in this process is the sealing of the Holy Spirit, which is Paul’s main emphasis in this verse
But as we read v.13, we may find our English translation of the original Greek is misrepresenting what Paul is saying
I say that because the list of steps in v.13 is not sequential but rather simultaneous
These steps do not happen one at a time
They happen exactly at the same time
Notice how this verse begins with the phrase “In Him”
Remember, we learned what this phrase meant in an earlier week
We said the phrase “In Him” means someone who is in Christ, that is someone who is already saved
So every step in v.13 refers to someone who is “in Christ”
Keeping that in mind, we then understand that the three steps described in v.13 are collectively one moment happening instantaneously
We simply cannot separate them, spiritually speaking
While we experience it in a linear fashion (i.e., one event followed by another)
Scripture says all three of the steps in v.13 happened to us because we were “in Christ”
So the process of salvation is not one but three steps all happening together in the same moment to place us in Christ
The first step is “after listening to the message of the truth”
The word “after” doesn’t appear in the original Greek language
And the Greek word for listen is akouo, which means to heed, to give attention to
And the word message is the Greek word logos, which means word
Notice Paul clarifies what word he’s talking about
He says this word of truth is the Gospel of our salvation
So clearly, Paul is referring to the testimony that Jesus is our Messiah
The Gospel message is a two-part truth
First, it declares that Jesus died on a cross as a payment for our sin to save us from God’s wrath
Secondly, it testifies that He rose from the dead to prove He is God and He has the power to grant us eternal life
That in a nutshell is the Gospel message that brings salvation
So this phrase would be better translated “having heeded the word of truth”
Our transformation from death to life, from unsaved to saved, requires we heed the Gospel message found in the word of Christ
The Gospel message commands all people to repent of the sin of unbelief and turn to Christ in faith
Many people hear this message, in the sense that they encounter it
But not all give their attention to it, to heed it
We might ask ourselves, how many times did you hear the Gospel before you seriously gave attention to it?
Ironically, you probably have no idea how often you heard it, because you weren’t paying attention
You weren’t heeding it, so you were completely uninterested in what the word was saying
I can remember the day I first gave my attention to the Gospel message as I was sitting in a Bible-teaching church in my late 20s
I had spent hundreds if not thousands of hours in churches of one kind of another over the earlier years of my life
Had I ever been exposed to the Gospel message during that time?
I don’t remember hearing it, but perhaps I heard it yet simply wasn’t heeding it
I’m sure you have been on the other side of this situation as a Christian witnessing to an unbeliever, perhaps in your family or workplace or school
You patiently explain the Gospel or perhaps just make mention of Christ hoping to see a response
And it’s as if the person is asleep or suddenly is deaf
I remember times I’ve begun to explain the Gospel when almost immediately something interrupts the moment
The person gets a phone call or another person joins our conversation and changes the topic
When that happens, the person has failed to heed the message
This reminds us of Jesus’ teaching in Luke 8 in the parable of the seeds
Jesus says that the enemy is working behind the scenes at all times to prevent the unbeliever from heeding the word
Notice Jesus says they have heard the word merely in the sense that the sound of the words hit their ears
Or the light from a page of text went into their eyeballs
Physically, the message was delivered but the enemy prevented those words from making an impact
So the person could not heed it
But for the person who is in Christ, the Gospel message will always be heeded
The Lord was already working in the person’s heart to prepare them to heed the truth
He removes those barriers that earlier prevented them from heeding the message
For the person who is “in Christ” the enemy cannot steal away the seed
For the one who is “in Christ” the conversation will not be interrupted, the phone will not ring, the heart will not be hard
For that person, the Lord is already working to prepare eyes and ears and hearts to heed the word of the truth
For such a person, step 2 of v.13 will also happen
Paul says “having also believed”
The word for believe in Greek can also be translated “trusted”
So Paul says “we having also trusted in this message”
If we read the first part of this verse together with the second part, it sounds like this:
“You, having heeded the word of truth…and having also believed in that word…”
Once again, Paul isn’t describing a series of successive steps
He’s describing all the things that happened in a single moment for the one who is in Christ
For believers, the moment we truly heeded or heard the Gospel was the same moment we trusted what we heard
To help you understand what Paul is saying, imagine a 5-year old child, Tommy, playing at the park playground
He’s surrounded by other children also playing in the park
Kids are riding the carousel, swinging from the monkey bars, playing in the sand, etc.
And around the edge of the playground sit all the mothers and fathers diligently watching over their children
Periodically, a parent yells out a child’s name, getting their attention to beckon them home or correct their behavior
Tommy’s ears hear those names being called, but the call never registers in his mind
He never looks up nor stops playing
He never heeds it
It’s as if he never heard it at all though he did hear it
So it is for the unbeliever when the call of the Gospel finds its way to the unbeliever’s ears
Their ears hear, but they do not heed
It’s as if they never heard it at all
The voice speaking can be very persuasive, even insistent
But like Tommy, the voice isn’t familiar and so it makes no impression
Then suddenly Tommy’s father calls out his name
His father’s voice isn’t louder than the other parents, nor does he use fancy words
He simply says “Tommy, let’s go”
But this time when the sound waves hit Tommy’s ears, he heeds the voice
And more than heeding it, he trusts what it says
The two moments are inseparable for Tommy
And so it is for the one who is “in Christ”
When the Gospel comes calling, the person hears, heeds it and trusts in it – all in the same moment
The Lord prepares the heart to ensure that when His word comes it finds a receptive audience
Just as Jesus said, His sheep know His voice and follow
Finally, Paul says the one who is in Christ will be sealed by the Holy Spirit of promise
Now we’ve come to the first mention of the Holy Spirit, yet He’s been the One in view throughout this verse
The Spirit is the One bringing the word of God to the ears and hearts of those in Christ
He is the One giving us the ability to heed and trust in what we hear
He is the Servant working in the world to find a Bride for the Son and the word of God is His sword
Consider what Paul says in 1 Corinthians
Paul explains that the Gospel Paul shared is a mystery that the world didn’t embrace in its natural state
Why doesn’t the whole world embrace the message of grace and salvation?
Because the message is a spiritual mystery which has been prepared for the glory of His chosen children
We were predestined to receive it
Which is why we were given the Spirit of God so that we might understand the message as it came to us
Paul says the Spirit alone understands the thoughts of God
So Paul says we received the indwelling of the Spirit of God so that we can understand spiritual truths
The Spirit in us works like a supernatural translator revealing the truths of the Gospel message so we can receive it
It’s not that the Gospel message is so complicated
Paul says it’s foolishness to the unsaved world
They can understand the words, in the same way that Tommy could understand what the other parents were saying
But he didn’t heed those words nor trust in them because they were not familiar to him
That’s why Paul says that without the Spirit of God, a natural man (i.e., an unbeliever) cannot understand nor accept the things of God
God gives us His Spirit so that when He speaks to us with His message of salvation, we will find it familiar and compelling
Before that moment, the message was a mystery which we ignored even when we heard it
Now we heed it, believe it
All because the Spirit in us confirms the truth of what we’re hearing, leading us to agree with it
Therefore, all the steps listed in Ephesians 1:13 must happen in one and the same moment, all done by the working of the Spirit in us
Because the Father chose us, the Spirit came to dwell with us to give us understanding of the message
The Spirit delivered the word of salvation to our ears and gave our hearts the ability to heed it
And the Spirit lead us to confess our belief in what we heard
So the Spirit’s role in the grace of God is not insignificant
When we think of God’s grace toward us, we usually think of the Father and the Son first
But the Spirit is the One who brought these saving truths to our hearts
We could compare the Father to a factory making grace available to us
And the Son is like our credit card, purchasing that grace for us
Then the Spirit is like the UPS man delivering that grace to our hearts
You’ll never look at your UPS man the same way again
What’s more, Paul says we were sealed by the Spirit of promise
The term “sealed” refers to the way legal contracts or agreements were secured shut by wax seals
Sealing protected the documents from alteration
It also signified that the document would be enforced by the magistrate
And what is God’s agreement with us, His promise to us in Christ?
That as Christ lived again, so shall we
That death will not be the end of us – He will raise us into a new body never to die again
How can you be sure you will be raised? How can you be sure that the Lord will keep His promise?
Because He has placed His Spirit in you and me, Paul says
If we have been sealed by the Spirit, it means God’s promise to us is unalterable and will be carried out by God’s power
We could say that the Spirit of promise has sealed the deal
Most importantly, this assurance comes from God, who never changes His mind and cannot lie, scripture says
This is the surest promise that ever existed
God never goes back on His word, and this is true no matter what may happen to us or even what we may do or say
As Paul says
God cannot deny Himself in the sense that He cannot turn His back on His own Spirit
President Kennedy once told a story about an Irishman on a journey through the countryside when he came upon a high wall blocking his way
The wall seemed too high to climb and the man thought of turning back
But instead, the man took off his cap and tossed it over the wall
And he thought to himself, now that my cap is on the other side, I have no choice but to find a way to follow after it
In a sense, that’s how I think of the Spirit – as a pledge from the Lord
The Lord has thrown His cap over the wall, so to speak
He has committed His own Spirit to going the distance with us
We may have bad days, days that cause us even to question whether the Lord still loves us or even if we still love Him
But there is no turning back, not for Him and not for us
But the grace of the Spirit goes even further, as Paul explains in v.14
The Spirit is a pledge toward our inheritance, he says
We’ve already looked at our inheritance in an earlier lesson
We learned then that our inheritance in the Kingdom will be a portion of Christ’s inheritance which He grants to each of God’s children
Our inheritance is a glorious thing awaiting each of us simply because we are fellow heirs
And the Spirit living in us is God’s pledge to us toward that future inheritance
The word pledge could be translated payment, as in a down payment
The Lord wants us looking forward to our inheritance with anticipation
He doesn’t want us distracted seeking the wealth that perishes
To give us a taste of how good things will be in the Kingdom, the Lord gives us a down payment on that coming inheritance
Therefore, the Spirit of God comes into our life to bring us to faith, and then the Spirit remains even after as a guarantee toward our inheritance
Now for some of us, the Spirit of God living in us may not seem like a down payment on heavenly riches
Speaking as a guy, “If you can’t drive it, eat it, shoot it or date it, what good is it?”
But if that’s how you see the gift of the Holy Spirit, then you haven’t scratched the surface of what God has given you
And maybe that’s why you’re not very excited about what God has in store for you in the Kingdom
The gift of the Spirit working in us is nothing short of miraculous
He causes us to think, act and live in completely new and better ways
He equips us to serve others with strength and insight beyond anything we could do on our own
He gives us the power to pray with another, and see God respond
To share words of wisdom with someone hurting, and see them healed
To speak the truth of the Gospel and watch a new life enter into eternal life
Paul says that these little miracles the Spirit does in us day-to-day are merely a down payment of what God has in store for us in the Kingdom
Consider what Paul says in 1 Corinthians
If God’s own Spirit living in us is just the beginning of what we will know in the Kingdom, can you imagine what more is coming?
Actually, Paul says in 1 Corinthians 2 that no you can’t imagine
The life God has planned for us in the Kingdom is so beyond our experience here, that we literally can’t imagine it
So that even the marvels done by the Spirit can’t fully prepare us for what marvels await us in the Kingdom
Friends, that’s grace
God created humanity and placed Adam and Woman in a perfect Garden
But then Adam repudiated the Lord’s good work
He refused to trust in God’s word and he plunged God’s perfect Creation into ruin
God could have left it there…leaving humanity in its sin and judging us all rightly for that sin
But by grace He elected to save us and bring us into a new life with Him
By grace He sent His Son Who lived life without sin yet willingly took the penalty for our sin
And yet His grace just keeps on going
He reconciles all things, giving us a new body, a new Creation and a new world someday
Meanwhile, in His grace He gives us His word so we can know Him and follow His ways
By His grace He has pledged us future riches in a promised Kingdom
And all these things He delivers to us by His Spirit Who stays with us until all these things have been completed
When you hear of God’s grace, I hope you’ll think back to Ephesians 1 remembering all the ways the Lord has blessed us with His grace